Financial regulation
Li, W., Song, Y. (2020). History of development of health insurance system after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Finance and Management, 3, 1–16.
The object of this research is the healthcare system of China and the implementation of basic health insurance in the country. The subject of this research is the stages of formation and improvement of health insurance system after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The data analysis of scientific literature data and the postulates of legislative acts allowed examining the gradual transition of China from the scheme of national welfare towards the model of social health insurance l. The scientific novelty of this work consists in generalization of the key problems in China’s health care system and proposal of ways for their solution. Similar to any developing program, the implemented system of health insurance has a number of shortcomings that require elaboration and amendments. By trial and error with regards to implementation of progressive reforms and reasonable state control, China was able to achieve maturity of the system of heath insurance, however mostly in cities. It is necessary to address the issues of deficit of health insurance fund, as well as the questions of individual financial risk. The application of measures proposed in the article may reduce the risks and improve the quality of health insurance system, as well as increase the level of content of the citizens with healthcare system.
basic-health insurance fund, financial risks, state subsidies, rural residents, urban unemployed, insurance medicine, Healthy China, People's Republic of China, reform, health
Finances of the financial market professionals
Bekryashev, A. (2020). Insurance of economic security of registrars on the financial market: risk management techniques and allocation of resources (2001-2018). Part 2. Finance and Management, 3, 17–28.
The subject of this research is the problems of allocation of resources associated with risk management of the registry of securities holders. The object of this research is the activity of the registrars on risk management. The author examines the peculiarities of risk management techniques of registrars, and dynamics of their application for the period from 2001 to 2018. The factors that contribute to selection of one or another technique are analyzed. Special attention is given to the market insurance and reservation as management techniques, as well as to price and institutional factors that affect the choice. The article employs the methods of retrospective research of economic indicators in accordance with sampling that covers Russia’s largest registrars (in 2001-2018), as well as methods of correlation and regression analysis. As a result of the conducted research, the author determines stages in the dynamics of using the key risk management techniques. The factors of dynamics are related to the parameters of risk and relative cost of implementation of particular techniques. The author's contribution consists in the empirical research on the basis of public data of factors and trends in allocation of resources associated with risk management of registrars on the financial market for the period from 2001 to 2018. The novelty of this work lies in outlining the factors and trends in allocation of resources related to risk management of registrars in fort the period from 2001 to2018, considering public data on the activity of Russia’s largest registrars, content analysis of publications, and case law of the computer-based legal research system “ConsultantPlus”.
allocation of resources), securities marke, register, market insurance, economic security, risk management, Reservation, risk control, Diversification, Risk sharing
Investments and investing
Dzhioev, V.A. (2020). Regulation for assessment of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions . Finance and Management, 3, 29–38.
The subject of this research is the procedure for assessment of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions. A favorable investment situation is an important factor for investors in making their decisions, and this requires a transparent, information comprehensible and methodologically simple tool for assessment of investment attractiveness of a region. There is a need to develop criteria for assessment investment attractiveness of the Russian regions, which would allow determining the competitive advantages or underachievement of the specific regions and formulating recommendations based on the acquired results of assessment of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions. The author proposes a 6-stage assessment procedure of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions, which would calculate the final indexes of the integral assessment of investment attractiveness for each region under consideration, with the possibility of further comparison of the indexes and their ratings. Each index is calculated on the basis of 6 to 11 variables, and reflects corresponding subsystem of the factors of investment attractiveness of a region. The developed assessment procedure of investment attractiveness of the Russian regions can be valuable for the potential investors for the purpose of minimization of possible losses, as well as or public authorities for analyzing the development trends of a region and investors’ behavior.
development, investments, integral evaluation, region, regulations, investment risks, investment climate, investment attractiveness, investment attractiveness factors, investment attractiveness index
Investments and investing
Gabdullin, N.M., Kirshin, I.A., Lukin, V.A. (2020). Implementation of metric approach in human capital management of the company. Finance and Management, 3, 39–55.
The subject of this research is the development and implementation of the key metrics for estimation of efficiency of investments into the human capital in corporate management. The object of this research is the human capital of “Network Company” JSC of the Republic of Tatarstan. The metric approach is applied as a method for analyzing integrated monetary and non-monetary metrics used in management and investment planning into human capital of the company. Usage of metric approach in human capital management allows quantifying the value of human capital, determining its contribution to rise in the value of the company, as well as identifying potential risks and losses in the modeled chain of creating value. The author offers the modernization of methodological approach of Saratoga Institute towards human capital management by using the concept Activity Based Costing. The effectiveness of application of control metrics in integrated corporate reporting, which implement monetary approach towards human capital management is substantiated. The author develops the scheme of digital app “Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI)”, which is recommended to use in preparation of the integrated annual report for 2020 of “Network Company" JSC. The presented in digital app conversion of costs and investments into human capital by assessing the key metrics demonstrates the compliance of human capital management with expectations of the corporate management and the strategy for increasing the value of the company. It also establishes the link between non-financial and financial metrics of human capital management, as well as provides assessment of impact of the factors of human capital upon the achievement of strategic goals and value of the company.
economic value added, competencies, digital application, digital transformation of the economy, value chain, balanced scorecard, integrated reporting, human capital, metric approach, intangible assets
Sergeev, L.I. (2020). Usage of specialized information systems aggregator for estimation of state expenditures (based on data of the aggregator portal of the Accounts Chamber of Russia) . Finance and Management, 3, 56–73.
Multiple digital portals of government branches and commercial structures, as well as social networks give a new perspective on the topical issues of socioeconomic development. This trend also includes digital platforms of government branches and business structures that ensure state expenditure management. The subject of this research is the state expenditures reflected in the portal of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The author generalizes the content of information featured on the aggregator portal of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation pertaining to state finances. Analysis is conducted on the number of the completed state contracts in accordance with the level of governance and varied ranges of value of such contracts. The article considers the regions with highest rating by share of “internal” contracts and the dynamics of monthly allocation of state subsidies. Analysis is also conducted on the number of contracts, subsidies, controllers and recipients of budgetary funds, as well as national projects budgeting of the Russian Federation. The established system of structurization of state expenditures indicates the existing in Russia architecture of formation of budgetary and extrabudgetary financing system of state obligations and national development projects. Various digital platforms of government branches necessary for managing state resources and that allow analyzing their require a certain consolidation of methodological and processing bases for assessing the efficiency of allocation of budgetary and extrabudgetary expenditures of the country. Such platforms should contribute to finding optimal ways for centralization and decentralization of budget resources, develop the channels for transfer of state funds that allow budget savings, increase the effectiveness of state control, and prevent excessive use within the system of state administration. The conclusions are reduced to the need for consolidation of methodological and processing bases for effective assessment of the usage of budgetary and extrabudgetary expenditures of the country.
Recipient of budget funds, Subsidy, State contract, Public expenditure, Digital portal., Digital platform, National project, Cost analysis, Service provider, Power level
Innovations, innovative activities
Safiullin, M.R., Savelichev, M.V., El'shin, L.A. (2020). Cryptocurrency potential in the context of transition of global economy to the sixth technological paradigm. Finance and Management, 3, 74–85.
This article explores the potential of using cryptocurrency as universal currency in the conditions of transition of the global economic system towards sixth technological paradigm. The goal of this research consists in analysis of the patterns of co-evolution of the global financial system, technological system, and global economy. Based on the historical material, the author demonstrates how shift in technological paradigms is accompanied by financial crises, and result in the changes of the world financial system. Over the course of time, the gold served as the universal currency, but the advancement of technologies demanded the transition towards more flexible forms of world currency based on the national currencies of most industrialized countries. Currently, the transition to the technology of the sixth technological paradigm is followed by the global financial crisis. The U.S. dollar is not handling the functions imposed by the latest technologies upon monetary systems. The conclusion is made that finite currencies are being replaced by an innovative generation of monetary systems that are based on cryptocurrency. The authors systematize the innovation forms of investment, accounting, keeping and saving of funds, which are based on cryptocurrency and blockchain. It is demonstrated that innovation financial instruments, including different types of cryptocurrency, tokens, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency exchanges, open new opportunities for effective investment in the technologies of sixth technological paradigm. The results of research can be valuable for the government branches in establishment of the policy for usage of cryptocurrency and blockchain for entrepreneurs dealing with developments in the area of practical implementation of cryptocurrency as innovative currency.
the gold standard, smart contract, tokens, global currency, financial crisis, cryptocurrency, technological order, evolutionary economics, blockchain, financial innovation