Philosophy and art
Kormin, N.A. (2024). I. Kant: metaphysical justification of aesthetics. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1–65.
The subject of this article is a study of the problem of metaphysical substantiation of aesthetics in Kant's philosophy, conducted during the analysis of two editions of the introduction to the Critique of the Faculty of Judgment. The results of the conducted research allow us to find out to what extent Kant's interpretation of aesthetics is metaphysically loaded. For the first time since Plato and Aristotle, the metaphysical horizon opens up again in Kantian aesthetics. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the "Critique of the Power of Judgment" as the first work in the history of thought in which aesthetics appears as a system-forming element of the construction of metaphysics. Kant's aesthetics allows us to look at the current problems of the metaphysics of art again and in a new way; being a spiritual motivation for the transformation of human nature, it is something inextricably linked with the manifestation of the metaphysical in us. In domestic and foreign literature, only some approaches to this topic are outlined (V. F. Asmus, T. I. Oizerman, E. Kuenemann, etc.), the author's special contribution to the study of this topic is a holistic analysis of poorly formalized problems associated with the study of metaphysical structures of Kantian aesthetics, with the identification of relevant grounds for it. In both editions, we are talking about the metaphysical prolegomena of aesthetics as a kind of exegesis of the entire transcendental philosophy of Kant. At the same time, aesthetic reflection is embedded in metaphysics as a form of completion of the project of the entire culture of the human mind. The measurement of the aesthetic a priori leads to conclusions about ways to use means to achieve all the goals that befits humanity.
art, creativity, aesthetics, reflection, conscience, cognition, transcendentalism, metaphysics, culture, Kant
Man and mankind
Gamalei, S.Y. (2024). B. Miller's work on the stage of the Jewish Theater of Birobidzhan. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 66–76.
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the tasks of cultural policy implemented in the Russian Federation at the present stage, according to which culture is elevated to the rank of national priorities when its successful development is inextricably linked with the use of already accumulated historical experience. That is why the aim of the work was to explore the work of the Jewish writer Boris Miller through his works, which were staged in the Jewish theaters of Birobidzhan. Boris Miller is a famous Jewish writer who has lived and worked in the Jewish Autonomous Region for many years. His fate was inseparable from the political processes taking place in the country. So in the 1930s, he successfully worked in journalism, but already in the context of the struggle against cosmopolitanism he would be repressed. Despite this, after returning from the camp, he will continue to work in the literary field and will write many wonderful literary works. In his work, he addressed topics close to him. Based on the articles of periodicals, the author was able to analyze three performances based on the writer's plays: "He is from Birobidzhan", "Miracles do not happen", "Thirty-three Heroes". These performances will be a creative find of Jewish theaters, but their study was not the subject of research, which is the novelty of this work. Also, for the first time in the historiography of the presented topic, the names of actors who played roles in performances based on B. Miller's plays are mentioned. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion about the inseparable connection of the writer Boris Miller with the Jewish theater groups of Birobidzhan, which led to joint work on the creation of high-quality and relevant works for the Soviet period.
Miracles do not happen, He is from Birobidzhan, Birobidzhan Star, Bengelsdorf M, Arones Faivish, Miller Boris, Jewish actors, Jewish Autonomous Region, State Jewish Theater, Jewish People's Theater
History of ideas and teachings
Danilova, V. (2024). Philosophy in Roman society of the late Ist –early IInd centuries AD. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 77–92.
The subject of research in this article is the role of philosophy in the life of Roman society in the late Ist – early IInd centuries AD. The period of the reign of Emperor Domitian (81-96), Nerva (96-98) and Trajan (98-117) is considered. The author sets himself the following tasks: firstly, to determine how strong the influence of philosophical teachings on the political views of Roman citizens was; secondly, to analyze the role of philosophy in the worldview and behavior of the Romans in other spheres of life other than political; thirdly, to consider the relationship between the ideas of Greek philosophy and Roman ideas and traditions. To achieve this goal, the works of Roman authors Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Juvenal were studied in the original language. Fragments in which philosophy and philosophers are mentioned are identified and analyzed, and their comparison with each other is carried out. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the period of the late Ist –early IInd centuries AD was not the subject of independent research in terms of the influence of philosophical ideas on Roman society. The political situation influenced the spread of philosophy. Under Domitian, philosophers were expelled from Rome, freedom of speech was not allowed, and under Nerva and Trajan, philosophers returned to Rome, and the number of followers increased. The listeners of the philosophers were both well-educated representatives of the upper classes, as well as less educated and less noble people. The fashion arose to imitate philosophers without a serious passion for philosophy. Stoicism was the most popular teaching. Its ideas and Roman traditional values crossed in relation to virtues, in the question of suicide. The attitude of representatives of the Roman nobility towards stoicism in the political plan was ambiguous.
attitude to suicide, political views, Roman traditions, Juvenal, Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, philosophy, Roman society, imitators of the philosophers, Roman Empire
History of ideas and teachings
Kannykin, S.V. (2024). "Olympic Hope": Fucoldian interpretations. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 93–112.
The study of literary works devoted to running makes it possible to determine their plot dominant as a conflict between the feeling of freedom generated by running and such properties of professional sports as fierce competition of competitive activities and authoritarian regulation of the training process. Sociocultural tensions of this kind were fruitfully conceptualized in the works of Michel Foucault using the concepts of bio-power as a unity of anatomical and biopolitics; disciplinary practices as methods of normalization of bodies; supervision and panopticism as means of control, as well as technologies of self and subjectivation aimed at dampening the effects of excessive domination. The article uses the fantastic sports novel by Danish writer Knud Lundberg "Olympic Hope: The Story that Happened at the 1996 Olympic Games" published in 1955 and not translated into Russian as an object of application of the Fucoldian means of analyzing the above conflict situation. The research methodology is based on a conceptual analysis of M. Foucault's theoretical legacy and the reception of the French philosopher's ideas by Russian and Western scientists. The study revealed that the novel presents four variants of bio-power: German (genetic eugenics), American (hormonal eugenics), Soviet (crippling practices) and Danish (based on the free development of natural predisposition), used to organize the birth and training of top-level runners. The disciplinary practices of runner training are most pronounced in totalitarian states. The methods of their implementation are specialized closed training spaces; strict daily routine; daily monotonous running exercises; constant differentiation of athletes by rating; exams in the form of competitions; medical experiments. The realization of the technologies of selfhood and subjectivation by runners is carried out in the forms of resistance and transgression. K. Lundberg associates his Olympic hopes in sports running not with cruel professionals who are ready to give up their health (the problem of doping) and even their lives for the sake of personal awards and increasing the prestige of their states, but with educated means of humanistic sports by amateur athletes, for whom running has existential significance as a way of holistic, bodily and spiritual self-realization in the ethically loaded sphere of freedom.
Olympic Games, Jante's Law, transgression, power, biopolitics, anatomopolitics, philosophy of sport, sports fiction, running, disciplinary practices
History of ideas and teachings
Gorokhov, P.A., Yuzhaninova, E.R. (2024). Ideas about patriotism in the worldview of M.A. Bulgakov: an experience of historical-philosophical reconstruction. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 113–129.
The purpose of this research is to study the totality of ideological ideas about patriotism, which can be reconstructed based on the study of the works of M.A. Bulgakov. The object of the study is the creative heritage of M.A. Bulgakov, and the subject is the idea of patriotism in the philosophical worldview of M.A. Bulgakov. The methodological basis of this study is comparative historical analysis, philosophical comparative studies and the hermeneutic method as the identification and interpretation of meanings hidden in artistic creativity. The patriotic views of Mikhail Bulgakov, which are an integral part of his philosophical worldview, were in many ways similar to the views of A.S. Pushkin, who always distinguished between ostentatious official patriotism and genuine love for the Fatherland. M.A. Bulgakov also did not identify the Motherland with the state, but he knew, appreciated and loved the complex and tragic history of our Fatherland, believing history to be the most important factor for the formation of patriotic consciousness. But, like F.M. Dostoevsky and Bulgakov realized the need for strong state power for the preservation and prosperity of Russia – the main thing is that this power takes into account the interests of not only the state, but also ordinary citizens. The homeland was thought of by M.A. Bulgakov as a House where books and children play a huge role as indispensable conditions for truly human life. At its core, the patriotic ideas of M.A. Bulgakov belong to the enlightened conservatism that was characteristic of N.M. Karamzin and other Russian educators. It is quite obvious that the conservative ideology, the conductor of which had been the great Russian writer M.A. Bulgakov, is becoming extremely popular in the modern Russia.
Michael Bulgakov, history, culture, ethics, Motherland, conservatism, philosophical foundations, worldview, patriotism, state