Hu, R. (2022). The Image Function of a Sports Event on the Example of the Opening of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. Litera, 12, 1–11.
The article examines the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games as a media event and analyzes its important role in strengthening national identity and shaping the national image of China in the new era. The subject of the study is the influence of the 2022 Olympics in the formation of the internal image of the People's Republic of China, the object of the study is the coverage of the Chinese media on the 2022 Olympics. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the analysis of the frequency of the vocabulary of Chinese media coverage of this event, and at the same time, the updates and promotion of the image of the People's Republic of China in the Chinese media in coverage of the 2022 Olympics were analyzed. The study used methods of content analysis of publications in the media and methods of comparison, generalization and statistical analysis of the collected data. The frequency of keywords in the texts of publications was also analyzed to determine the direction of the agenda of the Chinese media when covering the 2022 Olympics. According to the analysis, we found that as part of the coverage of the Olympics, the Chinese media paid the greatest attention to the meeting of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which was aimed at transforming and updating the image of China in a new era.The author concludes that at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in 2022, China clearly showed elements of the national image, culture, endowed the image of China with a new meaning. Using laconic symbols and details with special moments to represent modern China, the organizers of the event were able to convey to the community the concept and culture of the People's Republic of China in a new era and allowed to more accurately capture the national image.And this solemn event introduced the image of China into the consciousness of its people as a responsible and unified world power, as a country advocating the aesthetics of minimalism, possessing advanced technologies. Thus, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has successfully fulfilled the function of promoting the national image within China.
soft power, image promotion, Chinese culture, media, internal image, image of PRC, opening ceremony, Olympics, Chinese media, image function
Cao, X. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the Related Terms "Connection" and "Parcelling" (Based on the Material of the Service Unit "and more"). Litera, 12, 12–19.
This article is devoted to the actual problem of the syntax of the Russian language. Joining is always in the focus of attention of researchers at the present stage of development of linguistic theory. However, due to the fact that attachment has similar features with the term "parcel", in modern Russian syntactic science, a single view on the relationship between "connection" and "parcelling" has not yet been developed. The object of research is the service unit "and also", the subject is the relationship of the related terms "connection" and "parcelling". The purpose of this work is a comparative analysis of "connection" and "parcelling" on the material of the service unit "and more". In the course of the research, we use the corpus method of collecting and processing empirical material. The source of the material is the texts presented in the National Corpus of the Russian language. In addition, both the descriptive method and the comparison method are used to clearly show the differences between the two concepts. Based on a comparative analysis of the actual material, it was found that the most distinct difference between connection and parcelling is as follows: when joining, addition occurs, and when parcelling, separation occurs. Connection is a grammatical category, refers to the phenomenon of the static aspect of a sentence, and parcelling is a stylistic device, refers to the phenomenon of the dynamic aspect of a sentence.
parallel structures, row, parcel, additional part, the basic part, separation, addition, parcelling, stylistic reception, connection
Literary criticism
Pavlova, L.V., Romanova, I.V. (2022). "Color" Ñomponent of the Frequency Dictionary of the "Armenian Text". Litera, 12, 20–32.
The aim of the study is to reconstruct the "Armenian" local text of Russian poetry, its color segment. The research material is a corpus of poems by Russian poets of the XIX–XXI centuries dedicated to Armenia. The object of study is the poetics of color as an important component of the image of Armenia, the subject of study is color naming. The methodological basis was an interdisciplinary approach combining linguistics, literary studies and computer methods of text processing. To describe the poetics of color, language material is processed and a frequency dictionary is compiled. Data interpretation is performed at the level of the entire corpus and within the subcorpuses of individual authors. This is how data on individual and national pictures of the world are compared and considered against the background of Armenian folk ideas about color. The scientific novelty of the research consists in compiling an original alphabetical-frequency dictionary of color names in the "Armenian text" of Russian poetry and in describing the poetics of coloristic elements. It is proved that in the general linguistic picture of the "Armenian text" and in most of the individually authored artistic worlds, the blue color and its shades confidently dominate. The semantics of color in Russian poets when describing Armenia does not coincide with the ethnic representations of Armenians. The study is promising for the comparative study of both local texts and national linguistic worldviews. The peculiarity of the "Armenian text" is the construction of a color picture of the world based on the perception of the color of soils, stones, rocks and the mountains themselves, as well as impressions of paintings by Armenian artists, first of all, Martiros Saryan.
corpus of texts, language picture of the world, frequency dictionary, color naming, Russian poetry, semantics of color, Armenian text, local text, image, national consciousness
Literary criticism
Kur'yanov, S.O., Aleksandrova, I.V., Ivanova, N.P., Kur'yanova, V.V. (2022). Topical Issues of the Theory of Supertext: Literary Aspect. Text Unity as Supertext. Litera, 12, 33–51.
In this article, the subject of research is a system of integrated texts (supertext) as textual unity. The purpose of the study is to specify the terminology and clarify the features of some aspects of textual unity, in particular, to clarify the concepts of the core and its structural components, as well as to solve some other theoretical questions, the answers to which today determine clarity in the identification, classification and interpretation of supertexts. In questions of the theory of supertext, the methodological basis of the study was the work of V. N. Toporov, N. A. Kupina and G. V. Bitenskaya, N. E. Mednis, A. G. Loshakov, in questions of the theory of the literary cycle — the work of M. M. Girshman, I. V. Fomenko, V. V. Vinogradov, A. A. Slyusar, Yu. V. Lebedev, V. G. Odinokov, A. S. Yanushkevich, M. N. Darwin, V. I. Tyupa, L. E. Lyapina, E. Yu. Afonina, O. G. Egorova, and others, in questions of the theory of collective-author text unity — the work of Yu. M. Lotman. The study clarifies the concept of the core of text unity, describes the components of different forms of text unity, based on their classification proposed by A. G. Loshakov, and refined by this scientific work. All this speaks of the novelty of the study, which continues the general theory of supertext. The development of the theory of such a variety of supertext as text unity not only contributes to the further study of its various aspects, clarification of their functions, but also indicates new approaches to large text formations, since, generated by creative writers, they not only recreate the world, but also form a picture world assimilated by the perceiving consciousness.
journal, cycle, author's collection, collective-author's supertext, individual-author's supertext, components of textual unity, core of textual unity, textual unity, supertext, almanac
Liu, X. (2022). The TV series "Symphonic Novel" in the Aspect of its Narrative Specificity. Litera, 12, 52–65.
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of narrative qualities in the South Korean television series "Symphonic Novel" (Russian version) as in the journalistic product of media communication. Based on a comprehensive analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that in the TV series "Symphonic Novel", the narrative modality is formed in the TV series together with lyricism as a system of principles and views that are displayed in the plot. Narrative becomes an important distinguishing characteristic of the TV series "Symphonic Novel", which allows it to become a unique and effective tool for influencing foreign (Russian-speaking) audiences in order to form a stable positive perception of South Korean culture and the South Korean state as a whole. The relevance of studying a television series as a way of forming a country image does not decrease due to its specific role in the formation of certain ideological attitudes that enhance its socio-cultural significance. The issue of the narrative of the TV series is also relevant due to its particular popularity among a wide audience. So, in the interaction of the audience with the content of the TV series "Symphonic Novel", media communication, due to its features — publicity and mediation — receives specific parameters for the image of the author. Narrative discourse, complicated by the narrative instance, begins to obey the laws of the media text, the classical concepts of "plot", "image of the author", etc. they can be interpreted differently — through a communicative model. The narrative in the media space is determined by the psychological and social characteristics of the addressee — interests and needs, social status, emotional state (now) and personal qualities (always). The final product is also influenced by his ideas about the communicative situation, about himself as a subject of speech, about the direct recipient and random participants of communication, expectations of a perlocative effect (although the latter often lies outside the linguistic reality).
media, communication, media communication, soap opera, journalism, TV series, modality, narrative, media image, Symphonic Novel
Literary criticism
Belyaeva, T.N. (2022). The Role of Folklore in the Formation of the Genre of the Satirical Novel (based on the Material of the Mari Literature of the First Third of the XX Century). Litera, 12, 66–74.
This article examines the problem of folklore and literature based on the material of the Mari national literature of the first third of the twentieth century. The subject of the study is the role of folklore traditions in the formation of the genre of the satirical novel. The influence of folklore images-characters, genres of oral folk art (fairy tale, proverb, saying, etc.), their poetics and stylistics on the process of formation of Mari national literature, on the birth of the first Mari satirical novel – N. V. Ignatiev's novel "Savik" is shown. In such a scientific and theoretical aspect, this work of Mari literature is being studied in regional and domestic literary studies for the first time. The research method is structural and semantic, which allows to see the comic component of a satirical novel at the level of both its genre content and its poetics. The article proves that it is the folklore genre and figurative intertext that contributes to the disclosure of the satirical problems of the novel "Savik"; the main satirical techniques and means in it are sarcasm, specific nomination of characters ("talking names"), "sounding" toponymy, parody, comic situation, exaggeration, specific speech techniques, etc., many of which they have a folklore basis. They play an essential role in the creation of a literary and artistic text, are integral components of its poetics and stylistics, are closely related to the author's ideas, the time and space depicted, the essence of the images created.
sarcasm, Ignatiev, satirical novel, poetics, problematics, folklore, Mari literature, character image, genre, comic techniques
Shamaeva, A.E. (2022). "Benevolence has oil on the tip, cursing has blood". Litera, 12, 75–82.
In this article, the Yakut and Mongolian proverbs (yak. algys baһa syalaah, kyrys baһa haannaah (lit. the benevolence has fat (oil) at the tip, the curse has blood), and mong. erөөliin үzүүrt tos, kharaalyn үzүүrt tsus (letters. benevolence has oil on the tip, curses have blood)) with a common semantics, “a blessing responds with kindness, a curse with blood" are presented as structural and semantic analogues. The subject of the study is word-by-word translation, which allows you to reveal a whole system of interactions and norms of behavior, reflecting the unique worldview positions of speakers of the studied languages. Each component of the proverbs is considered from the point of view of linguistic affiliation. Comparative material from other Turkic and Mongolian languages is given. The words are considered in the context of ethnographic data. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that for the first time the lexical compositions of the Yakut and Mongolian proverbs-parallels are considered in it. It is established that the proverbs in question are complete parallels. All the components of the lexeme of the Yakut proverb algys baһa syalaah, kyrys baһa haannaah (lit. the benevolence has oil on the tip, the curse has blood) are etmologized on the material of the Turkic languages, and the Mongolian proverbs erөөliyn үzүrt tos, kharaalyn үzүүrt tsus (lit. the result of benevolence is oil, the result of a curse is blood) go back to Mongolian roots. At the same time, each word reveals to a certain extent the general specific features of the culture of these peoples. Such proverbs-parallels could arise only in conditions of prolonged contact between the ancestors of the Yakuts and Mongols.
Mongolian languages, belief, proverbs, curse, Mongolian language, Yakut language, algys, mongol loan words, Yakut-Mongolian parallels, Turkic languages
Baskakova, A. (2022). The World View at the Reflection of Russian and English Paroemias. Litera, 12, 83–90.
The article is dedicated to a research and signification of particularities of Russian and English world view through a prism of paroemiac units. The subject of the study is paroemias in Russian and English languages, reflecting the intellection of two comparative cultures. The goal of the work consists in disclosure of functional abilities of paroemias for understanding the way of thinking of Russian and English informants. At the process of paroemias’ analysis there were used several methods of linguistic research: comparative – historical, the method of opposition, distributive analysis and also psycholinguistic methods of the research. It is effectual to consider the results of the study as determination of the fact, that a world view, expressed at the language by functionating separate paroemaic structures, allows to disclose main national features of different nations in a more detailed way. As the sphere of usage of the results, first of all, can be observed a pedagogical work, when at the process of analysis, study and practical usage of paroemias at the speech the learners recognize the relation between language and thinking, that reflects their perception of a world afterwards. Secondly, the understanding of Russian and English paroemias’ meaning helps the establishment of cultural and language connections between different national groups, indicative of the realization of the cultural communication. The novelty of this study is that there was made the first trial to deduce the process of monitoring the perception of paroemias by Russian and English language speakers from the moment of their initial analysis at level of their acquaintance with a research material (reading, translation and understanding of the meaning) to the moment of perception of their influence on thinking (how paroemias reflect the world view of a concrete nation). The conclusions made from work point to the fact, that the determinant to the search of similarities and comparatives between Russian and English paroemias is at the existence of a particular problematics connected with cultural values, reflected at the compared languages.
translation, mentality, intercultural communication, cultural values, English langugage, Russian langugage, family relations, paroemias, world view, interpretation
Mutalov, R.O. (2022). Conversational Etiquette in the Itsary Dargin Language: Formulas for Contact-Establishing. Litera, 12, 91–99.
The article is devoted to the description of the phatic (contact-establishing) function of conversational etiquette in the Itsary dialect of the Tsudahar-Sirkhya language (the Dargin branch of the Nakh-Dagestan languages). The purpose of the study is to identify the conversational formulas for contact-establishing in the dialect under study and to give their semantic and stylistic characteristics. These conversational formulas are still little-studied not only in the Itsary dialect, but also in the other Dargin languages and dialects, and that is the relevance of the issue. Meanwhile, the traditional formulas of conversational etiquette are rapidly being lost due to the change in the traditional way of life and the intensive migration of highlanders to the cities. In the course of the study the methods of synchronous description and the methods of introspection and field linguistics are used. As a result of the study, the most commonly used Itsary words and expressions which are used in the process of interpersonal communication for expressing greetings, well- wishing, sympathy and farewells were identified and systematized, and the scope of their functioning is also identified. A significant amount of conversational formulas material is introduced into scientific use. The results of the study can be used in the study of theoretical issues of conversational etiquette and conversational culture of the Dagestan people and also for compiling dictionaries and for teaching courses of the Dargin lexicology and dialectology at the educational institutions.
farewell, well-wishing, greeting, communication, conversational etiquette, the Itsary dialect, cultural linguistics, he Dargin languages, the Caucasian languages, sympathy
Baeva, E.I. (2022). The Comparison of Mimic Phraseological Units Based on Italian and Spanish Material. Litera, 12, 100–108.
The article discusses the semantic features of mimic phraseological units of Italian and Spanish and their use to characterize communicative behavior. The classification of sign phraseological units of the Italian and Spanish languages according to functional and semantic criteria is given. The methods of linguistic expression of visual communication that reflect the inner sphere of a person in the Italian and Spanish language picture of the world are presented. For the first time, an attempt was made to conduct a comparative study of mimic phraseological units on the material of two closely related languages using a comparative method. The analysis showed that the mimic phraseological units found in Spanish and Italian have a large number of identical equivalents. The article discusses the semantic features of mimic phraseological units of Italian and Spanish and their use to characterize communicative behavior. The classification of sign phraseological units of the Italian and Spanish languages according to functional and semantic criteria is given. The methods of linguistic expression of visual communication that reflect the inner sphere of a person in the Italian and Spanish language picture of the world are presented. For the first time, an attempt was made to conduct a comparative study of mimic phraseological units on the material of two closely related languages using a comparative method. The analysis showed that the mimic phraseological units found in Spanish and Italian have a large number of identical equivalents.
comparative studies, Spanish language, Italian language, semiotic classes of gestures, linguistic mentality, dominant communicative signs, gestural phraseological units, facial expressions, communicative behavior, non-verbal semiotics
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E., Nikulicheva, S.E. (2022). Poetic Thanatology of the Novel by E.M. Remarque "Life on Loan or Heaven Knows no Favorites". Litera, 12, 109–116.
The presented work examines the thanatological motifs in the work of the German writer E.M. Remarque. The influence of historical events is assumed not only on the plot and ideological levels of the novel, but also on the figurative. The hypothesis about the tendency in the work of E.M. Remarque to the widespread use of images traditionally associated with death is put forward and proved. The aim of the work is to prove the author's special understanding of the theme of death and its realization in the novel by E.M. Remarque "Life on loan or Heaven knows no favorites". The object of the study is a special Remark's representation of the category of death and its place in the literature of the "lost generation". The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors present a new interpretation of the title of the novel in connection with the original belonging of the characters to the afterlife. The main content of the study is the analysis of the poetical levels of the novel; motives, mythologems and images of death are analyzed at the ideological-thematic, plot, character, space-time and genre levels; citation examples are given for various connotations of death for each character of the novel by E.M. Remarque "Life on loan or Heaven knows no favorites". Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of semantic substitution of the real definition of the concept of life for an antonymic one. In conclusion, the role of death at the compositional level of the work is revealed.
comparative analysis, poetic space, chronotopos, main character, foreign literature, motif, poetic tanatology, image, Erich Maria Remarque, structural analysis
Zhu, Y. (2022). Emotivity Category as a Means of Popularizing the Political Propaganda Video of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Litera, 12, 117–125.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of the emotional categories in the implementation of political propaganda and the formation of public opinion. The subject of the paper is the peculiarities of the characteristics of the emotional category, the object is the Russian version of political propaganda video "Communist Party of China". The paper adopts descriptive, contextual, and emotive analysis methods. The video is a human-centred text, in which the personalization phenomena are the sources of the emotional category: the personalization in this video (CPC acts as one character) allows us to form a positive, attractive image of the CPC. The verbal (lexical, syntactic means) and non-verbal emotional components of the video (soundtrack, video sequence, color scheme) are identified, the interaction of which contributes to the emergence of a positive emotional impact exerted by the video on the recipient, and the formation of a positive image of the CPC as a great party leading the country to prosperity, which should leave a positive impression on the recipient. In conclusion, we state that emotional categories play a major role in creating emotional impressions, which is closely related to the technique of personalization. The point of innovation of the paper is emphasized the role of this personalized method in popularizing political propaganda.
CPC, image, politics, popularization, emotive, personalization, polycode, etymology, emotivity, propaganda
Wang, Y., Mitrofanova, I.I. (2022). The Concept of "Sky" as a Set of Collective Representations in Chinese Linguoculturology. Litera, 12, 126–135.
The article deals with the semantics of the concept "sky" in the Chinese language. The aim of the article is to study the concept "sky" in Chinese culture and to identify the specifics of its content in the Chinese language picture of the world. The concept serves as the basis of human consciousness and the system of cultural values of the nation. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the polysemous word "sky" and its lexical combination in Chinese linguocultural studies. The object of the research is the concept "sky" in the Chinese language picture of the world. The subject of the research is the representation of collective representations of the concept "sky" in Chinese language. Descriptive, component and structural, comparative analysis methods were used in this article. The main conclusions are that the concept "heaven" in Chinese philosophy acquires special representations, which are closely connected with the religious component in the culture of ancient China. In comparison with the concept "God" in European cultures, the concept "sky" has no personal realization, it symbolizes the supreme central deity. With the development of temporality the concept "sky" is presented with new meanings and values. The novelty of the research consists in the fact that, for the first time using the analysis of collective representations of the concept "heaven" in the article, its meaning and lexical compatibility in modern Chinese language are described and the specificity of Chinese language thinking is revealed.
concept, Chinese linguoculturology, language picture of the world, human consciousness, archetypal representations, Chinese philosophy, core lexemes, mental differences, specifics of language thinking, semantic field