Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S (2009). Collapse of social ties. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56164
The problem of alienation and collapse of elementary social ties is one of the most discussed topics in the modern sociology and psychology. Analyzing such phenomena as autonomization of the society and the social chaos, the author questioned whether the collapse of social ties was an essential result of the progress.
social ties, autonomization, social chaos, fragmentation.
Audience with the coryphaeus
Leskov, S. (2009). Abdusalam Guseynov, member of the Academy: the progress promised a paradise but brought a deathly threat
. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56165
Prior to the jubilee of the famous Russian philosopher Abdusalam Gusinov, the member of the academy, we are publishing his interview for the newspaper “Izvestiya”. There the member of the academy discussed pluses and minuses of the Russian philosophy and the role and the place of philosophy in the modern world.
philosophy, philosopher, progress, Russia, West.
Philosophical anthropology
Gurevich, P. S. (2009). Ethical aspects of philosophical anthropology. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56166
The article is dedicated to discovering the close link between ethics and philosophical anthropology. Focusing on A. A. Guseynov’s deep and original views on ethics, the author showed the link between those two branches of philosophy from the point of view of the “specifically human”.
philosophy, ethics, philosophical anthropology, person, wholeness of a person, personal subjectivity, conscience, anthropogenesis.
The rational and the irrational
Bychkov, V. V. (2009). Hesychasm mysticism as the origins of the Byzantine Old Russian aesthetics. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56167
Being the mystical core of Christianity and meaning full concentration on one’s inner world, Hesychasm considerably influenced aesthetics in Byzantine and Old Russia. In particular, it gave rise to such a spiritual and aesthetical phenomena of Orthodoxy as the icon, the object and the intermediary of a praying meditation, with its peculiar artistic language based on luminescence, bright array of local colors, original disposal of artistic space, and etc. The article is devoted to the aspects of Hesychasm which particularly contributed to forming an aesthetical peculiarity of the Byzantine Old Russian culture.
Hesychasm, mysticism, Christianity, Byzantium, Old Russia, aesthetics, art, light, the Fathers of the Church, patristics, prayer, religious practice, ascetic life.
Kormin, N. A. (2009). Aesthetical thinking and the canon of philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56168
The article is about a difficult pattern of relations between aesthetical conceptions and the philosophical canon. The author of the article uncovered the constituent meaning of the canonic configuration and raised the “matter in dispute” about whether the timeless canon of philosophizing may be expressed aesthetically.
philosophy, metaphysics, aesthetics, art, history of philosophy, aesthetical way of thinking, canon, norm.
Axiology: values and relics
Ogurtsov, A. P. (2009). System of values within the corporative culture: methods and results of the research. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56169
In the first place, globalization processes deal with intensified penetration of the international “walls”, raised role of transnational transfers of the capital, information, services and human resources, with the newly formed virtual space for communication and global information networks and finally with the new ideology, globalism. Globalization is usually associated with the objective tendency of the transnational corporate economy to arise. With this approach, objective processes of culture globalization are eliminated from both scientific and commonplace senses. Meanwhile, globalization processes do not only become part of this or that country’s culture, but also form new cultural values and personal systems of values. These processes have become the theme for research not only abroad but also in our country.
philosophy, axiology, system of values, corporative culture, transnational corporation, globalization.
Philosophy of science and education
Ursul, A. D. (2009). Principle of temporal wholeness and education. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56170
The article is devoted to the need of drastic changes in the educational system. It is very important to provide graduates with innovative and advanced training. The phenomenon of “futurization” means the co-relation between education and future needs of the society. The author of the article stressed out that education programs do not always match the newly arising system of “about the world” knowledge.
philosophy, education, temporal wholeness, needs of the society, futurization, modernization, innovation.
Philosophy of language and communication
Tarnapolsyaka, G. M. (2009). Abut the real existence of the other in an interpersonal being. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56171
The article is about a special type of interpersonal relationship oriented not at the other’s personality, but the other’s “reality”. The author described peculiar features of that type of relationship as well as aspects of its perception and representation in the Japanese and European cultures.
communication, attitude, personality, the other, presence, Self-You, Self-Id, absent presence, implicit orientation.
Philosophy of history
Korolev, S. A. (2009). Modernization and demodernization in the Russian history. Part 1 . Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56172
The article is dedicated to the peculiarity of modernization processes in Russia from the last third of the 17th century (patriarch Nikon’s reforms) up to the first post-Soviet modernization in the 1990s. The author of the article showed that one of the main features of the Russian modernization process was the symbiotic nature of modernization/demodernization and overcoming the technological gap by the means of archaization of the political sphere and the system of social relations.
In the first part of the article the author viewed such models of the Russian modernization as patriarch Nikon’s church reform, Peter’s modernization in the first quarter of the 18th century, the abolition of serfdom and corresponding reforms in the 60s of the 19th century.
modernization, demodernization, reform, archaization, secession, traditionalism, liberalism, disciplinization, technology of the government.
Myths and modern mythologies
Kosolupenko, D. P. (2009). The rule of the «everything is possible»: the mythopoetical apprehension of the world in the contemporary society.
. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56173
A “transitory period” or a “breaking period” – they often talk about the modern time in these words. Just this period is marked of the rising interest to the myth and of the enlargement of the mythopoetical characters in the apprehension of the world. The mythopoetical apprehension of the world has some special characters that gave it a chance to appear in the different cultures and also to predominate in those of them that have inconstant, standing or transitory type. The nature of a myth as a “everything is possible” Principe begins to be most important in the periods of the standing or breaking social and cultural systems because mythopoetical apprehension of the world depends on an “acting person” who co-exist in it with others “acting persons”. So a mythopoetic became a remedy of a “possible madness” in the situation of the social instability and is a “creating stimuli» thanks to that we can built new social systems coming out of the “everything is possible” Principe. The mythopoetical probability and variations on that bases a mythopoetical methodology and a mythopoetical apprehension of the world ties with an inconstant socio-cultural situation.
mythopoeia, apprehension of the world, rule of the «everything is possible», contemporary society.
Philosophy of technology
Kelly, K. (2009). Out of Control. The new biology of machines, social systems and the economic world. Part 1. . Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56174
The first part of the book by the American sociologist is devoted to neobiological civilization as the union of the “created” (by man) and the “born” (by nature) as well as to describing networks from the point of view of “clusters”. The author used such new conceptions as cluster system, vivisytem, Bio, Techno.
biological, technology, vivisystem, network.
History of ideas and teachings
Fatenkov, A. N. (2009). Defense of this world: thinking with Milan Kundera. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56175
The article is some kind of a philosophical excursus into Milan Kundera’s works. Thinking with the Czech writer and being oriented at the existential canon, the author discussed the semantic nuances of a number of fundamental metaphysical ideas: transcendency, transcendentality and immanence; subjectivity and objectivity; eternity, immortality and eternal come back.
Milan Kundera, of this world, transcendency, transcendentality, immanence, subjectivity, objectivity, eternity, immortality, eternal come back.