Podkovyrin, Y.V. (2023). Semantic parameters of the plot of a literary work. Litera, 6, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40933
The subject of research in this article is the plot organization of a literary work, considered from a hermeneutic perspective, namely as one of the aspects of actualizing the meaning of a literary work. In the work, based on the material of a number of works related to the epic kind of literature, the semantic parameters of the plot-event organization of the work are investigated. The article identifies and describes the differences between the vital ethical way of understanding the plot, associated with the value position of the characters, and the aesthetic way of understanding the plot, associated with the values of the author and recipient. In the latter case, the plot is understood as a dynamic aspect of the incarnation (embodiment) of artistic meaning. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that for the first time the plot-event organization of a literary work is considered in connection with a specific way of actualizing the artistic meaning, defined in this work as an incarnation. The incarnation of meaning in the article is understood as its "transformation" into the being (life) of the hero as a whole. If in the life context of comprehension, the sequence of events (the "plot" of life) is correlated by the character with the private and incomplete horizon of the semantic future, then in the aesthetic context of comprehension, the plot acts as an articulation of the integral meaning of the hero's being, as his "fate". As a result of the interpretation of the text of the Grimm brothers' fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel", as well as E. A. Poe's novella "The Mask of the Red Death", the author of the article shows that through plot articulation in the aesthetic semantic "dimension" of the work, heterogeneous moments of meaning are collected, linked into a consistent unity.
incarnation, hermeneutics, artistry, epic, author, character, event, plot, meaning, interpretation
Shuiskaya, Y.V., Aref'ev, N.A., Vlasova, M.V., Shestov, N.A. (2023). Media management of corporate university media in the USA as a public relations tool of a university (using the example of Ivy League University media). Litera, 6, 13–25. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40722
The subject of the study is the university press of US universities that are part of the so-called "Ivy League" - an informal association of the oldest higher education institutions in the country. The object of the research is the media management of corporate media of universities as a tool of public relations among students, graduates and potential applicants. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as ways of forming an individual profile of a particular media outlet, as well as its contribution to the image of a particular university. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the content of university media and their interaction with the traditional media system, as well as options for their development in a broader media profile. The main conclusions of the study are the data obtained during the comparison of Ivy League university press samples on the patterns of formation of the image of a typical student and a graduate of a university. A special contribution of the authors to the research of the topic is the development of specific recommendations on the media management of corporate publications on the example of the university press, which can be applied in domestic practice. The novelty of the research lies in the generalization of the media practices of the university press of the USA and the formulation of recommendations for creating the image of a student, graduate and teacher on the pages of the university press. Also of particular interest is the practice of creating a modern convergent media based on the traditional format of the press that has existed since the XIX century.
public relations, convergent edition, covergent mass media, student mass media, Ivy League, USA press, mediamanagement, image, corporate press, university press
Chichina , M.O., Grigorieva , N.A. (2023). Linguoculturological and lexical analysis by article of A.N. Tolstoy "Motherland". Litera, 6, 26–41. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40922
The purpose of the research is a linguocultural and lexical analysis of the article "Homeland" by the famous Russian Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy. The method of complex analysis of the literary text allowed the authors of the scientific work to identify words, phrases, sentences, the semantics of which are most significant for understanding the essence of Alexey Tolstoy’s article. To designate these ideological and semantic "staples" of any fiction or journalistic text, the authors of this study introduce a scientific definition of "lexico-semantic milestones" for the first time in linguoculturology. The authors determined the structure of the article "Homeland", revealed the genre originality of each of the three parts of the text. The results of the work on the study of the writer's idiosyncrasy allowed us to conclude that Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy, a master of the word, skillfully combined several styles of speech in one text at once: laconic newspaper-journalistic and fiction, including elements of colloquial style of speech, – all this allowed him to achieve the greatest expressiveness of the text. This scientific research may be of interest not only to linguists, linguoculturologists, literary critics, researchers of the artistic style of A.N. Tolstoy, but also to the teachers of Russian as a foreign language.
good conquers evil, Do it, Let's do it, ottich and dedich, Motherland, Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy, lexico-semantic milestones, structural analysis of the text, artistic analysis, linguoculturological
Danilina, O. (2023). From the experience of using media texts in RFL classes in a group of 4th-year philology students of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. Litera, 6, 42–50. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40931
Recently, the concept of a language environment has acquired particular importance in the methodology and practice of teaching RFL, the key component of which is a textbook accompanied by culturological materials, including media texts, understood as "dynamic complex units of the highest level through which speech communication is carried out in the field of mass communications" (N. A. Kuzmina). Being the main unit of the media stream division, it unites various types of media products. Taking into account the current stage of technology development, the use of media texts at the B2-C1 language proficiency levels, characterized by broad communicative competence, understanding of the nuances of intercultural communication, seems appropriate and desirable. Although some authentic Internet texts require the formation of communicative competence in foreign recipient students close to the capabilities of native speakers, they are necessary for solving certain methodological tasks. In this regard, the work with an authentic post on the topic of intelligence from the site "Pikabu" in a group of 4th-year philology students of the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University preceded the discussion of the topic based on the material of reviews of the book by D. S. Likhachev "Letters about good and beautiful". The chosen media text allowed students to analyze, interpret the statement, and evaluate it. The discussion of the semantic side of the text activated their critical thinking, the development of communicative abilities. The discussion of the language side made it possible to attract the attention of students to its stylistic and genre features. The motivation of students while discussing the topic on the material of the post increased, so the subsequent study of the text of Likhachev's letter took place in an atmosphere of interest. Thus, the work with authentic material that is minimal in volume, but as representative as possible for the modern Russian media space, has proved its motivating and cognitive value. The use of media products of the considered type in Russian language classes at an advanced stage is a way to increase the motivation of students while discussing complex socio-cultural and linguistic problems.
review, motivation, intellectuality, post, communicative competence, language competence, authentic materials, media text, RFL methodology, stylistics
Literary criticism
Gofshtein, O.G., Rudakova, S.V. (2023). Specifics of V. K. Kuchelbecker's artistic historiosophic views (based on the materials of his European Letters). Litera, 6, 51–60. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41003
The question of artistic historiosophy is a problem that has been actively discussed in recent decades. Historiosophy is an area of interest for historians, philosophers and sociologists. Artistic historiosophy is directly related to the aesthetic side of works, this is the sphere of interests of literary critics; studying it, they comprehend the text, its images and plots in a new way, including them in various social, historical, moral and philosophical processes, revealing the peculiarities of the author's view of the phenomena of life - present, past and future. One of the insufficiently studied works of the Russian romanticist, representative of the Decembrist movement V.K. Kuchelbecker is examined in this aspect. The research material is the novel by Kuchelbecker "European Letters". The proposed work is based on the methods of historiosophical analysis of literary works and the historical-typological method. Scientific novelty of the proposed study is due to the fact that the issues of historiosophy in Kuchelbecker's "European Letters" have not been considered in the scientific literature. In the process of analyzing the "European Letters", the author's unusual view of the categories of the past, present, and future is revealed, which allows modeling the image of an ideal social world, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to give a detailed description of the socio–historical processes taking place in European and Russian life, the modern Kuchelbecker period, emphasizing the special Messianic path of Russia.
Messianism, Russia, Europe, utopia, journey, epistolary form, European letters, artistic historiosophy, Kuchelbecker, ideal
Murzina, O.V., Grabel'nikov, A.A., Tsitsinov, A.Y. (2023). Online cinemas as new media. Litera, 6, 61–68. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41013
The subject of the study is online cinemas (streaming services, streaming platforms), understood by the authors of this study as new media. The object of the study is a set of features of new media, considered on the basis of streaming services on the Russian market. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the features of the content of online cinemas, their correlation with new media and format television, building a user trajectory of content and the possibility of posting user reviews. Particular attention is paid to the transformation of format television into neotelevision using the tools of modern technologies and the capabilities of convergent online platforms with content diversification. The main conclusions of the study are the classification of online cinemas as an intermediate variant of new media: the renovation of the features of traditional media on a new platform. Unlike traditional cinemas, which do not position themselves as media platforms, online cinemas allow viewing news content, promptly tracking events in the world and at the same time viewing entertainment and educational content in a user-friendly mode. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is an appeal to online cinemas from the perspective of journalism and media, which was not previously presented in Russian science. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of streaming services as part of the media and as part of a modern media system that includes both fundamentally new media and the renovation of existing formats.
media, television, neotelevision, youth media, user content, streaming platforms, online cinema, new media, convergent mass media, mass media
Li, T. (2023). Translation ethics in the light of the Chinese ecological model of translation. Litera, 6, 69–78. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40997
Translation is a kind of cross-cultural interaction of people, and ethical relations have existed since the emergence of human relations. The main task of the translator is to coordinate relations between different cultures, languages and subjects of translation, therefore, the role of the translator is closely linked to ethics from the very beginning of the translation activity, and the activities and duties of the translator are carried out ethically consciously. The purpose of the study is to describe the study of translation ethics in China and a detailed study of translation ethics from the point of view of the ecological model of translation. The author shows how erroneous translations can be caused by the irresponsible behavior of translators due to their incorrect ethical views and values. In this process, the author uses an analytical method and a comparative method. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that, theoretically, it is necessary to continue improving the value and ethical aspects of the ecological model of translation; as for the existing problem of incorrect translation, according to the author, efforts should be made to create a beneficial cycle of translation ecology. Against the background of numerous research perspectives, the science of translation attaches importance to translators, returns to ethics and focuses on relationships and behavior in the system of moral values. The results of the study are important for the improvement of the Chinese translation, the development of translation theory and the training of translators.
translation process, translation value, translation ecology, translation community, responsibility, interpreter, translation ecomodel, translation ecology theory, translation ethics, selection and adaptation
Shirlina, E.N., Kostina, N.I., Kostina, D.M. (2023). Didactic potential of intellectual games in teaching scanning. Litera, 6, 79–88. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41037
The authors consider the role of scanning in the formation of linguistic and general academic competences, the skills needed to find the necessary information in the text, the stages of work on the text, as well as the difficulties associated with the teaching of scanning. The focus is on the role of active reading and gamification elements in overcoming these difficulties. The aim of the paper is to establish the extent to which active pre-reading and teamwork in a competitive environment will affect students' motivation to learn scanning and the quality of the acquisition of information. The article gives recommendations on how to organize the learning of exploratory reading in the format of an intellectual game and gives an example of an intellectual game "What? Where? When?" on the basis of a country study text. The novelty of the research consists in the authors' proposed approach to intellectual games as a tool not only for assessing students' knowledge, but also for shaping students' scanning competence. The intellectual game which was held with the students of non-language specialties allowed to reveal the main advantages and difficulties of using such a format, to find ways of overcoming them, to work out the recommendations for conducting intellectual games based on the work with the text. The results allowed us to confirm the hypothesis about the increase of motivation to reading through intellectual game activity, the ability to concentrate on the content of the text and not only on the language aspect, as well as increasing the level of cognitive activity.
active reading, interdisciplinary competence, after-reading, reading stage, pre-reading stage, brain game, motivation, heuristic competence, gamification, scanning
Ivanova, V. (2023). Conceptual analysis of the narrative strategy of the text of the propaganda speech from the position of the post-Romanov psychoanalytic approach. Litera, 6, 89–97. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.43413
The article presents the author's version of narrative analysis based on the methodology of post-Romanov political psychoanalysis and discourse analysis of the text of a propaganda speech. The concepts of the master signifier, the points of attachment, the double movement of signifiers in the structure of the narrative as the basis for the internalization of the ideas and values of the narrative by the addressee of communication are actualized. The matrix of the university's discourse is considered as a constructive basis that ensures the promotion and functioning of the narrative. The analysis of the case of the speech of the US Secretary of State Colin Powell at the UN Security Council on February 5, 2003 is given. The initial theoretical positions and conclusions are correlated with the data of public opinion polls conducted by the Gallup Institute.The author's main contribution to the theory of narrative analysis is the approbation of the conceptual apparatus of political psychoanalysis to propaganda texts. The study of the phenomenon of internalization of the narrative of war in the mass consciousness requires a deep understanding of the driving forces underlying the processes under study. For the first time, the media text is analyzed from the perspective of a psychoanalytic approach, with the possibility of defining and describing specific reference points of a speech that determine its structure and final result. The proposed study lays the prerequisites for the further development of the concept of the narrative life cycle and the formulation of the concept of the counter-narrative, the definition of the inherent limitations and opportunities of this life cycle.
The narrative of war, Military journalism, The post - Lacanian paradigm, The Master signifier, Quilting points, The life cycle of a narrative, University discourse, Narrative analysis, Propaganda, Political psychoanalysis
Shagbanova, K.S. (2023). "Emotion" in the Russian and English language pictures of the world. Litera, 6, 98–107. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41025
The article describes the functioning of the concepts "emotion" in Russian and English. Emotion as a phenomenon of reality has a multifaceted logical nature, is culturally, lexically and axiologically conditioned. The structure of concepts that can be evaluated as equivalents formalizes the categorization and conceptualization of reality, shows a predisposition to interact with cross-cultural concepts. The existing reality is reflected by a set of nuclear and peripheral meanings of the concept "emotion". The meanings of words illustrate the presence of main and secondary signs, monocentricity and predisposition to the formation of diverse associative connections, which determines the boundaries of semantic variation of the word. In the English language picture of the world, the verbalization of the concept of "emotion" shows signs of a behavior marker, properties of a liquid substance, assessments of cultural life events, a space with a depth characteristic. In the Russian corpus of texts, based on the conducted sampling, the following cases of values were recorded: an attribute of behavior, someone's belonging, an obstacle, a device that can be turned off, an indicator of strong arousal. The author states that the theoretical provisions of the cognitive approach allow us to confidently speak about the correlation of the concept under consideration not only with feelings, but also with reason. In the course of the structural and semantic analysis of the presented constructions, a number of meanings of the polysemantic structure of this formation are revealed in the English-speaking and Russian-speaking semantic space.
emotion, comparative historical linguistics, abstract name, mental image, polysemy, semantics, ambiguity, derivation, concept sphere, semantic structure
Gurkova, A.V. (2023). Lexical indicators of exaggeration and understatement of the time of the English language (based on the material of literary texts). Litera, 6, 108–116. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.43433
The subject of the study is the exaggeration and understatement of the phenomenon in the modern English art text. The object of the study are nouns that act as a means of depicting an exaggerated and understated time continuum. The author examines in detail the semantics of such lexemes as second, minute, moment, year, hour, day, age and their changes within the framework of combinations with other lexical units, during which time intervals are stretched or narrowed. Special attention is paid to the presence of dictionary and author's phrases in the fiction text of the fiction genre, their quantitative calculation and analysis of the frequency of use. The novelty of the research lies in the search for new non-dictionary and author's phrases that are able to reflect time in terms of its exaggeration and understatement. Such an image of time affects the description of the hero, their actions, the characteristics of not only places, but also specific characters. A special flow of time in the context of a fiction genre literary text is caused by a different flow of the time continuum. The main conclusions of the study are the identification of a high frequency of the use of non-dictionary phrases for exaggeration and understatement of time, as well as a change in the meaning of dictionary phrases that are enclosed in the context of a dicteme that allows to expand the semantics of the proposed vocabulary combination of lexemes.
continuum, hyperbolization, context, dictema, noun, lexeme, understatement of time, exaggeration of time, non-dictionary phrases, dictionary phrases
World literature
Aouati, S., Boulberhane, M., Saad, H., Ahmad Mahmood, M., Hezla, L. (2023). From Transition to Transformation: Liminality, Mask, and Identity in R. J. Palacio «Wonder». Litera, 6, 117–127. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.38217
The article investigates the separation of the protagonist August Pullman in the novel Wonder written by R. J.Palacio from his previous world that is his home, and the reintegration in his society. This study is made in the lence of literary criticism. It is devoted to trace functions of liminality and the psychological development in the fictional postmodern novel Wonder. As almost all the postmodern children’s novels, Wonder mainly revolves and sheds light on the protagonist’s change of identity. Using the psychoanalysis approach and the theory by Carl Jung of introversion and extroversion, the article analysis how August manages to figure out how to bridge the gap between the sorts of person he feels, and the kind of person the rest of the world sees him. It depicts his journey of looking for his real identity. The article aims at depicting the journey of the hero crossing the threshold seeking for social acceptance. Furthermore, it depicts the development of the hero’s identity from an introvert to an extrovert kid. The novelty lies in employing the concept of liminality interrelated with psychoanalytic theory in the study of the novel. The result shows that the novel is an instance of liminality and introversion/extroversion through the application of anthropological concept of the Rites de Passage and liminality in parallel with the use of the theoretical approach of C. G. Jung’s psychoanalysis of introversion and extroversion. Eventually, the protagonist’s personality is developed through out the story in parallel with his reintegration in his society.
Van Gennep, Turner, Carl Jung, mask, identity, introvert, extrovert, threshold, rites of passage, liminality
Chen , X. (2023). Structural and semantic features of abbreviation in Russian educational discourse. Litera, 6, 128–136. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40892
The object of this research is abbreviation as a way of creating terminological nominations of educational discourse. The subject of the study is the structural and semantic specificity of the terms–abbreviations used in the field of educational activity. In the first part of this article, the author characterizes the process of abbreviation, clarifies the content of the term "abbreviation", differentiating it from the concept of "abbreviation", after which such an area of discourse theory as educational discourse is touched upon. Having determined the spheres of influence and interaction of this type of discourse, the author of the article gives a structural and semantic classification of terms-abbreviations, after which, using various terminological and explanatory dictionaries, identifies abbreviated linguistic units of educational discourse. The second part of this study is devoted to the description of abbreviations in the field of education. Having divided the abbreviated nominations into six semantic groups, the author of the article describes them in accordance with the structural classification. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the majority of abbreviations are acronyms (forty-five units out of the identified sixty abbreviated nominations). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the application of structural and semantic analysis to the abbreviated nominations of the field of education. But, having studied the terms-abbreviations in the context of the relationship between structure and semantics, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that only a small part of the abbreviations of educational activities are familiar to consumers of educational services, and therefore he believes that the broad abbreviation affecting the field of education does not justify itself.
syllabic abbreviation, acronym, initial abbreviation, reduction, abbreviation, normative document, educational service, educational product, educational process, educational discourse
Kozhemyakina, V.A. (2023). Ethnophaulisms in the Chinese language as a reflection of racial and ethnic Identity: Issues of political Correctness. Litera, 6, 137–148. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40996
The article, written from the standpoint of sociolinguistics and communication theory, examines the concept of ethnophaulisms in relation to the concept of political correctness, and a comparative analysis of ethnophaulisms in Chinese against the background of Russian and English. The object of the study is racial and ethnic identity as the basis of political correctness. The subject of the study is ethnophaulisms in Chinese, English and Russian. The author examines in detail expressive ethnonyms in Chinese against the background of Russian and English. Special attention is paid to expressive ethnonyms in the Chinese language, due to active cultural and historical contacts between the countries. The main conclusions of this study include the following: ethnonyms in different cultures are formed on the basis of signs due to different degrees of historical, social, cultural, geographical contacts; the associative field arising in connection with the use of one or another ethnophaulism is used as a mechanism regulating the manipulative potential of political correctness, which is realized through the substitution of a true communicative intention false. The novelty of the scientific research lies in the fact that ethnophaulisms in Chinese, Russian and English are considered in connection with the problem of political correctness, which was not previously the object of a comprehensive comparative analysis.
ethnic group, race, Russian language, English language, Chinese language, expressive ethnonyms, ethnophaulism, discrimination, political correctness, identity
Literary criticism
Mitrovich, K.Z. (2023). Literary Expression Elements in P.G. Wodehouse's Literature (based on the novel "The Code of Woosters"). Litera, 6, 149–160. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.38528
The subject of the study is the novel by P. G. Wodehouse "The Code of Woosters" ("The Woosters' Family Honor"). The object of the study is the forms and methods of manifestation of play-elements literature used to create a comic effect. The author examines the nonverbal means in detail that, alongside with the verbal ones, are able to create and increase the comic in the work. The article pays attention to such aspects of the topic as the manifestation of the game principle through the theatre features demonstrated in the behavior of the protagonist, allusions to the characters of other works as well as references to some historical figures a combination of poetological, verbal features, and other means of intertextuality and intermediality.The main conclusion of the conducted research is the use by P. G. Wodehouse in the novel “The Code of Woosters” of a combination of the English humorous tradition elements: the place of action, the main characters with a literary game to create a comic effect. Such an unusual technique distinguishes the writer in the comedy genre. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is studying of specific techniques and forms of literary play-elements used by the writer. The question of intertextuality and intermediality as game elements that enhance the comicality of characters and their images, situations is raised, and the game behavior of the protagonist is also considered as a form of expression of intertextuality.
characterology, references, allusions, game poetics, intermediality, intertextuality, intertext, comic discourse, literary play-element, english humorous tradition
Literary criticism
Gofshtein, O.G., Rudakova, S.V. (2023). The peculiarity of the vision of the present and the future in V. K. Kuchelbecker’ "Diary". Litera, 6, 161–170. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.41019
The article deals with the peculiarity of the diary genre (gaining popularity since the era of sentimentalism), which belongs to the world of ego-literature. The main features of this genre are summarized, the specifics of the writer's diary are emphasized. The main attention in the work is focused on the phenomenon of V. K. Kuchelbecker's "Diary", a bright representative of Russian Romanticism, connected with the Decembrist movement. Accordingly, the research material is "Diary" by V. K. Kuchelbecker, over which the author worked while in solitary confinement, and later in Siberian exile, from 1831 to 1846. The main issues that Kuchelbecker contemplates in his "Diary" are considered. The novelty of the research lies in the new perspective of consideration of Kuchelbecker's little-studied work, the research interest in this text first appeared only in the late 20s of the 20th century). The author demonstrates an unusual attitude and perception of time - present, past and future, shows a complex relationship between the private (personal) and the general (in social and historical aspects), considers the interlacing of micro and macro history, personal life circumstances and the macro-historical narrative in this work. The narrator of the Diary is shown as a representative of the world of the Decembrists, as a kind of their "voice". The work uses the methods of the historiosophic analysis of artistic works and implements the principles of the historical-typological method. Behind the seeming kaleidoscope of plots and images of the Diary is the subordination of the text to the general idea - to convey a sense of the post-December era.
cultural world, poetry, Decembrism, poet-prisoner, Kuchelbecker, writer's diary, ego-literature, Diary, education, modeling of the world
Literary criticism
Krasnikov, Y.E. (2023). Narrative features of A. P. Chekhov's play "The Seagull". Litera, 6, 171–180. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.43434
The article is devoted to the debatable and little studied at the moment issue of the presence of narrative in drama and its special nature. The paper describes the existing approaches to the possibility of analyzing the narrative in the dramaturgical kind of literature, the specifics of Chekhov's dramaturgy, and also presents the results of practical analysis. The subject of the study is the narrative replicas of the heroes and characters of Chekhov's play "The Seagull", containing references to events and stories from the past, referred to by the author as "staged narratives". The purpose of the work is to classify these retrospective statements of the actors of the drama by the type of their connection with the main plot of the work. The key research methods are discourse analysis and narratological analysis (as its specific variety), descriptive method (used in the collection and systematization of observations on a literary text), as well as hermeneutic approach (necessary in the process of research interpretation of the analysis results). Thus, as a result of the analysis, staged narratives representing the background of the hero, off-stage and on-stage events, as well as stage narratives belonging to the category of autonomous are distinguished. The relevance and novelty of this research consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of "staged narrative" and its approbation within the framework of the analysis of a specific dramaturgical text.
discourse, narrativity of drama, plot, event, staged narrative, narrative, narratology, dramaturgy of Chekhov, poetics of drama, communication
Savina, E. (2023). Legal Metaphors and Figurative Comparisons as a stylistic way of characterizing the Society of Guermantes in M. Proust's novel. Litera, 6, 181–193. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.38408
The article examines legal metaphors and figurative comparisons that allow us to imagine the world of the French aristocracy of the period of the Third Republic in M. Proust's novel. The terms of constitutional, administrative, international public and civil law, as well as banking law as part of business law are identified. The author examines Marcel's imaginative understanding of high society through legal concepts. The subject of the study is the specific legal terms of the text. The purpose of this work is to analyze the layers of the artwork, allowing us to present the features of the world of French aristocrats in a republican environment. The article uses methods of semantic, linguistic-stylistic analysis and linguistic commenting. It is shown that the aristocrats' rejection of the Republic is expressed, among other things, through their rejection of the new legal system, and through an ironic attitude towards its institutions. On the contrary, reverence for the cultural stratum of the irrevocably departed period of absolute monarchy is one of the distinctive characteristics of the Guermantes, people of their close social circle and even their servants. Legal terms contrasting these two epochs also introduce a complex and ambiguous antithesis, important for M. Proust's texts as a whole, between what is and what seems. The distrust of the aristocrats of the period of the Third Republic to the new legal reality turns out to be one of the distinctive features that allow them to maintain their clannishness, despite the apparent democracy in choosing a circle of communication and openness to change.
legal terms, legal terminology, legal metaphors, legal vocabulary, stylistic techniques, vocabulary of public law, stylistic figures, figurative comparisons, At the Guermantes, Proust 's language
Timokhov, A.D. (2023). Transcreaction Strategies in Video Game Localisation (based on "Team Fortress 2"). Litera, 6, 194–209. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.38511
The article studies transcreation in video game localisation within the modern discursive paradigm, with its focus on Team Fortress 2. The subjects studied are the original (i.e. English) and Russian localisations of the game. The objects of analysis are cases of transcreation, the specifics of transcreation as a phenomenon as well as its patterns with regard to English-Russian localisation. The article analyses and describes examples of cultural adaptation via transcreation, defines and describes the strategies of transcreation, and also seeks to determine the relevance of transcreation regarding video game localisation. As of today, there is a great number of localisation specialists, yet both phenomena of localisation (as whole) and transcreation (in particular, as one of the methods for game content adaptation) lack comprehensive linguistic research. In this respect, the study is novel since it addresses the emerging phenomenon of localisation, thus appealing to new content and introducing new discourse into translation studies. Specifically, the article addresses transcreation as one of the localisation techniques that offers unique requirements to translation both as a process and as a result that differ from the conventional ones in the practice.
cultural adaptation, translation strategies, globalisation, language localisation, transcreation, translation studies, translation, video game localisation, internationalisation, video games
Alexeeva, M. (2023). Animacy and Referential Status as Factors of Asymmetric Object Marking in Modern Hebrew (based on Interrogative and Relative Pronouns). Litera, 6, 210–220. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40740
The goal of this study is to confirm a correlation between the asymmetric object marking in Modern Hebrew and two factors that license the marking of the referential expression its encoding, namely “referential status” and “animation”. To achieve this goal, interrogative and relative pronouns that encode the O-participant in a transitive clause in the Hebrew language, are considered. They constitute the subject of the study and justify its scientific novelty, since this type of referential expressions encoding the patient participant of the situation in Modern Hebrew has not been the subject of research until now. To conduct a quantitative and comparative analysis, the author formed an experimental Hebrew Objects Targeted Corpus, with a volume of about 49,000 words. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there is a correlation between the asymmetric object marking, referential status and animation in Modern Hebrew. The study showed that the asymmetric object marking of referents encoded by interrogative pronouns in the vast majority of cases (98%) is regulated by the animacy of the referent, while the variability of the marking of referents encoded by relative pronouns is licensed both by the animacy and the referential status of the object. A hypothesis was also put forward about the existence of an additional factor that licenses the asymmetric object marking of interrogative and relative pronouns, which lies in the area of pragmatic characteristics of the statement, in particular, the degree of topicality of the referent encoding the patient participant in the situation.
accusative, corpus analysis, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, animacy, referential status, Modern Hebrew, object marking, pronouns, referent
Sotnikova, E.E., Popova, L.G. (2023). Structural types of secondary anthroponyms in English and Russian journalistic texts. Litera, 6, 221–230. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40801
The object of this study is the secondary anthroponyms of the Russian and English languages. The subject of the proposed work is the structural design of anthroponyms in the Russian and American press. The relevance of the research topic is due to the increasing interest of modern linguists in studying the specifics of the functioning of secondary anthroponyms in journalistic texts as an actual source reflecting the main properties and specifics of the use of these lexical units, as well as the lack of a sufficient number of works currently studying secondary anthroponyms from the proposed position. In their research, the authors used the following research methods: semantic analysis, structural analysis, comparative method, quantitative method, modeling method. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it reveals for the first time the structural types of secondary anthroponyms used in journalistic texts of Russian and American media in a comparative aspect. As a result of the work carried out, information was obtained that, both in Russian and American journalistic texts, the most common form of secondary anthroponyms are anthroponyms-phrases. In addition, it was found that in the publications of the American media, secondary anthroponyms– abbreviations in comparison with the Russian press do not find their application. The practical value of the work consists in the possibility of applying the results of the study in the practice of teaching English as a foreign language when working with journalistic texts at a university.
abbreviation, derivative word, simple non-derivative word, compound word, cryptonym, nickname, word combination, publicistic text, second anthroponym, structural model
Orlova, T. (2023). Structural and semantic features and national specificity of English and Russian proverbs with the meaning "foresight", "caution". Litera, 6, 231–244. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40999
The subject of this study is the structural and semantic features of English and Russian proverbs with the meanings of "foresight", "caution". Proverbs with the meanings "foresight", "caution" have not been sufficiently studied in terms of revealing their meaning and describing their structural and semantic characteristics. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the general and unique meanings of English and Russian proverbs of this thematic group were considered in a comparative aspect, as well as an analysis of syntactic structures and a semantic analysis of the lexical components of proverbs and an analysis of figurative and expressive means reflecting their national and cultural identity were made. The results of the study can be used in the process of teaching English, as well as the basis for a deeper comparative study of the proverbs of the two languages of this thematic group. The study used descriptive and comparative methods, functional-stylistic analysis, structural and syntactic analysis. In the course of the analysis, we revealed the following pattern: in most of the presented thematic groups there are proverbs close in meaning that are not equivalents. They use the same syntactic structures (imperative sentences, complex sentences with subordinate conditions, time clause, subordinate concessions and subordinate attributive clauses, syntactic compression: ellipsis, incompleteness of sentences, non-conjunction, as well as complex sentences with an adversative meaning) and similar expressive techniques (antithesis, comparison, oxymoron, tautology, allegory, metaphor, including personifying metaphor), while differing in lexical content (emotional and expressive, evaluative vocabulary, vocabulary associated with the realities of everyday life, zoonyms, somatisms, archaisms). These differences are due to the peculiarities of climate, life, traditions, as well as the environment of their occurrence, which, on the one hand, indicates the universality of human experience, and on the other hand, indicates the national specificity of the thinking of the two peoples.
structural and semantic analysis, comparative analysis, figurative and expressive means, Russian proverbs, English proverbs, figurative meaning, lexical components, syntactic structure, stylistic colouring, national and cultural specificity
Papchenko, A.Y. (2023). Current trends in the development of the language conflict in Catalonia. Litera, 6, 245–253. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40954
The difficult coexistence of Catalan and Spanish languages on the territory of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia (ASC) in Spain, which can be characterized as a conflict, has taken new forms in recent decades, which is especially noticeable on the example of the younger generation born after the "democratic transit". The systematization of sociological survey data shows that, being a product of the Catalan-oriented education system in the ASC (since 1978), the current Catalan youth is characterized by a high degree of Spanish-Catalan bilingualism, and this is not a one-sided process among Catalan-speaking young people, but mutual, although not completely symmetrical. This "bilingualization" has become a new tool for solving the language conflict at the individual level (refusal to choose one of the languages in favor of another), which reduces its tension, but once again calls into question social dominance.
diglossia, catalan education system, language contact, language identity, bilingualization of youth, language behavior, language policy, Catalan language, language conflict, bilingualism
Pushkareva, Y.G., Zharnikova, A.V., Shcherbakova, A.A. (2023). The discursive function of anemonyms in the modern communicative space. Litera, 6, 254–264. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.38273
The article discusses the discursive function of anemonyms – names of winds. The authors include names of winds and their nomenclature designations in the concept of "anemonym". The discursive function determines the role of linguistic units both in the process of cognition and in the process of communication. The polysemanticism of the word wind and its synonyms, on the one hand, expands their functionality, and on the other hand, promotes discursive realization in both emotional and rational contexts. The purpose of the article is to characterize the discursive function of anemonyms. The subject of the study is anemonyms in the modern communicative space. The main research methods are descriptive, etymological, comparative-historical and discursive. Relevance: the study of anemonyms in the functional aspect allows us to identify the features of human cognition and perception of the surrounding reality, various mechanisms of human mental activity, as well as various forms of knowledge representation. Conclusions. The discursive nature of language explains the acquisition of new meanings by words, as well as their new uses in an unusual context. Language is closely related to socio-psychological changes in the communicative space of a particular language. Intensive metaphorization of synonyms of the word wind gives innovation and creativity to the discourse, since the presence in the mind of a native speaker of the connection between the signifier and the signified, that is, the psychological motivation of the word, emphasizes its special property – expressiveness.
nomenclature designations of winds, discursive functions of anemonyms, anemonyms, proper name, cognition, communication, linguoculturology, onomasiology, cognitive linguistics, nomination theory
Guan, Q. (2023). Linguistic Analysis of the Concept of CORRUPTION in the Russian Political Discourse. Litera, 6, 265–273. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.40916
The subject of the study is the concept of CORRUPTION from the point of view of its implementation in the tests of political discourse. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the concept of CORRUPTION in the semantic space of the modern Russian language (based on the material of texts containing the concept of "corruption" in the electronic version of the journal "RBC"). The article concretizes the term "corruption", postulates its legal formality. The concept of discourse is detailed and the affiliation of the concept of CORRUPTION to institutional political and economic discourses is formulated. The specific examples published in an authoritative Russian business magazine and reflecting the current attitude of society to the phenomenon under consideration are analyzed. The methodological base includes conceptual analysis, semantic analysis, content analysis, description and systematization. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the subject of the study is the implementation of public discourse in the form of media tests published for a wide audience, in which social, and linguistic transformations become noticeable before other written sources. This makes it possible to actualize an important social phenomenon. The results obtained complement the system of scientific knowledge on the problems of conceptualization and transformation of the concept, and can also be used in teaching. The results of the study showed that each text with the help of certain expressions creates a special lexical and conceptual core, which includes, among others, the words and expressions "clean", "crime", "damage", "loss of trust" and others. This core depends on the subject of the discussion.
lexical-conceptual core, conceptual analysis, linguistic analysis, corruption, mass media, discourse, concept, Russian language, conceptualization, policy
Wang, Y. (2023). Conceptual analysis of the lexeme "cloud" in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. Litera, 6, 274–285. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8698.2023.6.43432
The subject of the study is the lexeme "cloud" in cultures fixed in the signs of the Russian and Chinese languages. The purpose of the work is to study the features of the lexeme "cloud" in Russian and Chinese linguocultures using conceptual analysis. The research uses the methods of conceptual linguistic and cultural analysis, comparative analysis and continuous sampling. This article discusses the concept of "cloud" as one of the most important lexemes for the cultures of the two countries. Special attention is paid to identifying dictionary interpretations of this word in two languages, to the study of materials with the "cloud" component, presented in Russian and Chinese phraseological units, paroemias and poems. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the symbolic meaning of the lexeme "cloud" using the method of conceptual analysis, as well as in the comparison of this concept against the background of different linguistic cultures. As a result, the cultural content of the concept "cloud", contained in the Russian and Chinese languages, is revealed, the similarities and differences of the concept "cloud" against the background of two linguistic cultures are generalized. It is concluded that the lexeme "cloud" preserves rich cultural traditions with ethnic characteristics. In Russian linguoculture, the "cloud" is often associated with religion and God, having a mystical connotation, in Chinese linguoculture it reflects the funny feelings of the Chinese, including romanticism, ambition and the desire for a career or life. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it provides an opportunity to understand the national specifics of the culture of the two countries, and has a positive impact on intercultural communication.
ethnic features, lexicographic definition, Chinese language, Russian language, concept representation, symbolic significations, linguoculture, lexeme, cloud, Conceptual analysis