Shagbanova, K.S. (2023). Semantic structure of the concept "patriotism" through the prism of linguocognitivistics. Litera, 5, 1–9.
The verbalization of the concept of "patriotism" is a fairly common phenomenon in the sociolinguistic space. In this regard, there is no doubt that the meaningful behavior of the structure of the sema patriotism and its derivatives is a subject of scientific interest. Being international in use, the lexeme representing the presented concept has semantic correlates in regions with different forms of government (for example, allegiance), historical and spiritual baggage. The author notes that the seme patriotism is predisposed to the explicative formation of a whole spectrum of meanings capable of accommodating lexemes within a specific context in the content space, both direct, primary meaning and secondary, projective meanings fixed in communicative practice. The author states that the semantic structure of the presented concept is characterized by a connotatively positive use, transmitting to the addressee not only a system of values, but also characterizing a class of people (patriots). The article states that the associative space of the presented unit of language and its derivatives is anthropocentric, and the implicitly present structural elements find expression in implicates that make the realization of the nuclear meaning in one of its many variants unique. The research is based on the methodological foundations and principles of the analysis of language as a mirror of national culture, developed in modern cognitive linguistics.
content potential, interpretation, concept, patriot, patriotism, derivation, semantic structure, discursive meanings, semantics, cognitive linguistics
Literary criticism
Sharonova, E.A., Savonina, N.A. (2023). The idea of eternal femininity in the poetry of A.M. Sharonov (based on the poem "Valentine"). Litera, 5, 10–18.
For centuries, world culture has been thinking about the essence of the idea of Eternal femininity, manifested in philosophy and art. The idea of Eternal femininity is formed from a set of concepts that define a Woman, beauty, love, motherhood, chastity, wisdom, harmony. The purpose of the work is to consider the idea of Eternal femininity in the work of a modern Russian poet – A.M. Sharonov. The goal is realized in the process of analyzing the poem "Valentine" dedicated to the poet's wife. The lyrical heroine is the embodiment of femininity for A.M. Sharonov. The research is based on the application of a set of methods ‒ cultural-historical, comparative-historical, method of holistic analysis of a work of art. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of A. M. Sharonov's poem "Valentina" in the proposed context for the first time. The article proves that the image of Eternal femininity is formed by A.M. Sharonov through the mythological perception of femininity, which has demiurgic features peculiar to a woman by right of her birth as a woman. She is a demiurge because she was created to give birth (= create), for her this is not goal-setting, as for a man, but a given. A. M. Sharonov's woman is not secondary, not passive, not only an object of admiration and worship, but also a subject who energetically carries out life. According to A.M. Sharonov, a Woman contains wisdom, beauty, love, creative power that contributes to the transformation of the world and gives a person the opportunity to ascend to the heights he has chosen, which determines for him the idea of Eternal femininity.
motherhood, chastity, harmony, antique code, lyrical heroine, beauty, Sharonov, poetry, the idea of eternal femininity, lyrical plot
Li, X. (2023). Structural and semantic features of verbs of interpersonal relations in Russian and Chinese. Litera, 5, 19–26.
The subject of the study is the structural and semantic features of verbs expressing interpersonal relationships in two different-structured Russian and Chinese languages. The purpose of the work is to provide a comparative description of the structure of verbs and their semantic features, as well as to identify the specifics of grammatical categories and compare the word-formation types of verbs in two languages. The following methods were used in this article: descriptive method, comparative method and component analysis method. From the point of view of the structural-semantic approach, the verbal vocabulary of the Russian and Chinese languages expressing interpersonal relations still remains insufficiently studied, so research in the field of verb semantics is relevant. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that for the first time the common and unique features of the analyzed verbs are considered in comparison. It is shown that an important feature of Russian verbs is that they have many forms of word change with different meanings, whereas in Chinese the verb has no forms of word change and semantic diversity. The results of the research can be used in the process of teaching lecture courses on comparative lexicology of Russian and Chinese languages; when reading special courses in cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, intercultural communication. The conclusion of this research is that compared with Russian verbs, which are characterized by a wealth and variety of affixes, Chinese verbs do not have possibilities of word formation for expressing different grammatical meanings. These various structural and semantic features of Russian and Chinese verbs complicate the understanding of the text and create significant difficulties in translation, as well as in the practice of teaching these languages as foreign.
comparative analysis, Chinese, Russian, interpersonal relations, verb, semantic features, semantics, structure, word formation, lexicology
Alexeeva, M. (2023). Referential Expression Type and Definiteness as Factors in Asymmetrical Object Marking in Modern Hebrew. Litera, 5, 27–36.
The subject of this study are the referential expressions that encode the O-participant in a transitive clause in the Modern Hebrew language. The goal of this study is to establish the significance of “definiteness” as a factor in asymmetric object marking for different types of referential expressions used by the Modern Hebrew speakers. For this purpose, the author considers the ways of expressing the category "definiteness" in various Modern Hebrew referential expressions that encode the O-participant in a transitive clause, and carries out a quantitative and comparative analysis of the ways of formalizing these expressions, using two research corpuses with a total volume of about 101 000 words. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that, despite the clear correlation between the “definiteness” and the way noun phrases in the direct object role are constructed, “definiteness” is the only factor licensing asymmetric object marking for only one category out of the four considered, for proper names that are obligatorily marked. The remaining categories (definite noun phrases with other indicators of determination, indefinite noun phrases and pronouns) are all optionally marked within one or more types of referential expressions within each category. Of particular importance are the conclusions about the optional marking of referents encoded with the kol quantifier (55% of referential expressions with a quantifier and a relative pronoun are marked), partitive constructions (75% are marked), demonstrative and relative pronouns (48% and 66-85% are marked, respectively). It is proposed that for these types of referential expressions, there are additional factors that license asymmetric object marking in Modern Hebrew and that to determine them it would require further study of the discourse-pragmatic characteristics of referent-encoding expressions, including their referential status, status of animation, activity in discourse and degree of topicality.
comparative analysis, definiteness, quantitative analysis, referential expression, referent, discourse-pragmatic motivations, corpus analysis, accusative, Modern Hebrew, object marking
Author's Mask
Akimova, T.I., Maskinskova, I.A. (2023). Author's strategies and tactics of Catherine II in the comedy "Seduced". Litera, 5, 37–46.
The article is devoted to the study of the poetics of drama by Catherine II, the purpose of the work is to consider the author's strategies and tactics in the comedy "Seduced." Research interest in this play increased at the beginning of our century, which is confirmed by relevant publications, as well as attention to the terms "author's strategy" and "author's tactics." The concept of the author's strategy was substantiated by us in the work "Author's strategy as a literary category: methodological aspect" (2015). Three author's strategies were identified: bringing ideological opponents to clean water; protecting the younger generation from being seduced by Freemasons; the return of the owner of the house to the bosom of the family, his recognition of his ideological delusion, which, in turn, imply the use of author's tactics: A look at events from the outside - through the vision of what is happening by servants, Illogical behavior, Self-exposure, the Open Noble House, built on the rules of sincere communication, Trusting communication with the servant, Obedience of young heroines to the elders, Image of the head of the noble family as smart due to leaving the noble circle and neglect of noble duties, Showing the result of reading incorrect books, Showing the result of reading wrong books.
image of hero-madman, familial harmony, specificity of noble communication, corporate culture of nobles, hero-resonator, Freemasonry, educational orientation of comedy, anti-Masonic drama cycle, author's tactics, author's strategy
Hasanov, M.M., Kambak, B. (2023). Motivation factors in learning Azerbaijani and Turkish languages in Moscow. Litera, 5, 47–54.
Learning foreign languages is an important component of personal and professional development. There are a large number of national communities in Moscow, including Azerbaijani and Turkish, and more and more people are paying attention to learning the languages of these countries. In this article, we will study the motivation for studying Azerbaijani and Turkish in Moscow. Let's look at how learning these languages can help when communicating with native speakers, traveling, in professional activities and how this can help expand cultural horizons. We will also consider the most popular motives for learning these languages among students in Moscow. The object of this article is the motivation of students and students living in Moscow when studying Azerbaijani and Turkish languages. The subject of the article is an analysis of the motivation factors that inspire people to study Azerbaijani and Turkish in Moscow, such as cultural interest, employment opportunities, study, communication and other factors that can be identified in the research process. The article will also describe the different motivations of each language learner, their personal experiences and opinions about it, as well as general preferences in language learning.
migration, linguistics, Turkic languages, representation, motivation, Turkish language, language environment, Azerbaijani language, sociolinguistics, foreign language
Pishcherskaia, E.N. (2023). Creolized text as an object of study in linguistics. Litera, 5, 55–65.
Linguistics as a science is constantly developing and expanding its boundaries, including in its competence all new objects of research. One of such objects is a creolized text, which is a special kind of communicative phenomenon consisting of signs of different semiotic systems. Creolized text is actively used in various spheres of public life, including advertising, media, art, education, etc. The article is devoted to the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics. The object of research in this article is a creolized text. The purpose of this article is to consider the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics through the analysis of published studies. The methodological basis and material of the study were the classical works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of text theory, paralinguistics, semiotics, communicative linguistics and linguoculturology, as well as recent studies, the object of study of which were creolized or polycode texts. The author defines the concept of a creolized text, highlights the specific characteristics of a creolized text compared to a single-code text, describes the main scientific approaches to the analysis of a creolized text and research methods. The article presents an overview of classical scientific works devoted to the analysis of creolized text, as well as studies published in recent years. The author concludes that the creolized text is a complex and multifaceted object of study in linguistics, which reflects the trends in the development of modern society and culture and allows expanding the boundaries of linguistic knowledge and understanding of language as a means of communication.
creolization, discourse, advertising, semiotics, text structure, nonverbal code, verbal code, polycode text, creolized text, multimodality
World literature
Boulberhane, M., Aouati, S., Saad, H., Ahmad Mahmood, M., Hezla, M. (2023). A childhood dream that can be a memory: Magical Realism and Memory in the "Ocean at the End of the Lane". Litera, 5, 66–76.
The novel "The Ocean at the end of the Lane" sheds light on the children's view of the world and the unique perception of reality, which is completely different from the perception of adults. The object of the study is the manifestations of memory impairment in the novel. The subject is the analysis of changes in memory with age, as well as its role in overcoming stress caused by trauma. The purpose of the article is to understand, in the light of personality psychology and memory research, how and why the memories of the child protagonist change and merge with the imagination as the narrative changes. This helps to identify oppositions of imagination and reality in the novel, which echoes the perception of the world by the main character-a child in parallel with the perception of the world by adults. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that psychological research is used in the article in order to show how magical realism reflects the problem of memory changes in the novel "Ocean at the End of the Lane", and, therefore, provides a basis for further opportunities to study children's magical perception, realistic memory in postmodern novels. The results of the study demonstrate to what extent the style of magical realism expresses the transformation of mental abilities and perception of reality during the transition from childhood to adulthood in the novel. In this sense, "The Ocean at the end of the Lane" is an image of the world seen both from the point of view of adult life and from the point of view of childhood.
childhood, adulthood, magical realism, imagination, psychology, supernatural, visualisation, unconsciousness, memory, autobiographical memory
Ren, J. (2023). The specifics of lexicographic representation of phraseological units in the "Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary" edited by S. Lubenskaya. Litera, 5, 77–88.
This article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the lexicographic representation of the dictionary "Russian-English phraseological Dictionary" edited by S. Lubenskaya. Its comparative analysis with similar Russian-English phraseological dictionaries is carried out in the aspects of 1) the volume of the dictionary and 2) the lexicographic description of the phraseological units included in their dictionary entries. Russian phraseological units are considered, their English equivalents are identified, with an emphasis on the comparative analysis of the subject nouns of Russian phraseological units and their analogues in English equivalents. Special attention is paid to the structure of the dictionary article and the lexicographic representation of phraseological units in the dictionary of S. Lubenskaya, the parameters of Russian phraseological units are considered, their English equivalents are identified with an emphasis on the comparative analysis of the subject nouns of Russian phraseological units and their analogues in English equivalents. The purpose of the study is to compare the dictionary of S. Lubenskaya with other Russian-English phraseological dictionaries and to identify the specifics of the lexicographic description of phraseological units in the dictionary of S. Lubenskaya. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the article the author draws attention to the most complete and innovative, but little-studied Russian-English phraseological dictionary edited by S. Lubenskaya, published in 2013. The article fully demonstrates the advantages of S. Lubenskaya's dictionary over other bilingual phraseological dictionaries not only in terms of the range of coverage of materials, that is, the volume of the dictionary, but also in the completeness of the structure of the dictionary entry and a high degree of accuracy and detail of the presentation of the material. The article also notes the importance of S. Lubenskaya's dictionary for further and comprehensive research of Russian and English phraseological lexicography.
lexicographic representation, vocabulary volume, phraseological dictionary, phraseological unit, accuracy, detail, Russian language, completeness, dictionary entry, English language
Literary criticism
Liu, Y. (2023). Transformation of Yuri Kazakov's Prose translated by Fei Qin into Chinese. Litera, 5, 89–96.
The subject of the study is the features of the reception of Yu. P. Kazakov's prose in China. Translations of Kazakov's prose into Chinese have not yet been discussed in science, which determines the novelty of the proposed study. In general, the transformation of the Russian literary text, which takes place when translated into Chinese, has been the subject of active study in recent years, and the relevance of the subject of the article is connected with this.The object of the study is translations of Kazakov's works made by Fei Qin, who most consistently turned to his texts in China. The article draws on the data of Fei Qin's biography, uses historical and literary approaches, as well as elements of linguopoetic analysis to solve comparative problems. Russian writer Fei Qin (1927-1994)'s analysis of the creative path makes it possible to understand the internal reasons for the appeal to this Russian writer of the Chinese writer, who since the 1950s was fond of Russian lyrical prose, the same age as Kazakov. A comparison of Kazakov's story "The Night" and the translation of this story by Fei Qin demonstrates the inevitable differences between them, despite the translator's declared desire to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. Some of the most expressive differences are due to the fact that the Chinese translator, interpreting modern Russian prose written by his peer, includes elements peculiar to classical Chinese poetry (onomatopoeia with doubling of hieroglyphs, some traditional images), introduces personifications that are absent in the original work. It is also shown why the literal translation, which in some cases is resorted to by Fei Qin, does not allow to convey the semantic complexity of the original.
literary translation, sound imitations, Russian-Chinese literary relations, lyrical prose, Fei Qin, M. Prishvin, I. Turgenev, K. Paustovsky, Y. Kasakov, classical Chinese poetry
Van, T. (2023). The development of Internet memes as a form of online folklore in the era of the pandemic. Litera, 5, 97–106.
With the development of the information society, all social institutions have undergone changes. Folklore, as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, has also undergone a transformation of the concept of network folklore, the structure of which includes Internet memes. The aim of the work is to consider the development of Internet memes as a form of network folklore during a pandemic. The subject of the study is Internet memes as a new form of network folklore. The secondary analysis of the research and data collection from Yandex Wordstat for 2023 were used to achieve the goal. The content analysis of memes on the platform Reddit was also carried out. The results showed that memes during the pandemic period have gained their actuality as a new form of network folklore, which has a feature of mass psychotherapeutic impact through the possibility of escaping reality, as well as a more positive view of the situation. In the context of total digital communication during the coronavirus period, the Internet environment was saturated with content, making it difficult to identify the most popular Internet meme. The results of the work can be used as a theoretical base containing a systematized range of works on the topic of network folklore and digital communication, as well as a base for practical application in the field of sociolinguistics and journalism. The novelty of the work lies in the detection of a new form of digital communication. The development of language is closely linked to the development of society and its processes. The conclusions of the work confirm the importance of memes as a form of network folklore in a period of mass isolation due to the spread of coronavirus infection digital communication.
isolation, content, social network, network folklore, digital communication, sociolinguistics, network creativity, pandemic, memes, COVID-19
Chen , X., Ma , X. (2023). Features of educational discourse in the system of institutional discourses. Litera, 5, 107–115.
The purpose of the study is to determine the place of educational discourse in the system of institutional discourses and to actualize modern approaches and methods of educational discourse. Unlike some other types of discourse, educational discourse is subject to changes under the influence of extralinguistic factors, including the development of scientific thought and technological progress, achievements of psychology and sociology, transformation of the methodology of the educational process, and others. The article presents the main characteristics of the educational discourse, describes the participants of the discourse and their status roles, postulates the importance of the educational text as a center of communication in educational discourse, and identifies new formats of information transmission in the structure of educational discourse. The variability of the content side of the educational discourse requires the attention of linguistic researchers at each time stage, this determines the scientific novelty of the work. As a result, certain conclusions have been formulated, including that the educational text has such features as factual, conciseness, brevity and others. The texts of educational discourse exist at the levels of teacher—student, teacher—teacher and student—student relations. They are associated with various communication situations within the framework of education. Educational discourse is always purposeful, includes methods of information transmission, is based on an educational text, has a number of precedent texts of certain genres in its structure. The opinion of some linguists on the prospects for the development of this area of scientific thought is given/
information transfer formats, educational text, institutional discourse, pedagogical discourse, educational discourse, discourse, MOOCs, Longlife Learning, education, vocational education
Literary criticism
Tsaregorodtseva, S.S., Pogodina, Y.Y. (2023). Lyrical miniatures by Grigory Petnikov: historical and cultural context. Litera, 5, 116–124.
Grigory Nikolaevich Petnikov (1894-1971) was a Russian and Ukrainian poet, translator, publisher. He actively published as a poet during the futuristic period (1913-1922), when he joined the literary avant-garde, was the Second Chairman of the Globe and one of the founders of the Kharkov publishing house "Liren". Since the mid-20s, Grigory Petnikov has been mainly engaged in translations and is still better known as a translator of myths of Ancient Greece, fairy tales of the brothers Grimm, Ukrainian and Belarusian folk tales, poems by Taras Shevchenko, prose by Ivan Franko, Marko Vovchok, German poetry. The second period of Grigory Petnikov's poetic creativity began with the time of the thaw and lasted until the last years of the poet's life. In 1958, Petnikov moved to the Crimea, wrote a lot and actively published as a poet. The article attempts to analyze the late poems-miniatures of Grigory Petnikov from his last lifetime collection "Lyrics", published in 1969. Special attention is paid to the genre and style features of Petnikov's lyrical miniatures, the cultural and historical context of the poems; an attempt is made to determine whether the poems from the collection "Lyrics" belong to the poetic trends and trends in the lyrics of the Silver Age.
concept sphere, Lyric Miniatures, haiku, futurism, cubo-futurism, word creation, Grigory Petnikov, Silver Age, Crimean lyrics, historical and cultural context
Literary criticism
Iudakhin, A.A. (2023). The polemic of F. M. Dostoevsky with Catholicism: towards the formulation of the problem. Litera, 5, 125–142.
The subject of the study is the journalistic work of F. M. Dostoevsky in the aspect of his religious and confessional problems, which includes a complex of specific motives, among which the anti-Catholic question stands out. The author points out that the Catholic theme, the genesis of which dates back to the early 1860s, will become one of the leading ones for all subsequent publicistic and artistic creativity of Dostoevsky. Criticism of Catholicism as a sum of ideas, denunciation of the Catholic Church, correspondence polemics with the anti—Christian and even "anti-Christ" principle of papal Catholicism - all these topics are implicit or explicit in the novels of the Great Pentateuch and publicistic articles by F. M. Dostoevsky, influencing the conceptual design and architectonics of the works. It is based on this fact that the problem of the genesis and evolution of the writer's anti-Catholic views acquires a relevant significance in literary studies and Dostoevistics. The author demonstrates that the Catholic theme appears in Dostoevsky's field of vision in the first half of the 1860s in connection with the events unfolding in the west of the Russian Empire and on the Apennine Peninsula - the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 and the Italian Risorgimento. Catholic problems initially arise in Dostoevsky's field of view as a journalistic fact — various eventful incidents, everyday episodes captured by foreign and domestic press. The author of the article believes that it was the factology of the "Polish question" and the "Roman question", along with the anti-Catholic rhetoric of Slavophiles and soil scientists, that had a decisive influence on the formation of Dostoevsky's steady rejection of Catholicism, with which the writer will confidently and convincingly polemize until the end of his days.
The Roman Question, The Polish question, Reporter search, Journalistic fact, Soil scientists, Slavophiles, Papacy, Catholicism, Dostoevsky, Controversy
Lobanova, T.N., Sivova, D. (2023). Linguistic aspect of information wars in mass media discourse. Litera, 5, 143–152.
Recently the process of active informatization of society and globalization of the world information space has been observed. The consequence of this process is different kids of Information Wars, where the mass media plays the main and the most important role. The immersion of an increasing part of humanity into the virtual world of media in the age of digitalization generates a high demand for the creation of information and cyber warfare. If the main tool of the information war is the media, then the main tool of the media is language. The subject of the study is the language functioning in the mechanisms of information wars. The main content of the research is the analysis of the concept of "information war" from a linguistic point of view. Theoretical analysis of literature, media linguistic analysis, methods of critical linguistics, etc. are used as research methods. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is a media linguistic study involving foreign scientific concepts (English), untranslated and unpublished in Russian. The article provides a number of clarifications and additions to the existing theories of information warfare with the involvement of linguistic and political science textures. A systematic, versatile and detailed description of the current state and changes that have occurred in linguistics over the past ten years in the light of the conceptualization of the phenomenon of "information war" is presented. Based on the results of the study, the concept of information warfare in mass media discourse is revealed, and a comprehensive method for studying this phenomenon is proposed.
media text, information and psychological warfare, critical discourse analysis, information vaccine wars, Mass media, media linguistics, media discourse, mass media discourse, discourse analysis, information warfare
Literary criticism
Kudryavtseva, R.A. (2023). V. N. Berdinsky's novel "You are for me, I am for you": the poetics of psychologism. Litera, 5, 153–167.
The article is devoted to the study of the poetics of the modern Mari novel in the aspect of the poetics of psychologism. The purpose of this work is to identify the main techniques of psychologism and their artistic functions in V. N. Berdinsky's novel "You are to me, I am to you". The research material was the text of V. N. Berdinsky's novel "You are for me, I am for you", as well as research about him in modern Mari literary science. The methodology of the research is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of the work, which made it possible to identify and describe in detail the conceptual, semantic and typological components of the psychological level of this novel text. The article proves that psychologism in the novel of the Mari writer manifests itself at the plot (internal plot) and character (techniques of internal characterization of characters) levels of the text, and it is also important in the context of the author's assessments of the depicted events and phenomena (improper-direct speech). Among the means of psychological characterization in Berdinsky's novel, the psychological detail plays a dominant role (external in the role of psychological and actually psychological). It is concluded that psychologism is the dominant style of V. N. Berdinsky's novel "You are to me, I am to you" and plays an important role in the formation of the author's artistic concept.
artistic detail, non-direct speech, internal monologue, techniques of psychology, internal plot, artistic psychology, Valery Berdinsky, poetics, novel, mari literature
Karpov, E.S., Grabel'nikov, A.A., Gegelova, N.S., Murzina, O.V. (2023). Concept of the journalist in online-media and its reflection in the newest V. Pelevin's prose. Litera, 5, 168–178.
Digitalization, the development of the Internet and media technologies lead to transformation not only of functions of journalism, but also to the analysis of the conceptual model of a journalist, which also gives a result in a literary text. Viktor Pelevin subtly captures emanations of this kind and, at least allegorically, but quite accurately represents them in postmodernist artistic text. In the article we will focus on the study of the image of a journalist as the author of a media text and his role in shaping reality, presented in Pelevin's works. The material of the study was the novels "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" (2004) and "Empire V" (2006). The paper presents the results of the analysis of media space, implemented in the works of V. Pelevin, which is the subject of the study. The novelty of the work is due to the fact that for the first time the role of journalism in the formation of the chronotope of a postmodernist work is analyzed on the example of V. Pelevin's novels. A successful attempt has been made to apply the knowledge of online news journalism to media texts in the structure of a work of art. Cultural-historical, structural-typological methods and structural analysis were used. The article is devoted to the study of the media space, which is considered as a simulacrum of reality, in the structure of the artistic world of a postmodern work. It is proved that the media space created by journalists is mosaic, its boundaries are conditional, blurred or completely absent, in the organization of space at different levels we see a rhizomatic structure, the author often uses the mirror principle.
modern domestic prose, postmodernism, Viktor Pelevin, modern journalist, media space, news production model, new media, online media, youth journalism, virtual space
Kofanova, G.P., Âàãàíîâà, Å.Þ. (2023). Cognitive mechanisms of the formation of new words in German media. Litera, 5, 179–189.
The article is devoted to the study of the discourse of the German mass media, addressed to the topic of the coronavirus pandemic. Using the examples of magazine articles, television broadcasts and blogs in social networks, a conceptual analysis of the ways of word-formation activity of the German language in the era of coronavirus restrictions is carried out. The subject of the study is the cognitive mechanisms of word formation of the German language and their pragmatic features. The object of the study was the coronavirus discourse of the German-speaking language space. The aim of the work was to reconstruct some concepts of the discursive field "Coronavirus infection", as well as to describe the cognitive mechanisms underlying their formation on the basis of linguistic data. The methods of conceptual and prototypical analysis, as well as cognitive modeling and contextual analysis were used in the study of cognitive mechanisms of word formation. The relevance and novelty of the research lies in the study and description of the latest word-formation phenomena and trends in German-speaking social discourse. As a result of the research, the regularities of the functioning of the main cognitive mechanisms of concept formation were deduced and formulated. The analysis of the German media discourse during the coronavirus pandemic revealed new basic concepts and concepts-components that form conceptual fields. The basic concepts we attributed, for example, such as "Corona", "Mundnasenschutz", "Distanz", "Lockdown", "Panick". As a result of the study, it was concluded that the basic concepts form conceptual fields, including component concepts, the methods of language verbalization of which imply the presence of emotive and evaluative components. The studied and described language material allows us to conclude that the main cognitive mechanisms of concept formation are profiling, conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy and contamination.
coronavirus infection, pandemic, irony, neologism, integration of concepts, conceptual field, conceptual analysis, prototype, the discursive field, word formation
Literary criticism
Tsaregorodtseva, S.S., Pinaev, S.M. (2023). In the wrecks of Kingdoms, in the self-immolations of evil ... (behind the pages of Maximilian Voloshin's book "Demons of the Deaf and Dumb"). Litera, 5, 190–203.
The purpose of this study is to identify the historiosophical foundations of Maximilian Voloshin's book "Demons of the Deaf and Dumb". The article examines the historical concept of M. Voloshin, who tries to bring the reader to the dramatic events of the present and predict the future through an assessment of Russia's past. Voloshin, focusing on the revolutionary events of Russia and France, writes a tragedy book, which was published in January 1919. The main hypothesis is that "Demons of the deaf and dumb" occupies a special place in the creative biography of the poet, while it is necessary to keep in mind several important points. This is Voloshin's last collection, released during his lifetime in Russia, prepared by the author himself (with drawings by the author). The poems written in 1919 are organically adjacent to it: "The Burning Bush", "The Russian Revolution", "Kitezh", "The Civil War". Poems that dramatically translate history into modernity and reveal the future. The book "Demons of the Deaf and Dumb" includes works written at different times and related to different historical epochs. However, Voloshin had the ability to feel the flow of history "flowing into "today", to perceive history in its one-time form. The moment of history for him is the whole story, just as time is all time. Such a feeling was characteristic of the poet throughout his creative career. The troubles, the Uprising of Stenka Razin, the Petrine era, Thermidor in France, the revolution in Russia all coexist for him as if in a single time frame. One is perceived through the other. The paper offers an innovative approach to the study of M. Voloshin's last lifetime collection; a way of considering the reception of creativity in the unity of historical, cultural and biographical contexts is proposed, which is an organic combination of historical, cultural, biographical and comparative methods that form the basis of classical philological science.
semantic inversion, association, reminiscence, intestine war, hard times, time frame, split, Christian anarchism, Slavophilism, historiosophy
Literary criticism
Molodtsov, A.B. (2023). Dynamics of the Point of View in B. Pasternak's Novel "Doctor Zhivago". Litera, 5, 204–217.
The subject of this article is the peculiarities of the functioning of the point of view in B. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", which implies an analysis of his composition at the macro and micro levels. The field of research also includes the author's word and other forms of author's expression, as well as the correlation of the author's point of view with the point of view of the characters of the work. The purpose of the study is to identify the formative value of the point of view as a compositional device in B. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". In the course of the study, the comparative method and methods of theoretical poetics were used to establish the compositional patterns of the work. This article clarifies the established opinion that Yuri Zhivago is the alter ego of B. Pasternak, the lyrical hero of a lyrical novel. During the study of the composition of the novel, we found that it is based on the installation of constantly changing points of view, and the author's word and presence tends to obscurity. As a result, most episodes of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" acquire dramatic dynamics, and the narrative is always indirect, fragmentary and limited by the point of view of one or another character, who together are equal not only with each other, but also with the author's word. A special compositional form are counterpoint episodes, in which several points of view stereoscopically illuminate either different spaces of the same time interval, or the same space at different times, as well as a conditional impersonal point of view located inside the event, as opposed to the author's word, external to it. The results obtained indicate a different degree of authorial expression in the novel "Doctor Zhivago" and other forms of this expression than the lyrical novel suggests. In fact, the drama of "Doctor Zhivago" remains formative, but little studied, which may become the subject of further research.
impersonal point of view, counterpoint, indirect narration, montage, point of view, hero, author, novel, drama, composition
Literary criticism
Sadovnikova, Y.M. (2023). Features of the narrative structure of the novel of the postmodern era on the example of Barry Unsworth's novel "Moralite". Litera, 5, 218–226.
The author examines the features of the narrative structure of the novel of English postmodernism "Morality Play" (Unsworth "Morality Play"). The purpose of this article is to identify the features of the construction of the novel of postmodernism. Postmodern writers tend to transform genres of high literature, making them accessible to mass reading. Moralite is a special kind of dramatic performance in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. A detective novel is a phenomenon of mass literature. The detective genre is based on three main elements that form the plot: crime, investigation and solution. In the article, these three elements are considered on the example of the novel "Moralite". Despite the fact that the plot-forming element is a detective component, the author does not fulfill all the genre strategies of the detective. In the presented work, the detective influence of the construction of a postmodern novel will be considered, in which readers are involved in the active process of reconstructing the incident, and the main character finds a solution to all the mysteries and riddles. The relevance of the work is due to the lack of full–fledged Russian-language research on the designated topic - dissertations, collections of articles, monographs. In the novel moralita, the identity of the murderer is not important, the victims are not important. The author is interested in the effect produced by the "performance" played out on the stage. Barry Unsworth demonstrates his vision of creating a new Medieval genre, he shows how this transition to everyday themes took place. One person can change the usual way of life by taking a risk and leading. Wandering comedians, who are the main characters, appear to readers as naive amateur detectives. They are passionate about the process and improve their "Thomas Wells Game", but not for the sake of punishing and exposing the killer. In the process of research, it can be concluded that two main genre layers can be distinguished in the novel – detective and historical. In addition to these genres of features, it can be argued that this is a novel about the genre.
author, narration, secret, the solution, investigation, crime, postmodernism, detective, Morality Play, Unsworth
Tarasova, K.E. (2023). Formation of Scottish Ethnic Identity through the Historical and Social Events. Litera, 5, 227–239.
The present article represents the process of formation and development of the Scottish identity through the events that have been occurring since IIIrd century. The aim of the research is the study of the ethnic identity development as emotional and cognitive process of identification with the ethnos. The article is based on the foreign and Russian researchers’ studies covering issues about Scottish history, ethnic identities, text pertaining to the important historic events that influenced the ethnic identity formation and articles written by Scottish sociologists as members of the ethnic group. On the basis of definitional, conceptual and event history analyses sphere of concepts SCOTTISH IDENTITY is formulated. The conclusion about the existence of two types of identity (ethnic and national) in the Scots consciousness is formulated. Event history analysis shows the emergence of the ethnic identity, that is changes in the identifications in the course of historical events and life conditions. The relevance in the research is in the formation of the ethnic identity representation in the Scots consciousness in the frame of its long period of formation and development. This article is of interest because of the second referendum on Scottish independence that is planned to be held in autumn 2023.
ethnic conflict, Scottish nationalism, nationalism, ethnic consciousness, conceptual worldview, Scotland, ethnic identity, conceptual analysis, concept, Cognitive Linguistics
Sidorova, E.N. (2023). The explication of the notional part of the concept "gardening" in the British detectives of the XIX century. Litera, 5, 240–248.
Within the framework of this article, the author examines in detail the structure of the hyperconcept "Englishness", paying special attention to the concept of "gardening" included in it, which is most widely represented in British detectives of the XIX century. Using the continuous sampling method, its conceptual component was analyzed. The selected examples are classified according to the representation of the "garden" frame, which is verbalized using such hyperonyms as "flowers", "trees", as well as through the lexemes "grass", "plants". A special role in the detectives of the XIX century is played by the lexeme "rose" as part of the hyperonym "flowers". The following works served as material: "Moonstone" by W. Collins, "A Study in crimson tones" by A. K. Doyle, "Ignorance of Father Brown" by G. K. Chesterton. The author's main contribution to the study of the hyperconcept "Englishness" can be considered an analysis of the representation of the hyperconcept by studying one of its constituent concepts, in our case, the concept of "gardening". Since today most researchers study the complex concept of "Englishness", guided by the techniques of cultural and literary approaches, the relevance of this study is that it is carried out in a linguistic way. As a result, it was concluded that gardening is an integral part of English life, which is verbalized in British detectives of the XIX century. The English people have a special love for roses, which are also represented in the concept of "gardening".
world view, English language, mentality, detective, gardening, frame, hyperconcept, Englishness, concept, representation
Golovanivskaya, M.K., Efimenko, N.A. (2023). The idea of truth in Russian, French and Chinese languages and cultures. Litera, 5, 249–267.
The article examines the idea of "truth" in three linguistic pictures of the world - Russian, French and Chinese. The study is contrastive, the results are compared. The description of each idea is made according to a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word, the mythological roots of the concept, its compatibility, from the compatibility is distinguished real connotation according to V. A. Uspensky, a comparison of dictionary definitions is made.The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the idea of "truth" in the Russian, French and Chinese languages. The purpose of the comparison is to see the similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples. Scientific methods of research are: comparative-historical method, method of generalization, method of semantic analysis. This topic is understudied, no linguocultural studies analyzing this idea in Russian, French and Chinese culture have been observed earlier, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the work. The results will contribute to mutual understanding between peoples, forming a kind of conceptual bridge, and will also be used in courses on regional studies, comparative studies of cultures, and in the teaching of the respective languages.
French language, Russian language, real connotations, Chinese language, comparative linguistics, semantic analysis, truth, linguoculturology, contrastive research, national worldviews
Popova, L.G., Kovalenko, D. (2023). Structural characteristics of French and Russian terms of the subject area "space artificial satellites" (based on glossaries). Litera, 5, 268–276.
This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the derivational elements of French and Russian terms of space artificial satellites area. Linguists’ understanding of prefixation and suffixation components features, the ability to identify the prerequisites of their usage, correlate their morphological structure with cultural and historical linguistic realities will ensure a competent and timely interpretation of terms in this field in the process of experts’ interaction. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that scientists have not conducted a comparative analysis of the French-Russian elements of the term formation of such a highly specialized and innovative subject area as space artificial satellites. The subject of the study is the linguistic features of French and Russian terms formation methods in the space artificial satellites area. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time we have identified the most active method of the terms’ derivation based on the material of the two languages under consideration. The results of the study demonstrate that suffixation is the main way of forming terms in both French and Russian languages, in particular, the suffixes –tion and –ement in French and –îñòü in Russian are most actively involved in the formation of terms; that international prefixes are used in most cases of formation of space artificial satellites terms and the quantitative representativeness of the prefixes télé–/òåëå– and auto–/àâòî– accounts for half of the total number of units.
glossary, suffix, artificial space satellites, prefix, structure, term formation, term, special language, derivation, comparative analysis
Zarubina, E. (2023). Combinability of the verbal relative «èñõîäÿ èç»: left and right components. Litera, 5, 277–291.
This article is devoted to the process of grammaticalization in Russian on the example of the transition of the verbal unit «èñõîäÿ èç» into the prepositional one. Object of study is grammaticalization, due to which there is a transition from content words to function, the subject – the units that are grammaticalized and have a frontier status between content and functional units. The study focuses on combinability because only in the context the meaning and function of a unit is determined, the level of its grammaticalization is reflected and new features of lexical units are denoted. At present considerable attention is paid to derivative nominative prepositional neologisms. In the last two decades, a large number of studies have appeared which consider both single prepositional units and groups of units. A number of works are devoted to the description of nominative prepositions. At the same time, verbal prepositional neologisms have been neglected. The present paper is devoted to the description of the verbal relative «èñõîäÿ èç», the semantic and syntactic features of which have not been described in detail - this is the originality of the research. The study uses quantitative and descriptive methods of linguistic analysis. In the article lexico-semantic classification of verbs, which take position of the left component (main) in the combinations with the studied preposition, classification of nouns, which take position of the right component (dependent), as well as lexico-semantic correlation of components are given.
lexical-semantic classification, right position component, left position component, content words, function words, prepositional unit, derived preposition, verbal relative, grammaticalization, combinability