Bezrukov, A.N. (2024). The cyclic vector of realization of cultural memory in the novel "Chagin" by Evgeny Vodolazkin. Litera, 12, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.71913
Evgeny Vodolazkin has firmly established himself in the latest Russian prose as a master of the realization of artistic intrigue. His novels are a vivid confirmation of this. The writer, in addition to forming a very dense intriguing plot, adding a figurative series, manifesting a point of view, deliberately uses the technique of artistic collision, but in an admittedly realistic way. For Evgeny Vodolazkin, the course of novel events is not only a literal combination of situational episodes, it is also a carefully thought-out dialogue with the reader. The subject of the research in the article is the deciphering of the theme of memory on the example of E.G. Vodolazkin's novel "Chagin". The object of study correlates with the main issue of the text, which builds a narrative, a figurative series, a genre structure. The purpose of the work is a parametric analysis of the manifestation of cultural memory in the specified text. The assessment of the imaginative thinking of the main character, Isidor Chagin, is not excluded in the study, since memory cannot be considered separately from the feeling and perception of reality by the character. The methodological basis of the work is focused on the comparative principles of text evaluation, conceptual verification of the work, taking into account the systematization of receptive connotations. In the novel "Chagin", the main character is going through a crisis state – he cannot forget what he has read, seen, and experienced. Memory is syncretically soldered to the existence of the hero as such, it ontologically sets the metaphysics of the character's existence. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the novel has not yet been practically studied within the framework of this category, there is no proper assessment of the topic in the critical-analytical type mode. The materials can be useful practically in verifying the style, manner of writing, and artistic thinking of Evgeny Vodolazkin. The conclusions of the work are focused on the fact that memory in the novel "Chagin" is a formula of irreversibility. But the actions and deeds of the hero are in many ways a demonstration of multiplicity. Although Vodolazkin's writing style and poetics do not gravitate towards postmodernism, the influence of modern trends is clearly evident in this work. The plot of the novel is not accidental, the figure of the main character is composed in a special way, but the context itself, clearly expanding, has a multiplicity of excuses. Cultural memory is cyclically oriented, for Evgeny Vodolazkin it is an impulse to destabilize meanings, because it is an ontological task of artistic creation.
narrative, author, hero, realism, poetic, novel, cultural memory, Evgeny Vodolazkin, reader, style
Melnik, G.S., Tian, J., Gurushkin, P.Y., Degtyareva , O.V. (2024). Media functions: evolution and interpretation of concepts. Litera, 12, 12–23. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72544
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the approaches of various humanities and social sciences to the definition and interpretation of the concepts of "journalism functions", "media functions", "media discourse functions", as well as consideration of the factors of their transformation in different historical periods. An activity-based approach is used in order to correlate the concepts of the type of activity, type of creativity, purpose, mission, and functions of modern mass media. In this paper, we propose to identify the following key approaches in the analysis of modern media that do not have spatial boundaries (philosophical, cultural, political, psychological, sociological and philological), allowing a multifaceted approach to the characterization of media as an integral object, complex in its structure and functionality, to expand understanding of the role of the media in a multipolar world and the values split. In this study, in addition to the comparison method, structural-functional, sociological, cultural and philological approaches were used. The scientific novelty of the article is the identification of the expanded functions of the media in modern society, where traditional roles are complemented by cognitive, adaptive and semantic aspects. The research focuses on the changing importance of the media in the context of digital transformation, globalization and information wars, emphasizing their role in the formation of meanings, social values and management of social processes. The media, in turn, perform many functions, including informational, ideological, cultural, communicative and cognitive. Their role varies depending on socio-historical conditions, having both positive and negative effects on society. In the context of modern challenges, it is of particular importance not only to combat "fakes" and disinformation, but also to form new social values.
text, a value-based approach, theory of journalism, scientific approach, media text functions, the mission of the media, media functions, media communications, functions of journalism, media
Vigna-Taglianti, J. (2024). Specific features in the translation of science fiction (as exemplified by the Italian translation of A. and B. Strugatskii’s short story “Forgotten Experiment”). Litera, 12, 24–38. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72581
The paper examines specific features emerging in the translation of science-fiction works from Russian into Italian. The Italian translation of the short story “Forgotten Experiment” by A. N. and B. N. Strugatskii is used as an example. This short story was not selected randomly, but accurately chosen as the first work by the authors published in Italy in 1961. Some features were identified as specific of sci-fi translation. A certain similarity between sci-fi and technical translation can be observed, for example, in the use of scientific and pseudoscientific terminology, as well as original neologisms and occasionalisms, realia and irrealia (also defined as quasi- or pseudorealia). Other features should be considered too, such as rendering the authors' scientific and philosophical conceptions and writing style. The methods of contextual and comparative analysis were used to locate passages in the text that pose specific translation challenges, while the analysis of translation shifts allowed us to determine how the translator tried to overcome them. It should be noted that, despite the growing academic interest towards science fiction, the combination of Russian and Italian remains unexplored, thus substantiating the novelty of the current study. The results of the contextual and comparative analysis of the Italian translation of the short story “Forgotten Experiment” led us to the following conclusions: despite being made by an experienced translator of literary fiction and poetry such as Raissa Naldi, the translation under study cannot be considered adequate since it does not render properly the previously identified features of sci-fi translation. In particular, too many textual elements were omitted, the terminological system is not uniform, the scientific and philosophical conception and writing style are misrendered. This proves that such features should be taken into consideration when translating science fiction in order to obtain a satisfactory result.
writing style rendering, translating neologisms, translating realia, world building, translation criticism, translation adequacy, translation shifts, science fiction translation, science fiction, comparative analysis
Tian, J., Nikonov, S.B., Gurushkin, P.Y., Melnik, G.S. (2024). Uganda's Media Landscape. Litera, 12, 39–48. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72603
This study analyzes the evolution of the Ugandan media landscape and its interaction with the political environment. The media in Uganda has historically undergone a transformation from external control in the colonial era to local development after independence and the transition to the digital age. Despite the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the media in Uganda, they continue to be subject to strict government censorship and control, especially in the field of regulation of social networks and online platforms. This phenomenon shows the contradictions and complexities between media freedom and government control in Uganda. About 98% of Ugandan households have access to radio via traditional radio, telephone or Internet. Radio has a wide reach in Uganda, especially in remote areas, where it has become the main source of information for the population. Compared to television and print media, radio has more influence, and people generally trust radio and find its content more direct, reliable and easy to understand. The study uses a qualitative research approach combining documentary analysis, case studies and comparative analysis. To do this, it was necessary, first, to trace the historical background and evolution of media policy in Uganda. Secondly, to select typical public and private media for case studies and examine their social functions under government control. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that, analyzing the historical development of the Ugandan media, their current state and connection with politics, it is possible to present a specific example for studying African media systems. The object of research in this work is the Ugandan media landscape, and the subject is the peculiarities of the development process and characteristics of Ugandan media. The novelty of the research lies in the combination of multidimensional perspectives of the historical, political and media environment of Uganda for a systematic analysis of the evolution of the Ugandan media landscape and its interaction with the political system. In addition, the study provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by Ugandan media in the context of globalization, in particular the struggle between the growth of social media and government regulation, which offers new insights into the relationship between media and politics in other African countries.
information space, History of Journalism, Uganda media system, State Control, Social Media, Media Freedom, Media, Uganda, ontology of journalism, international journalism
Literary criticism
Lidzhiev, M.A., Lidzhieva, D.M. (2024). Folk healing methods in V. Nurov's novel "The White-Bearded Elder". Litera, 12, 49–56. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72678
The subject of the study is the tradition of folk healing methods in the novel by Vladimir Dordjievich Nurov "The White-bearded Elder" (Cahan sahlta kogsha). The study analyzes how empirical knowledge about human health and traditional folk healing methods are reflected in the plot, in the characters' images and in the context of historical and cultural significance. The object of the research is V. Nurov's novel "The White-Bearded Elder" as a work of fiction, which explores empirical knowledge, folk traditions related to healing. The various situations in which the main characters of the novel resort to folk healing methods are analyzed, how they apply them, in what circumstances they turn to these practices, as well as how this affects their internal state. The novel examines specific rituals and rituals associated with healing and how these folk methods are intertwined with spiritual practices and cultural traditions of the people. The research methods are cultural-historical, comparative-historical, structural, and narrative. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions that the novel clearly presents magical and empirical knowledge about human health, accumulated and transmitted from generation to generation. Various healing methods are described, such as minerals, healing properties of various animal products, rituals, and magic spells. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in Kalmyk literary studies, namely on the material of V. Nurov's novel "The White-Bearded Elder", interesting information about traditional folk medicine has been studied. The author describes the treatment processes and the interaction of the characters with traditional medicine. This made it possible to identify semantic and cultural aspects that demonstrated the depth of the author's approach. In the novel, V. Nurov reflected various traditional methods of treatment for various diseases, methods of medical practice, knowledge about human health, about folk methods of healing from various ailments. The novel can serve as a valuable source of information about Kalmyk folk traditions and their approaches to treatment. Turning to traditional folk medicine through the prism of literature not only enriches the understanding of the specifics of Kalmyk culture, but also emphasizes the importance of folk knowledge in a universal human context.
bone-setting, methods, folk, healing, The White-Bearded Elder, novel, Nurov, Vladimir, literature, Kalmyk
Lidzhieva, L.A., Golubeva, E.V., Mandeev, N.Y., Lidzhieva, D.M. (2024). Dialect features of the Torgut Kalmyk language (based on the material of N.M. Mandzhiev's prose and field recordings). Litera, 12, 57–68. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72344
This article presents an analysis of the dialect features of the Torgut dialect of the Kalmyk language based on the material of the prose of the Kalmyk writer N.M. Mandzhiev and expedition records collected during the implementation of the RNF research project "Electronic Dialectological Atlas of the Mongolian languages of Russia: basic vocabulary". N.M. Manjiev was one of the founders of Kalmyk literature and made a significant contribution to the development of the literature of the Kalmyk people. He belonged to the representatives of the Torgut ethnic group. In this regard, the dialect features characteristic of the Torgut dialect are preserved in its early editions. In parallel, the material recorded during the expedition to the Republic of Kalmykia according to the 100-word list of Svodesh was used. The subject of this study is the phonetic, grammatical and lexical features of the Torgut dialect. The object of the study is the Torgut dialect, characterized by its proximity to the historical basis. The work uses such methods of linguistic analysis as descriptive, lexical-semantic, comparative-typological and distributive. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the dialectological material presented in the works of N.M. Mandzhiev and field recordings has not yet been practically studied. The research material was the examples selected by the method of continuous sampling from the works of N.M. Mandzhiev. For comparison, field material was used, which was collected during an expedition to the Republic of Kalmykia. The material made it possible to identify features related to the pronunciation of words, the influence of historical vowels on the modern language, the use of case affixes other than the literary language, as well as the semantics of lexemes having a narrow-local existence.
field materials, lexical features, the prose of N. Mandzhiev, grammatical, phonetic, buzava dialect, derbet, torgut, the Kalmyk language, literary language
Zhang, R. (2024). Trends in the Development of Mass Media in the Context of Modern Chinese Political Ideology. Litera, 12, 69–79. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72672
Mass media have historically played a crucial role in shaping societal values and advancing political ideologies. This study aims to identify the distinctive features of the ideological functions and political characteristics of Chinese media at various stages of their development. The object of the study is Chinese media as an instrument of state power and a mechanism of ideological influence. The subject of the study is the evolution of the ideological functions of Chinese mass media throughout different stages of their development. The research employs historical, comparative, systemic, and functional analysis. The novelty of the study lies in its comprehensive examination of the transformation of Chinese media through the lens of their political functions and ideological objectives. The study emphasizes that Chinese media play a pivotal role in promoting party ideals, ensuring political stability, and shaping international discourse. The key findings of the research are as follows: 1. The dynamic process of adaptation by Chinese media to changes in social and political conditions is evident. 2. The critical role of media in fostering public consensus and legitimizing governmental authority is highlighted. A notable contribution of the author is the systematic classification of the stages in the evolution of Chinese media—from complete politicization to more subtle forms of political activity, and eventually to re-politicization in the modern era. The study illustrates the uniqueness of China’s media system, which blends national and international objectives, thereby strengthening political order domestically and advancing the nation’s interests on the global stage. This research is valuable for scholars and political scientists studying the history of communication, the use of media to achieve political goals, agenda-setting, and political propaganda.
re-politicization, depoliticization, politicization, media, trends, political ideology, ideology, marxism, socialism, media functions
Dedova, O.V., Podolskaya, V.V. (2024). Lexical ways of designating the Internet in modern Russian: semantics, pragmatics, spelling. Litera, 12, 80–88. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72633
The article focuses on the words that designate the Internet and its segments and discusses such problems as the process of assimilation of lexeme "èíòåðíåò" in contemporary Russian language and its spelling variants, the reasons and mechanisms of appearance of its synonyms. Formal and cognitive adaptation of the anglicisms "internet", "web", "net" and stylistic peculiarities of word-formative and semantic derivatives that appeared on the base of Russian language are also discussed. Particular attention is paid to the tendency for some English-language stems to become affixoids in contemporary Russian. Modern explanatory dictionaries and corpus data were used as sources of linguistic information about the functioning of investigated lexemes ([https://ruscorpora.ru/], [http://www.webcorpora.ru]), data obtained by search by keywords was also analyzed. Descriptive method was used in the research. Identified designations of the Internet, as well as its segments, are analyzed in terms of their origin and semantics. Their stylistic features are also explained. The research’s scientific novelty lies in identifying for the first time a variety of lexemes designating the Internet and its segments. The article considers the process of adaptation of lexical units denoting the concept of "Internet", as well as the peculiarities of their functioning in contemporary Russian language. The reasons for the emergence of synonymic designations of the word "Internet" and their peculiarities are analysed. A number of studied nominations ("ãëóáîêèé", "÷åðíûé" vs. "ïîâåðõíîñòíûé", "áåëûé èíòåðíåò") are not listed in modern explanatory dictionaries. The conducted analysis allowed us to draw the following conclusion: synonyms of the lexeme "èíòåðíåò" that appeared in Russian language, on the one hand reflect the denotative significance of the realia called "Internet", its role in modern society, and on the other hand the synonyms demonstrated significant word-formation and cognitive potential of contemporary Russian language.
productivity of synonyms, word-formative derivation, lexicographic description of neologisms, orthographic standardization of neologisms, language game, stylistic peculiarities of internet vocabulary, affixoids, loanword adaptation, neological processes, internet linguistics
Suchkov , I.A. (2024). The lexico-semantic field "Feeling" (based on the material of English reviews and film blogs). Litera, 12, 89–101. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72634
The purpose of this article is to analyze the composition of the lexico-semantic field «Feeling», to establish, group and describe the totality of its constituent lexemes. The interest in this lexical group is justified by its ability to express various modal meanings, which is of particular relevance in the context of film censorship. The authors can use these words to express their position, as well as to evaluate various aspects of the film. The texts of film reviews and film blogs devoted to films and TV series that have been marked by mixed reception were used as material for the study. The choice of reviews allows to include in the corpus the texts that express both positive and negative opinions about the films. The main research methods of the article are the analysis of dictionary definitions and content analysis, which was implemented using the Tropes V8.4 program, which identified the main groups of words by semantic feature. Contextual analysis was used to identify the presence or absence of a modal meaning. As a result, 23 microfields were identified in the original LSF, which were combined into broader clusters in accordance with the nature of the feelings expressed. Structurally, the resulting LSF consists of three elements. The first is the core, which includes the archilexeme «feeling», as well as the word «emotion», which was added due to minimal semantic differences from the main nuclear element. The near periphery includes constituents with a small number of differential features and high usage, or a close connection with the archilexeme, while units of the far periphery are characterized by a large number of connotative elements in their composition, stylistic coloring, and low frequency. LSP constituents are used in various contexts and are able to convey evaluative, subjective and suggestive modal meanings.
Periphery, Lexico-semantic Field, Modality, Microfield, Movie Review, Cinema Blog, Integral Semantic Feature, Differential Semantic Feature, Semantics, Core
Literary criticism
Berzina, M.E. (2024). References to Epoch Documents as a Stylistic Feature of the Novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs": Classification of the Intertextual Elements. Litera, 12, 102–111. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72455
The following academic paper is devoted to the analysis of intertextual features of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs", namely, the analysis of its non-fiction pretexts, which have not been comprehensively considered by previous scholars. This fact determines the scholarly novelty of the research carried out in this paper. The subject of this academic research is fragments of guidebooks, royal decrees, articles and reports, which are included in the narrative primarily to reflect the New Economic Policy epoch (NEP). This article provides, on the one hand, an overview of existing work on the classification of intertextual elements used in "The Twelve Chairs", on the another hand, classification (based on the typology developed by G. P. Blok) of IIf and Petrov's references to certain sources not related to so called imaginative literature. The quotations used by the co-authors are divided into explicit and hidden, as well as illustrative and link type quotations (in accordance with G. P. Blok's research ‘Pushkin in his work on historical sources’). As a result, several functions of these intertextual elements are mentioned. They include reflection of the epoch coloring, characterization of Ostap Bender who is the main character and comic tone creation. The mentioned stylistic feature (frequent reference to non-fictional sources) often also performs a “defamiliarizing” function (V. Shklovsky’s term “defamiliarizing” means extracting something from its usual context), becoming another means of realizing parody in “The Twelve Chairs,” a novel that combines the seemingly incompatible elements: the rhetoric of royal decrees and statements of K. Marx, emphasized poetism and officialese, old and new stages of the Russian historical process.
early Stalin era, quotation, travesty, satire, parody, intertextuality, G. Blok, The Twelve Chairs, Petrov, Ilf
Literary criticism
Yang, L. (2024). Differences in the humanistic thoughts of Lu Xin and Leo Tolstoy. Litera, 12, 112–123. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72748
The subject of the study is the humanistic spirit of Tolstoy and Lu Xin. This study explores the differences between the Chinese writer and the Russian writer Lu Xin in the humanitarian spirit in the unique historical, traditional and cultural traditions of both sides. The object of the study is to compare the two main aspects of the humanistic spirit of Lu Xin and Tolstoy; a detailed analysis and comparison are made. The article analyzes the different views of the two writers on the subject of love in the humanitarian spirit, whether it is equal love or love for the weak, as well as different ways to combat evil, whether to use tolerant love to influence or to use violent means to calm down, and, finally, it is important to analyze the foresight and lagging humanitarian ideals. In this article, the research methods are cultural-historical, comparative-historical, and structural. This article uses text analysis, comparative research, and historical analysis to place Lu Xin and Tolstoy in a specific historical context and to conduct a comparative analysis of their humanitarian spirit by analyzing the works of Tolstoy and Lu Xin. The innovation of the article lies in the fact that the researcher compared two humanitarian ways of implementing "bloodthirsty revenge" and "not using violence to resist evil," analyzed differences in efficiency, reality and ideality, and discussed their ideological roots. The humanitarian ideals of Lu Xin and Tolstoy were analyzed. The outstanding contribution of the researcher is a detailed comparison of the differences in the humanitarian spiritual thoughts of the two writers from different points of view. The author's special contribution to this research topic is to place the two ideological giants in a specific historical context in order to compare their humanitarian thoughts, highlighting the humanitarian concerns contained in their criticism and denial. An in-depth analysis of the connotations of the concepts of "love for the weak" and "humanity" is carried out, and the arguments are combined with specific works by the two writers to make the comparison more convincing.
the backlog, foresight, non-resistance to evil by violence, Bloodthirsty revenge, humanity, Love for the weak, humanism, Leo Tolstoy, Lu Xun, literary comparison
Literary criticism
Novikova, V.G. (2024). The genre of "biographies through the prism of everyday life" in modern English literature (based on the works of Lucy Worsley). Litera, 12, 124–134. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72823
The subject of the research is the genre specifics of documentary and artistic biographies, which include materials from everyday life studies of the depicted era. The research material was books by an L. Worsley “Jane Austen at home”, “If walls could talk”, “A Very British Murder” published in the 2010s. These works are examined from the point of view of the embodiment in them of the traditional dominant genre of literary biographies and the features of the emerging variant. Biographical, comparative historical, and cognitive analysis methods are used to clarify the specifics of this genre transformation. The research is relevant because it belongs to one of the most important areas in modern interdisciplinary knowledge – the study of the category "everyday life". The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the works of the English writer Lucy Worsley are being studied, and the proposed name of a new genre form is introduced. The main conclusion of the study is the detection of a special genre form of biography in the work of Lucy Worsley, a professional historian, author of journalism, nonfiction, creator of television series about the everyday life, and customs of the British who lived in various historical periods. Its name is suggested by the publisher's successful subtitle: "biography through the prism of everyday life." The traditional biography is based on documents, it is built as a biography, it includes everyday details in order to create a "reality effect". The new form is full of detail, strung together in semantic series of details, which together are designed to show historical reality and prove its authenticity to the reader.
material life, A very British Murder, The history of the English house, the modality of Victorian everyday life, aestheticization of everyday life, englishness, Jane Austen, lucy Worsley, biography, everyday life
Gao, L. (2024). The ideologization of the Russian language after the 1917 Revolution (based on the materials of the Krasnaya Gazeta). Litera, 12, 135–147. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72708
The issue of ideologizing the language of Soviet newspapers of the post-revolutionary period is considered. Ideologization is understood as subordination to a system of political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious and philosophical ideas characteristic of a certain period of society's development. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the ideologization of language continues at the present stage of its development and should be studied taking into account its historical foundations. The author dwells on those linguistic means by which the ideologization of the language of the "Red Newspaper" took place in 1920, highlighting among them new nominative units — names of new realities, figurative and expressive means, speech stamps, clerical style words, colloquial vocabulary, pronouns we and ours, slogans. It is noted that the ideologization of language was one of the ways to influence the reader in the 1920s, when language became the most important tool for spreading ideological views and forming a new consciousness of the citizens of the Soviet Country. It is concluded that the ideologization of the language reflected in the publication "Krasnaya Gazeta" made it possible to rebuild public thinking, form new ideological stereotypes and thereby strengthen the opinion of citizens about the strength of the new world and its focus on meeting the needs of ordinary people. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the ideologization of language continues at the present stage of its development and should be studied taking into account its historical foundations. The author dwells on those linguistic means by which the ideologization of the language of the "Red Newspaper" took place in 1920, highlighting among them new nominative units — names of new realities, figurative and expressive means, speech stamps, clerical style words, colloquial vocabulary, pronouns we and ours, slogans. It is noted that the ideologization of language was one of the ways to influence the reader in the 1920s, when language became the most important tool for spreading ideological views and forming a new consciousness of the citizens of the Soviet Country. It is concluded that the ideologization of language, reflected in the publication "Krasnaya Gazeta", allowed to rebuild public thinking, form new ideological stereotypes and thereby strengthen the opinion of citizens about the strength of the new world and its focus on meeting the needs of ordinary people.
Soviet newspapers, language, language tools, colloquial vocabulary, office supplies, figurative and expressive means, The Red Newspaper, the ideologization of language, revolution, Russian
Artaev , S.N., Shurungova, B.A., Pyurbeev , G.T., Bitkeev , P.T. (2024). Visual communicative behavior and gaze in the etiquette of the Kalmyks. Litera, 12, 148–158. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72512
The authors consider in detail the visual communicative behavior and the role of gaze in the etiquette of Kalmyks. The paper analyzes the features of non-verbal communication, in particular, the use of gaze in various social contexts, taking into account cultural, religious and historical factors. Non-verbal means of communication not only complement the meaning of the speech message, but also fully characterize the personality of the speaker. These speech messages are universal, but at the same time ethnospecific, which is determined by geographical location, religion, national character and social norms of behavior. Using the example of the works of Kalmyk writers, the types of gaze in Kalmyk communicative behavior are considered. The authors identify the specific features of Kalmyk etiquette related to visual communication and consider their significance within the framework of traditional culture and modern society. The research methods were systematic long-term observations of the behavior of Kalmyks in various social contexts - these are family holidays, everyday lunches and dinners, religious ceremonies and everyday communication. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of visual communicative behavior and the meaning of gaze in the traditions of Kalmyk etiquette. For the first time, the unique aspects of non-verbal communication, including eye contact, gestures, facial expressions and their symbolic meaning in Kalmyk culture, are considered. The study reveals their role in maintaining social hierarchies, expressing respect and observing traditions. This work expands the understanding of intercultural non-verbal communication and contributes to ethnolinguistics and anthropology by providing unique data on Kalmyk etiquette, previously insufficiently studied in the scientific literature. The use of gaze in Kalmyk non-verbal communication has ritual significance in certain situations, such as family holidays, religious ceremonies and official meetings, where eye contact is regulated by strict rules. The authors also came to the conclusion that Kalmyk visual etiquette is a means of preserving cultural identity and allows us to conclude that Kalmyk etiquette is a dynamic system that is able to adapt to modern conditions while maintaining its traditional features.
expression, A close look, etiquette, visual signs, a mimic gesture, features of the view, eye gesture, national character, communicative behavior, non-verbal means of communication
Mukabenova, Z.A., Artaev, S.N., Gadanov , S.S., Mandzhiev , A.D. (2024). The symbolism of red and blue colors as a reflection of the national mentality of Koreans (based on the material of Korean proverbs). Litera, 12, 159–171. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72527
This article discusses two chromatic colors – red and blue, which are included in the system of basic colors according to the ancient Chinese theory of Yin – Yang and the five elements. The subject of our research is the above two colors in Korean traditional culture. The linguistic and cultural analysis of color meanings in Korean proverbs makes it possible to determine the universal and specific features of the linguistic picture of the world, representing the historical, cultural, and social experience of one people accumulated as a result of its development. The research centers on Proverbs, idioms with colors 붉다 [bulkta] / 홍 [hong] (紅) (red), 푸르다[p ureuda] / 청 (靑) [cheong] (blue). In this article, we use the names of colors of Korean / Chinese origin, since there are different spellings of color meanings in proverbs. By studying color as an important category of cognition of the world, one can see how it affects people's social, religious, moral, emotional and interpersonal relationships. The work uses a descriptive method necessary for the classification and generalization of linguistic material, linguistic and cultural analysis to interpret the information obtained, revealing the mentality, traditions and customs of the people. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the systematic description and definition of the symbolism and meaning of color in culturally significant texts in the Korean language. The analysis of the color values "red" and "blue" in the Korean tradition, namely in the paremias, made it possible to identify their harmonious combination as one whole organism corresponding to the Yin –Yang system, as well as to highlight their contrasting position. This study reveals the peculiarities of the national linguistic picture in terms of reflecting the Korean people's ideas about color as a universal category, but having its own specifics. The results of this study will help to form a stable understanding of the mental beliefs that influence the scenario and mechanism of thinking, and as a result, the national culture, which determines the originality of the mental and linguistic organization of national consciousness.
the symbolism of color, linguistic and cultural analysis, national consciousness, national culture, mentality, stable expressions, proverbs, Linguoculturology, color designation, colour
Mutalov, R.O. (2024). Ancient Dargin migrations and the formation of Dargin languages and dialects. Litera, 12, 172–179. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72835
The author studied the issues of the ancestral homeland of the Dargwa people and the appearance of the Dargwa languages that have never been studied before. In the period of globalization, the small Dargwa languages are threatened to disapper, and the issue of the fastest possible collection and description of linguistic material is acute. Meanwhile, there is no studies of the comparative historicalgrammar of the Dargwa languages, which would shed light on the problem of the formation of the Dargwa languages and dialects. The aim of the study is to trace the main migration routes of the ancient Dargwa people and on the basis of linguistic data, to explain the formation of certain languages and dialects. The main method of research is comparative. Fieldresearch methods are also used to collect and describe linguistic material. It’s the first study in the history of Dargwa language reseach which puts forward a hypothesis about the ancestral homeland of the Dargwa people. It is revealed that ancestral homeland was located in the headwaters of the Ulluchayriver. One of the first migrations was the resettlement of a part of the Dargwa people to the Northeast; where they settled in the vicinity of the village of Mekegi in the Levashinsky District. There was one more early migration of the Dargwa people to the South and the East, where the Protosouthdargwa language subsequently split into the Chirag, Kubachi, Kaytag, and Sirkhya idioms. The migration of part of the Dargwa people to the South was the reason of the Chirag settlement formation, while Kubachi and Kaytag settlements arose in the Eastern part. The Sirkhya auls were formed to the Northeast of their historical ancestral homeland, and part of the Sirkhya people migrated to the North, where the migrants formed the Tsudakhar.
morphology, phonetics, migrations, dialects, the Dargwa languages, the Nakh-Dagestanian languages, the Caucasian languages, linguistic changes, archaisms, innovations
Nankevich, A.A., Suchova, E.E., Griber, Y.A. (2024). The influence of anxiety on the structure of color associations. Litera, 12, 180–191. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72897
The subject of the study is the relationship between the level of anxiety and color associations with anthropologically significant concepts. The goal is an experimental test of the hypothesis that anxiety affects the structure, density and components of the color association system. The experiment involved 100 people (23 men and 77 women) aged 17 to 24 years (mean age 19.71, SD = 1.72). Their anxiety level was established using the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS) as adapted by V. G. Norakidze. Depending on the total score on the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, we formed 3 groups for participants with low, medium and high anxiety levels. The palette of the experiment included 9 color samples of the NCS natural color system, which were divided into "warm" and "cold". The participants compared the color samples of the palette with 26 anthropologically significant concepts. First, the experiment showed that the anxiety level related to the associative group of preferred colors: as the anxiety level increased, the number of "warm" colors significantly decreased, and "cold" ones increased. Second, in all three groups, "red" and "gray" associations dominated, the differences in the frequency of other selected hues, with the exception of red, blue-green and yellow-green, were quite weak. Third, a correlation between salient individual chromatic characteristics in the color association structure and the anxiety level was revealed: in groups with a higher anxiety level, we found a reduction in the number of connections and an increase in the dominance of individual associations. This study clarifies the relationship between the anxiety level and color cognition, primarily it concerns the color representation of a person’s own state and mood. The research can be continued through the study of other chromatic characteristics, cross-cultural and sociocultural specifics.
anxiety, associative experiment, color cognition, percept, cognitive processes, color perception, chromatic sensitivity, anthropologically relevant concepts, color associations, color
Zhou, S. (2024). The discursive space of new media in emergency situations. Litera, 12, 192–201. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72698
The research focuses on studying the discursive space of new media in emergency situations. The study examines the features of media discourse formation, its role in informing the public, and managing public opinion during crises such as natural disasters, technological accidents, pandemics, and military conflicts. Special attention is given to the strategic interaction between official sources, citizen journalism, and the audience through social networks and news platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The research aims to identify key discursive practices, the use of emotional and sensational narratives, and analyze the impact of media discourse on population mobilization and the prevention of panic. The study highlights the importance of analyzing media discourse to develop effective strategies for managing information flows during crises. The research methodology is based on content analysis and qualitative analysis of comments, enabling the identification of key features of media discourse and providing recommendations for its optimization in crisis conditions.The innovation of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of the discursive space of new media during emergencies, revealing the connection between emotional and sensational narratives used on digital platforms and their influence on public opinion. The novelty also includes a comparative approach to studying various media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, which helps to identify their functional differences in crisis communication. The conclusion emphasizes the dual role of new media in crisis management: on the one hand, they contribute to rapid information dissemination and mobilization, but on the other, they increase the risk of misinformation. The results of the study underscore the need for strategic coordination between official sources and digital platforms to minimize the negative consequences of crisis situations.
Digital platforms, Audience engagement, Misinformation, Social media platforms, Public mobilization, Emotional narratives, Crisis communication, New media, Media discourse, Crisis response strategies
Enikeeva, E., Kulnazarova, A. (2024). The impact of digital tools on conflict communications in the "power-society" system: the experience of Russian regions. Litera, 12, 202–214. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.69829
The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of digital tools on conflict communications in the "power-society" system. This issue is considered in the context of interaction between city and regional administrations and the population using the example of communication in official communities of state structures on the VKontakte social network. The article describes in more detail the digital tools applicable in the political sphere, as well as its capabilities in the modern world. Examples of the use of digital tools in Russia are given. The authors pay special attention to how the development of a conflict situation changes when using digital tools such as social networks and regional management centers, namely the Incident Management program. The purpose of the study is to establish the nature of the dynamics of conflict development (escalation or de-escalation) within the digital space. The basic research method is sentiment analysis. It is based on a one-dimensional emotive space and allows to determine the intensity of the impact of digital tools on the development or attenuation of conflict. The empirical basis of the study is the materials and comments of the official social media of the regional and city administrations of the Russian Federation. The main conclusions of the study are to determine the impact of digital tools on the dynamics of conflicts, namely, to identify the aggravating nature of interaction. A special contribution of the authors to the study is to identify the causes of inefficiency of conflict communication on the part of representatives of government agencies (duplication, depersonalization, use of templates, excessive moderation, etc.). Based on the study, the most successful practices of conflict communication were identified, which could lead to de-escalation of the conflict situation (visual argumentation, two-way type of communication, specificity, orientation to the person, etc.).The scientific novelty of the work consists in the scalability of the study, after testing the research methodology on the example of the St. Petersburg Government page, the second stage of the study was carried out in a similar way in other regions of Russia, which made it possible to specify the results.
power-society, regional management centers, conflicts, social network, digitalization, conflict communication, incident management, political communication, digital tools, government agencies
Nosenko, N.V., Savina, M.A. (2024). National and cultural specificity of lexemes with the semantics ‘curiosity’ in Russian, English and Italian languages. Litera, 12, 215–223. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72469
The subject of the study is the semantics of lexemes expressing the Russian emotional concept lyubopytstvo ‘curiosity’ and their analogues in English and Italian. Curiosity belongs to the sphere of human intellectual activity, its psychological basis is the interest in the new, unknown. Reconstructing the image of a curious person on the basis of linguistic data makes it possible to identify common features and clarify differences in lexical meaning, creating difficulties in language learning and translation. The meanings of the analyzed lexemes are clarified, their etymology and ways of translation are studied. It is noted that it is the semantics of the intensity of action of the verb pytat' ‘to torture’ that led to the development of the negative connotation of the word curious. It is established that in English, Russian and Italian languages curiosity is connected with certain somatisms, the universal component is described (somatisms nose, eye, ear are connected with curiosity in three languages), the national-cultural component is revealed (in Italian the beak can act as an ‘organ’ of curiosity). It is noted that the words lyubopytnyj, curious, curioso developed a secondary meaning ‘unusual, strange’: in this meaning the words characterize inanimate objects or abstract concepts. In Russian and Italian, the lexemes lyubopytnyj ‘curious’ and curioso have a pronounced negative connotation, while in English we can speak about the absence of negative components in the lexical meaning itself, so in those contexts in which the ‘excess’ of the attribute ‘curiosity’ is indicated, the negative semantics is conveyed by means of definitions: morbid curiosity. Differences in the semantics of the Russian lexemes lyubopytstvo and lyuboznatel'nost' provoke the appearance of errors in the speech of foreigners learning Russian. The pragmatic component, part of which is national-cultural specificity, needs detailed lexicography in language corpora, databases and active dictionaries.
contextual analysis, somatisms, negative connotations, image of a curious person, emotional concept, national-cultural specificity, national and cultural component, pragmatic component, semantics, etymology
Literary criticism
Gareeva, L.M. (2024). Means of expressive syntax in A. P. Chekhov's short story "The Black Monk". Litera, 12, 224–232. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72787
The article is devoted to the expressive syntactic means used by A. P. Chekhov in the story "The Black Monk" (1893). The syntax of the Russian language is characterized by inexhaustible possibilities for expressing the expressiveness of speech, in conveying the emotional shades of utterances. The expressiveness of syntactic constructions is manifested in the ability of various units to add brightness, imagery and expressiveness to the text, to enhance the emotional-influencing effect of speech. In the course of the work, an analysis of the syntactic constructions of A. P. Chekhov's work "The Black Monk" was carried out, contributing to an increase in the expressiveness of the narrative. As a result of the research, expressive syntax techniques were identified and described, among which the most pronounced in the text of the story are rhetorical exclamations, questions and appeals, parcellation, introductory and insertion constructions, repetitions, gradation. The article pays special attention to the expressive function of punctuation marks. Theoretical and practical methods were used in the course of the research. In the theoretical part, typological and descriptive methods were used, while the practical part was created using a continuous sampling of expressive syntactic constructions from the text of A. P. Chekhov's novella "The Black Monk". The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identification of expressive syntax techniques that are most characteristic of Chekhov's prose works. An analysis of the syntactic features of the story "The Black Monk" allowed us to draw a number of conclusions: 1) contrasting constructions significantly enhance the expressivity of the narrative, especially homogeneous terms with conjunctions "a", "but" and compound opposites; 2) the most common means of expressive syntax in the text of the story are rhetorical exclamations, questions and addresses, parcellation, introductory and insertion constructions, repetitions, gradation; 3) syntactic constructions in In Chekhov's prose, they are not only structural and compositional elements of the narrative, but also increase the expressiveness of statements; 4) punctuation marks, in particular dashes and ellipsis, are of great importance in enhancing expressivity.
sentence member, emotionality, punctuation mark, intonation, stylistic figure, proposal, expressiveness, speech, syntactic construction, syntax
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E., Gluhova, K.A. (2024). The motivic complexes of "deception" and "lies" in E. Jelinek's novel "The Pianist". Litera, 12, 233–241. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.70110
The object of the presented work is the novel "The Pianist" (1983) by Nobel laureate Austrian writer Elfrida Jelinek, which is rightfully considered one of the author's best and resonant creations. The subject is the motif-figurative structure of the novel. Special attention is paid to the realization of the motives of "deception" and "lies", which are repeatedly found on the pages of the work, which is not surprising, since it has a social orientation, reveals initially insincere human relationships built on attempts to please a partner. The central characters involved in the lie are the pianist Erika Kohut herself and her student Walter Klemmer, whose relationship is the semantic center of the work. The author examines in detail the transition of the above-mentioned motives from the plot to the plot through the implementation in certain events of the novel, which becomes the starting point for changing the value-semantic nature of the heroine's image. In this work, the method of motivic analysis was used, which made it possible to identify key motives, as well as to consider their implementation in the text, in addition to the main motives, secondary ones were also identified. Structural analysis made it possible to comprehensively analyze the literary text under consideration and contributed to the definition of a motif-shaped structure. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the use of B.F. Egorov's theory of deception and lies in literature ("Deception in Russian Culture", 2012) in relation to the novel by E. Jelinek. The main contribution of the authors to the research of the topic is the fact that for the first time the problem of the realization of the motives of deception and lies was considered, a comparative analysis of these motives was carried out, taking into account their different functioning in the artistic space of the work (toposes and loci). The main conclusions of the study are the following: the motives of deception and lies are plot-forming for the motional complexes existing in the toposes "home" and "the outside world", as they change the value-semantic nature of the heroine's image, and also cause the realization of an acute social conflict of the work.
plot-forming motif, fabula, plot, main character, Elfriede Jelinek, Boris Egorov, motif analysis, poetic space, image, motif
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E., Simak, N.I. (2024). Features of the narrative structure of G. d'Annunzio's novel "The Innocent" in the light of the theory of psychoanalysis Z. Freud's. Litera, 12, 242–255. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72543
The presented work examines the novel "Innocent" by Gabriel d'Annunzio (Gabriele D'Annunzio "L'innocente", 1892) is one of the most famous and scandalous Italian authors of the 20th century. The main focus of the research is on the analysis of the narrative structure of the novel through the use of Sigmund Freud's concept of psychoanalysis. Thus, the focus of attention falls on: the motif of sleep and dreams, as well as artistic details that become especially important in the light of Freud's concept (for example, the image of a candle). Special attention is paid to the analysis of the artistic space of the novel – its division into toposes and loci (Venice, Rome, the estate of the hero, etc.). An important category is also initiation, which allowed to give a new interpretation to the relationship between the hero and his wife and the murder of a child. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of scientific cognition, in which general scientific and private scientific methods are used. The biographical method made it possible to establish links between the biography of the authors and the features of their works. The method of psychological analysis allowed us to consider the work through the prism of Sigmund Freud's concept of psychoanalysis. And the method of structural analysis made it possible to analyze different levels of the text. The main conclusion of the authors is that the entire narrative of the "Innocent" Gabriel D'Annuzio is a kind of allegory of the hero's growing up path. The hero of the novel, Count Tullio Ermil, was guided by the principle of pleasure, allowing himself to satisfy all his desires, the unconscious dominated the conscious in him, the censorship process was minimal, which led to the realization of repressed desires. The scientific novelty and new contribution of the authors lies in the fact that it was revealed that the murder of Raimondo ("innocent") is a ritual murder inherent in the initiation rite, as a result of which there is a detachment from the mode of the child and the acquisition of the mode of the adult. What is specific in the context of the novel is only that the victim is metaphorically also the murderer.
iterpretation, poetic detail, motive, poetic space, image, psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, narrative structure, Innocent, Gabriel D'Annunzio
Ilin, A.A., Shatilova, L.M. (2024). Methods of word formation of cinematic vocabulary. Litera, 12, 256–267. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72478
This article is devoted to the analysis of the ways of word formation of the cinematic vocabulary of the modern German language. The relevance of the research is determined by several factors: firstly, cinema is one of the most influential art forms in the modern world, occupying an important place in culture, forming national and global cultural norms, which leads to constant updating of the language, including the creation of new words and terms reflecting processes, phenomena and technologies related to Secondly, the German language, like other languages of the world, actively borrows lexical units from other languages and creates new words, adapting them to grammatical and phonetic norms. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of the ways of word formation in the cinematic terminological system of the German language. To achieve the set research goal, a number of key tasks were identified and successfully completed: 1) the main ways of word formation of specialized vocabulary used in the field of cinema are analyzed; 2) general patterns of word formation of cinematic vocabulary are revealed; 3) the data obtained are systematized and the main trends and productive ways of word formation in the cinematic terminological system of the German language are determined. In this study, attention is paid to the classification of word formation methods proposed by S. V. Grinev-Grinevich. The researcher identifies four main ways of word formation: semantic, morphological, syntactic and morphological-syntactic, which have a significant impact on the formation of terms in various fields, including in cinema. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the analysis not only reveals the specificity and productivity of the corresponding methods of word formation, but also traces the dynamics of the development of film vocabulary in the German language. This is important for understanding how languages adapt to new realities and how terminology develops. The study revealed that in the process of word formation of the cinematic terminological system of the German language, preference is given to the semantic, morphological, morphological and syntactic method. They effectively contribute to the formation of a terminosphere that accurately reflects the evolutionary processes in the film industry. At the same time, the syntactic method, despite its more limited use, plays a key role in creating extensive structural expressions and specialized vocabulary, which provides film professionals with accurate tools to describe their technical and creative processes.
cinematographic lexicon, film discourse, word formation, special vocabulary, terminology system, terminology, German language, linguistics, film industry, cinematography
Cui, W. (2024). Axiological Semantics of the Lexemes Interesting/Interestingly. Litera, 12, 268–278. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72683
The article is written within the framework of communicative linguistics. The object of the study is the lexemes interesny (interesting) and interesno (interestingly). The subject of the study is the communicative meanings of these words in contemporary Russian speech. The research material is derived from the Russian National Corpus and modern mass media. The focus is on the peculiarities of the functioning of these lexemes in various contexts, as well as the connotative aspects of their meanings. The aim of the study is to identify the specific evaluations expressed by the lexemes interesny/interesno in modern media. The author provides a detailed analysis of how the systemic linguistic meaning of the word, limited to denoting a fact or property, is enriched in actual speech through emotional, social, and cultural connotations. Particular attention is given to the subjective-modal characteristics that enable interesny and interesno to express both general and specific evaluations. The words interesny/interesno in Russian are rich in subjective modality. In different contexts, they are capable of expressing both general evaluations and various types of specific evaluations. To express general evaluations, the lexeme interesno typically functions as a predicative in the main clause of a complex sentence. For expressing specific evaluations, interesno operates as an adverb, a short-form adjective, or occupies a syncretic position as both a predicative and a modal word. When expressing specific evaluations, interesny/interesno generally convey a positive status. However, within the framework of ethical or normative evaluations, they can acquire negative connotations, such as irony or doubt. Thus, in real communicative processes, the word interesny becomes more nuanced and multilayered, as it not only indicates the fact of arousing interest but also carries additional emotional overtones or evaluative nuances. This, in turn, enhances the reader's engagement with the message.
subjective modality, semantics, communicative linguistics, the communicative meaning of the word, connotation, lexical meaning, general assessment, private assessment, the system-linguistic meaning of the word, estimation
Galinskaya, E.A. (2024). Some accentological features of modern southern Russian dialects. Litera, 12, 279–292. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72466
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of word stress in southern Russian dialects. The object of the study is dialectal texts recorded in the territory of the southern Russian dialects and representing all groups of dialects of this dialect association. As an introduction to the main part of the study an overview of the main principles of the Old Russian accentual system is given and the directions of its further development are briefly outlined. The essential attention is paid to the accentological behavior of nouns and verbs in modern Russian dialects. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1) there are accentological features that distinguish the dialects of two southern Russian zones: the central and easten ones; 2) in the southern Russian dialects there are archaisms and innovations concerning feminine nouns that originally belonged to the accentual paradigm a; 3) in one of the dialects of the Tula group of the southern Russian dialects, feminine nouns of the *-ā declension, belonging to different accentual paradigms, develop the same correlation in the place of stress of the nominative and accusative cases in the singular; 4) masculine nouns with a monosyllabic base of all accentual paradigms have some differences in the southern Russian dialects from the modern Russian literary language; 5) there are dialectal differences associated with the accentuation of the present tense forms of the verb to go and the simple future tense forms of the prefixal derivatives of this verb; 6) there is a number of class IV verbs with an infinitive stem on suffixes -i- and -ě-, which, unlike the literary language, have not changed the accentual paradigm in the present. Thus, accentual archaisms and innovations in southern Russian dialects do not always coincide with accentual archaisms and innovations of the literary language.
groups of dialects, southern Russian dialects, Russian dialectology, accentological innovations, accentological archaisms, accentual paradigm, Old Russian language, Proto-Slavic language, historical accentology, stress
Character in literature
Paterikina, V.V., Ischenko, N.S. (2024). Snow White on the Border of Worlds: a Liminal Character in Venya Drkin's Fairy Tale. Litera, 12, 293–305. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72654
The paper analyzes the neo-mythopoetics of the Donbass storyteller of the late twentieth century, Alexander Litvinov (Veni Drkin), who works in the post-bard style. Using a comparative methodology, the preservation and translation of folklore plots and images in postmodern culture is investigated using the example of fairy tale "About Snow White". It is shown that several cultural spaces are integrated in the text: archaic fairy-tale, rocker, modern to the author profane household, thieves and otherworldly. In a fairy-tale space, the personage acts according to the scheme of female and male initiation at the same time. Snow White lives in the village of Maksyutovka, a double of the real Masyutovka of the Kupyansky district of the Kharkiv region, and is in a liminal state between a girl and a woman, unable to make an initiatory transition, since the entire male generation of her possible suitors died in the war, leaving Snow White the eternal bride and the queen of the dead. In the forest there the personage meets with magical assistants and fights with a Dragon. The otherworldly nature of the heroine is emphasized with the help of an autoreference allowing to attribute her to cosmogonic characters of different mythologies who create the world out of themselves. Profane household space is represented by details of urban life (locksmiths, TV), thieves' space is represented by jargon and a quote from the cult late Soviet film "The Meeting Place cannot be Changed", and rocker space is represented by the use of the word flat to describe the scene. Thus, in a short unfinished tale by a Donbass storyteller, several cultural spaces are connected based on a folklore plot in the image of the liminal character Snow White.
mythopoetics, postmodern, liminality, Alexander Litvinov, Venya Drkin, fairy tale, rock culture, folklore, initiation, culture translation
Abliametova, S.M., Sattarova, Z.M. (2024). Conversion as one of the ways to form grammatical homonymy in the Crimean Tatar language. Litera, 12, 306–314. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.69795
The article uses the material of the modern Crimean Tatar language to consider grammatical homonyms formed as a result of substantiation, adjectivization, and adverbialization of the transition of independent words into service words, primary homonyms. In the Crimean Tatar language, there are grammatical homonyms formed by conversion. Conversion has one important problem – the definition of the original and derivative words in a pair of words formed by the conversion. The main pattern of homonymy of words in different parts of speech is that the transition of words from one part of speech to another is associated with the reduction of a paradigm or the separation of a word form this paradigm. When changing words into unchangeable words, the paradigm shortens and narrows. Homonyms referring to one or different parts of speech express different meanings in terms of their paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects. When writing this paper, the descriptive method and the method of distributive analysis were used to study grammatical homonymy in the Crimean Tatar language. The analysis of the stated facts allows us to draw the following conclusions. Consideration of grammatical homonyms in the modern Crimean Tatar language, including substantiation, the transition of common names into proper names, adjectivation, adverbialization, the transition of semantic words into official ones, primary homonymy indicates the complex nature of the processes occurring during the formation of vocabulary and grammar of the modern Crimean Tatar language. Syntactic and morphological factors that resolve and formalize syntactic changes form grammatical homonyms. In this process, the unity of action of all sides of the language is manifested, their mutual connection and interdependence. Grammatical homonymy is more abstract than lexical. If lexical homonyms are always represented by separate words – carriers of a certain real content, then grammatical homonymy can be expressed not only in the identity of whole word forms, as in all the examples given, but also in the identity of only grammatical formants, as well as in the identity of grammatical constructions or models. Thus, the essence of grammatical homonymy is that they serve as homonyms only due to the coincidence of grammatical forms and are formed as a result of conversion.
grammatical meaning, lexical meaning, Lexicology, adverbialization, adjectivization, substantiation, conversion, Crimean Tatar language, homonyms, word formation
Kripak, A.V., Kharanutova, D.S. (2024). On the problem of nomination and synonymy of the term "glaucoma". Litera, 12, 315–325. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2024.12.72141
The ophthalmological terminological system is considered to be formed, but insufficiently studied from the point of view of synonymy. Often, the term acquires duplicate double or triple names — quasi–synonyms, which the authors consider professional jargon and "folk" terms. The work represents the next stage of an earlier study, the subject of which is ophthalmological terminology. The purpose of the study is to explain the nature of the term via the formation of a nomenclature generally accepted term, to find possible quasi—synonyms for this term, explaining their presence or absence. The object of the study is the term "glaucoma". The author considers the structure of a triple row of duplicate names from the point of view of concept theory: the nomenclature name is in the center and is the conceptual core, in the nuclear zone — professionalism—jargonisms, folk terms are located on the periphery. The history of the term "glaucoma" is considered, an attempt is made to identify quasi-synonyms and establish the relationship between the name of the disease and the perception of the disease by patients, through an experiment. 93 patients with the diagnosis of "open-angle glaucoma" of the initial and advanced stages took part in the experiment. The patients were offered a questionnaire (12 questions, answers: "yes", "no", one additional question). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that due to the insufficient knowledge of the problem of nominating duplicate ophthalmological terms, an experiment was conducted that allowed us to determine the range of descriptors used by patients to determine their condition. The detailed answers confirmed the scientists' guesses that the etymology of the term "glaucoma" may be related to the use of a descriptive (cloudy blue-green) in ancient times. In addition, the results of the experiment revealed that the term "glaucoma" has neither synonyms nor duplicate names, which was obviously influenced by the etymological factor, the euphony factor, as well as the identity factor. In the future, it is necessary to study the influence of various factors on the appearance of duplicate terms and their distribution into groups: nomenclature terms, professional jargonisms, "folk" terms.
experiment, language doublets, quasi-synonyms, synonyms, folk terms, professionalism-jargon, nomenclature terms, medical terminology system, ophthalmological terminology system, etymology of the word