Question at hand
Chen, K. (2021). “Mercilessly passing time” (To the question of the comedic in A. P. Chekhov’s play “Three Sisters”) . Litera, 5, 1–5.
This article turns special attention to the problem of the comedic in Chekhov's dramaturgy based on the play “Three Sisters”. The author reviews the theories of the comedic in historical context, highlights “inconformity” and “contradiction” as an important foundation of the comedic in real life, characterizes the forms of inconformity, such as between illusion and reality, between false and genuine, etc. Attention is also drawn to the theme of “time” in the play “Three Sisters”, complaints of the heroes about the passing time. The author reveals the contradiction between the characters of the play and the lapse of time. The novelty of this work consists in associating the contradiction between the illusion of the characters in the play “Three Sisters” and the lapse of time with A. P. Chekhov’s poetics of the comedic in his dramaturgy. The concept of the comedic is viewed as an objective category, “objective truth”, which does not depend on the will of the characters. The conclusion is made that one of the principles of the comedic in the play “Three Sisters” consists in the contradiction between human and the objective lapse of time. Powerlessness of the characters before reality is not only tragic, but also comedic.
Inconsistency, Discrepancy, Drama, Comedy, Time, Dramaturgy, Chekhov, Comic, The common idea, Objective comic
Question at hand
Marjanovic, D. (2021). The formation of stylistic peculiarities of the language of religious texts of the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches on the example of liturgical texts and folklore spiritual verses. Litera, 5, 6–14.
The subject of this research is the analysis of formation of stylistic peculiarities of the language of religious texts of the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches on the example of liturgical texts and folklore spiritual verses. The object of this research is the stylistic peculiarities of the language in religious sphere of Russia and Serbia. The goal is to describe the current state of the functional style that serves the religious sphere of Russia and Serbia on the example of liturgical texts and folklore spiritual verses through the prism of their development. The author examines the church religious style, the concept of religious text in Russian and Serbian cultures. Attention is given to the concept of Russian and Serbian religious verse. The relevance of the selected topic is defined by its considerable contribution to the poorly studied areas of modern Slavic philology, as well as to the development of common culture and cooperation of the countries in the religious sphere. The acquired results can serve as the theoretical foundation for further study of the religious lexicon, as well as practically implemented in the special courses and research work. The conclusion is made that the analysis of formation of stylistic peculiarities of the language of religious texts of the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches on the example of liturgical texts and folklore spiritual verses is a relevant, although poorly studies area of research, from the perspective of linguistics, Slavic philology, and folklore studies, as well as pivotal area for studying religious lexicon within the framework of stylistics as part of common culture, literature, language, history, and religion of peoples.
Serbian language, Russian language, style features, serbian spiritual poem, russian spiritual poem, spiritual poem, functional style, stylistics, spiritual realm, religion
Literary criticism
Pinaev, S.M., Dmitrieva, Y.Y. (2021). “May the gates to paradise open for us…”: medial semantics in N. S. Gumilyov's poetry . Litera, 5, 15–24.
The subject of this research is the medial semantics in the poetry of Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov, which is inseparably associated with the pivotal for the poet motif of path, journey, and road. The corpus of N. S. Gumilyov's poems written from 1905 to 1921 serves as the material for this research. A certain constant can be traced in interpretation of medial semantics: even if the author speaks of the gates as a physical object (the gates of a castle or house), the image has a transcendental connotation. The gates are a path to another world, often to paradise; they are not open of everyone and can be seen only by the dedicated. Similar understanding of the gates Gumilyov reflects in his theoretical articles, such as a program manifesto of a new literary trend “The Heritage of Symbolism and Acmeism”. As testified by A. Akhmatova, he sought for the mystical “golden gates”, and intended to discover it while travelling to Africa. Failure in finding it led to the emergence of macabrely interpretation of medial semantics: it can be not only the gates paradise, but also to otherworldliness, behind which are awaiting the terrible torments. As a result, the author determines the constant and variable characteristics of this figurative complex, which is inextricably entwined with the core concept of the path, road, and journey in Gumilyov’s poetry. Medial semantics interacts with a range of thanatological and gnoseological motifs: gates lead to knowledge and reveal to the dedicated and worthful. Entering another world is not the goal of the path; the portal opens in unexpected places, and not everyone can see it.
journey, path, acmeist paradigm, the image of the gate, the image of the door, medial semantics, poetry, Gumilyov, search, portal
Gereikhanova, K.F., Afanaseva, O.V. (2021). To the problem of intertextuality of “Fandorin corpus” by B. Akunin “Planet Water” and “Froth on the Daydream” by Boris Vian . Litera, 5, 25–32.
This article is dedicated to the questions of intertextual dialogue in modern Russian literature on the example of allusions to the novel “Froth on the Daydream” by Boris Vian in the novel “Planet Water” by B. Akunin. The object of this research is the game with audience used by B. Akunin, which allows broadening the context of perception of the novel through intertextual links. The subject of this research is the forms and ways of manifestation of intertextual dialogue of the two works – “Planet Water” and “Froth on the Daydream”, as well as their interaction through the literary works of antiquity and Japanese legends. The authors examine the references to B. Vian’s novel, describing their role in text of the narrative. The article employs comparative, contextual,l and hermeneutical analysis. The interaction of the corpus of texts about Fandorin with the works of Russian, English and Japanese literature is subject to detailed analysis. The texts of B. Akunin about Erast Fandorin abound with various references to the Russian and foreign literary works. The scientific novelty is define by the fact that this article is first to draw parallels with the French literature. The article determines and substabtiates intertextual links of “Planet Water” with “Froth on the Daydream”, which manifest through the key images and onomastic system of the novel. These links should attributed to hidden, encrypted intertext, cryptotext; in order to grasp such text, the reader must be familiar with the primary source. The presence of intertextual dialogue broadens the context of perception of the detective story and associate it with the genre of dystopia and parody.
cryptotext, onomastic code, pastish, parody, intertext, postmodernism, Vian, Akunin, dystopia, intertext interaction
Yakhina, R.R., Afonina, E.V. (2021). Functionality of foreign-language inclusions in Russian-language texts (on the material of modern media) . Litera, 5, 33–39.
The subject of this research is the approaches towards studying inclusions as a part of foreign-language technical terminology. This article is dedicated to examination of the problem of functionality of foreign language inclusions of English origin at the current stage of development of the Russian language. The texts from scientific and technical journals, automotive and aviation journals, and other periodicals served as the material for this research. The author considers the questions associated with graphical and functional adaptation of foreign-language terminological lexicon. Based on the available in linguistics classifications, the groups of foreign-language technical inclusions are determined according to the graphic arrangement in the texts and degree of assimilation. The acquired results can be used in compiling terminological dictionaries and teaching general linguistics. The novelty of this work consists in systematization, generalization, and analysis of the ways of functionality of technical foreign-language inclusions in modern Russian language and industry periodicals, namely on the example of aviation and automotive terminology. The conclusion is made that foreign-language technical terminology preserves the semantics of foreign-language inclusions in the recipient language, as well as heterogeneity of their arrangement. The increase of foreign-language inclusions in the scientific and technical literature is substantiated by the requirements specified for the terms: linguistic economy, systematicity. The frequency of functionality of foreign-language inclusions in the scientific and technical literature emphasizes the relevance of the selected topic.
graphic adaptation, modern Russian, English, borrowing, assimilation, functioning, technical terms, foreign language inclusions, automobile terminology, aviation terminology
Literary criticism
Maksimenko, E.D. (2021). The problems of reader’s experience and the search for style in V. S. Naipaul's essayistic writing. Litera, 5, 40–46.
This article conducts a chronological reconstruction of the key milestones of the reading path of V. S. Naipaul, as well as reviews the problems of his reader’s experience and the search for writing style. Emphasis is placed on the creative and personal relationship between V. S. Naipaul and his father S. Naipaul, who was his teacher and mentor, developed his literary taste, aptitude and style of the future Nobel laureate. Their collaboration draws the interest of researchers based on the fact that namely S. Naipaul introduced world literature to his son, affected his choice of books, and helped to understand a different sociocultural context. The author reveals the impact of the Russian writers (Gogol, Tolstoy) and the Spanish picaresque novel (“Lazarillo de Tormes”) upon writing style of V. S. Naipaul; as well as determines the reading preferences of V. S. Naipaul at a mature age. Among the authors who considerably influenced V. S. Naipaul in different periods of his creative path, the author names R. Kipling, D. Defoe, J. R. R. Tolkien, and J. Conrad. The analytical overview of the “writer's library” and his reading preferences allows carrying out a more systematic, consistent, and logical examination of V. S. Naipaul's works. The idea of the circle of authors and writings that considerably influenced the creative personality of V. S. Naipaul gives the key to the analysis of quotations, borrowings, allusions and reminiscences, i.e. the problems of intertextuality in his prose fiction. V. S. Naipaul's essayistic writing has not been published in the Russian language; this article introduces it into the Russian scientific discourse in literary studies.
essays, writing style, reading experience, Naipaul, postcolonial novel, British literary history, Conrad, Defoe, Kipling, Lazarillo de Tormes
Syun, T. (2021). Speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese linguocultures (by the example of address and greeting). Litera, 5, 47–58.
The purpose of this study is to compare Russian and Chinese speech etiquette means of communication in communication of different types. The object of the study is the forms of expression of speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese: address and greeting. The subject of the study is the manifestation of cultural peculiarities of speech etiquette in Russian and Chinese. Such speech situations as everyday communication, business communication, communication of acquaintances and strangers and other social situations are considered. In the course of the study, the method of comparative research, the method of collecting literature was used as the main one. The relevance of the study is determined by the insufficiency of comparative works of Russian and Chinese speech etiquette. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the introduction to the comparative analysis of new linguistic material obtained from literary and journalistic texts, as well as from the Internet. Russian Russian and Chinese speech etiquette The results of this study can be useful in further comparative study of Russian and Chinese speech etiquette, as well as for teaching business etiquette in the framework of cultural studies courses, since due to the continuous development of relations between the two countries, the number of people involved in them increases: those who study Russian and Chinese languages. Speech etiquette is a branch of communicative linguistics, therefore, in-depth study of speech etiquette is of significant importance in international communication. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that speech etiquette is an important component of the national language and culture; the etiquette code of Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures has similarities and differences, which is associated with the process of historical accumulation of national characteristics and cultural development.
Chinese linguoculture, Russian linguoculture, business appeal, communication, linguistic culture, label formulas, greeting, appeal, speech etiquette, etiquette
Liu, E., Sheremetyeva, E.S. (2021). Metatext operator “to put it mildly”: the specificity of functionality. Litera, 5, 59–70.
The object of this research is the introductory-modal phrase “to put it mildly”, viewed in pragmatic aspect. From the perspective of pragmatics, this phrase fulfills the function of metatext operator that forms the speaker's reflection towards their utterance. The unit “to put it mildly” is a typical meta-operator, as it includes a locutionary verb. The goal of this research is to determine the specificity of the phrase “to put it mildly” in carrying out the meta-operator function, as well as to establish its typical contexts and lexical compatibility. The research material was collected based on the Russian National Corpus using the method of continuous sampling. The author reveals that the phrase “to put it mildly” as a meta-operator combines two opposite functions: on the one hand, softens the extreme of the utterance, while on the other hand – enhances negative assessment of the fact of reality. Moreover, as the development of these functions, it acquires the ability to attribute the properties of contextual euphemism to the commented nomination. The indicated functional specificity is closely related to the lexical compatibility of meta-operator and the types of contexts. Most frequent contexts imply negation formed with the particle / prefix NOT. The lexical compatibility of meta-operator is predetermined by the aspects of speaker’s assessment of the facts of surrounding reality. The article describes most frequent aspects of such assessment. The acquired results may be applied in teaching Russian as a foreign language, as well as in lexicographic practice for creating metadata dictionary.
lexical compatibility, context, introductory-modal phrase, metacommentary, reflexive, metatext operator, evaluation, speaker's reflection, politeness category, pragmatics
Zigmantovich, D.S. (2021). The impact of the speaker's oral speech pausing on the quality of simultaneous translation. Litera, 5, 71–80.
The completeness, accuracy and quality of simultaneous interpretation are influenced by the speaker and the peculiarities of his speech, which can act as destabilizing factors for the work of a simultaneous interpreter. Such factors, in particular, include the following: the speed of speech, intonation, accent, pause, syntax of sounding speech, lexical composition. This article describes the results of the analysis of the placement of pauses by two politicians (F. Hollande and N. Sarkozy) in oral speeches to various audiences. The purpose of the study is to establish what impact a logical or illogical pause can have on the implementation of simultaneous interpretation. The author of the article came to the conclusion that a number of patterns can be identified in the arrangement of pauses by speakers: place, duration and frequency. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to show that each speaker places pauses differently during a speech, which can have a direct impact on the quality of simultaneous interpretation. The patterns listed above can be taken into account when developing a system of exercises for teaching simultaneous interpretation at the initial stage and for practicing and automating certain skills at a more advanced level or when selecting speech material for organizing intensive training.
politician, speaker, pausing, pauses, simultaneous interpretation, quality of interpretation, interpretation practice, interpretation, political speech, political discourse
Murzina, O.V., Gegelova, N.S. (2021). Transformation of the genre of lamentation in modern youth mass media. Litera, 5, 81–87.
The article is devoted to the transformation of the genre of lamentation in modern youth mass media. The ancient genre of lamentation (complaints), as well as the genre of crying in ancient Russian literature, assumed regret for the lost, mourning for losses, sadness that it will not return. The specificity of the discourse of regret in the interpretation of modern youth bloggers and journalists is that they regret the loss of a country in which they themselves have never been or lived only for a short time. We are talking about numerous regrets about the lost Soviet Union performed by people who were already born in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the rhetorical presentation of the image of the lamented object in its transformation from antiquity to the present day. Comparative and comparative analysis, consideration of the world-modeling categories of the text in their comparison with the corresponding discourse of antiquity and Ancient Russian writing are used as research methods.   The novelty of the research is due to the comparison of the paradigm of ancient and Old Russian rhetoric with modern topos of regret – lamentation, crying. As a result of the research, the preservation of the main topical structure of the genre of lamentation is proved, which, in our opinion, is not associated with a direct orientation to ancient samples, but with their indirect perception through numerous texts that use orientation to the corresponding paradigm. Conclusion: the genre of lamentation / crying has been continued in the modern tradition in the form of reconstruction according to a similar topical and compositional scheme. The commonplaces of this genre penetrate into the composition of text and video fragments dedicated to the Soviet Union. The analysis of videos and texts shows that we are talking about a kind of reconstruction of a complex of traditions associated with different historical epochs, and in fact does not fully reflect any of the real historical epochs of the existence of the state.
rhetoric, modern genres of journalism, modern media, indirect perception of the sample, genre of crying, transformation of the genre, genre of lamentation, youth media, speaker, impact on the audience
World literature
Ershova, I. (2021). The technique of postmodernist simulation game in the novel “Supernova: The Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star” by Indonesian writer Dewi Lestari (2001) . Litera, 5, 88–96.
This article examines the modern Indonesian women’s prose and its interaction with the elements of postmodernist paradigm. The object of this research is the novelistic writing of the prominent Indonesian author Dewi Lestari on the example of the novel "“Supernova: The Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star” (Supernova: Ksatria, Puteri, dan Bintang Jatuh, 2001), which is part of the series “Supernova” (2001-2016). Fiction, as the “median” field in literature, embraces various codes of language art. Relying on the tested patterns of popular literature, it can also appeal to postmodernism. In the latter case, the works are characterized by the presence of deconstructive and game (including simulation) principles. The example of application of the codes of fiction and postmodernism is the novel of under review. An important role in the research is played by the literary-theoretical, typological, and descriptive methods. The work of Dewi Lestari has not yet been considered from the perspective of postmodernist game technique and involvement of the concept of simulacrum. An attempt to do this on the example of her most famous works defines the novelty of this research, as well as the noticeable place of postmodernism in Eastern literatures makes relevant it analysis based on the original Indonesian literature. Reference to the poetics of postmodernism through borrowing the simulation game technique allowed Lestari to create a commercially successful product. The perception of the text by each reader in accordance with their worldview, and engagement in the game proposed by Lestari, correspond to the ideas of the postmodernist interpretation of the literary text, as well as to the laws of the market. This is why modern Indonesian writers refer to the postmodernist paradigm.
simulation game, simulacrum, postmodernism, popular literature, belles-lettres, Indonesian women’s prose, Indonesian literature, deconstruction, rhizome, Dewi Lestari
Question at hand
Liu, L. (2021). Methods and motives for nominating geographical sites in the Chinese and Russian languages. Litera, 5, 97–105.
The goal of this research is to determine the characteristics of methods in nominating geographical sites in the Chinese and Russian languages. Toponyms (geographical names) are a subsystem in the national language lexicon that describes the vast territory of each country, as well as the names of various specific geographical sites recognized in the geographical environment. Toponyms, being proper names, represent not only geographical nomenclature units, but are rich in historical and cultural connotations. The development of toponymy as an independent scientific field has an extensive background. In the course of time, the toponymic research was often reinforced by scientific data in different fields, such as comparative-historical linguistics, history, geography, and other. In continuation of previous research, this article analyzes the similarities and differences between the Russian and Chinese toponyms. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: 1) generalization of the data on the semantics of toponyms from linguistic perspective; 2) characterization of language specifics and significance of toponyms in the Chinese and Russian languages; 3) description of toponyms in connotative and linguocultural aspects. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by cultural importance of the Russian and Chinese toponyms, which are analyzed in accordance with principle of nominating motives. The comparison of toponyms in the indicated aspect is of particular importance for broadening the areas of research in toponymy and the theory of cross-cultural communication. As a result, the author reveals the similar and different types of the meanings of toponyms in the Russian and Chinese languages.
linguistic aspect, toponymic semantics, culture, comparative toponymy, Chinese language, naming motives, naming methods, toponyms, toponymic significance, linguocultural aspect
Grubin, I.V., Dmitrieva, E.I., Ishaeva, O.V., Petrenko, T.V. (2021). Structural-semantic analysis of the English metaphors in road, aviation, and maritime terminology . Litera, 5, 106–114.
The goal of this article consists in the analysis of metaphors pertaining to transport in the English language on the example of road, aviation, and maritime terminology. According to the authors, metaphor is the use of words and phrases in a figurative sense based on similarity or analogy. It is established that transport terminology contains a wide variety of terms that are formed with the use of metaphors. The subject of this research is metaphors in the scientific-technical text. The object is metaphors in transport terminology. The relevance of this article is substantiated by the fact that despite sufficient coverage of private terminological systems of specific types of transport, there are very few comprehensive and comparative works. In the course of research, the author determines a new statistical indicator – the index of metaphoricity of terminological system, as well as describes the key semantic and structural peculiarities of the terms-metaphors of different branches of transport. The analysis of language material allows determining that most of the terms formed with the use of metaphors are attributed to metaphors based on associations with the elements of human body and animal kingdom. From structural perspective, it is established that terminological combinations are widely represented among the terms-metaphors of all terminological systems that were subjected to analysis, while simple terms – in the terminological systems of road and aviation transport.
maritime transport, air transport, road transport, structural analysis, semantic analysis, metaphor, terminology, English, cognitive linguistics, terminological system
Literary criticism
Cherednichenko, L., Lapko, A. (2021). Forms of presentation of content in educational media (on the example of the educational media project Arzamas). Litera, 5, 115–131.
The subject of the research in the article is the forms of presentation of content in educational media, which are a very voluminous developing typological group and constitute a significant segment of the Russian information market. The editorial offices of these resources use modern formats for presenting scientific and educational information from different fields of knowledge in accordance with the trends in the development of journalism and following the interests and needs of the audience. The hypothesis of the study is the idea that educational media mainly use formats with a greater engaging ability to solve creative tasks and realize their functional purpose. Using the example of publications of the Arzamas network media project, the author examines the possibilities of various forms of presentation of educational information. The article presents an intelligence study of the forms of presentation of content in educational media. The novelty of the research is due to the small knowledge of the formats of online publications of this type and consists in identifying and characterizing the main forms of content presentation in educational media in the context of the development of online journalism formats. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach. The forms of educational media content are considered by the author of the article in the context of the development of journalism and the characteristics of modern media text. The study uses descriptive, informative, comparative and structural-functional methods to solve a scientific problem, highlights the main forms of presentation of the content of the educational media project Arzamas, reveals their features and functional purpose. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that in order to realize their functional purpose, educational media use combined forms that allow solving educational and recreational tasks. The editorial board of the Arzamas educational media project creates a hypertextual and multimedia educational environment, addressing both traditional journalistic genres and new media formats.
skynstainment, educational function, popular science media, educational media project, popularization of science, new media formats, forms of content presentation, educational media, Arzamas, educational journalism
Question at hand
Maksudova, U.A. (2021). Paronymic relations in the Russian proverbs with anthroponyms (structural aspect) . Litera, 5, 132–140.
The subject of this research is the paronymic relations in paremiological units (proverbs and sayings) with anthroponyms as the structural-semantic component. The goal of this article consists in the analysis of structural specificity of paronyms in the Russian paremiological units, including anthroponyms and their functions performed in the text. The research material contains the Russian proverbs and sayings, selected through the method of continuous sampling from the Large dictionary of Russian Proverbs edited by V. M. Mokienko and the book “Russian Proverbs and Sayings” edited by V. P. Anikin. The analysis employs 145 paremiological units – proverbs and sayings. The relevance of this work is defined by the fact that the problem of paronymy in the Russian folklore texts, namely in paroemias, which provide quite an extensive description of paronymic relations, has not received a sufficient scientific coverage. The author applies the method of linguistic description for compartmentalization of paronymic units in proverbs and sayings, as well as structural-semantic method for clarification of the structural, semantic and functional peculiarities of paronyms as a part of paroemias. The novelty of this research lies in the attempt of a three-level (phonetic, morphological and syntactic) structural classification of paronyms in the Russian paronyms with anthroponyms. In the Russian proverbs and sayings, the author indicates the process of paronymic convergence of anthroponyms with other components of paroemias. This process in paroemias is represented by paronymic attraction, paronomasia, and paronymic sound game. Paronymic convergence of the proper names in the Russian proverbs carries out pragmatic functions - mnemonic, satirical, and expressive. The acquired results broaden the scientific representations of paronymy in the folklore texts, and can be used in teaching general linguistics, stylistics and lexicology in the university.
consonant type, paronomases, sayings, proverb, parts of speech, anthroponyms, paremiological units, paronymy, vocal type, transformation
Question at hand
Lu, Z. (2021). Motivational-imagery component of the meaning of some verbal phraseological units with the abstract substantive ‘thought’ in the modern Russian language. Litera, 5, 141–151.
This research is dedicated to the analysis of some verbal phraseological units, in which an object is expressed by the abstract substantive 'thought', from the perspective of motivational-imagery component. The article presents the results of study of the motivational-imagery component in the semantics of a number of verbal phraseological units with the abstract name 'thought', which is based on linguoculturological method developed by V. N. Telia and her supporters and presented in the “Large Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language”. The author explores the phraseological units within the framework of Chinese linguoculture for more determining the characteristics the Russian units. For this analysis, the author filtered out the phraseological units contained in the Russian National Corpus (, which include the abstract noun ‘thought’ that performs the function of the object of action, and the verbs “come / reach / run into / lead / point. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) the considered phraseological units reflect the metaphorical understanding of thought as a static object that outside the human body, the move towards which is performed by an individual, especially active is in relation to thought; 2) all phraseological units analyzed in the article demonstrate that thought is described as an intellectual product acquired by a human either through targeted mental activity, or influenced by external circumstances; 3) in general, the phraseological units under review act as a stereotypical representation on thought process of a person under the influence of certain external or internal factors.
free combination, culture code, linguocultural analysis, stereotypical representation, metaphor, phraseological unit, thought, productivity, image, stability
Literary criticism
Gorelov, O. (2021). The structure of revolutionary feminist surrealism in the poetic practice of Galina Rymbu . Litera, 5, 152–164.
The object of this research is the surrealistic code of Russian contemporary poetry. The subject of this research is the authorial version of revolutionary surrealism and the techniques of its realization in the poetry of Galina Rymbu. The article examines such aspects of the topic as female optics, feminist writing, gender issues, as well as the interaction of aesthetic and political, imagery and empirical, subjective and objective. Special attention is given to the consequences of the divergence of surrealistic development trends – aesthetic and revolutionary surrealism in the poetic practice of G. Rymbu, as well as to the increase of anti-surrealistic tendencies in her poetry. The research methodology is based on the comparative approach, within the framework of which the philological analysis of the text is conducted with the use of narratological, motivic, phenomenological, and elements of hermeneutic methods. The scientific novelty of this work consists in interpretation of the contemporary left-wing poetry and namely feminist poetics of G. Rymbu through the prism of surrealistic code. The position of women in surrealist history and theory is deconstructed by the new realizations of revolutionary surrealism, associated with the feminist project and gender problematic. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the concepts of transformation and childhood alongside the frequency narrative instance (surrealistic type woman – child) in the poetic texts of Galina Rymbu.
criticism of violence, heterotopia, political poetry, critical theory, feminism, surrealist code, gender, narrator, image, experience
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E., Nikulicheva, S.E. (2021). Female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque. Litera, 5, 165–173.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque, particularly their symbolic meaning infused by the author into some characters. The research objective consists in the analysis of female images from the cultural, artistic and literary perspectives. The article employs structural analysis based on the methodology of N. V. Pavlovich. Special attention is given to the references to mythology for describing one or another image. The author substantiates the idea of the connection of each female character with the time and place of her initial stay or origin. Review is conducted on the following heroines: Joan Madou – a mediocre actress and singer, mistress of the protagonist; Kat Hegstrom – a patient and close friend of Ravic; Sybil – beloved of the German doctor died in the gestapo. The scientific novelty of this work consists in consideration of images of the heroines through the prism of associative-imagery, metaphorical meaning of the prototypes used by the author in creating and describing the characters. A comparison of the compositional roles of the aforementioned heroines is carried out. Particular attention is given to the female characters from “Osiris” brothel (which is an important location in the novel and plays a significant compositional role in the text), and their manager Roland. The similarity is noticed between “Osiris” brothel and the boarding house for noble girls, as well as few other comparisons of the women of easy virtue with the ladies brought up in the spirit of the Victorian Era. The article determines certain intertextual correlations n the historical-literary and cultural-historical context. Attention is also paid to consideration of the[WU1] philosophical views of the novelist and the process of their implementation in developing the images of the characters. The work indicates the impact of philosophical ideas of “lost generation” upon the characters of the novel and their life attitudes. The author of the article touches upon the theme of romantic relationships and behavior of the heroines therein. [WU1]
structural analysis, comparative analysis, intertext, matching object, object of matching, interpretation, novel, paradigm, image, Erich Maria Remarque
Shatokhina, V.S. (2021). On the history of studying proverbs in the Swahili language. Litera, 5, 174–180.
The subject of this research is the African paremiology. The object is the history of studying proverbs in the Swahili language. The author examines the chronology of studying this field of linguistics by Western European and African scholars, cites their major works, and describes the peculiarities of their scientific views. Special attention is given to the works of the founders of African paremiology, as well as the perspective of modern scholars of Tanzania and Kenya upon the scientific heritage of proverbs and sayings of the Swahili language. The article employs the theoretical research methods, namely the comparison of theoretical works in the Swahili and English languages. The analysis of a wide range of works in the Swahili language alongside the works of certain European authors, allows reconstructing the chronology of the process of studying Swahili paroemias, as well as highlighting most prominent African and European scholars in this field of linguistics. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that this topic is viewed in the domestic African Studies for the first time; foreign linguists also did not pay deliberate attention to this question. The author’s special contribution consists in translation of the previously inaccessible materials of the African and Western European into the Russian language, which helps the linguists-Africanists in their further research.
analysis of proverb fond, sayings, proverbs, Swahili language, linguistics, paremias, paremiology, african studying, history of studying, works of african linguists
Bogemova, O., Petrova, E. (2021). Realization of the apology speech act: selection of speech tactics and the perlocutionary effect (based on the material of the Russian, English and French languages) . Litera, 5, 181–197.
This article examines the realization of the apology speech act in the three linguistic cultures: Russian, English, and French. The goal of this work is to determine the similarities and differences in functionality of the verbal act of apology in the context of the indicated cultures. The subject of this research is the expression with illocutionary meaning of apology. The authors review the composition of speech repertoire, means of realization of such speech act (conventional language, conventional speech, and nonconventional means), selection of speech tactics in expressing apology in form of the indirect speech act. Special attention is turned to perlocutionary effect, i.e. verbal response of the interlocutor to the addressed apology, as well as to the speech tactics that are frequent in the instances of expressing apology. The novelty of this work consists in studying the apology speech act of within the framework of cross-cultural pragmatics, with the use of practical material from the three linguistic cultures. The preliminary survey conducted among native speakers allowed concluding that the majority of respondents of these linguistic cultures attribute the ability to apologize with the image of a polite person. This particularly this pertains to the English-speaking and French-speaking cultures. Meanwhile, the examination of the articles of explanatory dictionaries demonstrates that the perception of the ability to apologize as a mandatory component of the concept of politeness is rather inherent to the mentality of native speakers, that to academic science. The analysis of practical material clarifies the speech repertoire and the frequency of selecting separate linguistic (imperative, performative) or speech means (speech cliché) used in realization of the direct speech act, as well as determines the key speech tactics used for expressing apology in form of the indirect speech act. Examination of the interlocutor’s verbal response as a perlocutionary effect on the apology indicates that this speech situation suggests a predominantly positive response. The maximal similarity in expressing apology is observed in the composition of speech repertoire of the speakers belonging to three different linguistic cultures, while the difference manifests namely in the selection of speech tactics for expressing apology or responding to it in form of the indirect speech act.
non-conventional speech means, conventional speech means, conventional language means, speech act of apology, politeness, linguistic culture, pragmalinguistics,, communicative strategy, performatives, perlocutionary effect
Diveeva, A.A. (2021). The concepts of “human”, “time”, “life” and methods of their representation in the Russian-language rap lyrics. Litera, 5, 198–206.
This article is dedicated to the semantic arrangement of rap lyrics. Based on the quantitative and statistical processing of the material, the author determines the lexical units that acquire a new functional purpose and conceptualization in the literary text. The goal of this research is to describe the functionality of the universal concepts of “human”, “time” and “life”, as well as the methods of their representation in the Russian rap lyrics. The relevance and novelty of this work are defined by the fact that despite the attempts existing in the linguistic science to determine the semantic and conceptual fields common to the lyrics of rap culture, this topic remains poorly studied within framework of interpretation of the Russian rap lyrics as a literary text. The concepts of “human”, “time”, “life” in rap lyrics manifest as the key indicator of the system arrangement of a literary text; and despite their universal nature, reflect the specific content, which is substantiated by communicative and stylistic peculiarities of rap. The conducted analysis of rap lyrics demonstrates that the concept of “life” can perform a leading role one in arrangement of the lexical-semantic space of the text, as it suggests a complex representation of social reality (time and space), life activities of the subject and their assessment, reflection on the new life and new people. The article employs descriptive method, contextual analysis, quantitative-statistical analysis, as well as the method of continuous sampling.
universal content of the concept, frequency of occurrence, lexical and semantic space of the text, concept, artistic text, subculture, rap text, specific content of the concept, social content in the text, semantic field
Tsi, Y. (2021). Comparison of motivation of the Russian and Chinese terms (based on the material of linguistic terminology) . Litera, 5, 207–213.
One of the paramount peculiarities of the Chinese terms is their sinicization. Sinicization of the term is often viewed a translation and adaptation of foreign language terms to the specifics of Chinese language. This implies that the new word is being rooted in the Chinese “soil” and subsequently recognized as Chinese native. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of Chinese and Russian linguistic terminology. The goal is to compare the motivation of Chinese and Russian linguistic terminology and determine the influencing factors. The research material was collected from the Dacihai Dictionary and the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary, and consists of more than 6,000 terminological units. The article employs the methods of description, comparison, and continuous sampling. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the factors that influence the motivation of Chinese linguistic terminology, as well as in its comparison with Russian linguistic terminology. The conclusion is made that Chinese terms have stronger motivation than Russian terms. On the one hand, Chinese characters are the ideograms that convey the thought in a motivational form, and offer more opportunities for increasing semantic transparency. On the other hand, the syllabic characteristics of Chinese language limit the possibility of transliteration of foreign words. With the exception of proper names, the Chinese terminology features a very few transliterated or partially transliterated terms.
compare of motivation, Russian terms, Chinese terms, characteristic of terms, sinicization, motivation, dictionary Dacihai, linguistic terms, term, linguistic encyclopaedic dictionary
Koroglu, L.A. (2021). Russian lexicon in the lexical-semantic space of the newspaper “Tercüman”. Litera, 5, 214–221.
The subject of this article is the Russian lexicon used in the Turkic-language texts of the newspaper “Tercüman” (Translator) of the late XIX century. The author determines the following thematic groups of the Russian loanwords: military, journalistic, political vocabulary, legal, pedagogical, economic, and literary studies lexicon, as well as the names of food and consumer goods. The examples of sociopolitical borrowed lexicon are most common, as they are the leading feature of the newspaper language. Description is given to the methods of explaining Russian lexicon in the Turkic-language text. In the provided examples, the Russian lexicon is both explicable and explanatory. Semanticization is carried out via explanatory conjunction “yani” (that is). In some examples, Russian equivalents are given in parentheses or comma separated. Use of the Russian lexeme in the text without clarification, indicates its earlier borrowing into the Crimean Tatar language. The scientific novelty of this research consists in determination of the Russian loanwords used in the Crimean Tatar written language of the late XIX century, as well as in broadening knowledge in the field of the history of lexicology of the Crimean Tatar language. The conducted research allows tracing the diachrony of infiltration of the Russian loanwords into the Crimean Tatar language, as well as reveals the international lexicon that came into the Crimean Tatar language through the means of Russian language and retains the Russian phonic sounds. Leaning on the provided examples, the author examines grapho-phonetic peculiarities and spelling of the Russian loanwords in Arabic text in the Crimean Tatar language. This work may be valuable for further research of the history infiltration and peculiarities of the use of Russian loanwords in the Crimean Tatar language.
late 19th century, newspaper, thematic groups, borrowings, international vocabulary, Russian vocabulary, Crimean Tatar language, lexicology, explanatory union, Arabic text
Knyazeva, N.V., Kurkova, N.V. (2021). The transformation of phraseological units as a manifestation of language game in the journalism of V. V. Nabokov . Litera, 5, 222–231.
The object of this research is the transformed phraseologisms determined through the method of continuous sampling in the journalistic texts of V. V. Nabokov. The subject of this research is the structural-semantic and functional-pragmatic peculiarities of transforms. The subject of this research is define by various “game” mechanisms of transformations in the area of phraseology, as a result of which the individual-authorial transformations ensure the implementation of the author's plan. The goal of this work is to determine the peculiarities of the authorial transformation of phraseological units in the context of language game, and establish the role of modified phraseologisms in enhancing the influencing potential of the journalistic text. The theoretical and methodological framework contains the works that view the phenomenon of language game and the general principles of occasional transformation of phraseological units. The author advances the hypothesis of the pragmatically justified use of transformed phraseologism, substantiated by the stylistic specificity of resorting to language game as a means of creating certain expressive effect and implementation of the author's plan in the journalistic text. The scientific novelty consists in the complex structural-semantic and functional-pragmatic approach towards studying the transformed phraseological units. This article is first to describe the individual-authorial transformations of phraseological units in the journalism of V. V. Nabokov. It is noted that in the journalistic texts of V. V. Nabokov, the language game pursues both, aesthetic and functional-pragmatic goals, which correlate with the specificity of journalistic genre. The use of familiar, easy to reproduce phraseological units creates a cultural presupposition, which in the context of language game acquires additional connotations, substantiated by game transformation of the usual form and the meaning of phraseological locution, which contributes to the periphrastic expression of the author's attitude towards the topic under review.
transformation methods, transformation of phraseologisms, phraseological units, functional-pragmatic approach, structural-semantic approach, journalistic text, phraseology, Language game, transformed phraseological units, political writings of Nabokov
Gorodilova, L.M. (2021). Peasants’ bynames in the Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a reflection of work activity of the first settlers . Litera, 5, 232–241.
The object of this research is the anthroponymic space of business writing records in the Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century, while the subject is the peasants’ bynames. The unpublished manuscripts preserved in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Moscow) served as the sources for this research. Emphasis is placed on the semantic content of bynames as part of the anthroponymic formula. Using the traditional onomastic and lexical-semantic methods of research (descriptive, statistical, semantic and definitional analysis, etc.), the author describes bynames united by the concept “the type of work activity”. The semantics of the anthropological grounds of bynames, clarification is given to the composition of the social group under review, as well as to the types of economic activity of the peasants of Yeniseian and Krasnoyarsk counties. The acquired results indicated that semantic diversity of peasant bynames is substantiated by the objective situation during the colonization of Siberia, as well as complex composition of the peasantry, which could include the representatives of service class and suburb inhabitants. The scientific novelty consists in expanding the scope of sources for carrying out a comprehensive research of the regional anthroponymicon, as well as in broadening the knowledge on byname nomination within a single social group. The obtained results can be used as comparative materials in the analysis of anthroponymic systems of other regions, as well as in development of the regional dictionary of non-calendric personal names and bynames of the first Russian settlers of Yeniseian Siberia.
nicknames of peasants, the meaning of certain nicknames, semantics of nicknames, peasant class, handwritten monuments, Yenisei Siberia, historical anthroponymy, onomastics, nicknames of military people, nicknames of the posad people