Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2008). THE EXPERIENCES OF “TOTALLY CLEAR THINKING”. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55615
The philosophy persisted throughout the centuries, and it shall not cease to exist, while the humankind is alive and is aiming to understand the secrets of nature, human spirit and divine secrets. Why do we need another philosophical journal now? We are trying to create a journal, which would attract scientists and researchers not only from the Institute of Philosophy, but from the other institutions as well…
Ontology: being and nihility
RUDNEVA, E.G. (2008). EXISTENCE AS THE BASIS OF LIFE. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55616
Human existence has many faces to it. However, in spite of all the variety, the main choice seems to be – to be or to seem to be. The first choice would mean to search for the unique personal being, and the second would call for something, that is not natural and not authentic, even if it is better accepted. Can one be and seem to be at the same time?
Ideology and psychology of the masses
BABALAEVA, M.V. (2008). CRUELTY AS AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PRESCRIPTION. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55617
Human cruelty is unique. In the living nature we do not find any examples of non-based aggression. Only humans are capable of doing it, and even when the goal is achieved, the aggressor usually does not stop and may for a long time enjoy the sight of other person’s ruin, stating that this calls for the full understanding of the wrongfulness of the latter’s behavior. What are the anthropological roots of this phenomenon?
Philosophy of law
BUADZE, K.N. (2008). LEGAL UNDERSTANDING OF CORRELATION BETWEEN PERSONAL AND SOCIAL INTERESTS. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55618
Social relations brightly illustrate the human co-existence. The individuals form groups in order to pursue their interests, and thus their free will is subject to some compromise dependency. So, on one hand, within the general social culture one should single out the elements of the common political and legal culture, and on the other hand, it is equally important to understand the nature of an individual and his personal characteristics within the society.
Philosophy of science and education
KOZLOV, A.N. (2008). PHYLOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55619
As the author points out, the defect of many studies of history of education and pedagogy is that their authors single out the views on education from the background of philosophical and psychological nature. That is why, the history of pedagogy may seem to be the history of various didactical methods. But the very methods were born in different epochs, and they reflect the worldview and the mindset of that time. The author in this article aims to show the history of education including the background of philosophical and psychological views in order to show that pedagogical ideas are closely tied to philosophical anthropology, ethics and psychology.
Man and mankind
EGOROVA, I.V. (2008). THE PROBLEM OF AN UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55620
The problem of the unique individual seems clear to most philosophers: there is no being in the world, which could be compared to the Adam’s descent. Everybody says so. Everybody says that every person is unique and special. However, this unique quality of an individual becomes a problem, once we have to deal with non-standard deviant behavior and thinking…
Self-consciousness and identity
BUEVA , L.P. (2008). HUMAN SUBJECTIVITY. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55621
Human subjectivity is a philosophical term, which expresses the inner world of a human being, his spiritual nature, his motives and meanings of his behavior, the riches of his nature, the variety of his intellectual capacities, will and feelings. This term shows the unique nature of person’s individuality…
Myths and modern mythologies
MATUTITE, K.P. (2008). SOCIAL MYTHOLOGY. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55622
The modern individual is politicized and he seems to think of everything as being political, appeal to state at all times, to think that the group problems hold more value than individual problems… We now can only imagine the society as governed by the omnipotent state, and the term “ideology” gained negative meaning. What is the correlation between ideology and myth?
Picture of the world in natural science
KLYAGIN, N.V. (2008). PHYLOSOPHY AND THE “PROBLEM OF FERMA”. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55623
Among the mathematicians of the past, there have been the legend that the great mathematician P. Fermat had created the formula of a simple number, but did not inform his colleagues of this formula. As the author of this article points out, the reason for this complication had to do not only with the difficulty in the problem itself, but also in the philosophical approach to it…
Social philosophy
MOCHKIN, A. (2008). POLITICAL VISIONARY, THE ROMANTIC PROPHET OF THE EPOCH. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55624
This article is devoted to the personality and the scientific work of O. Schpengler, the famous author of the “Dawn of Europe”, which developed the methods of F. Nietzsche.
History of ideas and teachings
GROSMAN, E. (2008). PHYLOSOPHICAL VIEWS OF WOLFGANG PAULI. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55625
Most of the works of W. Pauli on theoretical physics give us only a hint of the philosophical “soil” on which they flourished. If one would try to find the philosophical position of Pauli, one could think that he was utterly rational and skeptical. However, one would also find that he had deep interest for the unclear and unknown spheres of reality and of the human soul…
Philosophical anthropology
LUKOV, V., LUKOV, V. (2008). ZIEGMUND FREUD: THE IDEAS OF THESAURUS APPROACH. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55626
Z. Freud gave a new idea into the scientific study, and it was to start the analysis of the scientific theory from the personality of its author. This is just one example of how the center of attention could shift from the objective to the subjective, from knowledge to understanding and technology. The thesaurus approach seems to be contrary to Freud’s model, and stresses the point of the power of culture, rather than the power of nature. However the Freud’s model of psychological apparatus allows us to sketch the thesaurus model too…
Philosophy of language and communication
SPIROVA, E.M. (2008). PHENOMENOLOGY OF SYMBOL: JUNG’S APPROACH. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55627
Jung’s work has a considerable input on such “eternal” symbols as Anima, Animus, etc. The Jung’s studies tell us what symbols are, how they are related to our unconscious, what are the phenomena of dreams from the point of view of symbols, what is the meaning of symbols in the life of modern people, what is the difference between the sign and the symbol…
Essays on everyday life
NIKOFOROV, A.L. (2008). ELEMENTS OF A HAPPY LIFE. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55628
It seems that in late years there are too many people, who feel unhappy. It seems to be the epidemics of unhappiness. What is even worse, there is no striving to be happy, especially among the young. It seems that the dreams of the younger generation center upon career, position in the society, being famous and having a good bank account. That is why, as the author of this article points out, it is time now to speak of happiness… at least, in order to make the young people wonder whether what they strive for would bring them happiness and what happiness is.
The humanitarian dictionary
IN MEMORIAL (2008). “JUST LIKE DECORATIONS, MOURNING TREES ARE EMBROIDERED”. Philosophy and Culture, 1. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=55629