Grishenkova, E.S., Popova, L.G. (2020). Value representation of freedom in the speech of contemporary English-language and Russian-language aging politicians. Litera, 7, 1–12.
The goal of this work consists in determination of similarities and differences in value characteristics of freedom expressed in the speech of senior age politicians of the United States, United Kingdom and Russia. The subject of this research is the semantics of English and Russian aphorisms that represent value understanding of freedom in the speech of aging politicians of the listed countries. The speech of senior people was selected due to the lack of studies on the matter within comparative linguistics. Based on the material of aphorisms of the famous aging politicians of the United States, United Kingdom and Russia, the author defines the composition of topical units and groups that reflect value understanding of freedom in the English and Russian languages. The scientific novelty lies in the establishment of similarities and differences in value characteristics of freedom in the speech of English-language and Russian-language aging politicians. As a result of the conducted analysis, it was revealed that in the speech of English-language and Russian-language aging politicians, freedom is rarely the topic of discussion, they rather create the own aphorisms and at times utilize aphorisms from the corresponding English and Russian glossaries. Most often, aging politicians discuss the questions related to practical manifestation of freedom, as well as touch upon reflection of the value of freedom as a phenomenon or a process. Comparison of the composition of aphorisms in Russian and English languages demonstrates that they differ for the most part. The author concludes on the specificity of topical units. The acquired results can be applied in the university lectures on comparative lexicology of English and Russian languages.
value characteristics, thematic group, older politicians, thematic cluster, English language, aphorism, liberty, comparison, Russian language, Speech of the elderly
Abdullayev, R.S. (2020). The role of language within the identity structure of Molokans of Azerbaijan (on the example of rural localities Ivanovka and Novosaratovka). Litera, 7, 13–23.
The goal of this research is the comparison of identity factors that contribute to strengthening and determination of affiliation of an ethnocultural group in a foreign language environment. The subject of this research is the examination of peculiarities of language factors as an element of preservation of identity and identification of a minority ethnocultural group of Molokans residing in the territory of Azerbaijan since the early XIX century. The author reviews certain identity structures of the Molokans that assist preservation and unification of the group. Research methodology is based on the sociolinguistic practice, surveys and interviews carried out in the rural localities Ivanovka and Novosaratovka, as well as places of residence of the Molokans in Azerbaijan. The scientific novelty consist in comparative study of Molokans in the two regions of Azerbaijan, their views upon identity, lifestyle and living conditions, and linguistic peculiarities. A conclusion is drawn that Molokans consider themselves Russians; the role of language within the identity structure of Molokans plays a crucial role; language factor dominates in formation of ethnic identity and ethnic mentality, which develops in the early childhood. The results of this work can be valuable in studying the language factor as the basis in preservation of identity of small-numbered peoples after migration.
society, Molokans, religious identity, Azerbaijan language, linguistic identity, Russian language, ethnic identity, Language, faith, Russians
Oparina, K.S. (2020). Context as an activator of connotations (on the material of Kurt Pinthus’ anthology “The Twilight of Humanity”). Litera, 7, 24–34.
The goal of this research consists in determination of the types of contexts in the lyric poetry of German expressionism that contribute to the emergence of connotations in the semantics of a word. The subject of this article is the extralinguistic and linguistic contexts. The work employs the methods of contextual, component and interpretative analysis. In chronological sequence, the article describes various theories of contextual analysis and summarizes their main provisions. The author differentiates two types of context in a literary work: extralinguistic and linguistic; the latter is divided into micro- and macro-contexts. The poems of anthology of expressionist lyrics of Kurt Pinthus “The Twilight of Humanity” served as the material for this research. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the five types of linguistic micro-context, as well as analysis of the results of their interaction with semantically implemented word based on the material of the lyric poetry of German expressionism. In the course of study, it was established that extralinguistic context includes the artistic worldview of German literary expressionism as a whole, and artistic concept of “vitalism” as one of its crucial structural elements in particular. A specific poem is a macro-context. The indicatory minimum for the semantically implemented work contains five mechanisms: grammar parallelism, subjective predicative relations, complement in the genitive case, complement in the accusative case with preposition, attributive. The emergence of connotations in the sense of semantically implemented work was viewed on the example of representatives of the artistic concept of “vitalism”, which in broadly understood as “activeness”. The acquired results can be used for comprising individual authorial glossaries, as well as handbooks on text stylistics and history of foreign literature.
German expressionism, demonstrative minimum, semantic realized word, contextual analysis, linguistic microcontext, linguistic macrocontext, extralinguistic context, lyrics, literary worldview, literary concept
Literary criticism
Sluzhaeva, O.O. (2020). Book as a genre (based on the material of A. M. Dobrolybov’s compilation “From The Invisible Book”. Litera, 7, 35–60.
This article examines the genre specificity of the compilation “From The Invisible Book” by Aleksandr Dobrolyubov. Detailed analysis is conducted the structure of this book, comparing the published version with the manuscript and subsequent revisions of the author. The main genres and the storyline that connects pieces of the book are determined. The author also explores the plot and hierarchy in the compilation “From The Invisible Book”. Attention is given to the analysis of perception of Dobrolyubov’s compilation by the contemporaries. The article is first to publish archival materials, such as letters of the successors of Aleksandr Dobrolyubov – Nikolay Sutkovy and Pyotr Kartushin. The conclusion is made that in the symbolic compilation of A. M. Dobrolybov “From The Invisible Book”, book is a sovereign genre, ascending to apocalyptic genres of revelation and vision. Another title genre is the canticle. Compilation resembles a fragment. The compilation itself or its separate composition may refer to as a fragment. Concept of the “book” correlates with the sealed book from Revelations of John the Apostle, inner book from the Verse about the Book of the Dove, “Animal Book of Doukhobors”, the ideal book of Stéphane Mallarmé. The successors perceived A. M. Dobrolybov’s “From The Invisible Books” as sacred, which reflected the fundamentals of his creed. Interest to the compilation increased again few years later after it was published – 1910-1912, which coincided with the crisis of symbolism. Book becomes a general genre of the compilation.
spiritual song, symbolist book, genre, symbolism, From the book invisible, Aleksandr Dobrolubov, theosophy, fragment, mystical christianity, book of poems
Parfenenko, E.N. (2020). Conceptual representation of mercy in legal texts of the XVII – XVIII centuries (based on the English-language and Russian-language materials). Litera, 7, 61–74.
The subject of this research is the semantics of English and Russian lexemes that represent the conceptual component of the concept of mercy in both languages. The goal of this work consists in determination of similarities and differences of the conceptual attributes of mercy in the English and Russian legal texts of the XVII – XVIII centuries. The concept of mercy was selected due to insufficient examination of its verbalization in the comparative linguistics. In the course of this research, the author applied comparative method, semantic analysis, quantitative method, and method of modeling, Based on the legal texts of Great Britain and Russia of the XVII – XVIII centuries, the author determines the composition of core lexemes and their synonyms, which are capable of resembling the conceptual characteristics of mercy in the compared languages. The scientific novelty consists in the establishment of similarity and difference of the conceptual characteristics of mercy in the Russian and English legal texts of a certain period of time. As a result of the conducted analysis, it was revealed that in the English texts of that time, the notional component of the concept represents the core lexemes and synonyms “grace”, “mercy”, “reprieve”, “forgiveness”, “indulgence” that are the synonyms of core lexemes, while in the Russian texts this is the core lexeme “mercy”, and its synonyms “grace”, “clemency”, “remission” and “forgiveness”. Comparison of composition of the conceptual attributes of mercy in the English and Russian legal texts of the XVII – XVIII centuries illustrated that they had more differences. Thus, the conceptual attributes of mercy in the English text, understanding of forgiveness as an act of mercy, grace, or manifestation of reprieve from a king or queen; or mercy as an abolition of punishment, benevolence of God, act of leniency and forgiveness for an offence. The conclusion is also made on similarity of the compared languages in perception of mercy as an act of grace from the ruler of the country.
nucleus lexemes, legal texts, notional component, russian language, english language, pardon, contrast, concept, conceptual components, synonym
Alkhlavova, I.K., Akamov, A.T., Adzhiev, A.M. (2020). On the Balkar-Karachay-Kumyk folklore commonness . Litera, 7, 75–84.
The subject of this article is the genetic affinity of the Balkar, Karachay and Kumyk folklore. Interconnection between three closely related nations – Balkars, Karachays, Kumyks, whose origins take roots in the ancient time and continued in medieval times, are reflected virtually in all folklore genres: myths, heroic epos, ritual and nonritual poetry, heroic-historical songs, etc. The object of this research is the folklore and historical materials that testify to close genetic affinity of the Balkars, Karachays, Kumyks. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analysis of the material that demonstrates significant commonness of Balkar-Karachay-Kumyk folklore. Therefore, the targeted study of folklore ties of Balkars-Karachays and Kumyks with regards to all genres, represents not only scientific-theoretical significance, but also allows determining specific cultural-historical paths of development of these ethnoses along with other ethnic groups of North Caucasus. The conducted analysis of tales, nursery rhymes, skipping-rope rhymes, proverbs and sayings of the three ethnic groups emphasizes their typological similarities and genetic affinity. This allows formulating the conclusions of scientific-theoretical nature, as well as on the history of the indicated ethnoses.
Specifics, Typology, Contact relationships, genetic kinship, Kumikia, Karachai, Balkaria, Genres, Monuments, Folklore
Trinh, T., Shaklein, V.M. (2020). Reconsideration of Russian colloquialism from the perspective of Vietnamese language tradition. Litera, 7, 85–93.
This article is dedicated to one of the patterns in development of Russian colloquialism – reconsideration of the key meaning of casual words through metaphorization and metonymization. The goal of this work consists in examination of the trend inherent to Russian colloquialism throughout its evolution, which consists in transferring the meaning of casual words for their use in the field of term formation, as well as in analysis of this phenomenon from the perspective of a Vietnamese native speaker. The article studies the prerequisites that contribute to active use of the colloquialism in formation of special terminology; describes the process of transformation of the meaning of casual words for creating a new terminological meaning; considers the possibilities of formation of special meaning of casual words using metaphors and metonymy. The theoretical framework of this research is comprised of the works of Russian and Vietnamese linguists on reconsideration of colloquialism in term formation. Terms from the various academic fields served as the material for this research. The scientific novelty lies in interpretation of reconsideration of colloquialism as the most economical method for enriching Russian language vocabulary via potential of lexical unites present therein. Practical significance of this study is substantiated by the fact that the acquired results can be used in preparing special curricula, educational materials on lexicology, as well as in teaching Russian language as foreign to Vietnamese audience.
term formation, derivative meaning, initial meaning, metonymy, metaphor, special terminology, everyday household vocabulary, meaning transition, Russian language, Vietnamese language culture
Grishenkova, E.S. (2020). The characteristic of freedom in the quotes and aphorisms of the French-language and Russian-language aging politicians of the late XX century. Litera, 7, 94–106.
The goal of this work lies in determination of similarities and differences in characteristic of freedom in the quotes and aphorisms of French and Russian aging politicians of the late XX century. The subject of this research is the semantics of French and Russian quotes and aphorisms that reveal the nature of freedom in the compared languages. The topic of the characteristic of freedom in the speeches of aging politicians was selected as it did not receive due attention within comparative linguistics. Using the material of French and Russian quotes and aphorisms, the author determines the aspects for outlining the characteristic of freedom in form of thematic groups of these lexical unites in the compared languages. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work is first to reveal similarities and differences of the characteristics of freedom in the popular quotes and aphorisms of French-language and Russian-language aging politicians of the XX century. The conclusion is made on the presence of the following similarities: didactic manner in their appeal to the public, interest in blissful future of their countries, resemblance of their life and professional experience in the speech. Some difference were also detected. The uniqueness of composition of the compared characteristics of freedom is associated with the specificities of historical development of France and Russia of that time, which outlines the prospects of research on this topic. The acquired results may be valuable in giving a course of lectures on comparative lexicology of French and Russian languages, elaboration of methodology for analyzing speech of senior citizens in the comparative aspect.
speech, 20th century, aphorism, quote, Russian Language, French language, characteristic, liberty, older politicians, comparison