Beletskaya, A.Y., Mangushev, S.V. (2020). Language means of representation of the chronotope of Chaos in a series of novels “The Chronicles of Amber” by Roger Zelazny. Litera, 2, 1–11.
This article examines the problem of representation of chronotope using language means. The object of this research is a series of novels “The Chronicles of Amber” by Roger Zelazny in English language. The subject of this research is the lexical units and stylistic techniques used by R. Zelazny for visualization of representation of the chronotope of Chaos. The article substantiates attribution of this series of novels to postmodernist based on the analysis of characteristic features of the text and realization of the ideological concept. The goal of study lies determination of the universal principles of representation of spatial-temporal continuum of the Chaos, as well as establishment of dependence of the choice evaluative connotation of language means on personality of the narrator. The work is conducted at the intersection of linguistics and literary studies. The novelty consists in recognition of the leading role of chronotopic subject in determining tonality of representation of the chronotope. The main conclusion is defined by the fact that the key principle of representation of spatial and temporal components of the chronotope of Chaos in R. Zelazny’s series of novels is the destruction of realistic perception of space and time. It was also established that change of voice of the narrator leads to the shift of evaluative paradigm. An extremely negative attitude of the first narrator to the Courts of Chaos as a representative of the chronotope of Chaos, expressed through the negatively connoted epithets, is justified by its affiliation to Amber as a representative of the Order. Dual position of the second narrator leads to the change in tonality of description of physical personification of the chronotope of Chaos. Counterbalance of negatively and positively connoted lexical units creates the effect of objectivity, essential for realization of ideological content of the novel.
simulacrum, space-time continuum, fantasy, polyphony, postmodernism, destruction, chronotope, intertextual links, epithet, allusion
Question at hand
Savinova, D. (2020). Methodological approach towards studying the concept of “directing plan”. Litera, 2, 12–17.
This article examines the concept of “directing script” from the theoretical-textological perspective, as attempts to determine the types of text transformation from the author’s plot to stage impersonation. At the same time, transformation is understood as a complex process of structuring a new type of text, created by the director during staging a spectacle. At the current stage, the theoretical problems of the analysis of transformation of literary text as a theatrical text remain unresolved and require due attention. The article explores the ways of interpretation of literary text by the directors, as well as demonstrates an attempt to create classification of the types of directing scripts. The study is based on the semiotic method. Research is conducted on the functional-semantic type of existence of stage art, reflected in such type of text as a directing script. Using analytical method, the author collected and classified the types of directing scripts. The scientific novelty consists in there is yet no theoretical-literary substantiation to the questions related to recoding of literary text into theatrical. Therefore, the author attempts to analyze the type of directing scripts that formed due to transformation of the literary text into its stage version.
dramatic gender, methodology, drama, theatrical text, scene text, text’s transformation, plan of the play, textology, interpretation, interpretator
Literary criticism
Guan', L. (2020). Tragic motifs of the Great Patriotic War. Interpretation of Vasil Bykov. Litera, 2, 18–25.
This article analyzes the reconstruction of tragic moments of the Great Patriotic War in two novellas by Vasil Bykov “The Ordeals” and “In the Fog”. The author notes that vigilant attention to the tragic in science and depiction of tragic heroes and situations in art did not always align with the time describe in the texts. Emphasis is made on the fact that the tragic perception of the world or tragic tonality are inherent to Russian literature in different periods of its existence, and thus, the comprehension of essence of the tragic and its theory require further examination by the philologists, sociologists and philosophers. The relevance and novelty are substantiated by the following aspects: need for further comprehension of the essence of the importance for literary studies phenomenon and concept of “tragic”; selection of the indicative for the literature of 1920’s, and 1960’s – 1970’a works and representative from the perspective of interpretation of tragic moments of the Russian life of 1940’s therein; as well as need to thoughtfully and analytically explain the essence of the tragic characters and situation, and how they were perceived in real life and Russian literature of the XX century.
The Great Patriotic War, Military books, Vassil Bykov, tragedy, Tragic motive, Tragic situation, Tragic hero, Painful, Hundreds, Fog
Alieva, Z.M. (2020). Structural-semantic types of good wishes and curses in the Chamalal language. Litera, 2, 26–36.
The author examines the folklore poetry of Chamalals, which includes the centuries-old tales and parables, ceremonial and family-lyrical songs, ritual lamentations, proverbs, sayings, counting-out rhymes, riddles, emotionally expressive lexicon, etc. The subject of this research is the good wishes and curses comprising the small folklore genres. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by uniqueness of the genre, which varies among the folklores of different nations. In order to preserve the language palette of humanity, in the conditions of currently ongoing irreversible process aimed at its reduction and unification, it is necessary to create full descriptions of the “living” languages. This article is dedicated to examination of the emotionally expressive lexicon presented by good wishes and curses in various situations on ontology of the Chamalal society. Based on the existing and newly introduced into the scientific discourse emotionally expressive vocabulary, the author explores the structural-semantic types of good wishes and curses in the Chamalal language. The analyzed Chamalal good wishes and curses as the primary genres of folklore discourse become the object of linguistic description for the first time. In the course of research, the author determines the main structural-semantic types of the emotionally expressive lexicon, trend towards passage of the sayings with unkind wishes into curses, and enhanced expressiveness in the phrases containing an unkind wish.
curses, good wishes, small genres of folklore, the unwritten Chamali language, minority ethnic groups, structure, ethnic culture, , tradition, method of description, analysis
Obletsova, E., Gurin, V. (2020). Metaphorical representation of the emotional concept of LOVE in W. S. Maugham’s artistic worldview. Litera, 2, 37–44.
This article is dedicated to examination of metaphorical nomination of the emotional concept of LOVE in the works of William Somerset Maugham. The novels “Mrs. Craddock”, “The Hero”, “The Theatre” and “Of Human Bondage” served as the material for this research. Emotional component serves as organizing core of the literary work; while metaphor is the means for representation of emotions. It is based on the shift of the existing knowledge on the world onto the emotional sphere of a person. The goal of this study is to describe metaphors used by W. S. Maugham for designation and representation of the concept of LOVE. The research is carried out in the context of cognitive linguistics. Despite a vast number of studies dedicated to cognitive metaphor, it remains relevant as it helps comprehending complicated abstract concepts. Metaphor becomes the means for accessing the emotional concepts. Analysis of metaphorical representation of the emotional concept of LOVE in the works of W. S. Maugham allowed revealing metaphorical models that are realized through cognitive metaphors: love is water, love is fire, love is illness, love is madness, love is pain, love is a person, love is a beast, love is a parasite, love is a construction, love is fetters, love is a valuable thing.
conceptual metaphor, conceptualization, emotional concept, emotion, metaphorical model, metaphorization, metaphor, love, abstract essence, artistic world
Dmitriev, A.V., Kolesnikova, A.O. (2020). Thematic description of telescopic lexicon in light of anthropocentric lexicography (material for ideographic bilingual dictionary). Litera, 2, 45–64.
The subject of this research is the principles and peculiarities of the development of bilingual thematic dictionary of telescopic words with consideration of structural and semantic peculiarities on various lexicographic levels. The goals consists in the description of dictionary entry as a fragment of the developed thematic bilingual dictionary of telescopic words. There are yet no analogues to such interlingual dictionary. The theoretical importance of this research consists in determination of lexicographic parameters and substantiation of principles essential for development of the structure of bilingual thematic dictionary of telescopic words. The scientific novelty lies the suggestion of particular techniques of dictionary description of telescopic units in the bilingual dictionary that contribute to improvement of theoretical and practical framework, the general lexicography, as well as its special section – neography. Analysis is conducted on structural levels of the dictionary (mega-, macro-, and micro-), taking into account its ideographic specificity. The article explores different ways of translating the telescopic units of the dictionary using the examples of neologisms of the various thematic sections. The author provides the examples of dictionary entries based on the material of modern telescopic words.
lemma, collaborative lexicography, neology, neography, thesaurus, bilingual dictionary, telescopic vocabulary, dictionary entry, translation transformation, culture-specific words
Yuan, X. (2020). Particle “just” in the Vasily Shukshin’s stories. Litera, 2, 65–72.
This article is dedicated to examination of the particle just” in the Vasily Shukshin’s stories. Analysis is conducted on the syntagmatic and paradigmatic properties of the particle “just”. The object of this research is the particle “just” in the stories of V. Shukshin. The subject is the syntagmatic and paradigmatic properties of the particle “just”. The goal of this study consists in the comprehensive description of the meaning system of the particle “just”, its synonyms and concurrence in the stories of V. Shukshin. The research methodology contains descriptive method with application of the method of contextual analysis, quantitative method, and comparative method. The following conclusions were acquired: in the stories of V. Shukshin, the particle “just” most often is used to highlight the concurrence of situations in time or space; there are instances of combination of meanings of the particle “just”; the particle “just” has no limitations in compatibility. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the author is first to analyze the utilization of the particle “just” in the works of a single author; as well as determine the instances of utilization that are not described in the dictionaries.
paradigmatic properties, semantic properties, syntagmatic properties, accent particle, just, particle, functional words, compatibility, synonyms, artistic text
Krasnova, V.Y., Nikolaeva, O.V. (2020). English translations of the Japanese folkloremes in the English-language translations: cultural-cognitive asymmetry. Litera, 2, 73–85.
The subject of this research is the linguocultural and cognitive aspects of the original Japanese folkloremes (names of fairy characters, mythical objects, and mythical animals) and their English correlates. The authors refer to folklore as a source of profound understanding of cultural connotation, cultural beliefs, cultural distinctness, traditions and customs. The methodological equivalence of linguistic and cultural-cognitive aspects of folkloremes is underlined. The goal of this work consists in determination of the formal and conceptual transformations of Japanese folkloremes in English translation of a Japanese tale. Folkloremes of a Japanese tale have not previously been an object of special research. Comparison of the text of Japanese folk tale and its English analogue demonstrates the cultural-cognitive asymmetry between Japanese folkloremes and their English correlates. Three types of Japanese folkloremes (unique; possessing distinct characteristics; and having cultural-specific associations) determine different techniques of their translation into the English language and various types of transformations of their conceptual content. Cognitive asymmetry of Japanese and Anglo-Saxon cultures substantiate the insufficient understanding and accentuation in English texts of the Japanese important cultural dominant – social and age hierarchism, as well as the enduring significance of image of the emperor and imperial power associated with this dominant.
cognitive asymmetry, conceptual transformations, cultural and cognitive content, Anglo-Saxon culture, Japanese culture, folkloreme, Japanese folklore, fairy tales, cultural dominants, associations
Mass literature
Babkina, E.S. (2020). Typological and formal-informative peculiarities of periodical press of the Student Youth Unions of the Russian Far East (1900-1922) . Litera, 2, 86–101.
The goal of this article consists in examination of periodical press issued by the Student Youth Unions of the Russian Far East in the early XX century. Based on the publications of archival printed sources, the author explores the conditions of creation, typological and informative peculiarities of the periodicals in the context of political-economic and sociocultural situation of the 1900-1922. The geography of the current research spreads to the entire Far East. Taking into account the historical context, the boundaries of the conducted research were extended to Zabaykalsky Krai – region that is historically referred to the Russian Far East, and zone of the Chinese Eastern Railway – Northeast China. The research is philological in its essence, leans on the interdisciplinary approach and synthesizes the knowledge of different sciences: literary studies, theory and history of journalism, and culturology. The scientific novelty consists in attraction of the new factual evidence – publication of periodical press that have not previously been the subject of analysis among the Russian and foreign scholars. The new approach in studying Russian journalism of the early XX century became the research of the general patterns of development, as well as peculiarities of functioning of the separate periodicals issued by the Student Youth Unions of the Russian Far East.
formal and content features, journalism, student, typology, Far East, Union, youth, periodical press, newspaper, log
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Bobrova, O.B. (2020). Russia in travelogues of Nikos Kazantzakis and Kostas Varnalis. Litera, 2, 102–111.
This article is dedicated to compilation of travelogues “Ταξιδεύοντας. Ρουσία” (Journey to Russia) by N. Kazantzakis and “Τι είδα εις την Ρωσσίαν των Σοβιέτ” *What I discovered in Soviet Russia) by K. Varnalis. Similarity of theme of the texts (both authors describe their impression of visiting Russia as the reporters of the large Greek newspapers) allows tracing the impact of subjective factors upon the author’s perception of Soviet Russia and its representation in both texts. The research is based on the parallel review of the theme of both writings and the applied means of creation of the image of Russia. The conducted analysis demonstrates that Nikos Kazantzakis sees Russia and social experiments of the Soviet government in the mystical sense, perceiving the political coup and shift of power in the country as a testimony to the struggle of latent forces that move the human history. Kostas Varnalis in his notes appears as a communist-pragmatic, viewing Russia as an example of establishing just and perfect human society, success of which proves the failure of the bourgeois world order. The travelogues under consideration are insufficiently studied and have not been translated into the Russian language. Their parallel analysis is carried out for the first time, which defines the scientific novelty of this research.
Kostas Varnalis, Nikos Kazantzakis, travellings, travelogue, Modern Greek literature, image of Russia, Modern Greek prose, author in journalism, Soviet Russia, travelling writings