Question at hand
Kropacheva, K.A. (2020). The formation of the literary canon of the French drama of the XVI century. Litera, 10, 1–7.
This article examines the gradual formation of the literary canon of the French Renaissance theater, which subsequently largely predetermined the emergence and further evolution of classical drama. The subject of the study is the principles of dramatic art, which are formulated by poets and theorists of the XVI century in the framework of poetic texts and treatises. The purpose of the work is to identify possible stages of the formation of the theatrical canon in Renaissance France, to compare its principles with medieval theater, to determine to which stage the emergence of ideas about classical theater based on ancient models belongs, to identify the factors that influenced its development. Â Â The novelty of the research lies in an attempt to comprehensively analyze poetic texts and treatises, which make it possible to recreate the processes that took place in the XVI century in the field of French theater, as well as to compare them both with the medieval tradition and with gradually emerging classicism. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that in literary studies there is a need to understand how the classical principles of French drama are formed on the material of poetical works of the Renaissance. As a result, it is obvious that in the process of forming the canon of the French Renaissance theater, three stages can be distinguished. The first of them is connected with the publication of the manifesto of Joachin Du Bellay, which fixes a "gap" in the field of drama in French literature and calls for filling it. For the implementation of the second stage, the figure of Etienne Jodel, the author of the tragedy "Captive Cleopatra", who embodied an attempt to revive the ancient tragedy, and the comedy "Eugene", becomes decisive. So in France of the XVI century. there was a national theatrical tradition, which can be considered a literary canon. The third stage of its formation was the recognition of Jodel's achievements at the level of poetry theory. In 1555 Jacques Peletier in "Poetic Art" cited both works as examples of tragedy and comedy, which contributed to the consolidation of the canon.
ancient theater, tragedy, Jacques Peletier, Etienne Jodel, Joachin Du Bellay, medieval theater, theory of poetry, theatre, Revival, France
Tselikova, E.V. (2020). A.A. Fet's essays "From the Village" and Pavel Medvedev's article "Dreams and Reality": on the history of the controversy. Litera, 10, 8–17.
The article analyzes in detail the views on the purpose of art and science of representatives of the aesthetic school and the school of democratic poetry of Russian literature of the XIX century. As a material for analysis, A.A. Fet's essays "From the Village" are used, in which the poet's view of the role and tasks of poetry, science and art in general is presented in detail. The opinion of the opponents – the democratic school – is presented by the example of the article "Dreams and reality" by the author of the satirical magazine "Iskra" Pavel Medvedev. The article examines in detail the polemical dialogue between the two schools, analyzes and compares the arguments of its representatives. The article discusses various mechanisms that allow the use of aesthetic beliefs as a basis for the formation of a parodically distorted personality and as a way to expose true views. P.A. Medvedev's cycle "Dreams and Reality", combining the features of satirical parody and satire itself, was created as a tool capable of discrediting A.A. Fet's journalistic speeches in essays "From the Village" and thus exposing not only his aesthetic, but also his socio-political position, the beliefs of a reactionary and a serf. The parodist achieved this effect exclusively through interpretation and commenting on the statements of A.A. Fet himself.
lyrics, biography, aesthetic criticism, journalism, satirical magazine, school of pure art, essay, Athanasius Fet, parody personality, parody
Literary criticism
Pervushin, M.V. (2020). Two views on Olga of Kiev in the Ancient Rus’ hymnography . Litera, 10, 18–27.
This article is dedicated to analysis of the preserved liturgical written artifacts dedicated to the Saint Equiapostolic Grand Princess Olga. These hymnographic ancient manuscripts, in modern sense poetic art of composing ceremonial, laudatory and pious (liturgical) chants, allow tracing the perception of the act of holiness by several generations of Russian scribes who lived centuries after her, and how it is perceived by the contemporaries. These representations are revealed through analyzing the images of Saint Olga, her deeds, which were praised in one or another hymnographic work by the composer. The scientific novelty is reflected in the thesis that since the late XVI century the hymnographic and hagiographic monuments more often demonstrate a regularity – the authors (especially of monuments dedicated to princedoms) increasingly attempt to portray not a realistic person who achieved sainthood, rather a saint that descended to reality, thus already representing that which deserves praise and requires endless repetition thereof. The pinnacle of such reverence of not only the sainthood, but also living rulers, was the XVIII century, when living emperors were shamelessly place into the same bracket with God, and often replacing latter with the former, and the empresses, for whom “Christ” was an awkward name, were placed above God.
Hymnography, Anthem, Chant, Image, Heroics, Canon, Worship, Holiness, Ancient Russia, Hagiography
Literary criticism
Gavrilova, N. (2020). Trends in modern theatrical interpretation of A. P. Chekhov's play “Uncle Vanya”. Litera, 10, 28–36.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of trends in interpretation of A. P. Chekhov's play “Uncle Vanya” in modern theater. The subject of this research is the four theatrical productions of the play on the national stage: by Rimas Tuminas in Vakhtangov Theatre (2009), by Andrei Serban in Alexandrinsky Theater (2009), by Andrei Konchalovsky in Mossovet State Academic Theatre (2009) by Stéphane Braunschweig in the State Theatre of Nations (2019). These productions reflect the eternal existential questions raised in A. P. Chekhov’s play, as well as the relevant transformations in modern perception of the play. Examination of the aforementioned productions, as well as their analysis in the context of Chekhov's play and modern life realities in comparison with such in the XIX century, has not previously become a separate object of research. The scientific novelty consists in comprehension of the message delivered by play written in the late XIX century for the XXI century, as well as in determination of problems relevant to a contemporary person that are raised in the play. Using the meaning-making topics of the play, stage directors imply death of kindness, deterioration of nature and human, human disunity and misunderstanding. Therefore, the play “Uncle Vanya” indicates its timeliness and everlasting lifelikeness for the XXI century.
drama, theatre studies, literary criticism, modern theater, topicality, tendencies, interpretations, Uncle Vanya, Chekhov, play
Boykova, S.E. (2020). Experiment with the images containing a recurring character: bilingual narrative analysis. Litera, 10, 37–50.
This article analyzes the French-language and Russian-language discourse of bilingual children of different types. The goal consists in examination of specificity of correlation between the name and image in a bilingual discourse, as well as in description of the action depicted on the image. The respondents for this research became the natural bilinguals from mixed Russian-French or Russian families in France. The authorial corpus of Russian-French speech of bilingual children served as the material for this study. The corpus consists of the stories based on stimulus material. The research was conducted individually with each respondent in Russian and French separately. The respondents could select the initial language for conversation (Russian or French). The scientific novelty of this work is defined by the fact that the tradition of studying narrative was applied in the context of analysis of the bilingual French-Russian speech. The author examined the Russian-language and French-language names of characters and objects in different groups, and drew parallels between them. The results demonstrate that the name of a character within the framework of a single language could vary from image to image. At the same time, variability of names of the main character is greater in the Russian-language block. The most frequent name version for the main character in the Russian-language block was the cat, while in the French-language block it was “chat” with the definite or indefinite article. It is notable that initially some respondents had other options (cat, squirrel), but in the process of the experiment, they also changed the name of the character to corresponding to the author's concept of the name of cat. Due to the fact that the respondents were asked to adhere to the selected language, there was very few instances of code switching. However, their presence indicates that the respondents are lacking lexical tools in their weaker language.
bilingual discourse, object naming, narrative, children bilingualism, Rusian-French bilingualism, children language, bilingualism, french, russian, bilingual narrative
Question at hand
Lenkhoboeva, T.R., Namsaraeva, V.T. (2020). The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of social reportage on regional television (the example of the Republic of Buryatia) . Litera, 10, 51–58.
The subject of this research is the criteria for the effectiveness of social reportage. The goal of this work consists in development of an algorithm for assessing social journalism materials. The article examines the concepts of “effectiveness” and “social TV reportage”, as well as the key criteria for assessing social live broadcast on regional television. Quality assessment criteria for live TV broadcast include the following: topic selection, choice of interlocutors and locations; staginess (content of questions, their wording, composition of reportage), work on camera (freedom of behavior of the reporter; language and style of presentation: speech technique, speech culture, sense of screen time). The criteria for the effectiveness of social live television broadcast include solution of the discussed problem ; a promise given by the parties responsible for its solution; a promise to think the problem over; full or partial admission of the problem by the competent persons; rejection of the fact that the problem exists. An attempt to develop the algorithm for assessing social live television broadcasts and its testing would allow improving forms of presentation of the materials and increasing the interest of mass media target audience, which defines the scientific novelty and relevance of this work. The research consists of several stages: the first stage is an attempt to develop the algorithm for assessing effectiveness of social live television broadcasting; the second stage marks their classification by the type social problems; the last stage implies analysis of the quality of social reportage. Conclusions are formulated on the algorithm for analysis of social live television broadcasts.
effectiveness,, problem solving, ATV TV channel, quality criteria, effectiveness, efficiency, social journalism, social TV reporting, classification, analysis
Shatokhina, V.S. (2020). Means of realization of language game the Swahili language paroemias. Litera, 10, 59–70.
The object of this article is the language game in its various manifestations. The subject of this research is the proverbs and sayings of the Swahili language, in which the author attempts to trace the linguistic phenomenon. Special attention is given to various means of language game at different language levels. The goal is to determine whether it is possible to interpret the term “language game” in a broad sense, as well as the extent of application of such linguistic tool in proverbs and sayings of the Swahili language. The article explores different perspectives upon the concept of language game. Analysis is conducted on the Swahili paroemias that demonstrate different ways of language game. The survey results carried out among the native speakers of Swahili are presented. This article is the first to analyze the ways of realization of language game in proverbs and sayings of the Swahili language on the various linguistic levels. The author demonstrates the examples from the corpus of Swahili paroemias, which were translated into the Russian language for the first time. The conclusion is made that language game takes place not only in the written texts, but also in folklore, which indicates that alongside a writer or a linguist, the author of the language game can also be a native speaker. It is underlined hat versatility is also characteristic to the Swahili language paroemias.
phonetic language level, morphological language level, linguistic method, Swahili language, paremia, proverb, language game, anagram and annomination, variation, saying
Vechkanova, E. (2020). Thematic progression and its reproduction in translation from English to Russian . Litera, 10, 71–80.
This article is dedicated to studying thematic progression as a text-forming and discourse-forming phenomenon. The notion of thematic progression is analyzed in terms of the functional sentence perspective theory, theory of actual division of the sentence, and discourse linguistics. Thematic progression contributes to the cohesive development of discourse, distribution of given and new information that needs to follow certain patterns. That is why the article also dwells on the thematic progression patterns and peculiar characteristics of their themeatic-rhematic organization. Basic thematic progression patterns are: simple linear thematic progression, thematic progression with a continuous (constant) theme, thematic progression with derived themes and thematic progression with a split rheme. They are considered to be universal, peculiar to many languages. That is why thematic progression patterns of English discourse units translated into Russian language often remain the same. Their high informativity, grammatical complexity, as well as differences in grammatical systems of English and Russian languages, necessity to adapt these units to the norms and rules of the Russian language can cause changes in thematic progression patterns of the translated units. The abovementioned facts can also lead to compression / decompression of information, changes of the word order in Russian translations.
compression, translation, patterns, rheme, theme, discours, tex, Thematic Progression, decompression, discourse forming phenomenon
V'yunova, E.K., Petrova, E.S. (2020). Cognitive aspect of conveying precise information at the early stages of education process. Litera, 10, 81–93.
The selection of this topic is substantiated by attention of modern science to the problems of synchronized translation. However, if a significant number of publications is dedicated to conference interpreting, the whispered interpreting, which is highly demanded in the conditions of international cooperation, does not receive due attention and not included into training module of the interpreters. The relevance of this research is substantiated by being at the intersection of actively developing fields of translation and interpretation studies: linguistic and didactic. It is reasonable to include teaching this type of translation in the training module for professional interpreters, as the whispered interpreting is highly demanded in the era globalization within the framework of hosting international events. The novelty of this research lies in the thesis that within a specific segment of the linguistic system (conveyance of precision of information), the authors are first to describe the development of an essential skill of compensation at the initial stages of learning whispered translation within the framework of the elaborated and tested universal methodology based on the proposed in the article forms of student’s autonomy in application of “shifter” role game. Cognitive approach towards the analysis of the product of whispered interpretation allowed demonstrating the range of searching the means of compensation – from ineffective to successful, as well as determining the sources of errors, which also include cognitive assimilation. As one of trends of further theoretical development of the topic, the authors indicate erratological direction of studying whispered interpretation. The usage of the suggested method promotes student's autonomy, increases psychological resilience, and develops the necessary for an interpreter professional approach to compensation, thereby preventing a number of errors occurring during interpretation process. The article introduces concepts of shifter language and cognitive assimilation, as well as clarifies the concept of student’s autonomy applicable to teaching whispered interpretation.
proxemics, compensation, translation error, cognitive assimilation, numerical information, chouchotage whisper interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, linguistic competence, translation self-reflection, conference interpreting
Alieva, F.A., Mukhamedova, F.K., Bekeeva, A.M. (2020). Song genres of traditional folklore of the Dargin people: ideological-aesthetic and artistic uniqueness. Litera, 10, 94–103.
The subject of this research is the key genres of song folklore of the Dargin people – one of the ethnoses of Dagestan, which includes such Akushin, Kaitag, Kubachin, Mekegin, Tsudakhar, and others. An attempt is made to examine genre diversity of the Dargin people traditional poetic folklore, describe the forms of existence of specific genres, determine their ideological-aesthetic and artistic content, trace their evolution and transformation, as well as characterize the poetics. The goal of this work consists in demonstration of genre diversity of the song folklore of the Dargin people, its national specificity, artistic uniqueness and forms of existence. In the course of this research, the author applies the method of scientific analysis of theoretical literature on the topic, comparative-typological and descriptive-analytical methods, including observation, interpretation and comparison, which allows giving philological assessment of the text, reveal folk poetic means of expression. The scientific novelty lies in establishment of the fact that some of the genres under consideration still exist, but have undergone transformation. In a number the Dargin Districts, such as the rural localities of Harbuk, Urkarah, Madzhalis, Kubachi, Usisha, etc., texts of ritual poetry that have been previously performed by the adults, now shifted into the repertoire of children's folklore; multiple wedding songs – from ritual folklore to the category of love lyricism, and are performed mostly at youth parties and festivities. Lamentations were subjected to the influenced of Muslim religion, and now often feature the appeals to Allah to bless with patience and mercy, etc. Ballades in the folklore of the Dargin people also experiences certain genre changes: tragedy and drama of the situation fade away, and the ballades grow into the type of lyrical song of family, life or love content.
quatrains, ballads, lamentations, wedding songs, calendar and ritual poetry, artistic specificity, song lyrics, Dargin folklore, poetic means, artistic parallelism
Bezrukov, A.N. (2020). Semantic identification of the novel “Evgenia Ivanovna” by Leonid Leonov. Litera, 10, 104–113.
The prose by Leonid Leonov exemplifies the dialogue of the writer with literary and cultural formations of the past. Artistic thinking of the writer is oriented towards the potentiality of discursive combinations, as well as the expression of his authorial position. The object of this research is the novel “Evgenia Ivanovna”, which is structured on the principle of condensation of intertextual references. The subject of this research is the versatile type of narration of the prose writer of the XX century. He implements the plot of the text by means of constructive dialogue with classic literature. Research methodology synthesizes the verges of intertextual, structural, conceptual, hermeneutical, and comparative approaches. Reception of the novel “Evgenia Ivanovna” becomes more complicated with the course of historical time. The philosophy of Leonov’s text consists in relative simplicity. Specificity of the novel lies in finding a compromise solution. The author suggestively intertwines fates of the characters into a single large event, which affects the entire country. The formulated conclusions specify the scale of the persona of Leonid Leonov in literary process of the XX century. This material may be valuable for further research on the specificity of Russian classic literature.
interpretation, author, semantic spectrum, discourse, Russian prose, text, Evgenia Ivanovna, Leonid Leonov, style, dialogue of consciousness
Seldikov, A.M., Goryaev, T.S., Dovunov, B.E., Shonkhorova, S.V., Katashov, A.V. (2020). To the question on methodology of the concept in modern science . Litera, 10, 114–122.
The scientific works of scholars and experts dedicated to conceptology, intercultural communication, and linguistics became the foundation for this research. The author analyzes bibliography, presents various approaches towards conceptology, formulates main conclusions of recent research on the indicated problematic, as well as provides specific examples. Research of the concepts presented in different linguistic worldviews, including Russian linguistic paradigm of the world, is first and foremost substantiated by the importance of intercultural communication in the current context. The relevance of this topic is defined by the significance of studying the dialogue of cultures, language, culture and mentality. The selected topic is of interest to the philosophers, linguists, culturologists and foreign language pedagogues. In anthropological linguistics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology and other fields, the subject of research is the concept of the dialogue of cultures along with interaction between language, culture and mentality. The development of Russian relations on international arena over the past decade led to active cooperation in the area of education, economy, trade and tourism. Therefore, there is an urgent need for studying communication in the situation of interaction between the representatives of Russian and foreign cultures from the perspective of teaching languages as a means of intercultural communication. The need to study communication is justified by different communication behavior in Russia and other countries in the cultural aspect. Insufficient understanding of the language of communication can result in communication failures and even initiate cross-cultural conflict. In the following paragraphs of this article, the author gives detailed attention to specificity of the concept in the linguistic worldviews.
intercultural communication, non-verbal communication, general linguistics, language theory, conceptosphere, concept, methodology, language, concept structure, research methods