Literary criticism
He, F. (2019). Rhythmic-Melodic Functions of Rhyme in Mikhail Lermontov's Lyrics (the Case Study of Parallelism in Melodic Verses). Litera, 3, 1–10.
The subject of the research is rhythmic-melodic functions of parallelism in Mikhail Lermontov's lyrics. The object of the research is parallelism in Mikhail Lermontov's lyrics. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the melody and music of poetry, melodic verses, 'music school' in the history of Russian poetry and the influence of the latter on Mikhail Lermontov, the use of parallelism in Russian poetry and Mikhail Lermontov's lyrics and rhythmic-melodic functions of rhyme in Lermontov's creative writing. The researcher has applied cultural historical, comparative historical methods as well as the method of compositional analysis using the creative writing of Lermontov and other Russian poets. The main conclusion of the research is the proof of rhythmic-melodic functions performed by rhyme in Lermontov's poetry as well as the role of syntactic parallelism performed by rhyme in creation of rhythmic-melodic nature and expression of the author's message. In his use of parallelism for giving special melody and intonation to his poems, Lermontov follows the poetical tradition of 'music school', however, the poet, extends opportunities and means of melodic verse writing. This research is the first one to analyze Lermontov's poetry from the point of view of rhythmic-melodic functions of rhyme, in particular, the parallelism technique and its role in Lermontov's poetry. This is what causes the novelty of the research.
School of music, Musicality, Lyrics, Rhythmic-melodic function, Rhyme, Russian poetry, Lermontov, Parallelism, Music, Melodic verse
Sysoeva, O.A. (2019). Parody as the Means of Transformation of 'Conversational' Genres in Sasha Sokolov's Novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf'. Litera, 3, 11–19.
The subject of the research is the analysis of parodic genre features of compositional inserts in a literary text. The object of the research is Sasha Sokolov's novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf' (written in 1980). In the course of her research, the author compares genre inserts in the novel to 'primary' conversational genres and discovers their similarities and differences. The researcher also outlines a wide range of functions of a genre insert. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of travesty recession achieved through collision of famous folklore and literary themes, motifs, plots and images with folk conversational power that represents human everyday style of life and views. The researcher has used cultural historical, systemic typological, historical literary methods as well as the method of intertextual analysis. The methodological basis of the research includes researches of M. Bakhtin, D. Likhachev, L. Khatchin, L. Kikhnei, V. Ivanyuk, L. Vvedensky and T. Safarova. The main conclusions of the research are the following. In his novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf' Sasha Sokolov parodies 'canons' (forms) of a number of conversational genres of business and conversational style as well as the confession and sermon genres. The aim of the paradoy is to destroy the order of cultural signs and to give them unexpected meaning. Thus, the writer follows the tradition of ancient Russian literature when not individual writing style but business, church or literary genre is subject to travesty. One of the main goals of the writer is to represent public point of view on cultural and ideological stereotypes by using comic means.
Receipt, Statement, Genre insert, Sasha Sokolov, Travesty, Parody, Genre, Letter, Confession, Sermon
Question at hand
Shi , J. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Toponyms of China's and Russia's Capitals (the Case Study of Peking's and Moscow's Street Names). Litera, 3, 20–31.
Modern Chinese language may reveal a lot about onomasiological categories, in particular, toponyms as an element thereof. The author of this article carries out a comparative analysis of toponyms, street names in Chinese People's Republic and Russian Federation, particularly, Peking and Moscow. The aim of this research is to compare toponyms of Moscow and Peking and discover similarities and differences as well as methods of creation of street names in Russia's and China's capitals. Using description and comparative analysis, the researcher has studied semantics of street names in these two capitals. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the article offers his own classification of Peking and Moscow street names depending on the degree of their prior research. The results of the research include the author's conclusions about the influence of culture, picture of the world and history on the creation of street names in aforesaid cities.
toponyms, linguistic term, hodonyms, street names, Russian language, Chinese language, topology, zoonyms, astronomy, phytonyms
Filistova, N.Y. (2019). Linguistic Study of the Concept of Beauty in English Literary Text. Litera, 3, 32–41.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual space in a literary text. The subject of the research is the verbal representation of the concept of beauty based on the example of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey. In the course of her analysis, Filistova has studied peculiarities of the writer's message in this novel, describes the basic concept thereof, selects and analyzes lexical units that represent the aforesaid concept in Oscar Wilde's novel. High importance of concept analysis for cognitive linguistics as well as nver-ending interest in Oscar Wilde's writings have conditioned the rationale of the research. The basis of the research includes such research methods as definition analysis, elements of conceptual analysis and statistical method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the concept of beauty has never been a matter of complex linguistic analysis involving the novel The Picture of Dorian Grey. As a result of her research, Filistova describes the frame semantics of beauty as the basic concept of the novel and discovers dominating frames as a result of her analysis of the verbal representation of the beauty concept in the novel.
beauty, frame semantics, frame, definition analysis, conceptual analysis, conceptual sphere, structure of concept, cognitive linguistics, concept, literary text
Question at hand
Merzlyakova, K. (2019). The Concept of Empoderamiento and How It is Represented in the Discourse of Female Spanish Glamour. Litera, 3, 42–49.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of empoderamiento and how it is represented in Spanish female glamour magazines. In her article Merzlyakova analyzes the story behind the term and gives different interpretations of the concept of empoderamiento as well as analyzes how it is represented in glamour female magazines. She provides examples of articles that touch upon the idea of extension of female rights and opportunities. Merzlyakova also discusses the influence of the female beauty cult on the interpretation of empoderamiento by founders of gender periodicals and analyzes how Spanish female glamour accomplishes the mission of creation a 'socially responsible' well-balanced female image. The methodological basis of the research includes researches of J. Rowelands, Gallego Ayala, Gaudino Fallager, and Orsini Vargas. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Russian studies of Spanish culture do not pay due attention to the cocnept of empoderamiento. The main conclusions of the research are the following: female glamour magazines do not cover so many activities a woman performs and do not focus on women's rights, the latter being an important social order nowadays.
gender studies, sociolinguistics, language policy, femininity, power, empowerment, concept, discourse, media, gender
Literary criticism
Drobinin, G.D. (2019). The Concept of Youth in Ilya Kormiltsev's Creative Writing. Litera, 3, 50–61.
The subject of the research is specific features of representation of youth in Ilya Kormiltsev's poetry from the point of view of its reference to rock music culture in general. The research is based on the analysis of the concept of youth in so-called 'rock poetry' texts of Ilya Kormiltsev, particularly, Nautilus Pompilius songs. The aim of this research is to compare two points of view on Russian rock, as a major cultural phenomenon and platform for modernist poery, from the one part, and sub-culture that has a secondary role for art, from the other part. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of plots and characters of Ilya Kormiltsev's lyrics and discovering hedonistic features there which is viewed as an element of rock culture by social sciences. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied topic and the author offers a systemic description of 'rock music' poetry from the point of view of social researches of Russian rock culture. As a result, the author proves that the concept of youth is based on a single structure of plots which includes the first love experience, the situation of revelation and psychological trauma which, as a rule, devalues the rest of the life of a hero.
modern russian literature, subculture, rock music, concept of youth, russian rock, Nautilus Pompilius, Kormil'tsev, hedonism, rock poetry, publicity modes
Skacheva, N. (2019). Semantics of the Concept of Justice in Russian and German Phraseological Units. Litera, 3, 62–66.
The subject of the research is the concept of justice in Russian and German phraseologial units. The aim of the research is to define semantic features of the concept in Russian and German phraseological units. The analysis of cultural concepts using the method of linguistic analysis of language units, their component structure, semantics and syntaxis gives a deeper insight into the spirit of nation, their behavioral patterns and thus allows to find the right way to communicate with them. In her research Skacheva has applied the methods of contextual and component analysis of phraseological units and discovers the following semantic features of phraseological units: 1. Axiological core of the concept of justice in Russian is 'truth'. 2. Axiological core of the concept of justice in German is 'law'. These results prove that the concept of justice has different semantic features in the Russian and German languages. Germans view it as legality or observance of social rules as well as relations between people or within society ('just' relations). Russians view justice more as truth.
Russian culture, values, semantics, image, language, phraseological unit, justice, concept, German culture, relationship
Iakovleva, E. (2019). The Phenomenon of Fear in Literature: Interpretation of Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet. Litera, 3, 67–74.
The object of the research is the autobiographic collection of aphoristic expressions The Book of Disquiet written by a Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa. The aim of the research is to interpret the contents of The Book of Disquiet from the poin of view of fear, the phenomenon often realled by Pessoa in his diary essays. Pessoa's introversion and artistic fixation of his own moods allow to demonstrate a wide panorama and dynamics of emotional states accompanying fear. In Pessoa's works the main character Bernardo Soares, a 'semi-heteronym' of the writer, describes different forms of existential fear and anxiety, concern, uncertainty, etc. The total nature of fear makes the hero fear life and expect death. Such artistic presentation of fear allows the author and the reader to understand many sides of existentia and reduce the intensity of fear. The matter under research is analyzed by using the method of hermeneutical analysis that allows to reveal many sides of fear in human existence. For the first time in the academic literature and as part of philosophical and cultural studies, the researcher interprets The Book of Disquiet written by Fernando Possoa from the point of view of fear as an existential problem of human existence. The conclusions and results of the research can be used for further research of the representation of fear in literature and art as well as the phenomenon of fear in human existence in general.
introspection, sensationism, Bernardo Soares, hemisphereism, heteronymity, Book of rest, Fernando Pessoa, fear, pain, alienation
Bazhenov, E.V. (2019). Special Vocabulary and Term Formation of Civil Aviation in the Russian and English Languages. Litera, 3, 75–87.
The subject of the research is the questions about peculiarities of formation and functioning of special vocabulary and terminology in the sphere of civil aviation. In his research Bazhenov focuses on task-oriented use of terms and abbreviations of aviation vocabulary in the English and Russian language, this process requiring particular attention to adequacy of translation and emphasizing the need in applied linguistics which would take into account specific features of professional activity of aviators. The methodology of the research is based on a number of approaches and research methods common for linguistic studies. Within the framework of the article, Bazhenov focuses on the definition, main features and peculiarities of special vocabulary of civil aviation. In addition, he analyzes the main trends, forms and methods of term formation in this sphere taking into account peculiarities of the Russian and English languages.
translation of aviation terminology, Russian aviation terminology, English aviation terminology, special aviation terminology, special aviation vocabulary, terminology, term formation, term, special vocabulary, vocabulary