Alieva, F.A., Mukhamedova, F.K. (2020). On peculiarities of plot composition of the sequence of fairytales “On Stepmother and Stepdaughter” in Dagestan folklore. Litera, 1, 1–8.
The subject of this article is the tale aesthetics of one of the richest areas in Dagestan folklore – faerie epos, which found its artistic reflection in specific cites of plot composition of the themed sequence of tales “On Stepmother and Stepdaughter”. The aforementioned tales are characterized by the narrative-thematic variety and richness of poetic means and techniques. The object of this research is the narrative-compositional, stylistic and poetic peculiarities of fairytales to the world famous storyline “On Stepmother and Stepdaughter”. The goal of this work consists in illustration of the narrative-thematic variety and determination of the character of science fiction substantiated by specificities of the genre using the method of comparative-historical and analytical analysis, based on tales to the story “On Stepmother and Stepdaughter” popular in the folklore of multiple ethnic groups of Dagestan – Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Laks, Rutuls, Tabasarans, Nogais, etc. The scientific novelty consists in the first comprehensive study of the variety of narrative-thematic content of the sequence of fairytales, as well as determination of their ideological-aesthetic foundation and distinctness of compositional structure. Some tales do not deviated from the theme of “stepmother – stepdaughter” conflict; some include various side episodes of science fiction nature full of magic and miracles; and some contaminate with the tales to a different storyline, theme or motif.
features, composition, theme, plot, stepmother and stepdaughter, fairy tales, diversity, fiction, artistic techniques, means
Question at hand
Liu, J., Elshennawi, M.B. (2020). Peculiarities of teaching Chinese literature and Chinese language to Egyptian students (Analysis of teacher polling). Litera, 1, 9–19.
In the year 1954. In accordance with the agreement on cultural cooperation signed by the Chinese and Egyptian governments, Chine sent the first teacher to Cairo University in Egypt. The subject of this research is the analysis of the existing system of teaching Chinese language and literature to Egyptian students. The author seeks to contribute to development of the topic by analyzing the existing system of education and discovering a new efficient method of teaching Chinese language and literature to Egyptian students with consideration of certain important peculiarities therein. The questionnaire-based survey involved 15 pedagogues – 9 women and 6 men. Based on studying various research dedicated to teaching Chinese language and literature in Egypt, acquired experience of learning Chinese language and literature in Egypt and China, as well as adding survey results from the Suez Canal University in Egypt, the author analyzes the peculiarities used lately in teaching Chinese language and literature to Egyptian students in the universities of Egypt. The analysis of data collected in both Chinese language faculties of the Suez Canal University demonstrate that over the recent time, the teaching system applied by the Chinese language departments of the Suez Canal University does not contribute to achievement of the best possible educational outcomes in teaching Chinese language and literature.
Chinese teachers, education system, Suez Canal University, teaching system, Egyptian universities, Chinese literature, Chinese Language, survey, analysis, quantitative method
Tselikova, E.V. (2020). A. A. Fet – the author of essays “From the Village”. To the origins of formation of parodic personality. Litera, 1, 20–27.
The article analyzes the origins of publicistic heritage of Afanasy Fet. Analysis is conducted on the historical-literary situation, biographical facts of the poet, reminiscences of contemporaries and friends. The author also explores the opinions of literary critics, writers-raznochintsy (of miscellaneous ranks), and representatives of democratic criticism. Detailed description is given to the poet’s views on the aims and goals of the farmers and owners of the land. Based on the results of analysis of egodocuments, the persona of A. A. Fet is presented in contemporaries’ perception in two guises: lyrical poet and landlord-farmer. Image of the latter is being revealed through the essays of A. A. Fet “From the Village”. Similar “duality” of the image of A. A. Fet subsequently becomes the subject of parodic reinterpretation. Most vividly, the parodic personality of A. A. Fet appears in works of the poets of the satirical journal “The Spark” (Iskra). The author describes the history of creation of the essays “From the Village” as an original text for parodic personality of A. A. Fet in the work of the parodist of “The Spark” journal Pavel Medvedev. Analysis of the mechanisms of formation of parodic personality is presented. The source of parodic interpretation, as well as the material for creating parodic image, become not only the poet’s texts, but also egodocuments, comments of his contemporaries and friends, and publically expressed opinions of the readers.
publicism, satirical magazine, school of pure art, Athanasij Fet, parody personality, parody, aesthetic criticism, biography, essay, lyric poetry
Literary criticism
Snigireva, S.D. (2020). Khlystovshchina in the context of F. M. Dostoevsky’s ideology of pochvennichestvo. Litera, 1, 28–37.
The subject of this research is the themes of F. M. Dostoevsky’s writings on Khlystovshchina (Christ Faith), as well as his views on this sect. The object of this research is the articles “A Writer’s Diary”, novel “The Idiot”, draft notes to the poem “The Life of a Great Sinner”, main idea of the novel “Atheism”, as well as articles in the periodicals of the 1860’s dedicated to Khlystov heresy. The goal of this work consist in determination of the writer’s opinion on Khlystov heresy in the contexts of the ideology of pochvennichestvo (return to the native soil). Using the philological and historical methods, the author describes correlation of the core ideas of Dostoevsky’s writings with the history of non-Orthodox religious movements in Russia if the XIX century. The article generalizes the experience of studying the theme of Khlystovshchina in Dostoevsky’s works, and persuasively argues that Dostoevsky’s perception of the phenomenon of Khlystovshchina is justified by his ideology of pochvennichestvo, which defines the scientific novelty of this research. It is concluded that the writer’s interests to the sect is explained by the fact that he saw a unique, soil phenomenon that represents man’s cognitive activity. The research underlines that the pursued by Dostoyevsky parallel between the doctrine of the Lord Radstock and Stundism (alien to a Russian person due to protestant origin), Tatarinova Society, and Khlystovshchina reflects a profound idea of the writer on spiritual crisis emerged due to disintegration of intelligentsia and people.
Radstockism, The Shtundists, the Khlystovshchina, the Khlysty sect, sectarianism, native soil, pochvennichestvo, The Lord Radstock, Dostoevsky, Tatarinova
Pokrovskaya, M.E. (2020). Transformation of toponyms in onomasticons in the English and Russian languages: grammar, structure, semantics. Litera, 1, 38–52.
This article is dedicated to the phenomenon of radical transformations of toponyms in onomasticons of the Russian and English languages at the turn of centuries. The goal of this work lies in determination and analysis of changes in semantics, structure and functionality of toponymic vocabulary from the perspective of definitional and component methods within the framework of communication-pragmatic approach using the data of corpus linguistics. The article substantiates the need for inclusion of the acquired data into educational materials for ensuring successful communication in the changed polycultural space. As a result, it was established that geopolitical shifts transformed not only the toponymic vocabulary, but also its grammatical paradigm in the Russian and English languages. The semantic differences in the meanings of toponyms in the British and American versions are underlined. The changes enriched the language in its natural evolution (the need for nomination of new objects) or by virtue of nomination practices. The scientific novelty consists in a complex systematization of transformations in the area of ethnonymics with consideration of the new geopolitical reality that forms integral approaches towards linguistic and extralinguistic phenomena. It is demonstrated that the modern geopolitical discourse plays a primary role in attaining new meanings to onyms overall and toponyms in particular. Functioning in different languages, toponyms may differ in their componential structure, which reflects diverse world landscapes captured in languages.
cross-cultural communication, extra-linguistic phenomena, geopolitical discourse, grammatical changes, semantics, onomastics, toponym, LSP, integral approach, communicative-pragmatic perspective
Literary criticism
Shi, Y. (2020). Lexical means of the comic in humorous stories of N. N. Nosov. Litera, 1, 53–63.
This article is dedicated to examination of lexical means of the comic in humorous stories of Nikolay Nosov. The article conducts systemic analysis, examines the achievement of comic potential in writer’s approaches via specific examples: irony, paradox, personification, tautology, and words formed in accordance with children etymology. The question is raised on the distinctness of Nosov’s humor and its lexical expression. Special attention is given to the analysis of psychology and behavior of the characters in particular situations, as well as determination of the original child’s way of thinking that differs from the adults. The scientific novelty is defined by an attempt of systemic analysis of lexical means for creating comic effect in the humorous stories of Nikolay Nosov. The relevance of this work on the one hand is substantiated by continued interest of the Russian and foreign researchers to the works of N. Nosov, and on the other – consists in comprehension of the insufficiently studied lexical means of the comic in his stories. The conducted analysis demonstrates the peculiarity of Nosov’s humor in creating comic effect, revelation of character of the heroes, and specificities of the children’s way of thinking.
tautology, personification, paradox, irony, lexical means, humorous stories, Nikolai Nosov, children's etymology, children’s thinking, comic
Matantseva, M.B. (2020). Ideological concept of “fear”: nominative field of the concept (based on the material of V. P. Astafyev’s “The Cursed and Killed”). Litera, 1, 64–74.
The goal of this research consists in determination of structural-semantic peculiarities of nominative field of the concept of “fear” in the text of a military novel. The emotional concept implies the element of structured knowledge characterizing sensualistic world of a person through the prism of his inner experiences, senses and psychological traits. The research us based in the novel “The Cursed and Killed” by a Siberian writer V. P. Astafyev. The choice of this compositions for interpreting the phenomenon of fear is substantiated by the theme of the novel, high emotional and psychological tension of the text. Methodological framework contains the key positions of the nominative field theory of the concept, according to which the concept as a mental unit may be revealed through the analysis of means of its linguistic objectification. It is established that the structure of nominative field of the concept of “fear” in the text of military novel is heterogonous. The core includes the key word of fear and its linguistic synonyms, derived from them lexemes with procedural and attributive semantics. The individual authorial nominations of the emotion in question, as well as descriptive and explicative indications of fear. The detail of linguistic representation of the concept allows speaking of high density of nominative field of the concept, as well as communicative relevance of the concept of “fear”. As a result of linguocognitive interpretation of nominative field of the concept, fear is defined as a multidimensional mental formation serving as a distinct means of authorial perception of war.
designations of a descriptive, designations-nominatives, periphery of the nominative field, core of the nominative field, emotional concept fear, nominative field of the concept, designations-explicatives, individually-authored concept sphere, war novel, linguistic-cognitive interpretation
Question at hand
Mironov, A. (2020). Change the character’s value focus as the concept of theme of an epic poem. Litera, 1, 75–93.
The subject of this research is the axiological worldview of the Russian epos, while the subject is value focus of the epic character (namely the Three Bogatyrs in the Kievan-Rus' epic poem cycle). Main attention is given to changeability of inner world of the epic poem (bylina) characters, substantiated by the bard’s representation on the presence of causal relationship of the hero’s specific motives with his actions and consequences of these actions. The author interprets the particular themes that comprise the variants of epic poems, as a sensible artistic solution of a storyteller aimed at realization of the genre function of bylina and dictated by the parameters of communication situation. The article uses the method of axiological analysis of epic poems, examining the difference of assessments of the epic character, bard, and listener. For each of the analyzed epic poems, the author determines: the vector of inner conflict (specific weakness or passion that overwhelms a character and he has to fight; usually it is what evokes sympathy in the listener); moment of captivity with sinful desire; moment of committing a wrongful action; demonstration of the effect of religious law that links crime with punishment; punishment of the hero – repentance or demise. The author’s contribution consists in the axiological determination of epic motif alongside principles of the new classification of bylina themes, as well as the statement that the goal of a bard lies in changing value coordinates of the same action of the character in mind of a listener. It is concluded that the traditional act of performing an epic poem could begin with selection of a set of themes by a bard, based on his own assessment of the weak and strong sides of the listeners, their age, profession, social and family status.
Kievan epic cycle, myth and epic, heroic epic, genre function, axiology, folk motive, bylinas, folklore, epic songs, Ilya Murometz
Alparslan, A. (2020). Formation of complex sentences in the Russian and Turkish languages (on the example of precedence expression). Litera, 1, 94–102.
This article examines the similarity and difference of complex sentence in the Russian and Turkish languages. It is determined that there are more differences than similarities contained in complex sentences of the referred languages. Special attention is given to comparative analysis using the examples of phrases in the past tense within the structure of complex sentences of both languages. The article also analyses the influence of syntactic, semantic and conjunctive relations in the structure of complex sentences. Since the research involves two languages, it is based on the comparative method. Theoretical and functional methods of research are also applied. The topic of past tense in complex sentences has not been previously studies, especially in Turkey. Therefore, the author sets a goal to form the basis for the scientific work on a given topic that would be carried out in Turkey and Russia. It is assumed that the article would make a significant contribution to the Russian Turkology and philology. The main conclusions lie in describing the difference of a complex sentence in the Russian and Turkish languages.
Simple sentence, Complex sentence, time relation, conjunction relation, precedence expressions, Turkish language, russian language, complex sentences, participle, participial construction
Dmitrieva, E.I., Grubin, I.V. (2020). Differences between automotive and traffic terms in England and the United States. Litera, 1, 103–110.
The subject of this research is the different automotive and traffic terms in the English language from the perspective of their variance. The article explores the similarities and differences between the terms of the topic group “Automobile Transportation” in the British and American variants of the modern English language. Special attention is given to the etymology of the terminological units in questions. On the examined examples of terminology, it can be observed that some basic concepts carry national arrangement within the American and British tradition of formation of terminology. For selection of language material, this article utilizes such sources as The Oxford English Dictionary, The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Cambridge Dictionary Online, and Collins English Dictionary Online. The scientific novelty of this research is justified by the insufficient elucidation of the problem of territorial variance within the English language on the material of transportation terminology, which is a reflection of national perception of the surrounding world. The authors make a conclusion that despite the importance of the standardization and formalization processes, it is necessary to remember that terminology vastly reflects professional worldview.
road transport, car construction, standartization, professional mentality, American English, British English, territorial variants, nominaion, terminology, linguistic mentality
Literary criticism
Alkhlavova, I.K., Akamov, A.T. (2020). Sufi traditions in the later poetic works of Dzhaminat Kerimova. Litera, 1, 111–123.
The subject of this research is the artistic specificities of the poetic texts of religious-philosophical content of the modern Kumyk poetess of the late XX – early XXI century Dzhaminat Kerimova. The object of this research is her later poetic works. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the need for creating a holistic picture of the final period of creative path of the poetess, which marks prevalence of the religious-philosophical aspects. Based on philological analysis of the poems, the author determines the religious-philosophical motifs; as well as explores the problem of person’s stance on religion, material world, and children’s view of their parents. The main conclusions consist in revelation of the religious-ethical motifs in later period of poetry (1990-2000). The author’s special contribution to this research lies in the analysis of language peculiarities of Kerimova’s poetic texts of religious-philosophical nature that give insight into the specificity of Sufi factor. The author was able to determine that the theme of religion, which most vividly depicts the specificities of the use and functionality of Sufi lexicon, is dominant in the later poetic texts. The scientific novelty consists in reference to the later period of poetry of Dzhaminat Kerimova, as her literary heritage and religious texts in particular, remain insufficiently studied in the context of religious literatures of the peoples of Dagestan. The author believes that the research of this topic would allow filling the gap in the modern Kumyk poetry, and thus, enrich not only Kumyk, but also Dagestani literature.
Islam, Arab-Muslim artistic traditions, religious concepts, post-Soviet period, modern Kumik literature, eschatological motives, human vices, the world, Muslims, Sufism
Literary criticism
Efimov, A.S. (2020). “The Secrets of Modern Petersburg” of V. P. Meshchersky and “The Remote House on Vasilyevsky Island” of V. P. Titov and A. S. Pushkin. Litera, 1, 124–134.
This article examines the influence of the romantic-gothic novel The Remote House on Vasilyevsky Island” (1829) by V. P. Titov and A. S. Pushkin upon the anti-nihilistic novel “The Secrets of Modern Petersburg” (1877) by . P. Meshchersky. In the limelight is the evolution and sociopolitical adaptation of the romantic-gothic themes “invitation of evil spirits into the house” and “evil spirits obsessed with romantic passion towards a human”. The article demonstrates how the religious-mythological image of “evil spirits” (destructive beginning) undergoes “ideological transformation”, and in the conditions of development of realistic art in the middle XIX century “blends” at the artistic level of anti-nihilistic level with the image of a “nihilist”. The research is based on biographical, comparative and historical methods, as well as motif analysis. The sociopolitical context of the 1870’s is being considered. Problematic of the continuity of Pushkin’s storyline, characterology, and system of themes in the works of V. P. Meshchersky is an unexplored area. The study of influence of the narrative “The Remote House on Vasilyevsky Island” upon anti-nihilistic novel “The Secrets of Modern Petersburg” along with their comparative analysis have not been previously conducted. The article also comments on the historiosophical ides, which led Meshchersky to reconsideration of Pushkin’s storyline and its adaptation to the relevant sociopolitical realities of the 1870’s.
romantic literature, Russian nihilism, gothic plot, gothic motive, Meshchersky, Titov, Pushkin, russian anti-nihilistic novel, gothic literature, ideological transformation
Literary criticism
Lushnikova, G., Chibireva, E. (2020). Two Naples in the literary text: contrasting image of the city. Litera, 1, 135–149.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of representation of the city of Naples in “Neapolitan Novels” by Elena Ferrante. The object of this research is the tetralogy of the Italian writer Elena Ferrante “The Neapolitan Novels”. The goal of this article consists in description, analysis, and revelation of a controversial image of Naples in the works of Elena Ferrante “The Neapolitan Novels” compared with the text of other Russian and foreign writers of various times. Special attention is paid to the negative characteristics of the city reflecting the secular chronotope, daily image of the city through the eyes of female protagonists of the novel. Methodology is based on intertextual method, since the analysis suggest comparison of the image of Naples in specific works; and comparative method, which allows noticing the commonalities and differences in the image of Naples. The following conclusions are made: 1) the opposite interpretations of the city – positive and negative – depend on a particular observer, whether he is a tourist or a local; 2) Naples of Elena Ferrante is presented as a source of ethical and spiritual decay; this is the “second” Naples representing dehumanized, backstage image, the inside of a beautiful city. The novelty of this article lies in viewing the dualistic nature of Naples, as well as analysis of Elena Ferrante’s work “The Neapolitan Novels”, which did not previously fall under the spotlight of literary scholars.
quartet, historical-existential chronotope, literary image, The Neapolitan Novels, Elena Ferrante, city’s literary space, iconic image, neorealism, locus, landscape
Literary criticism
Kirimov, T.N. (2020). The specificities of artistic way of thinking of Mehmet Nuzhet . Litera, 1, 150–159.
The goal of this article consists in determination of peculiarities and origins of artistic thinking of the Crimean Tatar writer of the XX century M. Nuzhet. Methodological and theoretical basis of the research is comprised of the works of U. Ipchi, E. Shemizade, J. Bekirov, A. Altanly, I. Kerimov, Y. Kandymov, and others. The aforementioned authors made an indisputable contribution to the development of Crimean Tatar literature and literary criticism. The creative heritage of M. Nuzhet is versatile and peculiar. His poetic, prosaic and translation works are fused with national spirit. The actions and feelings of the central characters of the artist’s lyrical works directly reflect his psychological state. Special attention is given to the psychological type of the lyricist. Comparative and textual analysis allow viewing the published and original manuscripts of M. Nuzhet. It is established that the writer systematically worked on studying feelings, emotions and ways of their expression. Using the traditional folk poetic forms, genres and images, he creates new patterns for affecting the audience. Speaking of the eternal anthropological topics, he transforms into a wise folk storyteller and preacher. For depicting the everyday reality, the writer assumes the masks of an old beggar or street drunkard. The poetic alliterations and assonances enliven the poet’s images even more. In the process of declamation of such poems, the audience actively uses various mimic emotions anticipated by the context.
classic, Tatar, Crimean, type, psychological, thinkin, artistic, literature, Mehmet, Nuzhet
Vasil'ev, V.V. (2020). Stages of establishment of the Arab punctuation system. Litera, 1, 160–170.
The developed in Arab language punctuation has undergone several stages prior to its acceptance as a functional part of the graphic writing system. This has been attributed to the fact that initially punctuation was not well received among Arab intelligentsia, as in their eyes, it carried an imprint of the European influence, and even perceived as one of the symbols of European colonialism. The author attempts to examine the key stages in development of the Arab punctuation system, as well as determine the main factors that affected its establishment. The article assesses and highlights the crucial factors differentiating from the formation of European punctuation. Within the Russian Oriental Studies, the indicated aspects are explored for the first time due to lack of sufficient material in the Arab language for carrying out a comprehensive research. However, over the recent time this topic becomes the focus of attention among Arab linguists. This article is intended for those studying Arab language or interested in punctuation overall as a linguistic phenomenon.
Arabic punctuation system, Arabic script, Hasan Tuwarani, Zaynab Fawwaz, ,Ahmad Zaki, Faris Shidiyaq, punctuation, Arabic language, punctuation marks, bookprinting
Gurin, V., Batitskaya, V. (2020). Semantic analysis of the proverbs and sayings with the lexical component “heart” in the English language. Litera, 1, 171–178.
The subject of this research is the semantic peculiarities of proverbs and sayings with the lexical component “heart” in the English linguistic consciousness. The goal consists in analyzing these phraseological units, extent the representations on the lexeme “heart”, and examines its redefined meaning. Special attention is paid to study of the concept of phraseology as science, phenomenon of phraseological units, as well as determination of common and differential attributes of proverbs and sayings, which reflect vision of the world and national culture of native speakers. Using the method of continuous sampling, the author determined 28 phraseological units with the component “heart”. The conducted semantic analysis allowed classifying proverbs and saying with the component “heart” in the English language, identify linguoculturological aspects of the concept “HEART”, provide a holistic description to the semantic structure of the aforementioned phraseological units. The analyzed phraseologisms were grouped depending on the meaning of the component, which is used by native speakers for expressing the attitude to garrulity, cowardice, self-doubt, description of various feelings and emotions. In phraseological units of English language, the lexical component “heart” is associated primarily with an individual and his inner world: personality traits; other people’s perception of him; his relationship with other people; communication manner; self-identification in the surrounding reality; type of activity.
meaning, lexical unit, lexical component, the English language, saying, proverb, phraseological unit, phraseology, semantic analysis, human being
Smirnova, A.G., Pevneva, I.V. (2020). To the question of studying anthropomorphic euphemia in modern media texts. Litera, 1, 179–187.
The topics that are forbidden or undesired for mentioning in public have always been present in human society. This led to the emergence of euphemisms in the language, which affects the new surge of interest among linguists towards studying the phenomenon of taboo, everything related to it that impact the relevance of this topic in the context of linguistic science. The subject of this research became the linguistic means assisting the creation of anthropomorphic euphemia. The study is conducted on the materials of modern media text, selected through the method of continuous sampling from the German online newspapers. Research methodology includes the use of contextual analysis, dictionary definitions analysis, component analysis, as well as the traditional methods of linguistic observation and description. The research is carried out from identifying and proving the hypothesis on a particular type of euphemia, namely anthropomorphic euphemia. The article analyzes the linguistic means from the German-language media texts, in which the authors of publications discuss the forbidden for German society topics and meanings. The novelty of this work consists in the new approach towards studying euphemisms and euphemia, as well as in introduction of the new term of anthropomorphic euphemia that implies a special selection of linguistic means, which appeal to internal and external qualities and characteristics of a human. The research result contribute to the development of lexicology and cognitive linguistics, as well as broaden the knowledge on euphemia.
linguistic means, antropomorphic, mediatext, German language, euphemism, media, discourse, online newspapers, taboo, lañuna
Rukodelnikova, M., Nanii, L.O., Kholkina, L.S. (2020). Linguo-specific lexis of Chinese language and problems of translation: on the example of 麻烦 máfan ‘trouble; disturb; worry’. Litera, 1, 188–199.
The subject of this research is the translation strategies of linguo-specific lexis of Chinese language. On the example of lexeme 麻烦 máfan ‘trouble; disturb; worry’, the author highlights the fundamental principles of describing linguo-specific words based on their grammatical functions, lexical compatibility, and stylistic connotations. The analysis of use of 麻烦 máfan determined a correlation between grammatical functions and stylistic connotations. Therefore, 麻烦 máfan is often used as an adjective in colloquial speech, while in the official language it is rather used as a noun. The study is conducted with application of the modern lexicographical methods, including work with dictionaries, corpus data analysis of the Chinese-English parallel corpora, as well as survey of native speakers. The scientific lies in the systematic application of extensive corpus material towards the analysis of linguo-specific lexis, which allows finding the appropriate translation equivalents. The research results lead to a number of recommendation on improvement of the Chinese-Russian dictionaries, and can valuable in the practice of teaching Chinese language.
mafan, corpora, lexicography, translation, translation studies, Chinese, language-specific lexicon, lexicology, stylistics, combinability
Dmitriev, A.V., Kogan, M.S., Vdovina, E.K. (2020). Theoretical-applied significance of corpora in computer linguodidactics . Litera, 1, 200–216.
The subject of this research is the application of corpora in teaching foreign languages. Prevalence of discursive practices and in-depth study of discourse marked the emergence of studies with cognitive-corpus focus; therefore, we are currently witnessing global coverage of corpus linguistics – both, substantively and methodologically – various professional and scientific zones in the area of humanistic research and other. The authors touch upon the question on the role and place of corpus linguistics in modern science, and support an opinion that corpus linguistics is meant to become a foundation for the new cognitive in its essence linguistic theory. The research methodology is structure on the interaction of such modern approaches as corpus-based and corpus-driven. Using these methods, the students take on the role of researcher-experimentalists, by means of corpora and in the process of performing specifically developed corpus-based tasks, conduct their own minor linguistic research. The authors’ special contribution consists in substantiation and generalization of theoretical experience of the forerunners in light of analysis of the direct and indirect application of corpora not only in teaching source language, but also computer linguodidactics; as well as description of such application from the perspectives of corpus-driven and corpus-based approaches for their future implementation into the educational process. As an example of such implementation, the authors developed a project task for the extra-mural master’s degree students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University majoring “Computer Linguodidactics”: to compile their own corpus (based on the concordance software AntConc) on the selected topic of a particular textbook on general or specialized English language.
DDL-tasks, project task, idiomatic competency, lexical competency, COCA, corpus-driven, corpus linguistics, corpus-based, computer-assisted language teaching, concordance
Avdeeva, M.D. (2020). Brightness as a significant component of the verbs of lexical-semantic group “fluorescence”. Litera, 1, 217–227.
The author meticulously examines such aspects of the topic as the phenomenon of light in language based on the analysis of definitions and contexts of employment of verbs in the lexical-semantic group “Fluorescence”. The article analyzes the verb lexical units that convey the meaning of bright fluorescence in the English and Russian languages. These are the verbs for steady-state fluorescence; verbs for a single-stage brief light effect; and verbs designating multiple manifestation of bright light. The study of factual material is carried out with the use of a set of methods and approaches, including the analysis of dictionary definitions and components analysis. The basic verbs for designation of fluorescence and components of their meanings are determined in the lexical meanings of verbs of Russian and English languages. The main components indicate the capability to radiate light, capability to reflect light, degree of intensity of radiance, combination of light and shine, inconsistency or consistency of manifestation of indication. The novelty of this work consists in the examination of peculiarities of objectification of the phenomenon of light in the English and Russian languages; as well as in the proof that the idea of bright fluorescence is significantly reflected in linguocultural knowledge, since this component of meaning is established in majority of verbs designating light. The specificity of this component is defined by the fact that “high intensity of radiance” intersects with other components of meaning, and slightly depends on capability of an object to radiate or reflect light.
light, lingo-culture, conceptualization, component analysis, meaning, lexical-semantic group, verb, fluorescence, brightness, language
Poetry and the poet
Timizhev , K.T., Bozieva , N.B. (2020). Artistic evocation of historical past of the ethnos on lyrics of the Kabardian poet Aflik Orazaev. Litera, 1, 228–237.
The subject of this research is the theme of historical past of the nation and its transformation in artistic consciousness of the Kabardian poet Aflik Orazaev, The object of this research is the diversity of variations of notional imagery in Orzaev’s poetic texts. The goal of this article consists in determination of the ideological-thematic evolutionary changes in Adyghe literature on the example of A. Orzaev’s poetry. The authors meticulously examine the peculiarities of lyrics of the poet. Special attention is given to the poetic theme and problematic of poems, as well as their composition and artistic mastery of the poet. He has a special style, without moralizing escapades, tedious oversight, and patronizing pathos, and patronizing tone. One of the main tasks of the modern literary studies lies in determining interrelation between the national and panhuman within the general cultural tradition. This leads to the need for examination of the main trends in works of the leading national writers. Therefore, studying the poetic work of one of the talented Kabardian poets is relevant. It would increase the level of literary and critical research of North Caucasian literatures, and their correspondence with the quality criteria of leading trends in the modern Russian and foreign literary studies. The main conclusion consists in identification of peculiarities in the worldview of modern artist, as well as diversity of variation of notional imagery of his lyrics.
poetics, artistic originality, style, method, theme, Aflik Orazaev, poetry, Kabardian literature, innovation, lyricism
World literature
Rozov, V.A. (2020). Saj’ in Hadith: perception and functions. Litera, 1, 238–246.
The subject of this research is the rhymed and rhythmic prose (Saj’) in Hadith. The article is dedicated to the comparison of perception of rhymed and rhythmic prose by Companions of the Prophet Muhammad and subsequent Muslim tradition with the contained in Hadith records testifying to the use of Saj’ by Muhammad. The author cites an example of the rhetoric of Prophet Muhammad and his closest Companions articulated in rhymed and rhythmic prose, which were recorded in Hadith. These include sermons, speeches on religious topic, religious-legal decrees, and prayers. The scientific novelty consist in the statement that both, the medieval Arab-Muslim scholars and Orientalists traditionally pay lesser attention in their works to the rhymed and rhythmic prose than to poetry. Saj’ in Hadith remains one of the most insufficiently studied topics. The research demonstrated that despite the records on denial of Saj’ by Prophet Muhammad and his closest Companions, as well as distrusts of the medieval Arab-Muslim authors, Hadith has documented evidence of using the rhymed and rhythmic prose by Prophet Muhammad and his closest Companions. This can be explained by the established representations of religious discourse in the Early Islamic Arabia.
islamic tradition, Arabia, early Islam, prayers, orations, sermons, prophet Muhammad, hadith, rhymed prose, saj
Grushina, O.A. (2020). Analysis of modern media texts in Swahili language using the methods of corpus linguistics. Litera, 1, 247–256.
This article examines the application of corpus linguistics techniques for analyzing modern media texts in Swahili language. The language of mass media is representative and productive for the analysis and extraction of terms referred to the various spheres of speech use. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of determination of simple and compound medical terms and phrases in the Swahili language media texts by analyzing data on the frequency of using n-gram. To undertake this study, the author comprised the body of media texts based on the materials of Mtanzania newspaper published in 2014-2019. The methods of corpus linguistics and computer analysis were applied for collection of materials and analysis of the acquired data. The results of the conducted research demonstrated the effectiveness of the use of extraction technique if the relevant simple and compound medical terms by analyzing the body of media texts of the section Afya na Jamii, healthcare and social sphere using the UNIX system. An undeniable advantage of analysis of the body of media texts is the use of a “living” language with lexical saturation relevant for the present time. The obtained results may find future practical application: after processing by the lexicographers and experts in the area of medicine, the discovered terms and phrases can be used for composing specialized thematic dictionaries in Swahili language.
n-grams, terminology, dictionary, mass media language, mass media, corpus, mediatext, Swahili, medical terms, corpus-based linguistics
Liashenko, T. (2020). Metaphysical concept of intemperance in the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlyov Family”. Litera, 1, 257–269.
The subject of this research is the theme of intemperance in the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Golovlyov Family”. The theme of intemperance is important for grasping the ideological content of this work, because it comes up more than once and associated with an entire range of characters. In literature and folklore, intemperance sequentially correlates with the theme of cognizing the truth and adoration of a woman. In the ancient practices of initiation, alcohol consumption carried a ritual nature, conducing the transformed state of mind. The presented in the article archetypical approach towards the literary text is based on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, as well as advanced in the writings of Russian and foreign literary scholars. The novelty of the conducted consists in the fact that the motif of intemperance in the novel “The Golovlyov Family” is examined from the perspective of archetypical approach for the first time, which allows determining the semantic universalities instilled in this work. The author comes to the conclusion that Saltykov-Shchedrin describes intemperance as a mystery, in which the dichotomy “abased – elevated” manifests in an unambiguous unity.
archetype, psychologism, Dostoevsky, Saltykov-Schedrin, literary image, alcoholism, drunkness, motive, archetypical approach, literature
Question at hand
Bedirkhanov, S.A. (2020). The concept of “life” as an existential basis of Aziz Alem’s poetry of the 1960’s – 1970’s. Litera, 1, 270–279.
The object of this research is the concept of “life” as an existential basis of poetic consciousness. The subject of this research is the poetry of the prominent Lezgin author Aziz Alem. The article traces the sociocultural realities that determined the existential grounds of Lezgin poetry in the 1960’s – 1980’s; examines the transformational state of ethnopoetic consciousness of the Lezgins,referred to the ontological problems of human existence. The analysis of poems reveals the artistic means and principles of realization of the concept of “life” in Aziz Alem’s poetry. The set objectives are attained within the framework of research approaches based on the cultural-historical, comparative, and analytical methods of humanistic thought. Such approaches suggest presence of a strong theoretical framework that ensures optimal structuring of value-semantic dominants of life environment of the Lezgin poet. The main conclusion lies in the statement that sociocultural processes of the 1960’s – 1980’s define the possibility for rationalization of mental structures of ethnopoetic spirit, which resulted in mainstreaming of “eternal” problems at the time of supremacy of the Communist ideology.
sociocultural processes, existential basis, artistic features, Aziz Alem, lezghin poetry, poetic creativity, life, concept, ethno-poetic consciousness, socialist society