Literary criticism
Li, X. (2022). Chekhov 's dramaturgy in the modern Chinese theater in the XX and XXI centuries . Litera, 8, 1–13.
The article is devoted to the problem of reception of Chekhov's dramaturgy in the modern Chinese theater. The subject of the study is the stage reception of Chekhov's plays in China in the XX and XXI centuries. The purpose of this work is a systematic analysis of the features of Chekhov's dramaturgy in the Chinese theater in different periods. The main methods are descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. Chekhov's plays were introduced to China more than a hundred years ago, and most of his dramatic works were staged in a modern Chinese theater. In various performances based on Chekhov's plays, Chinese playwrights-directors such as Yang Shen, Lai Shengchuan, Li Liuyi, Lin Zhaohua, etc., show us their unique interpretation of Chekhov's drama in many areas. Many studies consider the problem of the influence of Chekhov's dramaturgy on the work of Chinese writers, and the problem of stage interpretation of Chekhov's plays in China has been little studied. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it provides for the first time a relatively holistic analysis of the stage reception of Chekhov's dramatic works in China in the XX and XXI centuries. Modern Chinese theatrical figures carefully treat the text of the originals of Chekhov's plays, while offering new interpretations of his dramaturgy. Russian Russian stage interpretation and Chekhov's reception in China have already become one interpretive code for the study of Russian drama in modern Chinese theater and modern Russian-Chinese literary relations.
theatre, performance, culture, dialogue, reception, interpretation, China, plays, Chekhov, innovation
Literary criticism
Wei, X. (2022). The value method in literary studies (on the interpretation of N.A. Nekrasov's work in the axiological aspect). Litera, 8, 14–23.
Nekrasov's work presents a certain problem for studying from the point of view of the value system expressed in it. Despite the fact that quite a large number of works were devoted to this problem in Soviet times, it does not seem to be solved. The most productive approach to solving the question of the ethical foundations of Nekrasov's poetry seems to be the reconstruction of the understanding of the connection between aesthetics and ethics, characteristic of the socio-philosophical thought of his time. Throughout the 1830s and 1850s, the Russian liberal intelligentsia turned to German classical philosophy in search of answers to the question of the place of art in the world. From the philosophy of Kant, who sharply divided ethics and aesthetics and denied the possibility of art's direct impact on the world and society, she moved on to Schelling's "system of transcendental idealism". Not satisfied with the potential "immoralism" of this system, Russian liberal thought accepted Hegel's philosophy, on the one hand, recognizing the need for the philosopher to "accept" reality, on the other – reserving the artist the right to criticize this reality as not corresponding to his "concept". In the 1850s, the thinkers of the circle of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov made additions based on Feuerbach's philosophy, but in fact it remains unchanged. These concepts allow us to truly understand Nekrasov's axiology, to truly approach his specific "poetry of reality", combining the pursuit of aesthetic perfection, philosophical acceptance of the world in its entirety and sharp criticism of modern society.
art and society, criticism of reality, Hegel 's philosophy, ideal and reality, Schelling 's philosophy, Plato and Aristotle, Kant 's philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, public thought, Nekrasov
Alhaded, H.H., Shavtikova, A., Savalkha, O.N. (2022). Methodology of analysis of directive speech acts in English and Arabic academic discourse. Litera, 8, 24–32.
This article presents the author's methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in English and Arabic academic discourse, developed during the writing of the author's dissertation research. The purpose of the article is to describe and confirm the effectiveness of the methodology for analyzing directive speech acts within the framework of two academic discourses. In addition to substantiating the choice of research methods and respondent groups, the article presents a written discursive test with situational examples developed on the basis of the classification of directive speech acts by J. Serle (1979). We propose the study of directive speech acts from the point of view of grammatical, cultural, social and lexical aspects. The purpose of this article is an attempt to propose the author's methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in a comparative aspect within the framework of academic discourse functioning in English and Arabic. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that earlier in Russian and foreign linguistics, no attempts were made to develop a methodology for analyzing directive speech acts in a comparative perspective of English and Arabic. In conclusion, the author makes a conclusion about the effectiveness of the proposed method of analysis, and also notes the prospects for further research on the proposed topic. The results of the article can be used in the compilation of methodological complexes for teaching comparative linguistics, as well as courses on discourse analysis in higher educational institutions.
written discursive test, communication failure, intercultural communication, linguistic culture, communication style, analysis methodology, English language, Arabic language, academic discourse, directive speech act
Literary criticism
Liu, J. (2022). The subjective structure of the narrative literary text and the "I" character. Litera, 8, 33–43.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the construction and composition of the subject structure of the narrative literary text. At present, the question of the interaction between the narrator and the character (author and hero), as different subjects of speech and subjects of consciousness, has been studied a lot, but the analysis of the positions of different subject components in the subject structure needs to be further developed. Based on the interpretation of the narrative structure, this article attempts to build the subject structure of the narrative literary text. Clarification of the level hierarchy of the subject structure is necessary to pin down the location of subject components and analyze the nature and types of communication between subjects. Taking the character as an example, this article describes several different situations, in which a character refers to himself in the first person as "I" within the subject structure, and also explains the differences between the narrator as a speaker and the character as a speaker. At the end of the article we conclude that the character’s "I", appearing on the plane of discourse, does not have "subjectivity" in the strict sense, but is essentially related to the narrator's strategic operations in terms of voice, consciousness and point of view. The functional sphere of the character's subjectivity is limited only on the plane of story. The voice and consciousness of the characters on the plane of discourse do not belong to the "I"-sphere, but to the "He"-sphere, as some citations by the narrator. Accordingly, the opinion that "the narrator can step in the story" is also misleading. The "character-bound narrator" has a dual identity — "character" and "narrator", and only one of them functions on the plane of story or discourse.
indirect speech, direct speech, character, narrator, discourse, history, narrative communication, subject structure, narrative structure, narrative fiction text
Question at hand
Liu, Y. (2022). I. A. Bunin's Literary Work in the context of the Intercultural Dialogue between the Peoples of Russia and China. Litera, 8, 44–56.
The article is a description of the literary policy of the Chinese state on the example of the work of the Russian writer I. A. Bunin. It is emphasized that the Chinese state has always been interested in friendly mutually beneficial relations with the states and peoples of neighboring countries, so it has historically resorted to the "soft power" strategy. The hypothesis of the influence of the Chinese state on representatives of Russian cosmism, as well as their supporters, including I. A. Bunin, is expressed and partially substantiated. Russian writer's work and the development of Bunin studies in China, which, on the one hand, allows the Chinese to better understand the culture and soul of the Russian person, on the other hand, contributes to ensuring intercultural dialogue between the two peoples and their rapprochement, are considered. Conclusions are drawn that are important for the development of Russia and Russian-Chinese relations: a) Russia's harmonious development is impossible in conditions of isolation from the East, due to the geopolitical position of the country; b) The Chinese state has historically sought to ensure close cooperation with Russia using the "soft power" strategy; c) the "soft power" strategy was oriented towards the Russian intelligentsia, which formed a positive attitude of the Russian population towards the East and smoothed the sharp corners in the pro-Western policy of the Russian state; d) the policy of cultural influence of the Chinese Empire, and then the PRC, contributed to the transformation of the philosophical doctrine of Russian cosmism, which was supported by I. A. Bunin and other prominent Russian writers; e) eastern orientalism in the works of I. A. Bunin, to one degree or another contributed to the harmonization of relations in Russia and, along with the works of L. N. Tolstov and A. P. Chekhov, became part of the cultural tunnel between Western-oriented Russia and China.
eastern orientalism, interpretation, Bunin, soft power, sinocentrism, buddhism, russian cosmism, buninology, intercultural dialogue, East
Question at hand
Lenkhoboeva, T.R. (2022). The role of the clergy in the formation of ecological consciousness of the population (on the example of the Republic of Buryatia). Litera, 8, 57–65.
The article examines the influence of Buddhist clergy on the solution of environmental problems of the Republic of Buryatia. In particular, we are talking about one of the most famous and authoritative Buddhist priests in Buryatia – the abbot of the Kurumkan datsan Oleg Namzhilov, better known in the region as Yeshi Namzhil Lama. Buryatia is one of the three main Buddhist regions of Russia, therefore, in our opinion, Buddhism with its ecophilic principles can contribute to overcoming the ecological crisis. The clergy can influence the ecological consciousness of the population through the popularization of Buddhist teachings. Publications in the media are of particular interest. The subject of the article was the publications of the regional online publication "Inform Policy online", duplicating the posts of Yeshi Namzhil Lama in social networks. The aim of the work is to identify the role of the lama on the formation of ecological consciousness. The main method of study is the method of content analysis. Two stages can be defined in the study. At the first stage, the results of the content analysis of the online publication Inform Policy online from 2017 to 2022 are presented. At the second stage of the study, the basic principles of environmental ethics of Buddhism presented in publications about the Yeshi Namjil Lama are considered. The features of his ecological rhetoric are identified, which include a three-part structure of messages, arguments based on the Buddhist picture of the world and practical recommendations for solving environmental problems.
recommendations, lama, Inform policy online, ahimsa, karma, the ecological ethics of Buddhism, environmental issues, Republic of Buryatia, Media, buddhism
Literary criticism
Ding, Y. (2022). Alienation as a trait of personality of doctors in literary works of A.P. Chekhov. Litera, 8, 66–73.
The purpose of this study was to identify how alienation in the works of A.P. Chekhov is associated with the images of doctors. With the help of systematic, comparative-historical methods and the method of artistic analysis, the images of doctors in the stories "Wife" and "Enemies", in the play "Uncle Vanya" and other works were considered. Alienation, understood as the impossibility of full contact with other people, distance from society and from loved ones, loss of the ability to sympathize with other people's problems, was one of the most important motives for A.P. Chekhov, through the prism of which images of a variety of characters were perceived. In the context of the images of doctors, alienation acquired a special sound. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that it for the first time examines the images of doctors created by A.P. Chekhov in the context of alienation, reveals the influence of alienation on the personal and professional development of a doctor. The writer believes that a doctor has no right to experience alienation, to distance himself from people. Alienation is disastrous for a doctor and leads to his degradation as a person and a professional; he ceases to feel sympathy and loses the ability to help people by treating them physically and spiritually. The reason for alienation can be negative social factors: hard work, constant fatigue, material need. In the story "Enemies", A.P. Chekhov shows how alienation is born, in the play "Uncle Vanya" – how a doctor who has succumbed to alienation degrades. In the story "The Wife", Dr. Sobol relieves the alienation of the main character, engineer Asorin. The humanistic nature of the medical profession, according to the writer, cannot be combined with alienation.
the play Uncle Vanya, story Enemies, the wife's story, professional development, personal development, degradation of personality, alienation, Anton Chekhov, zemstvo medicine, image of a doctor
Character in literature
Cherkes, V.P. (2022). The image of Joan of Arc in the play “The Lark” by Jean Anouy. Litera, 8, 74–80.
The subject of the analysis in this article is the play “The Lark” by the French playwright Jean Anouilh. This play is one of the most striking attempts of the French writer to draw the ideal of a person. The object of the study is the originality of the presentation of the image of Joan of Arc. Techniques and ways of creating a positive character in a dramatic work are being clarified. The author shows the transformation of the image of the main character in world literature. The author analyzes the originality of artistic solutions and the role of tradition in the structure of this tragedy. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the fact that the play "The Lark" was practically not subjected to serious analysis. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the originality of the image of the main character has put Jean Anouilh in front of a difficult problem of understanding the image not just as a national ideal, but also as a human ideal in general. The French playwright creates an original interpretation of the life and deeds of Joan of Arc. To do this, on the one hand, he turns to the tradition of the ancient Greek theater, essentially recreating the ancient choir on the stage, on the other hand, he actively uses discoveries in the field of literature of the twentieth century: violation of the chronotope, ambivalence of heroes, etc. A special contribution of the author to the study is the analysis of the image of Joan of Arc as a positive heroine of universal scale.
composition, literature and history, chronotope, literary tradition, positive ideal, Joan of Arc, the play, Jean Anouilh, french drama, literary character
Sorokina, E.E. (2022). Functional and stylistic features of C. S. Lewis' sermons. Litera, 8, 81–90.
The relevance of the article is due to the relatively small study of the issue of assessing the functional and stylistic features of C. S. Lewis' sermons in modern Russian science. The purpose of this article is to study the preaching addresses of C. S. Lewis from the standpoint of functional stylistics. The object of this work is the sermons of C. S. Lewis, delivered in various churches and at religious meetings, published subsequently as an essay in 1949, the subject is their features from the point of view of functional stylistics, manifested through various techniques. Such methods of work as analytical and descriptive were used in the study. The scientific novelty lies in the consideration of the functional and stylistic features of the texts of C. S. Lewis on the example of sermons, as well as the search for elements of appeal in these works. The conducted research indicates that the sermons of C. S. Lewis are characterized by certain functional and stylistic features expressed by a variety of techniques. Among them are various quotations (from Holy Scripture and fiction), allusions to the above-mentioned works, outdated and high-style forms of words, borrowings, various kinds of analogies and comparisons, as well as various rhetorical techniques (diacopes, hypophores), rhetorical questions, repetitions. In addition, these are various appellative constructions, including various verbs with imperative modality, the so-called "we-constructions", various types of complex conditional sentences. The analysis of these functional and stylistic features allows us to illustrate the position of C. S. Lewis and his understanding of the Christian faith in the context of contemporary life.
allusion, quote, functional style, Jesus Christ, God, The Bible, Christianity, sermon, Clive Staples Lewis, appeal
Lenkova, T.A. (2022). The place of the frame in the header complex of the creolized media text (based on the material of the magazine "Der Spiegel"). Litera, 8, 91–99.
The proposed article is devoted to the cases of using a frame in the header of a creolized media text. The aim of the work was to show cases of using a frame strategy using not only verbal, but also visual means. The analysis of media framing was carried out purposefully not on the entire array of articles, but only on the headline complex, since it was in it that creolization received its full embodiment. Special attention is paid directly to the term "frame" itself, its origin, and various definitions. The paper highlights the classification options of the frame, as well as the features of its use in the creolized media text on the examples of online issues of the magazine "Der Spiegel". The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the frame strategy of the header complex of the creolized media text, as well as in an attempt to study and compare the polycode nature of the creolized media text with the frame structure. In addition, attention is paid to the structure of the frame and its practical implementation in the form of an obvious and hidden frame set. As a rule, the concepts of "frame" and "creolized media text" are studied separately from each other, although they have a lot in common, and therefore their comprehensive study has great prospects for media linguistics and journalism. In our opinion, special attention should be paid in the future to the use of framing strategies in order to manipulate the opinion of the target audience.
frame set, framing, frame, visual components, verbal components, header complex, creolized media text, media linguistics, framing strategy, manipulation
Baranova, E.A., Andrianova, D.D. (2022). The modern Russian Market of business Information in the Conditions of Competition of daily Mass media and Telegram channels. Litera, 8, 100–111.
The subject of the study is the business information market in the context of the development of Telegram channels. The relevance of the work is due to the increased competition in the information market between journalists of classical business publications and the authors of Telegram channels of business orientation. Telegram channels of business topics are developing most actively. This is especially acute in the business environment. The object of research is content created by journalists of classic daily business newspapers (RBC, Vedomosti and Kommersant) and authors of Telegram channels who write on business–related topics. We studied it to find out how the business information market is being transformed in Russia. The problem associated with the fact that traditional media are losing their importance as translators of socially significant information and expert opinion is being heard more and more often. For the first time, we consider it on the example of the competition of daily business media and Telegram channels. Using the random sampling method, we reviewed materials published from October 30 to November 5, 2021 in seven Telegram channels, with an audience of 5 to 86 thousand subscribers. We considered the channels that write about the real estate market ("Real estate insiders", "Reinforced concrete batch", "Kompromat GROUP", "Domostroy", "Novostroyman. Moscow. Real estate", "Real Estate", "Moskvastroy"). For the period from 2021 to 2022, three authors of anonymous Telegram channels were interviewed ("Reinforced Concrete batch", "Real Estate insiders" and "Novostroyman. Moscow. Real estate"). In October-November 2021, expert interviews were conducted with representatives of the press services of five Russian companies (Colliers, Stone Hedge, Knight Frank, Accent Capital, Dom.RF). The authors come to the conclusion that the press services of companies treat Telegram channels as full-fledged players in the business information market: they send them comments and press releases. The problem of regulating the content published in Telegram channels remains open.
Online media, Journalistic ethics, Content regulation, Regulation of the content of Telegram channels, Business publications, Business Media, Telegram-business channels, Business Information Market, Industry Telegram Channels, Telegram channels
Krizhanovsky, N.I. (2022). With sincere concern for the Fatherland: M. O. Menshikov's journalism on the development of aeronautics. Litera, 8, 112–131.
The subject of the study is the texts of the Russian publicist Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov on the development of domestic aeronautics, considered in the light of heterogeneous assessments of his work. The object is a reflection on the development of domestic aeronautics in the work of the famous Russian journalist of the early twentieth century M. O. Menshikov. The author considered various assessments of the work of the publicist. The most important part of the research is the analysis of M. O. Menshikov's journalistic texts on the development of aeronautics. Considerable attention is paid to the works of the publicist of the period of the Russian-Japanese war and the last years before the First World War, where the bureaucratic activities of officials are critically evaluated. The problems of timely supply of the army, flight safety on the first airplanes, and the technical lag of the Russian Empire from the West were also touched upon. The main conclusions of the work carried out are the assertion of the immutability of Menshikov's patriotic, state-oriented position regarding the development of domestic aeronautics and its ability to technical forecasting. In addition, specific "weak points" in the creative heritage of the publicist were identified: passion for an idea and lack of systematic university education. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is a comprehensive analysis of M. O. Menshikov's journalistic texts in the historical aspect. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of a combination of patriotic pathos and high idealism and the above shortcomings in the works of the publicist on aeronautics. The analysis of the texts of the chosen topic (the development of domestic aeronautics), covering the period from 1894 to 1918, showed that Menshikov's accusations of renegade and empty talk are untenable.
creativity, fleet, aeronautics, aviation, development, defense, controversy, New time, Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, journalism
Malakhovskii, A.K., Durgam, N. (2022). On the Question of studying the modern Syrian Media System. Litera, 8, 132–146.
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to study the modern Syrian media system in the conditions of a long-term armed conflict in Syria. The object of the research is the scientific literature devoted to media studies. The subject of the study is the interpretation of the concept of "media system" contained in the works of Russian, Western and Arab authors in the context of modern Syrian media. The purpose of the study is to define the concept of "media system" applicable to the study of modern Syrian media. To achieve the purpose of the study, the authors, having set a number of criteria, conduct a comparative analysis of the definitions of the concept of "media system" contained in the works of the Russian scientific school, researchers of the Western school (including the works of Arab authors integrated into this direction), Syrian official and scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the study is an attempt to generalize the definition of "media system" in the works of representatives of various scientific schools, as well as to develop their own definition of the media system of Syria, applicable to the current state of the country's media during a protracted armed conflict. As a result of the comparative analysis of the definitions of the media system, the authors conclude that the media system of modern Syria is a set of mass media in the territory controlled by the legitimately elected government of the country, functioning in conditions of temporary fragmentation of the country's territory in order to restore information sovereignty. This definition is debatable, but, according to the authors of the article, it is applicable to the Syrian media in conditions of armed conflict.
fragmentation of the media space, integrated definition, differentiation of Arab media systems, arab researchers, comparative analysis of media systems, western school researchers, Russian researchers, armed conflict, media system, Syria
Tsao, P. (2022). Formation of Conversational Skills among Linguists-translators when teaching Chinese as a foreign Language. Litera, 8, 147–155.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the development of interpretation skills. The object of the study is the formation of oral conversational skills among linguists-translators when teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The study used methods of deduction and induction, comparative, contextual analysis. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the formation of translation erudition, characteristics and methods of teaching interpretation, identification of effective exercises for translators. It is noted that a professional translator specializing in consecutive translation should be fluent in Chinese and Russian, have high stress resistance. Special attention is paid to the development of short-term memory, working out of oral speech. The main conclusions of the study are the need to pay attention to group and individual speech, practice with native Chinese speakers and use authentic materials to replenish vocabulary, apply an integrated approach for the most effective development of hieroglyphs, form a system of extralinguistic knowledge, exercises that allow you to deeply explore the culture and traditions of the Chinese people. The novelty of the research lies in the study of approaches to the formation of oral conversational skills among linguists-translators, the development of methodological recommendations. The importance of articulation gymnastics, which should precede practical exercises, is substantiated. A special contribution to the study is the identification of the functional principle, the classification of authentic training materials.
extralinguistics, integrated learning approach, conversational practice, formation of speech skills, linguistics, teaching methods, translation, oral speech, Chinese language, vocabulary
Romanova, N.G. (2022). Genre of Self-Presentation: Practical Results and Typical Mistakes of Students. Litera, 8, 156–170.
The article is a study of the texts of self-presentation on the example of a video essay by students. The subject of consideration is linguistic means and techniques, compositional and stylistic features of mediated self–presentations, the implementation of pragmatic attitudes of speakers in them. The relevance of the work is due to the need to form and evaluate effective methods of teaching the genre of self-presentation as an important component of students' communicative competence in the field of business communication. In the course of the research, general scientific methods of observation, comparison, description, comparative analysis of linguistic material and the linguistic method of interpretive analysis were used. The methodological basis of the work was made up of current scientific publications in the context of the linguistic approach to the phenomenon of self-presentation, including articles on the methodology of teaching the creation of this type of texts. The material for the analysis and evaluation of lexico-stylistic, organizational and pragmatic characteristics of self-presentations were videos prepared by first-year students as part of a special assignment for the course of lectures "Business Communications". To solve the problems of the study, the parameters of the examination of speech works were determined: the presence of an object of self-presentation, the clarity of the target setting, tactical and strategic planning, intra-textual language regulatory means, the presence and relevance of speech creativity, etc. Special attention is paid to the verbal method of positioning. According to the results of the study, the most frequent shortcomings and speech errors, as well as typical problems and difficulties of students in the process of text generation are grouped and described. The degree of success of the implementation of the communicative plan was significantly influenced by the factor of students having professional communication experience. The pragmatic intentions of first-year students presuppose the presentation of qualities corresponding to the stereotypical images of professionals and conscientious employees formed in society. A positive image is created by students by orienting the formulations of the text being created and the factual and axiological series presented in them to the standard requirements of the business environment. At the end of the article, the author's version of a comprehensive methodological solution to the problem of the formation of self-presentation skills among students is proposed.
business communications, speech work, communicative competence, text, speech activity, speech genre, language personality, official-business style, culture of speech, self-presentation
Literary criticism
Semenov, V.B. (2022). Guillaume Troubadour and the Englins (towards the construction of the "Welsh" hypothesis of the origin of European rhyming stanzas). Litera, 8, 171–186.
The subject of the study is the real and probable connections of Aquitanian (and in particular Poitevin) poetry of the High Middle Ages with the traditions of early Medieval Celtic (and in particular Welsh) literature. A narrower topic of research was the influence of Welsh poems in the form of Englyns on the early samples of Guillaume IX's poetry, primarily in the early forms of englyn milwr and englyn penfyr. An additional subject of research was the metric features of these early forms of Englyns. At the same time, a broader topic of research was the topic of the possible origin of exact rhymes in continental poetry of all subsequent historical periods from an ancient Welsh poetic source. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, firstly, within its framework, for the first time in European literary studies, specific features of the metrics of early Welsh Englyns were considered, and secondly, for the first time in poetry, a hypothesis was presented about a possible Welsh source of the origin of the exact rhymes of the poetry of the troubadours and their followers, and this hypothesis was confirmed by separate historical and literary facts, as well as general directions of work with her were indicated. Important conclusions of the author are: 1) the hypothesis about the Welsh origin of European rhymes was considered against the background of the "Arabic" and "Latin" hypotheses and found no less consistent, 2) the considered early samples of Welsh Englyns demonstrated a much greater looseness of the meter than the researchers who wrote about them imagined, exact metric formulas for each of the two mentioned early forms were established, and with the help of these formulas, the non-syllabic character of the early Englins was proved.
medieval literature, tercet, monorhyme, Bleddri ap Cadifor, Guillaume IX of Aquitaine, mabinogi, awdl, englyn, old Welsh poetry, poetry of the troubadours
Literary criticism
Porinets, Y.Y. (2022). The motive of astonishment in the work of G. K. Chesterton. Litera, 8, 187–195.
The article examines in detail the significance of the astonishment in the work of G. K. Chesterton. In literary studies, this aspect of his work has never been considered in detail. The research material was essays, short stories, literary biographies, novels and treatises of the English writer. The interrelation of astonishment with the motives of miracle, joy, love, paradise is shown. In connection with the motive of astonishment, the author touches on the paradox technique, which is significant for the author. The polemic of Chesterton with modern literature, in particular, with the literature of realism, is investigated. The motive of astonishment is revealed in detail in the article on the example of the novels "The Return of Don Quixote" and "The Man is Alive". In the work of G. K. Chesterton, the motif of astonishment is one of the central ones. It is inextricably linked with the motive of the miracle. The world for the writer is a miracle, acutely experienced in comparison with non-existence. Surprise at the world is an integral part of Chesterton's worldview, which he himself called "the fairy godmother's philosophy." For Chesterton, not only extraordinary things are amazing, but also ordinary things. His characters, discovering the familiar world anew, share their perception with others. The newly found world is often revealed through love, which is inextricably linked in Chesterton's work with the motive of astonishment.
the paradox, plot, joy, the treatise, essay, realism, novel, miracle, motive, astonishment
Literary criticism
Selimov, M. (2022). The Role of Cinema in the Development of the Creative Thought of the Japanese Writer Tanizaki Junichiro. Litera, 8, 196–203.
The subject of the study is the work of the largest Japanese writer of the XX century. Tanizaki Junichiro (谷崎潤一郎, 1886-1965), in particular, the essay "The present and the future of cinema" (活動写真の現在と将来, Katsudo:syasin no genzai to se: Paradise, 1917). This work can be described as a milestone, because it marks the beginning of the evolution of Tanizaki Junichiro's creative thought – passion for modernism, progress, cinema. After the publication of the essay "The Present and the Future of cinema", there is an increased interest in the writer's visual techniques characteristic of screenplays; in the early 1920s, a series of works appeared ("Blue Flower" (青い花, Aoi Hana, 1921), "Ave Maria" (アヴェ・マリア, Ave Maria, 1922), "Residents of the port city" (港の人々, Minato no hitobito, 1926), "The Love of a fool" (痴人の愛, Chijin-no ai, 1924), etc.), filled with cinematic scenes, references to Hollywood actresses and Western films. The object of the study is female images in the writer's work, which were created with an eye to Hollywood actresses. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the landmark essay "Present and Future cinema" was not translated into Russian and was not subjected to scientific analysis in Russian literary studies, respectively, the work of Tanizaki Junichiro was considered without taking into account the influence of cinema on him. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the writer became not only one of the creators of the new female image "modan ga: ru" (from the English modern girl) – modern women copying the appearance and habits of Hollywood actresses – in Japanese culture, but also created a female face that penetrated the fabric of Japanese culture, influencing its reality.
japanese aesthetics, Naomism, The love of a fool, modan garu, essay, the image of a modern Japanese woman, cinema in Japan, japanese culture, Tanizaki Junichiro, japanese literature
Papchenko, M. (2022). On the role of function words in the transmission of implicit information (based on the material of German commercial advertising). Litera, 8, 204–213.
The object of the study is the techniques of entering implicit information into the advertising text, the most common in German commercial advertising. The transfer of implicit information is considered as one of the most effective means of influencing the consumer and managing his purchasing behavior. Following foreign and domestic researchers, implicit information is understood in the line of linguistic pragmatics as an additional content of the statement, resulting from the creative interpretation of data expressed explicitly. Special attention is paid to such non-content parts of speech as prepositions and conjunctions, as well as their functions to generate additional meanings necessary for the addresser, by passing the addressee's critical thinking. The novelty of the research lies in the appeal to the functional words and the consideration of their pragmatic influencing potential, undertaken for the first time. The analysis of the use of some prepositions and conjunctions in specific contexts shows that their use generates a significant number of additional meanings of the advertising statement. At the same time, the meanings embedded in an advertising message with the help of functional words, as a rule, represent conceptual or emotional arguments of an evaluative nature in favor of acquiring an advertising object. Since such arguments mostly have no convincing grounds, the authors of advertising texts need to send information so that it is not subjected to analytical comprehension by the reader. It is for this purpose that techniques for entering implicit information serve, including as a result of the use of functional parts of speech.
advertising communication, linguistic pragmatics, critical thinking, logical consequences, semantic presuppositions, functional parts of speech, persuasion, implicit information, advertising argument, syntactic relation
Tang, Y., Du, Z. (2022). A field method of studying the tropes in compliments to female representatives in the speech of Chinese youth. Litera, 8, 214–223.
This paper is devoted to the lexical-semantic characteristics of lexical units of feminine compliments with the use of tropes in modern Chinese speech of young people youth. “Trope” is understood as a word or a phrase that is used in a way that is different from its usual meaning. This paper uses the semantic field method, divided feminine compliments in Chinese youth speech into 6 lexical-semantic groups. Particular attention is paid to the original objects of tropes in LSG in order to analyze the model of tropes (in particular, metaphor and metonymy). In addition, the paper compared similar lexical units with the use of tropes in Chinese and Russian youth speech. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that this paper built up a semantic field of positive characteristics of the female gender in Chinese youth speech, made an attempt to identify lexical-semantic characteristics of tropes in youth speech. As a result of the study, the following conclusions are made: 1) Tropes are important methods of developing the meaning of words / phrases, which are observed with high frequency in youngs speech. 2) The formation of tropes is closely connected with segments of reality around youth, which reflect the peculiar worldview of youth, subcultures and pop-cultures they are interested in, as well as the development of society as a whole.
Chinese language, hyperbole, metonymy, trope, metaphor, semantic field, female gender, compliment, youth speech, Russian language
Sakharov, I.A. (2022). Development and Peculiarities of Electric Vehicle Terms Standardization in French Language. Litera, 8, 224–235.
The study deals with normative and linguistic peculiarities electric vehicle terms standardization in French language on international, national, branch, and linguistic levels, as well as their proper development. It examines articles on term standardization in French language, identifies and describes stages of term standardization of a new term system of electric vehicle and presents schematically the results. The study is novel in that it systematically describes the contribution of international and national bodies, branch and linguists associations performing purposeful activities on harmonization of the electric vehicle term system in French language. These activities includes several stages and considers the characteristic of a term. The obtained results can be used to evaluate the current state of terms standardization in term systems being formed for further adjustment of methods and approaches of standardization. An elaborated scheme and comparison of the types of a term give an insight into similarities and differences on term standardization in France. The study can be continued by examining linguistic and extralinguistic peculiarities of the standardization process for each level.
electric vehicle, terminology, term system, terms, language norm, language policy, harmonization, Standardization, transport, French language
Xu, X., Tokarchuk, I.N. (2022). The main types of usage of a multifunctional word "literally" in modern Russian. Litera, 8, 236–249.
The object of this study is a polyfunctional word "literally". The subject of the study is the semantic and syntactic features of this lexeme, which determine its multifunctional character. The relevance of the research is due to its inclusion in the problems of studying the phenomenon of polyfunctionality in modern Russian. The purpose of the work is to establish the main types of use of the word literally, their morphological, syntactic, semantic qualification. From the point of view of pragmatics, the authors describe in detail the multifunctional lexeme literally, taking into account three grammatical implementations. The article comprehensively examines the syntagmatic characteristics of this unit using examples selected from the National Corpus of the Russian language. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents for the first time all grammatical implementations of the word literally and their semantic and syntactic variants. It is established that the lexeme literally in modern Russian has three grammatical implementations: a short adjective of the neuter gender, an adverb and a particle, which differ based on syntactic properties and functions, but have an invariant semantic component ‘exact correspondence to words / the meaning of words’. It is proved that the main types of use of this word are an adverb and a particle connected by an intraverbial antonymy. The specificity of the types of adverb usage is determined up to the expansion of its syntagmatic and semantic possibilities. The revealed differences between the two types of particle use are syntagmatic and pragmatic. The results of the study can be used both in the study of other multifunctional units and in lexicographic practice.
homonyms, syntagmatics, pragmatics, semantics, particle, adjective name, adverb, multifunctional words, polyfunctionality, type of use
Li, M. (2022). Euphemisms of the death thematic group in Chinese and their translation into Russian. Litera, 8, 250–258.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the euphemisms of the thematic group death in the Chinese language, expressing the unique cultural ideas and cultural psychology of the Han people. The aim of the work was to identify the conditions under which semantic accuracy is preserved during the translation of euphemisms of the death thematic group from Chinese into Russian. The object of the study is the euphemisms of the thematic group death in Chinese and their translation into Russian. The subject of the study is the specifics of the functioning of the euphemisms of the thematic group death in the Chinese language, which (euphemisms) convey value orientations, religious interpretations and folk customs of the Chinese (Han) people. In the course of the study, methods of analysis of research literature, linguistic and cultural analysis of linguistic units, structural analysis, comparison and classification of Chinese euphemisms of the death thematic group were used. The main conclusions of the study are: euphemisms are an integral part of the language of the Chinese (Han) people, expressed as a means of harmonizing interpersonal relations; the abundance of metaphorical language in the Chinese euphemisms of the thematic group of death indicates a cognitive mechanism by which people use concrete thinking to describe the abstract concept of death. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is to identify the specifics of the functioning of the euphemisms of the thematic group death in the Chinese language, demonstrating not only the depth of the language of the Chinese (Han) people, but also the culture of the nation as a whole, its formation, attitude to the world. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the conditions were identified under which semantic accuracy is preserved during the translation of euphemisms of the death thematic group from Chinese into Russian, in the context of value orientations, religious interpretations, etc.
the philosophy of Taoism, Chinese linguoculture, taboo words, metaphor, language culture, The Han people, death theme group, euphemism, classification, synonymous series
Ulanskii, E.A. (2022). On the main metarule of the Sanskrit grammar of Pāṇini. Litera, 8, 259–270.
The subject of this study is the most famous and most frequently used metarule of the Sanskrit grammar "Aṣṭādhyāyī" compiled by the ancient Indian linguist Pāṇini. This metarule is called "bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā" and serves to determine the correct sequence of grammatical operations prescribed in the "Aṣṭādhyāyī". The material of the study are various interpretation of the bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā in Sanskrit commentaries on the "Aṣṭādhyāyī", as well as in the collections of metarules compiled by Sanskrit grammarians. The purpose of the work is to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the most important interpretative tool of the grammar of Panini — bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā, as well as with the history of the interpretation of this metarule in Sanskrit grammatical literature. The research method is a comparative analysis of Sanskrit primary sources containing interpretations of the bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā. For the first time in the Russian-language literature, a detailed analysis of the bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā has been made. The history of the origin of this metarule and its interpretation by Sanskrit grammarians has been studied. The signs of acquaintance of Panini with bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā are investigated. It is shown that, despite the widespread use of this metarule, the mechanism of its application was not explicitly described until the XVIII century AD, when this problem was completely solved by the grammarian Nāgojībhaṭṭa in his work "Paribhāṣenduśekhara". It is established that one of the main achievements of Nāgojībhaṭṭa was the strict definition of the concepts of antaraṅga and bahiraṅga — the most important elements of the statement of bahiraṅgaparibhāṣā.
metarule, interpretative rule, paribhāṣā, antaraṅga, bahiraṅga, sūtra, Aṣṭādhyāyī, Pāṇini, sanskrit, Nāgojībhaṭṭa
Lyrics and the character in lyrics
Lyubimov, N.I. (2022). The symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Z. Dudina. Litera, 8, 271–282.
In the article, as part of the study of the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, the symbolism of natural images in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is considered. Based on the material of the poems included in her collection "Kuanyshym, kuem ӧndal ..." (Rejoiced, hugging a birch ...) (2012), the symbolic meaning and artistic functions of natural images that represent the philosophical attitude and worldview of the author and characterize the lyrical heroine in a certain way are revealed. In this aspect, Zoya Dudina's lyrics are explored for the first time. The methodological basis of the research is the structural and semantic analysis of poetic works, which allows to identify and describe the structural and semantic levels of natural images that reveal the author's concept of the world and man, as well as the character features of the lyrical heroine. The article proves that natural images occupy a significant place in the lyrics of the Mari poet Zoya Dudina. They express not only the various inner states of the lyrical heroine, but also various aspects of human existence. Natural images are anthropomorphic (often the lyrical heroine herself appears in the form of natural images) and symbolic, they carry a deep philosophical meaning. The natural images-symbols express not only the individual author's perception of the world and man, but also the ethnic ideological traditions of the Mari people, with which Zoya Dudina is closely connected, are revitalized through them.
philosophical problems, semantics of the image, natural image, philosophical lyrics, Zoya Dudina, lyrics, modern Mari poetry, Mari literature, poetics, lyrical heroine