Arutiunian, E.G., Baichik, A.V., Blochin, I.N., Petrosyan, D.V. (2024). New media as a subject of political communication. Litera, 7, 1–11.
The media space is the most dynamic and rapidly developing not only technological, but also economic, cultural, social and political phenomenon of our time, and new communication channels are being formed in the global digital network. The purpose of the article is to analyze new media as a subject of the political process. The subject is new media, and the object is the cultural and political identification of an individual in new media. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that new media are an innovative and extremely important tool in determining cultural and political identity. Countries belong to the same civilization, which means that their culture is based on identical values – this is of fundamental importance, since the effectiveness of the imposed system of values and norms can be realized in a particular country only if the tasks being disseminated are consonant with the values of society. Conceptual, phenomenological and sociolinguistic analysis, the method of system analysis, and the historical and cultural method were used as methods and approaches. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: the disseminated values can be effective only if they are in tune with the civilizational model of the region, and on the contrary, the imposed foundations will not effectively affect society if they contradict its civilizational identification and cultural and political affiliation. The actions of an individual and society as a whole are determined by his self-identification, therefore, a political course can be effective in a particular country if the tasks being implemented are consonant with the values of society. This study may be useful for researchers studying communication in the digital environment, the impact of new media on the agenda, the realization of political goals through online media, as well as for international journalists, diplomats, political scientists and media researchers when writing analytical materials on topics related to the working concepts of the current study.
media environment, the concept of smart crowd, hedonic media consumption, digital democracy, mediatization, political identification, cultural identification, political communication, new media, Journalism
Literary criticism
Zhang, Y. (2024). The duel in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin. Litera, 7, 12–21.
This article is devoted to study the duel in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin. It’s aimed at revealing the artistic function of the duel episode between Grinev and Shvabrin (in the 3rd and 4th chapters of the novel). "The Captain's Daughter" as one of the Pushkin’s most significant works is always the focus of attention in domestic and foreign science, however, so far there have been few specialized researches devoted to the ideological and semantic content of the duel in the novel. The concept of this article is based on the understanding that Pushkin's historicism not only denotes an accurate recreation of the past, but also often reflects the writer's comprehension of the present – this is the direct theoretical prerequisite which allows the double interpretation of the duel in the novel. The methodology is based on the work analysis with consideration of literary, historical, biographical contexts, and the main methods are cultural-historical, sociological, hermeneutic, and axiological. The author concludes that Pushkin in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" not only recreates the situation of a provincial duel during the Pugachev’s Rebellion, but also describes another circumstance that he concerns about – the moral crisis of Russain nobility in the 1830s, and Grinev’s behavior contains the writer's sincere call for honor. The scientific novelty of this research is determined by the new approach to the subject: double interpretation of the meaning of the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin is undertaken for the first time, and honor is considered as a key concept which allows to connect history and modernity in the Pushkin’s novel. Thus, the study makes a significant contribution to study the artistic function of the duel in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" and extends the understanding of A. S. Pushkin's artistic world.
Pushkin, doppelganger heroes, Shvabrin, Grinev, the moral crisis, history and modernity, the nobility, honor, duel, The Captain's Daughter
Character in literature
Song, D. (2024). Xue Baochai and Marya Bolkonskaya: a comparative analysis of the characters of the novels of Cao Xueqin and Leo Tolstoy. Litera, 7, 22–29.
The article is devoted to the comparison of the images of the characters of Xue Baochai in Cao Xueqin's novel "The Dream in the Red Chamber" and Marya Bolkonskaya in Leo Tolstoy's epic "War and Peace". In Cao Xueqin's novel, a full-fledged image of Xue Baochai was created as the "ideal woman" in relation to traditional society. In the novel by L. N. Tolstoy, among a number of female images, the essence of which is revealed through the "dialectic of the soul", Marya Bolkonskaya is a woman with a kind heart and strong religious beliefs. To date, there have been no attempts in literary studies to compare the formation of a female characters in Russian and Chinese literature. It seems possible to compare two female characters in terms of their appearance and psychological traits, the philosophical ideas of the authors, as well as to identify the problem of the influence of the historical period in which the characters live. When writing the article, the method of comparative analysis was used, this allowed to identify the common and special in literary works. Using this method, similar life paths of the characters of the novels and different ways of depicting them were revealed. The novelty of the research lies in an attempt to compare the images of the characters of two literary masterpieces describing different eras and countries. The main conclusions of the author of the article are as follows: Cao Xueqin, who was influenced by traditional Chinese ideas, created a complex and tragic image of Xue Baochai and revealed the nature of the position of a woman within the framework of feudal social relations; L. N. Tolstoy, in the process of creating the image of Mary Bolkonskaya, followed Christian ideals, endowing the character with virtues; Due to the difference of the authors' life experiences and ideological views, as well as the socio-economic conditions of their formation and development, the fates of the characters of their works also differ.
female images, dialectics of the soul, comparative analysis, Leo Tolstoy, Marya Bolkonskaya, Cao Xueqin, Xue Baochai, War and Peace, the Red Chamber, role of the women
Akopov, G.L., Arutiunian, E.G., Gromova, L.P., Petrosyan, D.V. (2024). The socio-cultural dimension of the "culture of cancellation" as a phenomenon of the XXI century. Litera, 7, 30–40.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the emergence and stages of development of the phenomenon of "cancellation culture". The subject is the formation of a concept, and the object is the modification of the "culture of cancellation" in the context of socio-cultural and political events. The novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the concept of "culture of cancellation" from the perspective of Russian discourse. The authors study the "abolition" of an entire country and its culture on the example of Russia, as a result of which the ways of ousting the country from international discourse and the consequences of this act were revealed. The concept of "cancellation culture" is firmly fixed in the language resource of modern journalists and media analysts, this vocabulary unit activates a significant interest in in-depth research in domestic and foreign discourse. The "culture of abolition" as a phenomenon arose in the public environment of the United States and Europe at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as an instrument of social justice, which is presented as a modern form of ostracism that allows manipulating public opinion. Conceptual analysis, sociolinguistic analysis and intent analysis were used as methods and approaches in the research. The concept of "culture of cancellation" can be considered as a tool for manipulating society, in this case, the process of deformation by the conceptual sphere of the ethnocultural dominant of the subject or society as a whole is analyzed. Similar phenomena are observed in the examples of ethnocultural groups, when certain events occur in the surrounding reality that affect the consciousness of the subject. Negative facts have an impact on a person, erasing established principles and values from consciousness, in the structure of social relations. Scientists have revealed that, under these circumstances, the concept, as an instrument of influence, is transmitted using information received by a certain ethnocultural group. In the study, we also established that a concept is an algorithm for understanding certain cultures, for example, psychological, historical, cultural, logical–semantic, linguistic, etc. In this regard, the "culture of cancellation" as a concept is a process in which certain ideas arise, which are formed against the background of events in the information and social environment and society. The process of "cancellation culture" is rapidly spreading not only within a single country to achieve certain goals, but also throughout the modern world.
social networks, echo chambers, spiral of silence, new media, culture industry, impact of the concept, ostracism, cancel culture, digital communication, media impact
Petrenko, A.I. (2024). Linguistic methods of representing the images of the main characters in Kawabata Yasunari’s novel “Snow Country”. Litera, 7, 41–49.
The article is devoted to the study of features of Kawabata Yasunari's idiostyle in the novel "Snow Country". The subject of description and interpretation are different-level linguistic resources and stylistic means of expression, which serve to verbalize the central artistic idea (artistic hyperconcept), create the image system of the work and participate in the formation of the writer's individual style. The purpose of the study is to identify those author's methods of verbalization of the central artistic idea, which are associated with the representation of the images of the main characters of the work, Shimamura and Komako, correlated and contrasted in the figurative structure of the novel. The initial hypothesis is the idea that the images of the main characters, along with the image of the Milky Way, are part of the complex artistic and figurative structure of the work, embodying the hyperconcept of loneliness as an inability to love. The methodology of the study is determined by contextual, component and conceptual analysis. As the main method of linguistic research in the work is used linguistic-stylistic with the use of semantic-stylistic analysis techniques and the method of "word-image". The novelty of the study lies in addressing a little-studied aspect of the study of the writer's creativity. As a result of the research, the lexical, grammatical (morphological and syntactic) and stylistic, as well as textual means of representation of the images of the main characters, their role in the formation of the author's idiostyle were established. The core image that links all of the above is the image of the male character, Shimamura. It seems promising to apply the obtained results in further study of Kawabata Yasunari's idiostyle on the material of his other works.
Komako, Shimamura, inability to love, loneliness, artistic hyperconcept, figurative representation, image, writer's idiostyle, Snow Country, Kawabata Yasunari
Polukhtina, M.R. (2024). Youth upbringing: a factor of the media environment. Litera, 7, 50–62.
Schoolchildren are active users of the Internet, where they communicate, play, and interact with social network content that is not always useful for them. The flow of information disseminated in the media, including potentially unacceptable information, unhinderedly comes to the attention of the student, who, due to his age, cannot properly understand and evaluate the information situation. All this has a certain influence on the formation of his personality. The purpose of this study lies in updating the media factors influencing the formation of a teenager’s personality as an Internet user. The subject of the study is the ability to ensure the cognitive safety of young Internet users through the development of skills for assessing the meaning of media information and the formation of critical thinking in its perception. The following methods were used in the study: discussion of issues in a focus group, content analysis. In forming the composition of the focus group, we used the author’s methodology of including students from a specialized journalism class from one of the schools in St. Petersburg. The novelty of the study lies in the method used to achieve representativeness of the analysis through the special selection of focus group participants who became the object of analysis. Schoolchildren from St. Petersburg demonstrated a high level of awareness of potential threats that exist on the Internet. They also noted that their personal safety was exposed to serious risks posed by the online environment. The results of the study indicated a tendency among schoolchildren to evaluate media events from a moral point of view. For modern teenagers, the key values are truth, freedom, authority, loyalty and justice. It is important to consciously raise students' awareness of media resources and develop their critical thinking about their own experiences with information security.
authority, freedom, truth, high school, moral guidelines, schoolchildren, moral values, cognitive development, internet security, justice
Literary criticism
Moskvin, G.V. (2024). The idea of the book about Mstislav Cherny as a source of the plot for the novel “Vadim” by M. Yu. Lermontov. Litera, 7, 63–70.
This article is aimed to research the concept of Mstislav Cherny as a source of the plot for the novel “Vadim” by M. Yu. Lermontov. The idea of “Vadim” as an epic work formed in the merging of two literature genre-generics: poem and drama (the lyrics formed the internal, “soulful” basis of the novel). The outline of the plan for the work about Mstislav Cherny, placed under No. Sixteen in “Plans, Sketches, Plots” in Eleventh notebook (1831), should be considered as the “pre-story” version of the plan. Both the plan and the following “Plot” under No. Seventeen, which was dated 1832 after being found in Forth notebook, contain plot, plot-motivational features, as well as features of the image of the supposed heroes that will become widespread in “Vadim”. The main research methods are comparative, hermeneutic, axiological, literary-historical and textual. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that the concept of the work about Mstislav Cherny as the source of the plot for the novel “Vadim” is researched in detail for the first time. The author claims that both notes contain a forecast of the novel, but, oiented towards the implementation in different genre-generic forms: the first draft was an epic work; the second was supposed to be embodied in a historical drama, – both sketches were written during the period, when the young author was hesitating to select genre for combining the story of Pugachev's rebellion to the work: drama, or novel. The sketches also reflected young Lermontov’s intention to create the imagination of a modern protagonist, combining historical and romantic types of personality. Therefore, the author concludes that there is no doubt about the idea of Mstislav Cherny in its basic, combative ideas will be transformed in “Vadim”.
plot, poem, drama, Lermontov, the concept of Vadim, the image of Vadim, Olga, Mstislav Cherny, genre, plan
World literature
Reznik, L.V. (2024). «Goethe hat alles gesagt»: J. W. von Goethe in Thomas Mann’s letters. Litera, 7, 71–80.
The article focuses on the analysis of Thomas Mann’s letters which mention J. W. von Goethe who had a substantial influence on the writer’s personality and literary works. The interest in Goethe initially arose in the context of the problems that interested Mann (problems of eroticism, the nature of creativity, genius), and became the basis of the short stories "A Weary Hour" and "Death in Venice". The timing of most citations and allusions to Goethe often overlaps with the anniversaries of the Weimar classic (1932, 1949) and the period during which Mann was working on "Lotte in Weimar" (1936–1939). The purpose of this article is to systematize the numerous references to Goethe in Mann's letters, to describe the dynamics of Goethe's image and the process of turning it into the author's myth. The methodological basis of the article is the historical and literary approach, in which the analysis of Th. Mann's letters is carried out. Some excerpts from Mann’s letters are presented in Russian translation for the first time. The writer's interest in mythology and psychoanalysis during the years of work on the novel "Lotte in Weimar" significantly influenced some aspects of Goethe's image in his perception. The letters showcase the writer's enthusiasm for life-creation and a tendency to construct the myth of Goethe as well as his own myth as Goethe’s successor. The analysis of the letters allows to trace how the writer's perception of Goethe's personality changed over time (from 1910 to 1955) — from the Apollonian image of the "Olympian" and the divine "child of nature" to the dual figure of the "demonic" genius, torn by the contradictions of his own artistic nature.
Doctor Faustus, Death in Venice, A Weary Hour, life-creation, imitatio Goethe’s, author’s myth, Lotte in Weimar, letters, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Thomas Mann
Wang, Z., Galaktionova, I.V. (2024). Notes «umen'shitel'noe» ‘diminutive’ and «uvelichitel'noe» ‘augmentative’ in «Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language» by N. Yu. Shvedova. Litera, 7, 81–91.
“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by N. Yu. Shvedova, addressed to a wide range of readers, uses the traditional system of lexicographic notes, while the introductory materials of the dictionary does not explain what they mean. The object of research is the notes «umen'shitel'noe» ‘diminutive’ and «uvelichitel'noe» ‘augmentative’, the internal form of which gives the impression of self-evidence of their meaning, but they are used differently. The purpose of the work is to model the reasoning of the reader who wants to understand what these notes mean, and relies only on this dictionary. The authors use the method of semantic and syntactic analysis of explanations and the method of comparing. The novelty of the research lies in the careful study of notes, which were not previously considered in the lexicographic aspect. The article shows that in the analyzed dictionary the notes «umen'shitel'noe» and «uvelichitel'noe» are used in accordance with the terminological, but not the common language meaning. The explanations of terminological meanings can be interpreted in two ways, although in the dictionary each metalanguage unit must be understood unambiguously. The analysis of these notes in their relation to expressive-evaluative ones leads to their understanding as indicating only the size or degree as in the common language. Finally, the analysis of several examples of attribution of notes returns to one of the possible terminological understandings. All this creates difficulties for readers: an ordinary non-linguist will most likely understand these notes in a common language meaning; more attentive readers, including linguists, those who analyze the dictionary entries will get different, possibly contradictory, information about the meaning of the notes. Thus, the meaning of the lexicographic notes, even those that, at first glance, seem generally understandable, must necessarily be explained in the introductory materials of the dictionary.
meaning of the note, uvelichitel'noe ‘augmentative’, system of notes, umen'shitel'noe ‘diminutive’, Natalia Yulevna Shvedova, lexicographic note, explanatory dictionary, metalanguage, semantics, lexicography
Literary criticism
Demidov, N.M. (2024). Pre-post effect/paradox: conceptualisation of the term and prospects of its use in literary studies. Litera, 7, 92–106.
The article deals with the problem of using and including the term "pre-post effect/paradox" ("pre-post effect"), introduced by the Czech comparativist Ivo Pospisil, in the terminological apparatus of literary criticism. Special attention is paid to the reflection by the term of the synthesis of superficial borrowing of a certain phenomenon from foreign literature and elements of the autochthonous tradition based on an interdisciplinary base, where the borrowing factor lies at the intersection of both philology and other humanities, in particular sociology, history, where the connection of language, text and culture is vividly manifested, resulting in the formation of an original characteristics of the recipient literature. A term reflecting an evolutionary mechanism of this scale needs additional comment and understanding, with mandatory reliance on the works of its creator, taking into account the refinement of some aspects of the mechanism of its work. A descriptive approach is used in terms of presenting the pre-post effect as a multidimensional phenomenon and clarifying the relationship of individual components to determine the exact semasiological boundaries of the term; the concept's attitude to the study of a literary text in the context of its general cultural conditionality in the aspect of the poetic art of the word reflects a cognitive (author, text, extra-textual reality) and axiological approach. According to the author, for the successful implementation of the pre-post effect, there is a need to define its role as a synthesis of two approaches to the consideration of a literary work: comparative historical and theoretical value, which contributes to an accurate consideration of the history of perception of the work and its inclusion in the literary canon as evidence of the originality of this literary tradition. This approach takes into account the theoretical aspect of the modification of genre models associated with the literary and critical history of works and combines them in order to substantiate the specifics of the literary phenomenon, relying simultaneously on the problems of poetics and non-textual factors. The scientific novelty consists in refining the structural and functional specifics of the pre-post effect to include it in a wide scientific circulation and the possibility of its practical use with the preliminary elimination of the existing controversial points and, as a result, demonstrating the possibility of using it to consistently adhere to the intersectoral aspect (at the junction of comparative studies, theory and literary history in their connection with axiology) in the further interpretation of literary works in order to overcome the one-sidedness of analysis in literary studies.
reception, Autochthonous, comparative studies, a literary fact, world literature, The literary canon, axiology, areal studies, pre-post effect, poetics
Nerents, D.V. (2024). Features of fake content in the media space in the era of artificial intelligence development. Litera, 7, 107–114.
The subject of the research in this article is the specificity of fake content in the conditions of active development of artificial intelligence (AI). The first half of 2023 demonstrated how serious an impact AI can have on the life of society in general, and on the information agenda in particular. In the era of a continuous stream of received data, it is increasingly difficult to verify the content and critically comprehend all the information received. The so-called deepfakes have become a truly relevant media threat that can cause mass unrest and affect the mood of the audience. In this regard, it is relevant and important to study fakes created by AI in order to identify ways to detect and expose them. The article touches upon such important aspects as the concept and characteristic features of fake content as a threat to information security, the distinctive features of deepfakes as an AI product, and presents key steps for recognizing fakes. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the role of deepfakes in the modern information space, the dangers they carry (including due to their instant replication through social networks) and options to combat them within the media consumption of a wide audience. Moreover, it demonstrates the need to develop further steps to increase the level of media literacy and to anticipate the negative consequences that fakes can cause.
information safety, media literacy, journalism, mass media, information, media space, artificial intelligence, deepfake, fake, media threat
Lobanova, Y.V. (2024). Emotionalization of mass discourse as compensation for the crisis of reference. Litera, 7, 115–123.
This article comprehensively explores and analyzes the main reasons for the emergence of a clearly emerging imbalance between the emotional and rational components of the communicative space of modern mass discourse, as well as the imitation role of the emotions of a participant in modern discursive practices, which, in essence, are designed to compensate for his lack of opportunities, methods and channels to summarize the information received. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such situations of manipulation of emotions at the individual or mass level within the framework of modern mass discourse, which are on the verge of complying with the law, or even go beyond this line. In conclusion, the interrelated phenomena of insincere discourse and the crisis of reference are considered, the correlation between which is assessed as one of the most significant and weighty confirmations of the prevalence and frequency of the use of processes of forced emotionalization of a number of discursive practices. In the vast majority of discursive practices, the emotions of the object of information today play the role of masks, screens, curtains, decorations, against which there is an imitation of a reference that is actually absent. In modern mass discourse, all information without notes is rarely conveyed to the audience, while facts are replaced by interpretations or turn out to be staged events. The main reason for the emotionalization of mass discourse is allegedly following the ideas, expectations and emotions of the mass audience – information is presented in such a way that everyone sees, hears, reads what they themselves would like to see, hear, read. The crisis of reference within mass discourse has an artificial and deliberately provoked character. The crisis of reference imposed on society by the main moderators of mass discourse deforms the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic norms of natural language, which makes it possible to manipulate both the meanings of words and syntaxes themselves, and their mass perception.
imitation of reference, lack of reference, emotional capitalism, affectivity, emotions, discourse, communication, emotion moderation, insincere discourse, crisis of reference
Lityagina, E.A., Klimova, K.M. (2024). Behavioral patterns and linguistic features of formal negotiations with partners from Latin America. Litera, 7, 124–135.
Nowadays, interaction between different cultures and peoples is becoming increasingly important, that is why negotiations play a key role in political and business communication. In order to ensure effective and successful intercultural business communication, it is necessary to study the socio-cultural and linguistic characteristics of negotiations in Latin America, as well as to develop recommendations for persons in contact with Latin American partners. This article aims to identify and describe the socio-cultural and linguistic features of political and business negotiations in Latin America, identify important cultural and behavioral patterns when negotiating with Latin American partners, discover words, terminological phrases, grammatical models and speech structures used in the process of communication in business Spanish. For this research, scientific works of domestic and foreign cultural scientists, linguists, sociologists, political scientists, interviews with politicians and businessmen are used. The work uses analytical, descriptive, interpretative, deductive, empirical methods, as well as the analysis of scientific literature. The scientific novelty of this work is to identify the communicative and relevant features of the Latin American business mentality and systematize the common cultural and behavioral patterns of Latinos in political and business negotiations. The influence of the cultural characteristics of the behavior of Latin Americans on the of the business discourse linguistic features of the region is established: the use of a subjunctive mood, Condicional Simple, business terms-regionalisms, special vocabulary to express superiority, reinforcement techniques. From the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the peoples of Latin America, which are a unique region with a rich culture and history, are distinguished by friendliness, openness, expressivity, patriotism and love of art, but sometimes in the business sphere there may be uncharacteristic emotionality, unpunctuality and a tendency to evade responsibility and direct judgments.
Spanish language, linguistic aspect, socio-cultural aspect, national characteristics, politics, business, Latin America, political negotiations, business negotiations, intercultural business communication
Pak, L.E. (2024). Linguistic and cultural specifics of the sports media narrative (based on the example of sports commentaries in Canada and Russia). Litera, 7, 136–147.
This study is devoted to the comparative study of the specifics of the sports media narrative. The aim of the study is to compare the sports media narrative in the linguistic and cultural paradigm (based on the material of sports commentaries from Canada and Russia). The object of the study is the sports media narrative in the Canadian and Russian linguistic cultures. The subject of the study is the linguistic and cultural aspect of the sports media narrative of Russia and Canada. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that events in the field of sports reflect the problems of globalization and forecasting the future, which determines the importance of both a comprehensive and aspect-based study of communication in this field and, in particular, the sports media narrative. In addition, comparative studies that identify the linguistic and cultural features of the modern media text, its expressive capabilities as a means of organizing narration, correspond to the methodology of modern language science. The main methods used in this work are comparative discourse analysis and the linguistic narrative method. In addition, quantitative data processing methods were used. The novelty of this work is due to the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of the sports media narrative in English and Russian (based on the material of sports commentary) is carried out. Conclusions: oral texts produced within the framework of both discourses are characterized by internal dynamics, polycode (the commentator's speech is accompanied by a video sequence) and are arranged in accordance with the canonical narrative sequence. When describing the image of an event, commentators, speakers of different linguistic cultures, use an extra-egitic strategy (an omniscient observer-narrator), sometimes using an introdiegetic strategy (the desire to indirectly become a participant in the narrated events). Linguistic and cultural differences are most clearly seen at the level of speech types. Russian commentators are characterized by the use of informative narration, while Canadian commentators use descriptive narration. The second most significant type of speech in the Russian media discourse is reasoning. For Canadian commentators, the description is more typical. The Russian sports media narrative follows a dramatic (plot) way of showing events, while the Canadian one follows a chronotopic one, i.e. it is determined by reference to time and place. The revealed differences may indicate that when narrating an event, commentators create a "second reality" based on their axiological attitudes due to cultural differences between the two countries.
types of speech, polycode, the nature of the narrative strategy, narrative sequence, linguistic and cultural specifics, narratology, the linguistic narrative method, sports media narrative, sports commentary, event display
Literary criticism
Zhang, H., Meskin, V.A. (2024). Anton Chekhov in the work of Wang Zengqi. Litera, 7, 148–157.
The article examines the reflection of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's work in the works of the famous contemporary Chinese writer Wang Zengqi, who has repeatedly stated the influence of the Russian novelist on his works. The purpose of this paper is to examine the genesis of Wang Zengqi's work, to determine how exactly the influence of the nineteenth-century novelist on the twentieth-century novelist manifests itself. Based on the theory of comparative literature by A. Veselovsky and V. Zhirmunsky, we analyze the most famous stories by Wang Zengqi, in which the influence of the master and teacher is particularly clear. In conjunction with the method of comparative study, other methods – biographical and hermeneutic – were used during the research. The authors of the article point out the recognizable dominants of the Russian writer's style, clearly manifested in Wang Zengqi's works – the inclination to objectivity, to a detailed depiction of reality with some reticence, to ambivalence, to a slight irony in the depiction of life phenomena. All these and other features of Wang Zengqi's style allow us to assert that he really heeded the lessons of the Russian master. At the same time, the flexibility of the Chinese novelist's perception of Chekhov's poetics and his ability to organically combine national and foreign origins are noted. The novelty of the article lies in the discovery of typological and genetic links between the works of Anton Chekhov and Wang Zengqi, links that have not been previously noted by literary scholars either in China or in Russia. This work may contribute to the intensification of the consideration of historical and literary ties between Russia and China, to the expansion of this kind of work, which will eventually deepen further mutual understanding between the two nations.
Anton Chekhov, influence, reception, typology, poetics, short stories, Chinese literature, Russian literature, literary studies, Wang Zengqi
Literary criticism
Zhu, Z. (2024). The Journey from hell to hell in Vladimir Nabokov's novel «King, Queen, Knave». Litera, 7, 158–166.
The article analyzes the features of the journey of the main character of V. V. Nabokov's novel «King, Queen, Knave». The trivial situation of the hero moving from the province to the capital in search of success turns into a metaphysical journey in the book, the mythological and literary roots of which go back to the «Divine Comedy» by Dante Alighieri. In a collapsed, metaphorical form, this plot manifests itself at the very beginning of «King, Queen, Knave», when the hero moves on a train from a third-class carriage to a second-class carriage. At the same time, Nabokov ironically compares this transition with moving from hell to heaven. The novel «King, Queen, Knave» is full of mistakes that the characters make due to their physical (in Franz) and spiritual (in everyone) blindness, but the main mistake of the book is the aberration of perception of the inner reality of loved ones, which determines the distortion of the reception of the external world. Instead of ascending to heaven, Franz finds himself in a state of being in the lower circles, where adulterers and murderers are tormented. Nabokov simultaneously follows Dante's scheme and ironically rejects it: Franz in Nabokov's optics is a spiritually untenable and static hero, and the world is largely based on random event couplings. Nevertheless, the plot of the real and metaphysical movement of the hero in «King, Queen, Knave» demonstrates the situation of tragic self-deception of a person making a journey from hell to hell. The relevance of the article is determined by the continuing interest of Russian and foreign literary criticism in the semantic and poetic multilayeredness and density of Nabokov's texts, to the specifics of their plot, to the peculiarities of their character system, to the originality of their motivic system, etc.
intertext, paradise, hell, Dante's world, travelogue, journey, the Russian period, Nabokov's prose, illusion, transcendent reality
Literary criticism
Krizhanovsky, N.I. (2024). M. O. Menshikov about N. N. Strakhov: obituary as a manifestation of common views and the basis for bringing together the destinies of Russian critics. Litera, 7, 167–187.
In the article, in a historical and literary context, the obituary of the famous publicist, critic, and journalist at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries M. O. Menshikov, dedicated to the outstanding Russian critic N. N. Strakhov, is analyzed for the first time. The focus of the study is the interest of M.O. Menshikov to Nikolai Strakhov, which manifested itself at different stages of the publicist’s work, as well as the convergence of the creative and biographical traits of the two critics. The subject of the study is the attitude to the artistic and journalistic creativity of L. N. Tolstoy, Tolstoyism, critical realism and decadence. This work makes possible the determination of the degree of interest of the “Week” critic in Strakhov’s work, to identify the biographical and creative similarities between the two critics, to compare their perception of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “The Master and the Worker” and their attitude to the artistic and journalistic heritage of the Yasnaya Polyana genius. The study substantiates the idea of Menshikov’s deep interest in the national issue, which was formed even before moving to the newspaper “Novoe Vremya”. The author noted that the obituary reflected themes characteristic of the publicist’s work, laid the seeds of his negative attitude towards the revolutionary movement, and indicated the ideological inconsistency and ambiguity of the publicist’s position in the 1890s. Using text analysis, the author proved that Menshikov conducted an ideological search in the field of traditional values in the 1890s, closely related to his gradual internal spiritual growth. The methodology of this study is based on the key principles of scientific philological knowledge: the principle of historicism, consistency, objectivity and systematicity. The author used comparative typological and historical genetic methods, as well as an integrated approach to text analysis.
national culture, Russian literature, literary criticism, L. N. Tolstoy, rapprochement, obituary, N. N. Strakhov, M.O.Menshikov, creation, Tolstoyanism
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E. (2024). Features of the author's prose about the First World War. Litera, 7, 188–196.
This article examines the author's prose about the First World War by two famous European writers (and participants in the war) – the Briton Robert Graves ("I'm Sorry, goodbye to all this", 1929) and the German Ludwig Renn ("The War", 1928). The subject of the study is the genre features of the works, some features of which can be attributed to both autobiography and fiction. Special attention is paid to two poetological categories: the role of the protagonist and the chronotope. Ambivalence of the genre characteristics of the works themselves, since, on the one hand, they are documentary, and on the other – fictitious. Documentality or factuality is set by the specific biography of the self-revealing "I" of the author. Fictionality grows out of the absolute possession of the speech structure of the work, the author, the subject and the object of the narrative. Comparative historical and comparative typological methods made it possible to consider literary interactions, parallels, similarities, as well as borrowings and mutual influences of literatures. The typological method made it possible to consider the similarities and differences in literary phenomena by clarifying the degree of similarities and differences in cultural life. The main conclusions of the study are that the Briton Robert Graves changed "I'm sorry, goodbye to all that" into a documentary narrative, and Renn, on the contrary, transformed diary entries into fiction (the novel "War"). The aim of both authors, as Renn himself pointed out, was to show the war as it really is. The scientific novelty of the work is as follows: it was revealed that if the spatial and temporal pointers coincide, then nevertheless space and time in autobiographical texts do not coincide with the real one, since the recalled chronotope is not perceptual, i.e. specifically given, it has the character of a reconstructed in the memory of the author-the subject-protagonist. That is why we are talking about the synthesis of genres in the works of R. Graves and L. Renn, which accumulated features of both autobiography and fiction.
narrator, poetic time, poetic space, main character, genre, First world war, Lidwig Renn, Robert Graves, biography, fiction
Literary criticism
Yang, J. (2024). The Image of the Russian People in F. M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Litera, 7, 197–207.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the image of the Russian people in line with the "soil ideology" and its Christian symbolism in "Crime and Punishment". The object of the research is folk images in the novel, the subject is the folk scene and the system of images as a means of artistic expression of Dostoevsky's moral ideal. The research material is the novel "Crime and Punishment", as well as artistic, journalistic and epistolary works of the writer, reflecting his views on national and religious issues. The purpose of the study is to identify associative links between folk images and main subjects and to embody the ideas of "soil weltanschauung" and the problem of Dostoevsky's nationality in the images of the Russian people. Special attention is paid to the problems of the people and the national religious culture reflected in the images of the Russian people. The research methods include analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, description, cultural-historical and comparative-typological methods. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the first comprehensive analysis of the image of the people in the writer's work from an ideological and mythological point of view. Based on the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the images of the people created by Dostoevsky are filled with deep meaning, and the voice of the people influences the development of the plot and the fate of the main character. The dichotomy of the Russian folk character is revealed through the juxtaposition of two Symbols: on the one hand, piety, the desire for repentance and sacrifice, on the other – cruelty, sin and forgetfulness of God. Dostoevsky notes that the corruption and depravity of a part of the national trait cannot cancel the foundations of Orthodox culture laid down in the national consciousness. The Russian people are destined to assume a messianic role for the salvation of all mankind. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the results of the work in the study of Dostoevsky's work in universities.
nationality, pochvennichestvo, morality, Orthodoxy, Russian people, Crime and Punishment, spirituality, Dostoevsky, faith, schism
Li, W. (2024). Lexical peculiarities of the description of natural objects of Moscow and Moscow suburbs (based on the articles of N.M. Karamzin in the journal "Vestnik Evropy" in 1802-1803). Litera, 7, 208–218.
The object of the study is the lexicon used in the descriptions of natural objects in the articles published by N. M. Karamzin in the journal "Vestnik Europa" in 1802-1803. During this period, the Russian language was at a turning point in its development, the journal "Vestnik Europa" was one of the most influential in Russia at that time, and N. M. Karamzin's works as the editor not only expanded the knowledge of nature and culture for the people of Moscow, but also showed his unique understanding and ways of its linguistic expression. This study examines three types of natural objects: water, land surface relief elements and areas of vegetation. The aim of the study is to establish the lexical features of the description of natural objects of Moscow and Moscow suburbs in these articles. This study combines descriptive and historical-comparative methods of linguistic analysis of N. M. Karamzin's articles. As a result of this research it was established that N. M. Karamzin describes natural objects in such a way as to inform the reader about the natural characteristics of the objects (size, length, colour, height, etc.), the changes occurring with them (appearance, disappearance, etc.), the influence of human activity on them and their role in human life. In addition, the vocabulary used by N. M. Karamzin is analysed, including common nouns and proper nouns, adjectives and descriptive constructions, and the traditionality of the lexicon for naming natural objects is established, and the peculiarities of paragraphemics are determined. The results of the study are relevant for linguistics and literary studies and open new perspectives for understanding the perception and attitude to natural objects in the Russian society of the early XIX century.
lexical devices, toponyms, human activity, the beginning of the XIX century, lexical peculiarities, Moscow suburbs, Moscow, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Vestnik Europa, description of natural objects
Belozerova, E.Y. (2024). Artificial intelligence – phraseologization of the illusion of truth in the English language. Litera, 7, 219–230.
The article provides an overview and analysis of modern English vocabulary on the topic of artificial intelligence, and also examines the factor of “humanity” using examples of the use of phraseological units with the truth component. The subject of the study is the communicative-pragmatic functions of linguistic units to describe “humanity” both the incorrect result of a program based on artificial intelligence, and the intentional distortion of truth using examples of phraseological units with the truth component. The selection of empirical material is based on English publications on the topic of artificial intelligence and modern dictionaries (, Oxford English Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary of English, Farlex Dictionary of idioms, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). The initial sampling was carried out using a continuous sampling method and amounts to 44 units, further analysis of which showed that 15 phraseological units are used to indicate the truth, 8 indicate deception and 6 - the possible honesty of the speaker. The main method of studying is an inductive approach. The purpose of the work is to consider the linguistic units in the presented examples. The relevance of the study is due to the increased public interest in the topic of artificial intelligence, as well as the choice of the word hallucinate as the Word of 2023. The object of the study is the phraseology of the English language. The analysis presents examples of the use of phraseological units with the truth component, the meaning of which conveys the spectrum of interpretation of the truth. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the quality of the material (modern phraseology and vocabulary of the English language), as well as the analysis and comparison of the meanings of the presented phraseological units.
the concept of truth, hallucinations, English phraseology, contemporary phraseology, idioms, artificial intelligence, modern phraseological units, communicative task, pragmatic function, phraseology
Parkhaeva, M. (2024). Aegilops in botanical treatises of Theophrastus. Litera, 7, 231–243.
The present paper discusses semantics and etymology of an Ancient Greek word αἰγίλωψ (aegilops). The main attention is concentrated on the botanical treatises of Theophrastus' “Historia plantarum” and “De causis plantarum” since they contain more detailed descriptions of aegilops. Also there we find the first use of this term. Contexts from other ancient authors (Galenus, Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder e.t.c.) are also used, that helps to identify more accurately real biological species. As the research shows, the botanical term αἰγίλωψ has three lexical meanings, that can be generally described as “species of a gramineous plant”, “species of an oak” and “species of a bulbous plant”. As a loan word in the Latin language the term maintains those meanings. It is also used in modern botany in two previous significations (“species of a gramineous plant” and “species of an oak”), however as an oak-name it is considered to be obsolete. The paper examines the plant-species, that Theophrastus could discuss using this word. Most likely he describes Aegilops ovata and Quercus robur. Due to the analysis of morphology of other ancient greek plant-names a particular ending of a biological species is distinguished. So there is suggested a new version of etymology of αἰγίλωψ, taking into consideration the third meaning (bulbous plant). The paper offers single derivation for all the meanings of noun: αἶξ → αἴγιλος → αἰγίλωψ. Thus three plants have got the same name (aegilops) trough metaphorisation – a common method used in Theophrastus' works.
plant-names, oaks, gramineous plants, botany, etymology, Ancient Greek language, Theophrastus, aegilops, endings of phytonims, comparison
Ershova, I. (2024). Basic cognitive features of the concept of SPORT in the minds of native speakers of modern Russian. Litera, 7, 244–251.
The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the content of the basic layer of the concept of SPORT, relevant to the current state of national consciousness. The subject of the study is the lexical means of representation of the concept obtained in the course of a free associative experiment. The descriptive, quantitative method, methods of component analysis of the meaning of the word and conceptual analysis are used in the work, methods of constructing the nominative field of the concept and the associative field of the key lexeme "sport" are also used. The study presents a linguocognitive approach to the study of the semantic content of the concept: the concept is described in the work as a concept-gestalt, its frame structure is modeled. As a result of the undertaken research, 4 cognitive features were identified in the content of the basic layer of the concept of SPORT, based on data from lexicographic sources and verified by analyzing the materials of the associative experiment. The data obtained in the course of the work can be used in the process of teaching lexicology and cognitive linguistics in higher education, as well as in the practice of compiling explanatory and associative dictionaries. The novelty of the research is due to the fact that the experiment made it possible to discover the psycholinguistic meaning of the concept name and conclude that sport is conceptualized in the minds of modern Russian speakers primarily as an activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening human health.
psycholinguistic meaning, associative field, cognitive feature, the key lexeme, free associative experiment, base layer, content of the concept, concept, cognitive linguistics, Russian language
Jia , J. (2024). Lexico-semantic features of metaphors in Russian and Chinese food culture on the example of the word "bread". Litera, 7, 252–264.
The subject of the research is a set of theoretical provisions and questions concerning lexical and semantic features of metaphors in Russian and Chinese food culture on the example of the word "bread". The object of the study is metaphor in Russian and Chinese food culture on the example of the word "bread". The aim of the work is to identify differences in metaphorical cognition between the Russian and Chinese languages by comparing vocabulary and phraseological units associated with the word "bread" and searching for equivalent words in Chinese. Research methods – the method of analysis, comparison, logical reasoning. Results: it is proved that the word "bread" is used figuratively more widely in Russian than in Chinese. In the Russian language there are phraseological units containing the word "bread", which are not in the Chinese language. In Chinese, there is a similar metaphorical expression with the meaning of "food", they only partially overlap in meaning. All these observations are closely related to the cultural, geographical and economic differences between the two languages. Scope of application: the results obtained can be used for further research. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) food is an important carrier of different cultures; 2) the use of comparative analysis of the metaphorical content of the same vocabulary and phraseological units reveals that different cultures and peoples, under the influence of geographical and economic factors, associate the same words with different connotations; 3) deepening the understanding of the metaphor "food" in different languages and the study of cultural peculiarities helps to overcome barriers in communication between different countries. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is a comprehensive approach to identifying differences in metaphorical cognition between the Russian and Chinese languages by comparing vocabulary and phraseological units associated with the word "bread" and searching for equivalent words in Chinese.
features, food, Russian Language, meaning, word, Chinese Language, Phraseological unites, Metaphor, Culture, Gastronomy