The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Impression and Meaning. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
This is the review of A. Mikhailov’s book ‘Selected Works: Phenomenology of Austrian Culture’. Based on
the author of this review, A. Mikailov very well revealed the typology of Austrian culture and showed its profound
role and meaning.
philology, poetics, culture, Austrian, artistic, language.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). Goals of Literature as a Science. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
In his review of A. Veselovsky’s book ‘Selected Works: On the Way to Historical Poetics’ the author describes
the basic ideas of the mentioned above book. It is underlined that being a great scientist and a widely educated person,
A. Veselovsky used a great variety of genres and theoretical approaches there.
philology, literature, poetics, comparative method, epos, mythology, symbolic.
Zvereva, M. M. (2011). The Hidden Meaning of A.S. Pushkin’s
‘The Queen of Spades’. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
The author of the article makes an attempt to fi nd the hidden meaning in A. S. Pushkin’s novel by using some
hermeneutic procedures. The author underlines the controversial meaning of the novel and the system of allegories
and symbols used by Pushkin there.
philology, novel, meaning, fi ction, interpretation, world outlook, intrigue, symbol, author, intention.
World literature
Zakharov, N. V., Lukov, L. A. (2011). Shakespeare Studies as a Consequence
of the Shakespeare Cult. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
The article covers the phenomenon of the studies on Shakespeare’s creative heritage as a constant of the world
culture and presents an outlook on the appearance of special form of the Shakespeare cult — Shakespeare studies.
philology, Shakespeare, Shakespeare studies, constant, cult, world culture, the English language, the drama.
Eternal symbols
Nabokov, V. V. (2011). Robert Lois Stevenson. ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde’ (translated by N. G. Krotovskaya). Philology: scientific researches, 1.
Based on the example of a famous novel by Vladimir Nabokov the author of the article analyzes the brilliant
style and writing techniques of Stevenson which he used to make the fi ctional story to sound quite convincing and
believable. Much attention is paid at the problem of complicated relations between the good and the evil, the fi ght
and interpenetration.
philology, creative writing, style, good and evil, external and internal, image, symbol, intonation, a fi gure of speech.
Grishina, E. A. (2011). The Grammar of Gaze
(direction of gaze as a linguistic factor). Philology: scientific researches, 1.
The article studies the role of gaze in establishing a Russian dialogue. It is shown that the direction of gaze
changes according to completely different schemes in the following cases: at the borders of remarks (at the very moment
when the speaker and the listener change their roles); at the borders of phrases; in the emphatic and baseline
zones of expressions and at the beginning of assertions (or ‘yes’ phrases) and negation (or ‘no’ phrases). The author of the article also analyzes the eye movement patterns used by the listener at the moment when the speaker says his
remarks. It is the fi rst time that such a topic is considered in the Russian language.
philology, glance, dialogue, remark, negation, assertion, emphasis, the speaker, the listener, direction.
Imagination and its fruits
Weinstein. A. (Paris) À. (2011). Creative Work and Destiny. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
Every work of a great artist contains what the author wanted to say and what he could not say but unwittingly
mentioned. However, the will and intentions of an artist show themselves mostly in the way the artist develops and
composes the thematic material. The term ‘ form of composition’ sounds rather impersonal but based on the analysis
of Pushkin’s novel ‘The Shot’ the author shows that the form of a composed text can actually contain the elements
allowing us to speak of the connection between the form and the deepest aspects of a personality, - and what is connected
with the feeling of Destiny in the end.
philology, art, Pushkin, text, composition, proportion, golden proportion, resonance, destiny, language.
Morkina, Yu. S. (2011). Narodosol and Tede
(the case of philosophical analysis
of one poem). Philology: scientific researches, 1.
The article analyses a particular poetic text from the point of view of its philosophical content. The author
describes the concepts the content of the poem consists of from the point of view of their philosophical meaning and
perspectives. The author also introduces the term ‘mode of the concept comprehension’ and defi nes the romantic,
heroic and ironic modes of the concept comprehension.
philosophy, poetic expression, text, the system of concepts, philosophical anslysis, ironization, romanticization, heroization, ‘das man’, chaos, author.
Myth and mythemes
Dolgov, K. M. (2011). Alexander Blok’s Perception of the World. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
The article contains an analysis of Alexander Blok’s views on philosophy, esthetics, politics and morals as
well as his attitude to Russian and European traditions in culture and poetics. The author of the article also analyzes
the innovation nature of Alexander Blok’s perception of the world and his poetic work.
philology, poetics, esthetics, mythology, myth making, semantics, revolution, politics, symbol.
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2011). To the Readers of the New Journal. Philology: scientific researches, 1.
In his introductory article opening the fi rst issue of the ‘Philology. Researches’ journal the author views the
content and the process of formation of philology as a science. It is underlined that the journal is aimed at saving the
‘great culture of the great peoples’ and the ‘great Russian word’ in particular.
philology, literature, culture, word, Russian word, society.