Literary criticism
Shi, F., Li, X. (2023). Perception of V. Pelevin and the study of his work in China. Litera, 10, 1–10.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the perception of V. Pelevin and the study of his work in China. The object of the study is the perception of Victor Pelevin's creativity in China. The subject of the study is a review of translations of V. Pelevin's works into Chinese and a presentation of the results of research about him in Chinese literary criticism. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the degree of study of Victor Pelevin's work in China with a brief overview of the main directions of modern research by Chinese critics. In the work, along with general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy and generalization, the descriptive method and the comparative method were also used. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that Chinese literary critics pay close attention to the work of Viktor Pelevin, especially the Chinese elements in his works, and highly appreciate the intellectual value of the writer's works. The results described in this article will contribute to a deeper understanding of V. Pelevin's work by Chinese literary critics, and can also be introduced as scientific material into the educational process at the Faculty of Philology. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time new scientific achievements of China are involved in the research field – the evaluation and study by Chinese researchers of the works of V. Pelevin.
Russian literature, Chinese criticism, anti-utopia, Chinese elements, Eastern philosophy, Zen Buddhism, emptiness, postmodernism, Victor Pelevin, Chinese literary studies
Povalko, P., Zhang, J., Wang, Z. (2023). Written Ñommunication in Chinese on the International University Ñampus. Litera, 10, 11–32.
The article examines the place and role of the Chinese language in the linguistic landscape of the campus of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba. The subject of the study is written public texts in Chinese, posted on the university campus (announcements, signs, posters, etc.). The material collected by the continuous sampling method was analyzed from the positions of the addressees of the texts, their subject matter and multilingualism, and also evaluated from the point of view of compliance with the norms of the Chinese language in the texts. The effectiveness of Chinese-language written communication was assessed using a survey of Chinese-speaking students. The place of the Chinese language in the linguistic landscape of the university campus is described; it is noted that written communication in Chinese on campus plays an important role both in the educational process and in everyday interaction. At the same time, conclusions about the insufficient representation and limited thematic diversity of Chinese-language texts were drawn. Recommendations for improving written communication in Chinese are proposed, which will help optimize the process of adaptation of students from China, increase their awareness, which will generally have a positive impact on the ergonomics of the communicative space, as well as increase the status of the Chinese language in the language landscape of an internationally oriented university.
multilanguage, ergonomics of the communicative space, internationally oriented university, intercultural communication, communicative space, written communication, linguistic landscape, university campus, international campus, Chinese language
Smirnova, D.L. (2023). The transformation of meanings of the semantic space of a literary text under translation to a foreign language. Litera, 10, 33–43.
The transformation of the semantic structure of a literary text under translation into a foreign language is inextricably linked with the transformation of conceptually significant meanings of this text. In order to establish the direction of changing the meanings that make up the paradigm of the key statements for this text, it is necessary to comprehensively study the paradigm of meanings arising in the translation text using a definitional analysis of key lexemes in the source language and the translation language and contextual analysis of the meaning-forming contexts of this text. In this connection, the subject of the study is the semantic structure of a key utterance in a polyphonic text. Particular attention is paid to the change in the volume of meanings formed during translation and the change in the actualization of meanings arising as the text is semantically unfolded. The scientific novelty lies in the material chosen for the study: the paper presents contexts from the translation of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot", made by Eva M. Martin, published by Everyman's Library in 1914 and republished in 1916. Previously, this translation text was not used as a valuable source for obtaining new knowledge about the semantic structure of a literary text and its transformation during translation, in particular, the aspect concerning the functioning of text dominants at the aesthetic and linguistic level. The contexts given in the study give reason to believe that the paradigm of the meanings of the key sign is significantly narrowed in the translation text, which leads to flattening of conceptually significant meanings and violation of the basic properties of the polyphonic word.
Dostoevsky, peradigm of meanings, polyphonic word, a conceptually meaningful statement, text dominant, the key statement, semantic structure, content structure, literary text, semantics
Lyu, S. (2023). The conceptual pair “Life” and “Death” in the Chinese linguistic picture of the world: an explanation of the meanings of precedent texts for representatives of Russian linguistic culture. Litera, 10, 44–54.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual pair “Life” and “Death” in the Chinese linguistic picture of the world. The relevance of this study is due to the growing need for successful intercultural cooperation between Chinese and Russian cultures. Due to objective extralinguistic factors, there is an intensive exchange of knowledge between China and Russia. The flow of Chinese students to Russia is increasing; In the learning process, they are interested not so much in mastering the functioning of the Russian language system, but in understanding the “Russian world.” This process can be difficult due to the discrepancy between the original and the target cultures. The purpose of this work is to study the conceptual complex “Life – Death”, implemented in the Chinese linguistic picture of the world, on the basis of precedent texts widely known to recipients. The subject of the study is the differential characteristics of the conceptual dyad, identified in the process of analysis. The material for the work is precedent texts, in particular, poetic and paremiological units containing the lexical component “Life” and “Death” in the Chinese language. Research methods: descriptive method, conceptual analysis, linguocultural commentary method, contextual analysis, questionnaire. The analysis showed that in the system of social relations the role of each person is determined from birth. Death in the Chinese linguistic picture of the world is the other side of life; It becomes grief and loss only if the individual fails to realize his best qualities. In a certain sense, life for speakers of Chinese language consciousness is a moral achievement. The parameters of the Chinese linguistic picture of the world that we have considered constitute the fund of knowledge that will allow us to begin to comprehend the Russian linguistic picture of the world either by “comparing” mental spaces or by eliminating gaps.
explanation, model, values, association experiment, precedent text, Chinese linguistic culture, conceptual pair, concept, linguistic picture of the world, linguoculturology
Literary criticism
Kolosova, E.I. (2023). The evolution of ideas about vegetarianism in British literature in the Late 18th – Early 19th Century (a case of ‘An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, as a Moral Duty’ by J. Ritson, ‘Queen Mab’ and ‘A Vindication of Natural Diet’ by P.B. Shelley). Litera, 10, 55–66.
The article examines the literary representation of the topic of vegetarianism in the works of British writers in the Late 18th – Early 19th Century. English sugar merchant, author of popular self-help books Thomas Tryon was one of the first to propose the concept of vegetarianism, which was new to his contemporaries. His works, like those of his followers, inspired Joseph Ritson and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Joseph Ritson in his essay ‘An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, as a Moral Duty’ (1802) summarizes the experience of his predecessors and proposes an original concept of vegetarianism, close to the romantic philosophy. P. B. Shelley used Ritson's ideas in his philosophical poem ‘Queen Mab’ (1813) and his essay ‘A Vindication of Natural Diet’ (1813). The article presents the results of a productive dialogue between intellectuals of the Enlightenment (such as T. Tryon and G. Cheyne) and J. Ritson. This influenced the further development of the philosophy of vegetarianism in European culture. Thus, the poet of the romantic era P.B. Shelley, inspired by Ritson's essay, rethought his ideas in his own way and presented them in his works.
XVIII century, British literature, George Cheyne, Thomas Tryon, romanticism, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Enlightenment, Joseph Ritson, vegetarianism, Queen Mab
Gurkova, A.V. (2023). The use of adjectives as a means of changing the time continuum within a literary text. Litera, 10, 67–76.
The subject of the study is the exaggeration and understatement of time in modern English literary text through the use of adjectives. The object of the study are adjectives, which are presented as a means of depicting an exaggerated and understated time continuum. The author examines in detail the semantics of such lexemes as brief, quick, fleeting, ancient and slow. Particular attention is paid to their changes within the framework of combinations with other lexical units, during which time periods are stretched or narrowed. In this work, the author implemented the following methods: the method of component analysis, the method of contextual analysis, the method of linguostylistic analysis. The main conclusion of the study is the identification of the lexemes brief, quick, fleeting, ancient and slow as indicators of exaggeration and understatement of time within the English literary text of the fantastic genre. The use of the analyzed lexemes in different forms of degree of comparison of adjectives, as well as as part of comparative phrases, is noted. The above lexemes can express the speed of actions performed, and the time spent by the heroes is either deliberately drawn out or passes instantly. Also, hyperbolic time can be a way of reflecting the authenticity of the existence of peoples and the world as a whole. It is worth noting that some author's neologisms were identified.
author's neologism, hyperbolization, context, continuum, dictema, adjective, understatement of time, exaggeration of time, non-dictionary phrases, time category
Soloveva, A.A. (2023). The Method of Application of Mini-corposes for the Analysis of Language Variation of Etiquetial Expressions in Bilingual Language Situations in the Sociolinguistic Aspect. Litera, 10, 77–85.
The author examines the process of creating and methodology of applying the mini-corps to solve the problems in the field of language choice learning in the sphere of speech etiquette. The different stages of compiling a mini-corps from the peculiarities of material collection to the construction of theoretical models of language use of speech etiquette are considered. The terminological apparatus of the study is introduced. The features of different methods are compared and the need for a comprehensive approach to compiling a mini-corpus is substantiated. The shortage of corpora for the study of language choice in a bilingual situation is stated. Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen methodology are described. In particular, the necessity of selecting authentic examples of spontaneous speech taken from videos based on the method of non-included observation is pointed out. The place of the mini-corpus technique in the set of methods used in this study is shown. The result is a corpus-based description of the algorithms of speakers' use of etiquette expressions in a particular language under the influence of various configurations of factors and parameters of the social context. It is concluded that this method allows, on the one hand, to obtain the necessary and sufficient material for the analysis, on the other hand, it does not involve the use and processing of a large array of data. The prospect of researching the method is to apply it in other situations of bilingualism in order to complement and correct the theoretical models obtained in the course of the study. Thus, the method of compiling bilingual mini-corps makes it possible to reach the level of generalization of linguistic facts, sufficient to build universal models for interpreting the patterns of language choice of etiquette expressions in bilingualism.
Catalan language, content analysis, language choice, methods, etiquette expressions, bilinguism, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, Hindi language, mini-corpus
Author's Mask
Zenkov, A.V. (2023). Under a False Flag: Literary Hoaxes and the Use of Numerals. Litera, 10, 86–109.
The present study pertains to stylometry. There are cases when a writer who has achieved fame, for various reasons, begins to create under a different name, tries to write in a different manner and, at times, again succeeds in a new incarnation. Whether the author is able to significantly change the literary style inherent in him or it is impossible to escape from himself – our work is devoted to the study of this issue. The study is based on the analysis of what numerals are present in the texts of an author. It has been shown by several examples from English-, French- and Russian-language literature, that the use of numerals is an author's feature that manifests itself in all or most of the sufficiently long texts of a given author. We apply our approach to the works of Romain Gary, Boris Akunin (Grigori Chkhartishvili) and some other authors of interest for stylometry. The conclusions are drawn on the basis of hierarchical cluster analysis and supported by the Pearson's chi-squared test.
Truman Capote, Harper Lee, Boris Akunin, Romain Gary, numerals in texts, text authorship, text attribution, quantitative linguistics, stylometry, cluster analysis
Literary criticism
Oktyabr'skaya, O.S. (2023). The theme of family and home in Maria Yakunina's dilogy "The Eight" and "Dear Rita". Litera, 10, 110–116.
The article raises the question of the principles of the relationship between adults and children in a modern children's story. In addition, the themes of home, family, and family education in the lives of teenagers are updated. The significance of this article is due to the importance of the problems posed, as well as modern and practically unexplored research material, which are the stories "The Eight" and "Dear Rita" by the modern teenage author M. Yakunina. To comprehend these aspects, the following research methods are used in the article: comparative, hermeneutic and comparative-typological methods. With the help of a systematic approach, an analytical study of the ways of socialization and self-improvement of a child in a teenage story is provided. The main result of this work is the study of different types of characters of children and adults, ways of their interaction and ways of self-realization. At the same time, the following tasks were solved: identification of key aspects of growing up and socialization of the child; analysis of the relationship between adults and children in Maria Yakunina's stories "The Eight" and "Dear Rita"; determination of the features of the development of the main storylines and the figurative system of the analyzed stories. The key topic of the article is the role of the family in the life of a teenager, the possibility of choosing a family by a child and the responsibility of both children and adults for the family as a whole and each of its members.
modern children's story, school story, child's self-realization, developmental psychology, children's literature, raising a teenager, childbirth, family and home, child growing up, teenage literature
Bai, Y., Pinaev, S.M. (2023). Aesthetics of Zen Buddhism in the works of M. A. Voloshin
(On the example of poetic miniatures – inscriptions for watercolors). Litera, 10, 117–124.
This article examines the embodiment of the ideas and aesthetics of Zen Buddhism in the works of M. Voloshin. The purpose of the article is to identify how the thought and aesthetics of Zen Buddhism are presented in the works of M. Voloshin. The material for the work was M. Voloshin’s poetic miniatures - inscriptions on watercolors, autobiographies and memoirs. M. Voloshin himself called Buddhism “the first religious step” in his autobiography. Zen Buddhism does not accept the dualism and irreconcilability of Western philosophy, for example, the opposition “God-man”, “moment – eternity”, “peace – struggle”, etc. One typical feature of M. Voloshin's work is philosophical harmony, and many of his poems resonate with the poems of Zen (Chan) masters. Categories embodied in Zen poems, such as the frailty of the earthly, eternity and harmony of nature, can also be found in the poems of M. Voloshin. The novelty lies in the fact that currently little attention is paid to the manifestations of the philosophy of Zen Buddhism in the works of the poet. The analysis of Maximilian Voloshin’s watercolors paintings allows us to assert that Zen Buddhism occupies an important place among his aesthetic and ideological guidelines. The study of the reception of Zen Buddhism in the work of M. Voloshin is of great importance for understanding his poetry, the concept of creativity and worldview. Under the influence of the ideas and aesthetics of Zen Buddhism, Voloshin’s poems reflect his three fundamental categories of aesthetics: The principle of simplicity; Harmony; The principle of emptiness and silence.
nature, Chan, oppositions, harmony, the principle of simplicity, aesthetics, Zen Buddhism, worldview, Voloshin, silence
Van, T., Mitrofanova, I.I. (2023). Main innovations of the pandemic period in the Russian language. Litera, 10, 125–135.
The subject of the scientific article is the main innovations in the Russian language that appeared during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze innovations in the Russian language during the pandemic, as well as their classification. The following methods were used in the work: text analysis, comparative analysis, frequency analysis, categorization, deduction method. The results of the work showed that many innovations were formed in the Russian language during the pandemic: new words translated from another language or undergone lexical development; homonymy; dissemination of slang vocabulary; going beyond specialized circles of highly specialized vocabulary; non-usual changes in the scope of semantics; the prevalence of one main discourse in speech and language. The article allows us to understand how social transformations affect language and the linguistic picture of the world. In this regard, the results of the work can be used to create effective communication strategies and understand the various processes unfolding in society. The research can also help improve the procedure for translating various texts, as well as improve intercultural interaction during a pandemic and similar situations. The novelty of the research can be seen both at the theoretical and practical levels. At the theoretical level, the approaches of various authors to recording changes in the field of the Russian language during the Covid-19 pandemic were collected, analyzed and structured. At a practical level, these changes are supported by specific examples that can be useful to philologists, linguists, journalists and any other interested parties who operate with the terminology of the pandemic period and use it in their work. The pandemic has significantly affected the Russian language and led to many changes in it. These innovations were reflected in the works of modern Russian linguists and philologists, as well as in various journalistic materials on the Internet, which became the empirical basis for the study.
lexical acquisition, slang words, Covid-19 pandemic, Non-articular changes, intellectualisation of language, mainstreaming discourse, change of meaning, homonymy, neologisms, Russian language
Galtsov, P.I., Baturina, E.R. (2023). The Manifestation and Evolution of Irony in English Standup Comedy. Litera, 10, 136–147.
The subject of this study is irony and its manifestation in the humorous monologues of foreign stand-up comedians. The object of this study is the speeches of American stand-up comedians. The author examines in detail such aspects as the main components of creating irony, which include the implicit expression of the author's superiority, the author's presupposition, as well as stylistic means of creating irony, such as contrast, epithets, hyperbole. Special attention is paid to such types of irony as verbal, dramatic and situational irony. Post-irony and meta-irony were also considered, as well as the specifics of their formation in comedians' jokes, which include playing with reality, intertextuality, pastiche, the concept of the author's death, the proclamation of criticism of traditional and modernist meta-narratives. The novelty of the research lies in the previously unseen analysis of stand-up performances for the presence and formation of irony, as well as the means of its creation. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the opening of the corpus of texts of stand-up comedians' speeches for further analysis of the material to identify other linguistic phenomena. The topic of irony, post-irony, meta-irony was presented for the first time in this context and is available for further research. In addition to the seemingly goal of expressing ridicule and the author's superiority over the viewer, irony also reveals the positive sides of the object of jokes.
transgression, meta-irony, author's death concept, criticism of values, intercontextuality, reality play, post-irony, author's presupposition, self-irony, irony
Literary criticism
Krinitsyn, A.B. (2023). The Parable of the People's Faith and the Motive of the Crusade Fraternization in F.M. Dostoevsky's Novel "The Idiot". Litera, 10, 148–159.
The author studied the episode of fraternization by Myshkin and Rogozhin in several aspects: 1) as a specific literary transformation of folk’s legends about fraternization with Christ 2) both as the central episode of the novel’s plot and a reference to its final scene 3) ideologically as a spiritual unit between the protagonists and the Russian folk 4) as a symbolic description of internal contradictions of the Russian national character. The episode is closely connected with the preceding talk about belief in God, in whose course Myshkin refusing to directly answer if he believed in God, tells about his meetings with “common people” and arrives at a conclusion about the chaotic and enigmatic depths of the folk’s consciousness. This was the only discourse about religious belief in the whole Dostoevsky’s Pentateuch preceding “the Brothers Karamazov” which makes Myshkin conclude that religious belief can be obtained from Russian folk as a bearer of religious mission, notwithstanding the dark abyss in his soul. The conclusions based on the analysis lets us rethink and reconstruct Myshkin’s ideological evolution in the whole novel. The article traces Dostoevsky’s reliance on folk legends about fraternization with Christ. It is a pioneering research as it points to parallels with the novel’s final in terms of symbolic gestures, paradoxically completing the rite of exchanging crosses in the second chapter of the novel. Myshkin’s thoughts are proved in the next episode when Rogozhin attempts to kill Myshkin – which would have seemed impossible after the characters exchanged their crosses. Thus the imminent catastrophe outlined in the episode dooms the novel’s final, yet not in terms of religious belief and the author’s dependence on Russian folk.
psychologism, punishment, prince Myshkin, folklore motifs, folk legends, Russian national character, fraternization, christian symbolism, novel The Idiot, Dostoevsky
Literary criticism
Sukhikh, O.S. (2023). Pavlik Morozov in Post-Soviet Reality (based on V. P. Krapivin's novel "The Bronze Boy). Litera, 10, 160–170.
The object of the analysis is V. P. Krapivin's novel "The Bronze Boy". The subject of the study is the representation of the image of Pavlik Morozov in this work. The purpose of the study is to identify the author's concept of the image and fate of Pavlik Morozov in the novel by V. P. Krapivin. The cultural-historical method of analysis allows us to see how the moment of the change of the country's political course was reflected in the literary text and determined the views of the hero of the past era. The method of holistic analysis helps to determine how the title of the novel and plot parallels contribute to the creation of the image of a child victim of socio–political struggle and cruelty of the world. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that the image of Pavlik Morozov in "The Bronze Boy" was not previously the subject of special study. The study leads to the following conclusions. V. P. Krapivin shows that Pavlik Morozov is not a traitor, but a victim of a clash of socio-political interests. In the past, his image was made a symbol of devotion to social values, and in the era of the 1990s, shown in the novel, he was again given the role of a symbol, but already negatively labeled. The deheroization of the image of Pavlik Morozov in the era of the 1990s is evidence of the moral failure of society, from the point of view of V. P. Krapivin. The analysis of the multidimensional meaning of the novel's title allows us to conclude that for the writer, the story of Pavlik Morozov has a universal character and this is due to the fact that adults sacrifice the interests of the child. In addition, this is the tragedy of a person who committed an act for high reasons, which from a formal point of view can be perceived as odious. In this regard, Pavlik Morozov in the figurative system of the novel has doubles, with which plot branches are connected, deepening the tragic beginning. The results of the study may have practical application in teaching Russian literature of the late twentieth century.
plot, meaning of the title, demythologisation, mythologisation, Pavlik Morozov, ideology, pioneer-hero, Krapivin, history, society
Lifanov, K.V. (2023). On the Divergence of the Slovak and Czech Literary Languages at the Word-formation Level. Litera, 10, 171–178.
The object of the study is such lexemes of the Slovak literary language, which were originally similar to the corresponding Czech, but in the XX century they underwent changes, as their word-formation characteristics changed. At the same time, the corresponding Czech words remained unchanged. We call this phenomenon asymmetric divergence. Asymmetric divergence characterized many parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs. The source of the material was primarily the newspaper "Catholicke Noviny" for 1889-1890, as well as some publications of the early XX century. This article discusses cases of asymmetric divergence realized in small closed groups of vocabulary or even at the level of individual lexemes. The main conclusion of the author is that asymmetric divergence was an important factor in the formation of the lexical composition of the Slovak literary language and its acquisition of specific features that distanced it from the Czech. To the greatest extent, it affected nouns, and the most common means was suffixation, that is, replacing the original suffix that coincided with the corresponding Czech with another suffix. The divergence of the Slovak and Czech literary languages, as a rule, is beyond the field of view of researchers who consider primarily the influence of the Czech language on Slovak. At the same time, it was she who was the leading trend in the development of the Slovak literary language in the XX century.
substitution, other parts of speech, prefixation, suffixation, nouns, closed group, word-formation level, asymmetric divergence, Slovak literary language, simplification
Mikhailenko, A.Y. (2023). Textual periphrases in the semantic structure of N.M. Karamzin's sentimental historical novel "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter". Litera, 10, 179–188.
The work is devoted to the problem of the functioning of the lexical figurative means of artistic expression – periphrase as an integral component of the semantic structure of the literary text created in the line of sentimentalism aesthetics in the genre of historical story against the background of the ongoing process of the formation of the norms of the Russian literary language in the context of linguistic polemics of the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries. The study of the semantic structure of a literary text involves the analysis of the types of nomination techniques and their aesthetic content. However, the use of peripheral expressions has a certain specificity, which is associated with their heterogeneity in thematic marking, structure and object of nomination. The subject of the study is periphrases, the paper presents the classification of periphrases of N.M. Karamzin's story "Natalia, the boyar's Daughter" as works of the genre of sentimental historical story. Using the example of the analysis of the text of the story, the peripheral combinations in the thematic groups love and time (time/period: life, year) are considered, the models of periphrases, metonymic nomination are described, the functions of periphrases are considered. The study of the functioning of periphrases is focused on determining the place and role occupied by this technique in the semantic structure of the text. The relevance of the research is connected with the choice of the research material – N.M. Karamzin's novella "Natalia, the boyar's daughter", its consideration in order to identify the features of the semantic structure and is due to the general interest of modern linguistics in the interpretation of a literary text based on a system-functional approach to the study of the object.
image structure, expression, Russian standart language, Karamzin, historical narrative, sentimentalism, paraphrase, semantic structure, semantics, aesthetics of sentimentalism
Character in literature
Liang, Z. (2023). Byronic motives in the image of Raskolnikov. Litera, 10, 189–198.
The article examines the features of Byronism in Raskolnikov's - one of Dostoevsky's characters. Based on the analysis of the works of Byron and his characters, an attempt is made to generalize the main features of this type of characteristic of the Byronic hero. Through comparison with the "Byronic heroes" and their inner world, Raskolnikov's character is analyzed more concretely and accurately. At the same time, the images of heroes of different historical periods, different nationalities and different literary trends are compared, similarities and differences between them are analyzed. Based on the comparison, an attempt is made to identify and generalize the Byronic features present in Raskolnikov's character. The comparative-historical approach, methods of generalization, interpretation of the results were used in the study. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in the course of the work, the features of Raskolnikov's image were revealed in the aspect of such a literary trend as romanticism. The author also analyzes the reception of Byronic heroes in Russian literature. The main conclusion of the study is that Raskolnikov, although he appears in Dostoevsky's work as a realistic character, may well be considered as the successor of the Byronic hero. The results of the research contribute to the study of Raskolnikov's image in all its complexity. In addition, the conclusions of the article can also be used in the study of Dostoevsky's literary and philosophical position as a whole.
reception of romantic literature, rebel, self-awareness, Byronic motives, special characters, Raskolnikov, the creation of Dostoevsky, romantic images, Byronic heroes, romantic literature
Bakanova, A.V., Terentieva, E.D. (2023). Collections of Spanish paremias of the XVI century and their influence
on the development of folklore tradition. Litera, 10, 199–210.
The article examines the works of folklore scientists who laid the foundations of Spanish paremiology. The subject of the study are collections of proverbs, sayings and other small genre forms published in Spain in the XVI century. The focus of attention is the famous apophthegmata of Melchor de Santa Cruz "Floresta española de apotegmas o sentencias, sabia y graciosamente dichas, de algunos españoles" (1574), which collected about a thousand texts and covers all aspects of the life of Spanish society. Along with other famous folklore collections of the XVI century by such authors as Juan de Timoneda, Juan de Mal Lara, Pedro Mejía, the work of Melchor de Santa Cruz influenced the formation of a scientific approach in Spanish folklore studies. The article provides a comparative analysis of collections of folklore texts of this period and emphasizes their influence on the development of Spanish folklore studies of subsequent centuries. The XVI century caused in Spain the rise of national consciousness, which is accompanied by an increase in scientific interest in the Spanish language, its lexical richness and grammatical system. Following the discovery of the New World, Spain is experiencing not only the rapid development of the science of folklore, but also the flowering of linguistic thought, based on the small genres of folklore in the issue of exemplification. The combination of short form and capacious content makes this group of genres attractive to linguists, folklorists, and Spanish writers of the Golden Age.
anecdote, aphorism, apophthegmata, apophthegm, paremia, paremiology, Spanish folklore, Spanish language, proverb, saying
Severina, E.M., Larionova, M.C. (2023). The Chekhov Digital project: tasks and problems of implementing semantic markup of texts (on the example of A. P. Chekhov's story "The Death of an Official"). Litera, 10, 211–222.
The article considers a model of preparation of machine-readable (semantic) markup of texts for the Chekhov Digital project on the example of philological interpretation of individual significant elements of A. P. Chekhov's story "Death of an Official" and presentation of this information explicitly based on the standards of digital publication Text Encoding Initiative (TEI/XML). Based on the work of literary researchers, significant entities have been identified for marking up the corpus of the writer's texts, but the question of their representation in the text remains quite complex. A philological examination of such aspects as "properties, states and events; character features" in an excerpt from the story of A.P. Chekhov was carried out from the point of view of the TEI markup capabilities for preserving philological knowledge in a machine-readable format. One of the objectives of the Chekhov Digital project is to go beyond a simple digitized text and provide useful digital tools for the researcher. The elements of machine-readable markup are presented, which make it possible to mark up significant entities in Chekhov's texts for organizing semantic search through the corpus of the writer's texts, the problems and research tasks arising in the process of implementing such interdisciplinary projects due to the need to combine the efforts of specialists from different fields of knowledge are considered. The project implements the principle of Open research data, the most important task of which is to create scientific communities around data. The work on the project led to the development of scientific cooperation between researchers of the Higher School of Economics, the UNC RAS and the SFU.
author's technologies, expert annotation, semantic search, machine-readable markup, TEI, philological expertise, Chekhov, digital edition, project Chekhov Digital, natural language processing
Author's view
YANG, J. (2023). The Problem of “Nationality” in Dostoevsky's Concept of "Pochvennichestvo". Litera, 10, 223–234.
This article is devoted to the study of the problem of nationality in the concept of "pochvennichestvo" by F. M. Dostoevsky. The object of the study was the writer’s views on the people and their role in the formation of culture, the subject was the category “nationality”, presented in the journalistic and artistic works of F. M. Dostoevsky. The purpose of the article is to identify the historical context in which the writer’s ideas about nationality were formed and developed, and to highlight various aspects of the problem of nationality in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author is the first to consider the problem of nationality in the aspect of Dostoevsky’s attitude to utilitarianism and the formula “the environment is stuck.” The work, along with general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, uses descriptive, biographical and cultural-historical research methods. As a result of the scientific research, the author points out the inevitability of the emergence of pochvennichestvo in Russian social life of the second half of the 19th century and analyzes the writer’s position in the dispute between Westerners and Slavophiles, coming to the conclusion that F. M. Dostoevsky did not oppose Western, essentially material, civilization, but resolutely rejected its inevitable by-product - spiritual degeneration. The writer asserted the power inherent in Russian Orthodox culture to resist the erosion of Western culture and called on the Russian people to take upon themselves the mission of the messiah. Dostoevsky’s ideas about nationality, like his pochvenism, prove the writer’s confidence of Russian people and Russian culture. The results of the research work can be used in further study of the work of F.M. Dostoevsky, as well as in teaching the history of Russian literature at school.
spirituality, russian idea, slavophilism, westernism, orthodoxy, Russian people, soil, pochvennichestvo, nationality, Dostoevsky
Pavlenko, E.A., Kuraleva, T., Vyunova, E.K. (2023). About the problem of wordplay transmission (based on the material of English and Russian advertising texts). Litera, 10, 235–247.
The object of the study is examples of the use of wordplay in the advertising texts translated from English into Russian. The subject of the study is the translation techniques used by translators to preserve the communicative orientation and impact on the reader. The choice of the research object is due to the prevalence of advertising text in the modern world, which implies the need to develop common translation standards and examples of solutions to emerging difficulties. The problem of translating different types of wordplay has been little studied in modern linguistics, which determines the need for further research. Even less studied is the problem of translating wordplay in advertising slogans in a comparative aspect. The analysis of the collected material allowed us to identify three main translation strategies: the transmission of wordplay, in which the method of wordplay formation is preserved; transmission, in which the preservation of the method of wordplay formation is impossible or undesirable; transmission, in which the preservation of wordplay itself is impossible. In the latter case, translators often have to sacrifice the communicative effect, which is not desirable from the standpoint of modern translation studies. The article concludes that the linguistic features of slogans and, in particular, the use of wordplay in them must be taken into account when translating in order to ensure maximum preservation of communicative intent and communicative effect.
phraseology, recipient, communicative intention, communicative effect, impossibility of translation, pun, translation studies, wordplay, advertising, omission
Grishakova, E.S., Balykina, M.I. (2023). Purposes and patterns of the use of antique sources in old English religious texts by Ælfric and Wulfstan. Litera, 10, 248–257.
The article contains the results of the analysis of existing investigations into the ways how Latin religious sources were adopted and adapted in Anglo-Saxon homiletic literature. The present analysis may be of value when it is important to understand how religious contexts were borrowed and presented to a different culture, moreover the motives of adaptation of Latin texts may add to better understanding of the writer’s personalities and thus to a clearer insight into their works. Two eminent old English writers: Aelfric and Wulfstan worked closely with Latin texts following various strategies. While Aelfric in most cases translated the texts verbatim or slightly modified them, Wulfstan put much effort to give the text his own personality. Both writers still depended on the rhetoric traditions employed in Latin and their individual styles coincide in with usage of some stylistic features such as assonance, alliteration and repetition, but still were rather different. Aelfric himself considered the translation to be a separate rhetoric device as the text converted into a different language does not only carry the message to the target audience, but makes the process of communication easier. For Wulfstan the message itself is of importance, not the source, so he elaborated his unique style of communicating his ideas to the target audience. The practical and scientific value of the article is expressed in the need to structure the existing studies of the influence of the Latin language on Old English and opens up the perspective of further study in the field of rhetoric and pragmalinguistics.
history of the English language, Latin, Old English, hagiography, homiletics, pragmalinguistics, stylistics, rhetoric, translation, persuasion
Zou, X. (2023). The portrayal of China in Russian poetry: "Chinese Journey" by O. A. Sedakova. Litera, 10, 258–268.
The subject of the article is the reflection of Chinese culture in the poem cycle "Chinese Journey" by O. A. Sedakova. In spite of the relatively large number of studies of this cycle, a close reading of it, undertaken from the perspective of a bearer of Chinese culture, may reveal new episodes in need of commentary and evidence of Sedakova' profound knowledge of Chinese philosophy and classical poetry. Although the significance of Taoist ideas for Sedakova has been discussed, it is possible to point out images and ideas that have not been noted before and are related to Lao Tzu and the Book of Changes, also some details that can possess a symbolic meaning in Chinese culture. Thus, although the significance of the image of water for the cycle has already been noted, its connection with the ideas of Lao Tzu has not been explained; in the light of the ideas of Taoism, we understand the images of the path, heaven and earth. The study explains the symbolic meaning that Sedakova's images of willow, mountain, ladder, flute, and swallow have in Chinese culture. We conclude that Sedakova's poetry is based on the harmonious interaction of European and Chinese; this assessment has already been expressed in science, but we have reinforced it with new examples.
Taoism, Chinese culture, classical Chinese poetry, traditional symbolism, Lao Tzu, poetic cycle, Russian poetry, Chinese Journey, Sedakova, The Book of Changes