National character and mentality
Namzhilova, E.S., Tsyngueva, D. (2024). The value core of the traditional culture of the Buryats as an object of socio-cultural design. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 1–20.
The authors consider in detail the features of the socio-cultural design of ethnocultural activities based on the actualization of traditional values and heritage in the Aginsky Buryat district. Since the end of the twentieth century, there has been an intensification of activities for the development of ethnic culture in the district, and often the initiative comes from the people, and it is implemented in the form of socio-cultural projects of cultural institutions, education, non-profit organizations. In connection with these features, it becomes relevant to analyze the value core of the Buryat culture, which becomes the object of socio-cultural design at the present stage. To study this issue, methods of external and included observation, content analysis of ongoing socio-cultural projects were used; scientific literature on the topic of socio-cultural design and values of Buryat culture was analyzed. The research material was social practices and projects implemented in the Aginsky Buryat district. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the socio-cultural processes emerging in the social environment, initiated by tribal communities and social groups of peers, are studied. In the Agin Buryat district, these social groups are the subjects initiating innovative social practices aimed at actualizing and reviving the cultural core of the people. On the basis of these practices that have arisen in the popular environment, social projects of government bodies and institutions of the social sphere, culture, and education are being created and implemented. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that socio-cultural design at the present stage actualizes the values of the native language, the continuity of the family and tribal community, love for the native land, strengthening friendly ties with fellow countrymen and peers during the implementation of socially significant practices.
innovative practices, peers, family-clan communities, phenomenon fellow countryman, social practice, traditional values, socio-cultural design, socio-cultural projects, value core, values
Connection of times
Kotliar, E.R., Zolotuhina, N.A., Zolotuhina, A.Y. (2024). The cultural code of the Shtetl in Grigory Gorin's play "Memorial Prayer". Philosophy and Culture, 3, 21–37.
The subject of our article is the identification of cultural codes of Eastern European shtetl towns in the play by Grigory Gorin "Memorial Prayer", the libretto of which was written by the author based on the works of the famous Yiddish writer Sholom Aleichem. The author of the article describes the history and conditions of localization of Jewish culture in Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire, the peculiarities of its transformation, the tragic history of the Jewish theater in the first third of the twentieth century. After the disappearance of the towns and the disuse of the Yiddish language, the preservation of the history of the characteristic everyday and philosophical way of life of the shtetls became the goal of museum figures, historians, writers, playwrights, and artists. In the work, using the example of Tevye the milkman, his family and environment, characteristic images of the inhabitants of small towns, their habitat, types of thinking and actions are revealed. The article uses the methods of historicism in the retrospective of the culture of Shtetl towns, the method of analysis in the identification of Shtetl archetypes, the method of synthesis in the generalization of a set of characteristic cultural codes. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. Eastern European Jewish shtetl towns are small urban-type settlements with a predominantly Jewish population, whose unique culture was determined by the Jewish faith, everyday and religious traditions, the Yiddish language, as well as the localization of residence in a small area. 2. During the period of large-scale social upheavals of the early twentieth century and the subsequent expansion beyond the boundaries of the towns, their unique culture became a mythologeme, the foundation for writers, artists, musicians, and theater figures who emerged from it. One of the milestones in the preservation of this culture was the Jewish theater GOSET, whose existence was tragically cut short in the middle of the twentieth century. 3. The play "Memorial Prayer", written by Grigory Gorin based on the works of Sholem Aleichem and staged at the Lenkom Theater by Mark Zakharov, became the quintessence of the characteristic images of the shtetl, and at the same time the revival of authentic Jewish culture. The author's special contribution is to highlight in the play the images-the archetypes of the Shtetl, which have become cultural markers, or codes of Jewish Yiddish culture.
Memorial prayer, Grigory Israelevich Gorin, Sholom Aleichem, a Jewish place, Yiddish culture, Judaism, shtetl, Cultural code, GOSET, Lenkom
Tradition and innovation
Wang, X., Zhang, M. (2024). The Symbolism of the Dragon in the Design of Clothing and Accessories in the Context of Updating the Traditional Cultural Heritage of China. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 38–57.
As a traditional clothing symbol that is unique to the Chinese nation, the dragon symbol combines the distinctive features of the Chinese nation, reflecting the depth of mental changes and the historical context of Chinese culture. The image of the dragon has formed a kind of dragon pattern as a certain set of ideas about the culture that encoded all its changes. Therefore, in national clothing the dragon image has been one of the most favorite patterns for thousands of years. With the interweaving of world cultures and the deepening of the concept of clothing design, the dragon pattern will incorporate fresh elements of Western culture while maintaining the essence of traditional Chinese culture, and show a new design image through the utilization of various innovative ideas and design methods. The following methods were used for the study: literature review, field research, analysis of design cases, analysis of fashion trends. Using these methods, the specifics of using dragon designs in the fashion industry in different seasons and years are analyzed, and the trend of their evolution in the field of high fashion is studied. In the article we analyzed modern trends of clothing design and gave their characteristics. The results of the study showed that even in modern youth fashion this national symbol is actively used, which indicates that the patterns and images of the dragon have real applicability and wide prospects of application in modern fashion design. Modern clothing design provides a rich cultural heritage for modern clothing to retain the characteristics of civilization on the basis of continuous innovation. The use of dragon motifs in modern clothing not only meets the aesthetic concepts of modern people, but also adds vitality to clothing design.
accessories, clothing design, fashion, modern design, cultural heritage, Chinese traditional culture, dragon pattern, dragon drawing, dragon image, dragon symbol
Methodology of philosophical learning
Rozin, V.M. (2024). Ideal objects in philosophy and science: genesis and concept. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 58–74.
The author discusses the concept of an ideal object. The statement of O.I. Genisaretsky is quoted and problematized, stating that the obligatory feature that has been preserved for the object and the terms "object" and "ideal object" is, apparently, its representability or visibility. The author shows that ideal objects began to be created during the formation of ancient philosophy and thinking. Faced with contradictions, ancient thinkers dealt with this situation in different ways. If Protogoras recognized the right of the reasoners to receive contradictions and, accordingly, to consider the world contradictory, then Parmenides considered the world consistent, arguing that the criterion for the correctness (truth) of knowledge is not a reasoning person, but this world, existence, which still needs to be reached with the help of correct thought. It was within the framework of the implementation of the Parmenides program that ideal objects began to be created, which, as the author shows, performed three main functions: they allowed us to think consistently, to know the world and its phenomena, to comprehend and interpret empirical phenomena (facts) in a different way. Based on the case of Plato's "Feast", the semiotic schemes on the basis of which Plato creates ideal objects are analyzed. It is argued that it is impossible to build ideal objects, bypassing schemes, since their inventors (creators) are people. By solving problems, they synthesize meanings belonging to different areas of consciousness. The analysis of Galileo's "Conversations" allowed the author to suggest that the construction of ideal objects is due to the historical type of philosophical or scientific thinking. The author considers it necessary, before claiming to create a modern doctrine of ideal objects, to analyze the main typical cases of the construction of these objects in philosophy and science, and such an analysis can make significant adjustments to the understanding of the nature and features of this concept. Nevertheless, he suggests, it is already clear that the construction of ideal objects is an important link in philosophical, scientific and a number of other types of thinking.
the individual, scheme, conscience, the science, philosophy, definitions, reasoning, mind, the ideal object, object
The torment of communication
Semukhina, E.A., Shindel, S.V. (2024). On the media representation of the universal category of culture "sinfulness". Philosophy and Culture, 3, 75–81.
This article aims to analyze the manifestation of the universal axiological cultural category of sinfulness in the media space. The study's subject was this category's properties and functions, which are actualized when represented in digital media. In accordance with this goal, we used such methods as continuous sampling and observation of the facts of the representation of cultural categories, which allowed us to determine the linguistic material for analysis and a statistical method for quantitative analysis. The content analysis of the units selected for the study was used to identify the role, properties, and main functions of the universal axiological category of sinfulness. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, for the first time, the universal nature of the category of sinfulness, its functions and properties, represented in media publications, were considered. Main conclusions: the study of the facts of actualization of the category of sinfulness in the media space allowed us to assert that the phenomenon under study is associated with topics such as politics, crime (in news media), and the assessment of citizens' behavior and morality (in religious media). These facts indicate that the primary function of the category of sinfulness is regulatory, aimed at evaluating and correcting the actions of members of society, as well as creating public opinion. In addition, the article proves that the category of sinfulness has transcultural properties, penetrating and being realized in all cultural layers, from local to global. In these cultural layers, the nature of the category acquires a different shade. In particular, at the global level, the category of sinfulness acquires the meaning of guilt, which is a consequence of the significant influence of Western culture on the global culture. It seems that the revealed properties of the category indicate its high importance for modern Russian society. The established regulatory function will make it possible to apply this category, including within the framework of regulating and managing public opinion and promoting basic values.
culture, religion, media publications, mass media, sinfulness, sin, regulation of public opinion, estimation, culture categories, guilt
The torment of communication
Aliev, R.T. (2024). Interface as a Mirror: Reflexivity of the Individual and the Collective. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 82–97.
In the era of global digitalization, interfaces have become an essential part of social and cultural life, defining the interaction between the individual and the collective. The subject of this article is to analyze the relationship between interface design and socio-ethical aspects of society. The research focuses on how interfaces reflect and shape social norms and ethical values, influencing the processes of self-identification and social integration in the context of global digitalization. Special attention is given to the mechanisms through which interfaces contribute to the formation of personal and collective identity, as well as how they participate in cultivating cultural identities and ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in the digital space. The main goal of the research is to analyze the role of interfaces in the process of forming personal and collective identity, and their impact on the socio-ethical aspects of public life. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach, combining elements of social philosophy, cultural studies, and design analysis. Qualitative methods, including theoretical literature analysis and case studies, are used to investigate the influence of interfaces on social processes. The study highlights that interfaces facilitate social integration and cultural exchange, influencing socio-cultural identities and norms. Interface design, with its accessibility and inclusiveness, is crucial for social justice and ethical standards in the digital realm. It underscores the importance of ethical considerations in interface development, which significantly affects technology-society interaction and impacts social and cultural dynamics. The research advocates exploring interfaces' social and ethical implications in the digital era, suggesting new academic and practical research directions.
Inclusivity, Cultural Norms, Self-Identification, Technological Development, Ethical Design, Social Justice, Cultural Identity, Digital Era, Social Integration, Interfaces
Axiology: values and relics
Popov, E.A., Zabneva, E.I. (2024). Theoretical and methodological vector of modern research on the spiritual culture of the Greater Altai. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 98–109.
The article pays special attention to the identification of the heuristic potential of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of spiritual culture, which has a pronounced ethnoregional specificity. In this case, we mean the spiritual culture of the Greater Altai. A value-normative approach and a systematic approach are considered, and other research perspectives are evaluated. The key point is to assess the possibilities of applying an interiorization approach that allows us to present a specific ethno-regional culture in its integrity and unity of meanings. This approach is proposed to be used to study the processes of sacralization and symbolization of human individual and collective existence, occurring through the experience of cultural bearers. This perspective of the study is aimed at conceptualizing experience, but also involves an appeal to traditions, rituals, religion and mythology. However, their analysis is carried out precisely through an assessment of experience. The main methodology of the research is related to the need to present the ethnoregional culture of the Greater Altai in its value-semantic and holistic development. The main results of the study are the following provisions formulated in the article: 1) the problematization of the study of ethnoregional culture unfolds in the direction of its value-semantic reception, which implies the use of an appropriate angle of study; 2) the specificity of ethnoregional culture is formed not only in the ratio of its traditional values and norms, but also in establishing the foundations of its integrity and consistency, therefore, for analysis, such an approach is important, which allows you to reveal these points; 3) to assess the identity of culture, its systemic integrity, it is necessary to use an interiorization approach aimed at identifying the trinity of God - World - Man in the spiritual culture of the Greater Altai; 4) the social and existential experience of cultural bearers, and not only, for example, religion and mythology, should be the subject of research within the framework of the proposed interiorization the approach.
the axiological approach, cultural traditions, methodological approaches, theoretical approaches, methodology, values and norms, spiritual culture, Big Altai, social experience, The existential experience
Philosophical anthropology
Kannykin, S.V. (2024). "Homo currens": the experience of philosophical research of ego texts of modern Russian fans of stayer running. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 110–131.
The current stage of the development of amateur stayer running practices can be characterized as personality-building, since the main goals of runners (especially marathon runners and super marathon runners) are not so much related to strengthening health, as to the sphere of personal improvement and self-knowledge: the development of will, character, testing yourself in an extreme situation, testing previously inaccessible emotions and states of consciousness. The object of the study is ego texts (books for a wide audience, including the online "samizdat") of modern Russian running enthusiasts. The method of studying these texts is the biographical method, which makes it possible to determine the multidimensional influence of running activity on fundamental changes in personality development and the formation of her life path. The analyzed biographies inherit both the confessional tradition of Augustine (the contrast of the aimless and vicious "pre-race" life, as well as the traumatic experience of running neophyte and significant achievements in many areas of personal development after the adoption of the values expressed through running Coubertin's "religio athleticae"), and the adventurous and heroic biographical tradition noted by M. M. Bakhtin, inherent in the Renaissance, as well as romanticism and Nietzscheanism with their focus on the formation (in our case, through a stayer run) of a new (or "super-") person. The qualitative result of running activity is the achievement by the subject of a new stage of development – a person running (homo currens), which is characterized by activity, mobility, heroism, asceticism, striving for maximum self-realization, achieving harmony of body and spirit. Homo currens opposes both virtual pastime and the fetishization of comfort culture, suggesting, referring to the concept of Viktor Frankl, filling life with new meanings and values through overcoming the inevitable suffering for a stayer run. Amateur running is considered by writers as a publicly available and effective means of gaining physical, mental and social well-being, which expresses its humanistic essence and gives philosophical and anthropological significance to the works under study.
sports philosophy, amateur sports, biography, personality, humanism, marathon, endurance, run, values, self-development
Philosophy and culture
Dubonosov, A.A. (2024). "Philosophy of Culture" by G.V. Florovsky in the early years (1920s) of the European creative period. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 132–141.
The subject of the research in this article are certain aspects of the "philosophy of culture" of the prominent thinker, theologian, historian of Russian thought Georgy Vasilyevich Florovsky, which influenced the evolution of his worldview. Special attention is paid to the facts of the "European" period of his biography, the analysis of his "Eurasian" works, as well as his assessments of the philosophical concepts of some Russian thinkers and calls for the conversion of the process of cultural creativity to spiritual principles. Particular attention is paid to the content of the discussion that unfolded between G.V. Florovsky, N.S. Trubetskoy and (in absentia) N.Ya. Danilevsky on the problem of the status of "universal culture" and the mutual influences of cultures. The study reveals the philosophical nuances of the evolution of G. Florovsky's views as a "Eurasian" author based on his own works and the assessments contained therein. Scientific literature often emphasizes the influence of Eurasian ideology on G. Florovsky, expressed, in particular, in his ideas about culture and cultural creativity. However, based on the analysis of the material presented in the article, the author comes to the conclusion that G.V. Florovsky, although he was a member of the Eurasian circle, on some significant issues differed from the main direction of development of the Eurasian ideology presented by E. Trubetskoy.
Russian Emigration, cultural values, theory of culture, Cultural Studies, Culture, Danilevsky, Trubetskoy, Eurasianism, Florovsky, cultural philosophy
Philosophy and art
Shumov, M.V. (2024). The Cast in the context of Martin Scorsese's directorial style. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 142–157.
Full-length and short independent feature films directed by Martin Scorsese are considered as the research material. The object of the study is the main elements of Martin Scorsese's directorial style. Throughout his creative career, the director under study, without fear, operates with numerous artistic techniques that today form the directorial style – broadcasting Christian motifs, cruelty combined with the beauty of the criminal world, eyes as an element of the hero's soul, using a mirror in the context of reflecting the other world of the character, narration through dreams and fantasies, as well as an abundance of editing solutions. The main attention is paid to the cast in the director's filmography, which correlates with the subject of this study. In this article, the author analyzed 33 films of the director that fall under the conditions of the study. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign theorists and practitioners of cinematography, as well as film encyclopedias and film textbooks of the academic level. According to the results of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the director is committed to a permanent cast in his films. More than others, Martin Scorsese stars such actors as Robert De Niro, Catherine Scorsese, Charles Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio. The director puts himself at the top of this list. 430 actors took part in all the films studied, who appear in the director's filmography at least twice. In the films The Irishman (2019), The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Goodfellas (1990), and Casino (1995) starred the largest number of recurring actors in the director's work. Also, in the course of our research, we found that the director in most of his films prefers to shoot not only himself, but also members of his family.
acting, casting, actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, cast, directorial style, Martin Scorsese, filmography, creative range
Philosophy and art
Zhao, S., Gomboeva, M.I. (2024). The Legacy of Traditional Chinese Taiji Philosophy as a Factor in Harmonizing the Contradictions of Socio-cultural Reality (using the example of Chinese Neorealist Art). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 158–170.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taiji on artistic creativity and the development of the internal evolution of artistic culture. Taoist philosophy of nature and Confucian ethics synthesized the philosophical core of the traditional Chinese worldview with its emphasis on the simplicity and naturalness of the world order, and formed the fundamental principles of Taiji. Fundamental to Taiji, the concept of Yin and Yang emphasizes the dual nature of the existence of movement and variability as a balance of opposing forces of development. The Taiji philosophy of dialectical development is supplemented by the idea of the genesis of renewal energy - Qi. The main research method is the method of revitalizing traditional systems on a new intellectual basis. The method of diachronic analysis of the social situation that influenced the development of Chinese neorealism in art was used. As a result of the study, the functional significance of the influence of the principles and philosophical ideas of taiji on the evolution of neorealism is described. Using the example of the work of Chinese neorealist artists Xin Dongwan and Zheng Yi, the authors come to the conclusion that there are three driving factors of artistic motivation for creativity: internal, external and subjective. The basic principles of Taiji philosophy and ethics, such as: the naturalness of change without the use of force (Wu Wei), change as the only constant in the existence of the world and its stability, gentleness - help develop the creative power of renewal. The idea is shown that in the ancient Chinese philosophical heritage, Confucianism and Taoism became two full-fledged directions, functionally complementing each other in explaining differences in cultural, political, philosophical and social environments.
Qi, migrant workers, neorealist artists, neorealism, contemporary art, Taiji, Chinese neorealist art, the concept of peasant culture, urbanization, Yin-Yang