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«Philosophy and Culture» (18+)

¹ 6, 2010
Published since
2013 year

Editor-in-Chief's column
P. 5 - 7
Philosophical anthropology
P. 8 - 13
Dasein of the human being
P. 14 - 20
Self-consciousness and identity
P. 21 - 27
Spiritual and moral search
P. 28 - 39
The rational and the irrational
P. 40 - 45
Social philosophy
P. 46 - 51
Fates and outlines of civilizations
P. 52 - 67
Political philosophy
P. 68 - 77
Philosophy of liberty
P. 78 - 84
Philosophy and art
P. 85 - 91
Philosophy of postmodernism
P. 92 - 96
Controversy and debate
P. 97 - 105
P. 106 - 109
The stream of books
P. 110 - 113
Contents details