Koshevskaya, A.Y. (2022). «Vicious» or «selected»? The linguosemantics of dispondee ending in Cicero's In Catilinam. Litera, 5, 1–8.
This article is devoted to the study of "heavy" clauses, i.e. the rhythmics of dyspondee [– – – x], molossus and spondee [– – – – x] and creticus and molossus [– ᴗ – – – x ] at the end of the period in classical Latin prose on the material of Cicero's speeches "Against Catilina". The first paragraph, containing a brief outline of the history of the study of metric clauses, is generally devoted to two different approaches to the study of such rhythmic structures, namely the method of A. Bornecque, who called such clauses "vicious" and subjected some of them to conjuncture, and the teaching of Th. Zielinski, who distinguished them into a special class of "selected". As a result, the question of an alternative approach to the study of clauses is raised. Â The second paragraph contains an analysis of the dyspondean clauses in Cicero's speeches "Against Catilina" regarding the frequency and place of their use in pericopes; the analysis uses a new methodology for studying the rhythm of prose developed by the author of the article. The relatively high frequency of heavy clauses indicates their essential role in the rhythmic organization of the text, and Cicero's desire to avoid such clauses at the end of super-phrasal units indicates their associative connection with the continuation of thought. Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn about the specific role of "heavy" clauses in the logical division of the text, which indicates the truth of Zielinski's theory.
Catilinaria, Cicero, linguosemantics, moloss, spondee, latin metric, latin prosody, the rhythm of prose, Latin language, clauses
Literary criticism
Temirshina, O.R., Ustinovskaya, A.A., Pogodina, Y.Y. (2022). Translation as a form of dialogue: artistic translations by V. Narbut and M. Zenkevich. Litera, 5, 9–20.
The subject of the study is the mechanisms of semiotic development of aesthetic systems by acmeists of the "left wing" in the act of literary translation. The main hypothesis of the work is that the poetics of Narbut and Zenkevich seriously influenced the specifics of their translation activities, leading to the projection of semantic motif-figurative structures into the semantic space of translated texts. The work uses a linguosemiotic methodology, which, firstly, assumes an understanding of translation in the pragmatic and communicative aspect as an act of aesthetic communication, and secondly, allows to identify a system of semantic correlations between different texts based on the philosophical and aesthetic base of Acmeist poets. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the article for the first time analyzes Narbut's translations in projection on the specifics of his military revolutionary poetry and reveals the mechanisms of "semantic narrowing" of the physiological theme in Zenkevich's translations (in comparison with his lyrics). In conclusions of the study the author establishes a number of patterns of translation activity of Narbut and Zenkevich. Thus, the work shows that a semantic pattern is formed in the military revolutionary lyrics of Narbut, which includes an apocalyptic myth, the motive of the ascension /ascension, performative structures, national toponymy. This semantic complex with all its elements is also represented in Narbut translations, which allows us to conclude that Narbut uses a direct projection strategy in his translation activities. Zenkevich's translations, correlated with the theme of war, are based on a fundamentally different model. Zenkevich's aesthetic-poetic system is much more ambitious in its philosophical scope than the translated texts themselves, which leads to a strategy of "semantic narrowing" of physiological "acmeistic" themes.
dialogue, military poetry, english poetry, aesthetics, poetics, acmeism, physiological motives, Zenkevich, Narbut, translation
Literary criticism
Shi, Y. (2022). Genre varieties of the story and typology of characters in the works of Nikolai Nosov . Litera, 5, 21–30.
The purpose of this work is to identify and analyze the genre varieties of the story and the typology of characters in the work of N. Nosov. The article presents the genre system of N. Nosov's stories, the main types of stories and their subtypes are shown on concrete examples, typical images of heroes in each type of story are noted. The research uses historical-literary, discursive, typological, analytical, comparative and hermeneutical methods.The article identifies three main genre types: story-action, story-research and story-reflection, and also identifies and analyzes the main types of heroes – hero-doer and hero-thinker. The correspondences of the types of characters and genre varieties of the story are established. The theoretical significance of the work lies in determining the genre specificity of N. Nosov's stories. The results of the study can be used to study the problem of genre specificity of the story and the creative heritage of N. Nosov. The practical significance is connected with the possibility of using the results for further study of N. Nosov's work, as well as teaching courses on the history of Russian and children's literature and literary theory in universities. The research materials can be used not only for the development of special courses on the works of N. Nosov, but also for the creation of historical and literary studies and theoretical courses devoted to the problems of children's literature.
activist, story-reflection, story-research, story-action, typology of characters, genre variety, Nikolai Nosov, the thinker, researcher, dreamer
Bai, X. (2022). Linguistic creativity in the implementation of the patriotic rhetoric in Chinese media discourse. Litera, 5, 31–42.
The subject of the study is the tools of linguistic and discursive creativity that implement the patriotic rhetoric in Chinese official state media. The purpose of the study is to identify the key creative linguistic tools and features of their use in the implementation of the patriotic rhetoric in Chinese media discourse. To achieve this goal, the following research methods are used: classification, lexical and syntactic analysis, cognitive-semantic method, descriptive method. The article describes the associative features of the concept PATRIOTISM in the Chinese linguistic worldview. Particular attention is paid to creative linguistic mechanisms in expressing and accentuating patriotic meanings. In the process of linguistic analysis, an explication of the combined use of folk wisdom, proverbs, sayings of thinkers of ancient China and historical allusions is carried out. As a result, it has been proved that a multifaceted creative language strategy is used for implementing the rhetoric of patriotism. The main conclusions of the study are that parallel constructions enhance the semantic and emotional information in the implementation of the patriotic rhetoric in Chinese media discourse; the military metaphor is often used when external threats appear; in reflecting the ideas of solidarity and the image of the great overcoming, the existing two-character words are creatively reorganized to form new four-character words to express nuances of word meaning and emotion. The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive analysis of the ways of creative linguistic use for the implementation of the patriotic rhetoric in the authentic linguistic material of Chinese media discourse. The results can be used in the process of intercultural communication and the development of special courses about Chinese media, and can also promote communication and cooperation between politicians, journalists and linguists.
the image of the great overcoming, the idea of solidarity, the war metaphor, parallelism, Chinese media discourse, the rhetoric of patriotism, patriotism, linguistic creativity, folk wisdom, historical allusion
Alhaded, H.H., Shavtikova, A., Merai, M. (2022). Possibility of using a cognitive approach to directive speech acts: case of study of English and Arabic academic discourses. Litera, 5, 43–54.
The purpose of the study is to determine the role and degree of use of the cognitive approach in the study of directive speech acts. The article provides an overview of modern theoretical research in the field of speech acts, and also substantiates the use of a cognitive approach in the study of directive speech acts. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the widespread use of the cognitive approach for the analysis of speech acts in different language groups has not been sufficiently studied, which leads to communication failures between communication participants. The subject of this article is the functioning of the cognitive approach in the study of directive speech acts. The object is the study of directive speech acts on the example of English and Arabic academic discourses using a cognitive approach. Descriptive, contextual, comparative-historical methods are used as the main research methods. The novelty of our research lies in the fact that the widespread use of the cognitive approach for the analysis of speech acts in different language groups has not been sufficiently studied, which leads to communication failures between communication participants. The study of ways to prevent these communication failures is an important component in building global interaction between communication participants both in linguistics and in the world as a whole. Therefore, the relevance of the study of the use of the cognitive approach lies in the need of society to build adequate interaction at various levels. As a result of the conducted research, it is proved that the use of a cognitive approach in the analysis of directive speech acts helps to reduce the number of communicative failures of representatives of the English-speaking and Arabic-speaking academic discourses. The research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses in comparative linguistics and intercultural communication, as well as the data obtained can be applied in the process of educational and methodological activities in the creation of specialized textbooks.
eye-tracking experiment, comparative analysis, dialect, Modern Standart Arabic, communicative failure, Arabic language, English language, theory of speech acts, academic discourse, cognitive approach
Makashova, V. (2022). Structural model of the concept of "education". Litera, 5, 55–64.
The article is devoted to the study of the concept of "education". This concept is fundamental for the Russian consciousness, since it is inextricably linked with the generally accepted system of moral coordinates. The purpose of this study is to build a structural model of the concept of "education" and determine its type. The solution of the following tasks contributes to the achievement of this goal: to systematize the definitions of the concept as a key category of cognitive linguistics, to consider approaches to the structure of the concept developed by representatives of various directions in cognitive linguistics (cultural, linguistic, logical, semantic-cognitive, philosophical-semiotic directions), to identify and describe the structural models of the concept. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is for the first time a segment-field model of the concept of "education" is proposed. The study was conducted using the method of free associative experiment. In the course of the study, the hierarchical relations core-periphery of the concept of "education" were described, as well as the attitudes of consciousness arising from its content. It is revealed that the concept of "education" is segmented, since the basic and additional cognitive layers that make up the scope of this concept surround strictly defined segments. The results of the study can be used in lexicographic practice in the compilation of associative dictionaries, as well as in courses of cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology and psycholinguistics.
education, segment concept, interpretative field, extreme periphery, the far periphery, near periphery, sensory-shaped core, concept structure, segment-field model, concept
Question at hand
Nguyen , T., Perfilieva , N.V. (2022). Orientation metaphor in Economic Discourse (based on the headlines of Russian and Vietnamese Internet publications). Litera, 5, 65–78.
This article is devoted to the use of orientation metaphors in economic discourse in the headlines of Vietnamese and Russian online publications. The aim of the study is to identify the main types of conceptual orientation metaphors in Russian and Vietnamese, which are based on different spatial oppositions, as well as to establish the frequency of use of these metaphors in the headlines of Internet articles on economic topics. The research material was headlines taken from leading Vietnamese and Russian online publications for 2019-2022, which contain orientation metaphors. The main research methods are component analysis, comparative analysis, conceptual analysis method and continuous sampling method. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is the first time that orientation metaphors in the Russian and Vietnamese languages have been studied. As a result of the work, the main types of orientation metaphors in the headings of economic texts are identified: top - bottom; forward - backward; right - left; inside - out, and similarities and differences in the use of these metaphors in Russian and Vietnamese are also presented. Based on the analysis of examples, it can be concluded that the use of orientation metaphors in the headlines of Russian and Vietnamese articles on economic topics has many similarities, despite the differences in geographical location, as well as in the economic systems of the two countries.
cross-cultural communication, names, Russian language, Vietnamese language, orientation metaphor, spatial oppositions, metaphorical models, economic discourse, online publication, conceptual metaphor
Afonina, M.M. (2022). Analysis of derivational relations of a word in the framework of the study of the linguistic picture of the world (based on the material of the Quebec version of the French language). Litera, 5, 79–90.
The purpose of this study is to examine a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world (LPW) of the French-speaking part of Canada by analyzing the derivational relations of the Quebec word patate (potato). The paper analyzes the linguistic characteristics of lexical units that are derived from this word: origin, internal form, structure of meaning, connection of Quebecisms with their analogues from the central version of the French language; also defines the elements of these units, which contain ethno-cultural content (elements that directly form the LPW of French Canadians). The subject of the study is the patterns underlying word-formation relationships, as well as cognitive structures transmitted by the lexical units under study. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the analysis of the relations of the lexeme with the units derived from it is carried out on the material of the Quebec version of the French language in order to characterize the features of the Canadian LPW. In the course of the research, such methods as etymological analysis, analysis of the internal form of a word or phrase, semantic analysis are used. As a result of the work carried out, the ethnolinguistic characteristics (linguistic characteristics that convey the cultural specificity of the ethnic group) of the lexical units under consideration were identified, as well as cognitive schemes that contributed to the formation of units formed on the basis of the patate lexeme. The results of this study can be used in lexicographic practice, as well as in the framework of research in the field of cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology.
structure of the word meaning, internal form, external form, etymological analysis, cognitive structures, territorial version, quebec french, derivational links, the linguistic picture of the world, ethnolinguistic characteristics
Literary criticism
Li, X. (2022). Chekhov's tradition in the literature of Lai Shengchuan. Litera, 5, 91–102.
This article is devoted to one of the aspects of the history of interaction between Russian and Chinese literature of the XXI century. This article examines the Chekhov tradition in the dramatic work of the modern Chinese playwright Lai Shengchuan. The subject of the study is the reflection of the Chekhov tradition in the plays of Lai Shengchuan (1954-). The main methods are descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. Many studies consider Chekhov's traditions in the works of Chinese writers of the mid-20th century, such as Lu Xin, Cao Yu, Ba Jin, and Chekhov's influence on the work of Chinese writers of the end of the 20th century and of the 21st century has been poorly studied. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it provides for the first time a systematic analysis of Chekhov's influence on the literature creation of Lai Shengchuan. Chekhov's tradition in the literature of Lai Shengchuan's is mainly reflected in three aspects - static dramatic artistic characteristics, expressions of the philosophy, as well as the unique concept of comedy. Lai Shengchuan considers Chekhov as his intimate friend and consciously uses Chekhov's dramatic concept and method of creating drama in his work, which is an effective proof of Chekhov's continuous influence on Chinese modern literature, reflects not only a kind of strong protection of the traditional classics of Chinese modern playwrights against the trend of commercial entertainment in current literature, but also their appeal and expectation for the development of a dramaturgical innovative spirit.
tragicomedy, philosophy of life, static drama, Lai Shengchuan, Chekhov 's tradition, Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Cherry Orchard, Rural life, Red sky
Pei, J. (2022). Artistic features of poetic translations of I. A. Krylov's fables in China (on the example of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"). Litera, 5, 103–110.
This article is devoted to the artistic features of Chinese poetic translations of Krylov's fables. Unlike traditional Chinese prose fables, Krylov's fables were written in verse, few people know about this in China. Since the first translations of Krylov's fables were made in prose by translators Lin Lezhi, Ren Tingxu, Meng Hai and Wu Yan until the 1980s. The situation changed in 1983 thanks to the wonderful translations of Gu Yu and He Shiying, who creatively translated Krylov's fables in Chinese prose. The author chooses one of the most popular Krylov's fables in China, "The Dragonfly and the Ant", analyzes its translation features of good translations by Gu Yu, He Shiying, Zhu Xiansheng and Qiu Jingjuan, tries to sum up the appropriate methods of translating Krylov's fable. The purpose of the study is to identify specific approaches to the translation of Krylov's fables from the point of view of Chinese versification. When analyzing Chinese translations and versification, a comparative approach, methods of analysis, interpretation and generalization are applied. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the article for the first time studied and compared different Chinese poetic translations of Krylov's fable. As a result, it was revealed that more and more Chinese translators preferred to translate poems in prose in recent years. In the process of translation, they used stop-pause theory to convey Russian syllabic poem, solving questions about accent, foot, etc. The material of the article can be used in studying the reception of Krylov's fables abroad, especially their translation in China.
chinese versification, russian literature, rhyme, accent, foot, translation, Dragonfly and Ant, Krylov 's poetic fable, Gu Yu, He Shiying
Solovyeva, A. (2022). Analysis of the contextual environment of English military aviation terminology in professional texts. Litera, 5, 111–121.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the contextual environment of English military aviation terminology in professional texts. The purpose of this study is to determine which linguistic units surround the terms in the texts, what are the features of their compatibility with each other. In accordance with this goal, the tasks can be formulated as follows: to determine in which texts military aviation terms appear, to distinguish from them those that should be classified as professional; to divide the terms of professional texts into groups according to their frequency; to determine which syntactic models are involved in the formation of the contextual environment of terminology and how productive they are. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to analyze the contextual environment of military aviation terms simultaneously in several genres of professional texts. In the course of the work, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as statistical methods were used. Based on the results of the study, the author identified the main genres of professional texts in which military aviation terms function; analyzed structural and grammatical models of the formation of free and terminological phrases with terms, established the relationship between the frequency of terms and the diversity of their contextual environment. The results of the study can be used both in the practice of teaching aviation English, and in the practice of developing computer systems for recognizing terms in texts, as well as analyzing their compatibility.
professional texts, english terminology, structural models, compatibility, contextual environment, military aviation terminology, military aviation term, terminology, term, frequency
Gladkova, O.K. (2022). The ratio of the categories "assessment" and "friend-foe" in English travel notes of the XIX century. Litera, 5, 122–133.
The purpose of the study is to determine the ratio of the categories "assessment" and "friend-foe" in the texts of English-language travel notes. The author and potential reader of travel notes are representatives of their own culture, and the described image of Russians is "alien". It is shown that the image of the "alien" is presented in many words using the concepts of "other" and "other". The opposition "friend-foe" expands, forming a quadriadum "friend: other, other, alien". Each member of the quadriad exhibits a different degree of axiological intensity. "Other" means a neutral or positive assessment, "other" - a neutral assessment, "alien" - a negative assessment. Special attention is paid to the subjectivity of the author's assessment of not his own culture. Evaluation can vary depending on various extralinguistic factors. As a result of the study, the gradual nature of the "friend-foe" opposition and its axiological marking were established. The author's perception of the new culture does not consist only of the extreme values of "own" = "good", "alien" - "bad". The evaluation of "one's own" and "someone else's" is not stable: "one's own" can be both positive and negative. The assessment of the "stranger" is also capable of changing from negative to neutral or negative. The change of cultural realities during the author's journey sets the evaluative orientation of the category and fixes it on the evaluation scale - "other" - "neutral", "other" - "good", "alien" -"bad". The complex of lexical means that explicitly or implicitly axiologically mark the opposition "friend-foe" was also analyzed. This article for the first time analyzes the ratio of the categories "assessment" and "friend-foe" on the material of English travel notes of the XIX century. The genre of travel notes best illustrates the author's presence in another culture, as a result of which the border between "one's own" and "someone else's" is actualized.
travel notes, gradality, other, another, alien, mine, estimation, category, axiology, author
Hu, Y. (2022). Metaphorical use of Russian verbs naming properties of plants. Litera, 5, 134–143.
The article is devoted to the linguoculturological analysis of Russian verbs naming properties of plants. The purpose of the article is to describe the metaphorical use of verbs, the primary meaning of which belongs to the thematic group "PLANTS", special attention is paid to the possible semantic mechanisms of creating a metaphor. The subject of the study is the semantic, pragmatic and culturological features of the verbs under study. In the course of the study were used materials presented in S. Aliaffar's PhD thesis "The semantic field "plant" in the Russian language", the selection of verbs was also carried out by the method of directed sampling from the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov. As a result, 28 verbs were approved. Sharing the position of N.D. Arutyunova and M. Black that "the semantic mechanism of metaphor involves four components, only partially represented in its structure: the main and auxiliary subjects of metaphor and some properties of each of them, the article presents a variety of possible "main subjects", which are designated in the process of metaphorization, an attempt is made to describe and analyze the semantic mechanism of metaphor construction. The analysis of the metaphorical transfer associated with the plant world made it possible to facilitate the study of this issue, allowed us to replenish the lexicographic description of these units.
anthropometricity of metaphors, the model of semantic production, semantics, similarity of signs, model, linguistic and cultural analysis, thematic group, plants, verbal metaphor, metaphor
Kunic, Z., Mahmutaj, B. (2022). New communication trends in Serbian and Albanian Media in the Era of the Covid-19 pandemic as an effective means of shaping the Image of Russia in the Balkans 2020-2021. Litera, 5, 144–154.
The goal of this study is to identify new trends in the Serbian and Albanian media during the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, which contributed to the formation of Russia's image in the Balkans. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time on the material of the popular Serbian and Albanian media in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, the image of Russia in the Balkans is being studied. As a result, the authors give a generalized description of how the image of the state is formed. This article traces the main realities of relations between Russia and the Balkans. Particular attention is paid to the influence of the West on the formation of communication trends in the media of the Balkan region. The authors seek to trace the process of formation of new trends that emerged in the media of Albania and Serbia in 2020-2021. Also, attention is paid to what new trends have appeared in the Serbian and Albanian media in relation to Russia against the background of the pandemic.
online media, communication, Covid, Albania, The Balkans, Serbia, the image of the state, western influence, New media trends, the image of Russia
Baranova, E.A., Novoselova, G.G. (2022). Serpukhovskie Vesti newspaper in the context of the development of Internet technologies (1991-2021). Litera, 5, 155–166.
The regional factor of the development of Russian society is coming to the fore today, as there is a great need for the mediatization of the regional spaces of the Russian Federation. The article addresses the problems of the Russian regional newspaper periodicals, its current state and development trends. The subject of the study is the development of municipal newspapers in the Moscow region. This issue has been studied rather poorly today. At the moment, there is not a single full-fledged study of the printing market of the Moscow region. The object of the study is the formation of one of the newspapers in the south of the Moscow region – the Serpukhov News (SV) edition – in the era of Internet technologies and media convergence. In the late XX – early XXI centuries, many regional newspapers ceased to exist, but the editorial board of Serpukhov News was able to keep the publication thanks to the help of city officials and enterprises. However, we come to the conclusion that the work in the field of digitalization of the publication is going rather badly: "SV" are at one of the first stages of the development of this process. This is largely due to the fact that the newspaper is subordinate to the regional Government and the Main Directorate for Information Policy of the region, is under pressure from the city and regional authorities. The authorities of the Moscow region allowed to engage in the development of the newspaper's website ( ), but the Serpukhov editorial office has no resources for this (neither monetary nor personnel). Journalists devote all their efforts to preparing dry materials for a government resource .
Moscow Region press, media market, Serpukhov news, municipal press, Mass media of the Moscow region, media convergence, internet technologies, digitalization of the media, regional journalism, regional press
Baranova, E.A., Novoselova, G.G. (2022). Features of the financial and personnel policy of the media of the Moscow region (on the example of the newspaper "Serpukhovskie Vesti"). Litera, 5, 167–175.
Many periodicals are today in constant search of means for existence. Even the federal press faces a number of problems that lead to stagnation. Things are even worse in the provinces. The object of the study is the features of the financial and personnel policy of regional media. The authors consider this topic on the example of the oldest newspaper in the south of the Moscow region – Serpukhov News. The authors come to the conclusion that the Government of the Moscow Region and the Main Directorate for Information Policy fully determine both the financial and personnel policies of all municipal newspapers in the region. The media are directly dependent on the decisions of the regional leadership. Anyone who disagrees with this policy is easily dismissed on their own. Having studied the resolutions of the Government of the Moscow region concerning the activities of the Moscow municipal mass media, as well as analyzing the orders of the Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow region, the authors come to the conclusion that the lack of funding complicates the development of suburban newspapers. A small number of employees have difficulty fulfilling the required volume of publications for the newspaper and its website. The quality of materials suffers greatly. Employees of municipal newspapers, including Serpukhov News, receive a fairly low salary – below the average in the city. This reduces the loyalty of the editorial staff and affects the quality of texts.
online versions of the media, government and the media, media financing, financial policy of the media, media personnel policy, Serpukhov news, Moscow Region press, municipal press, regional journalism, journalism
Huang, S. (2022). Differences in the Principle of Politeness in Chinese and Russian Linguistic Cultures. Litera, 5, 176–183.
The principle of politeness is a means of communication widely used in every society by individuals, but this principle has peculiarities in different cultures. The principles of politeness play an important role in the analysis of the speech etiquette of communicants of different cultures. In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in their study. Despite the increased interest, no research has yet been conducted on the differences in the principles of politeness in Chinese and Russian linguistic cultures. This article examines these differences on the basis of the principle of politeness of J. Lich and the principle of courtesy of Gu Yuego with Chinese specifics. The characteristic features of Chinese national culture and Russian national culture are revealed through comparison. Compared with Chinese, Russians have different attitudes towards modesty; secondly, the Russian social interaction is much simpler than the Chinese one; thirdly, solidarity relations prevail in Russia, whereas power relations prevail in China; fourthly, China and Russia have different attitudes towards the word《老》 [ lǎo] /old Chinese character 《老》[ lǎo] in some cases is a symbol of wisdom, and when addressing the elderly using the word《老》[ lǎo], respect is shown to the addressee, whereas in Russia this addressing is considered as a manifestation of harshness and rudeness; fifth, Russians pay more attention to personal life than the Chinese. Thus, some principles of politeness applied in China may be considered very impolite for Russians and vice versa.
maxim of tact, using relevant references, modesty, cross-cultural communication, maxims of politeness, the principle of politeness, the principle of cooperation, maxim of good manners, solidarity relations, power relations
Literary criticism
Shapovalov, A.V. (2022). Forms of the author's presence and the history of mentalities: problems of study (based on the material of the Slavic historical narrative of the turn of the XI-XII centuries) . Litera, 5, 184–191.
The subject of the research is the application of the methodology of the history of mentalities to study the author's explications in the texts of the Slavic historical narrative of the turn of the XI-XII centuries. The social and psychological directions of the history of mentalities presented in the works of M. Blok, L. Fevre, J. Le Goff, J. Duby, A. Buro, R. Chartier are consistently considered, and then the main approaches of historical anthropology are analyzed. The texts of the "Tale of Bygone Years", "Czech Chronicle" by Kozma of Prague, "Chronicles and Deeds of Princes or Rulers of Poland" by Gallus Anonymous are selected as sources. Attention is focused on such forms of the author's presence as references of scribes about themselves or about the events of their lives, subjective and emotional statements, value judgments, stable expressions. The problems and prospects of applying the methods of the history of mentalities and historical anthropology in identifying and interpreting the statements of medieval scribes, as well as in the case of their use of various expressive means and stable formulas are discussed. The attractiveness of the history of mentalities, which makes it possible to explain the manifestations of medieval consciousness through the linguistic means of the era under study, as well as the complexity of solving the problem of the ratio of an individual and an "average individual", are noted. The conclusion is made about the prospects of the microhistoric approach to the study of the forms of the author's presence in the Slavic monuments of the historical narrative of the turn of the XI-XII centuries. and about the expediency of comparative studies in the study of individual statements of scribes.
The Tale of Bygone Years, steady expression, symbol, individual consciousness, collective consciousness, forms of author's presence, historical anthropology, history of mentalities, Czech Chronicle, Chronicle of Gallus Anonymous
Literary criticism
Sadovnikova, Y.M. (2022). Ambivalence as a Carnival Category in Barry Unsworth's Novel "Morality Play". Litera, 5, 192–197.
The article examines the main category of carnival - ambivalence based on the material of the novel of Barry Unsworth "Morality Play", which reveals the features of the carnival worldview, a characteristic feature of which is the idea of the dialogical nature of truth. In the novel by the English author Barry Unsworth "Morality Play", the main goal of the carnival is realized, which is to turn inside out the usual ideas about the world as a reasonable hierarchical system, to turn the usual order of things upside down, to ridicule everything familiar and frozen, in order to through denial, ridicule (symbolic death) contribute to the revival and renewal of the world. During the analysis of the character system of the novel by the English author Barry Unsworth "Morality Play", paired images characteristic of carnival thinking were identified: priest Nicholas Barber - confessor of Lord Simon Damian; Margaret Cornwall - a deaf-mute girl; Brendan - Thomas Wells. Scenes and characters paired by contrast and similarity have an impact on the figurative system and poetics of the novel. The findings suggest that the carnival tradition penetrates deeply into the structure of the novel, affecting the plot, forms a comic effect, preserving the uniqueness of ambivalent carnival laughter.
contrast, paired characters, ambivalence, Bakhtin, categories of carnivalization, carnival poetics, profanation, Moralite, Unsworth, truth
Naumova, K.M. (2022). On the Question of changing the Chinese Language Picture of the World on the example of the functioning of the lexemes jia/ jiating ‘family, home’. Litera, 5, 198–212.
The subject of the study is the linguistic and cultural changes in the Chinese language picture of the world on the example of the functioning of the key lexemes for the mentality of the Celestial Empire 家 jia/ 家 庭 jiatin ‘family, home'. The material for the work was lexicographic sources of the last 40 years, as well as two constantly updated online buildings (the Chinese Language Building of the University of Leeds and the Balanced Modern Chinese Language Building). The data obtained in the course of the study are systematized and grouped according to the principle of their lexical compatibility with other units. A special contribution of the author to the chosen topic is the presented table of the most frequent collocations. In addition, attempts have been made to describe the semantic field of the concept "jia"/ "family, home", noting modern language trends, as well as to trace the Chinese attitude to family values in retrospect. The novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive linguoculturological approach to the consideration of the lexemes 家 jia/ 家庭 jiatin ‘family, home'. The study showed that, due to the influence of Western liberal democratic values on modern Chinese society over the past thirty years, in particular, on intra-family relations, relations between parents and children, there has been a noticeable shift in the assessment and interpretation of the concept of "family" in the Chinese language. On the one hand, under the influence of the historical events of the XX century, some designations of family groups and clans went out of use, the situation of women and the economic situation in the country as a whole changed, which also led to the emergence of numerous new neologisms fixing these extralinguistic transformations. On the other hand, the older generation and the leadership of the CPC continue to promote the traditional approach to family values, which also illustrates the language material of the corpora.
globalization, family, house, language shifts, chinese culture, language picture of the world, China, linguoculturology, corpus data, chinese society
ßíü, X. (2022). The relationship between language and dictionary. Litera, 5, 213–220.
The language influences the content of the dictionary. The content of the dictionary reflects the current language situation, and the structure of the dictionary to some extent reflects the structure of the language. Language is a carrier of culture, inheriting its values and at the same time enriching it. It can be said that there can be no culture or history of mankind without language. On the other hand, language, being a reflection of culture, depends on the latter and has to face the limitations that culture puts in front of it in each specific case. A dictionary is a native speaker who records and transmits a language within a certain historical and cultural background. At the same time, the object of dictionary is the language, the type and characteristics of the dictionary largely depend on the language. The subject of this article is the Chinese language and various Chinese dictionaries. The methods of research are induction, analysis. The novelty lies in the fact that this article is the first attempt to analyze the relationship between dictionaries and languages, and in this article many iconic Chinese dictionaries are listed from a historical point of view, and they are analyzed to summarize the relationship between dictionaries and languages. And conclusions are drawn about the existence of relationships between dictionaries and languages that influence each other and contribute to mutual development, and the structure of the dictionary reflects the structure of the language. Clarifying the relationship between languages and dictionaries can also provide a meaningful practical foundation for language learners.
reflection of culture, language structures, Chinese, the bearer of culture, dictionary system, dictionary structures, dictionary contents, chinese dictionary, history of mankind, rhyme dictionary
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Öçèíü, Ë. (2022). Comparative analysis of the circumstances of time with prepositions of the Russian language and the corresponding expressions of the Chinese language. Litera, 5, 221–229.
The subject of the study is the circumstances of time with the prepositions 'before', 'with', 'after', 'in', 'on', 'for' in Russian, as well as their equivalents in Chinese in terms of their meaning and functioning. The purpose of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the minor members of the sentence in the circumstances of time with a preposition in Russian and Chinese languages in order to identify similarities and differences between them in semantics and functioning. To achieve this goal, the use of the following methods was required: descriptive method, continuous sampling method, comparative method, example confirmation method. The scientific novelty of the study consists in a comparative description of the specifics of the use and translation of the circumstances of time with a preposition in Russian and Chinese on the basis of numerous examples taken from the National Corpus of the Russian language and the Corpus of Modern Chinese language. The conducted research of theoretical positions and linguistic material allows us to conclude that the correct expression and translation of circumstantial meanings with prepositions in the Russian language and the corresponding lexical units of the Chinese language (despite some similarity in their semantics) is possible only with the context and knowledge of the rules of word combinations.
semantics, comparative analysis, preposition, time category, the circumstantial meaning of time, circumstance, compatibility, context, Chinese, Russian