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«Philosophy and Culture» (18+)

¹ 11, 2012
Published since
2013 year

Editor-in-Chief's column
P. 4 - 9
Philosophy of science and education
P. 10 - 19
The new paradigm of science
P. 20 - 28
P. 29 - 38
Philosophy and culture
P. 39 - 43
Fates and outlines of civilizations
P. 44 - 55
Philosophical anthropology
P. 56 - 62
Dasein of the human being
P. 63 - 71
Value and truth
P. 72 - 76
Spectrum of consciousness
P. 77 - 83
Self-consciousness and identity
P. 84 - 97
Philosophy of knowledge
P. 98 - 108
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
P. 109 - 119
Philosophy of postmodernism
P. 120 - 127
Philosophy and art
P. 128 - 135
History of ideas and teachings
P. 136 - 146
Contents details