Question at hand
Solovyeva, A., Shishkina, T.G. (2022). Linguistic context of functionality and peculiarities of the English military aviation terminology in professional journals (on the example of the “Rotor and Wing”). Litera, 1, 1–8.
This article is dedicated to the linguistic context of functionality of the English military aviation terms in the journal “Rotor and Wing”. The goal lies in revealing the specificity of the linguistic context of functionality of the English military aviation terminology, as well as its structural, semantic and pragmatic characteristics in the journal “Rotor and Wing”. For achieving the set goal, the author aims to determine the most representative linguistic (stylistic, syntactic, grammatical, and lexical) peculiarities of the journal; which military aviation terms are most and least common for the journal; as well as structural, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the terms. The novelty lies in comprehensive description of the English military aviation terminology (structural, semantic and pragmatic aspects) and its linguistic context in the professional journal. The research employs the analytical, comparative, and statistical methods. The author establishes the most significant syntactic, grammatical, stylistic, and lexical peculiarities of the journal; as well as structural (most terms are two-component phrases), semantic (presence of the absolute and conditional synonymous terms, absence of polysemy, and partial presence of antonyms), and pragmatic characteristics of military aviation terminology (terms fulfill the functions that are substantiated by the content and purpose of the journal. The acquired results can be used both in lexicographical practice (compiling the English-language dictionaries, thesauri, glossaries of military aviation terms), and in the practice of teaching the aviation English language.
structural features, english terminology, linguistic context, context, military aviation terminology, terminology, term, semantic features, pragmatic features, military aviation term
XU, Z. (2022). Comparative study of the texts on animals and on people in I. A Krylov’s fables. Litera, 1, 9–18.
This article is dedicated to comparison of the texts on animals and people in I. A. Krylov's fables in the context of formation of a holistic image of the world of the Russian people. The use of zoomorphic metaphor in the text is one of the means of verbalization of the cultural code. Zoomorphic nominations f in Krylov’s fables are universal metaphorical units of literary speech, since they translate the stereotypical representation of animal behavior and status of people. Animals are selected in accordance with the principle of affinity to the folk epic tale: the fable feature only the animals, the representations of were deeply entrenched in people’s perception, as well as codified in their worldview. The folk that are the characters of the fable usually belong to the lower social class, and thus do not have any rights or freedom of expression. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the establishment of the dominant method of metaphorical conveyance, as well as in determination of the difference in the use of zoomorphic symbols in creating the images and direct nomination of human characters. As a result, it is proven that through a variety of animalistic images, I. A. Krylov explicates the traits of the human character in all their diversity. The fables about people depict the Russian everyday life and traditions. Due to the broad historical context, prevalence of the characters, and depth of psychologism, the plotlines of the fables are timeless.
zoonym, I A Krylov, linguistic picture of the world, image of people, image of animal, zoomorphic metaphor, fables, habits of animal, morals of animal, character of people
Gilemshin, F.F., Galiullina, G.R. (2022). Past participle in kyssa Tatar texts of the late XIX – early XX centuries. Litera, 1, 19–25.
The goal of this research lies in the analysis of past participles used in the texts of kyssa genre. The object of this research is kyssa Tatar texts published in the late XIX – early XX centuries. These works emerged under the influence of Oriental literature. The translations of the following works especially popular: the collection of fairy tales “One Thousand and One Nights” by F. Khalidi, the books “Tutinama” and “Kalila and Dimna” by G. Faezkhanov, the books “The History of the Forty Vezirs” and “Abugalisina” by K. Nasiry. They had a significant impact upon the formation of morphological norms of the modern Tatar literary language. The novelty of this article is defined by the fact that the morphological peculiarities of the works belonging to this genre have not previously become the object of separate research in the Tatar linguistics. The conclusion is made that the language of kyssa texts is heterogeneous, incorporating the elements of the traditional written literary language and the folk colloquial language. This is testified by the grammatical forms of past participle. The analysis demonstrates that the most common and multifunctional forms are -γan /-gän, -qan/-kän characteristic to the Kipchak subgroup of Turkic languages. This form is mostly used in colloquial language. Past participles with the affixes -dyq /-dek, -myš/-meš, -muš/-müš characteristic to the Oghuz group of Turkic languages are the indicators of the written literary language. With the establishment of the modern Tatar literary language, they became obsolete.
grammatical forms, non-conjugated verbs, past tense, participle, verb, morphology, colloquial language, kyssa genre, tatar language, literary language
Syun, T. (2022). The peculiarities of international business communication on the Internet . Litera, 1, 26–36.
This article examines the problem of business communication on the Internet on the example of the Russian and Chinese languages. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the progressive international relations, and lies in studying the peculiarities of the culture of international business communication on the Internet, namely between China and Russia. Although the economic cooperation between the two countries are rapidly developing, the problem of mutual intelligibility remains acute. In the globalization era, the Internet is crucial factor that effects the specifics of the culture of business communication. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of international business communication on the Internet, taking into account the specifics of the parties to communication on the example of China and Russia). The subject of this research is the specifics of international business communication on the Internet between China and Russia. The object is the China-Russia business communication via the Internet. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive analysis of the forms and specifics of international business communication on the Internet between China and Russia. The main conclusions are as follows: business communication on the Internet is affected by such factors as mentality, national traditions, established etiquette norms and rules; the Russian and Chinese business communication on the Internet is characterized by standardization, use of speech patterns, cliché; Russian and Chinese business representatives must have command of both languages alongside broad knowledge on culture and traditions of the partner country, show flexibility manifested in the use of modern technologies of conducting business, namely the Internet and its capabilities.
speech etiquette, cliched phrases, formal business style, Internet technologies, Russian language, Chinese, international business communication, linguistic features, business ethics, international negotiations
Question at hand
Zinina, Y.M. (2022). Content analysis of the lyrics of contemporary British pop music (based on the lyrics of popular British singer Ed Sheeran) . Litera, 1, 37–54.
Songs as a musical composition that combine melodic and verbal components may strongly affect the audience. Creative and engaging, the songs may also spread malevolent messages and debauched attitudes, which entails negative impact of musical idols upon the immature worldview of the youth. On the example of popular songs of the outstanding British singer, producer, musician and actor Ed Sheeran the author finds relevant to reveal the underlying concept of the lyrics and the image created by the performer. The research employs the method of continuous sampling method, online services Istio, Miratext. and software Tropes for carrying out content analysis. The article examines the singles Bad Habits, Perfect, Shape of You, Photograph, Thinking Out Loud, Afterglow, I Don’t Care (feat. Justin Bieber), Happier, Beautiful People (feat. Khalid), Galway Girl that are in the top ten chart. The total amount of words in the lyrics of the selected songs was 3724. The conducted analysis reveals that the underlying concept of the lyrics – "happy love"," close relationships"," philosophy of life", alongside personal traits of Ed Sheeran such as kindness, desire to help people in tough life situations, create the image of a person worthy of respect.
social influence, pop culture, song content, frequency, charity, Ed Sheeran, pop music, hidden meaning, song analysis, content analysis
Literary criticism
Kyrchanoff, M.W. (2022). Pagan motifs as the manifestation of anti-modernism in the novels of N. Gaiman “American Gods” and A. Rubanov “Mahogany Man” . Litera, 1, 55–66.
The subject of this research is the “pagan” images in modern mass culture in the context of the novels “American Gods” by the English writer Neil Gaiman and “Mahogany Man” by the contemporary Russian writer Andrey Rubanov. The goal of this article lies in the analysis of the US and Russian experience of assimilation and integration of pagan heritage in the context of mass culture of consumer society. Research methodology employs the methods offered by Eric Hobsbawm in his theory of “inventing traditions”. Thus, the author perceives pagan motifs as one of the “invented traditions” of the modern literature of consumer society. The scientific novelty lies in the comparative analysis of actualization of pagan images in the English and Russian literature of consumer society in the novels “American Gods” by N. Gaiman and “Mahogany Man” by A. Rubanov. Analysis is conducted on the “pagan” images in the context of ethno-futuristic discourse defined as an alternative to modern serial identities of consumer society. It is demonstrated that in the literary texts of mass culture, pagan motifs have multiple and heterogeneous origins and cultural genealogies, localized in the classical heritage and popular culture simultaneously. The author believes that pagan images in the prose of mass culture actualize the problems of identity crisis, as well as the erosion of ethnic traditional cultures in globalizing society. It is suggested that visualization of literary texts may become the key trend in the development of pagan images in the mass literature of consumer society.
antimodernity, ethnofuturism, identity crisis, pagan images, Andrei Rubanov, Neil Gaiman, literature, mass culture, mythologization, sacralization
Literary criticism
Mamukina, G.I., Minova, M.V., Markova, A.S. (2022). The struggle against arrogance as the underlying concept of the “The Nibelungenlied”. Litera, 1, 67–77.
The goal of this article consists in determination of the underlying concept and motif of the poem "The Nibelungenlied". For achieving the set goal, the author applies the strategy of "antiquarism" – refer to the values of the era of creation of the poem and substantiate its historical-cultural prerequisites. Leaning on the theoretical and historical poetics, the presence of the author is claimed as a category of text in the work of the eidetic era, which allows analyzing the artistic whole on the level of selection of lexical units, as well as comparing the characters based on the category of specularity as a structure-forming element. The conducted research reveals the pattern of the emergence and realization of the motive of struggle against arrogance as the underlying concept of the "The Nibelungenlied" common to all characters, which determines the plot and structure of the poem on different levels of artistic unity of the text. The strategy of "antiquarism" allowed analyzing "The Nibelungenlied" according to the views of the era of its creation, and extract the key motif of the poem as a significant aspect of human life of that time – the harmonious acceptance of the fate. “The Nibelungenlied” embodies the idea of struggle against haughtiness and arrogance, which is opposed to serving a noble calling and fulfilling a duty. Theoretical poetics indicates the shift in the mode of artistry (from heroic to tragic). The focus on historical poetics reveals the underlying concept of the poem, which is essential for structuring and completing the artistic whole in the eidetic era. Therefore, arrogance as the key motif of the poem is substantiated historically and textually.
epic, mythical consciousness, antiquarism, mirroring category, author's category, motive, eidetic era, Song of the Nibelungs, arrogance, mode of artistry
Literary criticism
Nasr, M.T. (2022). Literary hero in modern Russian intellectual novel of the XXI century . Litera, 1, 78–90.
The subject of this article is the specificity of modern Russian intellectual novel by Andrey Astvatsaturov “Do not Feed or Touch the Pelicans”. Analysis is conducted on the role of this work in modern literary process. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the intellectual literature of the XXI century raises same questions that were asked by the writers of previous eras, but modern Russian intellectual novel marks certain contradictions that distinguish it from this genre variety of the past years. It worth noting that the intellectual novel as a genre features conceptuality of the text, literary experiments with the text, active engagement of the audience in the text, intertextuality, mythopoeia, and stylistic abundance. The article illustrates the development stages of modern Russian intellectual novel. The acquired results are of practical importance and can be applied in writing course projects on the history of modern literature, as well as in university lectures dedicated to modern literary authors. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The role of the novel “Do not Feed or Touch the Pelicans” by Andrey Astvatsaturov in modern literary process is on the boundary of postmodernism and digimodernism, as it has many features of postmodern works, and the protagonist lives in his own isolated digiworld. Alongside many other works, this novel is created at the intersection of genres. 2. The text of the novel features of a range of characteristics of intellectual novel as a genre: conceptuality of the text, literary experiments with the text, active engagement of the audience in the text, intertextuality, mythopoeia, and stylistic abundance. 3. The structure of the literary hero of A. Asvatsaturov is the recurrent personality traits, which make him stand out among other heroes of the novel
Andrey Astvatsaturov, stylistic redundancy, mythmaking, intertextuality, experiments with text, conceptuality of the text, intellectual novel, digimodernism, postmodernism, modern Russian prose
Literary criticism
Vysokovich, K.O. (2022). Light Comedy and vaudeville: specificity of the genre. Litera, 1, 91–97.
The subject of this research is the light (salon, secular, noble) comedy "One's Own Family, or a Married Bride", co-authored by A. A. Shakhovsky, N. I. Khmelnitsky amd A. S. Griboyedov, as well as the vaudeville by A. S. Griboyedov and P. A. Vyazemsky "Who is a Brother, Who is Sister, or Deception after Deception". The goal lies in the analysis of similar genre models: light comedy and vaudeville – a variety of salon comedy. The key method of research is the motif-imagery analysis, which reveals a number of common a number of motifs and allowed examining the images of heroes. The comparative method is used for establishing the common and different between the indicated genre models. The novelty of this article consists in the comparison of two cognate genre models, as well as determine universals and particulars within their structure. The conclusion is drawn that vaudeville and light comedy are closely interrelated with a wide variety of genres: anecdote, fable, comic opera, interact, melodrama, and often serve as a means for conducting literary polemics. The external distinguishing characteristic of vaudeville is the presence of a verse. Despite the similarity of the fabula. it is worth noting that the light comedy rather tends towards high literary tradition; the external actable comism is reduced, and expressed through the speech manner of the heroes, witty dialogues, and aphoristic speech. The heroes are usually secular young people. The scene is also limited to secular living rooms and manor estates. Vaudeville in turn, is not restricted by the framework of secularism; its heroes can be officers, actors, servants, serfs, etc. Moreover, comism of the status of heroes is enhanced by external effects: buffoonery, multiple outfit changes, rapid and unpredictable narrative arc.
light comedy, literary controversy, Karamzin, Vyazemsky, Griboyedov, Khmelnitsky, Shakhovskoy, vaudeville, a version of salon comedy, theatre
Literary criticism
Vysokovich, K.O. (2022). The image of a secular young man in light comedy of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries. Litera, 1, 98–105.
The subject of this research the comedies “Secular Event” (1826), "The Talker" (1817) by N. I. Khmelnitsky, "The Heiress" (1824) by A. I. Pisarev, "Young Spouses" (1815) by A. S. Griboyedov, and “Feigned Infidelity” (1818) co-authored by A. S. Griboyedov and A. A. Zhandra. The goal lies in revealing the traits of a secular young man reflected in light comedy of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries. The research employs the following methods: 1) motivic analysis for determining the main motivation of the hero; 2) cultural-historical for establishing correlation between the literary tradition (image of a secular young man) and the real historical type. The novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to analyze light comedy of the late XVIII – early XIX century for the purpose of revealing the traits characteristic to a secular young man. It is established that the embodiment of the image of a secular young man is characterized with the motif of “the fictitious and the true”. The hero is most interested in his own gain. He is willing to comply with the rules of the secular game in order to maintain the external decency. In the work of "Young Spouses" by A. S. Griboyedov, Arist in his reasoning comes to justification of infidelity, considering it a secular norm. Therefore, the hero of the salon comedy pursues his goals by means of deception, justifying it by the norms the privileged circles.
Motive of treason, Gendre, Shakhovskoy, Secular young man, Light comedy, Khmelnitsky, Pisarev, Griboyedov, Hero is a liar, Secular case
Literary criticism
Demenyuk, V.M. (2022). The transformation of frontier mythology in short stories by Ambrose Bierce (based on the "Tales of Soldiers and Civilians", 1891) . Litera, 1, 106–113.
This article examines a certain type of US national mentality that stems from the historical frontier development of the continent, as well as the specificity of its representation in the texts of the American writer of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries Ambrose Bierce. The object of this research is the texts of the “Tales of Soldiers and Civilians" by Ambrose Bierce. The subject is the category of cyclic time, binary opposition of “own/alien”, system of characters in the “Tales of Soldiers and Civilians", interpretation of the symbolic images of the texts through the prism of frontier mythology. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the works by Ambrose Bierce not only as a literary tradition, but also in the context of frontier mythology, which determines the specificity of the US national worldview. It is established that Ambrose Bierce refers to a range of patterns characteristic to the frontier myth (opposition of own/alien, image of frontiersman, transformational shift, religious symbolism, and motivation), which allows revealing the national traits of the contemporary to Bierce Americans who have experienced the monumental disturbances of the Civil War, as well as examining the human nature overall, creating a universal image of a man who lost touch with the world and own identity.
cycle time, American Civil War, american literature, myth-thinking, national mythology, frontiersman, frontier, frontier mythology, Ambrose Bierce, the other
Literary criticism
Kirdyaeva, O. (2022). Oscar Wilde's "Picture of Dorian Gray": painting, portrait or something else? . Litera, 1, 114–122.
The subject of this research is the contextual row of synonyms picture-portrait-painting in Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray". The article examines the interrelation of the selected lexemes with the content and plotline of the literary work. Analysis is conducted on the various aspects of implementation of the key meanings of the lexemes in the narrative, turning particular attention to the fact that namely the lexeme “picture” is reflected in the title of the novel. Since the title is the most significant form of expression of the author's plan and comprehension of the own literary work, there is a need for accurate interpretation of the author’s intention and substantiation of the choice of the lexeme “picture” as a plot-forming in comparison with “portrait” and “painting”. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the selection and examination of the triad of lexical units in their semantic, plotline and content interdependence in the novel by O. Wilde, in structuring synonymic chain in the priority sequence that is significant for the accurate interpretation of the author’s position, in determination of the additional triad of symbols, as well as in indication of the latent dynamic component of the headline lexeme of the novel. The acquired results demonstrate that the synonymic chain “picture-portrait-paining” features the technique of ascending gradation, with the dominant word “picture” that forms the title and meta-theme of the literary work. These contextual synonyms determine the emergence of the new triad: instrument, object, and image of creation. The studied lexical units, which a priori are in syntagmatic connectivity, transform into the paradigm of ideological meanings of the novel.
synonyms, Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, painting, picture, portrait, art, mirror, Victorian era, plot-forming fucntion
Khabarov, A.A. (2022). Delimitation of the concepts of "speech", "discourse" and "text" in the light of modern linguistic concepts. Litera, 1, 123–131.
As an integrative cross-disciplinary phenomenon, discourse requires critical comprehension in synergistic unity with the differentiating parameters of the text and processes of generation and perception of speech, taking into account ethnopsychological, cultural, linguocognitive and structural-logical factors of communication. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the research of discourse in its correlation with speech and text as macrounits of cognitive and speech activity. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the theory of discourse is currently undergoing fundamental transformations that reflect changes in the conceptual and terminological framework, the emergence of new methodologies and objects of linguistic research. Contrastive description of the triad "speech-discourse-text" is conducted through the prism of semantic-structural, communicative and socio-pragmatic approaches in modern linguistics. The thesis is advanced that discursology, as a cross-disciplinary scientific discipline should possess the objective instruments for analyzing and grading discourse as a subject matter in all national languages. The article provides theoretical generalization of a range of research dedicated to examination of the phenomenology of speech, discourse and text in the light of modern linguistic concepts. Leaning on the thesis on mutual conditionality of structural-semantic parameters of the text, the author carries out a comparative analysis of a number of fundamental theoretical works of foreign and Russian linguists in the field of speech activity, modeling of the psychological processes of speech, as well as semantics of the discourse and semantic structure of the text. The problematic of studying the trichotomy "speech-discourse-text" affects more and more fields of linguistics and expands discursology as a separate scientific discipline. The comparative analysis of terminological units demonstrates that the distributive examination of the concepts of "discourse", "speech" and "text" in modern linguistics is primarily substantiated by the traditional culturological, ontological and methodological factors, and is associated with a variety of approaches, instruments for analysis, and categorical-conceptual framework.
discourse analysis, interdiscursivity, cognitive and verbal activity, text, speech, discourse, structural and syntactic aspect, communicative aspect, conceptual framework, topic
Sun', J. (2022). Semantic compatibility and construction of the denominative relative clause "in the spirit" . Litera, 1, 132–140.
This article is dedicated to semantic compatibility of the denominative relative clause "in the spirit" and its construction. The relevance of this research consists in the need for comprehensive analysis of such lexical units that are refereed to as functional words, however, have the characteristics of the nominal. The object of this research is the denominative relative clause "in the spirit". The subject is determination of the construction of this relative clause and its semantic compatibility with other linguistic units. The article aims to reveal the semantic and constructive peculiarities of the denominative relative clause “in the spirit” leaning on the analyzed linguistic material. Detailed description is given to the two-term construction of the relative clause "in the spirit", its right and left components. This study explains the semantic component of the relative clause "in the spirit", which reflects the relations of similarity, correspondence, or singularity. This article is first to examine the denominative relative clause "in the spirit" form the perspective of semantic compatibility and construction, which determines the scientific novelty. The denominative relative clause “in the spirit" usually expresses semantics that describes the correspondence of object, action, event or phenomenon to certain characteristics. Context analysis demonstrates that the relative clause forms a two-term construction with the left and right component. The lexical-semantic composition of the right and left components can be expressed in a variety of lexical ways. The left component of the relative clause "in the spirit" for the most part is represented by verbal lexicon, while the right component – by nominal lexicon. The conclusion is made that the signs described in the semantic structure of the relative clause “in the spirit” have direct and indirect methods of characterization. The indirect method lies in reference to the phenomenon, event, or historical fact; while the direct method of characterization is not attributed to a particular event.
relativistic construction, semantic compatibility, right component, left component, syntax, semantics of the relativistic, relativistic in the spirit, abbreviated relativistic, derivative preposition, design features
Mushkina, Y.V., Shatilova, L.M., Karandeeva, L.G. (2022). Structural-functional model of terminological phrase in the field of production of technical formalin in the example of Russian and English languages. Litera, 1, 141–150.
This article is dedicated to comprehensive examination of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of Russian and English languages. The article considers the characteristics f the nomination of terminological units and highlights the most common models of terms in the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" using the example of Russian and English languages. Modern linguistics features a few research on the terms of chemical industry, while the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" has not previously become a subject of separate research, particularly in the comparative aspect of two or more languages, which determines the relevance of this publication. The goal lies in description of the terms of chemical industry, namely "Production of technical formalin" in the Russian and English languages. The subject of this article is the study of the terminological systems of chemical industry in the field of production of technical formalin relative to functionality of the term-word and terminological phrase. The novelty consists in the comparative analysis of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of Russian and English languages. The terminological system of chemical production of technical formalin includes the following lexical-thematic groups: 1. Technological process of production of technical formalin 2. Equipment line 3. Chemicals and reactions It is established that in the Russian language, the most commonly used model in all subgroups is the two-component model "adjective + noun" (over 50 %); while in the English language, it is the two-component model "noun + noun" (over 50%).
chemical substances, machines and apparatus, technological process, formalin, terminological phrase, word-term, terminological system, Term, two-component model, chemical industry