Kireeva, E.V. (2019). To the question of syntax types of fictional prose (on the materials of the trilogy by F. Sologub “The Created Legend”). Litera, 5, 1–8.
This article explores two types of fictional prose, highlighted by N.D. Arutyunova – “classical” (hierarchical) and “actualizing” (poetic) in comparison with the alternative points of view on this dichotomy. Analysis of the fragment from the F. Sologub’s trilogy “The Created Legend” – an example of symbolist and “untraditional” prose, as well as “unrhymed poetry”, where two types of narrative are combined, allows for clearer examination of the transition between hierarchical and poetic prose, as well as answer the question of whether or not these characteristics represent the constant stylistic trait of the author (as hypothesized by N.D. Arutyunova) or a part of his writing strategies (according to E.V. Paducheva). It is determined that the transition from syntagmatic towards paradigm prose is related to switch from author’s modus to the modus of the character, as well as with the change of the type of the narrator from author-narrator to free indirect discourse highlighted by E.V. Paducheva. Analysis of the fragment from “The Created Legend” demonstrates that the author equally commands two types of prose and uses them according to his plan.
artistic text language, A Legend in the Making, Fyodor Sologub, symbolist prose, narrative types, paradigmatic prose, syntagmatic prose, non-classical prose, author's style, author's tactics
Question at hand
Balaeva, S.V. (2019). Lucian and Leopardi: problems of reception . Litera, 5, 9–15.
The subject of this research is the problem of anthropocentrism in the dialogues of the “Small Moral Works” of the Italian author and philologist Giacomo Leopardi, in comparison with the satirical works of the Greek writer Lucian. Special attention is also given to the character of influence exerted by Lucian upon Leopardi, as well as authors living in different countries throughout different historical periods (Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle, Henry Fielding, Matteo Maria Boiardo, Leon Battista Alberti, Christoph Martin Wieland, and others). The author demonstrates the difference between the characters of Lucian’s satire and satire of his successors, pointing out the general human problematic of the works of the Greek writer. The novelty of this research consists in reference to the sparsely studied topic of the influence of Lucian’s works upon Leopardi, who not only uses Lucian’s characters, but also enters into a dialogue with the Greek author, analyzing his criticism of humanity. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the determined connection between Leopardi and Lucian, consisting in the fact that both authors perceive humanity outside of time, as metaphysical phenomena in the universe.
irony, zibaldone, dialogue, menippus satire, satire, anthropocentrism, Leopardi, Lucian, scala naturae, criticism of progress
Literary criticism
Guseva, N.V. (2019). The figurative system of the story by Lev Yatmanov “A Drop of Hope” in the axiological projection. Litera, 5, 16–21.
In this article, the author conducts a comprehensive study of the value paradigm of the Mari national literature, examining the story of a Mari writer Lev Yatmanov “A Drop of Hope”. The story is written in the Russian language, and published in 1986 in the “Friendship” almanac, dedicated to the topic of the Great Patriotic War. Great potion of attention in the story is devoted to the figurative system, which is being examined in axiological projection, as well as the characterology and symbolism, aimed at actualization of the axiological content of the story. It is proven that in the story of Lev Yatmanov “A Drop of Hope”, which is being positioned as the object of scientific inquiry for the first time in this article, the axiological connotations in characteristics of the characters and in the image-symbols define author’s conception of the story. This article outlines and describes the creative concepts of such notions as human life, love, faith and hope, which comprise the value foundation of all subjects of consciousness and speech (the narrator, his father, mother, Faith).
title, poetics, artistic axiology, story, Russian-language national literature, Mari literature, figurative system, value ideas of the author, the nature of the character, image-symbol
Juqman, E. (2019). Linguo-stylistic specificity of the audiovisual mass media. Litera, 5, 22–27.
Audiovisual mass media is closely connected with linguo-stylistics, from the position that language is viewed as a cultural code of the nation, since most of the information is ingested by a human through linguistic channel. As to linguo-stylistics, it was formed on the seam of linguistics and culturology, and its mission is researching the manifestation of peoples’ culture, established in the language and texts. The audiovisual mass media in its purpose represents an efficient instrument of influence upon the public recipient, which speaks to its linguo-stylistic specificity. The audiovisual mass media combines radio, cinematography, photography, fine art, theater and other preceding means of communication and creative activity. Synthesizing the image and sound using specificity of modern linguo-stylistic means of delivering information, it is capable of achieving near perfect life-likeness of the transmitted pictures, as well as ensure simultaneousness of events and viewer’s observation thereof. Television makes it extremely easy for the audience to ingest information, thus carries educational, propagandistic and manipulative payloads of colossal scale. The main advantages of these means of mass media pertains to its operating efficiency, accessibility for the broadest spectrum of the population, practically limitless proliferation, as well as technical ease and cheapness of the production process.
communication theory, sound accompaniment, stylistic features of the media, linguistic features of the media, specificity of audiovisual media, audiovisual media, media, journalism, linguistics, media sphere
Mel'dianova, A.V., Pomerantsev, S.V. (2019). Functional peculiarities of complex sentences in English-language aviation texts. Litera, 5, 28–34.
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning composite sentences in English aviation texts. The subject matter of this research is types of complex sentences in modern English and the means of connecting main and subordinate parts of these sentences. Research in the article is done on the basis of scientific and journalistic styles. Special attention is paid to the general characteristics of lexical and grammatical features of these two text styles. In the article, a comparative analysis of different types of subordinate clauses is made and difficulties in translating them from English into Russian are analyzed. In her research, Meldianova applies the following research methods: description used to define, interpret and classify complex sentences; and comparison used to analyze types of syndetic words and subordinating conjunctions in complex sentences. The novelty of this research consists in the conducted for the first time complex study of means of connecting sentences within a composite sentence on the basis of English aviation texts of scientific and journalistic styles.
syndetic word, subordinate clause, journalistic style, scientific style, asyndetic connection, syndetic connection, complex sentence, composite sentence, subordinating conjunction, means of connection
Literary criticism
Morozov, S.V. (2019). Lara: sources, antecedents and prototypes of the main female figure in the “Doctor Zhivago” novel. Litera, 5, 35–44.
The object of this research is the figure of Lara Guichard in the novel by Boris Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”. The subject of this research in the formation of the character of Lara in the work of the author, including the extraliterary sources (letters of Boris Pasternak). The aim of this research is to determine the key sources for formation of her character, as well as her antecedents and biographical prototypes. Special attention is allocated to the manifestation of the creative concept and axiological intentions of Boris Pasternak in the character of Lara Guichard, establishing the connections between them in the context of author’s perception on culturological, aesthetic and literary situation of the “Silver Age”. The main conclusions of the conducted research consists in establishing the sources of formation of Lara’s character, as well as her antecedents and biographical prototypes in the context of the creative concepts and axiological intentions of Boris Pasternak, substantiated by the affiliation to the authors of the Silver Age, creating after the Civil War. The novelty of this research also consists in establishing the facts of formation of Lara’s character on the various stages of functionality of its sources and prototypes in the work of Boris Pasternak, as well as the character of the materials used, being primarily his letters.
Juvenile theme, Marina Tsvetaeva, Alexander Blok, Silver Age, Eternal Femininity, Lara Guichard, Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak, The Childhood of Luvers, Patrick's Notes
Mutalov, R.O., Vagizieva, N.A. (2019). Means of expression of evidentiality in Kadar language. Litera, 5, 45–51.
This article is devoted to the research of the category of evidentiality in the Kadar language. The authors meticulously examine such aspects of this category as the problem of grammatical structuring of evidentiality forms, means of formation of these forms and meanings they express. The goals of this article include determining the existing verb forms with evidentiality, research of their key meanings and means of forming, as well as determining the present peculiarities on the basis of comparison of Kadar data with the evidential forms of literary language and other Dargin idioms. It is established that in the Kadar language there are three functioning grammemes of evidentiality category – experiential, inferential and presumptive, which are formed by attached of auxiliary verbs to the forms of gerund. This work provides their detailed characteristics. The results of this work can be used in research of evidentiality in other cognate languages.
evidentiality, verbal categories, inflection, grammar, Kadar idiom, the Dargin languages, the Caucasian languages, experimental, inference, presumptive
Literary criticism
Melnichuk, E.P. (2019). “Precursor” – poetry readings at the Mayakovsky square in the sociocultural context of the 1950-1960s. Litera, 5, 52–62.
This article explores the poetry readings at the Mayakovsky square in Moscow as a separate “episode”, which played an important role in the cultural live of the 1950s and 60s, and deserves closer attention that it has previously received. Through the prism of the history of the gatherings, it can be seen how pendulum swings from thaw to freezing, how tolerance changes to animosity towards the “Mayakovians” from the authorities. The research on the creative groups that form on the Mayakovsky square and the brightest routines at the square allowed tracing the changes in the mood and views of the intelligentsia. Most of the poets viewed their poetry as part of a political or civil struggle. They fought with the experiences of the past, the cult of personality of Stalin, at the same time, the reading sounded in unison with the ideas of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Separate attention is given to the analysis of the samizdat magazine “Phoenix”, which published poetry and prose of the “Mayakovians”. The analysis reveals that anti-Soviet orientation of the magazine consisted not so much in the lunges against the Soviet authorities, as in the attempts to defend the right to choose independent creative form and path, which fell outside the rules of the Socialist regime.
cultural life, creation, Mayakovsky, poems, sociocultural context, culture, art, poetry, Phoenix, samizdat
Olkhovskaia, A. (2019). Semantic parameterization of Russian synonymy . Litera, 5, 63–78.
The object of this research is the synonymic relations in the Russian language. Author pays great attention to the study of the systemic character of semantic contraposition of words similar in meaning, and refers to the search of such differential trains of synonyms that regularly organize contrapositions in synonymic row. According to the author, these parameters form universal semantic framework of the language, and participate in a complex cognitive work on aspectization of cognitive complexes. Full list of such parameters would allow modelling the semantic space and have a new view on the problem of organization of the mental lexicon. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that this work is first to present the list of regular parameters that organize the semantic contrapositions of synonyms. Overall, the work describes and analyzes 16 parameters, among which are the following: subject, object, cause, goal, means, external manifestations, duration, scale, quantity, intensity, evaluation, relation, quality – state, part – whole, definiteness – non-definiteness and focus. In the course of the research, observations were made pertaining to organization of the synonymic row (presence of “carrying” and facultative contrapositions), as well as regarding the interconnection of parameters and contraposition with topical belonging of synonyms.
semantic oppositions, semantic parameters, differentiation of synonyms, meaning of the word, synonym dictionary, synonymy, semasiology, semantics, lexical system, regularity
Ivanova, S.V. (2019). Role of translation in formation of the official business style of Yakut language . Litera, 5, 79–83.
This article explores the main linguistic features of the official business texts throughout various periods of formation of the official business style of the Yakut language, development of dictionaries of terminology of official business style, including public policy and juridical terms. The author highlights the contribution of the professor of stylistics of Yakut language department and Russian-Yakut translator Petrovaya T.I. in development of official business style of the Yakut language, who developed the theoretical and practical issues on functional stylistics and internal national translation. This work employed the methods of descriptive analysis and comparative analysis. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the research of the linguistic features of the official business style texts of the Yakut language. The work outlines the great role of the Russian-Yakut translation in formation of the official business style of the Yakut language up to present day. Overview of the dictionaries of juridical and public policy terms reveals that there is a pressing need to compile more comprehensive Russian-Yakut dictionaries utilizing the internal term-forming capabilities of the Yakut language.
Yakut language dictionaries, legal term, political term, Russian-Yakut translation, official style, functional styles, Yakut language, domestic translation, syntax, terminology
Borisova, I.V. (2019). Language archivation in online socialization . Litera, 5, 84–92.
The object of this research is smileys (emoticons) as means of archivation of information responsible for emotional colorization of the transmitted or received message. The subject of this research is the possible variants of expansion of the implicit component depending on the level of intellectual and emotional completeness of the sender or receiver and their inclusion into the cultural values of the nation (in this case the Russian classical literature). The author expands the concept of speech compression to the language archivation, including into this process the technical accompaniment and ergonomic component. The following works served as the factual material of this research: M. Gorky “Konovalov”, F.M. Dostoyevsky “Karamazov Brothers”, N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, and I.A. Bunin “Mitya’s Love”. The following conclusions were made: one the one hand, the process of language archivation through smileys presents creative usage of language resources, defined by new means of communication in the digital environment; on the other, it threatens the existing language norms that establish the fundamental traditions. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that decompression of included information is projected unto figures taken out of works of Russian classics, endless value of which is validated by several generations of native readers of the language.
speech compression, speech effort saving, emotional colouring, emoticon, smiley, language norm, communication literacy, digital literacy, speech decompression, Russian classical literature
Dominenko, N.V., Kislukhina, M.V. (2019). Functional morphological derivation in terminology of the modern English language. Litera, 5, 93–104.
The subject of this research is the English language terms in literary studies and terminological systems of agricultural and soil microbiology at the present stage of language development. The object of this research is the peculiarities of the terminology models in literary studies and sublanguage of agricultural and soil microbiology, as well as their functionality in the modern English language. The authors meticulously examine the complex terms of literary studies and sublanguage of the agricultural and soil microbiology and their structure, giving special attention to the productive models and their functional orientation, as well as characteristic trends of evolution of compositology of the modern English language. Among the main conclusions of the conducted research are the determination and description of the peculiarities of complex terms, their structure and functionality, as well as outlining and fixation of the productive models on the material of the aforementioned terminological systems of the modern English language. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that this is a first experience in analyzing the complex terminological units of lexicon of the sublanguage of agricultural and soil microbiology, as well as terminology of literary studies participating in formation of the national image of the world.
structure, literary studies, model, microbiology, soil, agricultural, terminological system, term, word formation, composite
Sergodeev, I.V. (2019). Intercontextuality of units in poetic text as a means of actualization of dynamics of their semantic complex (on the material of the Emily Dickinson poem “I died for beauty but was scares”). Litera, 5, 105–112.
This article examines the intercontextual type of intertextual interaction as a reverse, counterposing to intertextual type of interaction form of context-semantic exchange of units of poetic text, leading to poly-interpretativeness of the work in question. The author delineates and defines the concepts of Intertextuality and Intercontextuality, denotes their key functions, isolates their functional units. The object of this research is the poetic text. The subject is the functional units. The aim of this work is to research the context-semantic exchange of units of the poetic text, leading to dynamics of their semantic complex or poly-interpretativeness. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the discussion, outlining and comparison of the basic features of intertextual and intercontextual types of intertextual interaction. The results of the conducted research demonstrate that with semiotic interaction of units of the poetic text, we can observe not only the exchange of their meanings, but also contexts that form these meanings. Intercontextual interaction of the units of this poetic text with identical units of poetic texts of William Shakespeare and John Kits gives a new, not defined directly in the “I died for beauty…” poem theme of love, which opens additional versions of reading of this work. The results acquired in the course of this research impart contribution into the theory of intertextuality and interpretation of text.
meaning, intextuality, semantic complex, dynamics, multi-interpretation, intertextuality, intercontextuality, context, poetic text, semantization