Komarova, K.I. (2021). Analytical forms of expressing the category of certainty / uncertainty in modern Slovenian fiction . Litera, 4, 1–7.
This article examines the analytical approach towards expressing the category of certainty / uncertainty in Slovenian fiction. The analytical forms are comprised by the unchangeable article-type particle “ta”, which is commonly used in the Slovenian colloquial language, but at present is also actively used in the literary language. Special attention is given to the modern Slovenian fiction. The author analyzed ten Slovenian novels published between 2008 and 2018, and revealed all instances of using the article-type particle with both, substantive adjectives and together with adjectives and nouns. The following conclusions were formulated: colloquial elements in fiction perform a stylistic function; therefore one of the key tasks of the article-type particle consists in speech characteristic of the character, including indicating his dialect, since all instanced of using the particle are in the dialogical speech or first-person narrative. However, it is important to note that in most instances, the particle is used with substantive adjectives, which indicates lexicalization of combination of the particle and the adjective, which is used for mentioning a known person/object or indicating a characteristic feature.
dialect, non-literary Slovenian language, article-particle, modern Slovenian literature, analytical forms, fiction, spoken form, definiteness and indefiniteness, Slovenian language, lexicalization
Dmitrieva, E.I., Grubin, I.V., Kudryavtseva, E.V., Pluzhnikova, I.I. (2021). Translation of the grammatical meaning of past tense forms in a professional text (on the example of the railroad theme). Litera, 4, 8–17.
The subject of this article is the grammatical category of tense. The majority of linguists tend to define tense, the ratio of action to the moment of speech. The object of this research is the ways of translating past tense forms from English to Russian. The goal of this article consists in the analysis of functionality of the forms of expression of past tense in a professional text and translation techniques. The sentences selected via method of continuous sampling from online publications dedicated to the topic of transport, served as the material for this research. Analysis is conducted on 5,680 sentences. Examination of the language material employs the method of continuous sampling and quantitative analysis is used. Despite the fact that the grammatical category of tense in both English and Russian languages is well studied, translation of the category of tense has not been scrutinized within the framework of linguistic translation studies, which substantiates the relevance of this work. The novelty lies in systematization and quantitative description of the techniques of translation past tense forms from English to Russian. It is established that there are three main techniques of translating past tense forms into Russian: 1) using nonverbal means or infinitive verbs; 2) using nonpast tense forms; 3) using past tense forms. The choice of perfective or imperfective verb in translation is determined by the presence of additional grammatical meanings in the tense, as well as the context
railway sphere, LSP, Russian, English, grammar, past tenses, tense, translation, verb, finite form
Bondareva, E.P., Chistyakova, G.V. (2021). Universal value worldview: analysis of virtual tourist reviews . Litera, 4, 18–32.
All realities of the surrounding human environment have an axiological potential, and it is generally believed that the ethnic worldviews are characterized by various evaluative dominants. This work substantiates the idea of the existence of universal value attitudes of the representatives of different locative worldviews. The object of this research is the evaluative field “Recreation”; the subject is evaluative judgments of the authors of virtual reviews about vacation on the island Hainan (China), which contain an axiological response to a particular object related to the analyzed evaluative field. The virtual tourist reviews from three locative groups (USA, Europe, Russia) served as the material for this research. The analysis was based on the field method of language description. The conducted research demonstrates that the evaluative field “Recreation” has a similar structure in the representations of native speakers of the three locative groups. The nuclear zone is represented by the thematic group “Hotel accommodation”; the near periphery is formed by the thematic groups “Service”, “Food”, “Beach recreation”; the far periphery includes evaluative judgments of the thematic groups “Activities outside the hotel”, “Landscape”, “Overall impression”, “Fauna”. Each group consists of several objects of evaluation, the axiological response to which is verbalized through evaluative predicates. As a result of studying the evaluation field “Recreation”, the author established that nationality and place of residence of a person do not impact the choice of the object of evaluation of recreation sphere; responses of the representatives of the three locations to tourist objects are very similar.
evaluator, evaluation field, evaluation, virtual comment, locative world picture, universal axiological picture, world picture, object of evaluation, evaluative predicate, value judgment
Murzina, O.V., Gotovtseva, A.G. (2021). Neo-Quintilian paradigm of modern youth media . Litera, 4, 33–41.
The subject of this research is the transformation of classical ancient rhetoric in modern media, namely of such a mandatory part of the classical presentation of speech according to Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, as rebuttal to an opponent's argument. The article employs posts of the authors of various blogs on the entertainment portals and their interaction with users’ commentaries. Response to an objection was an important element of the canon of presentation of speech in antiquity: by doing so, the speaker demonstrated a confident command of the topic, and at the same time, that the topic is objectionable and requires argumentation. The reduction of competitive eloquence turned this part of the canon into a ritual weakened its ties with the actual speech practice. In modernity, we can observe the return of rebuttal to an opponent's arguments as an independent genre – the author in his publications counts on rebuttal and prepares in advance. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that the Neo-Quintilian paradigm of modern youth media is analyzed for the first time. The main conclusions lies in revelation of transformation and deformation of the classical canon: being the so-called cultural constant, the classical canon of ancient rhetoric is conveyed to modern users through interaction with accepted patterns. The modern young audience perceives the canon indirectly, through approved or criticized examples of eloquence, eliciting rfagments thereof – thus, the semantic connection of argument and rebuttal is one of the versions of the deformed, but recognizable canon.
evidence, argument, structure of speech, Quintilian, youth media, mass media, rhetoric, refutation, topos, comment
Literary criticism
Sangadieva, E.G., Amgalanova, M.V. (2021). Representation of the picture of the world in the Buryat national literature of the first third of the XX century. Litera, 4, 42–50.
In theoretical and methodological studies of national literatures, one of the fundamental problems is the analysis of the world picture. The article examines the national picture of the world in the works of Buryat writers of the first third of the XX century on the example of the works of B. Bradin (1878-1937) and P. Dambinov, who wrote under the pseudonym Solbone Tuya (1892-1938). The key concepts ("space" and "time"), images and poetic metaphors are identified and considered. Their representation in artistic creativity in the context of the birth of the national Buryat literature was due to their proximity to the all-Mongol culture, the specifics of ethnic culture, confessional views, peculiarities of consciousness and philosophical aspects of the problem of the world and man as a whole. Â Today, the literary heritage of the first writers of Buryatia is practically not represented in individual author's publications, especially those representatives of the literary art who were repressed and whose works were not published for a long time. The creative heritage of these authors is collected literally by crumbs, according to archival documents and other materials. The main methods of analyzing the poetic heritage of writers were axiological, semiotic and structural-semantic. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the national concept of the world in the work of the founders of Buryat literature as a unique phenomenon of national literature with pronounced ethno-cultural elements.
nature, Buryat poetry, concept, the picture of the world, national culture, the poetic world, space, hero, house, folklore
Question at hand
Tymchuk , E.V., Gamayeva , L.A. (2021). The concept of definiteness and its lexical-grammatical representation in the modern English-language scientific discourse . Litera, 4, 51–63.
The subject of this research is the concept of definiteness and its lexical-grammatical representation in the scientific discourse of the modern English language. The author notes the universal nature of this concept, since it is a crucial component of communication in any culture, any human society. It was always important for the one who talks and the one who listens to indicate the objects of physical and mental world associated with the world of their things and notions. It is underlined that the development of society and transition from the communal to egocentric perception of the world changed the understanding of the concept of “definiteness”. The novelty of this this research consists in a specific articulation of the scientific problem. The concept of definiteness is viewed within the English scientific discourse, taking into account the crucial facts of lexical-grammatical implementation of this concept in other cognate languages. It is concluded that the changes in the concept of “definiteness” substantiated the peculiarities of the use of positive articles in the modern English-language scientific discourse, and also contributed to the widespread use of the zero article. The methodological framework is comprised of the methods of linguistic research: comparative-historical and comparative analysis; as well as methods of lexical-semantic and syntactic analysis of texts from the English-language scientific discourse.
indefinite article, egocentric, lexico-grammatical category, definite article, definiteness, concept, zero article, scientific discourse, cognitive, uniqueness
Literary criticism
Veprev, A.I. (2021). Matryoshka version of the Russian verlibre. Litera, 4, 64–92.
Referring to the possibility and need for an experiment in literary studies, mentioned in the early XX century by the Soviet literary theoretician and poetry scholar Boris Yarkho, who paid particular attention to the transformation of the genre and the structure of expressive means as a whole, the author of this article analyzes the new form of the Russian verlibre (free verse), its varieties of the most probable form, attempting to determine its most characteristic typology, as well as to introduce into the concept of the matryoshka verlibre the two main forms, two of its fundamental metaphases and several subvarieties: 1. Verlibre in verlibres (verlibre in several verlibres); 2. Verlibre in verlibre (several verlibra in one verlibre). The author also distinguishes two subvarieties that are formed from the verlibre in verlibre: 3. Veprlibr (large verlibre in several verlibres); 4. Aphoristic verlibre (verlibre in several aphorisms), and others. The main conclusion of the conducted analysis of the new form of the matryoshka verlibre consists in the fact that matryoshka verlibre is patterned by a catenate fairy tale and is attributed to the type of catenate fairy tale (cumulative fairy tale, recursive fairy tale, chainlike fairy tale). The verlibre, in which dialogues or actions are repeated and develop in a modified form according to the plotline, belongs to the matryoshka verlibre. The effect of these verlibres is based on the repeating narrative, characteristic image and action changing for one or another reason and reaching culmination. In this case, semantic differentiation of the text is viewed as a synthesis of both dimensions, where any component of the work is simultaneously motivated by the coherence of such element that it creates with other elements, as well as semantic union of the elements that are subject to destruction, and belong to different components of the entire work. A matryoshka doll serves as an example.
kuzmin, voloshin, matryoshka, genre, veprev, avangard, experiment, verlibre, kupriyanov, aigi
Wang, Q., Sheremetyeva, E.S. (2021). The role of textual binding element “Now about...” in the text structure. Litera, 4, 93–103.
The binding element “Now about...” is a means of formation of distant cohesion in the text. It combines the features of grammatical and lexical means of connectivity, which is substantiated by its structure: presence of the permanent grammaticalized component “now about” and substitutable position for preposition. Within the structure of the text, the binding element performs the transition to a new micro-theme as part of the macro-theme, while fulfilling a prospective or a prospective-retrospective function. In terms of prospective function, the formal role is played by grammaticalized component of the binding element, and in terms of prospective-retrospective – both components; the functions are allocated as follows: free component of the binding element serves as a keyword and fulfills distant retrospective cohesion, while grammaticalized component “now about” due to its semantics, forms the relations of prospection. The binding element “Now about...” may interact with other logical bonds and also form connectivity, which testifies to its functional self-sufficiency. The acquired results can be applied in lexicographic practice for the development and creation of lexical entries for dictionaries of functional words of the Russian language, in editorial activity, in teaching the syntax of the Russian language, for philological analysis of the text, as well as in teaching Russian as a foreign language.
continuity of text, retrospection, prospection, cohesion, text syntax, text, text clip, function words, microtheme, macroheme
Literary criticism
Sulaimanov, M.U. (2021). Ethnocultural code in the Crimean Tatar literary criticism (on the example of Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism article “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and a Pocket Knife”). Litera, 4, 104–117.
Based on the analysis of causality and reasonableness of arguments of such literary scholars as Shakir Selim and Shamil Alyadin, this article attempt to determine the ethnocultural code of the Crimean Tatar literary criticism. The author applies the approach of methodological pluralism, as well as hermeneutical, logical, historical-genetic, comparative-typological, phenomenological, and psychological methods. This allows considering various perspectives of the aforementioned literary scholars upon the variants of critical analysis of the artistic heritage of the classic of Crimean Tatar literature Memet Nuzet. The article outlines the basic principles of literary criticism, declared by Shakir Selim and Shamil Alyadin, as well as their dependence on the ethnocultural code of the Crimean Tatars. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the attempt of carrying out a comprehensive hermeneutical analysis of Shakir Selim’s literary-criticism work “About Shamil Alyadin, Charyks and the Pocket Knife” through the prism of methodological pluralism in the aspect of ethnocultural code. The author’s main contribution consists in the reflection of the “clash of opinions” of three literary critics – this is the critical article by Shakir Selim, based on the response of Pirae Kadri-Zade, written to Shamil Alyadin’s criticism essay on the poem composed by the classic of the Crimean Tatar literature Memet Nuzet.
literary criticism, Crimean Tatar literature, philosophical reflection, ethnocultural code, methodological pluralism, Memet Nuzet, Pirae Kadri-zade, Shamil Alyadin, Shakir Selim, discussion
Question at hand
Sukhanova, I.Y. (2021). The dynamics of using thematic group “Religion” in the works of K. G. Paustovsky . Litera, 4, 118–126.
The subject of this research is the dynamics of using thematic group “Religion” in the literary works of K. G. Paustovsky. The eight-volume collection of the writer's works served as the material for this research. The goal is to characterize the specificity of functionality of the lexicon with the semantics of religion in the works of K. G. Paustovsky. The article employs the following methods: descriptive-analytical, system description, inductive-hypothetical, contextual analysis and qualitative analysis; observation and interpretation techniques. The practical value of this research lies in the possibility to use its results in the university disciplines, such as “Philological Analysis of the Text”, “Modern Russian Language”, “History of the Russian Literary “Language”, and “Stylistics”. The scientific novelty consists in studying the lexicon of the thematic group “Religion” in the works of K. G. Paustovsky in the dynamic aspect (the author offers the methodology of three-stage analysis). It is determined that the linguistic unit pertaining to “Religion” in the works of K. G. Paustovsky indicate a significant dynamics of their application relate to a particular period of his creative path, functions of a literary work, levels of artistic usage, division of nominations into subgroups and micro-groups. All of the aforementioned characteristics are interrelated. The presented material will be valuable in the Paustovsky’s studies, theory of poetic speech, functional-semantic research.
Christianity, Paustovsky, period of writing, linguistic usage, literary text, functions, religion, thematic group, Judaism, Moslem
Question at hand
Gotovtseva, A.G., Karpov, E.S. (2021). Linguosemiotic peculiarities of the text in TikTok: “the word of others” in the new multimedia reality . Litera, 4, 127–134.
The subject of this research is the tendency towards formation of a new semiotic code of entertainment content, observed in the Russian segment of Tiktok social network. The goal of this research is to determine the new trends in recreational segment of the modern social network, the popularity of which depends on the number users’ likes and reposts. The research material contains the continuous sampling of videos for the period from February to March 2021. The analysis of videos of the Russian-speaking users allows revealing the tendency towards the emergence of a new type of recreational content at the intersection of plagiarism and parody. This implies voice-covering of the fragments of stand-up show in a different context: for example, a fragment from comedy show is lip-synced by a woman while preparing meal. In other words, the authors of such content do not claim to be original, they virtually lip-sync with synchronization of another person's speech (moreover, the TikTok format allows seeing the link to the original soundtrack). At the same time, such content is far from parodic, as there is no mimicking or gesturing of the original. This rather implies the renovation of the open text tradition, which historically accompanies the emergence of a new form of broadcasting information. Such content also indicates common features with the folklore: the author's story is voice-covered by various users repeatedly, like an anecdote or the history of urban folklore. The conclusion is made on the emerging semiotic tendency of the polycode multimedia text, which on the one hand has deep historical roots, while on the other hand is substantiated by the modern technological capabilities and ways of broadcasting information.
copyright, open text tradition, phonogram, stand up, semiotics, Tiktok, youth media, multimediatext, mass media, the Internet
Literary criticism
Li, G. (2021). Geocultural image of Manchuria in the novel “The Root of Life” by Mikhail Prishvin. Litera, 4, 135–144.
This article is dedicated to examination of geocultural space of Manchuria in the novel “The Root of Life” (Ginseng) by M. Prishvin. In the early 1930s, the writer participated in ethnographic expedition to the Far East. Being a professional ethnographer and a highly qualified agronomist, the artist meticulously explored the nature of Manchuria, interpreting it from the perspective of European (rationalistic) and Eastern (mythological) worldviews. The formed as a result of contact of the two diverse cultures “geocultural dualism”, expanded the boundaries of the novel, revealing a deep philosophical content: the problem of co-creation of nature and man. The article provides a list of geocultural markers of the eastern province of China, as well as gives a detailed interpretation of the artistic content of all the authentic attributes of ancient Chinese culture (among them: spotted deer, velvet antlers, ginseng, etc.). The article offers the interpretation of key philosophical concepts of the novel: “kindred attention” of the Chinese traditionalism, concept of co-creation of man and nature; special attention is given to the natural philosophical views of Mikhail Prishvin. The conclusions are based on the material of zoological, botanical, and seasonal-climatic descriptions of Manchuria. The novelty of this research consists in culturological and philosophical interpretation of the title symbol – the “root of life”. Ginseng assembles the entire semantic charge of the oeuvre, and draws together its geocultural plan. The collected geocultural inventory (naturalistic notes on the life of spotted deer, botanical and entomological observations of M. Prishvin, lifestyle of the ancient Chinese culture) is included into the dialectical structure of the central symbol, suggesting constructive interaction of the Eastern and Western types of worldview. The "root of life" as a demiurgical potential, revealed in the act of individual creativity, is the initial unity of a man (“gin”) and nature (“seng”) in the process of improving the universe. For proving this hypothesis, the author employs the method of culturological; analysis of the behavior of the protagonist, who is experiencing a moral breakthrough in communication with the carrier of Chinese mythological culture.
nature, animalism, spotted deer, ginseng, antlers, Manchuria, geocultural image, East, West, mythology
Literary criticism
Anisimova, O.V. (2021). Portrait of the writer: the peculiarities of literary technique of Roger Zelazny . Litera, 4, 145–153.
The subject of this research is the unique literary technique of the prominent American fantasy and science fiction writer Roger Zelazny, the author of the world-renowned novels, such as “The Chronicles of Amber”, “This Immortal”, "The Lord of Light”, etc. The article is dedicated namely to determination of the key peculiarities of the poetics of his works. Special attention is given to characterization of his literary path, its periodization, the impact of Zelazny's predecessors – the authors of science fiction and classical world literature – upon his prose. It is noted that R. Zelazny was fascinated with various mythological systems, such as Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Celtic, and Christian. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the attempt to reveal and systematize the most remarkable features of the works of the American fantasy and science fiction writer, whose impact upon the modern fantasy literature can hardly be overestimated; however it has been poorly studied within the Russian literary studies. The conducted analysis of the poetics Roger Zelazny’s iconic novels, created within the framework of the four main stages, indicates the use such postmodernist literary technique as intertextuality. The matter of R. Zelazny is also characterized by psychologism, interpreted as the author's attention to the meticulous reconstruction of the inner cosmos of the hero, which resembles the result of the writer's passion for the ideas of psychoanalysis. Along with the other representatives of the New Wave, Zelazny was prone to the experiment with forms, as well as to the synthesis of the various fantasy genres. Therefore, many of his novels demonstrate the fusion of science fiction, fantasy, space opera, mystery, and detective fiction.
intertextuality, poetics, myth, Zelazny, fantasy, science fiction, psychoanalysis, poetry, allusions, New Wave
Literary criticism
Starovoitov, I. (2021). Andrei Bely’s collection of essays “Arabesques” as a metatext . Litera, 4, 154–161.
This article explores the possible methods of metatext arrangement in the collection of essays “Arabesques” by Andrey Bely in addition to the main the main method described in the works of V. S. Kiselev and M. N. Darwin (the special role of framework components, determined arrangement of texts in contents directory). Special attention is given to the inner composition of texts included in the “Arabesques”, namely their imagery system and framework concepts. The analysis of the essays allowed determining the recurring key antinomies “up/down” and “light/dark”, which reinforce the unified semantic framework of the “Arabesques”. The orientation towards superunity is also detected on the syntactic level due to the constant reference of A. Bely to the “ironic pause” technique. In the modern literary studies, the problem of metatext (particularly in literary and semiotic understanding of the term ) has been brought up by M. N. Darwin, V. S. Kiselev, V. E. Prusenko, A. G. Kulik. However, this article is first to raise the question of their metatextuality the context of Andrei Bely’s collection of essays, which defines the novelty of this research. The author comes to the conclusion that alongside the basic techniques of metatext arrangement, Andrei Bely's “Arabesques” offer a range of additional means for creating semantic superunity – the use of antinomian images common to the collection of essays, and constant reference to the “ironic pause” technique.
artistic image, book of articles, symbolism, internal composition, architectonics, metatext, Arabesques, Bely, image-antinomy, superunit
Literary criticism
Zhu, Z. (2021). The journey of Claire in the works of Gaito Gazdanov: the analysis of the female image of Claire in the novels “An Evening with Claire”, “Hannah”, and “The Fate of Salome” . Litera, 4, 162–170.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the female image of Claire and its variant in the works of Gaito Gazdanov. This character type in the works of G. Gazdanov often resembles the past in the present, i.e. an important part of the “lost world” for the protagonist. However, deliberate examination allows following the gradual transformation of the authors attitude towards the character of Claire throughout his creative path. In the novel “Ab Evening with Clair”, the author adheres to priority of that past world over the present, while in the novel of his later period “The Fate of Salome”, the narrator tends to release from the shadow of the past. The underlying cause for such change lies in the transition of the writer from the romantic theurgical worldview towards phenomenal. In the later period, Gazdanov reconsidered the real world and justified the earthly existence due to the fact that submerging into the own inner world can entail loneliness and dissolution “Self” in one’s mind. The goal of this research consists in tracing the transformation of the role of Claire in the works of Gaito Gazdanov, as well as in description of different types of relations between the protatonist and the heroine in order to prove the evolution of the writer's reasoning on the problem of “two-worldness”. The relevance of this article consists in explication of the type of Claire in Gazdanov’s artistic system of “two-worldness” as a literary technique, as well as from the new perspective of studying the evolution the writer’s worldview.
fantasy, òåóðãèÿ, worldview, An Evening with Claire, double world, character type, Gaito Gazdanov, reality, present, past
Chzhan, Y. (2021). To the description of semiotic theory in the tradition of Chinese Linguistics . Litera, 4, 171–180.
The Russian scholars often associate semiotics with such names as Ferdinand De Saussure, Charles Morris, Roland Barthes, who wrote a wide variety of works and significantly contributed to the formation of semiotics. Therefore, the Russian science has sound understanding of semiotics in Europe. In Asian regions, namely in China, semiotics is also one of the most popular trends. This article gives special attention to the formation and development of semiotics in the modern Chinese academic environment for the purpose of revealing and clarifying the key periods of study of semiotic theory, trends and directions of semiotic research, as well as the main works written by the Chinese authors from the perspective of semiotics. The author's special contribution into this research consists in introduction to the Russian linguistic paradigm of the process of formation of semiotics as an independent scientific direction within the Chinese academic environment. Description is provided to the three key periods of development and advancement of semiotic theories in China. The main trends and directions of research in the modern academic environment are explored. The article features the works of the prominent Chinese linguists – Yaping Huang and Hua Meng, who implemented the semiotic ideas into the study of ideographic writing. The article also examines the work of the renowned Chinese scholar Qian Guanlian, who studied the pragmalinguistic aspects from the perspective of semiotics, which allowed comprising a semiotic base of the communication theory and pragmatics, and thus made a significant contribution to further research of these trends.
Chinese semiotics studies, history of Chinese semiotics study, Chinese semiotic theories, Chinese linguisitics study, Saussure's theory of the sign, Peirce's semiotic theories, theory of signs, Semiotics, semiotics of hieroglyphics, semiotics of communication theory
Sun, Y., Rybakov, M.A. (2021). Linguocultural connotations of the lexeme “pine tree” in the Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 4, 181–188.
The subject of this research is the lexeme “pine tree” with special linguocultural connotations in the mentality of Russians and Chinese. The authors reviews the historical-cultural associative meanings of the lexeme “pine tree” in the Russian and Chinese linguocultures through the analysis of phraseologisms, proverbs, myths, poems and literary works, as well as historical materials, customs and traditions of the two nations. The article employs descriptive, contextual, comparative methods, component analysis, and cognitive modeling. It is demonstrated that “pine tree” makes a positive impression in both linguocultures; its connotations coincide in the meanings of “perseverance” and “longevity”. Although unlike in Chinese linguocultural connotation, in the Russian language, pine tree also symbolizes negative emotions, such as “loneliness”, “sadness”. The novelty of this research lies in comparison of linguocultural connotations of the “pine tree” phytonomen via interdisciplinary study of the results of perception of this object, its concept and image by the Russian and Chinese native speakers. The accumulated materials can be used in teaching comparative lexicology of the Russian and Chinese languages, teaching Russian language for Chinese students or Chinese language for Russian students, as well as in the development of lectures and textbooks in these disciplines. The conclusion is made that the detailed contrasting study of connotations of the characteristic phytonomen in two different linguocultures contributes to cross-cultural communication, broadens the perspective on value system of the native speakers of different languages, and allows the people learning a foreign language to avoid undesirable language and cultural conflicts in the context of cross-cultural communication.
lexicology, semantics, contrastive linguistics, chinese language, russian language, connotation, linguoculture, denotation, symbol, linguocultural differences
Zharnikova, A.V., Tsybenova, C.S. (2021). The image of mother in multi-structural languages (based on the material of the Russian and Tuvan languages) . Litera, 4, 189–197.
This article analyzes the image of mother in the Russian and Tuvan languages based on the results of associative experiment. The key goal of this cross-cultural research is consists in comparison and determination of the constant meanings underlying this image and its ethnocultural peculiarities in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of multi-structural languages. The object of this research is the verbal associations for the stimulus word “mother” in the linguistic consciousness of the Russian and Tuvan people. The empirical material is acquired in the course of experimental methods and viewed from the perspective of the fragments of linguistic consciousness, which reflect the image of the world of a particular culture. The practical value of the work is defined by the relevant contrastive study of the lexicon from the category of universal images, as well as by possibility of application of the obtained results in translation studies, cross-cultural communication, linguoculturology, and lexicography. The scientific novelty lies in carrying out a psycholinguistic interpretation of the associative fields "mother" and “ie”, examination of their field stratification, comparison of fragments of the core of linguistic consciousness of the Russian and Tuvan people. The selected image id describe through the prism of its archetypal nature. The conducted analysis reveals that the perception of a particular stimulus word in linguistic consciousness of a person is impacted not only by ethnic and sociocultural factors, but by the corresponding language norms as well.
Tuvans, Russians, image of mother, association experiment, linguistic consciousness, psycholinguistics, Tuvan language, Russian language, associative field, word-response
Poetry and the poet
Pogorelova, I.V. (2021). Bach, Bukowski, genesis. Litera, 4, 198–204.
The object of this research is the references to the German composer of the XVIII century – Johann Sebastian Bach in poetry of the classic of modern American literature Charles Bukowski. Special attention is given to the poetic-semiotic and ontological aspects of Bach’s motif in the poetic works of C. Bukowski. The author meticulously examines the nature of mentioned references, categorizing them as the three narrative-ontological types or hypostases, in which the German composer appears in the poetry of C. Bukowski, namely: Bach-ideal, Bach-background, and Bach-father figure. The article employs the method of continuous sampling, interpretation and semantic analysis, motivic analysis, as well as biographical and psychological approaches. The author's special contribution into the research of this topic lies in the conclusion on the Bach’s motif in the poetry of C. Bukowski as a variety of ekphrasis, which suggests a verbal representation not of a single artwork, but of the demiurge (in this case it is Bach) as the creator of entirety of his brilliant compositions.
existentiality, classical music, father figure, dirty realism, Bach, Bukowski, motif, ekphrasis, concept, narrative
Skorik, K.V. (2021). Semiotic status of objects and their functioning in the Anglo-Saxon and Russian charms. Litera, 4, 205–213.
The research focuses on the problem of semiotic status of objects in the Anglo-Saxon and Russian charms. The text of charms is the object of the research. The aim of the research is to define the semiotic status of objects in the Anglo-Saxon and Russian charms and to reveal the functioning of the objects in the text of a charm. The work deals with charms as examples of a sacral text. The research is promising due to the fact that studying a sacral text in this context is based on the anthropocentric approach. The tasks of the research include the following: to denote the status of a charm as a sacral text, to describe the semiotic status of objects in a charm, to reveal the role of a ritual in the objects’ acquiring the features of signs, to define the functions of semiotic objects in the charms. The scientific novelty of the research is in its comparative analysis of Russian and Anglo-Saxon charms in terms of linguistic semiotics. The author points out and describes several functions of semiosis as a system of objects that have a semiotic status. The major conclusion made as a result of the research is that the symbolic functions of material cultural objects in a sacral text enable the objects to acquire various features when they are included in the ritual component of a charm.
folklore, semiotic status, functioning, sacral text, Russian charm, Anglo-Saxon charm, charm, semiosis, ritual, spell
Zagrebelnaya, A.S. (2021). Spatial behavior in romantic communication: comparative analysis in the Russian, English, and Spanish linguocultures . Litera, 4, 214–223.
This article describes the concept of “romantic communication”, examines the linguocultural specificity of spatial behavior in the instances of romantic communication in Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures. It is demonstrated that the situations of romantic communication in the indicated linguocultures are characterized by certain spatial movements of the communicants depending on their communicative intentions. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by globalization processes and rapid building of contacts between Russia, Great Britain and Spain, which, in turn, bonds these linguocultures and makes requires their in-depth study in order to understand the peculiarities of representation of spatial behavior in the course of interpersonal communication. It is worth noting that there are different approaches towards studying the romantic discourse; assessment is given to the role of the kinesic components therein. The question on similarity and divergence of the proxemic components in romantic communication in the Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures remains debatable, and draws particular interests of the experts in the field of linguistics and linguoculturology, as well as the representatives of business spheres dealing with Russia, Great Britain and Spain in one or another way; it allows to better understand the purpose and use of spatial components in the communicative aspect. The scientific novelty of this research consists in determination of linguistic peculiarities of representation of spatial behavior in the instances of romantic communication in the Russian, English and Spanish linguocultures. As a result of the conducted analysis, the author identifies the key main verbal, nominative, and adjective constructions that represent proxemic components of romantic communication in the English, Russian, and Spanish languages. It is also underlined that the characteristic features of the romantic discourse are related not only to kinesics, but also proxemics, which gives a better perspective on the motives of behavioral specificity of the actors of romantic communication, as well as helps to identify the level of their closeness through detailed analysis of linguistic saturation of the literary text.
romantic discourse, non-verbal means of communication, linguoculture, romantic communication, space, communicative behavior, spatial behavior, distancing, semiotic system, language features