Citations count: 13
Shelomentsev M.A. —
Dynamics of the Reality Presentation in the Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly of Russia
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.22343 URL:
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The object of our research is the metaphors that can be found in the political discourse. The subject of our research is the dynamics of the reality representation in Vladimir Putin's Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly of Russia for 2000 and 2016. The aim of the article is to define dynamics in the reality representation in the Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly of Russia. As the material to study such dynamics, the author uses the analysis of metaphors in the Presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly of Russia based on the idea that metaphors perform the cognitive function and reailty categorization function. Analyzing texts of the aforesaid Addresses, the author defines the qualitative and quantitative contents of metaphors and describes changes in the contents in these reality representations. The methodological basis of this research involves George Lakoff's and Mark Johnson's idea about the conceptual metaphor based on the cognitive discourse padarigm. According to the author, the number of metaphors denotes not only what Vladimir Putin says in his Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly of Russia but also his attitude to what he says. This allows to speak of changes in his approach and thinking in terms of cognitive sciences.
Citations count: 9
Mysovskikh L.O. —
Existential type of artistic consciousness:
genesis and ways of development in the literature of the XIX century
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 83 - 92.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.4.37521 URL:
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The article traces the origins of existentialism on the examples of writers and philosophers of the XIX century. The history of the study of the category «artistic consciousness» and the category «existential consciousness» is considered. The theoretical substantiation of the concepts of «artistic consciousness» and «existential consciousness» is proposed. The terms «existential» and «existentialist» are distinguished. The term «existential» is applied to writers and philosophers of the XIX century. S. Kierkegaard, M. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, A. Schopenhauer, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, F. Nietzsche are represented as existential writers. It shows the path that existential consciousness took in literature in the XIX century from Kierkegaard's «Knight of Faith» to Nietzsche's «Antichrist». The author makes an assumption about the existence of an existential type of artistic consciousness, considered as a type of artistic and aesthetic interaction of a person with the world, expressed in artistic creativity. It is suggested that in the twentieth century, the existential consciousness of a free person who found himself in a world where «God died» fell into an enchanted circle of absurdity. The opposite approach, considering human freedom as a gift from God, suggests using it in the name of creative improvement. Such a path leads to harmony with God, elevating the human creator to the role of a co-author of Divine creativity. Only this way is able to bring existential consciousness out of the dead end of the absurd.
Citations count: 8
Tadzhibova A.N. —
The World of Metaphor in Mass Media Discourse
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 35 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.19135 URL:
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The subject of the research is the mass media discourse and a media metaphor as a method of impact on public consciousness. The object of the research is the web-based media in Russian and German that contain information on the events taking place in the world. Special attention is paid to the language of media discourse which is characterized by fast adaptation to the changing realities of our life, subtle analysis of the social priorities influencing consciousness of people and determining their behavior and exact reflection of these aspects in the texts. Evaluativity and capability to influence mass consciousness are important functions of media discourse. Changes of social conditions and public formations lead to the change of language and by that to change of people. In her research the author has applied the complex method of research which includes methods of the comparative description of metaphors and analysis and the method of continuous sampling of discursive fragments. The author comes to the conclusion about interrelation of lexico-semantic processes and social and political changes as it is most effective as means of reflection of changes in the society life. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes metaphors that are staticized in the Russian and German media discourses, and promoting, in general, the formation of ideas of election campaign in the USA and creation of the political image of candidates. Such approach to research has allowed to determine general tendencies of the development of mass media discourse in Russia and Germany.
Citations count: 7
Kutyrev V.A. —
About Linguistic Counterrevolution, its Cause and Post-Human Prospects (Reflections on A. Nilogov's Book 'Philosophy of Anti-Language Published in 2013 in St. Petersburg)
// Litera.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.3.10077 URL:
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There is a growing tendency towards critisizing the role of language in the sphere of the humanities. These tendencies form some kind of a counter-linguistic movement. One of the examples is the book 'Philosophy of Anti-Language' written by A. Nilogov. The main causes of these tendencies are the processes of technification and scientization of the modern world. The author of the article describes how these tendencies are presented in the humaities. The first level of so called 'linguistic counterrevolution' consists of the programming and digital communication languages which was implicitly demonstrated in Jacques Derrida's works. The second level presents trasnformation of communication into 'commutation' and 'syncretizing' of the world into undivided equation of the Other. Arithmetic, technological and speechless reasoning becomes the norm and creates a certain paradigm attitude to the world. This creates the grounds for technologization of modern humanities (even philosophy) and transformation of modern humanities into purely 'zombic' thinking on one hand and choatization and inclination to perversions on the other hand.
The author of the article emphasizes the need for overcoming these suicidal tendencies through protecting the language.
Citations count: 5
Griber Y.A., Jonauskaite D., Mohr C. —
The Colors of Emotions: Experimental Research of Associative Relations in Modern Russian
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.28892 URL:
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The subject of the research is the analysis of associative relations between twenty emotional concepts (interest, amusement, pride, joy, pleasure, satisfaction, admiration, love, relief, compassion, sadness, guilt, sorrow, shame, disappointment, fear, disdain, disgust, hatred and anger) and twelve basic names of colurs in the Russian language (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, violet, brown, pink, grey, black and white). The research is aimed at 1) discovering chromatic and achromatic meanings of emotions; 2)discovering syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between color associations; 3) conduction of a linguocultural expertise of national specifics of discovered associative relations. The research is based on the on-line experiment that involved 103 Russian speakers (63 females and 40 males, the average age of resondents is 36.5, min age is 19 and max age is 78, sd=16.7). To analyze emotions, the researcher has applied the Geneva Emotion Wheel Inventory (GEW version 3.0) as a tool for self-evaluation of emotions and attitudes to a particular event. The results of the experiment have proved that Russian culture correlates the lightness of color to the valency of emotions. Positive emotions are associated with light colors and negative emotions are associated with darker colors. The closest emotional relations were demonstrated by yellow and orange, light blue and green, red and pink, black and grey. These pairs are often found as components of color images, too.
Citations count: 5
Shteba A.A. —
Linguistic Features of Provocation
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 120 - 128.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.19580 URL:
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In this article Shteba analyzes the causal approach to defining the presence/absence fo provation features in communications behavior of a participant in a dialogue. The author differentiates between the definition of provocation and related terms describing direct or indirect psychological effect, direct, indirect or ulterior incitation. The author also provides a number of criteria allowing to define the dependence between communication actions of participants and transference of money by one of participants. These criteria include such dual terms as initiality/reactivity, determinabiilty/non-determinability, conventionality/non-conventionality, intensity/passivity, quantity/quality, rationality/irrationality, explicite/implicite information, verbality/(para-) non-verbality. The researcher has applied the methods of definitive and contextual analysis of cases when the word 'provocation' is used based on the materials of the National Corpus of the Russian Language in order to give a definition of the term 'provocation'. Further, the authro has viewed expert practice using elements of th conversational analysis and defining trigger utterances as well as reaction utterances. The main conclusion of the research is the author's provision that constituents of causality can be viewed as psycholinguistic features when defining the presence/absence of the features of provocative communications behavior demonstrated by one of interlocutors. The author also suggests that we should view provocation as a communication event that implies manipulation and incitation. At the same time the author underlines that it is methodologically wrong to interpret provocation in terms of imperativity and psychological effect.
Citations count: 5
Golovanivskaya M.K., Efimenko N.A. —
The idea of truth in Russian, French and Chinese languages and cultures
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 249 - 267.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.40622 EDN: HQJANA URL:
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The article examines the idea of "truth" in three linguistic pictures of the world - Russian, French and Chinese. The study is contrastive, the results are compared. The description of each idea is made according to a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word, the mythological roots of the concept, its compatibility, from the compatibility is distinguished real connotation according to V. A. Uspensky, a comparison of dictionary definitions is made.The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the idea of "truth" in the Russian, French and Chinese languages. The purpose of the comparison is to see the similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples. Scientific methods of research are: comparative-historical method, method of generalization, method of semantic analysis. This topic is understudied, no linguocultural studies analyzing this idea in Russian, French and Chinese culture have been observed earlier, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the work. The results will contribute to mutual understanding between peoples, forming a kind of conceptual bridge, and will also be used in courses on regional studies, comparative studies of cultures, and in the teaching of the respective languages.
Citations count: 4
Zou H., Novospasskaya N.V. —
Classification of elements of linguocultural information in the polycode text of printed advertising based on the material of Russian and Chinese languages
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.2.35001 URL:
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The subject of the study of this article is a polycode text, considered from the point of view of value in intercultural communication. The research material was a block of social and commercial advertisements (40 units in Russian and 40 units in Chinese), in which linguistic and cultural information can be both the subject of advertising and the background for the advertised product, service or idea. In the course of the research, the method of comparative analysis of the verbal component of two languages, the method of comparing the content and execution of the elements of the iconic level and also the method of semantic analysis of the verbal component of the polycode text of printed advertising were used. Â The novelty of the research lies in the established fact of the impact on the reader of a polycode advertising text, which forms an idea of national values containing physical-geographical, figurative, cultural-historical material and spiritual aspects. In accordance with the results of the study, conclusions were drawn that the polycode text of printed advertising is an effective means of broadcasting and obtaining information about the cultural specifics of a nation, an effective tool that reflects the state of another culture through the use of semantic and linguistic means. The elements of linguistic and cultural information considered in the article are presented as accessible as possible in a combination of visual and textual means.
Citations count: 4
Fedorova N.V. —
Neologisms and Their Word-Formation Tendencies in Modern English (Based on the Analysis of Mass Media Texts)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 216 - 225.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.26182 URL:
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In her paper Fedorova analyzes English-speaking neologisms used within the framework of such a functional and stylistic variety of modern English as the style of mass communication. Neologisms, selected from materials of online media, are analyzed from the point of view of word-formation models according to which they are formed, in order to identify the most productive of them. The practical significance of the work is due to the fact that the results and selected language material can be used for scientific and educational purposes, for example, in the preparation of monographs and textbooks on the theory of translation, lexicology of the English language, etc., in practical classes, seminars on relevant topics, and also in the professional field when translating relevant language material. The researcher has used the methods of continuous sampling, linguistic observation and description, contextual analysis and quantitative counting. The author determined the quantitative ratio of word-formation models and means characteristic of English-language media texts in the present period. The obtained data are compared with the data of foreign researchers who worked with similar language material. The analysis of the language material showed that the composition and merging remain the most productive ways to form new words in the English language. A further increase in the number of semantic neologisms is predicted.
Citations count: 3
Dmitriev A.V., Kogan M.S., Vdovina E.K. —
Theoretical-applied significance of corpora in computer linguodidactics
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 200 - 216.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.1.32219 URL:
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The subject of this research is the application of corpora in teaching foreign languages. Prevalence of discursive practices and in-depth study of discourse marked the emergence of studies with cognitive-corpus focus; therefore, we are currently witnessing global coverage of corpus linguistics – both, substantively and methodologically – various professional and scientific zones in the area of humanistic research and other. The authors touch upon the question on the role and place of corpus linguistics in modern science, and support an opinion that corpus linguistics is meant to become a foundation for the new cognitive in its essence linguistic theory. The research methodology is structure on the interaction of such modern approaches as corpus-based and corpus-driven. Using these methods, the students take on the role of researcher-experimentalists, by means of corpora and in the process of performing specifically developed corpus-based tasks, conduct their own minor linguistic research. The authors’ special contribution consists in substantiation and generalization of theoretical experience of the forerunners in light of analysis of the direct and indirect application of corpora not only in teaching source language, but also computer linguodidactics; as well as description of such application from the perspectives of corpus-driven and corpus-based approaches for their future implementation into the educational process. As an example of such implementation, the authors developed a project task for the extra-mural master’s degree students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University majoring “Computer Linguodidactics”: to compile their own corpus (based on the concordance software AntConc) on the selected topic of a particular textbook on general or specialized English language.
Citations count: 3
Zipunov A., Valganov S.V. —
Rhythmic semantic structures of the “particular-universal” in the lyrics of the author song and their search algorithms
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 168 - 176.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.12.34391 URL:
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Cultural phenomena and their correlation with social processes spark specific scientific interest. One of such cultural trends is the author song of the 1950s – 1980s, which became the subject to this research. Adequate interpretation of the content of compositions and their connection with public life requires a particular toolset, especially due to the fact that some texts contain interesting semantic structures. In reading the lyrics, the alternation of fragments with opposite meanings was revealed. Generalization of these meanings to abstract concepts demonstrates that they comprise a semantic rhythm. One of such rhythmic structures consists in rotation of the particular and the universal. This article describes and formalizes the algorithm that resembles the principle of LR (k)-analyzer of context-free grammars, which was used for the analysis of two author songs: “Ten Stars” by A. Krupp and “Romance of the Old Age” by A. Sukhanov based on the poetry of Omar Khayyám. In the indicated compositions, the author revealed common structures in form of the particular-universal rhythm and the motive of coping, as well as certain structural peculiarities. The songs under review differ in the degree of expression of dialectical contradiction of the “particular” and the “universal”. They also vary in the forms of translation of this semantic rhythm: through non-overlapping sets, additional orthographic dimensions, or storyline expansion on space-time scale.
Citations count: 3
Lamzina A.V., Kikhnei L.G. —
The “echo” of Edgar Poe in Anna Akhmatova’s “Poem without a Hero” and poems later period
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.1.34645 URL:
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The subject of this research is the hidden allusions to the novels of Edgar Poe in Anna Akhmatova’s “Poem without a Hero” and poems later period. The research material contains the framework text of the “Poem without a Hero” – the set of epigraphs to different parts of the poem, authorial commentaries, history of used and discarded epigraphs at various stages of revision of the poem, text of the “Poem without a Hero”, as well as the author's “Prose about the Poem” and a number of poems created during the work on the “Poem without a Hero” and afterwards. A. Akhmatova was interested in the works of Edgar Poe, and researched the references to Edgar Poe in the works of N. S. Gumilyov. The article employs comprehensive methodology, such as comparative-historical and biographical approaches, as well as intertextual and hermeneutic methods for determination of literary allusions and interpretation of meanings hidden by the author. The main conclusion lies in revelation of the profoundly concealed connection of the “Poem without a Hero” with the range of narratives of Edgar Poe, united by the cross-cutting motif of being buried alive and coming back from the dead: “The Black Cat”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “Morella”, “Ligeia”, “Berenice”, “The Oval Portrait”. This gives a new perspective on the literary characters that one after another appeared to the lyrical heroine in plot of the poem; and explains the fragment of one of the most mysterious works in Russian literature of the XX century, and some other poems of Anna Akhmatova.
Citations count: 3
Bondarenko Y. —
Quasi-Autobiographical nature of PR-Biography
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 49 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25301 URL:
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PR-biography is a new speech genre that was created as a result of adaptation of a traditional biographical narration to PR-dicourse essense and purposes. The subject of this research is the main grammar, lexico-semantic and textual linguistic means that indirectly demonstrate the speech situation and discursive context in which PR-biography texts and genres are created and function. These means also indicate transformations that happen to the biographical narration model as a result of its being included in the PR-discourse. Along with observation, induction and deduction, the author of the article has also used the method of explanatory description that is based on discovering relations between linguistic facts and extra-linguistic (communicative) situation that combines communicative features of both biography and autobiography in one text. The author of the research also describes how these features are demonstrated through the first-person and third-person narrations that become stylistic means of modelling a distance between a hero and audience, particular implementation of an authorship category and means of expressive a positive attitude developed by PR-biography. The results of the research can be used to clarify existing classifications of PR-biographies as well as to develop recommendations about how to write PR-biographical texts.
Citations count: 3
Ol'shanskii D.A. —
Psychoanalysis of Literature
// Litera.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 14 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.2.16364 URL:
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It is known that psychoanalysis exists in three options – philosophical, clinical and applied. In the latter case it is about a peculiar research of art, political and mass and psychological processes. Psychoanalytic ideas can be used in the sphere of philosophy, sociology, art and religion. Freud laid the patography foundation – one of applied disciplines of psychoanalysis studying and interpreting biographies of writers, scientists, artists, politicians. Peru the founder of psychoanalysis possesses the known patografichesky researches devoted to Leonardo da Vinci, F.M. Dostoyevsky, V. Wilson. Patography – a specific method and a genre of the psychological and patopsikhologichesky analysis, description of life and creativity of charismatic persons, artists, scientists, writers, political and religious figures. Psychoanalysis of literature is presented in this case by a series of reviews of the author of performances, movies and other works of art. The author uses methodology of philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis and a hermeneutics. He seeks to analyse works of art from the point of view of psychological mechanisms which are revealed by psychoanalysis. For the first time in domestic literature psychoanalysis is widely applied to studying of literary works. The author considers plots which formed the basis of performances, of movies and operas, investigates motives of behavior of literary characters, reveals secrets of mentality through a prism of psychoanalytic opening. It is possible to call each response to this or that statement a peculiar metaphysical sketch.
Citations count: 3
Khomyakov S.A. —
Architectonics of the Frame Text (the Analysis of Anna Ahmatova's 'Poem Without a Hero')
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 57 - 68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26923 URL:
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The subject of this research is the structure elements (the frame), in particular, in Anna Ahmatova's 'Poem Without a Hero'. In his research Khomyakov focuses on such elements of the 'frame text' as the title, epigraphs, dedications, nota benes that have their own semantics and serve the purpose to tell the reader about preceding events. Specific features of using a particular frame element are predetermined by genre peculiarities of Ahmatova's literary work. Elements included by the poet in the text of Poem Without a Hero conform with a strict hierarchy and model the space-and-time relations between one another and within the tissue of the main text in each of three parts of the literary work. The analysis of Anna Ahmatova's Poem Without a Hero is based on the comparative analysis and structural-semantic method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes all 'frame' elements of the final (the 9th) edition of Anna Ahmatova's Poem Without a Hero. The researcher offers an improved definition of a text as a literary work as well as definitions of literary work tissue and text tissue, as a result of his in-depth analysis of Anna Ahmatova's final literary work.
Citations count: 3
Lobanova T.N. —
Foreign Policy Issues in China's Political Media Discourse: Linguistic Analysis (the Case Study of the CCTV中文国际 Channel)
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 236 - 250.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.2.29074 URL:
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The subject of the research is foreign policy issues covered by China's political media discourse. The object of the research is China's political media discourse. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topicas 'analytical concept of China's political media discourse, structure and features' and 'discursive practices'. The main method used in the research is the analysis of media texts of news and analytical channels 《CCTV 中文国际》, 《CCTV 中文国际频道》 and 《深度国际》 browseable by the Russian audience on 'nettlesome' foreign policy issues. The researcher focuses on the issues related to the language development of such political discourses as 'American-Chinese Trade War of 2018' and 'USA's Withdrawal from a Treaty' in China's state media. Using the methods of qualitative and quantitative content-analysis, critical discourse analysis combined with methods of contextual political analysis, the author of the article analyzes essentual features of China's position in international relations. The main result of the research include description of peculiarities of discoursive practices in China's media. The concept of China's political media discourse covered in this article combined with interdisciplinary methodology cause the novelty of the research because there are the aspects that have never been a matter of complex research in Russian language studies so far. The author's special contribution to the analysis of political discourse is the discourse-analysis of untranslated analytical broadcasts of China's media. The author renews the problems of the political discourse and defines the main linguistic features of China's media texts (based on the examples of 《CCTV 中文国际》 channel).
Citations count: 2
Kuleshova V.O. —
The Principles of Creation of English-Russian Terminological Dictionary of Photonic Crystals Terms
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 215 - 222.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.29322 URL:
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In her article Kuleshova proves the need to create an English-Russian terminological dictionary in a relative new field of knowledge, the theory of photonic crystals. There is no such a dictionary today. Creation of a dictionary is an integral task on the basis of the systems approach, in this case, it is caused by the need to develop the system of terms of photonic crystals in the Russian language. The author examines the conceptual grounds of the dictionary and defines thematic and aspect-related orientation of the dictionary, its purposes and volume, criteria for selection of terms, etc. The author offers her own classification of terms and harmonizes these terms to other terminological systems. The subject of the research is the anlaysis of the principles to be observed when creating a terminological dictionary, the object of the research is the terminological system of photonic crystals. To select the research material, the author has applied the continuous sampling method as well as the method of scientific description implying systematization and interpretation. The main results of the research are the structure of the dictionary at the marco- and microlevels, rules for selection of terms and development of a terminological system of photonic crystals. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author systematizes terms in the theory of photonic crystals and harmonizes English and Russian terminological systems in this field. The dictionary is to be used by specialists in the field of photonic crystals theory as well as physics and other technical science students.
Citations count: 2
Tsendrovskiy O. —
Philosophy of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Experience in Reconstruction
// Litera.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.4.10651 URL:
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The article is devoted to the philosophy expressed by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in his books. This topic is often underestimated and very scarcely described in research literature. By analyzing Exupery's book 'Citadelle' (titled in English as The Wisdom of the Sands) and more famous Exupery's works, the author of the present article shows the wholeness of Exupery's teaching and the acuteness of the humanistic, existential and moral issues in Exupery's philosophy. The author also underlines that Exupery's philosophy can be classified as the West European philosophy of late Art Nouveau because Exupery discusses such typical late Art Nouveau topics as the transvaluation of values, understanding of the place of human after the death of God and fight against nihilism. In the course of a detailed analysis and from the point of view of systematic interpretation, the author of the article describes Exupery's views on a number of fundamental philosophical issues such as the existence of God and the meaning of life, measure of value and the essence of the truth. The main emphasis is made on the so called 'ethical pathos' of Exupery's creative work. The author of the article in detail analyzes the 'heroic ideal' offered by Exupery as well as the system of values and basic ethical principles that are now deduced from the essence of a mortal man but not the divine reality. The result of the author's research is the creation of an integrated concept of Exupery's philosophy which is new in both Russian and Western scientific literature. The author shows that Exupery's views were very close to Nietzsche's teaching and gravitated towards the radical politics. The author also provides quite an interesting description of Exupery's psychological and cultural views.
Citations count: 2
Konovalova M.V. —
Speech and Evocative Influence in Internet Media Discourse
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 232 - 237.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26622 URL:
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The subject of this article is the differences in speech and evocative effects in the online media discourse. The author considers the speech and evocative effects and reveals the concept of evocative effects in a media discourse. The article discusses the theoretical aspect of studying the impact of media texts on the recipient of information, special attention being paid to the cognitive and medialinguistic approaches to this phenomenon. The author of the article analyzes the linguistic means of representation of the evocative impact in the news media text and examines the account of the author of the background knowledge of the recipient. She also analyzes the evocative impact of headlines and media texts of news selected by the method of continuous sampling. In her study Konovalova uses the methods of observation, generalization and description of linguistic phenomena. The novelty of the study is caused by the fact that linguistic indicators are first considered from the standpoint of the evocative impact of the news media text on the recipient. It has been proved that the language means of the evocative impact are present both in the title of the media text and in the text of the news. It has also been established that the evocative impact is embodied with the help of linguistic means designed to intensify the background knowledge of the recipient when perceiving the news text.
Citations count: 2
Kim L. —
Theoretical Literary Analysis of the Term 'Network Literature'
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 112 - 118.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.27817 URL:
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The subject of the research is the theoretical literary structure of the phenomenon of network literature, important literary fact of the contemporary history. In the course of the research Kim analyzes and denies as insufficient several theories of network literature that are based on the search of necessary and sufficient grounds. In particular, Kim criticises post-modernist theory of network literature as a hypertext and historical theory of a network text placed on the Internet and created using technical means of the Internet environment. These theories, however, are not fully denied, the author uses elements of these theories in his integral theory of network literature that is based on the theory of an open concept. The research methodology includes the conceptual and logical analysis of relevant literary terms, theories of language games of late L. Wittgenstein and anti-essentialism of Ziff and Weitz, structural and post-structural reflection over the historico-literature definition of 'network literature'. The result of the research is the theoretical description of the intensional of the term 'network literature' that combines conceptual, historical, post-modernist and Wittgenstein's approaches. The results of the research can be used in theoretical literary and historico-literary research as well as teaching. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author establishes the grounds for the theoretical and methodological research framework of network vocabulary.
Citations count: 2
Sulaimanov M.U. —
Ethnocultural code in the Crimean Tatar literary criticism (on the example of Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism article “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and a Pocket Knife”)
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 104 - 117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.4.35485 URL:
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Based on the analysis of causality and reasonableness of arguments of such literary scholars as Shakir Selim and Shamil Alyadin, this article attempt to determine the ethnocultural code of the Crimean Tatar literary criticism. The author applies the approach of methodological pluralism, as well as hermeneutical, logical, historical-genetic, comparative-typological, phenomenological, and psychological methods. This allows considering various perspectives of the aforementioned literary scholars upon the variants of critical analysis of the artistic heritage of the classic of Crimean Tatar literature Memet Nuzet. The article outlines the basic principles of literary criticism, declared by Shakir Selim and Shamil Alyadin, as well as their dependence on the ethnocultural code of the Crimean Tatars. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the attempt of carrying out a comprehensive hermeneutical analysis of Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” through the prism of methodological pluralism in the aspect of ethnocultural code. The author’s main contribution consists in the reflection of the “clash of opinions” of three literary critics – this is the critical article by Shakir Selim, based on the response of Pirae Kadri-Zade, written to Shamil Alyadin’s criticism essay on the poem composed by the classic of the Crimean Tatar literature Memet Nuzet.
Citations count: 2
Zipunov A., Valganov S.V. —
Macro-semantic rhythmic structures in popular author songs
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 106 - 115.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.11.36848 URL:
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Certain author song of the 1950s – 1980s are characterized with such structural peculiarity as semantic rhythms. This pattern manifests itself in two forms: dialectical juxtaposition of the particular and the general (PG-rhythm); as well as the conflict of non-entropic and entropic processes, order and chaos (OC-rhythm). For broader understanding of this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine its place within the framework of the author song as a large-scale cultural phenomenon. The author mass processing of popular compositions using the method of almost full enumeration. The research material includes all 5 thematic national collections that feature 487 songs. The analysis of the lyrics reveals the total number of works with the initial semantic rhythmics: 43% with the PG-structure and 23% with the OC-structure. The application of various strategies of analysis indicates that the sampling of no less than 70-80 compositions should be used for achieving accurate results in partial studies (for example, by authors) . In the course of research, the author determines new versions of manifestation of the semantic structures: PG-structure of fable-type, as well as variability of Brodsky's saw in songs with entropic rhythmics. There are also songs with intersection of both types of semantic rhythms. Correlation is established between the social processes of cultural environment associated with the author song and the dynamics of semantic rhythms in popular compositions. In the early 1970s, a bifurcation point is noticed in the moods of the corresponding social community.
Citations count: 2
Sun X., Chzhan C. —
Russian and Chinese National Personalities: Based on the Material of Phraseological Units, Proverbs, and Sayings With the Concept of "Family"
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 315 - 327.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69220.2 EDN: LCRWHH URL:
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This article is devoted to the characteristics of Russian and Chinese national personalities based on the material of phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings with the concept of "family." The subjects of this study are Russian national personality (RNL) and Chinese national personality (CNL). The object of the study is the universal and national-specific linguistic and cultural features of Russian and Chinese national personalities. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the lexical-semantic and linguocultural analysis of phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings of family subjects can be used in educational activities in courses of lexicology, linguoculturology, linguistic and cultural studies, and sociolinguistics. The provisions and conclusions of the study can be applied in lexicographic practice in compiling dictionaries of phraseological units, as well as in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language and spreading Chinese culture in Russia.
To solve the problem, the following research methods are used: continuous sampling of material from dictionaries of the Russian and Chinese languages, linguistic and cultural commentary, and comparative-contrastive methods. Russian and Chinese national personalities are considered for the first time in the article, which has yet to previously be described in a comparative aspect. The family's traditional spiritual and cultural values of Russian and Chinese cultures are analyzed for the first time. Their ideas and attitudes toward marriage, love, women, men, wives, husbands, parents, children, and relations to relatives indicate common or different cultural attitudes among representatives of both linguistic cultures. This is the scientific novelty of this study.
This study shows that phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings with the concept of family recorded in Russian and Chinese lexicographic sources differ in quantitative and substantive terms. Russian and Chinese personalities view traditional family values such as marriage, love, women, men, wives, husbands, parents, children, relatives, etc. differently. For the Chinese, family and kinship relations are of great importance, and the preservation of these relations is carried out with the help of cultural values such as marital harmony, procreation, filial piety, fraternal friendship, and peaceful family relations.
Citations count: 2
Iakovleva E. —
Modern Views on the Interpretation Model of a Text
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.21657 URL:
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The research is focused on the interpretation of texts as a rather difficult process which includes numerous components such as cultural and historical environment, actual events, symbolism, polysemy of words, dependence on the meaning and context, personal qualities of the Author and Interpreter, etc.). These components are dialectically interwined and each time they create new configurations which causes a modern concept of the interpretation model as a rhizomatic network spiral. In the course of her research Yakovleva has defined that the Interpretation Bridge connecting Point A (Author, Text, or beginning of the interpretation journey) and Point B (Interpreter, Life/Situation, ending of the interpretation journey) is just an external construct. If we go deeper into the intepretation process, it will look like a spiralling and extending rhizomatic network. The aforesaid issue is viewed by the author of the article on the basis of the dialectical, phenomenological and hermeneutical methods as well as the principle of intentional analysis allowing to construct the interpretation model. The interpretation process externally looks like the Bridge and internally like a rhizomatic network spiral. This allows the interpretation process to be flexible and variably mobile and extending in any direction. The key figure of the interpretation process is a recipient who sets the existence of the text through his or her Self-position and changes in the course of interpretation. Interpretation as a spiritual practice of Self combining the objective/subjective, conscious/unconscious, rational/sensual, fiction/reality brings us to the Other Self. This contributes to better understanding and extension of the horizon. Provisions and conclusions of this study can be used for further research of the interpretation process and reflection as part of the interpretation process as well as for analysis of all kinds of texts.
Citations count: 2
Gorelova O.O. —
Literary-documental narrative in the fictional autobiographic novel “My Secret History” by Paul Theroux
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 39 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.5.32908 URL:
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This article raises the problem of differentiation between authorial fiction and factual information in the fictional autobiographic prose that interfere with each other. The object of this research is the fictional autobiographic prose as a peculiar type of text with structure containing system codes of diverse narrative nature. The subject of this research is the characteristics and features of the literary-documental narrative in a fictional autobiographical text. The goal consists in demonstrating the dual nature of the fictional biographic prose on the example of literary-documental novel “My Secret History” (1989) by Paul Theroux. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) fictional autobiographic narrative as a variety of literary-documental narration is characterized with descriptiveness and aptitude to imitation of objectivity studying the personality of the hero; 2) the text in question contains the signs of realization of paradigms of fiction and actuality. The scientific novelty is consists in application of narratological approach towards analysis of the text, which demonstrates the specific constituting spheres associated with simultaneous implementation of the strategies of fictionalization and documental stylization of the material. It is determines that the fictional autobiographic material is characterized with subjective processing of represented data, and thus, it is essential to interpret the prose in question based on the accessible to audience contextual information (suggested authorial context and historical context).
Citations count: 2
Nguyen T., Perfilieva N.V. —
Orientation metaphor in Economic Discourse (based on the headlines of Russian and Vietnamese Internet publications)
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 65 - 78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.5.37846 URL:
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This article is devoted to the use of orientation metaphors in economic discourse in the headlines of Vietnamese and Russian online publications. The aim of the study is to identify the main types of conceptual orientation metaphors in Russian and Vietnamese, which are based on different spatial oppositions, as well as to establish the frequency of use of these metaphors in the headlines of Internet articles on economic topics. The research material was headlines taken from leading Vietnamese and Russian online publications for 2019-2022, which contain orientation metaphors. The main research methods are component analysis, comparative analysis, conceptual analysis method and continuous sampling method. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is the first time that orientation metaphors in the Russian and Vietnamese languages have been studied. As a result of the work, the main types of orientation metaphors in the headings of economic texts are identified: top - bottom; forward - backward; right - left; inside - out, and similarities and differences in the use of these metaphors in Russian and Vietnamese are also presented. Based on the analysis of examples, it can be concluded that the use of orientation metaphors in the headlines of Russian and Vietnamese articles on economic topics has many similarities, despite the differences in geographical location, as well as in the economic systems of the two countries.
Citations count: 2
Antonova E.M. —
Literature as an Avatar of Philosophy
// Litera.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 53 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.1.15762 URL:
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The author of the article attempts to answer a question becomes: what communication exists between philosophy and literature? Both in that and in other case it is about deep personal creativity. Many works of poetry we call philosophical. At the same time philosophical thoughts and ideas find expression in an art form with use of images and other means of expression which are inherent in art. We know philosophical works which are stated by art language. For example, the ancient Roman philosopher Tit Lucretius Kar wrote the philosophical poem "About the Nature of Things". However between philosophy and literature it is possible to find various and difficult communications. The author puts the task to reveal the similarity and distinction existing between philosophy and literature as concerning their subject, and language. The author uses methods of various directions of modern philosophy. Analyzing the text, he addresses to receptions of a hermeneutics and structuralism. At the analysis of philosophical problems addresses to philosophical anthropology, linguistic philosophy. Novelty of article is caused by attempt to show that literature quite often acts as a peculiar avatar of philosophy. At the same time it is possible to see such inversion and in relation to philosophy which as much as possible approaches with literature. The author in this regard considers not only proximity of philosophy and literature, but also their mutual threats. This conflict arose already in ancient times. Various forms of a miropostizheniye are in a condition of the competition, challenging the right of the imaginary allies for an absolute priority in disclosure of secrets and paradoxes of the world. The author pays special attention to also axiological measurement of a problem.
Citations count: 2
Guo C., Chistyakov A.V. —
On the status of research of M. A. Bulgakov’s works in China
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 82 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.6.33181 URL:
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Since the very beginning of research of M. A. Bulgakov’s works in China, has not received due recognition; however, the interest of literary historians to studying and interpretation of his immortal classic has seen recent increase. The subject of this article is the studying of Bulgakov’s satiric literature in China. The object is Bulgakov’s satiric literature and characters of his works. At first, study of Bulgakov’s works in China was limited just by “obtaining information”. The author meticulously examines such aspects demonstrated Bulgakov’s texts, as aesthetics, ethnocultural tradition, figures, practical importance. The author divides the works of M. A. Bulgakov into chronological periods, as well as underlines recent transformation in the views pertinent to his oeuvres within the Chinese literary studies. It is concluded that the analysis of Bulgakov’s novels at the three aforementioned stages of Chinese literary studies demonstrates the transition from the “stage of acceptance” to the “stage of comprehensive analysis” in multifaceted and multidimensional articulation, which testifies to the fact that literary research of M. A. Bulgakov’s novels continues to surge.
Citations count: 2
Temirshina O.R., Belousova O.G., Afanas'eva O.V. —
Onomastic codes of the “Poem Without A Hero” by A. A. Akhmatova as hidden intertextual addressing
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 48 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.12.37214 URL:
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The subject of this research is the principles of correlation of onomastic code of the “Poem Without A Hero” with the text frame of its various editions, viewed from the communicative-pragmatic perspective. The object of this research is nine editions of the “Poem Without a Hero” and intertextual references marked within the text frame. The author dwells on such aspects as the interrelation between the literary onomastics and hidden meanings of the poem, transformations of the text frame, methods of “instilling” the authorial meanings to intertextual sources (the works of Byron, Pushkin, and Gumilyov). Special attention is given to projection of the personal myth of Anna Akhmatova, which is traced through the poem, on Western European and Russian literature and the evolution of the text frame. It is demonstrated that the ensemble of epigraphs, which represents an implicit dedication to the poet fallen in disfavor, dissolves leaving imprints in the form of mentioning of Byron and Don Juan in the text of the poem. The main conclusion lies in the establishment of a number of semantic correspondences between the text frame and the historical-cultural halo of names, which on the one hand are associated with the imagery-motif level of a particular poem, while on the other – with personal mythology of the poet. The author’s special contribution to this research lies in outlining the strategies aimed at preservation of special intertextual memory in the names. The novelty consists in determination of the semantic halo of the name, which specifies a range of implicit meanings of the poem. It is revealed that these meanings are “supported” by the corresponding references. Such reminiscences, interweaving into a complex ornamental pattern, on the one side are conceptually programmed by the very structure of the “Poem Without A Hero”, and on the other side, determined biographically.
Citations count: 2
Liu L. —
Methods and motives for nominating geographical sites in the Chinese and Russian languages
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 97 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35607 URL:
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The goal of this research is to determine the characteristics of methods in nominating geographical sites in the Chinese and Russian languages. Toponyms (geographical names) are a subsystem in the national language lexicon that describes the vast territory of each country, as well as the names of various specific geographical sites recognized in the geographical environment. Toponyms, being proper names, represent not only geographical nomenclature units, but are rich in historical and cultural connotations. The development of toponymy as an independent scientific field has an extensive background. In the course of time, the toponymic research was often reinforced by scientific data in different fields, such as comparative-historical linguistics, history, geography, and other. In continuation of previous research, this article analyzes the similarities and differences between the Russian and Chinese toponyms. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: 1) generalization of the data on the semantics of toponyms from linguistic perspective; 2) characterization of language specifics and significance of toponyms in the Chinese and Russian languages; 3) description of toponyms in connotative and linguocultural aspects. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by cultural importance of the Russian and Chinese toponyms, which are analyzed in accordance with principle of nominating motives. The comparison of toponyms in the indicated aspect is of particular importance for broadening the areas of research in toponymy and the theory of cross-cultural communication. As a result, the author reveals the similar and different types of the meanings of toponyms in the Russian and Chinese languages.
Citations count: 2
Parkhomenko R.N. —
Evolution of Romanticism in Germany: From Literature to Politics
// Litera.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 94 - 121.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.1.15783 URL:
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The subject of research is the evolution of romanticism in the German literature and philosophy, the main features and characteristics of romanticism were shown in process of romanticism are shown. The special attention is paid to specifics of typically German romanticism as spokesman of the main lines of the German mentality and national spirit. The author in detail considers such aspects of a subject as influence of romanticism in literature and art on political thought of Germany, and also the romanticism in practical policy which influenced development of a course of conservatism. Methodology of research is the appeal to heritage of the German romanticism - the author had opportunity long time to work at various universities and libraries in Germany. The main conclusions of the conducted research is the thought that use of concepts of nationalism and political mythology together with such "metaphysical" concepts as spirit, the soil, race, destiny, history, revival open theoretical essence and practical capacity of the current of the romanticism in Germany which passed evolution from literature to policy.
Citations count: 2
Artamonova M.V., Mambetov A.A., Tulina E.V. —
Chatbot as a translation tool
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 8.
– P. 235 - 253.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.8.43875 EDN: VMTZYT URL:
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This article is devoted to the study and analysis of modern technologies, namely artificial intelligence as an auxiliary tool in the work of a translator. The purpose of the study is to find out whether chatbots based on GPT–3.5 technology can be used in translation activities. The article compares the capabilities of chatbots and online text corpora, as well as checks their analytical abilities and ability to rhyme. Dialog assistants are given a task to find information or analyze it based on a query given to them. At the same time, it is checked whether chatbots developed by different companies provide the same information. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attempt to find a universal tool that can automate the routine work of the translator. A special contribution of the authors of the study is an attempt for the first time to compare and analyze the rapidly developing functionality of chatbots in the context of translation activities and to identify key problems that do not allow the effective use of this technology in translation. As a result, it was determined that the modern GPT language model has many limitations and disadvantages that stop chatbots from becoming a reliable source of information and an efficient translation tool. Problems were identified, the solution of which would make it possible to use Chat GPT and other chatbots in translation activities.
Citations count: 2
Zaitsev A.V. —
Lingvopolitical Studies VS Political Linguistics: Is There a Dialogue?
// Litera.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2012.1.150 URL:
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The article tells about the differences that exist between lingvopolitical and political-linguistic approaches to political communication and political dialogue. Political linguistics view political communication as a struggle for power, influence and mind control and actually exclude interaction between the government and society. This approach is opposed to the lingvopolitical point of view according to which modern political communication is based not on the subject-object relation but on the subject - subject interaction, i.e. the dialogue between the goverment and civil society.
Citations count: 2
Barebina N.S., Glyzina V.E., Leontyev A.A., Maksimova N.V. —
The Study of Methods and Means of Intensity in Alarmist Discourses
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.1.39578 EDN: HPFKOT URL:
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The object of the study is linguistic facts in the form of a corpus of intensifiers functioning in modern Russian and English during the discussion of agendas related to the unstable situation in a particular sphere of society. The subject of this study is the semantic and grammatical structure of units functioning within the category of intensity. The authors consider in detail such an aspect of the topic as intensity and expressiveness in language, in this regard, an overview of the relevant works is given. Particular attention is paid to various linguistic ways of expressing the degree of intensification of meaning and the gradality of negative meaning. The data of disciplines related to the science of language on the practices of alarm broadcasting, the topics of alarmist agendas are also presented. The modern context supplies us with all new social practices that attract close attention from scientists investigating the mechanisms of influence on groups and masses of people. One of these phenomena was the spread of alarmist discourses that broadcast a state of increased anxiety or panic. These discourses, largely due to the network morphology of modern society, imperceptibly and uncontrollably enter the life of a modern person. Their systematic study by linguistic analysis has not yet been undertaken. At the same time, there are all prerequisites to consider which language mechanisms are involved in the formation of alarmist discourses in the aspect of speech intensification, which makes it different from the logical-rational content. The article argues the timeliness of studying the mechanisms and techniques of actualization of alarmism in connection with the possibility of monitoring the indicators of the latter. It is established that intensifiers, being the opposite of the rational mode of messages, serve as markers of alarmist discourses.
Methods of phraseological analysis and description, an interpretive method for interpreting intensifiers in their connections and relationships were used, techniques for describing innovations in discursive practices according to O. S. Issers were used.
Citations count: 2
Egorova O. —
Actualisation of Mythological Concepts in Folklore (Based on the Analysis of Russian and British Fairy-Tales)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 296 - 303.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26650 URL:
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The subject of this research is the specifics of the actualization of mythological representations in folklore works. The aim of the work is to trace the transformation of animism and totemism as the first most important beliefs of people in Russian and British fairy tales. Comparative analysis allows to determine the genesis of the historical development of the fairy-tale genre, the evolution of its moral, moral and aesthetic attitudes, as well as the influence of the mythological tradition on the fantastic images and motifs of folklore works. The corpus of texts selected from collections of Russian and British fairy tales served as the research material. The methodological basis of the article consists of a complex cultural-cultural method of system analysis in the form of a comparative comparative study, historical-genetic and historical-typological comparisons. The integrated approach used by the author allows to determine the originality and evolution of mythological representations in two folklore traditions as well as to reveal the influence of myths on fiction, the plot composition and the system of characters of Russian and British fairy tales. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that for the first time an analysis of the genesis of mythological views in folklore was carried out on the basis of Russian and British fairy tales. The author of the article concludes that mythological beliefs in folklore works are creatively rethought and serve as the means of transmitting socially important information and values.
Citations count: 2
Kuzmin G. —
'Morki Text' in Mari Prose (on the Problem Statement)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26717 URL:
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In his research Kuzmin brings forth the problem of the local (regional) text, in particular, 'Morki text' in Mari folk literature. In his research Kuzmin gives a definition of 'Morki text' in terms of existing definitions of 'St. Petersburg text', 'Moscow text', 'Northern text', etc. and defines the key factors that contributed to the origin and development of Morki text. In his research Kuzmin pays special attention to the geographical factor in the development of Morki text and describes the main features of the message, problem, topic, narration and style unity of all Morki texts. This article is of theoretical and methodological nature. Therein the author applies analytical, systems and comparative methods of literary analysis. Kuzmin analyzes Russian academic approaches to analyzing the origin, development and current state of local supertexts from the point of view of their importance and possibility to be used to describe the term 'Morki text' in Mari folk prose.
Citations count: 2
Gutorenko L.S. —
On the Question about Ambivalent Nature of Trolling and Using Trolling in Comic Creolised Internet Memes
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 244 - 250.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.27846 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of the definition of "trolling" in the works of Russian researchers, its transformation in the public consciousness, the goal-setting of virtual communication users when using trolling as well as the specifics of using trolling (in the broad sense of this term) in comic creolized Internet memes (based on the analysis of the Russian language). The analysis of the use of trolling was carried out based on the example of comic creolized Internet memes in Russian using case law, political and universal (everyday problems, gender relations, the conflict of generations). To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: definitional, analysis and synthesis, synthesis and systematization, as well as descriptions. The novelty of the study is caused by the presentation of a broad interpretation of the phenomenon of trolling, as well as in the study of its use in comic creolized Internet memes. The analysis made it possible to come to the conclusion about the transformation of the notion of "trolling" and the popularity of its use in a broad sense (as irony and sarcasm addressed to the reader or case law personalities) in comic creolized Internet memes for the purpose of receiving pleasure from intellectual game, creativity, comic rethinking of problem situations as well as reflection on them. The results of this work can be used for further study from a linguistic and pragmatic point of view of communication on the Internet in general and comic creolized Internet memes in particular.
Citations count: 2
Parfenenko E.N., Popova L.G., Nifanova T.S. —
Lexical-semantic representation of periphery of the notional component of the concept “clemency” in the English and Russian languages
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 124 - 131.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.6.33202 URL:
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The goal of this work became the identification of similarities and differences of peripheral conceptual attributes of clemency in the English and Russian languages. The subject of this research is the semantics of English and Russian lexemes representing the notional component of the concept of clemency in the compared languages, placed in the core and on the periphery of the concept. The concept of clemency was selected due to insufficient study of its verbalization in comparative linguistics. On the materials of lexicographic sources, the author determines the composition of nuclear lexemes and their synonyms that are capable of reflecting peripheral conceptual attributes of clemency in the English and Russian languages. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that it is first to establish similarities and differences of peripheral conceptual attributes of clemency in the English and Russian languages. It is determined that core of the concept in English language is binominal and represented by the lexemes clemency and pardon; while in Russian language it is monomial. In conclusion, the author reveals that on the periphery of the concept in question in the English language are the lexemes grace, oblivion, allowance, indulgence, leniency, which are the synonyms of nuclear lexemes; and in the Russian language, there are fewer synonyms of nuclear lexeme – apology, mercy, grace, remission. Comparison of the composition of peripheral conceptual attributes of clemency in the English and Russian languages demonstrated that they differ for the most part. Thus, the peripheral conceptual attributes of clemency in the English language is the comprehension of forgiveness as leniency with regards to a human being who committed the transgression, as a punishment, but in mitigated form. In the Russian language, the understanding of forgiveness as condescension to the transgression and aiding the one who transgressed.
Citations count: 2
Lobanova T.N., Sivova D. —
Linguistic aspect of information wars in mass media discourse
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 143 - 152.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.37866 EDN: UIWNTA URL:
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Recently the process of active informatization of society and globalization of the world information space has been observed. The consequence of this process is different kids of Information Wars, where the mass media plays the main and the most important role. The immersion of an increasing part of humanity into the virtual world of media in the age of digitalization generates a high demand for the creation of information and cyber warfare. If the main tool of the information war is the media, then the main tool of the media is language. The subject of the study is the language functioning in the mechanisms of information wars. The main content of the research is the analysis of the concept of "information war" from a linguistic point of view. Theoretical analysis of literature, media linguistic analysis, methods of critical linguistics, etc. are used as research methods. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is a media linguistic study involving foreign scientific concepts (English), untranslated and unpublished in Russian. The article provides a number of clarifications and additions to the existing theories of information warfare with the involvement of linguistic and political science textures. A systematic, versatile and detailed description of the current state and changes that have occurred in linguistics over the past ten years in the light of the conceptualization of the phenomenon of "information war" is presented. Based on the results of the study, the concept of information warfare in mass media discourse is revealed, and a comprehensive method for studying this phenomenon is proposed.
Citations count: 2
Huang S. —
Differences in the Principle of Politeness in Chinese and Russian Linguistic Cultures
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 176 - 183.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.5.37904 URL:
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The principle of politeness is a means of communication widely used in every society by individuals, but this principle has peculiarities in different cultures. The principles of politeness play an important role in the analysis of the speech etiquette of communicants of different cultures. In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in their study. Despite the increased interest, no research has yet been conducted on the differences in the principles of politeness in Chinese and Russian linguistic cultures. This article examines these differences on the basis of the principle of politeness of J. Lich and the principle of courtesy of Gu Yuego with Chinese specifics. The characteristic features of Chinese national culture and Russian national culture are revealed through comparison. Compared with Chinese, Russians have different attitudes towards modesty; secondly, the Russian social interaction is much simpler than the Chinese one; thirdly, solidarity relations prevail in Russia, whereas power relations prevail in China; fourthly, China and Russia have different attitudes towards the word《老》 [ lǎo] /old Chinese character 《老》[ lǎo] in some cases is a symbol of wisdom, and when addressing the elderly using the word《老》[ lǎo], respect is shown to the addressee, whereas in Russia this addressing is considered as a manifestation of harshness and rudeness; fifth, Russians pay more attention to personal life than the Chinese. Thus, some principles of politeness applied in China may be considered very impolite for Russians and vice versa.
Citations count: 2
Zenkov A.V. —
Under a False Flag: Literary Hoaxes and the Use of Numerals
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 86 - 109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.10.68743 EDN: TYDRFD URL:
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The present study pertains to stylometry. There are cases when a writer who has achieved fame, for various reasons, begins to create under a different name, tries to write in a different manner and, at times, again succeeds in a new incarnation. Whether the author is able to significantly change the literary style inherent in him or it is impossible to escape from himself – our work is devoted to the study of this issue. The study is based on the analysis of what numerals are present in the texts of an author. It has been shown by several examples from English-, French- and Russian-language literature, that the use of numerals is an author's feature that manifests itself in all or most of the sufficiently long texts of a given author. We apply our approach to the works of Romain Gary, Boris Akunin (Grigori Chkhartishvili) and some other authors of interest for stylometry. The conclusions are drawn on the basis of hierarchical cluster analysis and supported by the Pearson's chi-squared test.
Citations count: 2
Klochkova E., Evtushenko T. —
The peculiarities of realization of modal values of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 42 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.2.34928 URL:
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This article examines the linguistic-specific parameters of language means for expressing modal valies of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages. Particular attention is given to the analysis of quantitative and functional-semantic characteristics of language means for expressing modality in the Russian and Chinese languages from the comparative perspective. The goal of this research lies on examination of functionality of the means of objective and subjective modality within the Russian language reflected in the Chinese language. The research is based on the material of the user parallel corpus, which contains Russian and Chinese literary texts with translation, as well as on the results of student poll conducted for the purpose of determination of meta-representations of the native speakers on functionality of a number of linguistic units of the corresponding microfields. The results of comprehensive analysis demonstrate that the core and periphery of the functional-semantic fields of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages are similar with regards to the types of linguistic units that comprise the field (the core zone consists of modal verbs and modal words); however, the allocation of elements within the field differs. From the functional-semantic perspective, the author determines a group of modal values with accurate cross-lingual correspondences and a group of words with different meanings, as well as indicates the semantic lacunas. The survey results of the native speakers confirm varying degree of consolidation of the opinion on the value of modality markers.
Citations count: 2
Alhaded H.H., Shavtikova A., Merai M. —
Sociocultural features of the Arabic academic discourse
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 19 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.4.37759 URL:
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The Arabic academic discourse is a complex organism associated with the linguistic, national, cultural and religious characteristics of the inhabitants of the Middle East. The article is interdisciplinary in nature and can be considered from the point of view of sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics and psycholinguistics. The subject of the study is the social and cultural features of the Arabic academic discourse. The object of research is academic discourse implemented in Arabic. The purpose of this article is to identify the key features of the Arab academic discourse and the degree of influence of globalization on it. The methodological basis of the study was the results of a survey of Arabic–speaking native students studying at the bachelor's and master's degrees in the Levant countries. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the Arabic academic discourse in the Russian and international linguistic tradition is insufficiently studied, which entails communicative failures between communicants within the framework of Arabic academic discourse and global, international academic discourse. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the Arabic academic discourse is a synthesis of traditional, national and religious foundations of the Arabic-speaking society; the teacher in the Arabic academic discourse takes an authoritarian position towards students. The research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses on intercultural communication, discoursology and a practical course of the Arabic language.
Citations count: 2
Ryzhakov V.S. —
Linguistic bases of the intertextuality theory
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69595 EDN: NHKAXI URL:
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As the object of the research the author chooses the linguistic characteristics of the intertextual unit as the main form of realization in texts of the stylistic device based on borrowing textual elements from other texts. Despite a significant development of the intertextuality theory, the analysis of the theoretical framework in the field of intertextual interaction reveals a lack of knowledge of the linguistic aspects of functioning of intertexts both at the level of expression and meaning. In the article the author analyzes the basic structural particularities of the intertextual unit in postmodernist fiction. This kind of textual material was chosen because of high content of intertexts in this discoursive system, the fact conditioned by the interest of postmodernist writers to the capacities of the stylistic device described in the article. To delineate the content of the notion “intertextuality” according to the “broad” and “restricted” approaches, the author applies cognitive methods and carries out an experiment based on semiotic methods whose the aim was to describe the mechanisms of decrypting intertexts in non-verbal texts. Having analyzed the content of the term “intertextuality” according to the “broad” and “restricted” approaches from the cognitive and semiotic points of view, the author suggests differentiating two distinct phenomena. One of them, the stylistic device based on inclusion of different elements of other texts into a proper text, is under-researched from the linguistic point of view. The article presents main theoretical conclusions about the correlation between the plane of expression of intertexts and their source-texts, as well as the types and the role of the attribution as a key intertextual element. The conclusions may be used in intertext-making activity, e.g. in translation. They may also serve as the basis for further researches in this field.
Citations count: 2
Kovaleva A.V. —
Modern everyday realities in neo-phraseological locutions
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 196 - 202.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.11.34340 URL:
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This article examines the ability of the language to include new everyday realities in neologisms, namely in recently formed phraseological locutions in the German language. The Russian phraseological units (primarily idioms) are involved for comparative purposes. It is demonstrated that the process of creating phraseological units is not left far back in the past, but remains to the present day. The article considers one of the aspects of figurative reflection of reality by means of phraseological neologisms that emerged in the XIX and XX centuries. Phraseological locutions, and idioms in particular, which designate everyday realities, incorporate valuable information on the historical and cultural life of the country of the studied language. The conclusion is made on the degree of reflection of everyday realities in phraseology, as well as on possibility of using phraseology for reconstruction of representations on the life of people of a particular generation. Most of the time, neo-phraseological locutions occur in the language through the metaphor based on figurative reinterpretation of the phenomenon, or relevant situation. Restoration of the resemblance of situation may contribute to using phraseology for reconstructing the representations on the life of people of a particular generation. However, restoration of the image of the past is not always accurate. The emergence of certain phraseological units correlates with a particular historical situation or event.
Citations count: 2
Borunov A.B. —
Travesty as a cycle-forming technique of B. Akunin's “Fandorin Series”
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 97 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.8.33711 URL:
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The subject of this research is a set of cycle-forming techniques used by Boris Akunin in creating “Fandorin Series” dedicated to the detective Erast Fandorin. One of such techniques is travesty, “gender transitioning” that manifests on the imagery and linguistic levels. A range of characters in the novels and stories about Fandorin disguise themselves as the representatives of the other gender; this is common to the serial criminals who have committed multiple offenses. On the linguistic level, travesty manifests in a way that some characters, having a good command of Russian language, deliberately confuse masculine and feminine genders in their speech or writing. At the same time, travesty is always accompanied by the typical detective motif: the criminal character is initially introduced to the text and conceals his true self, so the detective has foster efforts to track him down. The novelty of this study consists in determination of the two basic strategies of travesty used by B. Akunin in “Fandorin Series”, and as well as in following their realization in various novels and stories dedicated to Erast Fandorin. On both imagery and semantic levels, travesty is more characteristic to the “sealed” type of detective, when the suspect is among a limited scope of persons and gradually reveals his true nature. At the same time, the implementation of such strategy in some texts is consistent (the hero constantly changes his appearance / grammatical gender), while in other texts manifests sporadically.
Citations count: 2
Murzina O.V., Gotovtseva A.G. —
Neo-Quintilian paradigm of modern youth media
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 33 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.4.35318 URL:
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The subject of this research is the transformation of classical ancient rhetoric in modern media, namely of such a mandatory part of the classical presentation of speech according to Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, as rebuttal to an opponent's argument. The article employs posts of the authors of various blogs on the entertainment portals and their interaction with users’ commentaries. Response to an objection was an important element of the canon of presentation of speech in antiquity: by doing so, the speaker demonstrated a confident command of the topic, and at the same time, that the topic is objectionable and requires argumentation. The reduction of competitive eloquence turned this part of the canon into a ritual weakened its ties with the actual speech practice. In modernity, we can observe the return of rebuttal to an opponent's arguments as an independent genre – the author in his publications counts on rebuttal and prepares in advance. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that the Neo-Quintilian paradigm of modern youth media is analyzed for the first time. The main conclusions lies in revelation of transformation and deformation of the classical canon: being the so-called cultural constant, the classical canon of ancient rhetoric is conveyed to modern users through interaction with accepted patterns. The modern young audience perceives the canon indirectly, through approved or criticized examples of eloquence, eliciting rfagments thereof – thus, the semantic connection of argument and rebuttal is one of the versions of the deformed, but recognizable canon.
Citations count: 2
Seredina A.O. —
Interior Details in Apollon Grigoriev's Narrative Literature
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 35 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.27369 URL:
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The article is devoted to the topic that has never been studied before which is the interior details and development of the interior details in Apollon Grigoriev's fiction. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the perception and description of the surrounding space by the hero of the memoirs 'My literary and moral wandering' (1862, 1864). Seredina traces back how the interior in Apollon Grigoriev's house and the writer's attitude to the external world (the world of objects) were reflected in the poetics of Grigoriev's early prose of mid 1840s. In addition, the author sets a task to demonstrate the connection between the interior and psychological portraits of the main heroes. The basis for the comparative analysis of Apollon Grigoriev's prose is the first theoretical research of the interior performed by I. Sudoeva. Despite the fact that in the majority of cases the description of the interior in Grigoriev's prose is pointing out individual elements of the interior (lighting, bed and door) and gives an insight into the internal world of the heroes. The universality of the description achieved through the absence of details helps to create the portrait type. The dreaminess of the hero of the memoirs, fed by the evenings spent on a bed without light, in early prose is embodied in the type of hero-dreamers the description of which is accompanied by a bed and the light of a burning candle. The audio perception of space, characteristic of the hero of the memoirs, turns into an aggravated attention to the sounds of wanderers in early prose which helps to expand the space of the room and give an idea of its structure.
Citations count: 2
Faritov V.T. —
Elements of folk-laughter culture of in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche (Nietzsche and Bakhtin)
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 60 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.3.19305 URL:
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The subject of the study of the present article are the philosophical aspects of folk culture of laughter as a source of conceptual and figurative content philosophical literature works. Object of research are elements of folk culture of laughter in his book "Thus Spake Zarathustra" Friedrich Nietzsche. The author, based on the conceptual development of MM Bakhtin analyzes the main features of philosophical ideas and poetics of the main work of the German thinker. The main attention is paid to the phenomena of laughter, the carnival attitude, buffoonery and body. The paper used to install and methodological principles of comparative literature and comparative philosophy. Used poststructuralist methods of work with texts. The main conclusion of the study is a thesis about the embeddedness of ideologically-shaped structure "Thus Spake Zarathustra" in the tradition of folk culture of laughter. Author substantiated the position of the accessories of the work of Nietzsche to genres carnivalized literature. The article reveals the connection of phenomena of laughter, carnival buffoonery and body with the ontological phenomenon of transgression.
Citations count: 2
Itskovich T.V. —
The value of family among youth (based on conversational language of youth)
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 110 - 117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.12.34703 URL:
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The subject of this research is the conversational language of modern youth, which is thematically diverse, as followed from fulfilling grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Language that is commonly used in a family: axiological reality and methods of research (based on the conversational language of a Ural city)”, 2018-2020. Emphasis was placed on the topic of family values and parenting, which is explained by high relevance of this topic for young people. The goal consists in description of axiological reality of modern students in the area of family relations. In the course of analysis, the author uses the methodology developed by the grant collective, which implies determination of the value aspects of thematic and communicative content in text of the dialogue. The dialogue implements a number of value orientations inherent to the Russian national culture, such as: marriage, childbirth, parenting, relation to older generation. Participants of the dialogue describe parental attitudes that pertain to family and reality overall. The recordings of conversational speech of youth demonstrate that respondents directly explicate family values, as well as anti-values. Implicitly, the analyzed text contains the value of love and kindness. Analysis of the text indicates that respondent prefer harmonious and nonconfrontational communication. Unanimity in the value attitudes is reflected in communicative behavior: the respondents approve the raised topics, agree with the declared value orientations, and avoid conflict behavior.
Citations count: 1
Klyuev N.A. —
The Social Media Category in Corpus Linguistics (the Case Study of the Russian National Corpus)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.26682 URL:
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The subject of this research is the structure of the social media category in Russian linguistic consciousness. In his research Klyuev pays attention to the components of the social media category (subconcepts of social networks and messengers and their particular examples), their conceptual content and semantic cognitive links. The purpose of the research is to analyze semantics of linguistic units that nominate the social media category, their cognitive interpretation and to define how these units relate in practical use. The research material involved data from the Russian National Corpus. The main research method used by the author for his conceptual analysis was the computer-based content analysis of cases when the expression 'social media' have been used in the Russian National Corpus followed by their cognitive interpretation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes a first attempt to provide a systemic description of conceptual relations between components of the social media category in Russian linguistic consciousness. The mai nconclusions of the author is that there is a certain initial stage in the development of the (sub) concepts in Russian linguistic consciousenss as well as the obvious semantic relationship between nominations that objectify (sub) concepts and cognitive relationship between these (sub) concepts in the minds of users.
Citations count: 1
Vasileva T.N. —
Artistic Features of the Tanka Genre Form in Ilya Baishev's Creative Writing
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 237 - 243.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.28375 URL:
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The subject of the research is the poems written by a poet and member of the Union of Yakurian Poets, Ilya Baishev, in a Japanese genre form 'tanka'. In her research Vasilieva examines such aspects of the topic as the correspondence to the canons of Japanese poetry, i.e. observation of the main rules and traditions (in style, verse and composition), aesthetic principles and categories. Vasilieva also analyzes national specific features of the genre form which may have been expressed in images, sound pattern, national worldview. The main research methods used by the researcher include descriptive and comparative analysis of tanka poems. The main results of the research are the peculiarities of tanka in Yakut poetry based on the comparison of the original's features (formal and compositional principles, themes and range of problems) and individual writer's singularity. Based on the author, the common feature of Yakut tanka and Japanese poetry is that both are based on the same aesthetic principles (yugen, siori, engo), use seasonal words, innuendo and allegory. The difference is that Yakut poetry has a special kind of rhyming, role of alliteration and national interpretation of images.
Citations count: 1
Chzhan Y. —
To the description of semiotic theory in the tradition of Chinese Linguistics
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 171 - 180.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.4.29612 URL:
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The Russian scholars often associate semiotics with such names as Ferdinand De Saussure, Charles Morris, Roland Barthes, who wrote a wide variety of works and significantly contributed to the formation of semiotics. Therefore, the Russian science has sound understanding of semiotics in Europe. In Asian regions, namely in China, semiotics is also one of the most popular trends. This article gives special attention to the formation and development of semiotics in the modern Chinese academic environment for the purpose of revealing and clarifying the key periods of study of semiotic theory, trends and directions of semiotic research, as well as the main works written by the Chinese authors from the perspective of semiotics. The author's special contribution into this research consists in introduction to the Russian linguistic paradigm of the process of formation of semiotics as an independent scientific direction within the Chinese academic environment. Description is provided to the three key periods of development and advancement of semiotic theories in China. The main trends and directions of research in the modern academic environment are explored. The article features the works of the prominent Chinese linguists – Yaping Huang and Hua Meng, who implemented the semiotic ideas into the study of ideographic writing. The article also examines the work of the renowned Chinese scholar Qian Guanlian, who studied the pragmalinguistic aspects from the perspective of semiotics, which allowed comprising a semiotic base of the communication theory and pragmatics, and thus made a significant contribution to further research of these trends.
Citations count: 1
Dolzhenkova V. —
Certain characteristics of Spanish colloquial speech in the context of national linguistic worldview
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 250 - 256.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31501 URL:
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The object of this research is the specificity of lexical layer within the Spanish colloquial speech in the context of national linguistic worldview. In the current conditions of intercultural communication, it is no longer enough to study the language without the knowledge of cultural codes that are most vividly realized through the semantic process unfolding within the lexical system of Spanish colloquialism. The author also examines certain psycholinguistic and sociocultural factors directly affecting the formation of Spanish colloquial speech. Research methodology is based on the analysis of lexemes and phraseologisms from speaking register as a linguistic materialization of the Spanish worldview. The conclusion is made that on the one hand the semantic processes of lexical system of Spanish speech manifest as the characteristics speaking register overall, and on the other – a linguistic materialization of individual speech, as well as national worldview and character.
Citations count: 1
Zinnatullina L. —
National-cultural specificity of adverbial phraseological units in English and Russian.
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 72 - 79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.8.33636 URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the national-cultural specifics of adverbial phraseological units in English and Russian. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the three levels of manifestation of the national-cultural specificity of phraseological units: 1) in the aggregate phraseological meaning, 2) in the meaning of individual lexical components, 3) in the direct meaning of a free phrase that has been figuratively reinterpreted (i.e. in prototypes of phraseological units). The paper gives a characteristic of each level of manifestation, based on the analysis of the study of the component composition of phraseology. Russian Russian and English phraseological units, selected from the Dictionary of Russian Phraseology, Russian and British National Corpus, are analyzed in the analysis of examples of a number of phraseological units of the English and Russian languages. The scientific novelty of the work is to determine the manifestation of the national - cultural specificity of a number of unique phraseological units of the English and Russian languages that do not have correspondences, based on the conducted study of the component composition. The methods of studying phraseological units are: contextual method, method of phraseological description. The main conclusions of the study are the following: The first level of manifestation of the national-cultural specificity of phraseological units is associated with non-equivalent or lacunary adverbial units.
Phraseological units of the second group, the number of which is very limited, have a national-cultural component in their component composition, which can be represented by words denoting the realities characteristic of English or Russian peoples – speakers of two languages. phraseological units of the third group reflect the history of the peoples – native speakers of English and Russian, their peculiar traditions, customs, historical facts, superstitions, originally laid down in the prototype.
Citations count: 1
Borunov A.B., Gereikhanova K.F., Shuiskaya Y.V. —
Praesens Historicum as a stylistic method of removing Gender opposition in B. Akunin's detectives (based on the material of the works "Decorator" and "Sulazhin")
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 142 - 148.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.9.37463 EDN: MFLOPI URL:
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The subject of the study is the use of the form praesens historicum ("the present historical") in texts in modern Russian. The object of the study is the function of the present historical, which has not been previously investigated in Russian science – its use as a tool for neutralizing gender opposition in texts written in the first person. B. Akunin's texts are used as the research material, in which the function of playing with the reader is realized with the help of praesens historicum. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the functioning of this form in the texts of the original genre, as well as its use as a factor of detective intrigue. The main conclusions of the study are the following. The praesens historicum form makes it possible to neutralize gender opposition by drawing a demarcation line between the narrator as a subject and the narrator as an object. Accordingly, in the text of a detective work, this allows you to strengthen the game with the reader, since both male and female characters can act as a potential suspect. In the experimental text "Sulazhin", the use of the real historical allows you to increase the number of plot options. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of the neutralization of gender opposition as a cycle-forming motive and a means of uniting the "Akunin universe" into a single textual whole.
Citations count: 1
Danilina O. —
From the experience of using media texts in RFL classes in a group of 4th-year philology students of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 42 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40931 EDN: BUQYMW URL:
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Recently, the concept of a language environment has acquired particular importance in the methodology and practice of teaching RFL, the key component of which is a textbook accompanied by culturological materials, including media texts, understood as "dynamic complex units of the highest level through which speech communication is carried out in the field of mass communications" (N. A. Kuzmina). Being the main unit of the media stream division, it unites various types of media products.
Taking into account the current stage of technology development, the use of media texts at the B2-C1 language proficiency levels, characterized by broad communicative competence, understanding of the nuances of intercultural communication, seems appropriate and desirable. Although some authentic Internet texts require the formation of communicative competence in foreign recipient students close to the capabilities of native speakers, they are necessary for solving certain methodological tasks. In this regard, the work with an authentic post on the topic of intelligence from the site "Pikabu" in a group of 4th-year philology students of the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University preceded the discussion of the topic based on the material of reviews of the book by D. S. Likhachev "Letters about good and beautiful". The chosen media text allowed students to analyze, interpret the statement, and evaluate it. The discussion of the semantic side of the text activated their critical thinking, the development of communicative abilities. The discussion of the language side made it possible to attract the attention of students to its stylistic and genre features. The motivation of students while discussing the topic on the material of the post increased, so the subsequent study of the text of Likhachev's letter took place in an atmosphere of interest.
Thus, the work with authentic material that is minimal in volume, but as representative as possible for the modern Russian media space, has proved its motivating and cognitive value. The use of media products of the considered type in Russian language classes at an advanced stage is a way to increase the motivation of students while discussing complex socio-cultural and linguistic problems.
Citations count: 1
Ignatova I.V. —
Government as the Sphere of Representation of the Concept of 'Power' in Youth Dystopian Novels of the Early XXIst Century (Anaylsis of Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games' Trilogy)
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 9 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.1.18457 URL:
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Subject of the analysis of article is language representation of a concept "power" at the description of a state system of society in art work anti-Utopia of the beginning of the 21st century. The political concept "power" verbalized in all languages which carriers live in the society operated on the basis of the imperious relations is one of the most difficult owing to the ambiguity and valuable orientation. Having assumed that the sphere of the state is extremely significant for creation of a picture of the fictional world in anti-utopian novels, the author describes ways of verbalization of the studied concept on material of the popular youth trilogy anti-Utopia S. Collins "Hungry Games". The interpretative analysis of the revealed means of verbalization of a concept "power" including as key words-reprezentanty, so their wide and narrow contextual environment proves multidimensionality, complexity and valuable orientation of the studied mental essence, and also confirm the thesis about dual essence of the power: the "ideal" state, as a rule, the democracy, exercises "the power for" the people, achievement of social justice in society, freedoms, happiness, welfare; his contrast (the totalitarian state with the governor despot) realizes the "power for the sake of the power" installation through "the power over" the individual and society by means of tyranny, system of punishments, deprivation or extreme restriction of vital resources, shadowing, standards of behavior and the interpersonal relations. Novelty of work consists in the choice as material of research of the concept "power" which is typically staticized in a political discourse, the text of youth art work anti-Utopia of the beginning of the 21st century, definition of the leading imperious installations for the sphere of the state which are staticized as "the power over" a people at large for the purpose of providing "the authorities for" the tyrant.
Citations count: 1
Krinitsyn A.B. —
The Myth of Sacrifice in Dostoevsky’s Later Novels
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 56 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.19126 URL:
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In his research Krinitskin analyzes mythological motives in Dostoevsky’s novels suggesting their precise definition based on folklore studies and traditions of scientific literary criticism. The specificity of personal myths determined by Dostoevsky’s and the character’s ideas in Dostoevsky’s later novels is described. The researcher describes the myth about sacrifice, the central topic in such novels of as “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “The Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov”. The majority of the above mentioned novels shows this myth in several variants of the plot revealing its contradictory and ambivalent nature: it turns out that both categories of characters, those preaching the ideas of theanthropism and those preaching the ideas of God as the outward projection of a human's inward nature, think about saving the world via sacrifice. The research methods used in this work include historical and cultural, hermeneutical, comparative-historical and comparative and typological analysis of mythopoetics data. The main results of the research is the determination of specifics of myths development in late novels of Fedor Dostoyevsky based on the leading modern concepts of the myth, with the final definition of the myth in Dostoyevsky's five books. The purpose of the research was also to examine the myth about sacrifice in novels "Pentateuch" in the aforesaid figve books. The researcher underlines the ambivalent nature of the philosophical meaning of sacrifice as a mythological theme which, in its turn, determine diversity of poetics and ideological and artistical system of each novel in general.
Citations count: 1
Shvetc E., Sokolova G. —
Particularities of the Symbolic Nature of Phraseological Units in Terms of Creating the Phraseological Meaning (the Case Study of Phraseological Units of the French Language with an Ethnonym Component)
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 98 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.23346 URL:
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The object of the research is the phraseological units with an ethnonym component. The subject of the research is the lexical and semantic particularities of the aforesaid units. The present article is devoted to particular features of the symbolic nature of phraseological units which is conditioned by the fact that there is a certain symbolic connection between the form and content. Analysis of phraseological units' semantic structure particularities allows to view the process of phraseological meaning formation in terms of the reflection of stereotyped images of various nations in the sphere of French phraseology. The authors of the article analyze the three-level organisation of the phraseological unit semantic complex that consists of various kinds of information structures creating the cognitive environment, however, the main and the leading element that participates in the development of the phraseological meaning is the semantics of a culturally marked enthonym that reflects the sphere of social relations and points out at certain features of ethnic communities. The research methods used by the authors in their research include the method of semantic analysis, partial selection method, description, cultural-historical method and comparison. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe the phraseological fund of stereotyped images reflected in the structure of studied phraseological units that are some kind of a condensate of cultural memory allowing to trace back the process of phraseological semiosis.
Citations count: 1
Pradid O. —
The Language of Law: Questions of Stylistic Qualification
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.2.29913 URL:
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The subject and the aim of the research is the official business style of modern Russian used as the language of law and other legal acts and regulations. The author of the article focuses on the stylistic qualification of law-making and law-enforcement texts and explains the grounds for using the term 'legal substyle'. Pradid also analyzes the interaction between business style and publicist writing style used within one document or presentation. The results of the research have a wide scope of application in the sphere of law-making and law-enforcement, in particular, in the process of legal linguistic expertise and research, office paperwork and business correspondence, and editorial revision, as well as teaching different linguistic disciplines and preparation of disciplines for students majoring in journalism and law. The research is based on findings in law linguistics, research in different spheres of language studies and use of methods, techniques and approaches including systems, functional, parametric approaches and etc. The research proves the language of law to be an independent functional style (substyle of business style) and gives the grounds for calling this substyle 'legal substyle'. Moreover, apart from secondary texts under modern conditions of the development of communicative abilities, their methods, techniques and strategies, another essential and important role for the social needs is played by the 'product' of shifting from business and publicistic style within the same document, or integral informative presentation that implies the use of not only documents but also additional means such as video clip.
Citations count: 1
Fazlyeva Z.K. —
The role of youth jargon within the system of Russian language
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 37 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.4.30799 URL:
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Despite the fact that youth jargon in a certain way reflects the worldview of young people, the Russian linguistics did not dedicated due attention to this question. At some point, significant contribution to the research of this problematic was made by the experts in linguistics such as A. M. Selischev, E. D. Polivanov, M. A. Grachev, V. M. Mokienko, etc. However, there are still gaps and multiple controversial issues in studying this phenomenon. One of them pertains to terminological definition of this concept, since there is no evident characteristics and properties that allow to clearly differentiate it from other linguistic phenomena, such as argot, slang, dialect, sociolect. There is also no unified system of dictionary noted for lexicographic fixation of jargon units, as well as systematized description for youth jargon in various Russian regions. Youth jargon represents rich material for linguistic analysis, since it has diverse lexical composition – alongside multiple neologisms and foreign borrowings, it contains a significant portion of archaic lexicon. Examination of jargon reveals certain mechanism of word formation, uncommon for the standard lexicon. Knowledge and application of such lexicon is essential for better understanding of the modern fiction literature and periodicals, modern colloquial, translation activity, as well as social differentiation of national language.
Citations count: 1
Syun T. —
Speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese linguocultures (by the example of address and greeting)
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 47 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35583 URL:
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The purpose of this study is to compare Russian and Chinese speech etiquette means of communication in communication of different types. The object of the study is the forms of expression of speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese: address and greeting. The subject of the study is the manifestation of cultural peculiarities of speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese. Such speech situations as everyday communication, business communication, communication of acquaintances and strangers and other social situations are considered. In the course of the study, the method of comparative research, the method of collecting literature was used as the main one. The relevance of the study is determined by the insufficiency of comparative works of Russian and Chinese speech etiquette. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the introduction to the comparative analysis of new linguistic material obtained from literary and journalistic texts, as well as from the Internet. Russian Russian and Chinese speech etiquette The results of this study can be useful in further comparative study of Russian and Chinese speech etiquette, as well as for teaching business etiquette in the framework of cultural studies courses, since due to the continuous development of relations between the two countries, the number of people involved in them increases: those who study Russian and Chinese languages. Speech etiquette is a branch of communicative linguistics, therefore, in-depth study of speech etiquette is of significant importance in international communication. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that speech etiquette is an important component of the national language and culture; the etiquette code of Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures has similarities and differences, which is associated with the process of historical accumulation of national characteristics and cultural development.
Citations count: 1
Cherednichenko L., Lapko A. —
Forms of presentation of content in educational media (on the example of the educational media project Arzamas)
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 115 - 131.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35663 URL:
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The subject of the research in the article is the forms of presentation of content in educational media, which are a very voluminous developing typological group and constitute a significant segment of the Russian information market. The editorial offices of these resources use modern formats for presenting scientific and educational information from different fields of knowledge in accordance with the trends in the development of journalism and following the interests and needs of the audience. The hypothesis of the study is the idea that educational media mainly use formats with a greater engaging ability to solve creative tasks and realize their functional purpose. Using the example of publications of the Arzamas network media project, the author examines the possibilities of various forms of presentation of educational information. The article presents an intelligence study of the forms of presentation of content in educational media. The novelty of the research is due to the small knowledge of the formats of online publications of this type and consists in identifying and characterizing the main forms of content presentation in educational media in the context of the development of online journalism formats. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach. The forms of educational media content are considered by the author of the article in the context of the development of journalism and the characteristics of modern media text. The study uses descriptive, informative, comparative and structural-functional methods to solve a scientific problem, highlights the main forms of presentation of the content of the educational media project Arzamas, reveals their features and functional purpose. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that in order to realize their functional purpose, educational media use combined forms that allow solving educational and recreational tasks. The editorial board of the Arzamas educational media project creates a hypertextual and multimedia educational environment, addressing both traditional journalistic genres and new media formats.
Citations count: 1
Savelyev G.A. —
Categories of things and words in the works of M. P. Shishkin (based on the material of the novels "The Taking of Ishmael" and "Venus' Hair")
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.2.37467 EDN: CNVLUI URL:
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The author puts forward the position that the nature of M. P. Shishkin's creativity is determined by the interaction of two trends: the preservation of a perceptually perceived thing in a word (the word in this case becomes an instrument for fixing a visible image of the world) and the use of a linguistic sign referring to a thing to create verbal and artistic constructions with immanent aesthetic significance. The writer's worldview position assumes that the ethical task of art (in the light of the research topic - the task of preserving the experience of perceiving the world) stand́t above the aesthetic (i.e. the task of creating an expressive art form). The author of the article proves that the poetics of Shishkin's novels is largely characterized by an "attitude to expression" (according to R. O. Jacobson), in which artistic discourse cannot be limited to the task of preserving a thing in a word. The analysis of the means of expressiveness and rhetorical techniques of the novels "The Taking of Ishmael" and "Venus's Hair" confirms the author's idea that the speech of Shishkin's heroes, fixing the results of perceptual interaction with the surrounding world, often turns into poetic speech, the "content" of which becomes the art form itself. Shishkin's creativity, therefore, exists only at the intersection of the two trends mentioned above. The removal of the "thing - word" opposition (with the value predominance of the former) is possible only in the context of a conversation about the novel "The Letter Writer", which the author of the article considers as an artistic text created entirely in accordance with the task of preserving the individual experience of living.
Citations count: 1
Isaeva L.F., Popova L.G. —
Explication of the Central Features of the Concept of "Fidelity" in German and Russian Literary Texts
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 87 - 94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.10.38955 EDN: FYSGRE URL:
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The purpose of the article is to identify and establish common and distinctive central features of the concept of "fidelity" based on the materials of German and Russian literary texts of the first half of the twentieth century. The object of the study are lexemes representing the value representation of the linguistic and cultural concept of "fidelity" in the Russian and German languages. The subject of the proposed research is the lexical and semantic explication of the conceptual component of the concept of "fidelity" in German and Russian literary texts, the direction of realism in the first half of the twentieth century. The study used such methods as: definitional analysis, component analysis, comparative method, as well as the reception of quantitative calculations. In the work, as a scientific novelty, it is proposed to study for the first time the verbalization of the conceptual component of the concept of "fidelity" on the material of literary texts in a comparative aspect. The analysis allows us to conclude that the conceptual component of the concept can be verbally represented in the form of synonyms of nuclear lexemes, which, according to their meanings, can represent the center and periphery of the concept. Also, as a result of the conducted research, the presence of distinctive central conceptual signs of loyalty was determined, namely: in German literary texts, it is devotion and affection, and in Russian texts - constancy.
Citations count: 1
Kuptsova M.Y. —
The vicissitudes of life in the mirror of Nikolai Gumilyov`s literary reputation in the post-symbolist period
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 58 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.4.40539 EDN: OLZPNK URL:
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Nikolai Gumilyov is one of the key figures of acmeism and the literary life of Russia in the 20th century. The image of Nikolai Gumilyov, aspects of his work and influence on literature are of keen interest for modern philology. The article is devoted to a review of the elements of the biography that affect the literary reputation of the poet. The chronological framework of the study is the period from 1910 to 1914, from the period of the decline of symbolism to the outbreak of the First World War. The subject of the study is the reputation of the poet N. Gumilyov in the post-symbolist period. The analysis of the subject is carried out by means of system-typological, biographical and cultural-historical methods.
The ups and downs of N. S. Gumilyov's fate influenced not only the creative process, serving as inspiration, but also the literary reputation of the poet, which determines the scientific novelty of the study. The result of the work carried out was the selection, through the analysis of selective places from the biography of N. S. Gumilyov, of such components of his reputation in the period of post-symbolism as “writer”, “traveler” and “lover”.
The conclusions presented in the material can serve as a basis for considering both literary reputation in general and directly in the analysis of the image of the poet, as well as in determining the specifics of other periods of Nikolai Gumilyov's work and their influence on the literary reputation of the poet.
Citations count: 1
Semenov V.B. —
The multi-genre structure of J. Metham's poem “Amoryus and Cleopes” (1449) and bestiary motifs in the “encyclopedic” episode of its plot
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 403 - 418.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69469 EDN: LRYIJV URL:
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The subject of research in this article is a multi-genre composition, and the research material is the medieval English poem “Amoryus and Cleopes”, underestimated by modern literary criticism: essays by English researchers about it are extremely few, and works by foreign researchers, apparently, are completely absent; in the 108 years since its first publication, it was published once again in Middle English, but was never translated not only into other languages, but also into modern English. There are also no scholars specializing in the work of its author, the mid-15th century writer John Metham. Meanwhile, this is definitely an interesting work, since it varies the plot from the Fourth Book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, and its creator copies Ovid’s material not mechanically, but quite creatively, including it in a genre- and stylistically variegated composition of plot episodes. In the process of research, we identified the boundaries of these episodes and focused attention on one of them, within the framework of which the poet Metem put into the heroine’s speech a lot of information of the “encyclopedic” type, obviously gleaned from various bestiaries and works of medieval zoologists. Our goal was to identify motifs transferred into the poem from the most famous of these works. Along the way, Metham's verse forms were described, and his free handling of the Chaucerian heptath used in the poem was revealed. Our article shows that the traditional attitude to the 15th century as a “barren age” is not entirely justified and that between the death of Chaucer and Lydgate and the appearance of the Scottish “Chaucerians” at the end of the century, there were English authors with an original style and works with individual poetic features.
Citations count: 1
Bao L. —
Features of the discursive representation of the image of the Chinese in the play «Zoyka’s Apartment» by M. A. Bulgakov
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 157 - 165.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69726 EDN: JTHZNC URL:
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The object of the study is Bulgakov’s play “Zoyka’s Apartment”, and the subject was the images of the Chinese, created by the author. The discursive representation of foreign cultural elements in Russian literature of the 1920s, the role of Chinese images in the plot, their place in the structure of characters are studied. “Chinese” theme is examined, an analysis of characters belonging to a different culture is provided, their ideological and artistic essence and the author’s manner of creating ethnic flavor are revealed. The author of the article connects the images of the Chinese created by the writer with his understanding of the historical and cultural events in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, with stereotypical and historically based ideas about the Chinese.
The research is conducted on the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as comparative, contextual, and interpretive methods. The main approach has become a comprehensive one, which allows us to consider images of the Chinese as components of the discursive structure of the work.
The scientific novelty of the study is the identification of the special discursive representation that foreign cultural specifics received in Bulgakov’s play. In the depiction of Chinese heroes the author uses the techniques of grotesqueness, parody, sarcasm, and irony. Such qualities of the Chinese as love for the Motherland, the desire to demonstrate strength and defend their own honor, readiness to sacrifice, adventurous thinking, activity, being in constant motion, are depicted in close connection with the Soviet historical and cultural context of the 1920s. It is concluded that the images of the Chinese are paradoxical, ambiguous, contradictory: they participate in the author’s creation of illusory, borderline space and at the same time help to depict it accurately, taking into account historical, cultural, and temporal realities.
Citations count: 1
tayebianpour F., Valipour A. —
Means of Expressing the Modal Form of Possibility in the Persian Language
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 129 - 143.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.2.12190 URL:
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In Russian modal opportunities value, still draws attention of the Russian linguists and researchers. This concept, undoubtedly, contacts not one language unit, and the whole statement. As existence of the statement without embodiment of its ultimate goal – communications – doesn't make sense, definition of possible means for knowledge and understanding of the statement in each language deserves special attention. The special characteristic of modal opportunities value, its communication with logical concepts of reality and unreality, its ability in representation of various language means of expression in any language, draw attention to this subject not only the Russian linguists, but also linguists of the whole world. In this article lexical and grammatical means of expression of modal value of opportunity in the Persian language are considered. This consideration is made on the basis of the dissertation work comparing these means in the Russian and Persian languages. For writing of the thesis relating to article methods of consideration of scientific sources, the comparative and comparative analysis of the Russian and Persian offers in the sphere of functional grammar were used. Novelty of this work consists in primary consideration of means of expression of the concept "opportunities" of the Persian language. In initial work this consideration took place taking into account the approaches accepted in the Russian linguistics for definition of these lexical and grammatical means. As a result we found important and common lexical and grammatical means of expression of value of opportunity in the Persian language.
Citations count: 1
Koptseva N.P. —
On the Question about Means of Representation of the Ideological Space of Renaissance in Dante Alighieri's Vita Nyova
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 66 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.2.13261 URL:
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Object of research - the work of the great master Dante Alighieri of Vita Nyova, the first work of the poet having difficult genre accessory. In the text of Vita Nyova of Dante Alighieri are combined outlook of "the medieval person" and "person Renessans". The main objective of research consisted in pointing to some concrete forms of this combination in Vita Nyova. The philosophy of Love of Dante Alighieri is built as an indissoluble combination of poetry and philosophy, as transformation of human love in immortal divine love. In the Vita Nyova center of Dante Alighieri - transformation of abstract and theological theses about immortality of soul alive and an ekstazny form of transformation of the mortal person in immortal. The main method of research - germenevtichesky procedures in relation to Vita Nyova. Identification of symbolical complexes which contain in the text of Vita Nyova. Scientific novelty of research is connected with the instruction on concrete features of a genre, images, citings, the plots stated in Vita Nyova of Dante Alighieri and pointing to transition from medieval outlook to Renessans's outlook. The concept "Renaissance" is considered not only as "Revival of the Antique cult of the sensual world", but also as "Revival of human soul", search of ways of finding by human soul of real divine immortality. The master Renessans was looked for and found the forms for new ways of revival and release of human soul in line with Christian tradition.
Citations count: 1
Shchekochikhina M.A. —
Jean Mabillon and the Philosophy of Rationalism
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 178 - 183.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26629 URL:
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The article is devoted to the influence of rationalistic philosophy on Jean Mabillon. Although some researchers are appealing to Mabillon's "cartesan", this topic has not yet received coverage in Russian and foreign academic literature. However, without studying this question, it seems impossible to understand the method of Jean Mabillon that had a great impact on his work “Diplomacy” in which the Benedictine scientist was able to lay the foundation of such sciences as paleography, codicology, diplomatics and sphragistics. The researcher focuses on the work of Jean Mabillon "Diplomacy" and "Treatise on the sciences in monasteries." The author of the article uses the method of compariso to compare the arguments of Mabillon to the philosophical and linguistic works of those times as well as the hermeneutic method. The main conclusion of the study is the statment that the rationalism philosophy had a strong influence on the development of the method of Jean Mabillon. Jean Mabillon actively used the philosophical dictionary of his time and was well acquainted with the works of rationalism philosophers. The contribution of the author of the article is the establishment of parallels in the writings of Jean Mabillon and other philosophers and rationalist scientists on the example of specific contexts.
Citations count: 1
Feng M. —
Peculiar Features of the Documentary Biographical Sports Literature of the XXth Century (the Book of Selected Works 'Sportsmen' From the Series 'Lives of Great People'
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 243 - 250.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.29126 URL:
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The literature about sports and sportsmen of the XXth century still remains an understudied issue. The author of the article demonstrates that sports essays unite the documentary writing and literary writing when an author describes the world of sports based on sports facts and biographical memories. In the XXth century researchers often referred to the synthesis of documentary and literary beginnings in works of different genres and themes, however, the nature of the documentary-literary prose is sitll difficult to be defined. The subject of this research is the synthesis of the documentary and literary in essays about sportsmen as well as the conceptual and genre peculiarities of a series of essays 'Sportsmen' from the Lives of Great People. The author has applied the following methods and approaches: biographical that implies interpretation of an essay as reflection of biographical and personal features of famous sportmen as well as problem thematic and comparative methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the researcher views sports documentary literature in the form of essays. The main conclusions of the research are the following. The results of the analysis demonstrate that essays from the Sportsmen collection presents a synthesis of documentary and literary methods and genres. The researcher describes particular means and method used by the author to depict important sports events that played a great role for the entire country and reveal personal traits and biographies of sportsmen. Some essays combine analytical and essay-like free narration form that is based on complex association relations and figurative generalisations. These and other aspects define peculiarities of the literary manner of essay writers.
Citations count: 1
Ershova I. —
Compilation of stories “On Both Sides” by Dewi Lestari: belles-lettres as the foundation of literary unity
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 170 - 183.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.1.34884 URL:
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This article examines the modern Indonesian women's prose. The object of this research is novelistics of the prominent Indonesian writer Dewi Lestari and the compilation of stories “On Both Sides” (Rectoverso; 2013). The collection demonstrates the features common to popular women's literature, as well as to meaningful, socially biased women's prose of Indonesia of the XXI century, known as “sastra wangi”. The subject of this analysis is the correlation of characteristics inherent to the two aforementioned phenomena in the stories by Dewi Lestari; while the goal consist in finding the beginning that allows the writer to blend different literary codes. The research is based on descriptive and comparative methods. Neither in Indonesia nor outside it, the women's prose “sastra wangi” has not been considered as a holistic literary phenomenon due to diversity of the discourses applied therein. The scientific novelty and relevance of this study are defined by the attempt to analyze sastra wangi based in on the works of the prominent contemporary Indonesian writer. It is revealed that literary unity of the texts of stories of Dewi Lestari imparts belletristic character on her writing, which allows combining the fields of classic and popular literature. This fact is important for understanding the artistic peculiarities of contemporary Indonesian women's prose sastra wangi as a whole.
Citations count: 1
Kunic Z., Muzykant V.L. —
The image of Serbia in the Russian media in terms of language techniques and its impact on bilateral relations between the two states in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022)
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.3.37565 URL:
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The purpose of this study is to get an idea of the peculiarities of the perception of Serbia by the Russian media and to identify the linguistic and cultural features of its image created in the Russian media space. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that no analysis of the linguistic characteristics of the image of Serbia in the Russian media has been carried out before in science. In particular, for the first time, based on the materials of the Russian media, the linguistic features of the creation of the image of Serbia and the main categories of the linguoculture of the Russian language used in this process are investigated. As a result of the study, the nature of Serbia's image reflected in the Russian media was not only determined, but also the main lexical techniques used in this process were identified. The purpose of this study is to get an idea of the peculiarities of the perception of Serbia by the Russian media and to identify the linguistic and cultural features of its image created in the Russian media space. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that no analysis of the linguistic characteristics of the image of Serbia in the Russian media has been carried out before in science. In particular, for the first time, based on the materials of the Russian media, the linguistic features of the creation of the image of Serbia and the main categories of the linguoculture of the Russian language used in this process are investigated. As a result of the study, the nature of Serbia's image reflected in the Russian media was not only determined, but also the main lexical techniques used in this process were identified.
Citations count: 1
Anisimova O.V., Makarova I. —
Mythopoetics of Literature: a Symbolic Language of British and American Fantasy and Science Fiction
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.1.39451 EDN: JCJKPC URL:
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The paper deals with the study of peculiarities of mythopoetics inclusion in British and American literatures. In particular, it highlights the specificity of the way English-speaking writers refer to such mythopoetic images as tree, raven and dragon. The study is done on the works by famous fantasy and sci-fi writers: John Ronald Reuell Tolkien, Roger Zelazny, Jack Vance and George Martin. A wide range of writings in various genres of literature brings certain difficulties connected with the selection of the study material. The criteria applied to fictional texts selected for the undertaken research are as follows: the degree of influence of a particular writer, the significance of mythologemes under consideration in terms of a particular text, and their level of reinterpretation in the writings of selected novelists. The novelty of a given research is connected with considering selected mythopoetic images in the context of particular examples of British and American fantasy and science fiction never regarded together before. The research findings highlight two leading directions of English-language literatures references to the world mythopoetic heritage of ancient times. Firstly, we see the way such mythologemes as tree, raven and dragon are interwoven in the fictional discourse to create a medieval atmosphere; secondly, writers incorporate archetypical images into their texts as elements of their own myth. The second direction seems to be more promising for it results in new interpretations of classical images rather than their exploitation in new texts, thus encouraging the expansion of their symbolic content.
Citations count: 1
Li X. —
Chekhov 's dramaturgy in the modern Chinese theater in the XX and XXI centuries .
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.8.38125 URL:
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The article is devoted to the problem of reception of Chekhov's dramaturgy in the modern Chinese theater. The subject of the study is the stage reception of Chekhov's plays in China in the XX and XXI centuries. The purpose of this work is a systematic analysis of the features of Chekhov's dramaturgy in the Chinese theater in different periods. The main methods are descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. Chekhov's plays were introduced to China more than a hundred years ago, and most of his dramatic works were staged in a modern Chinese theater. In various performances based on Chekhov's plays, Chinese playwrights-directors such as Yang Shen, Lai Shengchuan, Li Liuyi, Lin Zhaohua, etc., show us their unique interpretation of Chekhov's drama in many areas. Many studies consider the problem of the influence of Chekhov's dramaturgy on the work of Chinese writers, and the problem of stage interpretation of Chekhov's plays in China has been little studied. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it provides for the first time a relatively holistic analysis of the stage reception of Chekhov's dramatic works in China in the XX and XXI centuries. Modern Chinese theatrical figures carefully treat the text of the originals of Chekhov's plays, while offering new interpretations of his dramaturgy. Russian Russian stage interpretation and Chekhov's reception in China have already become one interpretive code for the study of Russian drama in modern Chinese theater and modern Russian-Chinese literary relations.
Citations count: 1
Kudryavtseva R.A. —
Mari folk Songs in the Artistic Structure of S. G. Chavain's Novel "Elnet"
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 147 - 175.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.3.39788 EDN: KEAXGE URL:
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The article examines the folklore intertext of the novel "Elnet" by the classic of Mari literature Sergey Grigoryevich Chavain at the level of folk songs, reveals their place in the artistic structure of the novel text, analyzes their role in revealing the people's perception of the world and the nature of the creative personality of the intellectual-Mari, in the expression of the author's ideas. The song texts of the novel, directly borrowed from folklore or reworked by the author, as well as created by Chavain himself in the likeness of the content and stylistics of folk-poetic works, give the artistic narrative romantic sublimity, poetry, drama and national specificity, strengthen the author's concept of the world and character. The methodology of the research is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of the works. The article for the first time identifies and describes in detail the semantic and typological components of the folklore-song intertext of Chavain's novel "Elnet", its significance for the expression of its artistic content. It is proved that the song texts of the novel mostly reveal the traditional cultural way of life of the Mari people, their natural existence, orientation to myths and ideals (labor songs; ritual songs: wedding, including lamentation songs; lyrical, mainly love and orphan songs). They are directly related to the national issues of the novel and the author's concept based on the uniqueness of the Mari people and their culture. A lot of space is occupied by songs that highlight the difficulties of the pre–revolutionary social life of the Mari people, the inequality of ethnonational existence, which became the reason for the formation of revolutionary predilections in the popular environment (recruiting - about seeing off to war, orphans, lamentations). This folklore intertext helps to clarify the ideological and moral quest of Mari in the pre-revolutionary era, the search for ways of social and national liberation brewing in the depths of the people.
Citations count: 1
Pishcherskaia E.N. —
Creolized text as an object of study in linguistics
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 55 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.40748 EDN: ZHKUAD URL:
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Linguistics as a science is constantly developing and expanding its boundaries, including in its competence all new objects of research. One of such objects is a creolized text, which is a special kind of communicative phenomenon consisting of signs of different semiotic systems. Creolized text is actively used in various spheres of public life, including advertising, media, art, education, etc. The article is devoted to the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics. The object of research in this article is a creolized text. The purpose of this article is to consider the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics through the analysis of published studies. The methodological basis and material of the study were the classical works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of text theory, paralinguistics, semiotics, communicative linguistics and linguoculturology, as well as recent studies, the object of study of which were creolized or polycode texts. The author defines the concept of a creolized text, highlights the specific characteristics of a creolized text compared to a single-code text, describes the main scientific approaches to the analysis of a creolized text and research methods. The article presents an overview of classical scientific works devoted to the analysis of creolized text, as well as studies published in recent years. The author concludes that the creolized text is a complex and multifaceted object of study in linguistics, which reflects the trends in the development of modern society and culture and allows expanding the boundaries of linguistic knowledge and understanding of language as a means of communication.
Citations count: 1
Nacharova L.I. —
Event marketing as an effective tool for the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte"
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 230 - 236.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69732 EDN: WVQEXG URL:
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The subject of this article is event marketing as a tool for the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte." It provides an analytical perspective on current trends in advertising and offers specific recommendations for the effective use of marketing tools in the evolving advertising environment. The main focus is on the importance of the social network's interaction with its audience through the organization and sponsorship of various events, as well as the optimization of feedback analysis and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in the context of digital technologies and social media.
The article proposes a theoretical and practical justification for the feasibility of conducting not only online events and activities (forums, discussions, educational courses) but also offline events (concerts in clubs and open venues), as well as organizing events in collaboration with cultural and educational centers in the country. An example of the advertising campaign of the social network "VKontakte" serves as illustrative material to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
The scientific relevance and novelty of this article are manifested in several key aspects. Firstly, the work considers event marketing as an innovative tool aimed at creating "viral messages" and improving the interaction of the promoted social network with its audience, opening new perspectives in brand promotion and consumer interaction. The second aspect is related to the reverse effect in this case - the influence of social networks on the effectiveness of event marketing. Given the complexity of the nature of social networks, as they simultaneously act as service providers to their users and media channels, the combination of these two functions in the activities of such market participants allows them to leverage many advantages associated with the complexity of their nature, which increases the importance of analyzing the theoretical foundations and possibilities of advertising campaigns.
Citations count: 1
Minets D.V., Gorushkina A.V. —
Morphological Analysizer of a Text: Functional Opportunities
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.24112 URL:
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The object of the present research is the morphological analyzer of an autodocumental text with the subsequent profiling of the author's gender identity. It is an applied computer program written on the basis of Yandex MyStem v3.0, CentOS Linux, Apache v2.2, PHP v5.3, MySQL v5.5. This program allows to make morphological and syntactic markup, and also on the basis of linear discriminant analysis of Fisher diagnose the sex of the author of the text by the ratio of a number of morphological and syntactic parameters that are informative for this personal characteristic. The program is based on the results of the experiment conducted by the team of authors on the identification of the relationship between the formal and grammatical quantifiable parameters of the text and the author's sex on the material of the special body of autodocumentary texts created using statistical methods of data processing. The methods of text analysis used are statistical and descriptive. The methods of automatic text processing using the specially developed on the basis of the morphological analyzer "Mystem" from Yandex were extracted numerical values of the formal grammatical parameters of the text, the list of which was compiled from the materials of the Russian-language and English-language scientific literature and summarized by a number of works of this profile. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1) the possibilities of using morphological-syntactic markup in the stylistic analysis of the text are described; 2) on the basis of the analysis of data in L. Brik and V. Mayakovsky's autodocuments and comparison of the results obtained from the gender perspective, it is revealed that female speech is less subject and less qualitative.
Citations count: 1
Maiba V.V. —
Holophrastic Structures in the Translation of Graham Swift's Novel 'Waterland' in the Russian Language
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 184 - 193.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.25880 URL:
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The subject of the research is the strategy of transmitting holophrastic structures in the novel by G. Swift “Waterland” in the translation of the novel into Russian, made by V. Mikhailin. Holophrastic constructions are a relatively new phenomenon for both English and Russian; corresponding to the specifics of English grammar, in Russian they represent a phenomenon that arose under the influence of English speech. The analysis of specific ways of translating holophrastic structures and general strategies for dealing with such language units allows for a deeper understanding of the potencies of the Russian language in terms of their transmission, as well as strategies that can be used for this purpose. In the process of research, the method of explanatory description was used in combination with the methods of lexical, syntactic, and stylistic analysis. An analysis of the Russian translation of the novel by G. Swift shows that, in a significant part of the cases, the English holophrastic constructions can be accurately conveyed by means of the Russian language, and such transmission is not always associated with significant transformations of the syntactic structure. The presence of golophrastic structures can be considered as a stylistic property of not a specific sentence, but the whole text. For this reason, for the transmission of the “spirit” of the original, the translation of holophrastic structures through standard syntactic structures can be balanced by the introduction of holophrastic structures in those text fragments where they do not match the original.
Citations count: 1
Spivakovsky P. —
The Tragic in Russian Metamodernism Literature
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 95 - 102.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.27068 URL:
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The article is devoted to the tragic metanarration in modern Russian metamodern literature and the theoretical substantiation of the new understanding of tragedy in the culture of recent decades, partly connected with postmodern epistemology and at the same time based on overcoming the limitations imposed by orthodox postmodern theory. The statements of a number of contemporary cultural researchers associated with the criticism of the shortcomings of the theory of postmodernism are considered. The article analyzes the works of Victor Pelevin and Vladimir Sorokin, and provides an interdisciplinary analysis metamodernistskogo tragedy on the material of the Viennese production of the opera by Giuseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" at the Salzburg Festival 2005 Special attention is paid to the relation between classical postmodern theory and more modern metamodernistskoy theoretical system as a phenomenon of the postmodern era . Thanks to the use of metamodern theory, it becomes clear that many works of modern Russian literature that were considered postmodernist are more reasonable to be understood in a metamodernist context that removes postmodernist bans on seriousness, depth and tragedy. This makes it possible to discover in the works of recent times new semantic layers that remained outside the field of view of researchers.
Citations count: 1
Korol E.V., Yacovets T.Y. —
Means of the Creation and Borrowing of the Jargon in Game Chats
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 68 - 75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.27563 URL:
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This article is devoted to a linguistically complex phenomenon of modern life, texts of game chats and jargonic formations used in communication. The authors of the article analyze the main methods of the development of this vocabulary and formation of new units in the course of communication based on the structural and component analysis. The authors describe the means of borrowings of lexemes and collocations from English vocabulary, problems of their assimilation in the Russian language and opportunities of translation of the computer jargon. The subject of the research is jargonisms that are used by Russian-speaking players in the process of communication on game chats. The research involves the units selected by the continuous sampling method from game chats 'Discord' and online dictionaries of game terms, jargonisms and abbreviations. The main research methods is the structural and component analysis of verbal units tkaing into account functional and grammatical aspects. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author applies the standard method of analyzing the structure, sign-oriented and semantic forms to actively developing and constantly changing vocabulary layer, youth game jargon. Based on the results of their analysis, the authors conclude that verbal English elements are actively borrowed and assimilated in the Russian game communication, however, their semantic meanings are not taken into account (and sometimes even modified). This makes their translation difficult.
Citations count: 1
Shitkova M. —
Interaction of Verbal Sequences in a Literary Text
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 165 - 174.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.2.29749 URL:
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The subject of the research is a verbal sequence as a type of a text. The term under research refers to text stylitics and thus requires analysis of a text from the point of view of use of language. Such approach allows to speak about peculiarities of narration in general but not only language facts that can be discovered. The author of the article focuses on kinds of interaction of verbal sequences in literary texts and describes such kinds of interaction as 'interpenetration', 'collision' and 'parallel development' of verbal sequences in a literary text. To achieve the research targets, the author has applied linguistic analysis methods as well as observation, analysis and synthesis which have allowed to discover internal relations between language facts in the texts under research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that verbal sequences have been mentioned but rarely studied by Russian science. The analysis carried out by the author has allowed to discover different variants of verbal composition and has pointed out that there is a certain connection between how verbal sequences are organized in a text and what message the writer wants to convey. Thus, the researcher emphasizes the importance of verbal sequences in a literary text and underlines the need for further research.
Citations count: 1
Borisova I.V. —
Language archivation in online socialization
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 84 - 92.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.5.30279 URL:
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The object of this research is smileys (emoticons) as means of archivation of information responsible for emotional colorization of the transmitted or received message. The subject of this research is the possible variants of expansion of the implicit component depending on the level of intellectual and emotional completeness of the sender or receiver and their inclusion into the cultural values of the nation (in this case the Russian classical literature). The author expands the concept of speech compression to the language archivation, including into this process the technical accompaniment and ergonomic component. The following works served as the factual material of this research: M. Gorky “Konovalov”, F.M. Dostoyevsky “Karamazov Brothers”, N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, and I.A. Bunin “Mitya’s Love”. The following conclusions were made: one the one hand, the process of language archivation through smileys presents creative usage of language resources, defined by new means of communication in the digital environment; on the other, it threatens the existing language norms that establish the fundamental traditions. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that decompression of included information is projected unto figures taken out of works of Russian classics, endless value of which is validated by several generations of native readers of the language.
Citations count: 1
Karelina N.A. —
Modern Trends in the Development of Canada's Indigenous Languages
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.4.30592 URL:
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The matter under research is the modern trends in the development of Canada's indigenous languages, i.e. the languages spoken by the representatives of the First Nations, Metis and Inuit as well as new legislative policy of the state aimed at restoration, preservation and practical use of the languages. The author focuses on the new law about preservation of indigenous languages issued in June of 2019, objectives, mechanisms, and prospects as well as issues that arise n modern linguistic education and practical use of languages. In her research Karelina has used general research methods such as analysis and synthesis of research literature and statistical data and comparative approach. The research results demonstrate that the situation with Canada's indigenous languages is still difficult, therefore the Indigenous Languages Act is meant to improve the situation. The law implies state financing of language development programs, research analysis, publications of study books and dictionaries, education of teenagers and training specialists. Recently, a number of indigenous communities of Canada has demonstrated positive trends in expansion of the number of native language speakers as a result of immersion programs at the levels of pre-school and school education and use of new technologies, development of mass media and ethno-tourism. The experience of Canada is of great practical importance for the development of federal and regional programs of support and development of indigenous minorities of Russia.
Citations count: 1
Daulet F.N. —
Conceptualization of gender aspect in the Chinese linguoculture
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 274 - 283.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31854 URL:
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This article explores gender traditions of Chinese culture and their mainstream in the verbal means of Chinese language. The author highlights the national cultural peculiarities of Chinese gender culture and ways of their realization in the linguistic units: word, established collocations, proverbs and sayings. Studying the language facts demonstrates that gender stereotypes in the Chinese culture have not only universal cultural, but also linguistic properties implemented in the language through extensive verbal means. For the description of internal form of linguistic units, the study uses the following methods common to linguoculturological research: description, semantic definition, and linguistic interpretation. The article is one of the first works within the post-Soviet Sinology that illustrates that gender stereotypes in the modern Chinese society are objectivized by the extensive and well-structured lexical-phraseological field, proverbs, sayings and other linguistic units, which testifies to its communicative relevance in the Chinese linguistic consciousness.
Citations count: 1
Li Y. —
Precedent name and its connotations
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 30 - 36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.4.32815 URL:
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This work gives special attention to examination of precedent name and its connotative meaning in mass media texts. Precedent name is viewed as a result of semantic condensation of the corresponding precedent text and/or precedent situation. The purpose of using precedent name in speech consists in giving a concise and brief characteristic to the subject of assessment through the system of meaningful standards, clichéd images that became an etalon of certain qualities of a person within the framework of the culture, as well as in expressing a subjective attitude that can be negative or positive. In the course of research, the author applies the method of contextual analysis, component analysis and comparative analysis. Precedent name, being the means for preservation of achievements of spiritual culture of the society and conveying ethical and aesthetical norms from generation to generation, simultaneously represents the way of expressing subjective assessment in the atypical context of application, which leads to the extension of its communicative functions and emergence of potential (and eventually realistic) secondary meanings, as well as reflects a dynamic situation of a cultural linguistic community.
Citations count: 1
Pokhalenkov O.E., Nikulicheva S.E. —
Female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 165 - 173.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35263 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque, particularly their symbolic meaning infused by the author into some characters. The research objective consists in the analysis of female images from the cultural, artistic and literary perspectives. The article employs structural analysis based on the methodology of N. V. Pavlovich. Special attention is given to the references to mythology for describing one or another image. The author substantiates the idea of the connection of each female character with the time and place of her initial stay or origin. Review is conducted on the following heroines: Joan Madou – a mediocre actress and singer, mistress of the protagonist; Kat Hegstrom – a patient and close friend of Ravic; Sybil – beloved of the German doctor died in the gestapo. The scientific novelty of this work consists in consideration of images of the heroines through the prism of associative-imagery, metaphorical meaning of the prototypes used by the author in creating and describing the characters. A comparison of the compositional roles of the aforementioned heroines is carried out. Particular attention is given to the female characters from “Osiris” brothel (which is an important location in the novel and plays a significant compositional role in the text), and their manager Roland. The similarity is noticed between “Osiris” brothel and the boarding house for noble girls, as well as few other comparisons of the women of easy virtue with the ladies brought up in the spirit of the Victorian Era. The article determines certain intertextual correlations n the historical-literary and cultural-historical context. Attention is also paid to consideration of the[WU1] philosophical views of the novelist and the process of their implementation in developing the images of the characters. The work indicates the impact of philosophical ideas of “lost generation” upon the characters of the novel and their life attitudes. The author of the article touches upon the theme of romantic relationships and behavior of the heroines therein.
Citations count: 1
Hu Y. —
The opposition "justice – injustice" in Russian and Chinese paroemias
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 120 - 131.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.36480 EDN: JTWSXM URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the binary opposition "justice – injustice" on the material of Russian and Chinese paroemias in the linguoculturological aspect.
Russian Russian linguistic and cultural analysis was carried out against the background of the Chinese language in order to identify the national and cultural specifics of the selected paremiological units in the Russian language and Chinese worldview. The object of the study is Russian paroemias that verbalize the opposition "justice – injustice". The subject of the study is the linguistic and cultural specificity of the analyzed Russian proverbs and sayings against the background of the Chinese language. Russian Russian dictionaries of proverbs and sayings, phraseological dictionaries of the Chinese language, illustrative material presented on the website of the National Corpus of the Russian Language serve as the material of the study ( ) and other Internet resources. The description of the oppositional attitude is appropriate when studying paremia, since the expression of moral values through the opposite attitude is of particular interest when studying the linguistic picture of the world.
The work carried out a semantic analysis of key lexemes, highlighted different situations in which there is or is not a sign of justice, and also made some specific observations and conclusions about the functioning of these paroemias in literary and journalistic texts.
The developed materials can be used in reading special courses on phraseology and intercultural communication, as well as in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Citations count: 1
Skripka V. —
The functioning of the pronoun òü (òîòü) in Russian business writing of the XIV-XV centuries.
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 56 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.6.38138 URL:
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The article examines the functions performed by the demonstrative pronoun òü (òîòü) in business texts of the XIV-XV centuries, written on the territory of the Moscow Principality, Novgorod and Pskov lands. Examples of usages were analyzed and combined on the basis of what function demonstrative pronouns have in each case (anaphoric, articular, determinative function (word-substitute subordinate clause), cataphoric). In the case of an anaphora, an analysis of the antecedent was performed — an expression naming the object, person or situation to which the pronoun refers. Particular attention is paid to the syntactic role of pronouns — substantives, attributives and substantive attributives — and how it affects their use. As a result of the study, three main functions that the pronoun in question performs were identified: anaphoric, articular and determinative function. The specifics of how the syntactic role of pronouns affects its use in an anaphoric function have been clarified: for example, substantives usually refer to objects and situations, but are practically not used to refer to people. Substantive attributes, on the contrary, most often serve to refer to the previously mentioned people and in just one case refer to objects. The first reliable examples of pronouns in the articular function, in our opinion, can be attributed to the XV century. Part of the article is devoted to what features pronouns have in the articular function and how it can be distinguished from anaphora. In the entire corpus of texts considered, only three examples of the cataphoric function of the pronoun were found, and the pronoun òîòü in the deictic function was not recorded at all.
Citations count: 1
Iudakhin A.A. —
The polemic of F. M. Dostoevsky with Catholicism: towards the formulation of the problem.
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 125 - 142.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.38246 EDN: UFKIME URL:
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The subject of the study is the journalistic work of F. M. Dostoevsky in the aspect of his religious and confessional problems, which includes a complex of specific motives, among which the anti-Catholic question stands out. The author points out that the Catholic theme, the genesis of which dates back to the early 1860s, will become one of the leading ones for all subsequent publicistic and artistic creativity of Dostoevsky. Criticism of Catholicism as a sum of ideas, denunciation of the Catholic Church, correspondence polemics with the anti—Christian and even "anti-Christ" principle of papal Catholicism - all these topics are implicit or explicit in the novels of the Great Pentateuch and publicistic articles by F. M. Dostoevsky, influencing the conceptual design and architectonics of the works. It is based on this fact that the problem of the genesis and evolution of the writer's anti-Catholic views acquires a relevant significance in literary studies and Dostoevistics. The author demonstrates that the Catholic theme appears in Dostoevsky's field of vision in the first half of the 1860s in connection with the events unfolding in the west of the Russian Empire and on the Apennine Peninsula - the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 and the Italian Risorgimento. Catholic problems initially arise in Dostoevsky's field of view as a journalistic fact — various eventful incidents, everyday episodes captured by foreign and domestic press. The author of the article believes that it was the factology of the "Polish question" and the "Roman question", along with the anti-Catholic rhetoric of Slavophiles and soil scientists, that had a decisive influence on the formation of Dostoevsky's steady rejection of Catholicism, with which the writer will confidently and convincingly polemize until the end of his days.
Citations count: 1
Pavlova T., Kikhnei L.G., Kuptsova M.Y. —
To the Historiosophical Searches of the Late Gumilev: the Conflict of the Old and New World Order in the "Zvezdnyi uzhas" ["Star Horror"]
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 47 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.38425 EDN: LUHBAV URL:
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The subject of the study is N.S. Gumilev's poem "Zvezdnyi uzhas" ["Star Horror"] - one of the poet's last works, which has ambivalent semantics and contains the potential of polyvalent interpretation. The object of the study is the conflict of the poem "Zvezdnyi uzhas", which has a historical meaning and casts light on the conflicts of the distant past. On the other hand, through the plot of the poem, the realities of the present and its perception by contemporaries at the junction of epochs are read. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the identification of the tribe to which the main characters of the poem belong as a conflict-causing factor, the implicature of the conflict is also considered in the context of the collection "Ognennyi stolp" ["Pillar of Fire"]. Particular attention is paid to the conflict with the Zend tribe mentioned in the text, which is considered in the categories of the opposition of the true and imaginary, and the ambivalence of the conflict and the plot is also highlighted. The main conclusions of the study are various ways of reading the main conflict of the poem: the conflict of the old and the new, tradition and change, fathers and children; the poem also presents the conflict of various religious movements. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the possibility of reading this poem in the categories of various types of conflict, including the conflict associated with N.S. Gumilev's fascination with Zoroastrianism. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the connection of the text of "Star Horror" with Zoroastrianism and ancient Persian traditions and motifs is shown. N.S. Gumilev consciously turned to Zoroastrian mythology not only in his early but also in his late work, and "Star Horror" in this respect has multiple interpretations of the plot and conflict. The question of attribution of the tribe, which is the main character of the text, is raised in connection with the mention of specific realities, the name of the tribe "Zend" indicated in the text is analyzed against the background of N.S. Gumilev's interest in the Persian theme in later poems.
Citations count: 1
Barinova B.V., Kharchevnikova R.P., Pyurbeev G.T., Bitkeev P.T., Monraev M.U. —
Kalmyk meteorological vocabulary of the off-season in comparison with closely related languages
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 328 - 337.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69244 EDN: LEYYJK URL:
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Kalmyk meteorological vocabulary related to lifestyle, environment and mentality belongs to the primordial stratum, as in other closely related languages of the Altai family. The commonality of the grammatical foundations of this vocabulary is confirmed by lexicographic data recorded in old Mongolian, Kalmyk and Turkic sources. The object of the study is nominative units (words, phrases and phraseological units) in the Kalmyk language, denoting the weather phenomena of the off-season.
Special attention is paid to the meteorological vocabulary of the off-season of the autumn-winter intermediate period.
The relevance of this study is related to the study of meteorological vocabulary in the Kalmyk language, the identification of the features of the linguistic picture of the world of the people as a whole and its influence on vocabulary. The linguistic and cultural analysis of meteorological vocabulary makes it possible to consider the life and culture of the Kalmyk people.
This article uses a descriptive method, a comparative method, a method of linguistic and cultural analysis of lexical units. The meteorological vocabulary of the off-season is considered in this article taking into account the modern linguistic and cultural orientation and is presented in the aspect of an interdisciplinary category: a) the role of this phenomenon in human life (natural landmarks and human locations); b) the vocabulary of the off-season and related human economic activity; c) the comparative and evaluative feature of the use of this vocabulary in oral and written samples in the languages under consideration. The Kalmyk meteorological vocabulary of the off-season is an independent integral category that is present in all Mongolian and Turkic languages, recorded in old-written sources and has retained its original meaning in the modern Kalmyk language. This vocabulary reflects the peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world and worldview, the specifics of the way of life and the inner world of the Kalmyks and is universal for other closely related peoples belonging to the Altai linguistic community.
Citations count: 1
Antonova E.M. —
William Blake: the poetry of madness and the philosophy of evil
// Litera.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2012.1.34 URL:
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This article examines the legacy of the poet-philosopher William Blake, interest in whom has re-emerged nearly two centuries since his death. Blake and his poetry are still the subject of analysis and research. Nowadays he is considered to be an author and thinker who discovered a new approach to poetry -- poetry of thought and poetry of philosophy -- that was an absolute innovation for the era in which he lived. Blake's legacy is bottomless; it has inspired artistic, philosophical, and poetic thought and we have yet to grasp his extraordinary philosophical depth.
Citations count: 1
Naumenko G. —
"From Pindemonte" in the Passion Plot of the Kamennoostrovsky Cycle
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 22 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.2.12287 URL:
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The poem "From Pindemonte" ("I cheap appreciate the loud rights..."), entering the Kamennoostrovsky cycle under figure VI, is considered in the present article as the poetic statement of Pushkin in the context of the cycle answering to Mickiewicz his poetic cycle "Fragment" (UstCp). The research objective consists in detection of "mitskevichsky implication" and in the literary analysis of the poem from the point of view of Pushkin's dialogue dispute with Mickiewicz on a way from slavery to Freedom in Christ. Therefore an object of research is "mitskevichsky implication" as the main key to reading of the poem. In article an attempt of interpretation of conceptual sense of the title "From the [VI] Pindemonte" in the Passionate plot of a "evangelical" cycle is made. The used method of "fixed reading" and the analysis of intertekstualny dialogue of two national poets relies on close semantic connections between the Kamennoostrovsky cycle and "Fragment". The Kamennoostrovsky cycle is the second and finishing part of "a spiritual cycle" of Pushkin in which Christ's Passions and mercy are opposed to apocalyptic Christianity with a social orientation. The title "From the [VI] Pindemonte" has character of the cryptogram. Through figure VI the poem is correlated with Passionate Saturday, in the afternoon "Christ's descents in a hell", and marks a spirit victory over the death predicted to the tsar's singers by the Polish poet prophet. To poems of "Fragment" the use of such words by Pushkin as "joker" and "taxes" is explained by Intertekstualny sendings.
Citations count: 1
Flerov O.V. —
Grammar material in early learning English
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 98 - 118.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.4.14942 URL:
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The object of research in the article is early learning foreign languages. The matter of research is forming children’s grammar skills. The author shows importance of the questions of early learning foreign languages and teaching grammar. The issue of teaching grammar to children seems to be twice topical due to their being unable to perceive grammar rules and phenomena in their pure form. Particular attention is paid to forming English grammar minimum of rules and their exceptions.The method of research is linguistic and pedagogical analysis as well as empiric data obtained during author’s teaching English to children.The main author’s conclusions are the following. Specificity of grammar phenomena (logic, abstractness) makes them impossible for children to understand in explicit form. Children being unable to perceive grammar in pure form doesn’t mean that it is worthwhile to give up on forming their grammar skills. These skills imply not only using words according to the rules but their exceptions as well. The latter present a difficulty as they forma considerable part of grammar minimum.The novelty of this article consists in its viewing grammar material for children in quite a broad spectrum of adjoining linguodidactic questions: necessity of early learning foreign languages in general, the place of grammar in learning them according to present day ideas, forming curricula basing on learners’ age, specificity of grammar material and difficulties of its including in curricula for children.
Citations count: 1
Klimkov O. —
Philosophical Concept of Religion in Vladimir Soloviev's Works
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 94 - 102.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.4.24817 URL:
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The object of this research is Vladimir Solovyev's philosophy of religion described in general terms of his philosophy. In his research Klimkov pays special attention to the concept of religious mind developed by Solovyov in his writing 'Readings about God-Like Humanity' as well as a number of other works. Klimkov analyzes the basic prerequisite for Solovyov's philosophy of religion, in particular, the idea that religious belief and religious experience need to be completed with religious mind (or religious way of thinking). Noteworthy that this kind of thinking may become part of cultural experience of both believers and atheists. Using phenomenological and historical analysis methods, the author of the article analyzes the main question whether it is possible at all to understand religious phenomena from the point of view of philosophy. The main conclusions of the reserach are the author's statement that relevations of religious experience are a continuous process in our life, the author's theory of 'religious branches' and ideas about coincidence of historical and logical orders in the process of religious insights and that it is necessary to try to avoid rationalism extremes in philosophical interpretation of religion. The author also defines three main elements, nature, God's beginning and human personality, and describes three stages of religious development.
Citations count: 1
Balikoeva M.I. —
National-Cultural Peculiarities of Farewell (the Analysis of the Ossetic and English Languages)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 70 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25461 URL:
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In her article Balikoeva analyses speech etiquette farewell formulas in the Ossetic and English languages. Cross-cultural differences, specific picture of the world of different nations and language differences affect relationships between people of different culture and efficiency of their interaction and mutual understanding. This creates the need to analyze different mechanisms of cultural perception. The author of the article analyzes and compares speech farewell formulas in two languages in order to define similarities and differences in the national speech etiquette, the latter being part of natoinal culture, behavior and communication. In the course of her research the author has used methods of semantic, structural and comparative analysis, continuous sampling method and survey using a questionnaire. The results of the comparative analysis demonstrate common and specific features of farewell formulas in these two languages. The author underlines that speech farewell formulas are a stereotype that demonstrates one's attribution to a certain language and culture and performs different functions. They are intended to preserve national culture, on the one hand, and identify one's attribution to a certian national culture, on the other hand.
Citations count: 1
Aleksandrova T. —
Apocryphal Motifs in the Poetry of Empress Eudocia
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 143 - 153.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26963 URL:
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The object of this study is the two works that are thought to be written by the Byzantine Empress Eudoxia (V century): the poem "On St. Cyprian" and Homeron centon, and the subject of the study is the use of apocryphal motifs in these works. With respect to both works, it is still an open question whether the poetess took part in plotting, or she took advantage of already existing models, since both works are paraphrases (the poem is the life of St. Cyprian and Justina, and centon is the Four Gospel). In her paper Alexandrova uses a comparative method of research. The apocryphal sources used in each of the works and the motives borrowed from them are consistently considered. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the use of sources reveals the features of a single author's manner, manifested in both of the works in question, which helps to solve the question of authorship. Among the sources of the poem "On St. Cyprians ”-“ Apocrypha Iannia and Jambria ”,“ Acts of the Apostle Andrew ”,“ Lives of the Prophets ”and the Gospel of Nicodemus. The sources of the Homeric Center are the “Proto-Evangelical of James,” the legend of Veronique the Bleeding, and the Gospel of Nicodemus. The author comes to the conclusion that the interest in apocryphal motifs unites both works, and it can be attributable to Eudocia, although the use of apocrypha cannot be considered an exhaustive proof of her authorship.
Citations count: 1
Golubina A.B. —
The Analysis of the Communicative Goal of Secular Conversation Based on the Analysis of Literary Texts of the XIXth Century
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 154 - 162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.27320 URL:
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The subject of the research is the genre analysis of literary texts containing small talk. This study provides only a part of the analysis devoted to the communicative goal. The author considers such aspects of the main topic as identifying three existing approaches to the description of speech genres. The model of the speech genre of T. V. Shmeleva is considered in more detail. In the analyzed texts, the types of speech genre (informative, evaluative, imperative and etiquette) are highlighted, which influence the formation of the communicative goal of secular conversation. In the course of writing the article, Golubina uses genre analysis including descriptive-analytical, contextual, comparative and interpretive methods. General scientific methods and techniques, such as analysis, synthesis, typology, etc., were also actively involved. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the communicative goal of secular conversation. The main conclusions of the study are the use of the estimated and informative genre in the course of small talk which is an indicator of the ambiguity of the goal of “the desire to entertain the interlocutor”. So the author reveals the complex nature of the speech genre of social conversation that has not been sufficiently studied in modern linguistics.
Citations count: 1
Matytcina M. —
Areas for Integration of Critical Discourse Analysis into Empirical Tool of Political Research
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 175 - 182.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.2.29847 URL:
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The subject of the research of the areas for critical review of modern critical discourse analysis as a theoretical and practical discipline as well as anaylsis of new courses of development of modern critical discourse. The aim of this research is to describe practical use of critical discourse analysis and analyze new areas for critical discourse analysis development such as analysis of multimodal featurs thus underlying the reasonability of inclusion it into the methodological framework of modern science. The author of the article emphasizes the need in a scientifically-based definition of critical discourse analysis. Opportunities and limitations of critical discourse analysis demonstrate prospects of integration of this interdisciplinary quality method into empirical tools of political research, this proving the reasonabiilty and pratical importance of its integration into a set of methods of modern political research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of soem limitations of critical discourse analysis as a scientific approach such as the absence of general principles and methods of research and scientific objectivity, inconsistency, inaccurate selection of material, consideration of the environment and heuristics of cognitive linguistics and analysis model. The author has also describes new trends of modern critical discourse. Obviously, the time has come to critically review theoretical and methodological approaches and gruonds typical for critical discourse analysis as a research method.
Citations count: 1
Krasnova V.Y., Nikolaeva O.V. —
English translations of the Japanese folkloremes in the English-language translations: cultural-cognitive asymmetry
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 73 - 85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.2.32343 URL:
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The subject of this research is the linguocultural and cognitive aspects of the original Japanese folkloremes (names of fairy characters, mythical objects, and mythical animals) and their English correlates. The authors refer to folklore as a source of profound understanding of cultural connotation, cultural beliefs, cultural distinctness, traditions and customs. The methodological equivalence of linguistic and cultural-cognitive aspects of folkloremes is underlined. The goal of this work consists in determination of the formal and conceptual transformations of Japanese folkloremes in English translation of a Japanese tale. Folkloremes of a Japanese tale have not previously been an object of special research. Comparison of the text of Japanese folk tale and its English analogue demonstrates the cultural-cognitive asymmetry between Japanese folkloremes and their English correlates. Three types of Japanese folkloremes (unique; possessing distinct characteristics; and having cultural-specific associations) determine different techniques of their translation into the English language and various types of transformations of their conceptual content. Cognitive asymmetry of Japanese and Anglo-Saxon cultures substantiate the insufficient understanding and accentuation in English texts of the Japanese important cultural dominant – social and age hierarchism, as well as the enduring significance of image of the emperor and imperial power associated with this dominant.
Citations count: 1
Dmitrieva E.I., Grubin I.V. —
An overview of approaches towards studying railway terminology as an element of language for specific purposes (on the material of English language)
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 56 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.1.34888 URL:
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The subject of this research is the approaches towards studying railway terminology as the language for specific purposes. Transport and namely railway terminology holds an important place in the terminological system of English language. The author explores the basic interpretations of the concept of “language for specific purposes”, as well as such approaches towards studying railway terminology of English language as semantic, structural and etymological. Semantic approach consists in classification of terms by semantic groups. Structural approach analyzes the number and nature of components that comprise terminological units in this area of LSP. Etymological approach reviews the origin and evolution of the meaning of terminological units. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive description of the approaches towards studying language for specific purposes on the materials of professional field “railway transport”. Research methodology includes the analysis of scientific literature, analysis of dictionary definitions, comparative method, and diachronic analysis. The conclusion was made that the same approaches are applicable to the analysis of railway terminology and to the analysis of language for specific purposes of any other professional sphere. At the same time, systematicity and hierarchical pattern of the acquired classifications indicated a high level of formedness and systematization of terminology under review.
Citations count: 1
Vei K. —
Denominal relative clause “by the example of”: construction and co-occurrence
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 144 - 155.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.6.35853 URL:
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This article describes the construction and specificity of co-occurrence of auxiliary unit “by the example of”. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need for comprehensive description of auxiliary words. The object of this research is the prepositional unit “by the example of” which belongs to the group of denominal relative clause. The subject of this research is the semantics of “by the example of”, the constructions it forms, and peculiarities of its co-occurrence. The key goal is to determine the constructive specificity and co-occurrence of the lexeme “by the example of”. The author’s special contribution lies in systemic description of the syntagmatic structure and construction characteristics of the auxiliary unit “by the example of”. The article illustrates the structure of the trinomial and binomial constructions on the basis of the relative clause “by the example of”. The construction determines the right and left components and the common connecting parts. The analysis of linguistic facts presented in the Russian National Corpus allows conducting formal and semantic classification of the right and left components of the construction. Description is given to the methods of expressing the common part of the construction. The author concludes that “by the example of” forms a trinomial and binomial construction and indicates the relation of partial equivalence.
Citations count: 1
Pokhalenkov O.E., Nikulicheva S.E. —
Female images in the novel “Three Comrades” by Erich Maria Remarque
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 131 - 140.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.10.36379 URL:
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This article analyzes female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque. The research is based on the theory of N. Pavlovich that each image has several similar invariants ascending to the uniform archetype. A hypothesis is advanced that the characters in the works of E. M. Remarque can be divided into two groups: 1) associated with the generally literary archetypes; 2) collective living images. The article also examines female images who have a plot-driven and artistic meaning in the text, although do not belong to the indicated time period. The image of Patricia Holman in the novel is associated with the mythological archetype, which is reflected in the description of her appearance, behavior, and corresponding events. It is noted that all central female images in the novels by E. M. Remarque have are intertwined with the mystical characters from myths and legends. The scientific novelty consists in tracing the evolution in description of the images of public female figures in comparison with another novel – “Arch of Triumph”. The author also examines another narrative parallel between the two novels: similar stories of two families lived in a particular historical time. The conclusion is made that the storyline of many novels by Erich Maria Remarque is based on a certain pattern. The author attempted to reconstruct the aforementioned pattern, which has largely proven the assumptions put forward in the earlier research.
Citations count: 1
Xiao D., Yuan' L. —
Linguistic markers of the dichotomy "youth vs. old age" in the news discourse
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 62 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.2.37483 URL:
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The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the linguistic implementation of the dichotomy "youth vs. old age" in the modern Russian news discourse. The most important concepts for the national linguistic picture of the world are reflected in language, including in such a form of its implementation as news discourse. According to the definition of O.A. Pantina, "news discourse is a type of media discourse, the purpose of which is to inform and inform." News discourse at this stage of media development is implemented primarily in the space of the Internet. Ideas about youth and old age as defining anthropological qualities are very important for a linguistic personality. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that it contains the components of the dichotomy "youth vs. for the first time in the framework of news discourse, the concepts are considered in opposition, as well as by the fact that an attempt is being made to establish the peculiarities of the perception of this dichotomy by a modern linguistic personality, reflected in the mass media. As a result, it was revealed that news publications are much more likely to tell about the actions of young people, give them assessments. As a result of such preferential attention, a general orientation of the media towards young people and the positioning of the priority of young age is created. The components of the dichotomy are interpreted differently by the linguistic personality: the concept of YOUTH is characterized mainly by a positive perception, while the concept of OLD AGE is mainly negative.
Citations count: 1
Gao J. —
The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Structure of Translation Activities
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 72 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.10.39067 EDN: HAJLNA URL:
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Automated and machine translation tools have become integral elements of the translation process, but their place in translation models is still not defined. On the one hand, the trend towards automating translation practices is reducing the burden on human translators, freeing them from repetitive, tedious and low-tech tasks and freeing them up for more complex and creative tasks, on the other hand, it is also invading into the territory of professional translators at the conversion level. This article attempts to comprehend translation activity in the era of digital translation and modeling of translation activity taking into account digital technologies, as opposed to the model of traditional translation activity. The main result of this work can be considered as definition of the place of digital technologies in the actant model of translation activity as auxiliary means. With the development of digital technologies, the model of translation activity is developing towards automation and the emergence of new forms of translation activity. At the level of intercultural communication, since AI does not yet have the emotional and creative intelligence of a higher mind, as well as the biological and social characteristics inherent in human intelligence, automatic translation models are subject to limited cultural, contextual, historical and social norms. It is for this reason that machine translations require final editing, interpretation, adaptation, and other cultural adjustments by human translators.
Citations count: 1
Zipunov A. —
Macrosemantic rhythmic structures in the songs of A. Mirzayan
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 114 - 128.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.6.38151 URL:
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Earlier, semantic rhythms were found in several texts of the author's song of the 1950s-80s, determined by the oppositions "private-universal" and "order-chaos". In the process of analyzing these works, a method of categorical macrosemantic structures was developed. Previously, this approach was applied in a systematic study of cultural trends. As part of the current work, the songs of the famous bard Alexander Mirzayan are considered using this method. The totality of this author's creativity is analyzed. From the standpoint of semantic rhythms, a structural analysis of the song "Wanderers" based on the poems of A. Mirzayan was carried out, as well as several song adaptations based on the texts of I. Brodsky, V. Sosnora and T. Klangsor were considered. In the works under study, the general theme of the conflict of a certain alternative system with the state line is traced. Mirzayan's interest in this topic is probably connected with the social processes of the late USSR. In addition, the presence of semantic rhythms in songs based on poems by A. Mirzayan and poems by other authors is compared. As a result, it turned out that the indicators of PM-rhythmics in song adaptations exceed the indicators of these structures in A. Mirzayan's poetry. Thus, the method of categorical macro-semantic structures helped clarify the principle by which Mirzayan selects poems by other authors and what are the methods of their adaptation.
Citations count: 1
Safaralieva L.A., Tutova E.V., Shevchenko V.A. —
Comparative analysis of the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 119 - 129.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69820 EDN: FMDSLT URL:
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In modern linguistics, research is actively developing aimed at cognizing the surrounding reality, verbalized by linguistic units of a particular language. At the same time, of course, interdisciplinary research, including both linguistic and extralinguistic data, is of particular value. The relevance of our article is the comparison of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD as fragments of the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian-speaking and Spanish-speaking peoples based on the synthesis of linguocultural and linguocognitive approaches to the study of concepts. The purpose of the work is to identify and compare the conceptual features of the above-mentioned concepts in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures based on lexicographic sources and using extralinguistic socio-demographic data. The results obtained can find practical application in lexicographical activity. In our study, the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD were reconstructed based on the data of explanatory, encyclopedic, etymological dictionaries of the Russian and Spanish languages. The conceptual features of the mentioned concepts were identified by understanding the semantic scope of the names of the concepts: the lexemes youth, young in Russian and juventud, joven – in Spanish. Despite the fact that the concept of YOUTH was previously the subject of scientific analysis in the works of Russian linguists, a comparative study of the conceptual features of the concepts of YOUTH and JUVENTUD in Russian and Spanish linguistic cultures has not been conducted before, which is the novelty of the article. It was revealed that the coinciding conceptual features include: 1) a certain life stage of a person between adolescence and adulthood; 2) characteristic of youth; 3) the first stage of life / existence (about an animal, plant, phenomenon); 4) younger in age or time. It was also found that the period of youth for speakers of Spanish linguoculture covers a greater number of years, compared with the same period in Russian linguoculture, which is due to extralinguistic factors – a longer life expectancy in a Spanish-speaking society. In addition, for native Russian speakers, YOUTH is often associated with ‘immaturity, weakness’, while in Spanish linguoculture JUVENTUD is perceived as a period of ‘flourishing, strength, energy'.
Citations count: 1
Granin R.S. —
Problem of Reconstruction of Eschatological Paradigm in P.A. Florensky’s Metaphysics of Space-And-Time
// Litera.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 243 - 262.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.1.242 URL:
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The author of the article describes the method of the system research of eschatology. The variety of eschatological ideas and concepts are viewed as a logical system or eschatological paradigm that has a diachronic and synchronic structure. The author analyzes functional and structural correspondence between eschatological and initiative paradigms. It is shown that the eschatological paradigm comes down to the system of logical invariants, i.e. eschatological and initiative scenarios or patterns that are defined by the author as eschatological homologies. Introduction of the terms 'eschatological paradigm' and 'eschatological homology' allows to formalize the method of structural and comparative analysis applied to eschatological and initiative concepts describe by different religious and philosophical teachings. The author views this approach as methodology of structural eschatology. Structural method is used in Florensky's metaphysics including metaphysics of space and time. In this regard, the author defines the following basic categories: reversed causality, circularity of space and time, ostensibility and describes the idea of synchrony. Analysis of metaphysics of the space-and-time ostensibility allows to discover the structural basis - eschatological paradigm which, in its turn, makes it possible to apply the method of structural eschatology to reconstruction of eschatological paradigm.
Citations count: 1
Nilogov A.S. —
'Snipping' as the Name (Antilanguage Methodology in Aid of DNA-Genealogy)
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 18 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.1.17670 URL:
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In article the problem of allocation of new snips (one-nucleotide polymorphisms) as a lingvo-philosophical problem of the name ("onomafication") of our far ancestors is considered, still, it is possible, not having own names, but which it is possible to allocate/distinguish on the basis of assignment of serial number of snips as in any biological (in this case - genetic) of taxonomy. To us the problem of a "snipping"/snipping as the name "/antroponimofication" of far ancestors seems essential: from Y-chromosomal Adam through all nodal points (gapgroups / snips) to documentary confirmed factology of classical genealogy. The following methods are used in the research: anti-language, genetic (Y-chromosomal DNA testing), genealogical, DNA-genealogical, source study, heuristic method. The novelty of research is caused by the fact that the author establishes the interdisciplinary connection between two modern methods of scientific knowledge: anti-language methodology and by the DNA methods - genealogy (genetic genealogy). This allows to fulfil an opportunity as DNA genealogy due to expansion of anthroponimia factology when the documentary and source study base of classical genealogy, and anti-language methodology by means of inclusion of new types of anti-words in structure DNK-genealogisms is settled.
Citations count: 1
Reznikova K.V. —
The Problem of the the Epic Cultural Heritage of Krasnoyarsk Krai Indigenous Peoples
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 20 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.18917 URL:
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The subject of the research is the epos of indigenous ethnic groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai (eposes of the Evenks, Nenets, Dolgans, Enskies, Selkups, Chulyms, Yakuts, Kets, Nganasans) including the Evenki epic works. Based on the results of field researches conducted by students, graduate students, and researchers of the Siberian Federal University, the author of the article describes the actual condition of folklore of indigenous ethnic groups of the North and Siberia. The content analysis of the Evenki epos "Brave Sodani Bogatyr" is carried out, the most significant images and symbols typical for Evenki epic works are described. Linguoculturological methods of research were applied, the overview of epic works of Krasnoyarsk Krai indigenous ethnic groups and the content analysis of the chosen fragments of the Evenki heroic epos were carried out. The author concludes that eposes of various ethnic groups possess a similar plot structure: exposition or introduction (description of time, place, main characters); complications (misfortune, desire to travel, matchmaking); climax (fight against opponents, notably that relatives of a future wife can be such opponents); denouemenå (marriage, homecoming of the bogatyr). In addition to the plot structure, eposes also have general motifs, such as the anger of the hero changing his appearance and the hero putting charms on his arrows to gain a victory over the rival.
Citations count: 1
Mikheeva G.V. —
Specific Features of the Art Space in Stepan Pisakhov's Fairy-Tales
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 168 - 174.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.28028 URL:
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The subject of the research is the art space in the fairy-tales of Stepan Pisakhov who writes about the Russian North. In her research Mikheeva analyzes such aspects of the topic as the art space structure, methods of creation of space images on the basis of combined reality and fantastic world, peculiarity pf space locuses, and interaction between the symbolic meaning of space images and the writer's worldview. Mikheeva focuses on the description of the closed space locuses, the Uyma Village and the house of the main hero as well as the 'friend-alien' opposition that represents moral messages. The research is based on the structure-semiotic approach to the analysis of the art space of a literary work. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Yury Lotman, in particular, his thesis that in a text the space is the means of creating messages. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the structure of the single art space in Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales has two spatial levels: reality and fantastic world, which do not have a border but even penetrate. Such organisation of the space brings a particular meaning into the text. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes the art space of Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales.
Citations count: 1
Kukushkina E. —
Theatre of the neo-absurd in Malaysia: dramaturgy of the paradox
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 84 - 93.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31074 URL:
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This article examines the dramaturgy segment of Malaysia, usually referred by literature scholars and critics to the theatre of the absurd. This circle of dramatic texts was created in the 1970’s – early 1980’s. The subject of this research is the worldview foundation of this layer of dramaturgy and the fundamental principle of creation of the scripts. The goal of this work consists in determination of specificity of the Malaysian absurdism, generated by a distinct perception of its Western prototype by the Malaysian dramaturgists. The key objective of this analysis is to identify the methods of realization of the author’s ideological message in the plays. The orientation of the Malaysian theatre towards the Western source suggest the use of the comparative-typological approaches. This aspect of the Malaysian theatre of the absurd has not been previously examines in the works dedicated to modern literature. The research results demonstrate that the key approach towards structuring the script is the approach of literary paradox, as well as recommend the term “neo-absurdism” as a more precise designation for the phenomenon in question.
Citations count: 1
Shi J. —
Criteria for classifications of geographical names of Russia and China
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 66 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31332 URL:
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This article describes the criteria for classification of geographical names of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The author carefully examines the scientific significance of classification of geographical names, criteria for their classification, and various classifications of geographical objects. The question on classification of geographical names is not only the most topical and complicated problem of onomastics, but also plays an important role in studying the comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics. Application of the descriptive and comparative methods allow examining the classification of geographical names of Russia and China. The main result consist in the achievement of concrete results pertaining to the differences and similarities of geographical names of Russia and China through comparison of the classification of toponyms in accordance with the semantic meaning in the form of a table.
Citations count: 1
Zagrebelnaya A.S. —
Spatial behavior in romantic communication: comparative analysis in the Russian, English, and Spanish linguocultures
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 214 - 223.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.4.35279 URL:
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This article describes the concept of “romantic communication”, examines the linguocultural specificity of spatial behavior in the instances of romantic communication in Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures. It is demonstrated that the situations of romantic communication in the indicated linguocultures are characterized by certain spatial movements of the communicants depending on their communicative intentions. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by globalization processes and rapid building of contacts between Russia, Great Britain and Spain, which, in turn, bonds these linguocultures and makes requires their in-depth study in order to understand the peculiarities of representation of spatial behavior in the course of interpersonal communication. It is worth noting that there are different approaches towards studying the romantic discourse; assessment is given to the role of the kinesic components therein. The question on similarity and divergence of the proxemic components in romantic communication in the Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures remains debatable, and draws particular interests of the experts in the field of linguistics and linguoculturology, as well as the representatives of business spheres dealing with Russia, Great Britain and Spain in one or another way; it allows to better understand the purpose and use of spatial components in the communicative aspect. The scientific novelty of this research consists in determination of linguistic peculiarities of representation of spatial behavior in the instances of romantic communication in the Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures. As a result of the conducted analysis, the author identifies the key main verbal, nominative, and adjective constructions that represent proxemic components of romantic communication in the English, Russian, and Spanish languages. It is also underlined that the characteristic features of the romantic discourse are related not only to kinesics, but also proxemics, which gives a better perspective on the motives of behavioral specificity of the actors of romantic communication, as well as helps to identify the level of their closeness through detailed analysis of linguistic saturation of the literary text.
Citations count: 1
Ilin B.B. —
Space transformations in the hagiographies (based on the materials of Uspensky Collection)
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 31 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.10.36484 URL:
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Fragments of the text that represent the category of space in the Old Russian hagiographies from the Uspensky Collection became the sources for this research. The object this article is the contexts that depict spatial images in dynamics. The subject is the semantics of the analyzed contexts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by undiminishing interest to the interpretation of the category of space in the Old Russian texts, as by elaboration of the concept of sanctity in studying the hagiographic literature. The goal of this research lies in determination and description of the semantics of spatial transformations in the analyzed hagiographic texts. Research methodology leans on the descriptive method, which includes observation, interpretation and classification; as well as hermeneutical analysis with consideration of anthropological and axiological approaches. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the new aspect of the category of space in the hagiographic texts – spatial transformations. The author highlights several groups that characterize space transformations in the hagiographies: semantics of construction, semantics of destruction, semantics of expansion, semantics of transfiguration, and semantics of the miraculous. The keynote in the hagiographies is the idea of sanctity, which is important for the interpretation of the transforming space. All changes in the physical world take place under the influence of divine intervention for asserting sanctity of the hero or sanctity of the place. The depicted in the hagiographies spiritual reality impact the state of visible spatial images. In addition to the idea of sanctity, the perception of space transformations is affected by pragmatics of the text – the edifying focus of the genre. The acquired results can be valuable in studying the corpus of hagiographic texts from perspective of the category of space.
Citations count: 1
Shagbanova K.S. —
Semantics of the Concept "Yard" in the Work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Yard"
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 78 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.1.39577 EDN: GLJWUP URL:
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The article presents an analysis of the concept of "yard" based on the material of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin Yard". The problem of studying the logical and semantic content of the studied language unit is complicated by its multicomponent content, through which the author of the work forms the depth of the storyline. The concept "yard" functions mainly as a space reflecting the system of spiritual and moral values of Matryona Vasilyevna, her life priorities and principles: charity, mutual assistance, humility and modesty. In the work, the semantics of the concept "yard" is represented by two components – material and spiritual; as a semantic unity, the lexeme yard states the importance of concentrating spiritual life, the ability not to respond with rudeness to rudeness, to find strength to overcome difficulties. Matryona's yard is a reflection of the spiritual disposition of its mistress: it has lost its external splendor, has aged, faded and rotted in places, but is filled with an atmosphere of peace and silence. The main character of the story embodies the best features of patriarchal Russia, such important moral qualities as kindness, humanity, non-possessiveness. The master brings to the thoughtful reader the idea that Matryona, who gives herself to others without a trace, and "... is ... the very righteous man, without whom ... the village is not worth it. No city. Not the whole earth is ours."
Citations count: 1
Xiuqing C. —
The Role of Cognitive Metaphor in Chinese and Russian Languages
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 8.
– P. 226 - 234.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.8.38456 EDN: XDCIVA URL:
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Communication refers to cognitive activity, therefore it is necessary to comprehensively investigate its individual aspects. The purpose of this article is to study the role of cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese. The subject of the study is cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese languages. The object of the study is the meaning of cognitive metaphor in Russian and Chinese. The author used methods of deduction and induction, comparative, contextual analysis. The author examines in detail the stages in the study of metaphor. Translation is a special act of retransmission in the form of international communication, in which the transfer of thoughts, feelings, and cultural experience is especially important. Through language it is possible to reflect the system of spiritual culture. The main content of the moral foundation of the Russian cultural tradition is the principles of Orthodoxy. Chinese traditions are based on a powerful moral experience, the basis of which are the ideas of Confucianism. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of specific examples of cognitive metaphors in the text materials of Chinese-Russian intercultural communication. The concept of metaphor is investigated, its characteristics in the cognitive approach are revealed. A metaphor is a universal sign that performs an epistemological function in the process of transmitting information. Cognitive metaphor allows you to know and describe the unknown through acquired experience, is a key element of the thought process. Cognitive metaphor is of great importance in economic and political international translations. Most concepts in the commercial sphere are multi-component and difficult to perceive. The specific examples of cognitive metaphors in the materials of Chinese-Russian intercultural communication are analyzed. Practical recommendations on the correct understanding and use of cognitive metaphors in the translation process are offered.
Citations count: 1
Shchepacheva I.V. —
Multiculturalism in Teju Cole's Novel "Open City"
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 190 - 199.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.3.40056 EDN: KADFVN URL:
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The object of the study is the modern American multicultural prose of the late XX-early XXI century, the subject of the study is the situation of multiculturalism. The research material is the novel "Open City" by the modern American writer of Nigerian origin Teju Cole, published in 2012. The purpose of the study is the relevance of this study due to several factors. Firstly, at this stage, both in foreign and domestic literary studies, one can observe a continuing interest in highlighting various features of multicultural literature in the United States. Secondly, today T. Cole is a significant author in the modern literary space of the USA. The novel we are analyzing is distinguished by its appeal to the iconic trends of modern US literature and is an interesting material for research in the context of the designated topic. If the work of many representatives of the multicultural prose of the USA of the late XX-early XXI century became the subject of scientific research, the work of Teju Cole is practically not studied. In this regard, the novelty of our research lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian literary studies, an analysis of the novel "Open City" is provided from the point of view of the functioning of various cultures and their influence on the formation of the identity of the protagonist. As a result of the research, we come to the conclusion that the novel highlights the multicultural situation in which the main character finds himself. Such a situation causes a mental crisis in the mind of the hero, since he cannot fully feel his belonging to any of the cultural components.
Citations count: 1
Muromtseva A.O. —
Representation of the lyrical "I" in the poetry by A. Podgornova
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 205 - 208.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.70105 EDN: HPKHCI URL:
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The multidimensional study of women's poetry is one of the promising strategies of modern Russian literary criticism, which allows us to reveal not only the tools of women's writing, but also the female mentality, feminine identity, and the peculiarities of reflection by a female author of the natural and social world. Among the female authors, a special place is occupied by the Erzya poet Alina Podgornova, whose works trace postmodern trends. The subject of the research in the article is the means of representing the lyrical "I" in the poet's poems. The purpose of the work is to analyze a number of the author's works, to determine the system of images through which the lyrical "I" is represented, to trace their conditioning by the postmodern worldview of the poetess. The material was composed of poems from the collections "Except rhymes", "Stranded" ("Thought"). The methodological basis of the work is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of the lyrical text, through which the structural components of the poetic image, its semantic organization, and symbolic semantics are described. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, in the stated aspect, A. Podgornova's lyrics are for the first time considered and introduced into the context of Russian literary criticism. The article argues that the emotional and psychological state of the lyrical heroine A. Podgornova is due to the author's worldview and axiological concept, his perception of the world as chaos, moral apocalypse. The poetess's worldview is filled with negative social manifestations that destroy the spiritual and moral essence of a person, leveling universal values. The conclusions and provisions presented in the article expand the understanding of the state and development of modern Mordovian literature.
Citations count: 1
Rudneva E.G. —
Philosophical Approaches to the Language
// Litera.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 71 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.2.15795 URL:
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The article is devoted to comparison and the analysis of various approaches to "language philosophy". Scientific the language origin problem concern delimitation, for example. Here at once serious contradictions between researchers are found. Also divergences between the speculative philosophy based on contemplation and supervision and analytical philosophy which is based on the reached language results are characterized. In article different philosophical approaches to language are differentiated. Types, theories and standards of value are considered. The special attention to a problem of an intentionality and to speech acts is paid. Methods which allow to analyze not simply communication of thinking and language, and to reveal the constituting role of language, the word and speech in various forms of a discourse, in knowledge and of structures of consciousness and knowledge are used. In article distinction between classical philosophy which explained a language origin by the nature and on interrelation of language and thinking, and modern interpretation of problems of language is carried out. It is noted that V. Humboldt understood language as a mind organon. The role of F. Nietzsche who came to the conclusion is highlighted that all deviations from truth are connected with the delusions proceeding from increase of a role of words-fiktsy. The important place is given to definitions, descriptions and references.
Citations count: 1
Zheng L. —
Particularities of Healthy Lifestyle Promotion in China's Printed Media (the Case Study of The Popular Medicine Journal)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25098 URL:
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At the age of the social and economic development of modern China, the issues of physical and mental health and healthy lifestyle values are growing especially important. The present article is devoted to the role played by Chinese general audience medical publications in promotion of health-saving technologies. In this regard, the author of the article pays special attention to the general review of the genesis and gradual development of Chinese general audience medical publications in accordance with particular sociohistorical periods. The author focuses on modern printed media that transmit today's China's health care policy. The author provides results of the analysis of typological and substantial particularities of The Popular Medicine Journal issues that have been published since 2006 till 2016. This journal is a long tradition and today has a dominant position in China's printed media. The Journal publishes articles and researches of respected representatives of modern Chinese medicine. The author emphasizes the important role and main provisions of traditional Chinese medicine, and their importance for health and well-being of a modern person.
Citations count: 1
Chernova O.E., Osipova A.A., Buzhinskaya D.S. —
New phraseology in modern communicative space (to the question of replenishment of the corpus of chunks of language by phraseologisms with a component “electronic”)
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 27 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.5.32746 URL:
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Phraseological corpus of Russian language of the late XX – early XXI centuries has been enriched with multiple phraseological units. The subject of this research became neophraseologisms with “electronic” as the key component, actively used in modern publicistic discourse (electronic book, electronic textbook, electronic journal, electronic wallet, electronic library, and others). In Russia, the system of gradual fixation of emergence of new suprawords linguistic units did not form, thus composers of even the modern phraseological dictionaries include neologisms carefully, “sparsely”, often without due “linkage” to time and circumstances of their emergence, not fully answering the needs of a modern user. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that there is a need to conduct linguistic qualification and dictionary description of the Russian phraseological neologisms, emerged in the conditions of “digital pivot” of culture and formation of global communicative space. Abundance of supraword neologisms, which sensitively react to all changes in the life of society, is connected to a number of causes. On the one hand, on the background of geopolitical “redivisions” came drastic changes in the sociopolitical and socioeconomic life of the Russian native speakers. On the other hand, modern humanity is undergoing civilizational changes, caused by the “digital pivot” as coined by the renowned Polish phraseologist Wojciech Chlebda, driving formation of a global information network.
Citations count: 1
Syun T. —
The peculiarities of international business communication on the Internet
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 26 - 36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.1.37365 URL:
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This article examines the problem of business communication on the Internet on the example of the Russian and Chinese languages. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the progressive international relations, and lies in studying the peculiarities of the culture of international business communication on the Internet, namely between China and Russia. Although the economic cooperation between the two countries are rapidly developing, the problem of mutual intelligibility remains acute. In the globalization era, the Internet is crucial factor that effects the specifics of the culture of business communication. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of international business communication on the Internet, taking into account the specifics of the parties to communication on the example of China and Russia). The subject of this research is the specifics of international business communication on the Internet between China and Russia. The object is the China-Russia business communication via the Internet. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive analysis of the forms and specifics of international business communication on the Internet between China and Russia. The main conclusions are as follows: business communication on the Internet is affected by such factors as mentality, national traditions, established etiquette norms and rules; the Russian and Chinese business communication on the Internet is characterized by standardization, use of speech patterns, cliché; Russian and Chinese business representatives must have command of both languages alongside broad knowledge on culture and traditions of the partner country, show flexibility manifested in the use of modern technologies of conducting business, namely the Internet and its capabilities.
Citations count: 1
Guan Q. —
Lexico-semantic Aspects of Word "Sanction" in the Russian Political Sphere
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 11.
– P. 137 - 151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.11.37500 EDN: QTIKDL URL:
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The article analyzes the structure and features of the lexico-semantic field (of the word) "sanction" in the Russian political sphere; author discuss the semantic connections of its lexical units and metaphorical models of this word in the political discourse of the Russian language. The subject of the study is the semantic content of the term under consideration, presented on the website and in the Russian National Corpus. The purpose of the study is to analyze a fragment of the Russian political picture of the world reflected in this field. To achieve this goal, a set of the following linguistic methods has been applied, such as statistical description, component analysis, field method, etc. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, using the example of the term "sanction", an attempt is made for the first time to build a lexical-semantic field of a political term of the Russian language. The results obtained show that the lexico-semantic field "sanction" in the Russian political sphere consists of 7 microfields that are interconnected with each other and have their own model - "core-periphery", however, the boundary of the transition from the core to the periphery is not clearly traced. In addition, the lexico-semantic field is also a way of representing the language world picture, because the cultural features of the language of any nation are primarily reflected at the level of the lexicon - the most dynamic tier of the language system. The term "sanction" in modern Russian language is used not only in the legal, but also in the political spheres, and is also used as a tool for regulating relations between states and international organizations. In the Russian political sphere, lexico-semantic field "sanction" is accompanied by a large number of metaphors used to reveal the conflicting nature of the sanction and the dramatic nature of political life, the semantics and scope of the term, as well as stylistic evaluation, are expanded.
Citations count: 1
Alhaded H.H., Shavtikova A., Savalkha O.N. —
Methodology of analysis of directive speech acts in English and Arabic academic discourse
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 24 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.8.38567 EDN: MVQQGB URL:
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This article presents the author's methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in English and Arabic academic discourse, developed during the writing of the author's dissertation research. The purpose of the article is to describe and confirm the effectiveness of the methodology for analyzing directive speech acts within the framework of two academic discourses. In addition to substantiating the choice of research methods and respondent groups, the article presents a written discursive test with situational examples developed on the basis of the classification of directive speech acts by J. Serle (1979). We propose the study of directive speech acts from the point of view of grammatical, cultural, social and lexical aspects. The purpose of this article is an attempt to propose the author's methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in a comparative aspect within the framework of academic discourse functioning in English and Arabic. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that earlier in Russian and foreign linguistics, no attempts were made to develop a methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in a comparative perspective of English and Arabic. In conclusion, the author makes a conclusion about the effectiveness of the proposed method of analysis, and also notes the prospects for further research on the proposed topic. The results of the article can be used in the compilation of methodological complexes for teaching comparative linguistics, as well as courses on discourse analysis in higher educational institutions.
Citations count: 1
Ivanova E.V. —
Greek borrowings and glosses in the translation of "Epitomy" by Constantine Harmenopoulos, made by Epiphanius Slavinetsky
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 8.
– P. 206 - 218.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.8.43714 EDN: XBWTSC URL:
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The object of the study was the Greek phrases used in glosses in the Slavic literature of the second half of the XVII century, the subject is their implementation in the translation of the Epitomies by Konstantin Armenopoul, made by Epiphanius Slavinetsky, and the relationship with other works of this scribe. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the use of Greek phrases in glosses in this translation. Particular attention is paid to the compilation of their own classification of marginalia based on available research. Adapting glosses, foreign-language equivalents to Slavic variants in the main text are considered separately, the characteristics of glossaries are given, the data are compared with the material of lexicons that were used by scribes. The novelty of the research consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of manuscripts not previously considered by scientists in the linguistic aspect. The main results of the analysis are to identify the role played by marginalia in the translation of "Epitomies": some of them are aimed at adapting the text for the reader, some are aimed at bringing the text closer to the original and are due to the Greek orientation of the translator. The description of the specifics of the work of the Moscow reference man with marks also clarifies the methodology of editing and searching for a more accurate translation, and also sheds light on the lexical and grammatical features of translations of the Chudovsky Book School of the second half of the XVII century.
Citations count: 1
Minasian S.V. —
Russian writers in french press at the turn of the XIX-XX century. Newspaper “L’Aurore”
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 6.
– P. 253 - 266.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.6.71085 EDN: CZCKZX URL:
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The subject of the study is the interest of the French socialist press at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries in the spiritual and political position of Russian writers (using the example of the socialist newspaper "L'Aurore". The article is devoted to an urgent topic – Franco-Russian cultural ties based on the analysis of the Russian literature Since 1870. The purpose of the work is to analyze and generalize the semantic content of published texts from the perspective of determining their adherence to a given political course and the idea of engagement. The material was selected by the method of directional sampling, collection and classification of articles, taking into account the editors' particularly close attention to such writers as F.M. Dostoevsky, Lev Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky. The research methodology is complex and includes content analysis using biographical, historical, cultural and comparative methods. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the explication of the close attention of the Western press, especially of the left, to the position of Russian writers, which served to attract the interest of the mass reader to their works. However, the main conclusion of the author is that the driving incentive for the press to address the names of great thinkers was the affirmation of socialist ideals and the idea of the writer's engagement, his unity with the people and opposition to power. The novelty of the work is determined by the scrupulous selection of relevant material and the practical development of this topic, which has so far remained outside the field of research by other authors.
Citations count: 1
Ovchinnikova O. —
Subculture of French Metropolises: Performance Features and Patterns of Enriching Vocabulary of Youth Argot
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 85 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25579 URL:
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Today nonstandard becomes a marker of social, political and cultural changes in the life of the society. Nonstandard is typical for metropolises and their suburbs, young people being the main part of population there. Youth argot plays an important role in nonstandard as a system. Representatives of this reference group try to stay aloof from the other part of the society so they have their own subculture. At the same time, youth quickly assimilates new trends of the society. The analysis carried out by the author demonstrates that this reference group tends to a fast yet full communication of ideas as it is required by the fast pace of their life. This is why youth word creation is mostly focused on the play upon the appearance of the word. The results of analysing empirical material selected from specialized sources of uncodified speech using the continuous sampling method demonstrate that French youth do not only assimilate existent words and patterns of vocabulary enrichment in accordance with their needs and purposes but also create their own method of writing to communicate through messangers and SMS. The importance of youth vocabulary is growing as a result of extended cross-cultural communication and international contacts. Young people are open for everything new and quite vively respond to changing realities. Thus, analysis of their vocabulary allows to better understand world views and picture of the world of young people and to adapt to the environment they live in.
Citations count: 1
Sokolova O., Stanislavskaya S. —
Speech portrait of a journalist V. M. Peskov as a carried of the full-range type of speech culture
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.3.29941 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the speech portraying of linguistic personality of the journalist – one of the relevant problems of modern linguistics, substantiated by development of the methodology of reconstruction of linguistic personality, as well as the current state of journalism and linguistic problems of modern mass media. The authors attempt to create a speech portrait of personality of V. M. Peskov, whose words signify an example of journalistic mastery and high level of speech culture. Major attention is paid to the individual characteristics of artistic matter of the journalist that describe his linguistic personality, worldview and values. The conclusion is made that the individual speech portrait of V. M. Peskov allows determining his linguistic personality as the carrier of full-range type of speech culture that possesses not only professional, but also life experience and established system of ethical values. His signature speech indicates creative individuality and skillful use of expressive means, as well as following the laws of journalism genre and compliance with the norms of literary language. The novelty of this research consists in the authors’ attempt to reveal the individual speech characteristics of V. M. Peskov on the one hand, and qualities typical for a top-notch newspaper journalist, which would allow to develop criteria for classification of the carrier of high speech culture.
Citations count: 1
Belozerova E.Y., Ginzburg O.V. —
Modern phraseology of the English language: the world of fantasies, dreams and hallucination
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 140 - 146.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69859 EDN: IEZWII URL:
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The article examines phraseological units of modern English from the perspective of expressing the meaning of dreaming, fantasizing and making things up. Examples of the use of phraseological units from modern English dictionaries served as empirical material. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence of a secondary nominative meaning for the word hallucinate for the purpose of further analysis of phraseological units and their possible similarity in meaning. The object of study in the article is phraseological units used in the examples presented in dictionaries to correlate the original meaning of the verb hallucinate with the presented phraseological units. The subject of the study is the communicative and pragmatic functions of the received phraseological units to describe dreams, fantasies and inventions in a state of conscious and unconscious. The purpose of the work is to study and analyze the received phraseological units. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the quality of the material (modern phraseology and vocabulary of the English language), as well as the analysis of the relationship between the meaning of the word hallucinate and the presented phraseological units. The main research method is an inductive approach to the analysis of empirical material, in which conclusions are based on the analysis of specific phraseological units. To identify derivational transformations in the structural-semantic organization of phraseological units, the work uses structural-semantic analysis. The result of the analysis reveals a number of phraseological units, the meaning of which does not correspond to the original meaning of the word hallucinate. However, one phraseological unit has been identified which can be considered as a synonym for the word hallucinate. This study contributes to the development of the study of phraseology of English, its enrichment, as well as its understanding in a broad approach.
Citations count: 1
Pris F. —
Does the classical principle of bivalence hold? (Charles Travis versus Timothy Williamson)
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 60 - 128.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.3.14766 URL:
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In this paper I seek to find a middle way pragmatic solution to Williamson-Travis’s controversy about the principle of bivalence within a Wittgensteinian pragmatism. It seems to me that Travis does not distinguish between the new applications of one and the same concept and the applications of a similar, but different concept (for example, a more general concept). And his examples do not support his thesis about the violation of the principle of bivalence. On the contrary, Williamson, I think, does not take into account the pragmatic “open texture” phenomenon. I partly agree with Williamson that Travis’s examples look like those in which in different contexts words refer to different properties. Unlike Williamson, who operates with the notions of a character (linguistic meaning) and content, and unlike Travis who operates with the notions of a semantic meaning and understanding, I introduce tree levels of meaningfulness: the linguistic, the semantic (or the level of a rule/concept), and the pragmatic one (the level of the use of a rule/concept, or the meaning-use level). I agree with Williamson that the classical principle of bivalence holds. It is “violated” only in a domain of potential new utterances, whose truth-conditions are not pre-determined (such utterances are not fully meaningful). This is the phenomenon of the conceptual (hence, I think, also ontological) under-determination of the world. Travis’s «Aristotle condition» is equivalent to the condition that the gap between thought, language and the world is closed.
Citations count: 1
Makhina L.A. —
Negative Judgemental Expressions as Structure Elements and the Meaning of Conflictogenic Texts
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.4.20464 URL:
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The subject of the research is the expressive means of pejorative evaluation and particularities of using these means in conflictogenic German texts. Conflictogenic texts are practically not studied by linguistics as a particular kind of texts that constitute the field of agonal communication. Meanwhile, particular features of such texts include their ability to maintain and escalate the conflict through persuasive influence on recipients for the purpose of changing their communicative pragmatic attitude to the third parties or changing the matter of conversation to the alient one. Such change of the attitude to the 'alien' matter is made, among other things, by creating particular contrast images for the 'ours' and 'aliens' categories. The contrast between 'ours' and 'aliens' is created through polar evaluations of the aforesaid groups: meliorative and pejorative. In her research Makhina anayzes the negative evaluation of the 'aliens' group. The given linguistic analysis is based on lexico-semantic and contextual methods of analysis using the basic German dictionaries. Due the constant growth of tension in socio-political relations, modern linguistics focuses on studying language and speech phenomena that are functionally related t conflict communication situations and confict as a source and consequence of the opposition between participants of speech communication. A lot of researches conducted by Russian and foreign experts are devoted to the linguistic research of conflict situations in the process of communication. These researches are usually devoted to various aspects of the agonal communication, i.e. communication that is based no non-cooperative or dissonance speech actions of communicators. Despite a great number of researches on the matter, none of these researches cast enough light on the origin and structure of conflictogenic texts that are still the object of researches on forensic linguistics. The results of the given research allow to define conflictogenic texts from the point of view of linguistics and describe their main structural and semantic elements.
Citations count: 1
Solntseva E.S. —
Relevance of Elements in Multimodal Texts
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 77 - 84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.25194 URL:
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The subject of the research is the multimodal elements in 100 articles of electronic edition of The New York Times of March, 2017. Solntseva examines various kinds of such elements, in particular, photo, video, hyperlink to associated articles, hyperlinks to the front-page news, subscription offer, advertising and technical links. The author focuses on frequency with which these elements can be found in electronic articles. The author also analyzes the dependence of the frequency of multimodal elements on their relevance. The author applies the method of empirical analysis (observation) and describes kinds of multimodal elements in the aforesaid edition using the method of continuous sampling as well as uses the method of classification depending on the frequency of each element in a given or other articles. The main result of the research is the author's description of 5 relevance levels of multimodal elements and discovery of the inverse relation between information relevance and frequency of references to this information in a given or other articles. This dependence can be described using the following formula: the more likely an element is to appear in an article and the more frequent similar elements are found within an article, the lower their relevance for the article is. The author also discovers the inverse dependence between the frequency of a multimodal element and relevance thereof: the more relevant information is, the more frequent this information can be found in articles and the more frequent this information is expressed in the best parts of the article.
Citations count: 1
Gramma D.V., Filistova N.Y. —
Conceptual Basis of Sports Discourse (the Case Study of English Newspaper Articles)
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 49 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.28789 URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of sports discourse. Verbalization of various concepts on the example of English-language newspaper articles is considered as a subject of the study. The aim of the research is to study the conceptual basis of sports discourse. In the process of analyzing the conceptual basis of sports discourse, the features of the conceptual sphere of sports discourse were considered; the concepts of sports discourse were highlighted; lexical units representing the conceptual sphere of sports discourse were selected and analyzed. The research is formed by such research methods as definitional analysis, elements of conceptual analysis, as well as a statistical method. The subconcepts of the concept “Sport” were described in the article. Having considered the verbal implementation of subconcepts in sports discourse, the authors found out which subconcepts are dominant.
Citations count: 1
Dulova S.A., Nikolaev N.I. —
Gaito Gazdanov's Prose in Terms of Changing Worldview in Literature
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 128 - 134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.4.30501 URL:
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Modern literary studies view the first wave of the Russian Immigration of the XXth century as a heterogeneous phenomenon. Traditionally, researchers describe two generations of the Russian Immigration, the 'seniors' (Bunin, Shmelev, Zaitsev, Gippius and others) and 'juniors' (Nabokov, Varshavsky, Yanovsky and Gazdanov). Peculiarities of each writer's creative style still need to be clarified. Description of experimental and innovatory searches of each junior and analysis of the influence of modern European literature on them have not allowed to make conclusions about general trends in their writing. The question about the changing worldview in literature has been partly covered in researches of Gaito Gazdanov's creative legacy and era. The most famous modern approach to this problem is an attempt to describe changes in the worldview by focusing on particular aspects (the feeling of upcoming catastrophe, crisis, loneliness, etc.). These observations prove extension, clarification, and explicitation of a traditional worldview, however, they do not always mean a qualitative change. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the author views the initial cause of changes in the worldview in litrature as the search for a principally new position towards the world that would allow to model the world as one whole.
Citations count: 1
Dmitriev A.V. —
Structural-semantic peculiarities of English-language telescopic units and their key models in light of derivational processes
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 257 - 263.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31615 URL:
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The subject of this research is the structural-semantic peculiarities of English-language telescopic units. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the extensive proliferation of the various so-called compressive methods of word formation. Leaning on the 300 analyzed units, the author seeks to determine the most frequent derivational models of telescopes for future inclusion of the acquired data into the developed bilingual thematic dictionary. The complexity of analysis and interpretation of telescopic formation substantiates the ambiguity of interpretation of the term “telescopy” itself, as well as variation of approaches towards studying these units. The author’s special contribution consists in the attempt of thematic description of the revealed 300 telescopes with their future inclusion into the bilingual thematic dictionary; this may be also considered as contribution to the modern anthropocentric lexicocgraphy which central focus is the lexicographic description of neologisms. The main results consist in the following: determination of the construction model of telescopes; dominance of the model “initial rhythm” over “center of the code”; prevalence of trisyllabic words due to their maximum informativeness and relative shortness; conceptualization of the three types of meaning on the bases of structural-semantic analysis of telescopes – 1) new meaning does not integrate into the general concept and breaks down into the initial elements, 2) new meaning is more narrow than the initial, 3) creation of the completely new meaning somewhat cognate to the initial semantics.
Citations count: 1
Dmitrieva E.I., Grubin I.V. —
Differences between automotive and traffic terms in England and the United States
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 103 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.1.32272 URL:
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The subject of this research is the different automotive and traffic terms in the English language from the perspective of their variance. The article explores the similarities and differences between the terms of the topic group “Automobile Transportation” in the British and American variants of the modern English language. Special attention is given to the etymology of the terminological units in questions. On the examined examples of terminology, it can be observed that some basic concepts carry national arrangement within the American and British tradition of formation of terminology. For selection of language material, this article utilizes such sources as The Oxford English Dictionary, The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Cambridge Dictionary Online, and Collins English Dictionary Online. The scientific novelty of this research is justified by the insufficient elucidation of the problem of territorial variance within the English language on the material of transportation terminology, which is a reflection of national perception of the surrounding world. The authors make a conclusion that despite the importance of the standardization and formalization processes, it is necessary to remember that terminology vastly reflects professional worldview.
Citations count: 1
Liashenko T. —
Lexis of the thematic group “food and food consumption” in the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlyov Family”
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 84 - 96.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.11.34150 URL:
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The subject of this research is lexemes of the thematic group “food and food consumption” in the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlyov Family”. The object of this research is the functional yield of these linguistic units in the text. The author of the article describes the functionality of food images in literature in form of the system of oppositions “external (existential) – internal (psychological)”, and “static-dynamic”. The four functions are differentiated: external static (food image as a detail scenery), external dynamic (food image as a theme-forming element), internal static (food image as an element of portrait of the character), internal dynamic (food image characterizes the dynamics of relations between the characters). It is noted that the thought on “low functionality” of gastronomic images in a literary text, which is expressed in some research, testifies to insufficient study of such rich material. Food as a literary image, as well as the motif of food consumption in a literary text always convey semantic meaning. In the novel “The Golovlyov Family”, the words with “food” semantics serve for the formation of external, existential aspect of narration, as well as internal, psychological aspects. Images of food alongside motifs of food consumption are characterological (describing portrait of the character) to a lesser degree, and more often used for demonstrating relationships between the characters.
Citations count: 1
Serbin V.A. —
Semantic peculiarities of translation of military ranks in the Vietnamese language
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 30 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.2.34586 URL:
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The process of translating nomenclature concepts is quite complicated, which prompts the translator to find realias in their native language. Accurate translation and finding proper equivalents require standardization and unification of the systems of nomenclature concepts of military terms in the original and target languages. An attempt is made to standardize and explain the rules of utilization and translation of the system of military ranks based on their semantic peculiarities in the Russian and Vietnamese languages. The author makes brief notes on the translation of military ranks and spoken forms of military greetings. Despite the sufficient coverage of the topic of semantic peculiarities of terminology, it retains relevant. The question of translating military ranks along with other nomenclature terms in the Vietnamese language, raises some questions. The author provides a general overview of the system of military ranks, determines similarities and differences, and attempts to develop a unified approach towards translation of these nomenclature concepts in the original and target languages. The article employs the comparative and descriptive methods of research. The acquired results demonstrate that the question of translation equivalence should be explored only through comparative analysis. The presented materials can be applied in lexicography and translation practice.
Citations count: 1
Anisimova O.V. —
Portrait of the writer: the peculiarities of literary technique of Roger Zelazny
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 145 - 153.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.4.35298 URL:
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The subject of this research is the unique literary technique of the prominent American fantasy and science fiction writer Roger Zelazny, the author of the world-renowned novels, such as “The Chronicles of Amber”, “This Immortal”, "The Lord of Light”, etc. The article is dedicated namely to determination of the key peculiarities of the poetics of his works. Special attention is given to characterization of his literary path, its periodization, the impact of Zelazny's predecessors – the authors of science fiction and classical world literature – upon his prose. It is noted that R. Zelazny was fascinated with various mythological systems, such as Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Celtic, and Christian. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the attempt to reveal and systematize the most remarkable features of the works of the American fantasy and science fiction writer, whose impact upon the modern fantasy literature can hardly be overestimated; however it has been poorly studied within the Russian literary studies. The conducted analysis of the poetics Roger Zelazny’s iconic novels, created within the framework of the four main stages, indicates the use such postmodernist literary technique as intertextuality. The matter of R. Zelazny is also characterized by psychologism, interpreted as the author's attention to the meticulous reconstruction of the inner cosmos of the hero, which resembles the result of the writer's passion for the ideas of psychoanalysis. Along with the other representatives of the New Wave, Zelazny was prone to the experiment with forms, as well as to the synthesis of the various fantasy genres. Therefore, many of his novels demonstrate the fusion of science fiction, fantasy, space opera, mystery, and detective fiction.
Citations count: 1
Diveeva A.A. —
The concepts of “human”, “time”, “life” and methods of their representation in the Russian-language rap lyrics
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 198 - 206.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.5.35524 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the semantic arrangement of rap lyrics. Based on the quantitative and statistical processing of the material, the author determines the lexical units that acquire a new functional purpose and conceptualization in the literary text. The goal of this research is to describe the functionality of the universal concepts of “human”, “time” and “life”, as well as the methods of their representation in the Russian rap lyrics. The relevance and novelty of this work are defined by the fact that despite the attempts existing in the linguistic science to determine the semantic and conceptual fields common to the lyrics of rap culture, this topic remains poorly studied within framework of interpretation of the Russian rap lyrics as a literary text. The concepts of “human”, “time”, “life” in rap lyrics manifest as the key indicator of the system arrangement of a literary text; and despite their universal nature, reflect the specific content, which is substantiated by communicative and stylistic peculiarities of rap. The conducted analysis of rap lyrics demonstrates that the concept of “life” can perform a leading role one in arrangement of the lexical-semantic space of the text, as it suggests a complex representation of social reality (time and space), life activities of the subject and their assessment, reflection on the new life and new people. The article employs descriptive method, contextual analysis, quantitative-statistical analysis, as well as the method of continuous sampling.
Citations count: 1
Ding Q. —
In accordance with the laws of the genre: the peculiarities of using uppercase letters in Internet memes and postcards
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 124 - 143.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.6.35755 URL:
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Internet memes and postcards as the popular carriers of Internet communications, implement new, simplified in literary and aesthetic level forms of communication. The process of creating such genres entails departure from orthographic rules, among which is the use of uppercase letters. The subject of the research is the determination of peculiarities of practical use of uppercase letters in Internet memes and postcards. The goal is to follow the observance of orthographic rules in these genres regarding the use of uppercase letters, as well as to identify the stylistic peculiarities of these two genres and characteristic use of uppercase letters. The relevance and scientific novelty of this article consists in examination of content creation for Internet memes and postcards, rather than memes themselves. Extralinguistic roots of the problem of liberal use or inobservance of uppercase letters are detected on the linguistic basis. The research leans on the content from open sources. The conclusion is made that both linguistic genres represent the examples of mass communications addressed primarily to the users with lower aesthetic demand; different linguistic gradation lead to certain departure from orthographic rules in both genres; this may not be progressive from the perspective of language development, but rather be oriented towards primitivization of content.
Citations count: 1
Dai M. —
“Oriental” specificity of in the works of A. A. Fet: comparative analysis of the verbless poems of A. A. Fet and ancient Chinese poets
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 9 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.8.36090 URL:
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The subject of this research is the works of A. A. Fet, namely verbless poems, which are used as manifestation of his interest in the Orient and ancient Chinese poets. Analysis of A. A. Fet’s works from the perspective of projection on the compositions of Chinese poets and reflection of oriental specificity in his poems is a widespread topic in cross-cultural studies on the peculiarities of the establishment of literature. Multiple Chinese scholars keep seeking similar motifs as the factors mutual interest in depiction landscapes and surrounding reality. The acquired results allow interpreting the works of the poets belonging to different cultures. The scientific novelty of this research lies in combining different opinions on studying the oriental specificity in the poems of A. A. Fet, placing emphasis on the analysis of one his verbless poems. The article presents a compilation of various approaches towards examination of the works of A. A. Fet. The materials can be valuable for those interested in the creative path of the Russian poet. In future structuring the route of interaction and enrichment of knowledge in the field of cross-cultural communication, the obtained result of the works of authors of foreign cultures contributes to the understanding of culture, strengthens relations between the cultures, as well as improves the quality of translation, which is also important in the dialogue of cultures.
Citations count: 1
Lyubimov N.I. —
The symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Z. Dudina
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 271 - 282.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.8.37315 EDN: VPLPLQ URL:
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In the article, as part of the study of the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, the symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is considered. Based on the material of the poems included in her collection "Kuanyshym, kuem ӧndal ..." (Rejoiced, hugging a birch ...) (2012), the symbolic meaning and artistic functions of natural images that represent the philosophical attitude and worldview of the author and characterize the lyrical heroine in a certain way are revealed. In this aspect, Zoya Dudina's lyrics are explored for the first time.
The methodological basis of the research is the structural and semantic analysis of poetic works, which allows to identify and describe the structural and semantic levels of natural images that reveal the author's concept of the world and man, as well as the character features of the lyrical heroine. The article proves that natural images occupy a significant place in the lyrics of the Mari poet Zoya Dudina. They express not only the various inner states of the lyrical heroine, but also various aspects of human existence. Natural images are anthropomorphic (often the lyrical heroine herself appears in the form of natural images) and symbolic, they carry a deep philosophical meaning. The natural images-symbols express not only the individual author's perception of the world and man, but also the ethnic ideological traditions of the Mari people, with which Zoya Dudina is closely connected, are revitalized through them.
Citations count: 1
Boyarkina A.A. —
Representation of the Green Color in Journalistic Texts by English and German Nouns and Verbs
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 131 - 144.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.4.39149 EDN: YGFVYW URL:
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The purpose of the proposed work is to identify similarities and differences in the manifestation of green symbolism in English and German journalistic texts, the sources of which were online media. The subject of the study is the semantics of English and German nouns and verbs representing the green color in the compared languages. The symbolism of this color designation was chosen due to its insufficient study in the framework of comparative linguistics. In this article, based on the material of lexicographic sources, the dictionary meanings of these lexemes are determined, which can display the symbolism of the studied color in journalistic texts in English and German. The scientific novelty of this study is that for the first time it establishes similarities and differences in the transmission of green symbolism through nouns and verbs on the material of modern English and German journalistic texts. It was found that in English texts, in comparison with German texts, a greater number of nouns denoting green are used. In the course of the study, the comparative method, the method of semantic analysis, the modeling method, the quantitative method and the method of component analysis were used. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that in English journalistic texts, the symbolism of the green color, represented by nouns and verbs, is used to neutralize the green color of objects of material reality. In addition, the green color is able to display the positive symbolism of the permission of the requested action, environmental protection. In German journalistic texts, the symbolism of the green color can be both positive and negative. Basically, there is a positive symbolism of green when it comes to environmental protection. The symbolism can also be negative when the political activity of the Green Party in Germany is sharply criticized.
Citations count: 1
Makashova V. —
Structural model of the concept of "education"
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 55 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.5.37891 URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the concept of "education". This concept is fundamental for the Russian consciousness, since it is inextricably linked with the generally accepted system of moral coordinates. The purpose of this study is to build a structural model of the concept of "education" and determine its type. The solution of the following tasks contributes to the achievement of this goal: to systematize the definitions of the concept as a key category of cognitive linguistics, to consider approaches to the structure of the concept developed by representatives of various directions in cognitive linguistics (cultural, linguistic, logical, semantic-cognitive, philosophical-semiotic directions), to identify and describe the structural models of the concept. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is for the first time a segment-field model of the concept of "education" is proposed. The study was conducted using the method of free associative experiment. In the course of the study, the hierarchical relations core-periphery of the concept of "education" were described, as well as the attitudes of consciousness arising from its content. It is revealed that the concept of "education" is segmented, since the basic and additional cognitive layers that make up the scope of this concept surround strictly defined segments. The results of the study can be used in lexicographic practice in the compilation of associative dictionaries, as well as in courses of cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology and psycholinguistics.
Citations count: 1
Tarasova K.E. —
Formation of Scottish Ethnic Identity through the Historical and Social Events
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 227 - 239.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.5.39732 EDN: JDZNHT URL:
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The present article represents the process of formation and development of the Scottish identity through the events that have been occurring since IIIrd century. The aim of the research is the study of the ethnic identity development as emotional and cognitive process of identification with the ethnos. The article is based on the foreign and Russian researchers’ studies covering issues about Scottish history, ethnic identities, text pertaining to the important historic events that influenced the ethnic identity formation and articles written by Scottish sociologists as members of the ethnic group. On the basis of definitional, conceptual and event history analyses sphere of concepts SCOTTISH IDENTITY is formulated. The conclusion about the existence of two types of identity (ethnic and national) in the Scots consciousness is formulated. Event history analysis shows the emergence of the ethnic identity, that is changes in the identifications in the course of historical events and life conditions. The relevance in the research is in the formation of the ethnic identity representation in the Scots consciousness in the frame of its long period of formation and development. This article is of interest because of the second referendum on Scottish independence that is planned to be held in autumn 2023.
Citations count: 1
Borunov A.B., Pinaev S.M., Sil'cheva A.G. —
The "alien child" motif as a through code in the prosaic macrocycles of Boris Akunin and Dina Rubina
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 175 - 182.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.6.38358 EDN: PKESPA URL:
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The subject of the study is a cross-cutting code that unites the prose macrocycles of modern authors as a supertextual unity. The object of the research is a macrotext as a format of a literary work in the works of writers Dina Rubina and Boris Akunin. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the theme as the cross-cutting theme of a strange / adopted / unrecognized / illegitimate child and its connection with the clan and family, and the implementation of this theme in novels united in trilogies or macrocycles. Particular attention is paid to such an aspect of the motif as the onomastic code - distortion, change, re-voicing of the name and surname of the protagonist becomes a recurring motif.
The main conclusions of the study are: a statement of the homological similarity of the supertextual unities of the works of contemporary prose writers, highlighting the motive of the interaction of the genealogical tree of the family with someone else's child, its self-identification as part of the family and woven into the fabric of the family and its history as the bifurcation point of the macrotext. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the consideration of this motif in its diversified interpretation in various works and the connection of this motif with the onomastic code of the works. The novelty of the study lies in the comparison of the works of Boris Akunin and Dina Rubina, which were not previously considered in a comparative aspect.
Citations count: 1
Mysovskikh L.O. —
Existential and psychological grounds of criminal behavior of the heroes of Mikhail Lermontov and Fyodor Dostoevsky
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 84 - 93.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.7.38571 EDN: TMGBZT URL:
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In the article, through the prism of the philosophy of existentialism and social psychology, the prerequisites of the criminal behavior of the main characters of the novels by Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" and Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" – Grigory Pechorin and Rodion Raskolnikov are investigated. The author of the article claims that the reasons for the criminal behavior of both Pechorin and Raskolnikov are intrapersonal. However, the personal characteristics of an individual are formed under the influence of the society in which he exists, which is demonstrated by the example of the main characters of the novels of Lermontov and Dostoevsky. Thus, the article clearly shows the main principle of the philosophy of existentialism in action: the existence of a person precedes his essence. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Pechorin and Raskolnikov have many similar character traits, and the main difference between them lies in the social status of the characters. In both novels, the writers decry the vices of Russian class society. The author of the article summarizes that from the point of view of religious existentialism, Pechorin's fate is much more gloomy than Raskolnikov's fate, since Pechorin's soul is taken away by an all-consuming nothingness, while Raskolnikov's soul gets a chance for salvation. Dostoevsky's heroes always have hope, because God shows them the way by which a person can come to grace. This is where the main difference between Lermontov and Dostoevsky lies.
Citations count: 1
Shukurov D.L. —
Author's Strategies in K.K. Vaginov's Prose: "The Eidos of Hunting"
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 33 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.9.38784 EDN: SVADVO URL:
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The meta-narrative structure of the works of the Russian writer and poet K.K. Vaginov (1899-1934) is analyzed, the strategies of the author's narrative are investigated. Most of the subject analysis is occupied by the texts of the novels "Goat Song" and "The Works and Days of Svistonov": the first – as a meta–textual narrative, maximally saturated with cultural codes, as well as auto-reminiscences and allusions of early Vagin creativity, and the second - as a text that plays the meta-narrative model of the first. Within the framework of the concept of the "aesthetic completion of the hero" by M.M. Bakhtin, such an aspect of the topic as "the author is a character" is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the narrative strategies of K.K. Vaginov and A.P. Chekhov. As a result of the conducted research, it is concluded that the novel dilogy "The Goat Song" and "The Works and Days of Svistonov" tells about the paradoxes of artistic reality and reveals its essence in the language of the formal arrangement of Vagin's works. Due to the specifics of such a language of forms, these novels require detailed textual and poetical analysis (consideration of the novels "Bambochada" and "Harpagoniana" reflects the specifics of the author's strategies in the structure of the "single text" by K.K. Vaginov). The complex polymorphic composition of the entire Vaginovsky literary and poetic compendium, the system of mutually reversible and mutually correlating comments, references, semantic saturation of style, functionality of peripheral images and details in the structure of Vaginovsky works - all these stylistic features characterize the original author's strategies.
Citations count: 1
Kolesnik M.A. —
Review of the Studies of Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of the North
// Litera.
– 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 39 - 59.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2014.3.13998 URL:
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The research subject of the present article is the scientific works devoted to collecting, describing and publishing folklore of the indigenous peoples of the North. In his research Kolesnikov tries to classify folklore of the indigenous peoples of the North according to their chronological order as well as their attribution to a particular ethnocultural group (Yakuts, Dolgans, Khanty, Mansi, Selkups, Evenks, Kets, Nganasans, Nenets, etc.). This review allows to outline the challenges of today's studies of folklore of the indigenous peoples of the North and provide recommendations for futher researhes of the cultural heritage of the Northern and Siberian poeples. The research methodology is mostly connected with the analysis of scientific works and researches on the topic. Kolesnikov has applied the comparative historical method and the chronological method to studying scientific works on the folklore of the indigenous peoples of the North. Based on the conclusions of the research, the researcher offers the following measures aimed at preservation of the folklore of indigenous peoples of the North:
- It is necessary to apply new preservation measures instead of the previous ones using digital techologies and othe opportunities. This would allow to create the common database of all the collected data and provide better opportunities for studying them.
- Taking into account the fact that some ethnic groups have already forgotten their national language, it is neessary to publish their folklore in Russian and other languages.
- It is important to conduct different activities (festivals, holidays, contests, etc.) for the youth. This would allow to ensure the continuity of folklore traditions.
- There should be target programs created and grants provided for the preservation, research and promotion of folklore.
- Folklore lessons should be given at schools, colleges, institutes and universities not only in the regions where a particular ethnic group lives but throughout the North in general.
- New collections of folklore songs, fairy-tales, legends, puzzles, etc. should be published and recorded. Audio books, audio records, videos and digital materials should be made to cover the largest audience possible.
- It is also necessary to create specialized folklore centers where folklore archives would be stored and special activities would be conducted.
Citations count: 1
Faritov V.T. —
Poetic Creativity as the Will to Eternal Return: Imagination and Memory
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 80 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.22612 URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the interrelation between the phenomenon of creativity and the Nietzschean idea of eternal return. The subject of the study is the poem of Lermontov "From under the mysterious cold half-mask ...". Through the analysis of the antithesis of the mask and voice, the author of the article realizes the problem of time. Disclosure of the connection between imagination and memory and creativity makes it possible to identify Lermontov's idea of eternal return. An analysis of the poetic text is supported by the author referring to the conceptual developments of Hegel and Nietzsche as well as M. Bakhtin, N. Berdyayev, E. Husserl, J. Sartre, K. Jung, J. Derrida and J. Deleuze. The author of the article applies the methodology of intertextual and motivational analysis. The main method can be defined as a philosophical analysis of a literary text. The main conclusion of the study is the position of the creative nature of memory and its connection with the phenomenon of imagination and the idea of eternal return. Memory is seen as the will to perpetuate being created by imagining the perspectives of existence and values. The author of the article shows that memory, imagination and creation constitute the main motives for the idea of eternal return, which is revealed in poetic creativity.
Citations count: 1
Pilyugina N.Y. —
Textual Functions of Phraseological Units (the Case Study of the 'Any Way' Phrase)
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 38 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.23572 URL:
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The author of the article analyzes the syntactic functions of phraseological units. The object of the research is phraseological units that begin to perform syntactic functions typical of official words, and at the same time retain their original properties to a greater or lesser degree. The aim of this research is the analysis of functioning of one of such phraseological unit, "any way". The "any way" phrase may play different roles in a text structure such as the role of absolute beginning or absolute end of the sentence, or internal position. Within the framework of this research the author tries to answer the question whether there a correlation between syntactic position and scope of this phraseological unit. The author of the article describes the semantic structure of the text, in which there the 'any way' phrase, and the scope of application of this unit. Based on the analysis of facts the author has concluded that in the initial position this phraseological unit performs the textual function that always goes beyond one statement. This unit indicates an uncontested situation which unfolds against the background of two and more variables. The author has also analyzes the means of explication of the text semantic structure which consists of actual lexical tools (based on the antonymy of meanings), and function markers (conjunctions, and introductory modal words).
Citations count: 1
Shchepalina V. —
Particularities of the Author's Speech Functioning in Alejandro Casona's Drama
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.25687 URL:
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The subject of the research is the functioning of the author's speech in plays of a Spanish playwright Alejandro Casona. The author of the article examines the mechanism of reinforcing imagery and suggestiveness of a play by using expressive potential of the author's speech. Among other particularities of Casona's dramatic style, the author of the article underlines poetic equivalence of a stage dialogue and author's speech, functional and linguostylistic variety of remarks, their impressive nature and dialogue with an interpreter. In her article Schepalina provides a wide illustrative material that allows to prove the theoretical concepts of the research. The author has also applied methods of context, component, discursive and stylistic analysis, observation, generalisation and description. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Alejandro Casona's plays are understudied in Russia. The author of the article makes a contribution to the concept of the Spanish theatre and genre features of plays. The author's analysis of Casona's comedies allows to conclude that the author's speech does not only place the action in a micro- and macro-situational context but also serves as a poetic sign.
Citations count: 1
Polonskaya O.Y. —
Metaphorical modeling of migration: on the material of the U. S. mass media
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 48 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.3.30050 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of metaphorical peculiarities of representation of migration in the U. S. press. The object of this research is the metaphorical perception of migrants and migration in mass media language of the United States. The subject is the metaphorical models structuring the concept sphere of “migration” in mass media language of the United States. The goal of this work consists in analysis of the peculiarities of metaphorical modeling of migration in the U. S. political media discourse. The relevance is defined by insufficient coverage of metaphorical perception of the migration processes by modern mass media of the United States. The research is based on the cognitive approach, according to which metaphor is a fundamental phenomenon in perception of the surrounding environment. Study of the linguistic material and description of metaphorical model allowed determining the attitude towards migrants at the current stage of development of the U. S. society. The analysis of conceptual metaphors was conducted via continuous sampling from digital versions of the well-known newspapers “The New York Times”, “USA Today” and “The Wall Street Journal”. The author highlights the three main groups of metaphors: signifying natural phenomena and disasters; military; and goods-commodity.
Citations count: 1
Lamzina A.V. —
To the problem of reception of Shakespearean motifs in dramaturgy of Anna Akhmatova
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 84 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.12.33685 URL:
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The subject of this research is the Shakespearean motifs in dramatic compositions of Anna Akhmatova. The research material contains the works of later period – draft of a movie script “On Pilots, or the Blind Mother”, and drama “Enūma Eliš”, which was destroyed and later restored by the author with numerous authorial commentaries and remarks. Akhmatova carefully examined the “Shakespeare question”, was familiar with his texts in the original, as well as translated a passage from “Macbeth”. She was well-versed in the historical connotations of Shakespeare's tragedies, considering Mary Stuart the prototype of Queen Gertrude and Lady Macbeth, and at the same time, rejected this image applicable to herself and her “alter ego” in literature. The main conclusions of this work consists in determination of the peculiar semantic tone of the set of motifs associated with “Hamlet” and “Macbeth” in dramaturgy of Anna Akhmatova, which includes: usurpation of power and envy of the rightful heir, mother – son conflict projected not only on Shakespeare's dramaturgy, but also on mythology, and through mythology on the author's poetry, motif of “drama within drama”, where masks and pseudonyms disguise the inward nature of the author. The direct and indirect quotations from “Hamlet” and “Macbeth” correlates the indicated set of motifs with biography of the author in “On the Pilots, or the Blind Mother” and “Enūma Eliš”, which substantiates the novelty of this research.
Citations count: 1
Boykova S.E. —
Experiment with the images containing a recurring character: bilingual narrative analysis
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 37 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.10.33904 URL:
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This article analyzes the French-language and Russian-language discourse of bilingual children of different types. The goal consists in examination of specificity of correlation between the name and image in a bilingual discourse, as well as in description of the action depicted on the image. The respondents for this research became the natural bilinguals from mixed Russian-French or Russian families in France. The authorial corpus of Russian-French speech of bilingual children served as the material for this study. The corpus consists of the stories based on stimulus material. The research was conducted individually with each respondent in Russian and French separately. The respondents could select the initial language for conversation (Russian or French). The scientific novelty of this work is defined by the fact that the tradition of studying narrative was applied in the context of analysis of the bilingual French-Russian speech. The author examined the Russian-language and French-language names of characters and objects in different groups, and drew parallels between them. The results demonstrate that the name of a character within the framework of a single language could vary from image to image. At the same time, variability of names of the main character is greater in the Russian-language block. The most frequent name version for the main character in the Russian-language block was the cat, while in the French-language block it was “chat” with the definite or indefinite article. It is notable that initially some respondents had other options (cat, squirrel), but in the process of the experiment, they also changed the name of the character to corresponding to the author's concept of the name of cat. Due to the fact that the respondents were asked to adhere to the selected language, there was very few instances of code switching. However, their presence indicates that the respondents are lacking lexical tools in their weaker language.
Citations count: 1
Alieva F.A., Mukhamedova F.K., Bekeeva A.M. —
Artistic system of the children’s poetic folklore of Dagestan
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 42 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.11.34158 URL:
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The subject of this research is the artistic system of children's folklore of Dagestan. Based on the analysis the example of cradlesongs, play poetry, and calendar songs, the author determines their thoughtful humanistic and democratic motif, high ideological focus, and aesthetic perfection. The article covers the ideological, thematic and artistic content, and highlights the archaic elements of cradlesong poetry, which enjoys most popularity among other genres of the poetic folklore. The author’s special contribution consists in explication of specificity of artistic means and aesthetic foundations of the folk worldview and culture reflected in folk poetry; as well as in analysis of compositions of various folklore genres as the elements of single literary system, which indicates their focus on labor, strong ideals of patriotism, kindness and continuity throughout the entire social practice of the people. The oriented towards a young developing individual, children's poetic folklore reconstructs the work and life experience in a form comprehensible to a child. This is why were created the cradlesongs, nursery rhymes, games that involved poetry, and all these word-creating activities, which in their centuries-long evolution led to higher imagery, infused and gifted each upcoming generation truly humanistic values. Children's poetic folklore that reflects the questions of folk pedagogy based on life experience of the mountaineers, had a major impact upon the development Dagestan children's literature.
Citations count: 1
Chalbanova K.V. —
The Moon and the Sun in Kalmyk Mythology
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 11.
– P. 52 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.11.39267 EDN: OUDFUM URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of Kalmyk cosmogonic myths about the Sun and the Moon. The author's task is to analyze the myths in the collections, to show that, despite the records or publications in different years, the general culture influenced the cosmogonic mythology of the Kalmyks. The subject of the study is plots, images and other elements of Kalmyk oral narratives about heavenly bodies. The main material of the study is the texts of Kalmyk myths recorded by researchers of the Kalmyk Scientific Center in the regions of Kalmykia and published in the volume "Myths, Legends and Legends of the Kalmyks" of the "Code of Kalmyk Folklore", and the material printed in the collection "Seven Stars" was also used. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of cosmogonic myths presented in two collections published at different times. The main conclusion of the study is the fact that there are several versions of the myth of the Arach, which are different versions of the same plot. The appearance of the Sun and Moon is mentioned only in a few myths, in which they appear from the waters of the ocean in different ways: knocking down water with a mountain, with the help of a huge pump, with a blow of a sharp spear. Kalmyk cosmogonic myths explain not only the birth of the Sun and Moon, but also solar and lunar eclipses. This plot is quite widespread among the Mongolian peoples. In all the myths described above, the Sun and the Moon help Vajrapani Gegyan catch the Arach and cut it in two. The lower part descends to the ground, the upper part rises to the sky. Lunar and solar eclipses found a peculiar reflection in the consciousness of the ancestors. The peculiarity of the Kalmyk cosmogonic myths indicates the desire of the ancestors to know the world.
Citations count: 1
Ou M. —
Non-Euclidean Geometries as a Source of Faith in God for F.M. Dostoevsky and His Characters (on the Example of Ivan Karamazov)
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 139 - 150.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.7.41030 EDN: TNDYQL URL:
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Ivan Karamazov's nightmare reflects his deep ideological crisis. In the story of Ivan Karamazov's "rebellion" against God, his arguments about recently discovered non-Euclidean geometries play a major role. Confessing that he cannot understand and accept the idea of non-Euclidean geometry and the idea of worlds arranged according to different laws than our world, Ivan therefore denies the possibility for himself to sincerely believe in God. The strange connection between non-Euclidean geometry and belief in God is confirmed by an episode in The Brothers Karamazov, in which Ivan has a vision of the devil. In describing paradise, the devil uses the latest scientific concepts and non-Euclidean geometry, clearly demonstrating that new scientific theories can help a person find faith. This connection, important for the story of Ivan Karamazov, can be explained by the fact that in Dostoevsky's philosophical worldview the existence of "other worlds" plays a very important role as an expression of an unusual interpretation of the idea of immortality. If we accept the idea of people's existence after death in "other worlds", then scientific theories about "other worlds" can be seen as revealing those dimensions of being, where man will visibly understand the existence of God and the possibility of immortality.
Citations count: 1
Bykova L., Koptyakova E. —
Functioning of a Precedent Name 'Munchausen' in Today's Russian Printed Media
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.2.22523 URL:
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The object of the research is a precedent name 'Munchausen'. The authors of the article analyze particularities of that precedent name in today's Russian press. Printed media cannot so fastly respond to the events going on in the world compared to TV, radio or Internet. For this reason, in recent years the main function of press media has been the influence function. The authors pay special attention to what precedent situations related to the name 'Munchausen' have been actualised in Russian press media and what impact it was supposed to made on readers. When selecting material for research, the authors have used the random sampling method. In the course of processing the obtained corpus of examples, the authors have also conducted a cognitive discourse analysis of precedent phenomena as well as their comparison and classification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors have appealed to studying a particular precedent phenomenon associated with the German culture and how this phenomenon is shown in Russian press media. As a result of the research, the authors demonstrate that the precedent name 'Munchausen' actualises such representations as 'lier' and 'dreamer' while for precedent situations a formal actualisation is more typical.
Citations count: 1
Borisova I.V. —
Modern Trends of the Occasional Word Formation Process in Internet Communication
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 281 - 288.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.27160 URL:
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The object of the research is the sources of oral speech presented on the Internet (posts and comments on social networks, blogs and forums). The subject of the research is the occasional word creation of Internet communicants. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the process of word creation in the global network is momentary and controversial, and therefore, the sample used in this paper is a unique “instant cast of reality” that will later help create a holistic picture of the phenomenon under investigation to identify its potential impact on revision of the norms of the Russian language. Moving from the abstract to the concrete (from the existing theoretical postulates in the area under study to working with factual material), the author applied methods that are relevant in collecting empirical data: accumulation, comparison, description, and statistical analysis of relevant examples. In formulating the final conclusions, certain provisions obtained in the course of an intent-analysis using a discursive approach were summarized. Based on the research results the author makes the following conclusions : 1. The process of formation of new words in oral and written speech of Internet communicants is continuous and unusually active; 2. The share of occasional methods of word creation prevails; 3. The most common methods of occasional word creation at this stage can be considered “education according to a specific pattern”, “holophrasis”, “creation” and “inter-step formation of words”; 4. With a sufficient amount of accumulated empirical material in the field of occasional word-formation and identifying the general trends of this process, it is possible in the future to revise the norms existing in the Russian language.
Citations count: 1
Kutalmysh S.L. —
Phoneme /i/ in Turkish and Kazakh
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 223 - 233.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.28907 URL:
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The present study applies to the /i/ status in Turkish and Kazakh in the field of phonology and phonetics. Turkish and Kazakh are both Turkic languages with a common origin. This study aims to explain the difference between the acoustic realization of the /i/ proto-phoneme in Turkish and Kazakh by analyzing the historical development of the phoneme and its modern acoustic characteristics in both languages. The comparison of acoustic and articulation peculiarities of [i] in Turkish and Kazakh reveals the difference in the movement of the speech organs in these languages. Different tongue movements make realizations of /i/ in the languages to sound different. Analysis of texts which is done in the framework of this study showed that this difference existed during at least 150 years. Moreover, as it is shown in the study it is typical not only for the realizations of the /i/ phoneme but also for realizations of other phonemes in Turkish and Kazakh. However, in spite of the different acoustic characteristics the /i/ phoneme is understood easily by native Turkish and Kazakh speakers. This fact is analyzed at the end of the article. The actual reason for the difference between Turkish and Kazakh languages is contained in the field of the issue that makes this articulation difference existent.
Citations count: 1
Alieva Z.M. —
Structural-semantic types of good wishes and curses in the Chamalal language
// Litera.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2020.2.29278 URL:
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The author examines the folklore poetry of Chamalals, which includes the centuries-old tales and parables, ceremonial and family-lyrical songs, ritual lamentations, proverbs, sayings, counting-out rhymes, riddles, emotionally expressive lexicon, etc. The subject of this research is the good wishes and curses comprising the small folklore genres. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by uniqueness of the genre, which varies among the folklores of different nations. In order to preserve the language palette of humanity, in the conditions of currently ongoing irreversible process aimed at its reduction and unification, it is necessary to create full descriptions of the “living” languages. This article is dedicated to examination of the emotionally expressive lexicon presented by good wishes and curses in various situations on ontology of the Chamalal society. Based on the existing and newly introduced into the scientific discourse emotionally expressive vocabulary, the author explores the structural-semantic types of good wishes and curses in the Chamalal language. The analyzed Chamalal good wishes and curses as the primary genres of folklore discourse become the object of linguistic description for the first time. In the course of research, the author determines the main structural-semantic types of the emotionally expressive lexicon, trend towards passage of the sayings with unkind wishes into curses, and enhanced expressiveness in the phrases containing an unkind wish.
Citations count: 1
Islamova A.K. —
Hero as an Actor of Image Representation in a British Philosophical Novel of the Second Half of the XXth Century
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 173 - 184.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.4.30219 URL:
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The matter under reseach is the development of the concept character as an autonomous hero of action and narration subject in philosophical novels written by Colin Wilson, William Golding and Iris Murdoch. The author of the article has developed the topic based on historico-literary prerequisites and targets of creative writing of the period under study. The researcher extends the contextual scope of the research in order to clarify classical traditions and new trends in a writer's conveyance of a message and at the same time preservation of an independent status of a literary hero. The researcher studies solutions used by aforesaid writers using the method of system modelling a typological paradigm of their philosophical novels which allows to trace back evolution of characters at different levels of a consolidated polymodel. The main conclusion of the research is that the concept of developing a positive image of a hero in a British philosophical novel is based on the immanent principle of evolutionary process. Discursive analysis of the use of this principle explains how gifts of heroes for creative activity shows itself as heroes achieve their life goals. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher discovers a direct correlation between a hero's mind horizons and epic prospect of a hero's artistic world, the latter presenting a full and true picture of the reality.
Citations count: 1
Nabigulaeva M.N., Murtazaliev A.M. —
Children's poetry by Rasul Gamzatov
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 10.
– P. 117 - 130.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.10.34165 URL:
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The object of this research is the works of Rasul Gamzatov, while the subject is his poetics and style of children's poems. Detailed analysis is conducted on the genre and ideological-thematic peculiarities of children's poems by R. Gamzatov. Attention is focused on the techniques and means of expressiveness of the literary image. Rasul Gamzatov's children's poetry has not previously become the object of comprehensive research. The author observes the lack of scientific research that touch upon this side of the poet’s activity, namely substantive, formal, and artistic peculiarities of his poems for children. This topic requires in-depth scientific examination. The conclusion is made on the extensive representation of children's poetry in the works of Rasul Gamzatov, the key motifs of which are hard work, education, patriotism, love for the mother, plea for peace on earth, and propaganda of the traditional highland upbringing. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of holistic study of the poetics, as well as genre, stylistic and ideological-thematic peculiarities of children's poetry. The author’s special contribution to this research lies in shedding light on the little-studied aspect of R. Gamzatov's works, which arouses interest in further research of his literary heritage.
Citations count: 1
Gadzhilova S.M. —
The system of images and the image of the poet in the poems of M. Akhmedov
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 152 - 163.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.35192 EDN: KGMYRM URL:
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The subject of this article is the artistic features of the system of images and the image of the poet in the poems of M. Akhmedov. The system of images in the poems of M. Akhmedov is an integral mechanism that reveals the results of the poet's tireless artistic search, interprets many answers to the questions of the person and the poet. Modeling the poet's image in the system of images is not a new phenomenon in Avar poetry, nevertheless, it is an attempt by the poet to draw the reader's attention to universal problems again, to reveal the poet's vocation and the significance of his image in a new way, both in the system of images of the poetic text and in the consciousness of the poet himself, man and society. The object of the study is the image of the poet and the system of images in the poems of M. Akhmedov. The purpose of the work is to identify characteristic artistic techniques in creating the image of the poet, which occupies a significant place in the system of images of M. Akhmedov's poems, in understanding the essence of the artistic image, its dynamics and connections with the integral figurative system of the poet's poems. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that the artistic analysis of the system of images and the image of the poet in the poems of M. Akhmedov in this aspect was undertaken for the first time. The obtained results showed that the artistic structure of the poet's image and the figurative system in the poems of M. Akhmedov allows to reconstruct, expand the poetic concept of the world order, to allocate a well-deserved place in it to the poet-man. The study of details related to the author's artistic intention showed the deep ideological content of M. Akhmedov's poems, as well as important features of the author's worldview. The theme of the poet and poetry, which is revealed through the image of the poet and the figurative system of M. Akhmedov's poems, evolves in the ways of cognition of life and the image of man and society.
Citations count: 1
Podkovyrin Y.V. —
Visual aspects of unlocking the meaning in a literary work (based on Alexander Grin’s novella “Legless”
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 9 - 15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.6.35762 URL:
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The object of this research is the semantic structure of a literary work. The subject of this research is the nature of interrelation between visual and semantic aspects of the work. The “visual” implies not a characteristic of the text of the novella, but rather one of the “properties of artistic imagery” (S. P. Lavlinsky, N. M. Gurovich). On the one hand, the article interprets the semantics of visual images in A. S. Grin’s novella "Legless"; while on the other hand, reveals and describes the visual aspects of the very meaning of the novella. The author examines the dependence of understanding of the meaning of text on a certain “setting” of readers’ view. The scientific novelty consists in identification of the semantic aspects of visual images along with the visual aspects of unlocking the meaning based on Alexander Grin’s novella “Legless”. The impossibility of actualizing the meaning in the literary work without its visualization is explained the peculiar – incarnated – nature of the artistic meaning. The fact that in the literary work the meaning is translated into the actual existence of the heroes (is being incarnated) determines the integrity of the process of understanding from scrutinization into objective forms of this existence. Missing one or another feature of the artistic world by the reader would mean shifting away from adequate understanding. If for the hero of the novella “Legless”, the understanding of Self and his true position in the world is generally associated with the rejection of vision, then for the reader of “Legless” (or other literary text) vision (that corresponds to what is depicted in the text) is the key to understanding.
Citations count: 1
Xiao D. —
Specificity of representation of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the Russian and Chinese worldviews
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 9.
– P. 56 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.9.36435 URL:
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The goal of this research is to determine the specificity of representation of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the cultural-linguistic space of Russia and China. The article explores the peculiarities of the representation of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the Russian and Chinese folk tales as the texts that reflect mentality and folk traditions. In the context of dynamic globalization processes, increase of migration processes, and development of the new transcultural linguistic personality, which encompasses ethno-linguocultural distinctness of both countries, the author determines the specificity of representation of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the Russian and Chinese languages within the framework of lexical-semantic space of phraseology. Special attention is given to synergy of the linguistic and cultural worldview. This is the first comparative analysis conducted on the topic that allows revealing the specificity of representation of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the Russian and Chinese worldviews, which defines the novelty of this work. It is proven that the reflection of the dichotomy “young age – senior age” in the worldview of both nations (Russian and Chinese) was largely affected by folk and historical tradition. In the Chinese worldview, a senior person is much regarded, while in the Russian language it is more commonly to come across such representations as worsening of mental and physical abilities, as well as uselessness of senior people.
Citations count: 1
Mustapha M., Agyei S. —
The era of information pollution: new definition of news production in Nigeria
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 39 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.11.36726 URL:
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This article explores the possibility of redefining professional news production in order to suspend the disseminators of disinformation. For achieving this goal, the author examined the areas of the likely distortion of information: headlines and editors of online news. Headlines play the key role within information ecosystem, since they can deceive the audience. This is acquired by using arresting phrases to draw attention of the audience. It is determined that some editors of online news do not observe certain ethical standards, and thus, post articles without verifying the accuracy of the material. It is noted that politicians have infiltrated the online media space, which affects that the editors choose what to post. It is recommended that headlines should not only be attractive, but also written in a way not to deceive the audience, as well as the extent of influence of the political figures upon media agenda should be established. And ultimately, the people who have no experience in journalism, should be trained by an experienced journalist in order to minimize the information pollution common to the era of Internet and social networks.
Citations count: 1
Gilemshin F.F., Galiullina G.R. —
Past participle in kyssa Tatar texts of the late XIX – early XX centuries
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 19 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.1.37320 URL:
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The goal of this research lies in the analysis of past participles used in the texts of kyssa genre. The object of this research is kyssa Tatar texts published in the late XIX – early XX centuries. These works emerged under the influence of Oriental literature. The translations of the following works especially popular: the collection of fairy tales “One Thousand and One Nights” by F. Khalidi, the books “Tutinama” and “Kalila and Dimna” by G. Faezkhanov, the books “The History of the Forty Vezirs” and “Abugalisina” by K. Nasiry. They had a significant impact upon the formation of morphological norms of the modern Tatar literary language. The novelty of this article is defined by the fact that the morphological peculiarities of the works belonging to this genre have not previously become the object of separate research in the Tatar linguistics. The conclusion is made that the language of kyssa texts is heterogeneous, incorporating the elements of the traditional written literary language and the folk colloquial language. This is testified by the grammatical forms of past participle. The analysis demonstrates that the most common and multifunctional forms are -γan /-gän, -qan/-kän characteristic to the Kipchak subgroup of Turkic languages. This form is mostly used in colloquial language. Past participles with the affixes -dyq /-dek, -myš/-meš, -muš/-müš characteristic to the Oghuz group of Turkic languages are the indicators of the written literary language. With the establishment of the modern Tatar literary language, they became obsolete.
Citations count: 1
Mutalov R.O. —
Conversational Etiquette in the Itsary Dargin Language: Formulas for Contact-Establishing
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 91 - 99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.12.39512 EDN: SZFPZG URL:
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The article is devoted to the description of the phatic (contact-establishing) function of conversational etiquette in the Itsary dialect of the Tsudahar-Sirkhya language (the Dargin branch of the Nakh-Dagestan languages). The purpose of the study is to identify the conversational formulas for contact-establishing in the dialect under study and to give their semantic and stylistic characteristics. These conversational formulas are still little-studied not only in the Itsary dialect, but also in the other Dargin languages and dialects, and that is the relevance of the issue. Meanwhile, the traditional formulas of conversational etiquette are rapidly being lost due to the change in the traditional way of life and the intensive migration of highlanders to the cities. In the course of the study the methods of synchronous description and the methods of introspection and field linguistics are used. As a result of the study, the most commonly used Itsary words and expressions which are used in the process of interpersonal communication for expressing greetings, well- wishing, sympathy and farewells were identified and systematized, and the scope of their functioning is also identified. A significant amount of conversational formulas material is introduced into scientific use. The results of the study can be used in the study of theoretical issues of conversational etiquette and conversational culture of the Dagestan people and also for compiling dictionaries and for teaching courses of the Dargin lexicology and dialectology at the educational institutions.
Citations count: 1
Novikau A.V. —
The "House of Leaves" and the problem of the postmodern chronotope.
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 164 - 174.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.6.38300 EDN: PCEQBC URL:
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In this article, the object of research is a novel by Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves" in the context of postmodernism. The subject of the study is the phenomenon of the chronotope in the novel by Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves". Special attention is paid to the cultural and historical analysis of the postmodern context and the belonging of Roman Danilevsky to it. A general cross-section of the state of the socio-cultural environment from the moment of publication of the work to the present is given. The analysis of the publications of foreign researchers who have already addressed this topic, and the analysis of their views on the spatio-temporal features of Roman Danilevsky is carried out. The characteristic features of the theories of postmodernism that took shape in the postmodern era in their relationship with the novel "The House of Leaves" are singled out and described separately. By means of a comparative analysis addressed to foreign studies in the field of philosophy, as well as to literary and critical works devoted to the "House of Leaves", an indirect conclusion about the categories of space-time in the novel is formulated. The properties of the "House of Leaves" narrative related to these categories are described: layering, intersection and interaction of various narrative levels of the novel. Based on the study of the features of the chronotope "House of Leaves", the dominants are established, according to which the novel can be attributed to the current of postmodernism. The scientific novelty lies in the description of the author's narrative strategy, which led to the creation of the chronotope of the original type. The question of the future of novels based on the chronotope of the type described in the article continues to be debatable.
Citations count: 1
Lenkova T.A. —
Hermeneutics as a basis for the analysis of creolized media text.
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 60 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.38371 EDN: GNKHYK URL:
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The proposed work examines the media analysis of the modern creolized text of the media from the standpoint of classical hermeneutics of the German philosophers of the XVIII-XIX centuries and their modern followers. The aim of the author was to show the possibilities of interpreting a polycode media text using a hermeneutic approach, namely one of its leading methods – the hermeneutic circle. In connection with the study of the creolized media text, the author pays special attention to such a concept as a representative form of the object of interpretation, combining both linguistic and extralinguistic means of producing and perceiving meaning. The author analyzes both verbal and visual components of the media text from the standpoint of hermeneutics. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of diametrically opposed points of view on the process of interpretation, from the "limitlessness" of the possibilities of this process to the complete denial of the idea itself to comprehend the meaning contained in the text, from the stimulation of newly emerging possibilities of interpretation in the form of not only verbal, but also extralinguistic means, which are so rich in the creolized media text, to nostalgia for the old "respectful" model of interpretation. The idea runs through the whole article that not only hermeneutics is the optimal basis for media analysis, but also the modern creolized media text is the best suited for the practical refraction of the principles of hermeneutics.
Citations count: 1
Kudryavtseva R.A. —
"Sheklyanur text" in the novel by Yivan Osmin "Between Heaven and Earth"
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 126 - 145.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.11.69118 EDN: NCNJAO URL:
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This article is prepared as part of the study of the actual problem of local supertext in the literature. It examines the "Sheklyanur text" of the documentary-fiction (autobiographical, memoir) novel by the Mari writer Yivan Osmin "Kava den mlande koklashte" ("Between Heaven and Earth"). The author identifies, describes and analyzes the main components of the "Sheklyanur text" (the problems tied to the Sheklyanur plot line and the Sheklyanur part of the biography of the central character acting as a narrator, the system of characters and events, descriptions, administrative and geographical realities, ethnographic scenes and details, language features), their place in the artistic structure of the novel and also highlights the historical context of the "Shakespearean text", most clearly visible in its ring composition and having a dramatic and tragic orientation. The methodological basis of the research is the historical-genetic method and the structural-semantic analysis of the work. They made it possible to identify and adequately interpret the meaningful lines of the "Shakespearean text" to the maximum extent, to describe the key elements of its poetics. Yyvan Osmin's novel "Between Heaven and Earth" for the first time in regional and Russian science has become the object of special analysis, it is studied in the context of the actual, almost unexplored in Mari philology problem of local overtext in literature. The "Sheklyanur text" of the novel is considered as a focus of information about the specific aspects of the village of Sheklyanur (as a socio-cultural space) of the mid-1930s, sustained within the framework of an artistic and documentary (memoir, autobiographical, primary) narrative. The "Sheklyanur text" is filled with memorable everyday scenes of a personal and social nature, which, together with open ethnographic elements, recreate pictures of the Mari world and some features of its manifestation in a particular place of residence of Mari. The exceptional signs of the "Shakespearean text" were the authentic names of real characters, their destinies, topographical and administrative-economic realities, lexical features of the narrator's speech.
Citations count: 1
Alefirenko N.F. —
The 'Language' and 'Text' of Culture
// Litera.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 50 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.4.18245 URL:
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The author differentiates between the concepts "communication" and "communication". Communication is least of all only process of exchange of information. It is about subject - a subject vzvaimodeystviye when agents of communication enter responsible and substantial dialogue. Any communicative act assumes existence of feedback, intelligent reaction to the message. From the point of view of the diskursivny theory, communication and communication represent two levels of communicative processes in culture which component is the kognition – intellectual and emotional development of the world. The discourse is one of "the possible worlds" of polysyllabic structure. The author addresses various aspects of the linguistic theory. He uses also hermeneutical equipment which allows to get into sense depths. Novelty of approach consists in cultivation of similar linguistic concepts and identification of deep sense of communication. The substantial party of communicative process is made by interpretation of deep and invisible associative and semantic communications between signs of primary oznachivaniye. In article diskursivno-thought processes of ethnocultural character have special value.Article has been published in the Collection of reports of the I International scientific conference of the Russian new university "the Text: perception, information, interpretation" (Moscow, May 27-28, 2002).
Citations count: 1
Vodyasova L.P. —
The Functions of Metalexemes in the Literary Text (Based on the Works of Mordovian Writers)
// Litera.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 11 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2016.2.18957 URL:
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The subject of analysis in the article is the metalexeme as the class of words with the highest level of generalization. Research objectives include: 1) to define the class of metalexemes; 2) to describe the main features thereof; 3) to determine the functions that they perform in the literary text. According to the author, metalexemes have the following features: broad conceptual basis allowing to relate it to a wider class of denotations; absence of a definite denotative meaning and high level of abstraction generalized in the language system; indirect nominaton and, consequently, sinsemantia. The descriptive research method was used based on observations of metalexemes and their functioning in the literary texts written by Mordovian writers in Erzya. Based on the research results the author concluded that the marked words are often used by writers for shorter names of a detailed written fact, phenomenon, or a whole episode for its generalization, summarization and qualification . These words generally reflect the author's evaluation of the reported and repeat the previous part of the text or any of its component at a higher level of abstraction (anaphoric replacement) and can also be used in the exposition, thus organizing all further description or narration (cataphoric replacement).
Citations count: 1
Urazaeva N., Morozov E. —
The Category of the Subjective Modality in the German and Russian Languages (Based on the Analysis of Wolfgang Borchert's Play The Man Outside)
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 122 - 129.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.25691 URL:
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Modern trends in linguistics pay great attention to the study of language as a means of communication and the transfer of in-depth information of the text, which should be adequately reflected in the translation. This article discusses the means of expressing modal relations in German and Russian. The study is conducted on the example of the play “The Man Outside” by the German writer Wolfgang Borhert. Through the subjective modality, the specific quality of the attitude to what is happening and the characters on the part of the author and / or characters of the play is expressed. The main research methods were the study and analysis of scientific literature, continuous sampling and interpretation of factual material, contextual analysis. The subjective modality is expressed at all language levels (lexical, grammatical, stylistic), since only together they can provide complete information for the interpretation of the text, namely through modal words, modal particles, evaluative vocabulary, interjections, personal pronoun "Self", modal verbs and mood categories, literary tropes. In the study, the core of the subjective modality is the assessment of the characters of the described facts (confidence, uncertainty, condemnation, regret, agreement, disagreement, experience, missed opportunity, positive or negative evaluation). It was revealed that the implementation of the category of modality in German and Russian is different, and not always modal relations are fully reflected in the target language. For the translator, the correct interpretation of the modal characteristics of the text plays an important role, since the transfer of the content to another language is key to the need to retranslate all the nuances of subjective relationships.
Citations count: 1
Abdullaev I.B. —
Interrogative Sentence in the Lezgian Language
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 82 - 99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.2.26474 URL:
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This article is devoted to interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. the author of the article provides an in-depth analysis of all types of Lezgian interrogative sentences possible from the point of view of their semantics and syntaxis. In his research Abdullaev provides a great number of examples from literature and Lezgian study books. He describes new types of interrogative sentences that have never been described in study books before and carries out an in-depth analysis of subtypes of interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. Abdullaev refers to relevant foreign and Russian researches that have never quoted before. In his research the author uses modern methods of linguistic research such as description, immediate constituent analysis and comparison. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Russian linguistic science the author makes an attempt to provide a full structured and classification analysis of all types of interrogative sentences in the Lezgian language. BEfore this topic has been touched upon only partially by Russian and foreign researchers.
Citations count: 1
Skalnaya Y. —
Genre Innovation of Bernard Shaw's Play 'Saint Joan': at the Origins of a Documentary Theatre
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 28 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.3.26739 URL:
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The subject of this research is the place of an Irish playwright Bernard Shaw in the history of the documentary theatre development. Contrary to common belief that the founder of the docudrama performance was a theatre director Erwin Piscator and the founder of the docudrama methodology was Bertolt Brecht, the author of this article points out that Shaw's plays preceded them. As the proof of her thesis, Skalnaya has chosen to analyze the play 'Saint Joan' (1920) written by Shaw right after the First World War. This research is structured as having three parts. The first part of the research is devoted to the analysis of the principles used by the playwright as the written evidence of that epoch demonstrate. The first part of the research proves that Shaw used a lot of verbatim (paraphrase and direct quotes from historical sources). The second part of the article is intended to extend the interpretation of 'document' in docudrama and provide examples of how the images of Joan of Arc and her contemporaries in fine arts and sculpture impacted the appearance of Shaw's play characters. In the final part of the research the author appeals to the comparison of the present and previous experience of the documentary theatre and traces back the performance of 'Saint Joan'. In the process of the research the author has used the historical literary method that involves analysis of the biographical, historical and cultural contexts of creation of a play, as well as the comparative method that allows to compare different points of view on the matter of the research. The author has also used some elements of the close reading technique. The results of the research demonstrate that Shaw's play 'Saint Joan' has all the typical features of the docudrama which proves the innovative nature of the play and explains why the play was not accepted by Shaw's contemporaries. Generally speaking, the conclusions made by Skalnaya in her research, create grounds for reviewing the current chronology of docudrama and tribunal theatre development.
Citations count: 1
Zinnatullina L. —
Variability of Adverbial Phraseological Units in the Russian and English Languages
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 17 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.4.30329 URL:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the variability of adverbial phraseological units in the English and Russian languages. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of different kinds of phraseological unit variants in two languages compared: lexical, phonetic, morphological, combined and graphic that are defined based on the criteria of separability of phraseological units as well as the means of their contextual use. The researcher also compares the frequency of the use of these variants in Russian and English. Examples of the use of different variants of adverbial phraseological units are selected from Russian and British national corpuses. The research methods used by the researcher include: comparitive method, method of phraseological description offered by A. Kunin as well as contextual method and method of corpus linguistics. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher defines the frequency of represented variants of adverbial phraseological units and compares them. The researcher also appeals to two major national corpuses for the first time in the academic litrature. The main conclusions of the research are the following: adverbial phraseological units of both languages have lexical and combined variants; morphological variants are typical for Russian and not so frequently met in English; there is a limited number of phonetic variants in Russian while graphic variants of adverbial phraseological units are typical for English.
Citations count: 1
Wu P. —
Semantics of red color designation within Chinese and Russian languacultures
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 137 - 146.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.6.31474 URL:
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The subject of this research is the semantics of the red color within Chinese and Russian languacultures. The aim of this research is to determine the cultural connotations, which found the reflection in the semantics of red color designation in Chinese and Russian languages. The novelty of this research consists in the comparative character of the analysis of the semantics of the color red. Methodology of the research included the works of Russian linguists N. B. Bakhilina, T. M. Vasilyeva, T. I. Vedina, L. S. Gurieva, I. V. Dvoretsky, V. G. Kulpina, F. N. Novikov, S. G. Ter-Minasova and T. Y. Svetlichnaya. The culture-specific use of the lexeme red within Russian language are the notions of “festive”, “valuable”, and “bright”. Results of this research can add to the general theory of color designations within languages. A conclusion is made that semantics of one of the main basic colors denotes in the two languacultures both elements of similarity, as well as culture-specific features.
Citations count: 1
Ovcherenko U. —
“Voices of the Night” by Rollan Seisenbayev as metafiction
// Litera.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 105 - 113.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2021.8.36110 URL:
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The object of this research is “Voices of the Night” by the Kazakh Russian-language novelist Rollan Seisenbayev. The subject of this research is the metafiction structure implemented by Rollan Seisenbayev in the text field. Analysis is conducted on the layers of narration, transition from the novel to the metafiction level. A precise pattern of interaction between these levels is described. The article explores the authorial question and the “author's mask”, as well as the techniques that allow intentionally confusing the reader in distinguishing between these figures. The subject of analysis is also the need for using metafiction structure in the composition written within the framework of realism. The author analyzes the important theme in the works of Rollan Seisenbayev – interrelation between art and life. The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that Rollan Seisenbayev’s works of the Soviet period are extensively studied by the Soviet critics, while his compositions of the post-Soviet period rarely draw the scientific interest of modern researchers. His contemporary mark the shift from the trends of realism and gravitation towards the techniques of polystylistics, which synthesizes the techniques of various literary directions. The article reviews Rollan Seisenbayev’s novel “Voices of the Night”, which demonstrates the application of metafiction structure. The writer usesthis genre to reflect on the creative act and the nature of creativity.
Citations count: 1
Solovyeva A., Shishkina T.G. —
English military aviation terminology as the object of lexicography
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.3.37547 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the English military aviation terminology and its characteristic, the analysis of which is essential for the development of special terminological dictionary. The goal lies in examination of the peculiarities of creation of the dictionary of English military aviation terminology. The author sets the task to analyze the key theoretical issues associated with the development of dictionaries; determine the stages of this process; consider these stages in the context of working on the dictionary of English military aviation terminology. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the need for various types of terminological dictionaries, namely for the cadets of military aviation universities. The article explores the peculiarities and stages of creating the dictionary of English military aviation terminology. The research and practical lexicographic work lean on the scientific works of Russian and foreign scholars. The dictionary under development is the first attempt to create the terminological resource that incorporates the terms related to the operation of military aircraft (namely helicopters), and the characteristics of the ideographic dictionary and textbook. It will be supplemented with special academic and methodological complex.
Citations count: 1
Pavlova L.V., Romanova I.V. —
"Color" Ñomponent of the Frequency Dictionary of the "Armenian Text"
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 20 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.12.39276 EDN: ZASFPP URL:
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The aim of the study is to reconstruct the "Armenian" local text of Russian poetry, its color segment. The research material is a corpus of poems by Russian poets of the XIX–XXI centuries dedicated to Armenia. The object of study is the poetics of color as an important component of the image of Armenia, the subject of study is color naming. The methodological basis was an interdisciplinary approach combining linguistics, literary studies and computer methods of text processing. To describe the poetics of color, language material is processed and a frequency dictionary is compiled. Data interpretation is performed at the level of the entire corpus and within the subcorpuses of individual authors. This is how data on individual and national pictures of the world are compared and considered against the background of Armenian folk ideas about color. The scientific novelty of the research consists in compiling an original alphabetical-frequency dictionary of color names in the "Armenian text" of Russian poetry and in describing the poetics of coloristic elements. It is proved that in the general linguistic picture of the "Armenian text" and in most of the individually authored artistic worlds, the blue color and its shades confidently dominate. The semantics of color in Russian poets when describing Armenia does not coincide with the ethnic representations of Armenians. The study is promising for the comparative study of both local texts and national linguistic worldviews. The peculiarity of the "Armenian text" is the construction of a color picture of the world based on the perception of the color of soils, stones, rocks and the mountains themselves, as well as impressions of paintings by Armenian artists, first of all, Martiros Saryan.
Citations count: 1
Volkova K.B. —
Genre originality of King Vachiravudh's novel "The Heart of a Young Man"
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 111 - 119.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.7.38491 EDN: HOYQRZ URL:
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The object of this study is the analysis of the genre of the novel "The Heart of a Young Man" by the Thai king Rama VI Vachiravudh (1881-1925) – the monarch who stood at the origins of the formation of modern national literature of Siam / Thailand. The subject of the evaluation was the compositional and stylistic features of the work of the king-composer. Vachiravudh's innovation in the field of genre allowed not only to truthfully depict the personal experiences of the protagonist of the work, but at the same time to pose an important problem – man and society in an era of global change. Biographical, historical and comparative methods were used for a detailed analysis of the novel's genre originality.
This is the first original Thai-language epic work of the monarch, which is of unconditional interest and artistic value. Previously, the novel was not translated into Western languages and did not become the subject of a separate study by both national Thai literary critics and foreign ones. In "The Heart of a Young Man", Vachiravud proved himself as a talented artist-innovator, creating an original genre synthesis: a sentimental novel in letters with elements of a realistic psychological novel. The form of the Western European sentimental novel in the letters of the XVIII century. Vachiravudh uses the connection of the social into the personal in the fate of an individual to express topical issues. Based on the material of "The Heart of a young Man", the plot and compositional organization of the epistolary novel, the originality of the typological features of the genre (Preface, indication of the place and date of writing, address to the addressee, signature, etc.), its chronotope and the relationship between the hero - narrator – author, as well as the features of the image of the inner world of the protagonist and his spiritual evolution are investigated. It is shown that, having inherited the tradition of European literature of the XVIII – XIX centuries, Vachiravud anticipated in his novel one of the dominant lines of development of Thai literature of the twentieth century.
Citations count: 1
Feng W., Perfiliev A.K., Hu P. —
Translation of medical terms into Chinese
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 306 - 314.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69349 EDN: KWAFAA URL:
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The subject of this study is the peculiarities of translating medical terms into Chinese. The purpose of the study is to analyze strategies for translating medical terms into Chinese, as well as to identify the most effective and frequent methods of translation of medical terms. The research material is medical terms (60 hieroglyphic names of medicines and medical equipment) and their translation into Chinese. The article analyzes the four most commonly used ways of translating medical terms: phonetic, semantic, graphic and mixed. The analysis also focuses on alphabetic words of the Chinese language: full alphabetic words and partial alphabetic hieroglyphic words. The features of translating medical terms of Latin origin into Chinese and medical terms borrowed from English are compared. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: descriptive method, method of analysis of theoretical literature, as well as methods of systematization of material and classification. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that with the advent of new medicines and medical equipment, the question of translating new concepts into other languages, in particular into Chinese, has become acute. The article provides examples illustrating typical ways of translating medical terms into Chinese. The authors conclude that when translating borrowings from Latin into Chinese, preference is given to the phonetic method, while when translating English medical terms, phonetic-semantic, semantic and graphical methods are mainly used. The semantic method allows you to convey the meaning of borrowed words most fully, as well as create a pragmatic effect. The frequency of using the graphical translation method is significantly lower, since English and Chinese have different types of writing, which also introduces limitations for the transmission and interpretation of information.
Citations count: 1
Golikov A.A., Akimov D.A., Danilova Y. —
Optimization of traditional methods for determining the similarity of project names and purchases using large language models
// Litera.
– 2024. – ¹ 4.
– P. 109 - 121.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.4.70455 EDN: FRZANS URL:
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The subject of the study is the analysis and improvement of methods for determining the relevance of project names to the information content of purchases using large language models. The object of the study is a database containing the names of projects and purchases in the field of electric power industry, collected from open sources. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the use of TF-IDF and cosine similarity metrics for primary data filtering, and also describes in detail the integration and evaluation of the effectiveness of large language models such as GigaChat, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 in text data matching tasks. Special attention is paid to the methods of clarifying the similarity of names based on reflection introduced into the prompta of large language models, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of data comparison. The study uses TF-IDF and cosine similarity methods for primary data analysis, as well as large GigaChat, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 language models for detailed verification of the relevance of project names and purchases, including reflection in model prompta to improve the accuracy of results. The novelty of the research lies in the development of a combined approach to determining the relevance of project names and purchases, combining traditional methods of processing text information (TF-IDF, cosine similarity) with the capabilities of large language models. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the proposed methodology for improving the accuracy of data comparison by clarifying the results of primary selection using GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models with optimized prompta, including reflection. The main conclusions of the study are confirmation of the prospects of using the developed approach in the tasks of information support for procurement processes and project implementation, as well as the possibility of using the results obtained for the development of text data mining systems in various sectors of the economy. The study showed that the use of language models makes it possible to improve the value of the F2 measure to 0.65, which indicates a significant improvement in the quality of data comparison compared with basic methods.
Citations count: 1
Bezrukov A.N. —
Hierarchy of an Artistic Discourse
// Litera.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 45 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.2.22840 URL:
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The subject of the research is the interdependence between the language and verbal communication, language and thinking, language and various types of discourse, assessment and analysis of a discursive writing. The object of the research is the specification of gnoseological mainlines involved in the process of objectivation of both the meaning of an available text, hereinafter - discourse, and decoding the reader's contextual artistic reality. The author of the article examines the hierarchy of the discourse, the structure of the meaning in the practice of discursive creative writing formed by the combination of diametrical meaning points under conditions of transformational dispositions. Such aspects of the topic as the control over the reader's mind, systematisation of artistic forms, immanent variants, intratextual relations, semantic allocation, structuring and reception of the concept as a unit of the mental frame-based scheme, and registers of discursive practice methodologically complete the research and reveal the topic at the most. The author pays special attention to the analysis of discursive paradigm that is incomplete, tends to have infinite borders and, which is very important, regulated by the social historical environment and individual personal priorities. According to the author, cognitive approach is the most accurate research method providing that the composite research methodology prevails. Interpretation based on the aforesaid approach is close to the ontological correction of the meaning and statement of multiple connotations. Consequently, cognitive reception algorithms of the artistic discourse reversibly reveal possible paths for decoding all the volume of meanings. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author views artistic discourse as a form of connection of nominative corpus units from the side of the author and the sphere of constant actualisation of meanings from the side of the reader. This allows to conclude that artistic discourse is a hierarchically normalized process. Unlike text, discourse performs the function of the language functional allocation. Communication manifests the model of the special relationship between the author and the reader, the recipient and the person who produces a literary text. The hierarchy of the discourse is not a literal composition but the interplay of paradigm language forms that functionally exist in the reader's mind. Conceptual modification of elements co-organise the matrix of of the cognitive evaluation of reality. The main conclusion fo the research is that artistic discourse should be perceived as a climax of a concretized aesthetic thought, narrative style, mind's marker, and evaluation method, in a word, everything that is axiologically correct for the author and recipient and formally correct at this or that historical stage.
Citations count: 1
Lityagina E.A. —
Comparative and Socio-Cultural Aspect in English and Spanish Business Vocabularies. Analysis of Business Jargon
// Litera.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 101 - 111.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.4.27781 URL:
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The subject of this research is the English and Spanish business vocabularies viewed from the point of view of socio-cultural specific features. The aim of the research is to carry out classification and comparative analysis of the word-formation means of English and Spanish business terms, to describe their general and special features and analysis of the socio-cultural element of business vocabulary based on the analysis of jargonisms. The latter systematizes the types of borrowings from the English language, which prevail against the background of Spanish terms and are a distinctive feature of Spanish business jargon. The research methodology includes a comparative method, a method of systematization and classification of the material under study, a descriptive-analytical method, a method of continuous sampling, a method for analyzing vocabulary interpretations. It is a distinctive feature of the Spanish business jargon. This is a method of systematic sampling, a method of continuous sampling, and a method of analyzing vocabulary interpretations. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it was the first to describe and compare English and Spanish terms and jargon in business from the point of view of word-building models, as well as the impact of sociocultural factors on the formation of business terminology from the standpoint of an anthropocentric approach to the study of linguistic phenomena. The role of the English language as the main donor language in relation to Spanish slang business terminology is revealed. The author demonstrates the variety of themes from the point of view of naming processes and phenomena of business practice as well as the prevailing use of metaphors created using components of different forms and thus referring to different notions (color, animal world, national cuisine, body parts, household items and weapon, etc.).
Citations count: 1
Selezneva E.V. —
In the Search for the Lost Gracefulness: Heinrich von Kleist and Thomas Mann
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 34 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.1.28699 URL:
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The article discusses the influence of aesthetical ideas and figurative language of Heinrich von Kleist's essay 'On the Marionette Theatre' on the early writings of Thomas Mann. The denial of reflection and gracefulness described in Kleist's essay is similar to the problem of the cognition and creativity relation that had been brought by Thomas Mann throughout his life. Published in 1810, the essay 'On the Marionette Theatre' was left unnoticed but in the early XXth century it experienced the burst of interest. The images, ideas and metaphysics of the essay were reflected in Rainer Rilker's, Hugo von Hofmannsthal's, Gerhart Hauptmann's and Thomas Mann's writings. By using the comparison method, the author of the article demonstrates that a series of motifs and images repeated in the early short stories by Thomas Mann (clumsiness of some heroes and careless gracefulness of others, vain and funny attempts to imitate the ideal image) are a bright example of the main metaphysical idea of Kleist's essay about the destructive influence of the mind on gracefulness. This allows to conclude that Thomas Mann's opposing concepts of spirit and cognition on the one side and true life on the other side are similar to the concepts of reflection and gracefulness described by Kleist. Kleist's inspiring conclusion about the need to 'again taste the tree of knowledge' is similar to the aspiration of Mann's heroes, artists, to again become 'naive and sentimental'.
Citations count: 1
Comparative Study of the Concepts of Russian and Chinese Linguocultures: Results and Problems
// Litera.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 44 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2019.2.29598 URL:
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This article is devoted to the comparative study of the concepts of Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The author of the article notes that it is necessary to study these concepts from the point of view of cross-cultural communication and language picture of the world. The researcher focuses on the monolingual and polylingual analysis of the concepts. The researcher underlines that Russian-Chinese cross-cultural language relations is an understudied topic and thus is of great interest to researchers. The article is of theoretical nature and based on such research methods as analysis of researches and descriptive method. The main conclusions of the research are the following: comparative conceptology is a relatively new sphere of linguistics, however, much research has been already done in this sphere. However, Russian-Chinese cross-cultural language relations are still an understudied topic that lacks fuller research and better systematization. All this proves the importance of further researches in this sphere.
Citations count: 1
Kur'yanov S.O., Ivanova N.P., Kur'yanova V.V. —
Topical Issues of the Theory of Supertext: Literary Aspect.
Associative Semantic Supertext
// Litera.
– 2022. – ¹ 11.
– P. 124 - 136.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.11.39200 EDN: QWEDLH URL:
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The subject of this study is the associative-semantic supertext as a system of integrated texts, which is a textual community. The purpose of the study is to specify the terminology and clarify the features of some aspects of the associative-semantic supertext, in particular, to clarify the concepts of the core and structural components of the supertext, as well as to solve the problem of distinguishing between the types of associative-semantic supertexts according to the type of referent, that is, questions on the answers to which depend today there is clarity in the identification, classification and interpretation of supertexts. In questions of the theory of supertext, the methodological basis of the study was the work of V. N. Toporov, N. A. Kupina and G. V. Bitenskaya, N. E. Mednis, A. G. Loshakov, in questions of the theory of myth — the work of A. F. Losev and E. M. Meletinsky, in matters of the theory of concept, motive, archetype, symbol, intertext — the works of Yu. S. Stepanov, A. F. Losev, B. M. Gasparov, K. Jung, Yu. Kristeva, A. P Chudakov, I. V. Silant'ev.
The study clarifies the concept of the supertext core, designating the myth as the main component of the supertext and its modern version — a constant mythologized representation. The classification of associative-semantic supertexts according to the type of referent is given, it is shown that nominal, topical (spatial) and event supertexts are heterogeneous and are divided into personal and character, local and regional, casual and epochal supertexts, respectively. All this speaks of the novelty of the study, which continues the general theory of supertext.
The development of the theory of associative-semantic supertext contributes not only to further study of its various aspects, clarification of their functions, but also indicates new approaches to large text formations, since, generated by creative writers, they not only recreate the world in constant representations, but also form thanks to these mythologized representations of the picture of the world assimilated by the perceiving consciousness.
Citations count: 1
Bulgarova B.A., Tabatabai S. —
Leveraging the power of internet memes for emotional contagion as effective strategy for environmental communication
// Litera.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 281 - 305.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69398 EDN: KWJXHG URL:
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The article aims to address the research gap in the field of environmental communication by integrating the advances in emotional influence sciences to understand the mechanisms and pathways via social media by which emotions impact pro-environmental behavior. This research investigates how environmental communication can integrate research's results to design a more effective communication strategy that leads to environmental actions. Hence, the methodology of the article is an exploratory review of previous research on emotion in crisis and environmental communication, particularly on the role of social media and internet memes in promoting pro-environmental behavior through emotions and emotional influence. The findings are organized into three themes. First, we present the theory of emotional influence as a lens that can shed light on the underlying mechanisms in social media that awaken users' sentiments to modify or rectify their environmental behavior as well as entice their engagement in environmental preservation. Next, the main factors affecting emotional contagion in environmental communication are analyzed. Finally, we examine the empirical evidence of pro-environmental communication strategies that were successful under emotional contagion mechanisms. The article concludes that emotional influence by internet memes is a proper strategy, particularly for new generations, in crisis and environmental communication. This research contributes to science by highlighting the significant role of emotional influence and internet memes in environmental communication, emphasizing their potential to influence public attitudes and behaviors towards environmental issues, and providing a comprehensive understanding of how these factors can be leveraged to design effective communication strategies that lead to environmental actions, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental communication and crisis management.
Citations count: 1
Kulagina-Yartseva V.S. —
Culture and Teaching at Victorian London. Liza Picard
// Litera.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 163 - 227.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2012.1.118 URL:
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Liza Picard describes the process of preparation for the International Industrial Exposition in 1851. She also describes the openning and popularity of the Exposition with the Great Britain citizens as well as the role of the Exposition in the development of culture and industry. The author also raises questions about education, in particular, school education (so called 'ragged schools' as a great achievement of the Victorian age) and talks about different institutions, courses and available libraries.
Citations count: 1
Polinichenko D., Burkhanova M.S. —
Amateur Linguistic Concepts in Modern Russia (Based on the Example of Mikhail Zadornov's Creative Work)
// Litera.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 67 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.2.693 URL:
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The article is devoted to historical and linguistic views of a famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov. The authors of the article analyze the principles used by Zadornov in etymologization of Russian and English words. It is shown that the satirist's views are quite similar to moern Russian amateur linguistics. This is true for both theorizing on linguistic topics (principles of etymologization, original views on morphology and lexical semantics, the priority of the Russian or the Proto-Slavic language and compassion towards dilettant language theories of XIX century) and his particular views, for example, his negative attitude to 'official science' and underlined patriotism. Despite obvious ifluence of other amateur authors on Zadornov's style (A. Dragunkin and S. Alekseev first of all), it is no doubt that he is the author at least of a part of his propagandized ideas. Zadorov plays an important role in modern Russian amateur linguisticsand should be really taken into account.