Shmakova, A.V. (2022). How is the translation of English fairy tales born in the aspect of intercultural communication. Litera, 4, 1–8.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the increased interest in fairy tales within various directions and approaches, which is associated with the loss of low-quality stigma in children's literature compared to works intended for adults. Within the framework of translation theory, the main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the transfer of linguistic and stylistic features of children's literature and other translation difficulties. The purpose of the study is to identify patterns of transmission of national and cultural identity in the translation of fairy tales. Fairy tales from the collections "Pack from the Magic Hills" and "Gifts of fairies" by R. Kipling are considered. A linguistic and cultural analysis is carried out, the used translation transformations are highlighted.The subject of the study is the general trends in the treatment of elements of foreign culture when translating English fairy tales into Russian. Â The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of translation from the position of adaptation of culturally colored elements for children. It is revealed that cultural adaptation is often made, which is not required for adult works. The results of the study demonstrate that in the process of translating English fairy tales, a balance is being sought between introducing children to another culture and the need to adapt the material for ease of perception by the audience. When translating for children, translation transformations are actively used, bringing culturally colored elements closer to familiar ones or simplifying their understanding, which is not always required for an adult audience. The way of handling labeled elements depends on their plot and ideological significance, cultural value and level of fame, the context of use, the chosen translation strategy and other factors.
cultural adaptation, translation strategies, national and cultural identity, intercultural communication, translation theory, translation of fairy tales, Kipling, translation for children, the reader is a child, translation transformations
Wang, S. (2022). Comparison of the concept of "winter" in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures. Litera, 4, 9–18.
The article examines the interpretation of the concept of winter in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures, analyzes and compares the similarities and differences of the same concept in different linguistic worldviews, analyzes the linguistic expression of the concept of "winter" in order to study the lexical and semantic field in different cultures and its paradigmatic ordering. Russian Russian and Chinese languages, despite the differences in word formation, there is a similarity in the semantic paradigm, and the basic meaning of the concept of winter is seasonal in both Russian and Chinese, but there is a noticeable difference in the formation of lexico-semantic groups, although the concept of "winter" is universal. Russian Russian language pictures of the world, and the purpose of the comparison is to identify similarities and differences in the concept of winter and to characterize the features of lexico-semantic groups in the Chinese and Russian language pictures of the world. Therefore, the main attention in the article is paid to the separation of lexico-semantic groups of the expression "winter" as a conceptual word in the Chinese and Russian language pictures of the world, and the purpose of the comparison is to identify similarities and differences in the concept of winter and to characterize the features of lexico-semantic groups in the Chinese and Russian language pictures of the world. Russian Russian and Chinese concepts of winter are essentially the same, but the perception of winter by the Russian and Chinese peoples in different historical and cultural contexts is significantly different. And the novelty of the research lies in the fact that the uniqueness and peculiarity of the concept of winter are considered in the aspect of lexico-semantic groups in different linguistic pictures of the world.
etymological dictionary, lexico-semantic group, semantic field, language picture of the world, Chinese language, Russian, winter, concept, semantic dictionary, linguistic culture
Alhaded, H.H., Shavtikova, A., Merai, M. (2022). Sociocultural features of the Arabic academic discourse . Litera, 4, 19–26.
The Arabic academic discourse is a complex organism associated with the linguistic, national, cultural and religious characteristics of the inhabitants of the Middle East. The article is interdisciplinary in nature and can be considered from the point of view of sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics and psycholinguistics. The subject of the study is the social and cultural features of the Arabic academic discourse. The object of research is academic discourse implemented in Arabic. The purpose of this article is to identify the key features of the Arab academic discourse and the degree of influence of globalization on it. The methodological basis of the study was the results of a survey of Arabic–speaking native students studying at the bachelor's and master's degrees in the Levant countries. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the Arabic academic discourse in the Russian and international linguistic tradition is insufficiently studied, which entails communicative failures between communicants within the framework of Arabic academic discourse and global, international academic discourse. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the Arabic academic discourse is a synthesis of traditional, national and religious foundations of the Arabic-speaking society; the teacher in the Arabic academic discourse takes an authoritarian position towards students. The research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses on intercultural communication, discoursology and a practical course of the Arabic language.
communication failure, intercultural communication, negative politeness, Levant countries, Arabic academic discourse, arabic, discourse analysis, the pragmatics of politeness, communication style, authoritarian position
Dorfman, O., Chernova, O. (2022). Development of the communicative competence of students of technical universities as a strategy for teaching effective communication. Litera, 4, 27–35.
The article is written at the junction of several branches of science, reflects one of the problems of university teaching of the Russian language in technical universities. The purpose of the study is to prove that the development of communicative competence, which is the most important task of modern education, should be carried out in the light of new requirements. The author considers the issues of formation of communicative competence of students of technical universities. It is argued that philological disciplines should be included at all levels of higher education, which contributes to the formation of a highly qualified specialist with not only professional, but also flexible skills (soft skills). The relevance of the issues of improving the level of communicative culture of students at the university is due to the requirements of the new time, the dynamics of changes in the professional industry. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is a systematic view of the competence approach in university education: communicative competence in the system of learning outcomes; in the structure of university teaching; content modules that form communicative competence; didactic conditions, forms, methods and techniques of its development. The author dwells on the consideration of the communicative competence of the CC-4, presented in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the block "communication", reviews the disciplines forming it in technical universities, identifying current teaching trends, analyzes the content of training and provides a list of effective methods and techniques for the formation of communicative competence.
reflexive nature of learning, content module, training program, effective communication, business communication, technical university, universal competencies, flexible skills, communicative competence, methods of competence development
Babkina, E.S. (2022). Mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East: the history of origin and current state . Litera, 4, 36–48.
The purpose of the article is to study the history of the emergence of the mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East and their current state. The author examines the factors of formation, functions and purpose, formal and substantive features, the main trends in the development of mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East in the context of the political, economic and socio-cultural situation of the XIX - XXI centuries. The geography of the study covers the entire Far Eastern Federal District and includes an analysis of the content of ethnic media operating on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Buryatia, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Sakhalin Region and other subjects of the Far Eastern region. The research, being philological in essence, is based on an interdisciplinary approach, synthesizing knowledge of various sciences: theory and history of journalism, ethnography, ethnology, cultural studies. General scientific methods (descriptive-analytical, system description, classification construction method), as well as special methods (historical, comparative, content analysis method), elements of the synchronic and diachronic method were used as the main research methods. The history of the formation of ethnic media and the problem-thematic originality of the national media of the Far Eastern region have not yet become the object of a comprehensive study of domestic scientists. The novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive study of the mass media of the indigenous peoples of the Far East in the historical and typological aspect, clarifying the qualitative characteristics of the Far Eastern media in the context of the formation of an actual structure of regional journalism.
television, magazines, newspapers, ethnic group, indigenous peoples, Far East, mass media, radio, history, modernity
Literary criticism
Akamov, A.T., Bekeeva, A.M. (2022). Koranic motives in Kumyk spiritual literature. Litera, 4, 49–62.
The object of this study is the Kumyk literature of the Middle Ages, which, along with the enlightenment, is dominated by the ideas of religious unity. As a result of the adoption of Islam by the peoples of Dagestan, including the Kumyks, their written literature, which was based on the Koran, acquires a pronounced general Muslim character. The spiritual literature of the Kumyks had the forms of religiouspreachings, reflections, philosophizing and instructions, which are popularly known as "Turki". The concept of "Turki", which includes numerous spiritual poems of various contents and forms, is a single system of genres, namely religious poems. The authors of this study also revealed that along with the strengthening of the position of Islam in Dagestan in the XVI century, religious themes were increasingly introduced into literature, occupying an important place in the works of Kumyk poets and theologians. The authors of the article consider the koranic motifs in the spiritual literature of the Kumyks in the works included in the collection "Majmu ul-manzumat al-ajamiya". The eschatological motives in this work can be divided into two parts: edifying, prescribing how to behave, and descriptive - a description of the horrors that await people in the event of non-compliance with these instructions.
human destiny, the Doomsday, the angel of death, the Eastern literature, spiritual literature of the Kumyks, tyurki, eschatology, Koranic motives, Islam, the prophet
Literary criticism
Zhu, Y. (2022). The Gloomy twentieth anniversary of Chinese Pushkin Studies (1957 – 1976). Litera, 4, 63–74.
Russian Russian literature began to be studied in China in the late XIX and early XX centuries, and the work of A.S. Pushkin was the first to be translated from Russian literature in China. From that moment, Chinese Pushkin studies gradually developed. But since 1957, the process of popularization and study of Pushkin has stalled. Special attention is paid to Chinese Pushkin studies in 1957-1976 . The article examines the causes of the decline of Chinese Pushkin studies in 1957-1976. Special attention is paid to the tragic fates of outstanding Chinese Pushkin artists (Ge Baoquan, Lu Ying, Zha Liangzheng, and Wang Zhilyan) during the gloomy twentieth anniversary in China. The scientific novelty of this work is that it introduces Russian readers to the history of Chinese Pushkin studies and the tragic fates of Chinese Pushkin writers, fitting them into a broad cultural and political context and showing how political processes and ideological attitudes affect the development of humanities. The main conclusions of the study are that Pushkin's work supported and inspired the best representatives of the Chinese intelligentsia, despite the cruel censorship oppression and repression, who introduced their compatriots to the highest achievements of world culture and defended their right to free creativity.
Cha Liangzheng, Lu Ying, Ge Baoquan, tragic fates, pushkinists, Cultural Revolution, study of Russian literature, translation, chinese pushkin studies, Wang Zhilian
Literary criticism
Petisheva, V. (2022). Under the protection of the 108 psalm. ("The Little Man" in the novels of Leonid Leonov) . Litera, 4, 75–82.
The subject of a special study is the consideration of various approaches to depicting the lives of socially humiliated characters. The appearance of "little people" in the works of writers of the XIX-XX centuries. literary critics were inclined to explain the "terrible reality of Nikolayev Russia", the "social atmosphere", which determined the characteristic features of a person who found himself under the influence of difficult circumstances, life contradictions. This is a disenfranchised person who is powerless before life and its circumstances. This is a "small" person in social terms, an "inconspicuous" hero who is forced to live on the lower floor of the public pyramid. The "little man" is not devoid of spiritual, moral and humanistic principles, so writers began to give them a place in their works. With each subsequent work, the life of people of the "lower" class manifested itself in new interpretations. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the realities of the time, by the fact that in modern conditions the topic of the "little man" is topical. The purpose of the work is to trace the evolution of the theme of "little man" in the works of Russian writers of the XIX – first decades of the XX century, as well as the relationship of the concepts of "little man" – "righteous man". The object of research is the works of A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, F. Dostoevsky, L. Leonov. The subject of the study is the image of the "little man" as a type of literary hero in Russian literature of the XIX–XX centuries. The most accurate methodological basis of the work was the works of famous Russian scientists, such as K. Mochulsky, A. Gazizova, A. Stepanov, etc., the methods of research are comparative-typological and cultural-historical. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the proof that in every epoch there were, there are and will be "little people" who often turn out to be morally superior to people who occupy the best position in society; the concepts of "little people" – "poor people" are distinguished, the author's attitude to the synonymous or antonymous series "little" ("poor") a hero, a righteous hero.
modern literature, a heroless character, the righteous man, little man, Leonid Leonov, author, artistic text, classics of the XIX century, a typical character, the humanistic beginning
Literary criticism
Mysovskikh, L.O. (2022). Existential type of artistic consciousness:
genesis and ways of development in the literature of the XIX century. Litera, 4, 83–92.
The article traces the origins of existentialism on the examples of writers and philosophers of the XIX century. The history of the study of the category «artistic consciousness» and the category «existential consciousness» is considered. The theoretical substantiation of the concepts of «artistic consciousness» and «existential consciousness» is proposed. The terms «existential» and «existentialist» are distinguished. The term «existential» is applied to writers and philosophers of the XIX century. S. Kierkegaard, M. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, A. Schopenhauer, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, F. Nietzsche are represented as existential writers. It shows the path that existential consciousness took in literature in the XIX century from Kierkegaard's «Knight of Faith» to Nietzsche's «Antichrist». The author makes an assumption about the existence of an existential type of artistic consciousness, considered as a type of artistic and aesthetic interaction of a person with the world, expressed in artistic creativity. It is suggested that in the twentieth century, the existential consciousness of a free person who found himself in a world where «God died» fell into an enchanted circle of absurdity. The opposite approach, considering human freedom as a gift from God, suggests using it in the name of creative improvement. Such a path leads to harmony with God, elevating the human creator to the role of a co-author of Divine creativity. Only this way is able to bring existential consciousness out of the dead end of the absurd.
existentialism, fiction, literary theory, Russian literature, foreign literature, philosophy, religion, determinism, absurdity, free will
Zhu, Y. (2022). Interpretation of the image of Tatiana Larina in Chinese Pushkin studies 1978 - 2010 . Litera, 4, 93–102.
The main attention in the article is paid to the peculiarities of the interpretation of the image of Tatiana Larina in Chinese Pushkin studies from 1978 to 2010. The article discusses various works of Chinese interpreters dedicated to the image of Tatiana. Based on the analysis of extensive material, an attempt is made to summarize the main features of the interpretation of Pushkin's heroine in China. The comparative-historical approach, methods of generalization, interpretation of the results were used in the study. In modern Pushkin studies, a lot of attention has been paid to the perception of A. S. Pushkin's work outside the homeland, especially in China, to a greater extent it concerns translation interpretation. And the analysis of Chinese literary works about a particular character — in this work about Tatiana Larina — is carried out for the first time. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the small knowledge of the problem of interpreting the image of Tatiana in China. In the course of the work, the peculiarities of the interpretation of the image of Tatiana in China were revealed — the fascination with the assessment of Tatiana's moral qualities, and at the same time — the neglect of the artistic nature of the Pushkin heroine. The results of the study contribute to the study of the image of Tatiana in Chinese Pushkin studies, and also contribute to a deep understanding of the image of the Russian woman in China. In addition, its results and conclusions can also be used in the study of intercultural relations between China and Russia, the study of the reception of Russian literature in China.
Wang Zhiliang, feminist, the image of a Russian woman, Eugene Onegin, chinese pushkin studies, Tatiana Larina, features of interpretation, Wang Shise, moral qualities, reception of Russian literature
Giniyatullina, L.M. (2022). Features of parallel connection between sentences of a complex syntactic whole (using the example of the Tatar language) . Litera, 4, 103–110.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of parallel communication between sentences of complex syntactic integers. The relevance of the study is determined by the absence in Tatar linguistics of a methodology for analyzing a complex syntactic whole in the aspect of the unity of the plans of its content and expression. The purpose of this study is to get an idea about the features of parallel communication between sentences of a complex syntactic whole, about the structure of this syntactic unit. The object of the study is a complex syntactic whole as an independent syntactic unit having a specific structure and functions in the Tatar language. The subject of the study is complex syntactic integers in which a parallel connection is established between sentences. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article comprehensively analyzes the means of communication, determines the status of a complex syntactic whole as an independent syntactic unit based on the identified features of its structure. As a result of the study, indicators of parallel communication in complex syntactic integers of the Tatar language, features of narrative, descriptive complex syntactic integers were revealed. The practical significance of the research is determined by the demand for information about the structure and functioning of a complex syntactic whole in the modern Tatar language. Solving the problem of the structure of the text and its forming units, including a complex syntactic whole, contributes to improving the theory and practice of producing and perceiving written texts.
artistic text, members of the proposals, parallel constructions, parallel communication, type of connection, a complex syntactic whole, syntax, Tatar language, media text, syntactic parallelism
Ðàìèðåñ Ðîäðèãåñ , Ï. (2022). The importance of the pragmatics of verbal idiomatic expressions with a figurative meaning in Spanish . Litera, 4, 111–120.
In this paper, the behavior of verbal idioms in Spanish is studied. In the phraseological world, there are various classifications depending on the characteristic features of phraseological units. This article focuses on the pragmatics of various verbal idioms in Spanish. Verbal idioms are mainly phraseological units characterized by fixation and idiomaticity. The fact that these characteristics are shared with other phraseological units and that both fixation and idiomaticity are gradual characteristics has traditionally made it difficult to establish clear boundaries that adequately delimit different types of phraseological units, especially when they contain verbs. However, it is possible to characterize verbal idioms by distinguishing them as linguistic units at three gradually limiting levels: firstly, as phraseological units or fixed expressions with a high degree of fixation; secondly, as idioms with idiomatic meaning and, thirdly, verbal idioms as such differ in that they are formed by the verb core. The examples given in the work and many others show that, despite the fact that fixation is one of the defining features of phraseological units, hence verbal idioms, it is necessary to take into account various phenomena that call into question its immutability. These phenomena represent, on the one hand, the inflection of the verb core and other components that establish a relationship of agreement with elements external to the idiom when they are inserted into speech; on the other hand, the possibility of replacing some of its components with a more or less limited number of words forming a series of lexical variants of the same idiom; and, finally, syntactic-type operations, such as the inclusion of paragraphs between the components of a verbal idiom, the increase or reduction of certain expressions, changes in the order of the components of language expressions and transformations, such as the formation of a passive voice or the nominalization of some verbal idioms.
Cultural concept, Semantics, Literal meaning, Portable value, verbal idioms, stable expressions, phraseological units, idiomatic, Pragmatics, Linguistic code
Rossyaikin, P.O. (2022). Semantics of negative pronouns in the light of compatibility with the modifier "almost". Litera, 4, 121–132.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the semantics of negative pronouns in the Russian language. At the moment, there are two main approaches to this issue. In the first approach, negative pronouns are considered synonyms of the indefinite pronouns 'someone', 'someone' or 'someone', used only in negative contexts (i.e., no one came = it is not true that someone came). The second approach treats them as synonymous with the quantifier 'everyone' (for example, no one came = everyone (person) didn't come). The article discusses the arguments in favor of the second version of the analysis, based on the permissibility of combining negative pronouns with the modifier 'almost' (as, for example, in the sentence 'almost no one came'). The relevance of the study is due to the lack of consensus on the correct version of the analysis of the semantics of negative pronouns. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that it presents new arguments showing that the permissibility of combinations of the type 'almost nobody' presents a problem for the analysis of negative pronouns as indefinite. Firstly, this analysis cannot simultaneously explain the permissibility of combinations like 'almost no one' and the inadmissibility of combinations like 'almost someone', 'almost anyone' and 'almost anyone'. Secondly, it is shown that this analysis requires considering 'almost' as an operator having a scope over the entire proposition, and not a separate component. However, such an analysis of the modifier 'almost' leads to the prediction of non-existent interpretations in negative sentences with numerals like 'Peter has not solved almost ten problems'. Thus, it is shown that negative pronouns are synonymous with universal quantifiers of the type 'each', and not indefinite pronouns.
Russian, syntax, quantifiers, indefinite pronouns, negative pronouns, negative matching, formal semantics, scope of action, approximation, denial