Literary criticism
Li, X. (2022). The history of the Chinese translation of Chekhov's drama in the XX and XXI centuries. Litera, 6, 1–13.
Recently, there has been an increase in the interest of scientists in studying foreign translations of Chekhov's dramatic works. There are quite a lot of comparative studies of various Chinese translations of Chekhov's plays in a certain period, but the problem of systematic periodization of Chinese translations of Chekhov's plays has been little studied. The article is devoted to understanding the history of the Chinese translation of Chekhov's plays in the XX and XXI centuries. The subject of the study is various Chinese translations of Chekhov's dramatic works. The purpose of this work is a systematic analysis of the features and causes of the development of the Chinese translation of Chekhov's drama in different periods. Descriptive, analytical and comparative methods are used in the course of the study. For the first time, the work provides a relatively holistic overview of the history of reception and translation of Chekhov's drama in China since the XXI century. In a comparative study of Chinese translations of Chekhov's dramatic works, it is necessary to pay attention to the perception of foreign culture by different translators. We divide the complex history of reception and translation of Chekhov's drama in Chinese culture of the XX - XXI centuries into five stages. With the change of time and the development of theory and the level of translation, the artistic charm of Chekhov's drama is revealed even more. Chekhov's transformation from a typical realist writer into a recognized pioneer of modern drama of the XX century also confirms the complexity, ambiguity and advancement of Chekhov's work. We also need to look at the translations of Chekhov's dramaturgy from an intercultural point of view, timely consider the latest achievements of research in the field of translation of Chekhov's dramaturgy at home and abroad and look for ways of mutual comparison between different cultures in comparing translations.
culture, history, periodization, translators, translation, China, Chekhov 's dramaturgy, reception, interpretation, Jiao Juyin
Wang, S. (2022). Analysis of the lexico-semantic group "day/昼夜" in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. Litera, 6, 14–21.
The article is an analysis of the lexico-semantic group, which is an important part of the study of semantics. The relevance of the research topic is due to the great research significance and value of studying linguoculture in various national language pictures of the world. The day as a part of time is the main key concept for the study of time, and the study of time for the analysis of differences and similarities between the language and culture of different countries and peoples has become a hot topic for scientists of the linguistic community. The purpose of the work is to consider the specific differences and similarities between the lexemes "day" of the Russian and Chinese languages by highlighting the lexico-semantic group. The article also analyzes the term "day" in order to identify differences in the linguistic worldview of different nationalities. As the main methods of analysis and research, the component method was used, which allows a deeper and more detailed interpretation of the lexeme "day" and its lexico-semantic group in two language pictures of the world. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the differences and similarities between the Russian and Chinese languages and culture through the reflection of various details and a detailed analysis of the lexico-semantic group with the allocation of the "measurement of time", "movement of the sun and moon", "human activity" in it. The differences and similarities in the perception of time by a person in different linguistic pictures of the world are demonstrated.
language picture of the world, Chinese language, Russian language, semantic field, lexico-semantic group, time measurement, day, similarity, difference, linguocultures
Lyu, V. (2022). Theory and practice of simultaneous Russian-Chinese translation teaching for Chinese students. Litera, 6, 22–34.
The purpose of the study is to make special exercises for Chinese students who study simultaneous translation from Russian to Chinese, based on the classical Soviet theory of translation and comparative linguistics. At the moment of simultaneous translation a transformation of a different language system is necessary. Russian language at the level of phonetics, syntax, vocabulary, etc. is very different from the Chinese language — Chinese students inevitably encounter a number of language barriers. The relevance of the research is due to the rapid growth of the need for highly qualified Russian-Chinese simultaneous interpreters against the background of the development of the "One Belt, One Road" program. To overcome such problems, special exercises are required to cultivate the skills and abilities of searching and making translation in conditions of a tight time limit. In order to achieve this research goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: firstly, to formulate the purpose of teaching simultaneous Russian-Chinese translation from the point of view of A. F. Shiryaev; secondly, to compile a series of simultaneous translation exercises based on comparative linguistics.
distance exercises, the need for translators, Belt and Road, overcoming language barriers, chinese students, comparative linguistics, soviet translation theory, simultaneous interpretation, Russian, special exercises
Bordanova, A.S., Plistik, O.B. (2022). Integrative voice therapy: linguistic aspect. Litera, 6, 35–55.
The relevance of the study of the linguistic representation of psychological practices is due to the need to introduce complex effective methods into the professional use of psychologists, allowing clients to cope with problematic psychological conditions. It is the linguistic perspective of considering these practices, the analysis of the word usage associated with them, that will increase their effectiveness by outlining the image of the linguistic personality. Interjection performs the function of mediation between the verbal and nonverbal levels, acting as an ideal linguistic element for both elaboration and representation of such psychological practice. In turn, research at the intersection of sciences will allow solving topical linguistic problems related to interjections. The article describes for the first time the author's psychological method of integrative voice therapy of O.B. Plistik and investigates the linguistic side of this technique: the features of the use of interjections in the framework of the practice "Human world order in the field of sound", which is the basis for integrative voice therapy. The article analyzes the data obtained during the survey based on the results of a free associative experiment, showing a tendency to the distribution of interjections according to the stratification developed within the framework of integrative voice therapy. The obtained results provide a rich material for the study of the features of the modern Russian-speaking picture of the world and the specific features of the linguistic personality correlated with the respondents.
the survey, language personality, free associations, associative experiment, psychological practices, emotional sphere, the picture of the world, stratification, integrative voice therapy, interjection
Skripka, V. (2022). The functioning of the pronoun òü (òîòü) in Russian business writing of the XIV-XV centuries. Litera, 6, 56–65.
The article examines the functions performed by the demonstrative pronoun òü (òîòü) in business texts of the XIV-XV centuries, written on the territory of the Moscow Principality, Novgorod and Pskov lands. Examples of usages were analyzed and combined on the basis of what function demonstrative pronouns have in each case (anaphoric, articular, determinative function (word-substitute subordinate clause), cataphoric). In the case of an anaphora, an analysis of the antecedent was performed — an expression naming the object, person or situation to which the pronoun refers. Particular attention is paid to the syntactic role of pronouns — substantives, attributives and substantive attributives — and how it affects their use. As a result of the study, three main functions that the pronoun in question performs were identified: anaphoric, articular and determinative function. The specifics of how the syntactic role of pronouns affects its use in an anaphoric function have been clarified: for example, substantives usually refer to objects and situations, but are practically not used to refer to people. Substantive attributes, on the contrary, most often serve to refer to the previously mentioned people and in just one case refer to objects. The first reliable examples of pronouns in the articular function, in our opinion, can be attributed to the XV century. Part of the article is devoted to what features pronouns have in the articular function and how it can be distinguished from anaphora. In the entire corpus of texts considered, only three examples of the cataphoric function of the pronoun were found, and the pronoun òîòü in the deictic function was not recorded at all.
correlative words, cataphora, article function, anaphora, contractual documents, spiritual certificates, monuments of business writing, history of demonstrative pronouns, historical morphology, demonstrative pronouns
Literary criticism
Tsaregorodtseva, S.S., Agenosov, V.V., Lobacheva, N.A., Pinaev, S.M. (2022). Genre transformations and stylistic "keys" of G.D. Grebenshchikov's ornamental prose. Litera, 6, 66–74.
The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the poetics of G.D. Grebenshchikov's novel "The Epic of Mikul Buyanovich", written during the years of emigration. The first edition of the novel took place in 1924. The article reflects the reception of critics of the Russian diaspora to this publication and to the authorized translation of 1940, which was published in the USA. The main hypothesis is that this novel can be correlated with Russian ornamental prose at the genre-style level, they are brought together by epic stylization, plot fragmentation, a large role of individual motifs when the text unfolds in the system of intertextual relations reflecting the mythologized worldview of the author. Ornamental prose is an artistic and stylistic kind of verbal skill that combines the features of prose and poetry, therefore, linguopoetic and contextual analysis is used in the work. Taking into account that ornamental prose is a concept that is not correlated with a specific style, and ornamental fields are constantly modified depending on the author's artistic method, conclusions are drawn about the main stylistic "keys" and genre transformations of G.D. Grebenshchikov's novel "The Epic of Mikul Buyanovich". The renewal of the artistic language in the first half of the XX century was a characteristic phenomenon not only for modernist literary trends, but also for traditionalism, with which the aesthetic attitudes and artistic practice of G.D. Grebenshchikov can be correlated.
rhythmization of prose, weaving words, linvopoetics, intertextuality, fairy tale, a reminiscent background, epic stylization, fragmentary composition, ornamental prose, ornamental field
Literary criticism
Wei, X. (2022). How to distinguish drunk from hungry? (To the interpretation of N.A. Nekrasov's poem "Philanthropist"). Litera, 6, 75–83.
N.A. Nekrasov's poem "The Philanthropist" (1853) remains poorly studied. Soviet literary critics paid attention primarily to the dating of the work, the prototype of its character, and the creation of a real commentary on the text. Speaking about the content of the text, researchers (both Soviet and generally post-Soviet) see the poem as a satire either on the famous writer, educator and philanthropist Prince V.F. Odoevsky, or on philanthropy, charity in general. Such an understanding of the author's idea seems superficial and incorrect, based on a priori ideas about Nekrasov's "revolutionary" views. This article proposes a new reading of the poem as describing the impossibility for a person to go beyond the class relations that permeate the entire social life of Russia in the 19th century. The comparative-historical approach, methods of generalization, interpretation were used in the study. At the same time, as the analysis given in the article shows, the very idea of charity is not questioned or denounced by Nekrasov. The conclusions of the article are confirmed by comparing the poem "Philanthropist" with the works of N.V. Gogol ("Overcoat") and F.M. Dostoevsky ("Poor People"), in which there are episodes close to the central "scene" of "Philanthropist". This comparison allows us to show in particular how original Nekrasov interprets the plot, which has become almost "archetypal" for Russian literature of the mid-19th century: the collision of a "little man" with an angry "important person".
hierarchy, human, humane attitude, the bureaucratic system, charity, interpretation, satire, soviet non - racial studies, Philanthropist, Nekrasov
Literary criticism
Nefedova, N.I. (2022). The Image of Buenos Aires in Oksana Chernyavskaya's book «What is Argentina, or the Logic of Absurdity». Litera, 6, 84–95.
Domestic literary studies increasingly pay attention to modern literature in Russian created outside our country. These corpus of texts is often called «Russian-language literature», «literature in Russian» or «Russophone literature». Hence, this paper is based on the work of Oksana Chernyavskaya, an author who lives in Argentina, but writes in Russian. Notably, this author's works are virtually understudied at the moment. The research deals with the image of Buenos Aires, described in the book «What is Argentina, or the Logic of Absurdity» by Oksana Chernyavskaya. The study employs the methods of literary and comparative analysis. Based on the study of works by Russian and foreign scholars devoted to the image of Buenos Aires in the works of Latin American writers, as well as the book by O. Chernyavskaya the conclusion is made that the portrayal of the Argentinean capital in the book in Russian partially coincides with the image of Buenos Aires in the Latin American poetry and prose of the XX century. The text by O. Chernyavskaya also contains the image of Buenos Aires as seen by tourists and immigrants. The image of the capital is created also through the North/South and capital/ provincial dichotomies. Findings of this research can be used by students and teachers in schools, specialized secondary schools and higher educational institutions, where contemporary Russian literature (literature in Russian of the XXI century) is studied.
South, Chernyavskaya, globalization, Latin America, the image of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Russophone literature, Russian - language literature, russian literature
Anisimova, A.G., Tikhonova, N.Y. (2022). Neologisms: from author use to dictionary entry. Litera, 6, 96–106.
This article is devoted to neologisms and their use in speech. The authors analyze various ways of the appearance of neologisms in speech, ways of their formation. The subject of research is neologisms that appear either together with new concepts, phenomena, historical figures, or when an existing lexical unit expands the old meaning or acquires a new meaning. The purpose of the article is to consider the reasons affecting the stability of neologism in speech, and to identify trends that lead neologism first to stable use in speech, and then, when it becomes a unit of language, to be included in the appropriate dictionaries. The main research methods are descriptive and analytical methods. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that for the first time a number of neologisms and the specifics of their functioning in the language are considered in it. As a result of the work carried out, the reasons why most neologisms disappear from speech are investigated, only some of them fall into the dictionaries of the general literary language, and a very small number of neologisms become terms. It is established that the occurrence of neologisms depends on various social trends and economic factors. At the same time, the formation of a neologism as a unit of language, as well as its development into a terminological unit, is possible only if a number of requirements are met.
stability, language unit, terminological unit, term, construction model, connotation, expression plane, content plane, time factor, neologism
Literary criticism
Pei, J. (2022). About the names and pseudonyms of translators of Russian literature in China (using the examples of translators I. A. Krylov, A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol). Litera, 6, 107–113.
This article discusses the features of the names and pseudonyms of three famous Chinese translators of Russian literature – Wu Yan, Mu Dan and Lu Xin. The author explores the components of Chinese names before the creation of the PRC, explains the main reasons for the formation of the original Chinese pseudonyms, and mainly highlights the relationship of pseudonyms and real names of translators I. A. Krylov, A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol. The purpose of the study is to identify the sources of formation, the meaning of the names and pseudonyms of these famous Chinese translators. When analyzing the characteristics of the names and pseudonyms of translators, a comparative historical approach, methods of analysis and interpretation are applied.   The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article for the first time studied the pseudonyms of Chinese translators of Russian classics in detail from the position of pseudonymy. As a result, it was revealed that the tradition of pseudonyms in China has a long history, and the names "Hao" of the ancient Chinese were similar to today's pseudonyms. At the end of the ⅩⅨ and the beginning of the ⅩⅩ centuries, Chinese began to translate works of fiction of Russian literature. For political and social reasons, more and more of these translators began to use pseudonyms to publish their works, and until the 1880s, few people published their works under their real names. The results and conclusions can be used in the study of the history of translation of Russian literature in China and the problem of pseudonymy.
history of china, Gogol, Pushkin, Krylov, russian literature, translation, interpreter, nickname, name, Lu Xin
Literary criticism
Zipunov, A. (2022). Macrosemantic rhythmic structures in the songs of A. Mirzayan. Litera, 6, 114–128.
Earlier, semantic rhythms were found in several texts of the author's song of the 1950s-80s, determined by the oppositions "private-universal" and "order-chaos". In the process of analyzing these works, a method of categorical macrosemantic structures was developed. Previously, this approach was applied in a systematic study of cultural trends. As part of the current work, the songs of the famous bard Alexander Mirzayan are considered using this method. The totality of this author's creativity is analyzed. From the standpoint of semantic rhythms, a structural analysis of the song "Wanderers" based on the poems of A. Mirzayan was carried out, as well as several song adaptations based on the texts of I. Brodsky, V. Sosnora and T. Klangsor were considered. In the works under study, the general theme of the conflict of a certain alternative system with the state line is traced. Mirzayan's interest in this topic is probably connected with the social processes of the late USSR. In addition, the presence of semantic rhythms in songs based on poems by A. Mirzayan and poems by other authors is compared. As a result, it turned out that the indicators of PM-rhythmics in song adaptations exceed the indicators of these structures in A. Mirzayan's poetry. Thus, the method of categorical macro-semantic structures helped clarify the principle by which Mirzayan selects poems by other authors and what are the methods of their adaptation.
structuralism, structural analysis, poetry, semantic rhythm, author 's song, structural semiotics, Tristan Clangsor, Victor Sosnora, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Mirzayan
Potyakailo, S.A. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of research paradigms in linguistics. Litera, 6, 129–140.
The paper discusses issues related to the bibliometric analysis of current linguistic paradigms in the framework of scientific specialties 10.02.19 – Theory of Language and 10.02.04 – Germanic languages for the period from 2000 to 2020. The subject of the study is the patterns, trends and prospects for the development of current linguistic paradigms. The purpose of the work is to analyze dissertation research of scientific specialties 10.02.04 – Germanic languages and 10.02.19 – Language theory selected using structural bibliometry methods, as well as to identify promising areas for the development of the science of linguistics. In the course of the study, it was possible to substantiate the structure of the transition from one linguistic paradigm to another. Due to the permanently decreasing relevance and the need to study topics identified by keywords defining current linguistic paradigms, as well as the constant regression in publication activity, a crisis is brewing in science, according to which scientists partially or fully cannot substantiate the existing problems, the so-called anomalies, within the framework of the paradigm under study. An undoubted marker of the future bifurcation point, the moment when quantitative will turn into qualitative, is the level of research publications that dropped below the level of 2000 in 2020. The stages of T. Kuhn's theory can be traced throughout the 20s, and the data obtained by bibliometric analysis indicate a crisis in linguistic research.
dissertation research, electronic catalog, the scientific revolution, linguistic paradigms, Germanic languages, language theory, bibliometric analysis, bibliometry, development trends, discourse
Character in literature
Ding, Y. (2022). Negative transformations of the image of a doctor in the literature of A.P. Chekhov. Litera, 6, 141–150.
The object of the study is the images of doctors in the works of A.P. Chekhov from the point of view of the dynamics of their personal qualities. The subject of the study is the nature of these changes, which in most cases are negative for the writer for the professional and personal level of the doctor. The purpose of the article is to describe the phenomenon of personal degradation of a doctor in the literature of A.P. Chekhov: the novels "Ionich", "Belated Flowers", the plays "Uncle Vanya", "Three Sisters". The study was conducted using descriptive, cultural-historical, historical-typological methods, which allowed a comprehensive approach to the problem under study and noted the various features of the personality of doctors in the writer's work in dynamics. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the degradation of doctors in these works has been revealed. In the story "Ionich", the vulgar, philistine life slowly but inexorably sucks in the main character, Dr. Startsev. Toporkov in the "Flowers of the Belated" sought to get out of poverty, earn as much as possible, but he was powerless in front of greed and became indifferent to people. Astrov in "Uncle Vanya", under the influence of the surrounding county life, became indifferent to people, he does not love anyone, does not want anything. But at the same time, he plants forests, believes that they have a great beneficial effect on people's lives, he utters high words about a person. Abstract love for humanity and indifference to the people who are with him coexist in his soul. The philosophy of doctor Chebutykin in "Three Sisters" is of great importance for understanding the play. It is concluded that the degraded person in the works of A.P. Chekhov is usually a doctor, with the help of whose image the writer seeks to create a contrast between the noble mission of the doctor and his personality.
Three sisters, Uncle Vanya, Flowers are overdue, Ionich, the medicine, image of a doctor, dramaturgy, prose, Anton Chekhov, literature of the XIX century
Mass literature
Jing, R. (2022). The spread of modern Russian female novel in China. Litera, 6, 151–163.
The article is devoted to the problem of the spread of Russian female novel in China from the end of the 20th century to the present day. The subject of the study is the translation and publication of modern Russian female writers in China. The purpose of the article is to identify patterns of the spread of modern Russian female novel in Chinese society. Using descriptive, analytical and comparative methods, the author tries to analyze the phenomenon of the spread of Russian female novel in China on the basis of Leo Leventhal's theory of literary communication. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of the periodization of the spread of Russian women's prose in China, the main influencing factors in the distribution process, as well as the evaluation of the works of Russian female writers by the Chinese audience. Many studies discuss the perception of the Chinese audience of the works of such Russian writers as L. E. Ulitskaya, T. N. Tolstaya, but the general pattern of the spread of Russian female novel in China has been little studied. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it for the first time comprehends the process of the dissemination of the works of Russian female writers in China from the point of view of communication. Chinese Russianists are still the dominant force in the distribution of Russian female literature in China, but as the Chinese reading market of Russian female novel is being formed, the influence of readers is becoming stronger.
translation, distribution model, chinese readership, perception of literature, chinese russianists, China, literary exchange, literary communication, russian female literature, russian female writer
Novikau, A.V. (2022). The "House of Leaves" and the problem of the postmodern chronotope. Litera, 6, 164–174.
In this article, the object of research is a novel by Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves" in the context of postmodernism. The subject of the study is the phenomenon of the chronotope in the novel by Mark Z. Danilevsky's "House of Leaves". Special attention is paid to the cultural and historical analysis of the postmodern context and the belonging of Roman Danilevsky to it. A general cross-section of the state of the socio-cultural environment from the moment of publication of the work to the present is given. The analysis of the publications of foreign researchers who have already addressed this topic, and the analysis of their views on the spatio-temporal features of Roman Danilevsky is carried out. The characteristic features of the theories of postmodernism that took shape in the postmodern era in their relationship with the novel "The House of Leaves" are singled out and described separately. By means of a comparative analysis addressed to foreign studies in the field of philosophy, as well as to literary and critical works devoted to the "House of Leaves", an indirect conclusion about the categories of space-time in the novel is formulated. The properties of the "House of Leaves" narrative related to these categories are described: layering, intersection and interaction of various narrative levels of the novel. Based on the study of the features of the chronotope "House of Leaves", the dominants are established, according to which the novel can be attributed to the current of postmodernism. The scientific novelty lies in the description of the author's narrative strategy, which led to the creation of the chronotope of the original type. The question of the future of novels based on the chronotope of the type described in the article continues to be debatable.
modernism, subject, palimpsest, dominant, House of Leaves, postmodernism, time, space, house, chronotope
Literary criticism
Borunov, A.B., Pinaev, S.M., Sil'cheva, A.G. (2022). The "alien child" motif as a through code in the prosaic macrocycles of Boris Akunin and Dina Rubina. Litera, 6, 175–182.
The subject of the study is a cross-cutting code that unites the prose macrocycles of modern authors as a supertextual unity. The object of the research is a macrotext as a format of a literary work in the works of writers Dina Rubina and Boris Akunin. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the theme as the cross-cutting theme of a strange / adopted / unrecognized / illegitimate child and its connection with the clan and family, and the implementation of this theme in novels united in trilogies or macrocycles. Particular attention is paid to such an aspect of the motif as the onomastic code - distortion, change, re-voicing of the name and surname of the protagonist becomes a recurring motif. The main conclusions of the study are: a statement of the homological similarity of the supertextual unities of the works of contemporary prose writers, highlighting the motive of the interaction of the genealogical tree of the family with someone else's child, its self-identification as part of the family and woven into the fabric of the family and its history as the bifurcation point of the macrotext. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the consideration of this motif in its diversified interpretation in various works and the connection of this motif with the onomastic code of the works. The novelty of the study lies in the comparison of the works of Boris Akunin and Dina Rubina, which were not previously considered in a comparative aspect.
prose, novel, semiotic code, supertext unity, onomastic code, trilogy, macrotext, end - to-end motive, Ruby, Akunin
Grigoryev, D.Y. (2022). Some ways and means of expressing initiality in the conditions of semantic undifferentiation of the verbal vocabulary of the Dari language . Litera, 6, 183–190.
The subject of this study is the means and methods of expressing the category of the beginning of action and the beginning in the conditions of semantic undifferentiation of verbal vocabulary in the Dari language. The object of the study is the grammatical structure of the Dari language, characterized by little study. The categories of the beginning of action and beginnings in the Dari language can be expressed in various ways, for example, with the help of a certain set of means – lexical and syntactic constructions in which syntactic, morphological means and the lexical meaning of the verbs themselves interact. These aspects are discussed in detail by the author in this article. The material of this study may be of interest to specialists in the field of theory and practice of translation. The main conclusions of the study are: the means of expressing the initiality of action, which in the Russian language constitute a significant semantic grouping of verbs of the corresponding method of verbal action, in the Dari language are almost completely tied to other levels of the linguistic structure and include elements of the morphological and word-formation levels of the language. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is a detailed consideration of the means and ways of expressing the category of beginnings in the conditions of semantic undifferentiation of verbal vocabulary in the Dari language. The novelty of the research is associated with a detailed consideration of the complex of lexical and syntactic constructions that can be used to express the meaning of the beginning in the Dari language.
start category, classification of verbs, comparative linguistics, semantics, Russian, dari language, grammatical means, verb, the category of beginnings, internal form of the language
Zhao, P. (2022). Spelling of the particle "by" in the history of Russian writing: hyphenated spelling as a stage in the formation of the norm. Litera, 6, 191–197.
The article is devoted to the hyphenation of the particle "by(b)" in the XIX century. The purpose of the article is to establish a codified and customary spelling norm, trace its dynamics and find out what role the hyphenated use of the particle played at this stage. The codification of the spelling of the particle is presented in 2 editions of the Dictionary of the Academy of the Russian Federation of 1789-1794 and 1806-1822 and in the Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian of 1847, as well as in the recommendations of grammars of the XIX century. The material of dictionaries is also considered as a source of information about the usual use of particles. The Usus is established by the method of continuous sampling on the material placed in the "National Corpus of the Russian language" (a subcorpus of texts in the old spelling). As a result of the analysis of the usage and texts of dictionaries of the XIX century, the instability of this section of the spelling system of Russian writing throughout the XIX century was revealed. The Dictionary of the Russian Academy normalizes separate spellings of "by (b)", and separate and merged uses vary in the text of the dictionary, hyphens are not found. However, throughout the XIX century, the particle "by (b)" is written in the use of a hyphen, although the number of separate spellings exceeds the number of hyphens. Ya.K. Groth, having analyzed the patterns of use of the particle "by (b)", finally legalized its separate spelling in works of an analytical and codifying nature at the end of the XIX century.
development of the norm, codified norm, the usual norm, hyphenated spelling, separate spelling, merged spelling, the spelling of the particle would be, usage and codification, history of Russian writing, spelling standards
Zhou, Y. (2022). Linguistic interpretation of "ugliness" of the characters of Russian and Chinese fairy tales. Litera, 6, 198–208.
The article examines the interpretation of the concept of the ugliness of the external appearance of the characters of the Russian and Chinese fairy tales; analyzes and compares the similarities and differences of the named concept in different linguistic pictures of the world. Ugliness is considered as a basic universal concept of the aesthetic category inherent in the utilitarian and spiritual needs of people of different nationalities. The object of the study is the concept of ugliness in the linguistic picture of the world, reflected in a fairy tale. The subject of the study was the attributive means characterizing the characters of Russian and Chinese fairy tales; the creation of a semantic classification of representative lexemes, their cultural meanings and connotations. Classical conceptual analysis, which includes etymological, definitional, semantic, comparative types of analysis of key adjectives representing the concept of ugliness, is chosen as methods of practical research. The main conclusions of the conducted linguistic research are that the etymological analysis of the concept of ugliness allowed us to identify the following lexical and semantic groups of adjectives united by the theme "ugliness": ugliness as unattractiveness, ugliness as old age, ugliness as weakness. Based on the analysis of adjectives, it is concluded that the content of the Russian and Chinese concepts of ugliness essentially coincides, but as a result of the influence of national cultures has specific features. Consideration of the concept of "ugliness" in fairy tales in a comparative aspect makes it possible to identify national specifics reflected in the folklore picture of the world. And the novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to analyze the concept of "ugliness" using the material of Russian and Chinese fairy tales. The results of the analysis can be used to study the national folklore and linguistic worldviews of the two peoples.
adjectives, aesthetic category, mentality, weakness, old age, unattractiveness, russian fairy tale, chinese fairy tale, ugliness, concept
Liu, X. (2022). The theory of the aspectuality of the Russian school in the focus of the Chinese linguistic school. Litera, 6, 209–216.
The subject of the research is the theory of aspectuality in Russian and Chinese languages: this theory defines the main ways to prevent linguistic interference (the consequences of the influence of one language on another) among students. The object of the study is the theoretical study of the verb of the Russian and Chinese languages. The author examines in detail the functional characteristics of the category of aspectuality in Russian and Chinese languages. In addition, he explores the meaning of aspectual forms in the system of Russian and Chinese languages, etc. Particular attention is paid to identifying patterns in the Russian and Chinese grammar, defining verbal grammatical semantics, comparing the languages with further description and systematization of aspectual meanings and means of their transmission. The main conclusions of the study are related to the specificity of the theory of aspectuality of the Russian school in the focus of the Chinese linguistic school. The Russian verb is the central section of the grammatical system, acting as the core of the sentence and denoting the variability of reality. In Chinese language, the verb serves as an important component of the part-speech system, correlates with the subject, expressed pronoun or noun. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is to identify the functional and semantic characteristics of the category of aspectuality in Russian and Chinese languages. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, within the framework of the typological approach, a comparative analysis of the problems is made: the problems are connected with the category of aspectuality in Russian and Chinese languages, with the category of the aspect of the verb, with its internal form as a specific way of displaying and presenting knowledge about the world, a special «linguistic worldview».
Chinese linguistic school, the meaning of species forms, national picture of the world, viewmodern relations, type category, theory of aspectuality, the aspectual system of the language, extralinguistic factors, species pairs, functional characteristics
Chen, X. (2022). Comparative features of Russian and Chinese paremiological texts in linguistic and cultural aspects. Litera, 6, 217–226.
The subject of the research is the specificity of the implementation of Russian and Chinese paremiological texts in the language picture of the world (which is conditioned by the national and linguocultural peculiarities of the Russian and Chinese languages). The object of the research is Russian and Chinese paremias as a reflection of the linguocultural dominants of Russia and China. The author examines in detail the aspects of the perception of paremiological texts in Russian and Chinese in a comparative aspect. Author reveals the concept of paremiological texts as a representation of the stereotypes of national consciousness, reflecting the accumulated experience, history, features of thinking and perception of the world. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of paremias in the context of socio-historical knowledge, material and spiritual culture, thinking of the Russian and Chinese peoples. The main conclusions of the study are: definition of paremias as significant elements of the language, reflecting the national cultural code; establishing a connection between paremiological texts and cultural and behavioral attitudes, creative and cognitive activities, as well as philosophy, etc. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is to identify the features of Russian and Chinese paremias: in particular, it is noted that Russian paremias are conditioned by their attachment to everyday life, everyday observations; Chinese – associated with philosophy, allegorical understanding of social and everyday phenomena. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the framework of identifying the specifics of Russian and Chinese paremias in the language picture of the world, a number of little-studied concepts were considered. These concepts determine the features of the representation of national and linguocultural dominants of Russia and China.
paremiospatial space, extralinguistic factors, proverbs and sayings, paremiological text, concept, national consciousness, linguistic culture, national cultural code, language picture of the world, paremias
Du, X. (2022). Forenization and domestication as basic strategies of translation from Russian into Chinese (on the example of the works of A. P. Chekhov). Litera, 6, 227–238.
The subject of the study is the specifics of the implementation of oppositional translation strategies: forenization and domestication, which contribute to the adequate translation of a literary text from Russian into Chinese, including the elimination of interlanguage lacunae. The object of the study is the artistic works of A. P. Chekhov and their translations into Chinese. The author examines in detail the aspects of the choice of unified methods and approaches to the elimination of interlanguage gaps that arise when translating the works of A. P. Chekhov into Chinese; examines the dependence of this choice on the specifics of the lacuna: stylistic / nominative, lexical / grammatical, etc. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of interlanguage lacunae in the translations of the works of A. P. Chekhov in the context of motivation / unmotivation. The main conclusions of the study are to determine the specifics of the implementation of forenization and domestication during the translation of the works of A. P. Chekhov into Chinese. In particular, it is noted that the strategy of domestication is used to eliminate lacunae: grammatical motivated, lexical compensated motivated, etc.; the strategy of forenization to eliminate lacunae: lexical vacant motivated, stylistic motivated, etc. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is to identify the features of the use of strategies during the translation of a literary text due to eventual conditions, therefore, it is argued that it is inappropriate to unify the ways of eliminating language inconsistencies. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in the framework of considering the implementation of oppositional translation strategies: forenization and domestication, the features of eliminating interlanguage gaps during the translation of works by A. P. Chekhov of the Russian language into Chinese were presented.
adaptation, translatology, cultural realities, elimination, lacunarity, interlanguage gaps, artistic text, translation strategies, domestication, forenization
Traditionally, the compression of language is considered as a result of the linguistic economy law and attracts more and more attention of linguists as the opposite of the expansion of language phenomenon. The article provides an overview of the syntactic compression in Singlish SMS. SMS of 2004 and 2012 from the National University of Singapore corpus NUS SMS were taken as the basic material for the analysis. English plays a key role in Singapore, and therefore possible changes at the syntactic language level become worthy of study due to the impact of the economy principle in conditions of a limited communication channel. The methods of corpus and statistical data analysis were used in the study. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt to analyze the methods of syntactic compression is made on the examples of Singapore English through the SMS communication. As a result, various types of syntactic compression were identified, typical for messages of 2004 (omission of superscript non-letter characters) and messages of 2012 (omission of a space), as well as compression inherent for SMS of both years from the corpus NUS SMS corpus (lack of punctuation). Such methods of syntactic compression allow the addressees to save time and electronic space in terms of technical character limitations without distorting the semantic meaning of sentences or the entire message.
national identity, absence of elements, syntactic compression, language compression, language levels, spoken language, Singapore English, English language, corpus, SMS