Literary criticism
Vlasova, Y.E., Vavichkina, T.A. (2023). Khalifa Al-Yazia's "The mango tree": tree of life archetype. Litera, 11, 1–9.
The subject of the study is the "world tree" concept, coined by the young writer from the United Arab Emirates, Al-Yazia Khalifa, “The Mango Tree” (2021). The authors are interested in this symbol interpretation. Using the example of an Arab family, the artist creates a picture of the quiet and measured life of Arabs in the province of al-Ain. Through the eyes of a little girl, she describes one sultry day spent in the house of her beloved grandmother, in whose yard a magnificent mango grows. The aspects of life of a large Emirati family are depicted – work, prayer, and meals. The methods of historical and systemic analysis allow the authors to prove that the mango tree is a symbol of the cycle of life continuity. A seed planted in the ground becomes a sprout of hope for a bright future and faith in the inviolability of the traditional family way of life. Cicadas chirping on a tree are the embodiment of the element of air. The fish that family members eat at dinner symbolize water, while cats in the yard represent fire. In the game, the heroine tames four natural elements, beating her fears. Thanks to the fragrant and juicy “king of fruits,” an atmosphere of comfort, prosperity and harmony is created in which several generations of the family grew up. That is why the little girl would not break away from their native roots and would follow their parents’ measured pattern of life.
elements of nature, tree of life, tree archetype, symbolism, family values, UAE Literature, children's literature, Arabic Literature, Al-Yazia Khalifa, mango tree
Mrug, K.V. (2023). On the issue of defining the concepts of image and PR texts in the modern media space. Litera, 11, 10–16.
The subject of this article is the image and business reputation, which are largely determined by a huge corpus of various image and PR texts created daily within the framework of numerous mass media. The purpose of the work is to give definitions of the concepts of image and PR texts in the modern media space, to determine their similarities and differences through content and discourse analysis of materials of scientific periodicals. Socio-political, social and economic media texts in the Russian media space have many distinctive linguistic and non-linguistic features due to the national specifics and social development of our country. Reputation is often formed not only by image media texts, but also by a number of other types of texts represented in mass media with image potential. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that with the existing problem of typologization of media texts, the hypothesis is introduced that PR texts in their broad sense are nothing more than a subgroup of image media texts present in the media field of the main spheres – journalism, advertising and PR activities. The author comes to the conclusion that the instability and dynamism of the terminological apparatus gives a certain "freedom" of action when selecting research material. The ways in which image specialists work and the genre nature of image media texts themselves have become much more complicated. Image media texts can be considered as journalistic text, advertising text, PR text.
media consumer, genres, typology of the text, public opinion, media space, PR text, media text, image, look, Media
Baigazanova, R. (2023). Situational model of bullying in business communication. Litera, 11, 17–31.
The subject of the study is speech activity affecting the participants of bullying situations in the context of business communications; linguistic means of implementing business bullying strategies and tactics when creating a negative media image of companies and persons in the context of information attacks; media linguistic characteristics of texts related to bullying phenomena in business communication (structure, vocabulary, style, etc.); extralinguistic factors influencing the manifestation and perception of bullying in the business environment, including socio-cultural, psychological and economic aspects. The object of the study is destructive verbal content with signs of business bullying placed in open communication channels, including its media and linguistic manifestations. Within the framework of this work, the emphasis is placed on the specifics of the media linguistic analysis of business communication texts in the context of bullying, as well as on external factors that can influence this process. Special attention is paid to the structure of subject-object relations in the practice of information aggression directed against business. The methodology has developed under the influence of modern media linguistics, when an activity-procedural, praxeological approach to the analysis of the media text is implemented. The thematic discourse of business bullying is distinguished by the length of time, complex interactions, and multicomponent structure of the linguistic architecture of media communication, so the basic method was the praxeological transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary integration of research methods, procedures and techniques – formed the basis of the work. The relevance of the research is due to the combination of the rapidly changing digital landscape, the social responsibility of business and the need for effective strategies to prevent or respond to bullying cases in business communication. The scientific novelty lies in the identification of linguistic signs of business bullying and the construction of communication models of business bullying. The results obtained can be used both in academic research and in the practical activities of the business community. The author proposes to build communication situational models of bullying in the context of business communication on the basis of subject-object relations, which allow to determine patterns of information aggression, analyze components, specify the role of participants, isolate manipulative practices, build business risk strategies, formulate strategies to combat and overcome the consequences of business bullying.
medialinguistic analysis, communication strategy, communication model, communicator, information aggression, business communication, cyberbullying, bullying, mediatext, business bullying
Lyrics and the character in lyrics
Anokhina, Y.Y. (2023). A.A. Fet's Lyrics in the Interpretation of V. Solovyov: on the question of methodology. Litera, 11, 32–45.
The present study is aimed at identifying specific features of the methodology of interpretation of Russian lyrics by V.S. Solovyov. The article raises the question of the methodological tools of Solovyov's interpretive strategy on the example of his approach to the lyrics of A.A. Fet. In particular, an immanent analysis of the article "On lyrical poetry. About the last poems of Fet and Polonsky" ("Russian Review", 1890). The compositional features of the work are studied, the complex of problems that Solovyov puts forward in connection with his proposed interpretation of Fet's lyrics is considered. At the same time, special attention is paid to the problem of creating an artistic image of the poet in Solovyov's poem "A.A. Fet, October 19, 1884" – a poem inspired by the presentation of the first Pushkin Prize to Fet for the complete translation of Horace. The methodology presented in this article for the study of Solovyov's approach to Fet's lyrics, as well as his general theoretical calculations about the essence of lyrics as such, are based on the possibilities of logical and semantic contextual analysis of the utterance. The novelty of the research consists in the fact that for the first time the problem of actualization by Solovyov of the dialectic of such properties as "subjectivity" / "objectivity", "singularity" / "multiplicity", "completeness" / "openness", "form" / "content" when reading Fet's poetry is considered. It is shown that in Solovyov's article "On lyrical poetry" this method is used in the disclosure of various aspects. It is argued that the interaction of the properties of "completeness" and "openness" in Solovyov's presentation of general theoretical issues related to the problem of defining poetry allows the philosopher to deduce the definition of "pure lyrics". It is concluded that Solovyov's analysis of the thematic range of Fet's lyrics and his study of the formal features of poetry are based on dialectical principles, which makes it possible to correlate the philosopher's approach with the hermeneutic tradition.
Evening lights, poetry, philosophy, philosophical criticism, interpretation strategies, dialectics, pure lyrics, Fet, Solovyov, poetry cycle
Rastorgueva, N., Panina, Y., Orekhova, E. (2023). Specifics of media coverage of anti-government protests in Cuba (2021). Litera, 11, 46–54.
The article is devoted to revealing the features of coverage of the Anti-Government demonstrations in Cuban information space in July 2021. They began due to the social and economic crisis. According to the Cuban government, the crisis was caused by sanctions from the USA. On the other hand, the opposition considers that it is the consequence of the communist dictatorship reigning in the country. The authors of the article set themselves the goal of investigating media interpretations of the events as in the traditional media controlled by the state, and in the specific social and communication environment of the Internet space. Having analyzed the publications of the largest Cuban mass media, such as the newspaper «Granma» and portal «Cubadabate», as well as the materials of social networks, the authors have come to the conclusion that the massive spread of the Internet in 2018 marked the beginning of gradual changes in the media landscape of the country: social media have become an alternative source of information that has influenced the Cuban social and political life. They have served as social organizers not only online but also offline when having the popularity and taking a new platform for the promotion of anti-government ideas. One of the examples of its phenomenon were the protests on July 11, 2021, which have become a new challenge to the political leadership of a country that has been fighting the US economic blockade for decades.
political communication, social networks, media, Cuban media, Cuba, online media, citizen journalism, state media, protests, Twitter
Lastochkina, E.G. (2023). Lexical homonyms in the Mari language. Litera, 11, 55–61.
The subject of the study is lexical homonyms in the modern Mari language. The material of the scientific work was the data of the 10-volume dictionary of the Mari language, the Mari-Russian dictionary, the author's card file, compiled by selecting materials from Mari works of art, oral folk art and periodicals. The aim of the work is to distinguish lexical homonyms from other groups of homonyms and to determine their conceptual and semantic relationship. At the first stage, a selection of words that belong to the category of lexical homonyms was carried out. At the next stage of the study, all lexical material was analyzed, this group of homonyms was divided into categories, and a quantitative analysis of lexical homonyms was performed. The research method was the analysis of homonyms based on lexicographic sources. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the appeal to a wide range of works and the multidimensional nature of the study of the issue. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that lexical homonyms in the Mari language are analyzed for the first time. The result of the study lies in the conclusion that lexical homonyms are the most common group of homonyms in the Mari language, they can be divided into full and incomplete lexical homonyms, as well as substantive, verbal, adjectival, participial, adverbial and several examples with imitative words were distinguished by their relation to parts of speech. Lexical homonymy occurs among words of the same parts of speech. At the same time, two or more lexical homonyms (full or partial) have an absolute identity of the sound and spelling complex.
adjectival lexical homonyms, verbal lexical homonyms, substantive lexical homonyms, incomplete homonyms, full homonyms, Mari language, lexical homonyms, homonyms, participial lexical homonyms, adverbial lexical homonyms
Ding, L., Lysyakova, M.V. (2023). Russian and Chinese phraseology of religious themes with numeric components two and three. Litera, 11, 62–70.
This article is devoted to the linguistic and linguocultural study of numerative phraseological units with a religious component in the Russian and Chinese languages. The object of this research is the idioms of the Russian and Chinese languages of religious themes, which contain the components of the numerals two and three. The subject of this research is the linguistic and national-cultural features of Russian and Chinese phraseological units with a religious component. Such methods as the method of continuous sampling, the descriptive method, the comparative method, linguoculturological analysis and etymological analysis are used in the research. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the similarities and differences in the perception of the spiritual identity of the Russian and Chinese ethnos are revealed on the basis of phraseological units with numerals in the linguoculturological aspect. The result of the comparison of idioms with the numerical components two and three in the two languages is a confirmation of the opposite attitude to the numbers of the Russians and the Chinese, in particular, it is noted that the Chinese culture gravitates towards even numbers, and the Russian culture – towards odd numbers. The conclusions and materials of this article can be used in the preparation of general and special courses, the results of this work will facilitate and accelerate the integration of foreign students into the Russian and Chinese linguistic and cultural environment.
Christianity, comparative analysis, linguoculturology, language and culture, religious themes, numerical components, idioms, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
Author's view
Belyaeva, T.N. (2023). The ideological world of the trilogy of the Mari writer N. Lekain «Iron Will», «In the Fire of the Great War», «Land of the Ancestors». Litera, 11, 71–81.
An analysis of the themes, issues, ideas and pathos of the trilogy of the Mari writer Nikandr Lekain is the basis of this article. The novels «Iron Will» and «Land of Ancestors» depict the process of social and national revival of the previously oppressed Mari people. The depiction of the events of the beginning of the 20th century (Stolypin’s agrarian reform, the Great October Socialist Revolution, the Civil War, the NEP) takes place through the prism of the author’s worldview. The writer shows the conditions under which the process of formation of Soviet regime, the implementation of a new economic policy, the growth and formation of a new progressive Man, and the overcoming of the vestiges of the past in the minds of the Mari people took place. The novel «In the Fire of the Great War» by the former front-line soldier reveals the patriotism and heroism of the multinational Soviet people, manifested in the fight against the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War. This aspect is considered for the first time in Mari literary studies. The structural-semantic research method makes it possible to evaluate both the ideological world, the author’s worldview, and its individual poetic elements. Through the prism of the writer’s attention, the image of a resisting and fighting Soviet soldier is comprehensively depicted; as well as the heroic actions of the Yevsey’s, Ivan Zuev’s guerrilla warrior detachments in the enemy’s rear; the awful life under occupation of the Sosnovka’s village inhabitants; the cruelty of the German invaders; the spiritual squalor of the traitors. N. Lekain’s trilogy epically reveals the historical events of the late 19th – mid-20th centuries.
heroics, theme, author’s ideal, author’s assessments, pathos, idea, novel, trilogy, Mari literature, Lekain
World literature
Kurkina, N.V., Men'shchikova, M.K. (2023). Typology of Gothic novels by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Litera, 11, 82–90.
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu is one of the most prominent representatives of the ghost story genre. His works were widely popular not only during the years of their publication, but also many years after. The subject of research in this article is the problem of creating a genre typology. Based on the material of Gothic novels (collections "Purcell Papers", "In a glass darkly", etc.) by the British writer of the XIX century Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, the question of the optimal typological criterion is considered, which would allow creating an objective typology, the application of which would be possible when studying the works of other authors of Gothic minor prose of the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The methodological principles underlying this study take into account the achievements of cultural-historical, comparative, and structural-descriptive approaches. The novelty is associated with the absence of such a typology of Le Fanu's short stories, as well as with the fact that researchers prefer the novel form in the writer's work. However, this typology makes it possible to clarify some aspects of the development of Gothic minor prose both in the works of Le Fanu and in the works of other writers of this period. In addition, the typologization of Le Fanu's Gothic novels allows us to trace in more detail the change in the figurative system of Gothic short prose. Conclusions made as a result of the study: the objective typological criterion can be considered the specifics of the narrator's attitude to the category of the supernatural. Based on this criterion, the classic Gothic novel, the "scientific" Gothic novel, the humorous Gothic novel, the socio-psychological Gothic novel, the folklore-mythological Gothic novel are distinguished in Le Fanu's work.
the Victorian era, ghost stories, novella, gothic, supernatural category, narrator, gothic novella, genre typology, english gothic novella, cycle
Pavlov, D.N. (2023). Structure and functions of the fabulous media narrative of the Instagram social network (using motivating content as an example). Litera, 11, 91–101.
The research task set by the authors is based on an attempt to analyze the phenomenon of the media narrative in a structural and functional aspect. The selected material includes publications of a social network banned in the Russian Federation for promoting Instagram photos. For the study, the authors selected three thematically representative accounts (the total number of subscribers is 600 thousand) and five materials containing information about the success stories of various celebrities. The subject side of the analysis includes narrative functions (motives) that can be found in these publications. The relevance of this work lies in the manipulative power of the above-mentioned materials and their ability to bring a person into an active motivated state. It is noted that such materials can carry a psychological and terrapeutic function for the viewer. The methodological basis is the narrative theory of V.Y. Propp, which assumes the decomposition of the material into invariant composite blocks necessary for the construction of a media story. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the need for the presence of such content in the media space. Since the authors of the study provide a universal set of mandatory narrative matrices, bloggers, firstly, get the opportunity to save time when creating publications, and secondly, they get the opportunity to bring the audience into an active motivated state through the success story of a famous personality. Among the most important conclusions, the authors note the exceptional popularity of the narrative motives of departure, struggle, transfiguration, victory and accession (wedding). They contain the main elements of the narrative. Similarly, the authors note that differences in the creation of materials (videos, texts, illustrative material) do not affect the interest of viewers and do not exclude the above-mentioned fairy-tale motives. Consequently, due to the fact that such materials are highly popular, the authors claim that they have an important social function.
medianarrative, manipulation, motivation, publication, content, media, fairytale, narrative, motivation content, invariant
Literary criticism
Chai, L. (2023). Reflections on Chinese studies of Russian women's prose. Litera, 11, 102–112.
The active development of women's prose is an important phenomenon in world literature. After the 1980s, a large number of works by Russian writers were translated in China, which attracted more attention of Chinese Russian scholars. The subject of the research is the historical and cultural prerequisites for the study of Russian women's prose in China and the current state of research on this prose. The relevance of the article can be determined by the fact that with the rapid changes in the socio-cultural environment, the study of women's prose in China gradually demonstrates a systematic and interdisciplinary growing trend, thanks to which it is possible to take a fresh look at the study of Russian women's prose in China. Russian writers' main translated works and the main studies of Chinese scientists on Russian women's prose, published since 1942 to the present, are the material of the study. The research method is the analysis of review materials and generalization of philology researches opinions. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the answers received to questions about the context, development, current state and directions of studying Russian women's prose in China. Conclusions are drawn that 1992 is an important moment, before that Chinese scientists mainly paid attention to the translation of foreign women's literature, including Russian, after 1992, through a practical analysis of Western feminist theories in literary studies, Chinese researchers proposed the concept of "soft feminism", which influenced the development of women's prose in China, which led to attention to the inner world of a woman, her role not only in the family, but also in culture and history.
soft feminism, feminist theory, literary criticism, translation, perception of literature, literary process, literary communication, Chinese Russian studies, Russian women's prose, intercultural communication
Automatic language processing
Zaripova, D.A., Lukashevich, N.V. (2023). Automatic Generation of Semantically Annotated Collocation Corpus. Litera, 11, 113–125.
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a crucial initial step in automatic semantic analysis. It involves selecting the correct sense of an ambiguous word in a given context, which can be challenging even for human annotators. Supervised machine learning models require large datasets with semantic annotation to be effective. However, manual sense labeling can be a costly, labor-intensive, and time-consuming task. Therefore, it is crucial to develop and test automatic and semi-automatic methods of semantic annotation. Information about semantically related words, such as synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and collocations in which the word appears, can be used for these purposes. In this article, we describe our approach to generating a semantically annotated collocation corpus for the Russian language. Our goal was to create a resource that could be used to improve the accuracy of WSD models for Russian. This article outlines the process of generating a semantically annotated collocation corpus for Russian and the principles used to select collocations. To disambiguate words within collocations, semantically related words defined based on RuWordNet are utilized. The same thesaurus is also used as the source of sense inventories. The methods described in the paper yield an F1-score of 80% and help to add approximately 23% of collocations with at least one ambiguous word to the corpus. Automatically generated collocation corpuses with semantic annotation can simplify the preparation of datasets for developing and testing WSD models. These corpuses can also serve as a valuable source of information for knowledge-based WSD models.
Sense Inventory, Collocation Corpus, Automatic Corpus Generation, Semantic Annotation, Word Sense Disambiguation, Automatic Semantic Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Related Words, SyntagNet, Thesaurus
Literary criticism
Kudryavtseva, R.A. (2023). "Sheklyanur text" in the novel by Yivan Osmin "Between Heaven and Earth". Litera, 11, 126–145.
This article is prepared as part of the study of the actual problem of local supertext in the literature. It examines the "Sheklyanur text" of the documentary-fiction (autobiographical, memoir) novel by the Mari writer Yivan Osmin "Kava den mlande koklashte" ("Between Heaven and Earth"). The author identifies, describes and analyzes the main components of the "Sheklyanur text" (the problems tied to the Sheklyanur plot line and the Sheklyanur part of the biography of the central character acting as a narrator, the system of characters and events, descriptions, administrative and geographical realities, ethnographic scenes and details, language features), their place in the artistic structure of the novel and also highlights the historical context of the "Shakespearean text", most clearly visible in its ring composition and having a dramatic and tragic orientation. The methodological basis of the research is the historical-genetic method and the structural-semantic analysis of the work. They made it possible to identify and adequately interpret the meaningful lines of the "Shakespearean text" to the maximum extent, to describe the key elements of its poetics. Yyvan Osmin's novel "Between Heaven and Earth" for the first time in regional and Russian science has become the object of special analysis, it is studied in the context of the actual, almost unexplored in Mari philology problem of local overtext in literature. The "Sheklyanur text" of the novel is considered as a focus of information about the specific aspects of the village of Sheklyanur (as a socio-cultural space) of the mid-1930s, sustained within the framework of an artistic and documentary (memoir, autobiographical, primary) narrative. The "Sheklyanur text" is filled with memorable everyday scenes of a personal and social nature, which, together with open ethnographic elements, recreate pictures of the Mari world and some features of its manifestation in a particular place of residence of Mari. The exceptional signs of the "Shakespearean text" were the authentic names of real characters, their destinies, topographical and administrative-economic realities, lexical features of the narrator's speech.
Sheklyanur text, Chronicle composition, local text, artistic structure, Artistic documentalism, Autobiographical novel, Ivan Osmin, poetics, novel, Mari literature
Saprykina, O.A., Shkolnikova, O.Y. (2023). Genres of Old Provençal poetry in the Works of Italian Troubadours: Reception and Interpretation. Litera, 11, 146–153.
This article is devoted to the study of the development of Old Provençal poetry in Italy in the 12th-13th centuries. Using specific examples from the work of early Italian troubadours (Peire de la Caravana, Peire de la Mula, Sordello, Lanfranco Cigala, etc.), the authors examine in detail such aspects of the topic as the reception and interpretation of the tradition of Old Provençal poetry. Of all the genres of poetry in the works of Italian troubadours, the most developed are the “political” and “social” ones – sirventes and tenso, which should be seen as an intensification of the participation of poets in the social and political life of Italy. All this can be studied by reflection in poetic creativity of the 12th-century and 13th-century Italian troubadours. In this regard, the authors of the article pay special attention to poetic works belonging to these two genres. The relevance of this study lies in a comprehensive linguistic, literary and historical approach to the consideration of the issue. The use of such an integrated approach allows to identify the main trends in the development of Provençal poetry, reasons associated with the historical context, as well as linguistic diversification associated with the choice of a particular genre. The authors come to the conclusion that the repertoire of poetic genres and the choice of language in which poetry is created changes depending on the dynamics of social and cultural conditions. The large number of sirvent and tenson is an important observation, indicating the presence of a social cultural context and space in which such political and satirical works and “impromptu” debates on a variety of topics were in demand. These genres will receive their further development in the history of Italian literature.
tenso, sirventes, Sicilian School, Italian troubadours, Italy, Occitan, Old Provençal poetry, reception, interpretation, medieval poetry
Zemskov, M.D. (2023). The role of technology in United States' modern sports journalism. Litera, 11, 154–160.
The article examines the role of technology in modern sports journalism in the USA. It describes how sports media are being modified under the influence of new technologies. And also the application of technologies in each of the four major sports leagues of the USA is considered separately. The object of study in the article is sports journalism in the USA. The subject of the study is the role of technology in modern journalism, which is further considered on the example of sports journalism in the USA. The purpose of the work is to study the impact of technology on modern sports journalism. The general scientific descriptive-analytical method and comparative method were used as the main research method. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the role of technology in modern sports journalism in the USA is being investigated. New Internet platforms that help sports journalists collect analytical data are considered. It also describes the use of virtual and augmented reality in the major sports leagues of the United States of America. Technology plays a huge role in modern sports journalism in the USA. They not only allow you to expand the reach of the audience and create more accurate materials, but also provide new methods of interacting with readers. Journalists actively use innovations to be closer to their audience and give them new impressions.
artificial intelligence, augmented reality, Internet resources, USA sports leagues, sports content, social networks, virtual reality, big data journalism, sports journalism, Modern technologies
Mashaev, M.S., Bazanova, A.E. (2023). Using a non-verbal way of transmitting information in the genre of video essay. Litera, 11, 161–173.
The rapid development of the global network and new technologies has led to the update of the system of film criticism genres. Writers of journalistic works on modern video hosting sites rely heavily on visual images to fully reveal the topic. The ability to work with editing and sound accompaniment becomes an important skill for a film critic. The subject of the research is non-verbal means of transmitting information in audiovisual essays. The origins and features of the genre that originated from the printed essay are analyzed. The definition of the phenomenon of "transimagery" is given, which implies the emergence of new images on the basis of existing ones. The content of narrative and poetic videos on the Every Frame a Painting channel is considered in detail. The relevance of the study is due to the growing popularity of the phenomenon of the audiovisual essay and the low level of knowledge of this genre of film criticism. The novelty lies in the fact that the video essay is a relatively young genre. There is a lack of studies both in foreign and domestic scientific practice. Our article offers a theoretical understanding of the features of an audiovisual essay. It is concluded that the unique features of the video essay cannot be reproduced in traditional textual forms of film criticism. The creation of new visual images contributes to the possibility of explaining phenomena that could not be explained in the form of text. The results of the study can be used by scientists in the field of mass communication, journalism and film criticism.
new media, editing, film criticism, film journalism, Internet, visual images, video, audiovisual essays, online media, journalism
Vigna-Taglianti, J., Sidorova, E.N. (2023). Translator’s “Visibility”: E. Teza and His Translation of Pushkin’s “The Undertaker”. Litera, 11, 174–184.
The article deals with the issue of translator’s “visibility” using the translation of Pushkin’s short story “The Undertaker” published by Emilio Teza in the literary journal “Ateneo Veneto” in 1884 as an example. This translation was chosen for two main reasons: firstly, its historical meaning for intercultural relations between Russia and Italy as the first Italian translation of Pushkin’s short story; secondly, its translator – a well-known academician from the late 1800s, whose research concerned different areas of philology, linguistics, and comparative studies, as well as translation. As a result, despite then-predominant domesticating strategies, different elements in the target text reflect Teza’s personality and thus prove his “visibility”. The research started from the scrutiny of the translator’s biography, allowing the contextualization of this translation at a precise moment in Teza’s life. Through the contrastive analysis of the source and the texts several translatologically relevant units were identified. Afterwards, the translation strategies and shifts applied in their rendering into Italian were analysed. The scientific novelty lies in the application of such analysis to a previously unstudied text. The research led to the following conclusions: in the rendering of Russian realia, the target text is characterized by an overall domesticating strategy, typical of late-1800s translations and often correlated to the concept of translator’s “invisibility”. However, the presence of detailed footnotes reflects Teza’s personality as an ethnographer, thus making him “visible”. The presence of Tuscan dialectal forms in the target text hints at the translator’s biography, who in 1884 was living in Pisa. In addition, an example of linguistic interference from Serbian can be seen as a reference to Teza’s multilingualism. Therefore, it was proven that the translator’s personality can become “visible” by thoroughly analyzing linguistic features and translation shifts.
translation analysis, translation criticism, contrastive analysis, translation history, domesticating translation, translation strategies, translation shifts, translation of realia, translator visibility, Italian language
Bobodzhanova, L., Sosnina, M.N. (2023). Diachronic Overview îf European Classic Fairy-Tale Evolution. Litera, 11, 185–205.
The paper elaborates on the European fairy tale literature as an outstanding literary phenomenon This genre has evolved for a long time, and it is considered within the national cultural code. A fairy tale is an inexhaustible source that allows us to realize the national and cultural identity within various linguistic cultures; to deliver the ethnic, historical, and national flavor. The paper provides a diachronic consideration of the evolution of the European fairy-tale literature, exemplified by Italian, French, German, English, and Spanish magical stories. A special emphasis is made on Italian folk tales and fables as a prototypical genre of the European fairy-tale literature. The research describes the development stages of the European fairy-tale literature, the history of its generating, and resulted in identifying specific features of this genre in European literature, in discovering national differences in the European fairy tale, in defining development patterns for European magical story plots. The authors have specified the role of a fairy tale as a unique sociocultural phenomenon, its contribution to the development of European society. As a result of the research there have been analyzed similarities and differences between European literary fairy tales. It has been proven that European magical stories have a lot in common, which make them accessible and understandable to people of other linguistic cultures. The obtained results confirm the fact that a fairy tale mirrors the language picture of the world and cultural identity of the nation.
national and language picture of the world, cultural adaptation, literary fairy tale, Spanish fairy tale, English fairy tale, German fairy tale, French fairy tale, Italian fairy tale, European fairy-tale literature, cultural code
Sidorova, E.N., Popova, L.G. (2023). The concept of "gardening": lexicographic representation of its notional component. Litera, 11, 206–213.
In this article, special attention is paid to the analysis of the lexicographic representation of the concept of "gardening", which is the subject of research, while the object of research is to study the verbalization of the concept of "gardening". The concept of "gardening" is considered as one of a number of concepts that make up a more complex concept of "Englishness". The purpose of the article is to determine the core and periphery of the concept of "gardening", as well as a thorough analysis of its lexical representation in various lexicographic sources. In this study, the authors relied on explanatory dictionaries and a dictionary of synonyms of the English language, namely its British version. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the representations of the linguistic and cultural components of the concept "gardening" were analyzed on the material of explanatory dictionaries and synonyms in order to clarify the lexico-semantic explication of its notional component. Having studied the obtained meanings of synonyms and the nuclear lexeme of the concept "gardening" on the basis of dictionaries, it can be concluded that the notional component of the concept can be represented in the following forms: plant study; preparation and use of soil for growing plants in the garden; landscape design of a garden or park; arrangement of gardens or parks; decorative gardening; planting plants; floriculture.
world view, English language, linguistics, conceptualization, gardening, synonyms, lexicography, representation, Englishness, concept
Zhang, M. (2023). Russian phraseological units with the concept of "Homeland" in phraseological dictionaries. Litera, 11, 214–220.
The subject of the study is Russian phraseological units with the concept “Motherland” and its associative images in the Russian language. Acting as special significant linguistic units with national-cultural semantics, these phraseological units play a role in history, culture and reflect the soul of the Russian people. Uniting the hearts and thoughts of people of different nationalities of the country into a single whole, the word “Motherland”, which has a sacred meaning, represents an internal and spiritual connection between peoples. The article analyzes the lexical meanings, synonyms, and concept of this word in Russian phraseology. The purpose of this work is not only to identify phraseological units with this concept in Russian phraseological dictionaries, but also to understand the national character, the soul of the Russian person through their semantics. In order to achieve this goal, this article uses descriptive, associative methods, methods of classification and grouping, synthesis and generalization, linguocultural and conceptual analysis. When identifying and analyzing Russian phraseological units with the concept “Motherland”, it is noted that they have positive and negative aspects. Phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language mainly present linguistic examples demonstrating the positive attitude of the Russian people towards their homeland, for example, a sense of responsibility/loyalty/love for their country, self-sacrifice for their native land, a sense of pride/belonging to the fatherland, etc. Moreover, the word “Motherland” in Russian linguistic culture, associated with the images of “fatherland”, “home”, “land”, “mother”, “birch”, etc., has an important meaning in the consciousness of the Russian people. The study of phraseological units of the Russian language with this concept in Russian phraseological dictionaries allows speakers of a different linguistic culture to understand the images contained in them, the spiritual values of native speakers of this language.
nature, mother, homeland, Russian people, associative images, national consciousness, concept, phraseology of the Russian language, Russian language, phraseological units
Literary criticism
Wu, X. (2023). The image of a "new woman" in the novel "Virgin Soil" by I. S. Turgenev and in the short story "Mourning the Dead" by Lu Xun. Litera, 11, 221–227.
The object of this article is the image of "new woman" in Russian and Chinese literature. The subject of the study is the correlation between the characters of two heroines, Zijun and Marianna, who are the bearers of a new female identity, in the story "Mourning the Dead" by Lu Xun and the novel "Virgin Soil" by I. S. Turgenev. The aim of the study is to identify the main factors that determined different outcomes of the storyline of these characters, despite the similarity of their fates. In order to achieve the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to reveal the personality of the two characters by analyzing their life path, as well as the beginning and end of their respective love; 2) to analyze the author's intention based on the socio-historical context of the period of creation of these two works. The following methods were used during the study: comparative method, method of holistic analysis of a literary work, as well as cultural-historical method. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the article is the first attempt to compare Lu Xun's short story "Mourning the Dead" with I. S. Turgenev's novel " Virgin Soil ", with special attention paid to the opposite denouement of the stories of Zijun and Marianna. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the outcome of the fates of these heroines is directly related to their perceptions of their own lives and love, which are conditioned, in turn, by the different intentions of the authors regarding the logic of the development of their characters. The scientific significance of the study lies in the fact that the data obtained not only reveal the ideas about the image of the "new woman" in general, but also contribute to a deep comparative understanding of the analyzed books, which can contribute to the field of comparative literary studies between Russia and China.
love, Zijun, Marianna, Lu Xun, Turgenev, Mourning the Dead, Virgin Soil, author's idea, image of new woman, tragedy
Alekseeva, A. (2023). The Sisinnios' Legend in Codex Sturdzanus: the Text and the Language. Litera, 11, 228–237.
The article presents the results of a study of two South Slavic redactions of the St. Sisinnios’ legend (the Prayer of the Archangel Michael and the Prayer of St. Sisinnios) in the manuscript known as the Codex Sturdzanus (Library of the Romanian Academy, Ms. rom. 447). The Prayer of the Archangel Michael and the Prayer of St. Sisinnios are considered in the context of the South Slavic and Greek tradition of Sisinnios’ legend. The using of linguistic and textual methods of the investigation made it possible to describe the redactions as stylistic. The complex of orthographic, phonetic and morphological features of the Prayer of the Archangel Michael and the Prayer of St. Sisinnios in the Codex Sturdzanus (reflexes *ȩ, *ě, *dj, transition *y > [i], spelling of syllabic consonants, declension of nouns and adjectives) allows to describe the language of the texts as the Middle Bulgarian redaction of the Church Slavonic language, used as a written language in the principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.
apocryphal prayer, South Slavic folklore, linguistic textology, manuscripts, Saint Sisinnios, Prayer of the Archangel Michael, St. Sisinnios’ legend, miscellany of priest Dragol, Codex Sturdzanus, cryptogram
World literature
Kulikov, E.A. (2023). Urban phenomena as "sites of memory" in "Open City" by Teju Cole. Litera, 11, 238–249.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the autofictional novel by the modern American writer Teju Cole "Open City" using memory studies' optics. Relevance is ensured by an appeal to one of the most important genres of modern literature, autofiction, which combines and fundamentally non-distinguishes documentary and fictional discourses, and the use of the methodological apparatus of the cross-disciplinary sphere of memory studies. The subject of the study is the urban chronotope of New York after the 9/11 terrorist attack and its specific memorial loci. The artistic text in this case acts as a medial representation of reality, and the urban space in it is perceived and can be analyzed as a text. One of the founders of memory studies is French scientist Pierre Nora, whose term "sites of memory" becomes the basis in this work. The narrator of the novel "Open City," Julius, in the process of flaring through New York, perceives the city as a semiotic space, reading the markers of the urban chronotope as memorable and/or historical signs. "Sites of memory," located at the junction of living memory and frozen history, become the most important loci that fix the individual and collective commentary of social history, while being pushed out of the sphere of relevance into the sphere of the forgotten, whilst the narrator of the novel occupies an intermediate position due to the ability to reactualize historical events and memorial narratives, albeit only at the personal level. Such a comparison of "I" and "others" allows to address the issue of national identity and reveal the specifics of the American nation as focused on the future, and not on the past, and erasing the "Sites of memory" from contemporaneity.
Teju Cole, urbanism, urban text, memory studies, memory, sites of memory, Pierre Nora, autofiction, Open City, chronotope
Jazokova, J. (2023). Lexico-stylistic features of the expression of indignation in a fiction and its film version: comparative analysis. Litera, 11, 250–257.
The subject of the study is the lexical means of expressing indignation. The object of the study is statements with the intention of indignation. The theoretical basis of the study is the idea of perturbation as an integral part of conflict communication. The study reveals the most general patterns of changes in statements with the intention of indignation during the screening of fiction. The analysis is carried out in the comparative aspect of the statements of the characters of the literary work with the statements of the characters of the film adaptation of the literary work. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as lexical changes in the text of a work of fiction during its film adaptation. Special attention is paid to the reasons for changing the literary text in its screen version. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of statements with the intention of indignation is carried out, the analysis is carried out in comparison of the text of fiction with its film adaptation. The following transformations were identified: verbatim preservation of lexical composition, omission of lexical units, addition of lexical units and their replacement. The main conclusions of the study are the reasons for the identified transformations, which are due to the desire of the creators of the film adaptation to have a greater emotional impact on the audience - for this reason, the characters of the film adaptation are more emotional in expressing their feelings and experiences, their statements are more categorical, and there is more speech aggression in the film adaptation. Transformations occur due to changes in the details of the content of situations. Finally, the film adaptation has more features peculiar to oral colloquial speech: there is more colloquial vocabulary in the film adaptation, and the characters speak more briefly, since this is due to the general tendency of oral colloquial speech to save speech resources.
comparative analysis, tactical step, tactics, strategy, film adaptation, fiction, conflict, lexical transformations, indignation, oral speech
Bavula, Y.I. (2023). The potential of verbs of thinking in the implementation of the modal meaning of desirability, possibility in media discourse. Litera, 11, 258–267.
The author, based on media texts, examines the verbs of thinking, think, decide and their derivatives. The subject of the study is the meaning of situational modality - the meaning of desirability, possibilities realized by verbs of thinking. The purpose of the work is to reveal the specifics of the modal functioning of the verbs thinking, think, decide and their derivatives. Achieving this goal is facilitated by solving the following tasks: 1) identify modal meanings realized by the verbs think and decide and their derivatives; 2) determine the conditions for the modal functioning of the above verbs. The goals and objectives of this work determined the choice of a comprehensive research methodology, including the following methods: functional-semantic, contextual, descriptive. As a result of the study, it was found that the verbs of thinking and decide and their derivatives are capable of realizing the modal meaning of desirability (variant meaning of intention), possibility, and in some cases the complex meaning of “desirability + possibility”. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the material and subject of the study. The analysis of media texts made it possible to: 1) establish the lexical and grammatical basis of the modal functioning of verbs of thinking, the semantics of which implicitly contains a modal component; 2) determine the syntactic conditions for the implementation of the meanings of situational modality, which consist in the presence of a dependent (subjective) infinitive with the verb; 3) to conclude that the most frequent modal modifier in media discourse is the verb to decide and its derivatives. Observations and conclusions obtained as a result of the study stimulate further study of the specifics and conditions of the modal functioning of verbs of thinking in different spheres of social life.
media discourse, modal verbs, dependent infinitive, modal explicator, improper modal verbs, verbs of thinking, opportunity value, desirability value, situational modality, modality category