Fedoseeva, K. (2021). Indicators characterizing the quality of state (municipal) services in the sphere of youth policy . Finance and Management, 2, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.35704
The subject of this research is indicators that characterize the quality of municipal services rendered in accordance with the state (municipal) task in the sphere of youth policy. Special attention given to the analysis of state tasks approved on the federal and regional levels for budgetary (autonomous) institutions. The author examines the indicators that characterize the quality of municipal services in the sphere of youth policy as the foundation for assessing the achievement of publicly significant results in the context of the vector for improving the efficiency of spending budgetary funds. The article explores the problem of the absence of correlation between the quality of services rendered and the size of subsidy allocated for the implementation of state (municipal) task. The main conclusion consists in the statement that at the present day it is difficult to assess the achievement of publicly significant result in rendering state (municipal) services in the sphere of youth policy as a criterion for the appropriate use of subsidies for the fulfillment of the state (municipal) tasks within the framework of the activity of budgetary (autonomous) institutions. This is substantiated by the formal determination of indicators set by such institutions, which characterize the quality of the rendered municipal services and the absence of comprehensive legislative regulation in this sphere. The efficiency parameters of the conducted state youth policy are for the most part reflected through the quantitative indicators.
Budgetary law, Áþäæåòíàÿ ñôåðà, State-financed institutions, Social order, Municipal task, Non-profit organizations, The government services, The state task, Municipal services, Budget
Financial regulation
Chudinovskikh, M.V., Kuvaeva, Y.V. (2021). Regulation of the model types of crowdfunding: China's experience and its applicability in Russia. Finance and Management, 2, 15–28. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.34030
This article is dedicated to assessment of the experience of regulation of crowdfunding market in China, as well as its applicability and adaptation in Russia. The key goal consists in conducting a comparative analysis of the approaches towards regulation of crowdfunding in China and Russia. The relevance is define by enactment of the law of August 2, 2019. N.259-FZ “On Attraction of Investments via Investment Platforms and On Introducing Amendments to Separate Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. The research is based on the international and Russian statistical data, conceptual reports of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, and the Bank of Russia. The conclusion is made that it is China that China holds the leading position in the world crowdfunding market. Most widespread in China is Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending via digital platforms. The absence of special regulation led to an investment boom that lasted until 2017, followed by the bankruptcy of a multiple platforms and projects. Strengthening of the state control entailed reduction in alternative financing. The authors formulate recommendations for improving the regulatory approaches towards crowdfunding. The use of RegTech and SupTech technologies is considered as promising direction.
regulation, model, Russia, China, financing, alternative, crowdfunding, RegTech, SupTech, Fintech
Financial regulation
Shevchenko, D., Bolotin, Y.O. (2021). Attraction of investments for the development of end-to-end digital technologies . Finance and Management, 2, 29–40. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.35644
The current innovation policy agenda of the government of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities is largely determined by the need for the development of end-to-end digital technologies, as it is required for the formation of competitive innovative economy with a high level of the added value. The article explores the expert assessment of the market value, which correspond to the key digital technologies, as well as underlines the crucial importance of these markets for increasing the overall investment economic activity. The article also provides a description of foreign experience of the developed and developing countries in support the realization of projects in the sphere of end-to-end digital technologies. The scientific novelty lies in the offered model of current cooperation of the major stakeholders in the development of end-to-end digital technologies in the context of increasing their capital coefficient. The acquired results prove the high level of investment attractiveness of digital technologies, their importance for the overall economic development, as well as demonstrate the interrelation and interdependence of the stakeholders of digital economy. The presented materials can be valuable for the experts and researchers engaged in the development of digital technologies, as well as for the representatives of executive authorities dealing with the attraction of investment into the project of digital economy projects on the regional and federal levels.
economic policy, state support, investment instruments, financial regulation, stakeholder, innovation, investments, end-to-end digital technologies, development institutions, investment attractiveness
Financial regulation
Ignatov, I.A., Tyukavina, I.A. (2021). Records management and strategic information governance – a different perspective. Finance and Management, 2, 41–55. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.35861
This article examines the differences between the two competing in foreign management sectors of scientific and practical activity –records management and information governance – through comparing their definitions, content, and structure. The research is based on the analysis of scientific literature and normative framework, which describe the concept and structure of record management and information governance. The authors explores the factors and stages of the formation of records management and information governance. Special attention is given to the literature review dedicated to information governance, as a developing trend, which is yet lacking the generally accepted definition. The conclusion is made on the absence of fundamental differences between the records management and information governance, which match in their key functions. There is no doubt that the problem of uncontrolled increase in the volume of information is essential for both, foreign and domestic organizations. However, this problem along with attendant problems can be solved by through the traditional scientific-practical discipline of records management; therefore, the formation of a similar discipline seems unreasonable. The conducted research is substantiated by the need to summarize foreign experience in information governance, due to the absence of such works in the domestic management theory, as well as for the development of original approaches towards solution of the problem of expansion of information in the organizations.
information lifecycle, management, records, information, information governance, records management, recordkeeping, ISO, information management, data
Regulations of the government and municipal orders
Salnikov, K.E. (2021). Regulation of the construction period in the Russian Federation . Finance and Management, 2, 56–62. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.34477
The subject of this research is the regulatory relations arising in the process of reducing construction period as a branch of material production that carries out the erection and reconstruction of buildings and structures of different purposes. The object of this research is the construction sector as a whole; enterprises of various forms of ownership that operate within the investment and construction sector; organizational-legal relations between the parties to the investment and construction process; state regulation in the sphere of capital construction. The aim goal is to examine the key issues in regulating construction period; assess duration of the processes and allocation resources. The author focused on such aspects of the topic as the restricted (recommended) application of building regulations; actualization of the provisions of building regulations with regards to housing construction; development of the time or network schedules for building and construction works; enlarged construction costs standards; factors of variation of the construction period. Special attention is given to the rational variants of organizing the construction process for changing the normative duration based on the made decisions. The scientific novelty is defined by lack of knowledge on the questions of improvement, theoretical, experimental and technical-economic substantiation of technological processes, methods and forms of organizing construction and its production capacity with regards to the problems of reducing construction period. The importance of this work for the national economy lies in studying the theory and practice of reducing construction period, and seeking solutions for the scientific and technical problems of construction through development and creation of the competitive construction technologies and organizational-technological solutions that ensure intensification of the processes of erection, reconstruction, and modernization of buildings and structures while reducing labor, material-technical, fuel and energy resources.
technological processes, technology of construction production, management, state regulation, investment and construction sector, construction complex, intensification of construction processes, duration of construction, the allocation of resources, project management
Economic control and management
Zubova, Y.A. (2021). Socioeconomic determinants of the current Russian crime rate. Finance and Management, 2, 63–74. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.34458
The subject of this research is the socioeconomic determination of the current Russian crime rate. The goal consists in revealing the socioeconomic factors that have a statistically significant impact upon the crime rate in the country, discern the degree and nature of interdependence between these factors and the crime rate, as well as rank these factors by their importance. Methodological framework is comprised of the method of materialistic dialectics, which is a universal method of cognition of reality, and the arising from it private scientific methods, such as correlation-regression and factor analysis, implemented in the software package IBM SPSS Statistics. It is established that such socioeconomic factor as life expectancy at birth has most considerable impact upon the crime rate in the country. At the same time, interrelation between this factor and the crime rate is the other way around – the higher is life expectancy (its quality and population well-being), the lower is the crime rate. Crime rate is also substantially affected by the set of factors that determine density of the population, relative level of income, education, culture, and essential problems faced by the citizens throughout life – unemployment, inflation, poverty, etc.
standard of living, life expectancy at birth, level of socio-economic development, crime rate, socio-economic factors of crime, correlation analysis, causality of crime, crime, regression analysis, factor analysis
Foreign economy
Stepanov, N.S. (2021). Institutions for the development of the Extended Tumangan Initiative as one of the factors impacting regional economy . Finance and Management, 2, 75–88. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7802.2021.2.34054
The subject of this article is the examination of the institutions development institutions of the Extended Tumangan Initiative and their impact upon regional economy. The relevance of this topic is associated with the fact that the creation of special economic zones, including industrial parks, has a specifically positive effect on economic development and ability of the regions to attract direct foreign investment. The countries of Northeast Asia offer the advantages of high economic complementarity, trustworthy relations that are the foundation for economic cooperation, and the experience of industrial clusterization in form of various entities that ensure optimization of the economic structure, trade flow, stimulation of investment, and strengthening of business ties. The Extended Tumangan Initiative was created specifically for this purpose, which today serves as one of the sources of economic development in the region. The article employs the methods of scientific knowledge, which are substantiated by the research tasks in determining the place and role of the institutions of the development of the Extended Tumangan Initiative; studying the content and peculiarities of assessing the development of this territory and Russia’s participation therein; for substantiating the practical grounds of this initiative as the factor impacting regional economy. Leaning on the analysis of cooperation of the member-states in the initiative, the author highlights the following priority vectors of cooperation within the Extended Tumagan Initiative: facilitation of transboundary trade; development of the system of transport infrastructure and tourism; improvement of the system of logistics and transport systems in the region; expansion of scientific and technological cooperation; solution of environmental problems of the territory; engagement of the territories of the Extended Tumangan Initiative into global economy. The author substantiates the importance of the Extended Tumangan Initiative as the only international platform for coordination of the actions of the regional countries.
special economic zones, international platform, integration, regional strategy coordination, investment, international trade, North-East Asia, Great Tumangan Initiative, international cooperation, GTI