Question at hand
Zou , H., Novospasskaya , N.V. (2021). Classification of elements of linguocultural information in the polycode text of printed advertising based on the material of Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 2, 1–10.
The subject of the study of this article is a polycode text, considered from the point of view of value in intercultural communication. The research material was a block of social and commercial advertisements (40 units in Russian and 40 units in Chinese), in which linguistic and cultural information can be both the subject of advertising and the background for the advertised product, service or idea. In the course of the research, the method of comparative analysis of the verbal component of two languages, the method of comparing the content and execution of the elements of the iconic level and also the method of semantic analysis of the verbal component of the polycode text of printed advertising were used. Â The novelty of the research lies in the established fact of the impact on the reader of a polycode advertising text, which forms an idea of national values containing physical-geographical, figurative, cultural-historical material and spiritual aspects. In accordance with the results of the study, conclusions were drawn that the polycode text of printed advertising is an effective means of broadcasting and obtaining information about the cultural specifics of a nation, an effective tool that reflects the state of another culture through the use of semantic and linguistic means. The elements of linguistic and cultural information considered in the article are presented as accessible as possible in a combination of visual and textual means.
intercultural communication, Chinese language, Russian, culture, semiotic means, ratio, iconic component, the verbal component, advertisement, polycode text
Literary criticism
Starostina, K.V. (2021). Mythological motifs in the storybook by M. Moskvina “My Dog Loves Jazz”. Litera, 2, 11–18.
This article demonstrates the realization of mythological motifs in the Russian children’s literature of the late XX century, namely the story “My Dog Loves Jazz" by M. Moskvina. It is established that mythological motifs are used not only as artistic elements, but also as semantic constructs. The specificity of the story incorporates the motifs of justice, irony and game. The plot and existential component are reconstructed through the prism of mythology, which includes the elements of social experience and irrealistic course of the narrated events. The peculiarities of motif structure primarily manifest in the discussion of everyday life situations and prospects (career choice, parenting problems, purchasing clothes, ways to broaden outlook, vacation on the beach). The method of narration should be viewed as mythotypical symbolism, which manifests in the ambiguous and unpredictable of the finale of separate scenes, and allows intervening into the reader’s imagination. Colorfully delivering the interesting plotlines, the author allows the reader to reflect on themselves. The article indicates the positive energy of narration, which creates prerequisites for inspiration, new life pursuits, and desire to look at the world with eyes wide open. It is noted that this literary work contributes to the formation of morals in young generation.
mythopoetics, Marina Moskvina, literary creation, the image of a child, the life-affirming principle, the motive of the game, the motive of irony, the motive of justice, mythological motives, children's literature.
Literary criticism
Ren, X. (2021). Turgenev’s traditions and motifs in the collection “Dragons, Tigers and Dogs” by Ba Jin. Litera, 2, 19–29.
The subject of this research is the adoption and development of the motifs of I. S. Turgenev’s “Poems in Prose” in the lyrical collection “Dragons, Tigers and Dogs” by Ba Jin, who was dubbed “China’s Turgenev”. Attention is focused on the analysis of literary techniques adopted by Ba Jin from Turgenev, such as: narrative methods, motifs of the dreams, latent psychologism and profound psychologism of the landscape, symbolism, and fundamental musicality of the text. The research material contains the lyrical cycles of both writers, author's commentaries, journal articles published in Russia and China dedicated to examination of Turgenev's impact upon the Chinese writers. The article employs the historical-functional and comparative methods of analysis. The author is first to explore the influence of Turgenev's “Poems in Prose” on the works of Ba Jin, which defines the scientific novelty of this research. Ba Jin's scrutiny of Turgenev's “Poems in Prose”, during his work on translations, is reflected in his collection on the level of symbolism and the choice of motifs, command of language and literary style overall. The musicality of Turgenev's “Poems in Prose” encouraged Ba Jin to pursue the new artistic expressiveness of the language. The aesthetic peculiarities of Turgenev's “Poems in Prose” are consonant with the traditions and aesthetic requests of the Ancient Chinese literature, which justifies the enduring popularity of Turgenev’s works in China.
tradition of Ancient Chinese literature, musicality, motif, symbol, psychology of landscape, narrative methods, the Chinese Turgenev, Ba Jin, Poems in prose, Turgenev
Serbin, V.A. (2021). Semantic peculiarities of translation of military ranks in the Vietnamese language. Litera, 2, 30–41.
The process of translating nomenclature concepts is quite complicated, which prompts the translator to find realias in their native language. Accurate translation and finding proper equivalents require standardization and unification of the systems of nomenclature concepts of military terms in the original and target languages. An attempt is made to standardize and explain the rules of utilization and translation of the system of military ranks based on their semantic peculiarities in the Russian and Vietnamese languages. The author makes brief notes on the translation of military ranks and spoken forms of military greetings. Despite the sufficient coverage of the topic of semantic peculiarities of terminology, it retains relevant. The question of translating military ranks along with other nomenclature terms in the Vietnamese language, raises some questions. The author provides a general overview of the system of military ranks, determines similarities and differences, and attempts to develop a unified approach towards translation of these nomenclature concepts in the original and target languages. The article employs the comparative and descriptive methods of research. The acquired results demonstrate that the question of translation equivalence should be explored only through comparative analysis. The presented materials can be applied in lexicography and translation practice.
semantic features, linguistic worldview, military ranks, Vietnamese, military terminology, terminology studies, Terminology, terminology standartization, translation, nominative process
Klochkova, E., Evtushenko, T. (2021). The peculiarities of realization of modal values of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 2, 42–52.
This article examines the linguistic-specific parameters of language means for expressing modal valies of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages. Particular attention is given to the analysis of quantitative and functional-semantic characteristics of language means for expressing modality in the Russian and Chinese languages from the comparative perspective. The goal of this research lies on examination of functionality of the means of objective and subjective modality within the Russian language reflected in the Chinese language. The research is based on the material of the user parallel corpus, which contains Russian and Chinese literary texts with translation, as well as on the results of student poll conducted for the purpose of determination of meta-representations of the native speakers on functionality of a number of linguistic units of the corresponding microfields. The results of comprehensive analysis demonstrate that the core and periphery of the functional-semantic fields of necessity and epistemic possibility in the Russian and Chinese languages are similar with regards to the types of linguistic units that comprise the field (the core zone consists of modal verbs and modal words); however, the allocation of elements within the field differs. From the functional-semantic perspective, the author determines a group of modal values with accurate cross-lingual correspondences and a group of words with different meanings, as well as indicates the semantic lacunas. The survey results of the native speakers confirm varying degree of consolidation of the opinion on the value of modality markers.
Chinese language, Russian language, probability evaluation of judgements, frequency analysis, functional and semantic analysis, necessity, epistemic modality, modality, field, metalinguistic understanding
Grekhneva, L.V. (2021). Implementation of the functionality of periphrasis in language and speech. Litera, 2, 53–60.
The subject of this research is the functionality of periphrastic expressions: an attempt is made to revise the existing functional typology of periphrasis and reflect the key language and speech functions therein. Periphrasis as a multifunctional linguistic means is widely used in the texts of different styles and genres; the author indicates its diverse functional aspects. Analysis of the literature on the topic demonstrated the ambiguity of description of both, the essential characteristics of periphrasis and its functional classification. In this regard, it is relevant to generalize and systematize the existing in science classifications, outlining the key functional aspects and their specific speech implementation. The main result of the conducted research consists in determination of the three primary functions of periphrasis – nominative, descriptive and expressive. Namely these functions are the basic, and reflect the key essential characteristics of periphrasis. Each function includes subfunctions, which are their incidental manifestations. The author reveals some functional aspects of periphrasis that are not autonomous, but derivatives from the selected basic functions. Thus, the euphemistic and synonymic functions are considered the derivatives from the nominative function of periphrasis; explanatory function – manifestation of the descriptive; evaluative, expressive, game, and manipulative functions are inseparable from the periphrastic expression.
phraseologism, synonym, tabooism, euphemism, evaluativeness, nomination, emphasis, speech function, periphrasis, description
Larina, V.V., Shatilova, L.M., Nifanova, T.S. (2021). Functionality of the synonyms of nuclear lexemes “Pravda (truth) / Verite}” in the Russian and French Literary texts. Litera, 2, 61–68.
The goal of this article consists in carrying out a semantic analysis of the synonyms of nuclear lexemes “Pravda (truth)/ Verite” in the Russian and French literary texts. The subject of this research is the semantics of lexemes representing the concept of “Truth” in the Russian and French languages. Very few works in the modern linguistics are dedicated to comparative study of the concept of “Truth” in the Russian and French literary texts, which defines the relevance of this article. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to examine functionality of the synonyms of nuclear lexemes “Pravda (truth) / Verite” in the Russian and French literary texts, as well as to determine the composition of meanings and dynamics of their development in these lexemes. The article employs the comparative and quantitative methods, semantic analysis, and modeling. In both languages the concept of “Pravda (truth) / Verite” implies such notions as: “Honesty”, ”Fairness”, “Sincerity”, ”Reality”, “Veracity”. The conclusion is made that in the Russian and French literary texts, the linguocultural concept of “Truth” is reflected in its primary meaning – "Honesty”. The distinctive feature is the in the Russian texts it is used as “Veracity”, while in the French – as “Fairness”, which emphasizes the specificity of mentality reflected in the linguistic worldview.
credibility, Russian, French, synonym, functioning, concept, artistic text, truth, sincerity, comparative analysis
Zeng, Y. (2021). Justice / Injustice in the metaphors of Russian politicians. Litera, 2, 69–76.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of reflection of the ethical category of “Justice / Injustice” in the Russian linguistic consciousness, in the speeches of various politicians. The object of this research is the representation of situational and value characteristics of this concept in the political metaphors. Special attention is given to the choice of metaphorical images for discussing different political disputes and debates on the question of achieving justice. The author examines such aspects as the category of eventivity, category of value, and verbalization of the concepts of “Justice / Injustice” using metaphors in the political discourse. The scientific novelty consists in merging political values with political metaphors for comprehensive analysis of value orientations of a politician, as well as characteristics of the use of political metaphors in the axiological aspect. It is proven that the value system forms value-semantic space of language. The analysis of metaphorical images in the political media discourse allowed revealing the current Russian political situation, which correlates to the concept of “Justice” within the value system of the Russian people. The acquired results can be applies in teaching stylistics and pragmatics of the Russian language, special courses of cognitive linguistics, conceptual research in linguistics, linguoculturology, as well as some fundamentals of political linguistics.
category of eventfulness, axiology of metaphor, political media discourse, justice and injustice, concept, value, political metaphor, category of value, pragmatics, political discourse
Ovchinnikova, O., Rezunova, M. (2021). Modern types of communication: peculiarities of the word-formation system of SMS language. Litera, 2, 77–86.
It is hard to imagine interpersonal communication without cell phones: this method of communication not only simplifies the process of data transmission, but also significantly saves time, which is of prime important in the conditions of constant acceleration of the pace of life. This refers not only to oral form of communication using cell phones, but also high use of SMS – a short text messages with a standard of 160 characters or less. The scholars have different opinion on the SMS language: some believe that it negatively affects grammar and spelling of the national language, while others see it as a platform for language games and experiments, which originates new forms of interpersonal communication. Philologists note that examination of this layer of lexicon allows to not only comprehensively assessment this phenomenon, but due to popularization of different chats and messengers and increasing role of Internet communication, make projections on the development of cyber language, which is an evolutionary continuation of the language of short text messages. This research examines the lexicon of French SMS communication from a formal perspective, clarifies the existing theoretical positions, and gives a detailed description to the mechanisms of formation of the vocabulary. The acquired results can become the foundation for further development of the question on the material of other languages. The presented pattern for describing the SMS language can be used as a basic algorithm for studying this linguistic phenomenon in other language communities , and allow carrying out a comparative analysis of SMS language in other countries.
truncation, agglutination, reduction, phonetization, word-formation, short message service, French language, communication, abbreviation, graphic characters
Luan, L. (2021). The impact of extralinguistic factors upon the subject matter of children's discourse . Litera, 2, 87–93.
This article analyzes different perspectives on the problem of definition of the concept of “children's discourse”, reveals its theoretical framework, as well as clarifies the impact of extralinguistic factors upon the subject matter. Children’s everyday speech. recorded by their parents and posted on the website “Children Speak”, is the subject of this research. The goal consists in identification and analysis of the thematic peculiarities of children's discourse and the contributing factors. The scientific novelty of this work lies in revelation of thematic peculiarities of children's discourse on the example of children’s everyday speech; analysis of the key factors influencing their speech activity depending on the frequency of utilization of the studied topics. Theoretical significance of this work consists in elucidation of the concept of “children's discourse”, its dependence on the child’s linguistic identity, and difference from children's speech. Practical significance consists in the acquired results that can be applied in the university courses of psycholinguistics, linguoculturology, ontolinguistics, as well as in compiling textbooks on the Russian language for children. The author distinguishes between the concepts of “children's discourse” and “children's speech”; establishes correlation between the children's discourse and child’s linguistic identity; highlights the frequently used thematic groups, as well as underlines the impact of such factors as visual objects, sociology, and culture upon the children’s discourse. The conclusions may become the foundation for further research dedicated to to children's discourse, children's speech, ontolinguistics, etc.
extralinguistic factors, early education, cultural linguistics, culture, linguistic means, children's speech, thematic features, children's linguistic personality, children's discourse, sociology