Question at hand
Kireeva, E.V. (2017). Budgetary Risks: Assessment and Ways of Minimization. Finance and Management, 3, 1–8.
The subject of the research is the problems related to the analysis of budgetary risks and the ways to minimize the impact of above described risks on the social and economic situation in Russia. The object of the research is the federal budget of the Russian Federation. The author of the article examine such aspects of the topic as methods to evaluate probability and intensity of the negative influence that risks may hvae on the budget stability; and creation of the reserves that allow to influence the quality budget functions, in particular, stabilising and stimulating functions. The author pays special attention to the insufficient elaboration of the important elements of a complete system of the budget risk management mechanism. The research methods include analysis of data from official Internet sites (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation), and methods of synthesis of theoretical and practical aspects. The main findings of the research are as follows. The author of the article has analyzed the following key problems: 1. undeveloped categorical apparatus; 2. weak institutional structure of the budget risk management; 3. staff deficiency. The author's contribution and novelty of the research are caused by the fact that the author offers ways to solving the aforesaid problems.
balancing of the budget, effectiveness, risk management, types of the budgetary risks, federal budget, method, assessment, budgetary risks, regulation, budgetary process
Investments and investing
Brovkin, A.V. (2017). Recommendations for Developing the Methodology of Socio-Economic Impact Assessment When Implementing Infrastructure Projects. Finance and Management, 3, 9–16.
The article is devoted to developing the methodology for comprehensive assessment of all the combination of 'external effects' and 'socio-economic efficiency' of infrastructure projects. The author of the article gives necessary definitions and provides a broad list of effect groups that can be assessed. He also provides variants of indicators for each group of effects to assess relevant effects. The comprehensive analysis of project efficiency will extend the list of criteria that can be used in the decision making process concerning whether to implement an infrastructure project or not. This will allow to assess the impact on the society in general and encourage the best investment decisions. The results of the present research were obtained using analysis and systematisation of researches in this sphere combined with the author's recommendations and findings. The main results of the research that represent the scientific value thereof is, first of all, the synthesis of different methodologies and socio-economic impact indicators used in these methodologies within the framework of one research. Secondly, results of the research can be used, and suggested to be used, by all those who are involved in developing the unified basic methodology of socio-economic impact assessment to be further used by infrastructure project designers, executives and assessors including state authorities which would allow to reduce the time and resource consumption when searching and/or developing the methodology. The author also makes a conclusion that such a unified methodology will contribute to making an infrastructure project to be a driver of innovation-based economic growth as a result of the comprehensive assessment of all socio-economic impact assessement of such an infrastructure project implementation.
externality, socio-economic impact assessment, social return, social impact, social effects, investment projects, public efficiency, socioeconomic impact, infrastructure, methodology
Financial politics
Morozko, N.I. (2017). Rational Cash Flow Management of Non-Public Organisations. Finance and Management, 3, 17–24.
The subject of this research is the cash flow of organisations. The object of the research is non-public organisations. Non-public organisations are characterised with small volumes of produced goods or services, absence of access to stock promotion on the stock market, and distribution of stock among limited audience. For this type of organisation it is especially important to have an efficient cash flow management because their finances are limited. Morozko describes factors that determine possible cash flows of such companies as a result of their operational, investing and financial activity. The author of the article also defines external and internal effects that have an influence on the aforesaid factors. Morozko uses correlation dependence estimations when defining the level of balancing of cash flows in time. The author also offers a general model of expected annual growth difference in the form of speed and time functions. To predict cash flows, the author suggests to use calculations based on taking the logarithm of cash flows growth. Morozko also recommends long-term and short-term measures to develop an efficient cash flow management at organisations. Based on the example of a conditional non-public organisation, the author evaluates efficiency and profitability of cash flows.
efficiency, balancing, correlation, indicators, factors, management, cash flows, non-public organizations, financial results, strategy
Financial regulation
Shelestinskiy, D.G., Burtasova, A. (2017). Experience in Ñounteracting the Illegal Proceeds Legalisation in the Leading Countries in Terms of the Volume of Services Provided in World Trade. Finance and Management, 3, 25–37.
Significant harm to the economy of modern states is caused by the legalization of proceeds from crime. The experience of foreign countries allows us to make recommendations for improving the system of counteraction to these criminal acts in our country. The paper considers the process of developing legislation to combat the legalization of proceeds from crime in the United States and Great Britain. Particular attention is paid to current data submitted by state authorities, for example, the United States Sentencing Commission, which allow us to make timely and valid conclusions about the effectiveness of combating crime in this area. The paper presents an analysis of the activities of the National Financial Intelligence Unit of the United States - the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and the practice of applying the federal law "Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act". In the course of the study, the authors analyzed the activities of the British government - HM Treasury, National Crime Agency, the legal basis for combating legalization based on the Proceeds of Crime Act, and Money Laundering Regulations. Based on the data obtained, the authors draw attention to the fact that law enforcement agencies of Great Britain operate at national, regional and local levels, which increases the effectiveness of the fight against legalization. Particular attention was paid to the Joint Money Laundering Taskforce / JMLIT created in 2015 and already well-proven. During the research, the authors used historical, logical, statistical, systemic and prognostic research methods. The main conclusion of the study was a reasoned opinion on the possibility of wider use of the experience of the United States and Great Britain in countering the legalization of proceeds from crime. At the same time, the authors draw attention to the need to take into account the specifics of the development of the Russian Federation and to refrain from blind implementation of the norms of law.
National Crime Agency, HM Treasury, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, United States Sentencing Commission, legalization of proceeds from crime, Proceeds of Crime Act, Money Laundering Regulations, Joint Money Laundering Taskforce/JMLIT, financal service
Financial regulation
Bobrova, A.V. (2017). Principles of Creating the Cluster System of Customs Payments. Finance and Management, 3, 38–54.
The subject of this research is the process of developing the system of customs payments within the cluster form of combining of the countries, in particular, determination of basic provisions of the methodology applied in case of creating a universal system of customs payments in a cluster. The research objective is to optimize the system of customs payments in a cluster on the basis of the international experience in clustering and framing uniform customs and tax policy of the clusuter countries. The system of the universal principles developed for an economic cluster when forming its customs payments is the result of this research. The form of formation of an economic cluster, principles of domestic and foreign policy in the field of customs payments is provided, and so are recommendations about customs payment by legal entities and individuals as well as specifics of customs payments. Regularities of formation of cluster system of customs payments in the modern world economic space are revealed, problems are defined, advantages of systems are formulated and adapted to the offered model. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of customs systems of the countries entering different economic clusters, study and synthesis of experience of formation of customs system of specific clusters, comparing of the studied systems among themselves with detection of problems and advantages of their action, and synthesis of methodological grounds on formation of the universal cluster system of customs payments. The novelty of the research is the application of the cluster model of world economy to the system of customs payments of our country and determination of conditions for adaptation of particular state's customs payments to requirements of an economic cluster which the state plans to join. The main conclusion of the research is the idea of the creating an optimum system of customs payments in an economic cluster on the basis of universal principles including using an idealization method. The results of this research can be applied at the meta-level when forming an economic cluster and uniform legislation on customs payments on the basis of the principles formulated herein and at the macro-level of particular countries in the course of their adaptation to conditions of an economic cluster. According to the author, the main direction of applying the research results should be at the meso-level, meaning that the results should be applied to customs subsystem in the economy of separate claster-generating states and the cluster in general.
finance regulation, customs duty, finance, customs payments, system, communities, world clustering, economic cluster, legislation, structural principles
Tax law
Demidova, O.L. (2017). The use of Media in Order to Prevent Tax Offenses. Finance and Management, 3, 55–65.
In her article Demidova raises the problem of tax crime growth. The possibility of major distribution of materials on the organization of tax offenses by the organizations gaining popularity from the mass media with a view to their prevention. The object of the research is public relations in the field of forming a state policy to counter tax violations, posting information on tax offenders on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, and texts of judicial acts on Internet court sites. The subject of the research is the provisions of Russian legislation, current statistical data, and Russian and foreign research literature. The methodological basis of the research involves universal, general and special research methods, such as the epistemological method, dialectical method, system-structural method, formal-legal method, and formal-logical method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author emphasizes ineffectiveness of the current policy of state bodies with regard to posting information on violations of tax laws and judicial acts on bringing to tax liability only on the Internet. Demidova emphasizes the need to amend the current legislation in the part of establishing the procedure for publishing such information in special printed publications, demonstrating on television, and financing by the state. The author analyzed and compared the actual statistical data on the popular information sources with actual personality traits of tax criminals and came to the conclusion that the average tax offender does not have a certain preferred source of information and learns news from the press, the Internet, and telecasts equally. The main findings of the research are as follows: major distribution of information on the commission of tax violations certainly has a negative impact on an enterprise that commits them; costs of tax evasion may outweigh the benefits; publication of information in newspapers and magazines, on television, on the Internet about violations of tax laws and measures of responsibility will help to prevent them.
research, prevention, data, shares, costs, organization, reputation, crime, tax offense, mass media
Economic control and management
Ashmarina, S.I., Kandrashina, E.A., Yakhneeva, I.V. (2017). Methodological Basis for Assessing the Efficiency of Changes in Business Structures. Finance and Management, 3, 66–80.
Management of organizational changes is aimed at maintaining the ability of economic entities, i.e. business entities that are micro-level economic systems, to generate stable economic results in terms of all contact audiences in a changing environment by timely organizational transformation. In this regard, with reference to the management of organizational changes, it seems efficient to use such an integrative approach as economic and management diagnostics. In the article presented, the authors examine the issue of methodological bases for assessing the efficiency of organizational changes in business structures as open economic systems. An approach based on the idea of sustainability of business development as a key result of organizational changes is substantiated. The research methods used by the authors include the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete consisting in the conditional dismemberment of the research object, and description of its properties through a variety of concepts and characteristics. The main conclusions of the research are the formation of a model of socio-economic systems, representing the interaction of structural elements in the mainstream of a single systemic concept. The research resulted in the study of the components of the sustainability of the development of the business structure, two principal directions for shaping the result of organizational changes: improving the economy and improving governance. The interpretation of the management of sustainable development of the enterprise as an element of general managerial activity based on the ability of decision-makers to perceive the changes and readiness to take them into account is expanded.
sustainability of development, business structures, change management, changes, economic and management diagnostics, efficiency, development, result, diagnostics, diagnosis
Regional economy
Napolskikh, D.L. (2017). Institutional Aspects of Modeling Regional Industrial Clusters. Finance and Management, 3, 81–88.
This research deals with the methodological approaches to modeling of institutional interactions of economic agents of regional industrial clusters. A hypothesis is advanced that the analysis of the institutional environment structure makes it possible to determine the stage of clusters life cycle and the direction of clustering processes within the economic space. A refined classification of cluster economic agents is given in terms of their role in implementing the cluster policy of the region. Particular attention is paid to the organizational forms of economic activity of participants in regional industrial clusters. Three types of institutional interactions of economic agents of the cluster are identified. The models of institutional interactions of economic agents at various stages of the life cycle of a regional industrial cluster have been developed. In the course of the research, the possibility of applying the methodological potential of the institutional theory under the scientific task of modeling regional industrial clusters is substantiated. Within the framework of the institutional structure of economic agents of cluster are identified four stages of the life cycle: innovation, infrastructural, competitive and transformational. The result of the analysis shows that in the process of institutional interactions, the economic agents of the cluster form in relation to each other either a stimulating or a development-limiting strategy.
economic integration, state regulation, institutions, cluster life cycle, economic agents, institutional environment, cluster strategies, economic development, industrial clusters, innovative entrepreneurship