Question at hand
Li, W., Song , Y. (2020). Managing moral risks in medical insurance from the perspective of development of medical informatization. Finance and Management, 2, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the methods of managing moral risks from the perspective of development of medical informatization, which allows maintain efficiency of medical insurance and lowering medical expenses. The authors meticulously examine the problem of growing medical expenses in China, concept of moral risk in medical insurance, as well as causes for emergence of moral risk in medical insurance. Analysis is conducted on the history of development of medical informatization and functionality of information system of medical insurance in China. The question as raised on application of general information system of gathering vast amounts of intersecting data in medical insurance. The article employs method of scientific cognition of theoretical and empirical levels. The theoretical base for this research is comprised of works of Chinese and foreign scholars on the issues of moral risks in medical insurance. The scientific novelty consists in development of a moral risk management model in medical insurance on the background of informatization of medical service. A conclusion is made that moral risks in medical insurance are tightly connected with the asymmetry of information in subjects of insuring. Medical informatization became a very important means for moral risk management in medical insurance and has great prospects for increasing efficiency of the work of medical facilities.
model search, efficiency, function, medical informatization, China, medical insurance, reasons, moral hazard, state financial support, health care costs
Question at hand
Levchaev, P.A., Khezazna, B. (2020). Transformation of management in the conditions of digitalization processes and artificial intelligence. Finance and Management, 2, 12–20.
The goal of this research consists in studying the influence of digitalization processes upon generally recognized (“classical”) management approaches, as a management science in a narrow sense, or the impact of control subsystem upon management subsystem for achieving the set goals (in a broad sense of understanding managerial impact). The object of this research is the transforming (under the influence of digital technologies) management science. The subject of this research is a set of conceptual economic, organizational and managerial relations established in the process of development and influence of digital technologies upon the basic provisions of management science. The author applies systemic, procedural and comprehensive scientific approaches with corresponding tools, as well as the theory of information objects. The following conclusions were made: 1) in the conditions of digitalization, increases the effectiveness of management decisions based on implementation of digital technologies, and in particularly of algorithms and capabilities of artificial intelligence; 2) polarization of society increases, which entails a very limited by a number of top management pyramid control subsystem, represented by the initiator, developer, controlling element, and the lower part – represented by service users, and object of management influence.; 3) management system becomes self-sufficient, since it already incorporates a set of all possible variables in implementation of managerial acts with regards to “formalized” object of influence. The action of object in predetermined digital environment forms the competences of existence therein, depriving an individual of the creative beginning and the ability to think and act independently; 4) paradigm of the classical school of management (with prevalence of personal communication skills for influencing the managed system) is replaced with the paradigm of formalized-algorithmized and depersonalized management of focus groups carried out by artificial intelligence.
external environment, digital technological structure, digitalization, artificial intelligence, control system, management science, management, internal environment, organizational structure, process
Question at hand
Stepanov, N.S. (2020). Economic and political future of Hong Kong. Finance and Management, 2, 21–30.
Relevance of this article is substantiated by series changes in the world's largest economy, related to the special status of Hong Kong, which is rapidly losing its autonomy and privileges associated with it. The goal consists in outlining potential prospects and restrictions pertaining to economic and political future of Hong Kong. The subject of this research is the peculiarities, trends and patterns of Hong Kong’s development in the economic and political spheres. Examination of the development of Hong Kong and the factors impacting these processes was conducted by means of structural approach, methods of logical, comparative and statistical analysis, grouping, abstract-logical modeling, etc. The conducted research of modern trends and patterns allowed determining the key problems that may negatively affect successful development of Hong Kong in the nearest future: China’s encroachment on the special status of Hong Kong, reflected in the adoption of in 2019; possible sanctions from the United States, threatening to deprive Hong Kong of the status of world’s top financial hub; protests of Hong Kong’s residents; effects of the Coronavirus pandemic in the economic sector. The acquired results may be applied in formation of Hong Kong’s strategic development vectors, considering current conditions of political conflicts, as well as crisis trends related to Coronavirus pandemic. The scientific novelty lies in identification of the problems of current state of Hong Kong, as well as in formulation of possible solutions for balancing the crisis trends. The author believes that there could be several scenarios of events. Full abolition of the special status of Hong Kong seems less realistic, as it would suppress the attempts to establish relations based on the principle “one state – two systems”.
crisis, autonomy, the global financial system, status, China, Hong Kong, protests, pandemic, coronavirus, USA
Bobrova, A.V., Abassi, A. (2020). Instruments for adjusting Algeria's fiscal policy to market economy . Finance and Management, 2, 31–44.
The subject of this research is the fiscal system of Algeria, namely the principles and methods of formation of consolidated budget of the country and the role of tax revenue in development of market economy. The author describes the factors that influence the country’s fiscal system, as well as highlights the priority conditions for economic development of Algeria. The goal of this work consists in formulation of recommendations on improvement of the processes of budgeting and state tax planning in Algeria, as well as on overcoming the problems of a resource-oriented and state-regulated economy. The methodological framework contains the principles and methods of factor analysis that reveal the external and internal causes of establishment of the modern fiscal system in Algeria, mathematical methods of horizontal and vertical data analysis of consolidated budget; methods of induction and modeling in advancing proposals on the development of Algeria’s fiscal system. The novelty of this work lies in the suggestions on diversification of the economy by reducing the share of the oil and gas sector and sequestering budget deficit by reducing military spending, as well as shifting budget tax revenue towards direct taxes. The results of the research demonstrate the democratic model of fiscal system in Algeria, oriented towards market economy.
budgetary tax policy, investments, oil and gas sector, budgetary federalism, public debt, tax income, consolidated budget, budgeting, problems, recommendations
Comments on legislation
Mamontova, S., Parkina, D., Kolpakova, O., Kobanenko, T. (2020). The problem of conceptual apparatus of land surveying expertise. Finance and Management, 2, 45–54.
The object of this research is the normative legal documents that regulate the process of conducting various types of land surveying expertise. The subject of this research is the conceptual apparatus of land surveying expertise, formed by the indicated documentation. In the course of this study, the authors examined the organizational and legal framework of forensic land surveying expertise and state expertise of land surveying documentation; procedural experience in conducting these types of land surveying expertise; case law on resolution of land and property disputes; works of national and foreign scholars on the matter. The authors attempted to formulate recommendation on the arrangement of conceptual apparatus of land surveying expertise. The relevance of this research is substantiated by insufficient scientific-methodological basis and conceptual apparatus of forensic land surveying expertise. The scientific novelty lies in juxtaposition of the practice, conceptual apparatus, legal, and scientific-methodological framework of forensic land surveying expertise and state expertise of land surveying documentation. The conclusion is made that on partial nonconformity of the concept of forensic land surveying expertise to the type of works conducted thereof. It is proposed to amend judicial legislation with regards to allocation of the new type of forensic expertise, as well as cadastral legislation with regards to broadening the types of cadastral activity.
land dispute, cadastral works, land use planning, land use planning expertise, real estate object, land use planning object, land plot, judicial expert, expert opinion, land use planning documentation
Regional economy
Andreeva, T. (2020). The analysis of cluster projects of innovation and industrial clusters that received federal support in Central and Northwestern Federal Districts. Finance and Management, 2, 55–68.
The object of this research is the innovative and industrial clusters of constituent entities of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts of Russia that received Federal support. The subject of this research is the projects of innovative and industrial clusters of constituent entities of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts of Russia that received Federal support. Special attention is paid to the types of cluster projects, their thematic focus and distinctive characteristics in different constituent entities of the Central and Northwestern Federal districts. On the one hand at, the studies are aimed at meticulous examination of the types and topics of cluster projects for each constituent entity of the indicated Federal Districts, while on the other – at generalization and comparison of the projects fpr each Federal District. The novelty of this work consists in the assessment of regional differences in the structure and focus of cluster projects based on the analysis of existing types of innovative cluster projects, which were supported by the Ministry of Economic Development, as well as industrial clusters included in the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The analysis of cluster projects of the considered innovation clusters of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, which received support of Ministry of Economic Development, and industrial clusters, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, demonstrated that they can be conditionally divided into two types of projects – of entrepreneurial and infrastructure focus. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that in the Central Federal District nine clusters from seven regions of the Russian Federation have received federal support; while in the Northwestern Federal District – eight clusters from three regions of the Russian Federation. A large proportion of infrastructure projects is concentrated in Moscow, Lipetsk, Arkhangelsk and Saint Petersburg; the projects with entrepreneurial focus – in Kaluga; projects on development and modernization – in the Komi Republic; projects on research and development of new products, services and methods of their production (transfer), as well as new production processes – in Arkhangelsk Region and Saint Petersburg.
industrial cluster, innovative cluster, type of cluster project, unevenness, comparative analysis, federal district, Russia, financing, infrastructure, region
Regional economy
Popova, E.M., Mezentseva, I.V. (2020). Tax incentives of China’s investments in Zabaykalsky Krai: implementation of behavioral economic models . Finance and Management, 2, 69–84.
Currently, the Russian regions apply a vast array of tools for regulating the investment process, including tax incentives. Active use of tax preferences is dictated by the fact that in the conditions of regional budget deficit, tax incentives, unlike subsidies, do not require direct budget expenditures for stimulating investment activity. However, the world experience demonstrates that tax incentives do not fall under the group of factors that strongly affect investment decisions. For determining the degree of preference of tax incentives in relation to other measures of regional support, a survey was carried among Chinese investors, who implement investment projects on the territory of Zabaykalsky Krai. The survey was based on a method of hierarchical analysis based on the special matrices by filed in by the investors. The acquired results displayed that out of ten measures of state support, tax incentives hold the eighth place. The calculated coefficient of the significance of tax incentives testifies to the low attractiveness of fiscal stimuli for the Chinese investors. The authora attempted to find the reasons for tax incentive not being in demand. The scientific novelty of this work consists in conducting the analysis of regional legislation that regulates the order of granting investment tax incentives based on the concept of behavioral economics. In the course of application of the provisions of behavioral economics, emphasis was made on the subjective aspect of the mechanism of preferential taxation. The reasonableness of considering such peculiarities of human mind as cognitive inertia and relativity is substantiated with regards to arranging the structure of tax incentives that would allow increasing the importance of tax incentives in formation of investment climate on the territory of Zabaykalsky Krai. The authors make recommendations on increasing the attractiveness of tax incentives among Chinese investors based on the concept of reference point and the effect of loss aversion.
relativity of thinking, passivity of thinking, marginal investors, hierarchy analysis method, Zabaikalsky region, region, Chinese investors, tax compliance costs, tax incentives, reference point
Foreign economy
Zhang, S. (2020). Trend in development of the insurance market of China. Finance and Management, 2, 85–94.
The subject of this research is the trend in development of the insurance market of China in the context of digitalization of modern financial and economic sectors. China's insurance market is quite large and promising in comparison with the markets of other countries. The listed factors define the relevance of studying its development and key trends. A synoptic analysis is conducted on the situation in China’s insurance market, including its evolution, structure, and primary market indicators, status of the leading market actors, impact of digitalization on the market, and future trend. The novelty of this work consists in a new perspective upon evolution and current state of the insurance market of China, as well as in generalization of digital development and future trends. The conclusion is made that digital technologies presented by big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc., brought profound changes to the image of China's insurance industry, as well as became a new driving force for the development of an entire sector. The wave of digitalization in financial and economic sphere would contribute to the development of insurance sector, create and broaden new demands in risk management, as well as provide technical support that turns challenges into opportunities for the insurance industry. Despite the fact that over the recent years China's insurance sector has faced multiple challenges, it demonstrates the long-term development prospects.
overseas market, market concentration, insurance payment, insurance premium, InsurTech, digitalization, China, insurance market, life insurance, property insurance