Kruglov, V., Uryvskaya, T., Rusak, D. (2021). Cross-lexicographic analysis of the concepts of sociopolitical discourse of the Chinese language. Litera, 10, 1–20.
The object of this research is the concepts of sociopolitical discourse of the Chinese language, selected by the continuous sampling method. The subject of this research is the cross-lexicographic coefficient, which is derived mathematically within the framework of the cross-lexicographic analysis of these concepts. The goal is set to determine the diachronic changes in the meanings of lexemes of sociopolitical discourse via cross-lexicographic analysis based on dictionary materials compiled by the prominent Russian and foreign sinologists over the period from 1888 to 2002. Attention is drawn to such theoretical concepts as semantics, pragmatics and discourse. Description is given to the key characteristics of sociopolitical discourse, as well as the methodology of formation of the corresponding conceptual apparatus. The research leans on the method of continuous sampling from lexicographic sources. The scientific novelty lies in the development of innovative methods of statistical analysis of the conceptual apparatus of sociopolitical discourse of the modern Chinese language. Among the acquired results, the author notes the transformation of meanings of the selected lexemes through the analysis of metalanguage of the dictionaries. The uniqueness of this article consists in the analysis of the vast range of the previously unpublished archival lexicographic sources of the Chinese language. The author also reveals the dynamics of changes in the selected lexical means by means of the derived cross-lexicographic coefficient, as well as determines the key vectors of their discursive transformations and evolution of linguopragmatic functions.
continuous sampling method, linguo-pragmatics, conceptual apparatus, socio-political discourse, Chinese dictionaries, lexicographic sources, vocabulary of the modern Chinese language, statistic method of linguistic analyses, Chinese language, cross-lexicographic coefficient
Literary criticism
Denisova, E.A. (2021). On the autobiography of M. Y. Lermontov's dramaturgy of the early period (plats “Menschen und Leidenschaften” and “A Strange Man”) . Litera, 10, 21–30.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the two plays written by M. Y. Lermontov in the the early period – “Menschen und Leidenschaften” and “A Strange Man” form the perspective of manifestation of autobiographical context therein. These works are based on the dramatic events in Lermontov's biography that took place in 1830–1831, such as conflict between the poet's grandmother and father, death of his father, as well as Lermontov's relationship with N. F. Ivanova. Analysis is conducted on the texts of these two dramas, as well as on the biographical situation that encouraged Lermontov to create these plays. Special attention is given to determination of specificity of interrelation between the biographical and fictional in Lermontov's dramaturgy of the early period. Lermontov’s appeal to the drama genre is associated directly with the need for artistic mastering of the biographical context. The article analyzes the process of instilling life facts in the dramaturgical text, as well as the specificity of manifestation of the autobiographical in the plotline, images of the heroes, as well as ideological-thematic aspect of the work. The result of the conducted research lies in tracing the evolution of the image of the protagonist based on self-projection of the author's personality, as well as the peculiarities building a romantic conflict that has autobiographical grounds. The two compositions represent a different perspective upon the personality and behavior of a “strange” man; autobiographical accuracy in depicting a romantic conflict is associated with the possibility of conveying the history of relationships in the play, due to the closeness of this literary genre to empirical reality. This allows viewing the two plays as a system of artistic development of biographical events in the dramatic discourse.
autobiographism, biography, treason, love conflict, dramas, Natalya Ivanova, Lermontov, auto-interpretation, biographical, artistic
Ilin, B.B. (2021). Space transformations in the hagiographies (based on the materials of Uspensky Collection). Litera, 10, 31–43.
Fragments of the text that represent the category of space in the Old Russian hagiographies from the Uspensky Collection became the sources for this research. The object this article is the contexts that depict spatial images in dynamics. The subject is the semantics of the analyzed contexts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by undiminishing interest to the interpretation of the category of space in the Old Russian texts, as by elaboration of the concept of sanctity in studying the hagiographic literature. The goal of this research lies in determination and description of the semantics of spatial transformations in the analyzed hagiographic texts. Research methodology leans on the descriptive method, which includes observation, interpretation and classification; as well as hermeneutical analysis with consideration of anthropological and axiological approaches. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the new aspect of the category of space in the hagiographic texts – spatial transformations. The author highlights several groups that characterize space transformations in the hagiographies: semantics of construction, semantics of destruction, semantics of expansion, semantics of transfiguration, and semantics of the miraculous. The keynote in the hagiographies is the idea of sanctity, which is important for the interpretation of the transforming space. All changes in the physical world take place under the influence of divine intervention for asserting sanctity of the hero or sanctity of the place. The depicted in the hagiographies spiritual reality impact the state of visible spatial images. In addition to the idea of sanctity, the perception of space transformations is affected by pragmatics of the text – the edifying focus of the genre. The acquired results can be valuable in studying the corpus of hagiographic texts from perspective of the category of space.
text, Bible, saint, living, Assumption collection, space, semantics, hagiography, text category, transformation
Alekseeva, O.A. (2021). Syntactic peculiarities of Turkish news materials . Litera, 10, 44–60.
This article reviews the syntactic peculiarities of Turkish news materials determined as result of analysis of the most reputable Turkish online news sources, such as Anadolu Ajansı, Hürriyet, Cumhuriyet etc. The key syntactic peculiarity of news materials is the direct order of words in sentences (SOV) without inversion. News reports usually represent a set of simple sentences, which are complicated by the extended sentence parts (most commonly with forms ending with -DIğI/-AcAğI) and homogeneous parts of the sentence. News materials are characterized by the use of simple sentences, in which the subject is expressed in forms ending with -DIğI/-AcAğI or the verb name ending with -mA, while the predicate is in passive voice. Extended participial clauses with a semi-predicative meaning, pronounced present or past participle ending with -An. The subordinate word of such participial clauses is generally the subject of the superordinate clause. The article examines the formats of direct and indirect speech, lists the most commonly used phrases that introduce direct speech, as well as provides the examples of sentences that contain both direct and indirect speech. The author also cites statistical data on the prevalence of sentences containing direct and indirect speech in news materials. The article lists grammatical structures typical for sociopolitical discourse. These include constructions with the verb ‘bulunmak’ (to have), the peculiarity of which lies in replacement of verbs such as ‘ifade etmek’ (to express), “çağırmak” (to call) , etc. by compound nominal structures in locative case, which forms a single-affix ezāfe with the previous phrase and the verb ‘bulunmak’ (to have). Construction is -DIğI görüşünde or -AcAğI görüşü commonly uses alongside constructions with the verb ‘bulunmak’.
news materials, indirect speech, direct speech, word order, lexical and grammatical aspects, syntactic aspects, Turkish language, news language, Turkish syntax, linguistic features
Boyarkina, A.A., Popova, L.G., Shvedova, I.V. (2021). Symbolism of the blue/light blue color in the English and German publicistic texts . Litera, 10, 61–72.
This article aims to determine similarities and differences in manifestation of symbolism of the blue/light blue color in the English and German publicistic texts. The subject of this research is the semantics of English and German lexemes representing the blue/light blue color in both languages. The symbolism of this color designation is selected due to its insufficient coverage in comparative linguistics. Based on the material of lexicographic sources, the author describes the dictionary meanings of the aforementioned lexemes, which resemble symbolism of the blue color in the English and German publicistic texts. The scientific novelty lies in the establishment of similarities and differences of symbolism of the blue/light blue color on the example of the English and German publicistic texts, highlighting that in the English texts, the lexemes that denote these colors are used more often than in the German texts (English word ‘blue’; German word ‘blau’). The conducted analysis reveals that in the English publicistic texts, symbolism of the blue/light blue color is applied in creation of precedent names, as well as nominations of affiliation to a particular party, nobility, symbol of nobleness, purity, or despondency, suppression of wrongdoing. In the German publicistic texts, this color designated affiliation to the political party, or authorization document for foreign employees. Comparison of the content of lexemes ‘blue’ and ‘blau’ in the English and German texts reveals more similarities. However, in the English publicistic texts, this lexeme denotes the symbolism of sadness, despondency, or noble descent.
commonalities, comparison, lexemes, publicistic text, german, english, blue color, symbolism, differences, color symbolism
Kao Thi, T. (2021). The peculiarities of using games as a means of improving effectiveness of the Russian language class and experiment with the use of games in teaching Russian language at Hanoi National University of Education. Litera, 10, 73–85.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of different types of translation activity in the process of teaching students of non-philological specialties at Hanoi National University of Education. Being the direct participant of bilingual communication, the student applies the following behavioral vectors: reproduction of the semantic-structural peculiarities of the original text and adaptation of the translation text to a new linguocultural perception. This is namely the key to success in the bilingual communication, since the translator fulfills the communicative, ideological, cumulative (culturological) and even a correctional functions attempting to create the original text without flaws and shortcomings of the original text due incompetence of its author. Fulfilling any of these functions, the translator must desubjectivize the original text (extract the subjective meaning) and the translation text (taking into account the characteristics of the addressee) for the purpose of adequate objectification of the translation text in accordance with the situation. In this regard, the modern methods and techniques implemented in the pedagogical practice of Hanoi National University of Education are particularly relevant. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the attempt to determine the peculiarities of using games as a means of improving effectiveness of the Russian language class and implementation of game-based learning at Hanoi National University of Education.
Russian language, psychological and methodological difficulties of translation, translation language, original text, Vietnamese language, non-philology students, consecutive interpretation, linguistics, translation, the concept of teaching
Yuan, X. (2021). The particle “just” in lexicographic terms and materials for complementing its lexical entry. Litera, 10, 86–96.
This article is devoted explores the lexicographic description of functional words. The object of this research is the lexicographic interpretation of functional words. The subject is the interpretations of the particle “just” in various types of dictionaries, namely explanatory and etymological dictionaries of the Russian language, as well as dictionaries developed foreign scholars. The goal is set to systematize the existing information on the particle “just” in the dictionaries, as well as present the material for complementing its lexical entry based on the analysis of factual material in order to create a comprehensive portrait of this unit. For achieving the set goal, the article employs descriptive, comparative, and analytical methods. Comparison of the dictionary data allows determining the similarities and differences in interpretation of the word “just”, establish the invariant meaning of this particle, outline the discrepancies in classification of the types of its use. Leaning on the analysis of factual material of the particle “just” in relation to its syntagmatic and paradigmatic characteristics, the author offers a new interpretation of the meanings of this particle and division of modifications of its meanings. The novelty of this work consists in the proposed material for complementing the lexical entry of the particle “just”.
dictionary entry, kak raz, sematics, syntagmatics, paradigmatics, particles, functional words, lexicographical description, lexicography, Russian language
Question at hand
Chemezova, E.R. (2021). “Toxic” American literature . Litera, 10, 97–103.
The subject of this research is the behavior model of the characters in modern American literature. The goal lies in examination of the key attributes of “toxicity” as an element of artistic world resembled in modern American literature. The object of this research is the prose of Chuck Palahniuk. It is established that “toxicity” is one of the plotline components for building the characters of the heroes in modern American literature. The conducted analysis of the images of heroes and the components of artistic world of C. Palahniuk’s prose allows concluding that “toxicity” is not only the binding element in the artistic world of American literature, but also a construct that forms the dynamic development of the heroes. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first to analyze “toxicity” as an artistic element of modern American literary texts. Prior to that, “toxicity” as a phenomenon was viewed from the perspective of psychological, sociological, and philosophical research. Therefore, the study of the phenomenon of toxicity in literature is of particular relevance due to its interdisciplinarity. The author believes that the types ad peculiarities of “toxicity” as an element of the artistic world in modern American literature, as well as interaction of other structural elements should be also viewed on the example of other works of modern American literature. The characteristic features that unite the works as a transgressive prose should be determined and compared.
imaginative system, artistic world, toxicity, Palahniuk, contemporary American literature, transgressive fiction, motive, counterculture, short story, short prose
Nerents, D.V. (2021). Monopolization and commercialization as the characteristic features of the modern media system in the Russian Federation and the United States. Litera, 10, 104–116.
In the conditions of market economy, special role is played by mass media, since they represent not only a platform for promoting any category of goods and services (permitted by the country’s legislation), but also are the key channel for advertising consumer goods manufactured in any other economic sector. The current state of affairs led to the dominance of the segment of commercially oriented mass media in the modern media environment, which usually are part of the media holding and aim to benefit by any possible means, most of the time through publication of advertising materials. The subject of this article is the processes of commercialization and monopolization as the crucial factors that entailed the transformation processes in media environment, first in the United States, and later in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of this research consists in detailed description of the consequences of these processes, determination of the degree of influence of the global media market upon mass media of both countries, and outlining further trends in the development of journalism under such conditions. The conclusion is drawn that the lofty aims of serving public interests, creating objective and independent content, and providing adequate coverage of the events fully depend on the media owners. Therefore, open competition, wide range of offers on the market, and variety of media choices in essence are the nonexistent phenomena, namely die to commercialization and monopolization processes that characterize modern Russian and US mass media.
media conglomerate, media environment, media holding, journalism, commercialization, monopolization, massmedia, profit, competition, advertising
Literary criticism
Nabigulaeva, M.N., Murtazaliev, A.M. (2021). Children's poetry by Rasul Gamzatov . Litera, 10, 117–130.
The object of this research is the works of Rasul Gamzatov, while the subject is his poetics and style of children's poems. Detailed analysis is conducted on the genre and ideological-thematic peculiarities of children's poems by R. Gamzatov. Attention is focused on the techniques and means of expressiveness of the literary image. Rasul Gamzatov's children's poetry has not previously become the object of comprehensive research. The author observes the lack of scientific research that touch upon this side of the poet’s activity, namely substantive, formal, and artistic peculiarities of his poems for children. This topic requires in-depth scientific examination. The conclusion is made on the extensive representation of children's poetry in the works of Rasul Gamzatov, the key motifs of which are hard work, education, patriotism, love for the mother, plea for peace on earth, and propaganda of the traditional highland upbringing. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of holistic study of the poetics, as well as genre, stylistic and ideological-thematic peculiarities of children's poetry. The author’s special contribution to this research lies in shedding light on the little-studied aspect of R. Gamzatov's works, which arouses interest in further research of his literary heritage.
Parallels, images, folklore motifs, lullabies, lyrics, poems, children's poetry, means of expression, didactics, teaching
Literary criticism
Pokhalenkov, O.E., Nikulicheva, S.E. (2021). Female images in the novel “Three Comrades” by Erich Maria Remarque . Litera, 10, 131–140.
This article analyzes female images in the novel “Arch of Triumph” by Erich Maria Remarque. The research is based on the theory of N. Pavlovich that each image has several similar invariants ascending to the uniform archetype. A hypothesis is advanced that the characters in the works of E. M. Remarque can be divided into two groups: 1) associated with the generally literary archetypes; 2) collective living images. The article also examines female images who have a plot-driven and artistic meaning in the text, although do not belong to the indicated time period. The image of Patricia Holman in the novel is associated with the mythological archetype, which is reflected in the description of her appearance, behavior, and corresponding events. It is noted that all central female images in the novels by E. M. Remarque have are intertwined with the mystical characters from myths and legends. The scientific novelty consists in tracing the evolution in description of the images of public female figures in comparison with another novel – “Arch of Triumph”. The author also examines another narrative parallel between the two novels: similar stories of two families lived in a particular historical time. The conclusion is made that the storyline of many novels by Erich Maria Remarque is based on a certain pattern. The author attempted to reconstruct the aforementioned pattern, which has largely proven the assumptions put forward in the earlier research.
matching object, object of matching, main character, fabula, plot, image, Erich Maria Remarque, poetic space, comparative analysis, structural analysis
Literary criticism
Vysokovich, K.O. (2021). Motivic complex of deception in the comedy “The Country Wife” by William Wycherley . Litera, 10, 141–147.
The subject of this research is the motif-imagery analysis of the comedy “The Country Wife” by W. Wycherley. The method of motif analysis allowed revealing the core motifs and their implementation in the text, while the structural method allowed outlining the patterns and correlations between motifs. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the motivic complex, as well as the images of the characters. Special attention is given to the protagonist of the comedy Mr. Horner, whose image receives different interpretation of the researchers – from crafty libertine to playwright. W. Wycherley introduces an entire gallery of hypocrites, and each one of them seeks to fulfill their hidden motives. Comedy “The Country Wife” is considered the pinnacle of W. Wycherley’s work and multiple times has become the subject of scientific research. However, the novelty of this study lies in the analysis of the motivic complex of deception in the comedy. The study reveals the following motives associated with deception: motive of deception, motive of disguise, motive of writing / giving the note, motive of infidelity, motive of fear of infidelity (fear of becoming cuckold), motive of theater that is directly related to the image the hypocritical hero Harry Horner. All these motives create the general background of the work, and are the elements of the true or phantom motive. The character type is also important for realization of the motivic complex. The classification of W. Janz clearly indicates the prevalence of two types of hypocrisy in the comedy under review: moral (Lady Fidget, Mrs. Dainty Fidget and Mrs. Squeamish, Mr. Sparkish, Mr. Pinchwife) and intellectual (Mr. Horner).
complex of motives, mask, dressing motive, Restoration, The Country Wife, motive for deception, Whicherly, theatre, veritable, imaginary
Popova, L.G., Shatilova, L.M., Samarina, N.V. (2021). Semantic content of indefinite pronouns in the English literary texts . Litera, 10, 148–155.
The goal of this article lies in analysis of the semantics of indefinite pronouns of the English language, which form the core of the semantic field of uncertainty from the perspective of functional linguistics. The subject of this research is the semantic content of English indefinite pronouns in the literary and publicistic texts. The relevance of this work is defined by the lack of works in both domestic and foreign modern linguistics dedicated to indefinite pronouns of the English language. The scientific novelty consists systematization of indefinite pronouns in form of semantic field and determination of possible varieties of uncertainty through the semantics of this group of pronouns in the English literary texts. It is established that in literary texts, the indefinite pronouns of the core of the semantic field of uncertainty of the English language are used for conveying quite very peculiar; however, the key components are uncertainty and generality in evaluation of the unfolding events. Uncertainty can be explicit or conditional. Generality also correlates with uncertainty, leaving out particularities. The absence of particularities is the main semantic indicator of the use of nuclear indefinite pronouns in the literary texts.
semantic groups, English, literary texts, semantic field, core, semantics, indefinite pronouns, Generalization, intentions, character emotions
Chelak, E.A., Russu, K.R., Filimonova, N.V., Valieva, L.F. (2021). Linguocognitive modeling of the image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra (based on the data of federal mass media) . Litera, 10, 156–168.
This article is dedicated to the problem of linguocognitive modeling of image of the region in the context of modern globalization processes and territorial identification among other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The data of federal mass media published over the period from January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2021 served as the material for this research. The relevance of this article is defined by the interest of modern science in the problems of structural organization, substantive characterization, and typological specification of the image of separate territorial entities. The application of linguocognitive approach reveals the implicit properties of the phenomenon “the image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra”, which is of crucial practical importance for representation of the region in the overall territorial arena of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made on feasibility of constructing the linguistic image of the region based on its economic attractiveness (46%), cultural-historical attractiveness (17%), and spatial characteristics (11%). Each type of identification includes certain attributes of factual, associative, or symbolic nature. The scientific novelty lies in description of the conceptual model of regional linguistic space of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra, as well as the external image of the region based on the acquired data. The general methodology for determining the conceptual framework of representations on the region can be extrapolated to the practice of other Russian regions and identification of the similar processes of image design. The research perspective is determined by expansion of the material, modeling of the internal linguistic image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra, and conducting comparative studies.
Yugra, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, linguistic image, image, regional imageology, imageology, region, media, modeling, cognitive linguistics
Filimonova, N.V., Russu, K.R., Chelak, E.A., Valieva, L.F. (2021). The political metaphor “Tyumen Matryoshka”: external linguistic image . Litera, 10, 169–182.
This article explores the functionality of political metaphor “Tyumen Matryoshka”. The research material contains the mass communication texts of the daily analytical newspaper, which a subsidiary of the “RosBusinessConsulting” media group ( The scientific novelty is defined by the need to examine and assess the external linguistic image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra through the metaphorical model. Analysis is conducted on the peculiarities of functionality of the political metaphor “Tyumen Matryoshka” based on the material of the regional mass media in the context of image identification of the region. Application of the set of techniques of linguocognitive modeling to description of the image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra reveals the structure of the object at hand, and allows concluding on its constructedness. Discursive analysis of the contexts determines 4 frames and 7 components that comprise the content of the political metaphor “Tyumen Matryoshka”. The acquired results prove the importance of practical typification of linguistic peculiarities of Yugra for the development of cultural and spiritual-moral potential, as well as integration of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra into the global information and economic space. Discursive affinity of the obtained contexts is explained by the presence of metaphorical component "Tyumen Matryoshka" therein. The data acquired in the course of this study underlie the interdisciplinary, comparative, and typological research that would allow determining the general, the specific, and the unique in linguistic landscape of the region. The research perspective is dictated by the need for modeling the general linguistic image of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra.
metaphor, the external image of the linguistic, region, Yugra, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, linguistic image, image, regional imageology, imageology, the political metaphor
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Öçèíü, Ë. (2021). Comparative analysis of the adverb very and 很 in the Russian and Chinese languages. Litera, 10, 183–191.
This article describes the similarities and differences between the Russian adverb “very” and the Chinese adverb 很. The object of this research is the adverb very and 很 in the Russian and Chinese languages. The subject is the comparative study of the Russian adverb “very” and Chinese adverb 很 from the perspective of their meaning and semantic compatibility. The goal of this article lies in the comparative analysis of the adverbs of extent “very” and 很, determination of their semantic and compatible characteristics. For achieving the set goal, the author employs the descriptive method, comparative analysis, and confirmation by example. The scientific novelty of lies in comparative study of the adverbs of extent “very” and 很 in the Russian and Chinese languages based on numerous examples. The author compare the adverbs of extent “very” and 很 in the Russian and Chinese languages from the perspective of semantics and compatibility in order to reveal similarities and differences between them. The conducted research of theoretical provisions and linguistic material allows concluding that despite the conjunction of semantics of the adverbs “very” and 很, they cannot be considered equivalent; the use of these adverbs requires taking into account the similarities and differences in the area of semantics and compatibility.
semantics, semantic analysis, componential analysis, comparative analysis, high degree, adverb of degree, adverb, compatibility, Russian, Chinese