Sorokina, E.E. (2022). Intertextuality in English-language Catholic sermons. Litera, 9, 1–9.
The relevance of this study is due to the small study of the issue of intertextuality in English-speaking Catholic preaching in modern Russian science. The purpose of this article is to study various types of intertextuality and the linguistic techniques by which they are expressed in modern English-speaking Catholic preaching by the example of the preaching addresses of Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster (Diocese of Westminster, London, UK). The object of the study is an English—language Catholic sermon, the subject is intertextuality and its varieties (referential, prototypical (textotypological)), manifested in the above text. In writing this work, we were guided by such methods of scientific research as analytical and descriptive. The scientific novelty lies in the consideration of the phenomenon of intertextuality, one of the manifestations of which is the functional-semantic category of appeal. The conducted research indicates that in the Catholic sermon there are elements of both RI and PI, where RI is represented by various quotations, allusions and retelling of the author's text, and PI is a mention of God in all three Persons, respectful euphemisms for His Name and the Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mentioning the names of saints, biblical heroes, characteristic religious vocabulary, the use of "we-constructions" to create an image of the unity of the preacher with the audience, as well as appellative constructions represented by the verbs of ought, influence, as well as the imperative mood of the verb and the simple present tense of the verb with a hint of ought.
Church, Jesus Christ, God, christianity, Great Britain, Catholicism, the sermon, prototypical intertextuality, intertextuality, referential intertextuality
Zhu, B. (2022). The Evolution of the New Year's Gala Concert in Chinese Media. Litera, 9, 10–18.
In 2023, the world's largest broadcast by the number of viewers of China Central Television "New Year's Gala Concert", timed to coincide with the Spring Festival, will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Since its launch in 1983 The "New Year's Gala Concert" has undergone many changes reflecting the global transformations of Chinese media and Chinese society as a whole. The object of our research was chosen by the PRC television, and the subject was the "New Year's Gala Concert", on the example of the evolution of which we analyze the formation and development of modern Chinese media in the context of national and global media processes. The author's main contribution to the study of the chosen topic is a unique selection of key events defining the history of the "New Year's Gala Concert", on the basis of which the main stages of the modernization of Chinese television were determined: the Taiwanese pop wave, the "cultural thaw" and the crisis of censorship of the CPC in the mid-1980s; the advent of the era of advertisers and the rapid commercialization of Chinese media of the 90s-00s; strengthening the role of the state and the activation of ordinary viewers in the formation of a nationwide media campaign of the 2010s. The stages of the evolution of the "New Year's Gala Concert" highlighted in the article characterize the historical process of development not only of Chinese television, but of the whole country as a whole.
Mass Media, PDA, xiangsheng, Evolution, Media, Spring Festival, PRC, China, CCTV, New Year's Gala Concert
Literary criticism
Kukushkina, E. (2022). Monodrama in Malaysian National Dramaturgy: a Retrospective of the Emergence of the Genre. Litera, 9, 19–32.
The article focuses on the well-known Malaysian dramatic texts, created in the last third of the twentieth century, the generic features of monodrama in these plays being the main research subject. The purpose of the analysis is to demonstrate monodramatic nature of the works and to establish the time of the birth of Malay monodrama, as well as the reasons why the genre for a long time was not denominated as such. The analysis involves historical-cultural, analytical and comparative methods. Historical and cultural method allows to scrutinize the genre under study in the context of the post-realistic theater of Malaysia, which was born as a reaction to the tragic events of the second half of the twentieth century in the country. Analytical method is used to identify the essential generic features of the studied texts, whereas with the help of comparative method, the artistic features of these texts are matched with the genre characteristics of monodrama. Today, the Malay monodrama is undeservedly deprived of the attention of specialists, although its role on the stage of the country is quite noticeable. This determines the novelty and relevance of the work. The performed research shows that Malay monodrama is much older than is commonly believed, and has existed for almost half a century. The study of the plays "Lazri Meon" by Abdul Samad Said and "Not Suicide" by Dinsman made it possible to identify the most important monodramatic features in them (the subject of representation, the dramatic plot and the conflict), thereby pushing the lower timeframe of existence of this genre in Malay playwriting first until the 1990s, and then - the 1970s. The appearance of a non-classical genre less than a quarter of a century after the birth of Malay drama also allows us to acknowledge the accelerated development of this type of literature in Malaysia.
Dinsman, Abdul Samad Said, decon, dramatic conflict, dramatic plot, monodrama, genre features, genre, dramaturgy of Malaysia, Malay literature
Literary criticism
Shukurov, D.L. (2022). Author's Strategies in K.K. Vaginov's Prose: "The Eidos of Hunting". Litera, 9, 33–46.
The meta-narrative structure of the works of the Russian writer and poet K.K. Vaginov (1899-1934) is analyzed, the strategies of the author's narrative are investigated. Most of the subject analysis is occupied by the texts of the novels "Goat Song" and "The Works and Days of Svistonov": the first – as a meta–textual narrative, maximally saturated with cultural codes, as well as auto-reminiscences and allusions of early Vagin creativity, and the second - as a text that plays the meta-narrative model of the first. Within the framework of the concept of the "aesthetic completion of the hero" by M.M. Bakhtin, such an aspect of the topic as "the author is a character" is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the narrative strategies of K.K. Vaginov and A.P. Chekhov. As a result of the conducted research, it is concluded that the novel dilogy "The Goat Song" and "The Works and Days of Svistonov" tells about the paradoxes of artistic reality and reveals its essence in the language of the formal arrangement of Vagin's works. Due to the specifics of such a language of forms, these novels require detailed textual and poetical analysis (consideration of the novels "Bambochada" and "Harpagoniana" reflects the specifics of the author's strategies in the structure of the "single text" by K.K. Vaginov). The complex polymorphic composition of the entire Vaginovsky literary and poetic compendium, the system of mutually reversible and mutually correlating comments, references, semantic saturation of style, functionality of peripheral images and details in the structure of Vaginovsky works - all these stylistic features characterize the original author's strategies.
parody, character, author, someone else 's word, centon, author's strategies, meta - message, russian literature, Konstantin Vaginov, Mikhail Bakhtin
Literary criticism
Kudryavtseva, R.A., Belyaeva, T.N. (2022). Folklore Intertext of S. G. Chavain's Novel "Elnet" (Paremiological Level). Litera, 9, 47–58.
In the article, as part of the study of the poetics of the Mari literature, the paremiological level of the folklore intertext of the novel "Elnet" by the founder of Mari literature Sergey Grigoryevich Chavain is considered. The authors of the article identified different semantic types of proverbs and sayings in the text of the Chavain work, identified their artistic functions in the text. In this aspect, the novel creativity of the writer is being investigated for the first time. The methodology of the research is determined by the structural and semantic analysis of the works, which made it possible to identify and describe in detail the semantic and typological components of the folklore intertext of Chavain's novel "Elnet" at the paremiological level, its significance for the expression of its artistic content. The article proves that the proverbs and sayings used in the novel "Elnet" in one way or another represent the creative portrait of the founder of the Mari national literature Chavain. We are faced with a writer with a folk worldview, brought up on folk culture and in the living language of Mari folklore. The semantic component of the proverbs and sayings used by the author is an integral part of the conceptual world of the novel and the basis of the author's axiology. Forming a folklore intertext in the novel, they also influence its narrative structure, plot movement, participate in the process of creating characters, they are also important in the context of the author's assessments of the depicted events and phenomena.
artistic functions, author's axiology, artistic concept, sayings, proverbs, paremia, folklore intertext, poetics, novel, Mari literature
Torubarova, T.V., Andreichenko, L., Zidan, Z.R. (2022). First Ladies of the Middle East: Change of Image in the Global Media. Litera, 9, 59–69.
This Article is dedicated to the image of the middle Eastern First Ladies and how it impacts the way people perceive the country itself in the Media. We study the headlines and the coverage in foreign Media dedicated to Asma Assad, Queen Rania of Jordan, Sheikha Mosa, Princess Haya of Dubai. Queen Rania and Sheikha Mosa are considered the True Middle Eastern royalty, they wear the most on point collections by the eastern and European designers, visit Royal households around the world and have friendly parties with the European Royals; whereas Asma, who had been positively accepted years ago, now has ricocheted and makes the impression of the negatively lavish lifestyle. Princess Haya of Dubai is not only royal to the bone, but could defend her name, family and stand up to the cruel, traditional leader of Dubai proving her right to live freely in the British court, which is outstanding for the Eastern civilizations. We are observing the First Ladies as the attitude towards women and their empowerment is changing even in the Muslim countries of the Middle East. Each lady can represent a separate strong personality with the will and free spirit, whilst in the hardest time they stay by their husbands, supporting every hard decision he makes. In the framework of our research, we focus on each lady in the context of the situation she lives in – Iconic Rania and Mosa, rebellious Haya and loyal Asma. All four demonstrate the colorful palette of cultures of the modern Middle East.
look, women's rights, western media, First Ladies, women of the Middle East, Jordan, Qatar, Syria, UAE, Middle East
Literary criticism
Sukhikh, O.S. (2022). Utopia and Dystopia as Two Facets of Artistic Reality in V. P. Krapivin's novel "Green's Ampoule". Litera, 9, 70–82.
The object of literary analysis in this article is V. P. Krapivin's novel "Green's Ampoule", the subject of the study is the features of utopia and dystopia in the artistic world of this work. Its genre nature is complex and multifaceted, but the signs of utopia and dystopia, from the point of view of the author of the work, are clearly visible in the text. The study of social and moral-philosophical issues characteristic of the genres mentioned above is being conducted. The author also analyzes the features of the poetics of this work, which work to create images of dystopian and utopian worlds. The method of holistic analysis helps to identify the relationship between two toposes: Empire and the city of Insom – and features of two genres: dystopia and utopia. The study of these genre components of "Ampoule Green" is conducted for the first time and allows us to come to the following conclusions. The image of the Empire, which is associated with the dystopian component of the novel, is the embodiment of totalitarianism, and the life of this country is marked by a deep contradiction of the interests of the individual and the state. The image of the Free City of Insk bears the features of utopia. Describing his life, the author uses the technique of breaking expectations. The assumptions of the reader and the hero playing the role of a traveler in a utopian world are motivated by patterns typical of a society that is far from ideal, and they are refuted by the reality of Insk, where goodness and harmony reign in human relations. It is not by chance that the novel presents the hypothesis that Insk arose from the materialized fantasy of children. If the image of the Empire has the features of the world of the beginning of the XXI century, when the novel was created, then the image of Insk is replete with details related to the past. It is natural to assume that dystopian features for the author are embodied in the present, and utopian – in the past, in the memories and impressions of childhood, that is, the world of adulthood is represented as dystopian, and the world of childhood is represented as utopian.
Great Crystal, dystopia, utopia, topos, genre, plot, "Green's Ampule", Krapivin, personality, state
Literary criticism
Chernikova, N. (2022). Bulgaria in the Life and Work of YU.V. Trifonov. Litera, 9, 83–89.
The article is devoted to the work of Yu.V. Trifonov in Bulgarian Russian studies, as well as some periods of the author's life that link his fate with Bulgaria. The article presents translations of the works into Bulgarian, as well as the names of those who popularized the author's work in Bulgaria. In connection with translation reception, periods of reader activity are highlighted, and interest in the work of the writer is revealed in certain years. The principles of evaluating the work of a writer in humanitarian thought are discussed. The translation of the author of the article contains the most typical excerpts from the statements of Bulgarian writers about Trifonov: many of the Bulgarian researchers mentioned in the article knew the writer personally and share their memories of meeting with him. Scientists are looking for different approaches to the study of Trifonov's work. The writer's prose becomes the object of research in related fields of scientific knowledge: sociology and journalism. An interview with Trifonov, given to Bulgarian journalists at the Varna Film Festival and previously published only in Bulgarian, is quoted. In the interview, the topics and problems of the author's prose are discussed. In addition, the heroes and famous works of the writer in Bulgaria are analysed. The essay "The smallest city", which has an autobiographical character, is analyzed; the work combines the image of a personal tragedy (its biographical basis is a trip to Bulgaria with his daughter after the death of his wife) and a detailed description of the culture of Bulgaria and the mentality of the Bulgarian people. The article reveals the importance of the "Bulgarian period" in Trifonov's work, shows that Bulgaria is becoming for the author an integral part of his creative path.
The smallest city, Olga Tangyan, Nina Nelina, culture of Bulgaria, Bulgarians, interview, translations, Urban prose, Trifonov, biographical sketch
Krygin, R.V., Dolgopolova, L.A. (2022). Travelogue and its role in the presentation of the Crimea by German travelers in the XVIII-XIX centuries. . Litera, 9, 90–97.
The work is devoted to clarifying the status of travelogue as a special literary genre. The features of German-language travelogues about the Crimea of the XVIII-XIX centuries are considered. The purpose of the work is to clarify the status of travelogue as a special literary genre combining the features of prose, epistolary genre, adventure. The relevance of the work is due both to the increased interest in travelogue as a genre and to the linguoculturological aspect of studying foreign-language travelogues. The methodological basis was the works of E.R. Ponomarev, E.F. Shafranskaya, A. Pasquali, G. Tverdoty. The article clarifies the concept of "travelogue" based on the critical analysis of theoretical sources. The classification of travelogue by genre and purpose of writing is presented. The article describes the history of the appearance of the term "travelogue" and its consolidation in the scientific literature. The practical research was based on the material of a German-language travelogue about the Crimea of the XVIII-XIX centuries, the period of the development of the peninsula of the Russian Empire. Special attention is paid to genre and target types of travelogue. The choice of the topic is determined, on the one hand, by the little-studied subject, on the other hand, by the increased interest in the representation of Crimea as a tourist and multicultural object in various linguistic cultures.The objectives of our work are to clarify the concept of "travelogue" and its types, as well as thematic analysis of early German-language travelogues about the peninsula. The constant desire of mankind to travel, to explore unexplored or little–explored territories and, as a result, the desire to capture what they saw and tell others about it contributed to the emergence of a new genre - travelogue. In modern science, travelogue is considered from the standpoint of a meta-genre approach and does not have an unambiguous definition. The main purpose of the travelogue is to create an image of the purpose of the trip. This fact determines the structure of the image, which includes objective, subjective and emotional content. The scientific literature notes the heterogeneity of the travelogue, which makes it possible to distinguish it and classify it according to genre features, goals and functions.
travelogue, educational text, travel notes, german language, Crimea, voyage, geographical novel, adventure story, a science fiction novel, genre
Erysheva, A.Y., Tokarchuk, I.N. (2022). Semantic and Functional Potential of the Particle ALREADY and its Reflection in Translation into Vietnamese (Based on the Material of the Novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"). Litera, 9, 98–111.
The article discusses typical semantic and pragmatic implementations of the particle "already" and the means of the Vietnamese language used in practice to convey the corresponding meanings. The relevance of the research is determined by its involvement in the problems of translating Russian particles as communicative and pragmatic signs into foreign languages. The object of the study is the particle "already". The subject of the research is syntagmatic, semantic and pragmatic features of this lexeme, as well as ways and means of translating statements from "already" into Vietnamese. The research material was M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" and the text of its translation into Vietnamese. The purpose of the work is to establish the range of types of use of the particle "already" presented in the text of the work under consideration, as well as to determine the features of ways to translate statements with this particle into Vietnamese. The paper uses a descriptive method, as well as elements of comparative and quantitative analysis. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that for the first time the question of the functioning of the particle "already" and its Vietnamese analogues is considered on the material of the named novel by M. A. Bulgakov. It is established that when translating statements with the particle "already", a number of relevant Vietnamese words and service combinations are used, of which the most popular means of direct translation is đã, with non-predicative components, transmitting an assessment according to the parameters ‘much’, ‘little’, ‘long’, ‘late’, and with predicative components, the values are ‘change in the situation’, ‘expectation’ and ‘earlier than expected'. It is shown that the specifics of the semantic and functional capabilities of the Russian "already" and the service units of the Vietnamese language do not always allow for an adequate translation, and therefore they cannot be considered completely equivalent. The results of the study can be taken into account both in the study of other Russian particles, including in the comparative aspect, and in lexicographic practice.
translation methods, Vietnamese language, Russian, types of use, syntagmatic features, meaning component, pragmatics, semantics, particles, function words
Sakharov, I.A. (2022). Peculiarities of the Borrowed Electric Vehicle Terms Adaptation in Modern French Language. Litera, 9, 112–123.
The object of the study is the borrowed terms in the modern French scientific and technical literature on electric vehicles. The subject of the study is the etymological, functional, morphological, phonetic and semantic characteristics of terms and their influence on the process of their francization. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the assimilation process and the types of assimilation of the electric vehicle terms borrowed into the French language. Evaluation of the process may be important for understanding the formation of new French terms systems. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the terms of the electric vehicles, the factors influencing the development of the terms system, the methods of assimilation. The study concludes that the process of assimilation of borrowed terms of electric vehicle in the French language proceeds under the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The classifications of borrowed vocabulary are compared to group borrowings according to the degree of assimilation. The borrowed terms with partial assimilation in French change their phonetic and graphic forms, participate in word formation with prefixes and suffixes, may lose their original meaning, and acquire a specific one. Fully assimilated terms are indistinguishable from the native vocabulary, whereas for non-assimilated borrowings, comments or synonyms are required. The study of the assimilation process can be continued by a more detailed study of certain types of assimilation (graphic, phonetic, semantic, etc.) of borrowed terms in the new terms systems in French using the created classifications.
international word, barbarism, language policy, English loan word, adaptation, francisation, French language, electric vehicle, Borrowing, term
Elizarova, N.M., Nikolskaya, T. (2022). K. G. Paustovsky's Story "The Rook in the trolleybus" as an early Text of the Thaw. Litera, 9, 124–141.
K. G. Paustovsky's story "The Rook in the trolleybus" traditionally refers to works of children's literature. The interpretation presented in the article allows us to take out this story from the school niche and consider it in the light of the socio-political changes that began in Soviet society after Stalin's death. The subject of the research is the linguistic composition of the story and the non–textual information - background knowledge relevant for understanding the author's idea. The work of art is considered in line with the integral approach: methods and techniques of linguo-stylistic, literary and discursive analysis are applied. This approach is based on the understanding of the work of literature as a dialectical unity of form and content and at the same time as one of the components of artistic communication. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that the story "The Rook in the trolleybus" has never been subjected to an integral analysis before and, therefore, the conclusions drawn as a result of the application of this approach are original. Generalization of all observations and analysis of the text as a formal and meaningful whole lead to the general conclusion that "The Rook in the trolleybus" is an early text of the post-Stalin thaw. Russian language, literature and, possibly, history lessons, as well as university courses of stylistic analysis and interpretation of the text, the history of Russian and Soviet literature, in special courses devoted to the study of the creative biography of K. G. Paustovsky, can be widely used in the study of the results of the study and its techniques.
verbal composition, the content of the artwork, zatext, discursive text analysis, stylistic analysis of the text, integral text analysis, interpretation of the text, Thaw, Paustovsky, verbal sequence
Borunov, A.B., Gereikhanova, K.F., Shuiskaya, Y.V. (2022). Praesens Historicum as a stylistic method of removing Gender opposition in B. Akunin's detectives (based on the material of the works "Decorator" and "Sulazhin"). Litera, 9, 142–148.
The subject of the study is the use of the form praesens historicum ("the present historical") in texts in modern Russian. The object of the study is the function of the present historical, which has not been previously investigated in Russian science – its use as a tool for neutralizing gender opposition in texts written in the first person. B. Akunin's texts are used as the research material, in which the function of playing with the reader is realized with the help of praesens historicum. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the functioning of this form in the texts of the original genre, as well as its use as a factor of detective intrigue. The main conclusions of the study are the following. The praesens historicum form makes it possible to neutralize gender opposition by drawing a demarcation line between the narrator as a subject and the narrator as an object. Accordingly, in the text of a detective work, this allows you to strengthen the game with the reader, since both male and female characters can act as a potential suspect. In the experimental text "Sulazhin", the use of the real historical allows you to increase the number of plot options. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of the neutralization of gender opposition as a cycle-forming motive and a means of uniting the "Akunin universe" into a single textual whole.
plot, playing with reader, detective, Akunin, gender, Praesens historicum, The present historical, stylistic device, experimental text, Sulazhin
Li, X. (2022). Complex Words of the Coronavirus Era in Russian and Chinese: Word-formation Aspect. Litera, 9, 149–158.
The object of the study is the changes occurring in the vocabulary of the Russian and Chinese languages in the era of coronavirus, and the subject is complex words describing new realities during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID–19, and the mechanisms of their creation. The material for the analysis was scientific sources in Russian and Chinese, from which 48 complex words formed in various ways were selected by the method of target sampling. Among them are 34 Russian words formed by addition, as well as addition or fusion in combination with suffixation; 14 Chinese lexemes formed by methods of addition, definition using suffixation and control. The purpose of the work is to determine the regularities of the formation of complex words of the type under study in two typologically different languages and to identify their similarities and differences. Special attention is paid to the comparison of word-formation mechanisms and the description of their similarities and differences in the two languages. In the work, along with general scientific methods of observation, analysis and synthesis, the following research methods were used: descriptive method, lexico-grammatical commentary, method of component analysis and comparative analysis. The results of the study show that due to the pragmatic needs for the designation of new phenomena, objects, actions, feelings, etc. A number of words have appeared in Russian and Chinese, which is currently defined as "coronalexica". The main conclusions of the study are the revealed phonetic, morphological and syntactic differences in the mechanisms of formation of complex words in two languages. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of the vocabulary of the coronavirus era in the word-formation aspect is carried out on the material of the Russian and Chinese languages, while the interpretations of new words are given.
Chinese language, Russian language, component analysis, comparative analysis, governance, modification, addition, word formation, compound words, vocabulary of the coronavirus
Li, O.D. (2022). Derivative Preposition "V Protivoves": Constructions and Specifics of Functioning. Litera, 9, 159–168.
The article is devoted to the study of the function word «v protivoves» (counterweight). The subject of the research is syntactic and functional properties of the studied linguistic unit. Because of the processes of lexicalization and grammaticalization, the class of functional words is constantly replenished with special syntactic and functions words, which increases the relevance of this study. The aim of this article is to analyze prepositional constructions from the point of view of their structure and component composition as well as to describe the peculiarities of these syntactic structures functioning in a sentence and a text. The descriptive method and a corpus method of collecting and processing material were used. As a result of the study, it was found that the preposition forms adversarial relations between the components of constructions of two types - two-components and three-components. Components distributors participate in the formation of opposition relations. The preposition and the component it introduces create a complication of the sentence − additional predicativity. In the text, the preposition and anaphoric pronoun forms the relationship of opposition between the parts of the text, it is text-forming function.
syntactic relations, syntactic features, syntax, opposition, antithesis, semantics, v protivoves, syntactic construction, preposition, function word
Li, M. (2022). Linguocultural Conditionality of the Use of Euphemisms of the Thematic Group «Death» in Russian and Chinese Proverbs. Litera, 9, 169–177.
The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the problem of expressing linguocultural features, value orientations and aspects of the development of the linguocultural potential of euphemisms of the thematic group «death» in Russian and Chinese proverbs. The purpose of the study was to identify the specifics of the use of euphemisms of the thematic group «death» in Russian and Chinese proverbs in the context of the linguocultural conditionality of euphemisms. The object of the study is the euphemisms of the thematic group «death» in Russian and Chinese proverbs. The subject of the research is linguocultural features and linguocultural potential of euphemisms of the thematic group «death» in Russian and Chinese proverbs. The study used methods of analysis of scientific research literature, linguoculturological analysis of language units, structural and comparative analysis; descriptive methods, including sampling and analysis of linguistic material, etc. The main conclusions of the study are: euphemisms of the thematic group under study do not have the same expression in Russian and Chinese, since these ethnic groups are characterized by a non-identical worldview (in the field of axiology, philosophy, religion); aspects of the development of the linguocultural potential of euphemisms are due to the specifics of the ethnocultural attitude to this phenomenon. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is to identify the specifics of the value orientations of the euphemisms of the thematic group «death», which are defined through oppositions that objectify ideas about this phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time an analysis of the euphemisms of the thematic group «death» was carried out in the framework of identifying their linguocultural conditionality, value orientations, as well as the linguocultural potential in Russian and Chinese proverbs.
value orientations, linguocultural potential, euphemisms, Russian and Chinese, linguocultural conditioning, death theme group, taboo words, proverbs, language elements, realities
Tyurin, P.M. (2022). Features of the Functioning and Semantics of the Textual Bond "bolee togo" [moreover]. Litera, 9, 178–187.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the semantics and features of the functioning of the textual bond "bolee togo" [moreover]. The aim of the work was to identify the specifics of the functioning of this textual bond, taking into account its semantic features in texts of various functional styles and genres. Moreover, the following research methods have been applied to comprehend the features of semantics and functioning of the textual bond: the traditional descriptive method, including methods of observation, generalization and systematization of linguistic phenomena, and the method of contextual analysis. The methodological basis of the research was the works in the field of syntax of the modern Russian language, including the works of representatives of the Far Eastern syntactic school in the field of service words. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a detailed analysis of the functioning of textual bond "bolee togo" [moreover] in modern literary texts, texts of mass media, blogs, Internet comments, information and reference and other resources. It is established that textual bond "bolee togo" [moreover] has a two-element morphological structure with a contact arrangement of elements. These elements make up the semantic base of the textual bond, because its own semantics is based on them – "something more important than what was said earlier." It is revealed that the textual bond "bolee togo" [moreover] has a fairly free scope of action. Its left and right context can make up several statements or paragraphs, but the whole text cannot become the context of the textual bond. In addition, this textual bond can function in the format of a textual bond-phrase and interact with co-ordinating conjunction, but we have not found any cases of interaction with other textual bonds. The results of this study should become the basis for a comprehensive lexicographic description of the textual bond "bolee togo" [moreover] in the "Dictionary of service words of the Russian language".
means of syntactic relation, textual bond-phrase, textual bond, service word, contextual modifications, coherence of the text, linguistics of the text, bolee togo [moreover], syntactic construction, semantics of the service word