Question at hand
Zavialova, I. (2019). Functions Performed by Transformations that Appear in the Process of Translating German Article Headlines on to Russian. Litera, 2, 1–5.
Because of different standards of the source and target languages, literal translation is often impossible. When facing difficulty, a translator uses translation transformations. The subject of the research is translation transformations that are used to translate headlines on The author examines peculiar functions of such translation transformations as substitution, supplementation, transposition, omission and their combination as well as discovers the frequency of particular kinds of tranformations used in the German-Russian translation. To select the research material, the author has used the random sampling technique. The main research methods included description, comparision of the source text and translation, and statistic-linguistic analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes transformations based on the comparison of headlines in the source and target languages, in particular, articles posted on The results of analyzing the research material demonstrate that the most commonly used translation transformations are substitutions, mostly grammatical substitutions. Supplementations, transpositions, omissions and complex transformations are used less frequently.
translation transformations, adequacy of translation, target language, source language, headline, translation, transposition, substitution, supplementation, omission
Literary criticism
Kharlamova, S. (2019). Rock Musician as the Author of Prose: Methodological Notes, Relation of Sound and Text Based on Michael Gira's Creative Writing. Litera, 2, 6–14.
The article is devoted to the interaction between a text and music in the creative writing of a rock musician who is the author of prose and composer of songs at the same time. The subject of the research is the intermedial links between text and music and relation between text and musical composition as well as specific features of the representation of sound inside a text and its meaning in poetics of a literary piece. The research material is the collections of short stories written by an American rock musican and independent performing musician Michael Gira, studio albums and performances of the Swans rock band. The research is based on intermedial and comparative research methods. Kharlamova also makes general remarks regarding the definitino of the term 'fictional prose of rock musicians' and analysis of the verbal component of rock compositions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that intermedial connections are traced by the author from the point of view of their relation to fiction and popular music (independent experimental music in this case) as well as their opposition to the academic music. The research singularity is that the researcher analyzes the creative system of one author who writes music, texts of his songs and fictional prose. Kharlamova discovers aesthetical links between fictional prose and musical composition as well as representatino of audio and musical images in short stories and their role in the poetics of collections. The researcher also describes the general tendencies in prose and music of one author. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of sound and music in the literary world of short stories and close aesthetical connection between finctional text and musical compositions. Addressing to the interaction between a literary text and experimental music allows to significantly expand the concept of intermedial links of literature and music in particular and the concept of musicality in literature in general.
USA literature, Swans, poetics, Michael Gira, intermediality, rock music, popular music studies, fiction by rock musicians, USA music, American short story
Question at hand
Timizhev , K.T., Bozieva , N.B. (2019). Aesthetical Models of Ethnos that Define the Philosophical Category of Beautiful. Litera, 2, 15–21.
The subject of the research is Z. Naloev's novellas. The authors of the article examine features of transformation of the genre system and individual artistic consciousness in the Kabardian literature based on works of a famous prose writer Z. Naloev. The aim of the article is to analyze the literary succession and innovations and how trends of small genres developed. Within the framework of this research beauty is viewed not only as the best and most sensual expressino of the main idea but also as adherence to traditions of Aygei ethnic aesthetics, thus extending the concept of beauty as it is and the ethnocultural interpretation of beautiful. To achieve the research targets, the authors have applied the comparative historical method to analyze novellas of the Kabardian writer. They have also given an artistic evaluation of ethnopsychology and described aesthetical models used by the Adygei (the Circassians) to define the philosophical category of beautiful as part of the Kabardian prose. The singuliarity of creative individuality and general patterns of national literary process are of great importance for the literature of the peoples living in the South of Russia. The research results can be used for the development of special courses, disciplines at high and secondary schools as well as analysis of the dynamics of national literary process. The main outcome of the research is that the authors have defined peculiarities of the worldview of the Kabardian ethnos about the beauty in terms of Z. Naloev's works and the great variety of images in small genres of the Kabardian literature.
aesthetics, category of beautiful, short stories, small genres, prose, Kabardian literature, innovation, poetics, tradition, ethnopsychology
Ganskaya, E.N. (2019). Critical Discourse about Russian Rock-Culture in Soviet Musical Samizdat Press. Litera, 2, 22–30.
In this article Ganskaya focuses on the texts of Soviet musical samizdat press, the only specialized musical periodicals of those times (1970 - 1980s). The language and format of their articles were obviously dictated by the environment. Just like Western journalists created the mythology of rock-music, Russian authors did not only adopt it to the Soviet environment but even tried to impose their own values and stereotypes as opposition to both censored Russian culture and commercial Western culture. The in-depth analysis of the matter requires the use of both discursive and historical-cultural analysis as well as analysis of not only texts but also the environment in which they had been created. Despite the fact that researchers of Soviet/Russian rock underline the importance of samizdat press for the rock-culture of those times, the phenomenon of censored musical press is still understudied. This article is supposed not only to attract attention of researchers to this gap but also to partly fill it in.
Russian rock music, be-in, censorship, underground, musical journalism, fanzine, samizdat press, rock poetry, Alexander Kushnir, Artemy Troitsky
Literary criticism
Antonova, M.S. (2019). Nikolay Gogol's Note in M. Vlasova's Album: the Dating Problem. Litera, 2, 31–36.
The subject of the research is Nikolay Gogol's note left in M. Vlasova's (sister's of Z. Volkonskaya) album. This is the note that demnstrates the writer's gift in literary 'trifles'. Antonova analyses the main themes of V. Arutyunova's and R. Yakobson's article 'An unknown album page by Nikolaj Gogol'. The author raises a question about the dating of Gogol's note as well as analyzes intertextual links to other works written by Gogol, in particular, common motifs and references to the second volume of Dead Souls. The main research method used by the author is the structural analysis of the text as well as analysis of information about the owner of the album and dating of the note. The main outcome of the research is the systematization of information about M. Vlasova and her relationship with Gogol. By discovering intertextual links to other Gogol's writings, for example, missing chapters to the second volume of Dead Souls, plays 'Theatre Trip' and 'Extract' and Rome letters, the author of the article extends the borders of possible dating of the aforesaid album note.
Gogol, russian literature, biography, dating, album note, album culture, Vlasova, Princess Volkonskaya, syntax, logical metonymy
Mukhamadiarova, A.F. (2019). Linguocoloured Picture of the World of Germans, Russians and Tatars (Based on the Analysis of Phraseological and Paroemiological Units). Litera, 2, 37–43.
The role of colour in the world view phraseology, paremiology, comparative phraseology, coloronym, phraseological unit, paroemiological unit, the German language, the Russian language, the Tatar language, cultural linguistics
the German language, paroemiological unit, phraseological unit, coloronym, comparative phraseology, paremiology, phraseology, the Russian language, the Tatar language, cultural linguistics
Question at hand
HAITONG, P. (2019). Comparative Study of the Concepts of Russian and Chinese Linguocultures: Results and Problems. Litera, 2, 44–52.
This article is devoted to the comparative study of the concepts of Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The author of the article notes that it is necessary to study these concepts from the point of view of cross-cultural communication and language picture of the world. The researcher focuses on the monolingual and polylingual analysis of the concepts. The researcher underlines that Russian-Chinese cross-cultural language relations is an understudied topic and thus is of great interest to researchers. The article is of theoretical nature and based on such research methods as analysis of researches and descriptive method. The main conclusions of the research are the following: comparative conceptology is a relatively new sphere of linguistics, however, much research has been already done in this sphere. However, Russian-Chinese cross-cultural language relations are still an understudied topic that lacks fuller research and better systematization. All this proves the importance of further researches in this sphere.
comparative conceptology, linguoculturological approach, linguo-cognitive approach, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural dialogue, monolingual researches, language paintings of the world, polylingual researches, conceptology, Concept
Question at hand
Sklyarova , O.S., Gorina , I.I. (2019). Classification Features of Antonyms as Part of the Monologue Text. Litera, 2, 53–59.
The subject of the research is the classification features and peculiar functions of antonyms as part of semantic-syntactical and expressive means in both fiction and journalism. The authors of the article focus not only on the constructive function of antonyms in the text organisation but also their clarification ability to underline particular features of images. Word combinations (pairs) with direct meaning within contextual antonymy may perform a special stylistic function and bear emphatic load. The main research method used by the author is the descriptive method, they have also applied the methodology that is based on peculiarities of language antonymy. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the peculiarities of language and author antonyms that are the functional binarity and semantic pragmatic meanings of opposition and conflict. In a text antonyms become an organic part of speech communication and connecting components. The main contribution of the authors is their in-depth analysis of peculiar semantic and cognitive pragmatic links in the structure of a literary text.
emphatic load, Fiction, antonymic pair, antonymic relations, antithesis, antonymic replacement, antonymy, antonyms, constructive function of antonyms, stylistic function
Question at hand
Liudmila , I.M. (2019). The Image of Jonathan Swift as a National Enlightener in Yeats' Play 'Words Upon the Windowpane'. Litera, 2, 60–67.
The subject of the article is the image of Jonathan Swift as a national enlightener in Yeats' play 'Words Upon the Windowpane'. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is the late play of Yeats that is left understudied by the Russian science, besides, creative individualty of Jonathan Swift is of great interest due to the artistic dialogue between two literary epochs, Modernism and Enlightenment. In the course of the research Makarova has analyzed spatiotemporal coordinates of the play, the main heroes, the meaning of the play title and the main function of the image of Jonathan Swift as a national enlightener in the Irish culture of the early XXth century. The study of the image of Jonathan Swift in Yeats' play is based on the combination of the structured system method, comparative historical method and hermeneutics. The novelty of the research is caused by the following: the analysis of the image of Swift as a national enlightener in Yeats' play 'Words Upon the Windowpane' has allowed to see the phenomenon of estrangement of the writer's figure which is an expected consequence of processes that were going on in the Irish literary movement of Enlightenment. The ideas of moral tenacity, freedom and responsibility defended by Johathan Swift were replaced with other values, ignorance of culture and despiritualization. Interpretation of the image of Jonathan Swift's fate as an 'outcasted' writer brings us closer to better understanding of the playwright's opinion on the fate of Ireland.
allusions, chronotope, dramaturgy, Ireland, Enlightenment, modernism, Swift, Yeats, image, detail
Question at hand
Pradid, O. (2019). The Language of Law: Questions of Stylistic Qualification. Litera, 2, 68–77.
The subject and the aim of the research is the official business style of modern Russian used as the language of law and other legal acts and regulations. The author of the article focuses on the stylistic qualification of law-making and law-enforcement texts and explains the grounds for using the term 'legal substyle'. Pradid also analyzes the interaction between business style and publicist writing style used within one document or presentation. The results of the research have a wide scope of application in the sphere of law-making and law-enforcement, in particular, in the process of legal linguistic expertise and research, office paperwork and business correspondence, and editorial revision, as well as teaching different linguistic disciplines and preparation of disciplines for students majoring in journalism and law. The research is based on findings in law linguistics, research in different spheres of language studies and use of methods, techniques and approaches including systems, functional, parametric approaches and etc. The research proves the language of law to be an independent functional style (substyle of business style) and gives the grounds for calling this substyle 'legal substyle'. Moreover, apart from secondary texts under modern conditions of the development of communicative abilities, their methods, techniques and strategies, another essential and important role for the social needs is played by the 'product' of shifting from business and publicistic style within the same document, or integral informative presentation that implies the use of not only documents but also additional means such as video clip.
legislative substyle, diplomatic substyle, legislative stylistics, language of law, juridical linguistics, official-business style, functional styles, legal substyle, office-paper substyle, writing style
Nevokshanova, A.A., Stefanchikov, I.V. (2019). The Role of Printed Media in the Development of Uruguayan National Identity in the First Third of the XXth Century. Litera, 2, 78–96.
This article is devoted to the development of Uruguayan national identity and how this process reflects in the printed media texts. In addition to that, the authors of the article also analyzes the historical environment of that period. Russian studies of Latin America have not studied Uruguay as the priority area of research. However, Uruguayan peculiarities of the national variant of Spanish have been traditionally discussed by a number of researches that cover quite a wide language material. The corpus of this research includes only Uruguayan texts, over 100 El Dia newspaper issues and other printed matter of that era. The methodological basis of the research is the discursive historical approach that implies the synthesis of linguistic data and historical, sociocultural and political contexts. The authors also define the main language means and discursive strategies used to develop the national consciousness. The authors conclude that texts of the printed media of the 1900 - 1930s have played a crucial role in the discursive construction of Uruguayan national identity that is created as the 'civil' cosmopolitan type balancing between Eurocentrism, regionalism and pan americanism and supported by sports achievements and mass events.
discourse analysis, national identity, Latin America, Uruguay, Uruguayan Spanish, dialectology, Spanish language, mass media, José Batlle y Ordóñez, sociolinguistics
Literary criticism
Pakhtusova, V. (2019). Genre Syncretism in Yury Nagibin's Story 'Fiery Protopope': on the Question about Leskov's Tradition in the Russian Prose of the Second Half of the XXth Century. Litera, 2, 97–102.
The article is devoted to the literary parallel between Leskov and Nagibin, the topic that has never been viewed before in earlier critical research despite the obvious existence of that parallel which was proved by confessions of Nagibin himself. The creativity of two writers is analyzed by the author of the article from the point of view of genre traditions. They prove that Nagibin often used Leskov's principles of genre syncretism. Based on the analysis of Nagibin's story 'Fiery Protopope', the author demonstrates how the writer worked with Leskov's genre model presented, in particular, in his novel 'One-Track Minded Person'. The methodological basis of the research includes theoretical research of M. Bakhtin, N. Leyderman, N. Tamarchenko, Yu. Tynyanov, V. Khalizev, L. Chernets and other researchers who viewed genre-related issues and touched upon the questions related to genre traditions. The author concludes that just like Leskov, Nagibin's story combined the features of a biographical essay, feuilleton, hagiography, and anecdote. Developing Leskov's genre model and expanding opportunities of the genre form, Nagibin brings a number of changes at the level of the genre content. The genre syncretism shown in Nagibin's texts generally reflects the trends typical for the literature of the second half of the XXth century and the reference to Leskov's texts reveals the sources of this tradition in the Russian literature and importance of the genre model that is based on the synthesis of different genre forms.
novelet, short story, genre analysis, literary parallel, Leskov, Nagibin, genre traditions, hagiography, anecdote, feuilleton
Zinecker, T. (2019). Substitution of a Component/Components as an Example of Occasional Use of Russian Paremiological Units: Experimental Research. Litera, 2, 103–109.
The subject of this research is the proper use of the mechanism of substitution of a component/components of Russian paremiological units by informants (native speakers) in the course of an experimental research. The researcher describes the experiment scheme and informants' responses that are viewed as examples of occasional use of Russian paremiological units with one kind of transformation. The analysis covers peculiarities of substitution of a paremiological unit component/components for components with similar, related or different semantics and stylistic effect resulting from it. In the course of the research the author has used the following methods: phraseological description developed by A. Kunin, contextual analysis, component analysis, linguistic experiment and continuous sampling from dictionaries. The main conclusions of the research are as follows. As long as a linguistic experiment has the proper scheme that implies awareness of informants (native speakers) on the mechanism of substitution of a component/components as an example of occasional transformation of paremiological units and developed conceptual and logical thinking, it is no problem to create bright examples of such substitutions. The most frequently used substitutions are the onse that use synonyms or lexical units of the same lexical and semantic group or the same lexical set, however, informants often substituted components of Russian paremiological units for lexemes that are not related semantically. The researcher has not discovered a single case of substityution of Russian paremiological units for antonyms. As a rule, informants substituted only one component, substitution of two or more components has been a rare case.
stereotype dominants, key components, structural-semantic transformation, substitution of components, occasional use, Russian language, paremiological unit, linguistic experiment, informants, native speakers
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Shen', Y. (2019). Daniel Kharms and Lao Tzu about the Aesthetical Perception of the World. Litera, 2, 110–117.
The subject of the research is the comparison of some leading features of Daniel Kharms' picture of the world to the images and ideas of Taoism, in particular, the idea of the 'perfect present' (item that can be the object of aesthetical pleasure) as being independent and practically senseless; the idea of plasticity or 'fluidity' of reason; the idea of aesthetical perception of the world as the denial of the borders between one's Self and the surrounding world. The author of the article also touches upon such issues as the evolution of Kharms' concepts whose late period of creativity gave a tragic emotional tone to the aforesaid ideas and images. The main target of critical analysis is the fictional prose, poems and articles written by Kharms as well as the ancient Chinese treatise Zhuang Zhou. The main research methods used by the author are the hermeneutical and comparative analysis. The article is of interdisciplinary nature: the author analyzes and compares literary and philosophical texts as well as texts of uncertain genre (ancient Chinese treatises). The author summarizes, clarifies and completes opinions of philologists and philosophy historians regarding the 'Taoism' in Kharms' aesthetics and offers his own comparisons. This particular research demonstrates not only similarity of some very important ideas of Kharms and Taoism but also crucial differences in the emotional coloring of these ideas in ancient Western philosophy and artwork of the Europeans of the XXth century.
Immanuel Kant, image of water, OBERIU, Lao Tzu, Chinese culture, Taoism, Leonid Lipavsky, Daniel Kharms, the aesthetic, Eastern culture reception
Literary criticism
Poletaeva, E.A. (2019). Lyrics to Friends in a Literary Group 'The Moscow Time'. Litera, 2, 118–125.
The subject of the research is the main trends in lyrics to friends created by a literary group The Moscow Time. The object of the research is the poems written by the poets who were the members of The Moscow Time devoted to friends or related to friendship. Lyrics to friends of The Moscow Time writers have never been a matter of special research in literary studies before. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the main patterns discovered in the poems devoted by The Moscow Time poets to their friends. The researcher focuses on intertextual references as part of friendship lyrics created by the literary group. The research is based on the comparative historical and analytical methyods. The author has also used theoretical provisions of L. Ginzburg's researches. The singularity of The Moscow Time group is their desire to unite and create the image of a fellowship like Pushkin's circle or Duma's three musketeers. The features of their fellowship is the opposition to the other world, jokes, friendly notes, discussions of politics, religion and philosophy. The poets also share memories about their young years spent together and commemorate dead friends.
epistle to friends, lyrics to friends, Poletaeva, Tsvetkov, Soprovsky, Kenjeev, Gandlevsky, The Moscow Time, unofficial literature, uncensored literature
Literary criticism
Alkhlavova, I.K. (2019). Gender-Specific Featurs of Jaminat Kerimova's Poetry (the Case Study of her Love Lyrics). Litera, 2, 126–136.
The subject of the research is the gender-specific features of the poetry of of a modern Kumyk female poet of the late XXth - early XXIst century Jaminat Kerimova. The object of the research is her love lyrics. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as 'female poetry', masculine world view, difference between 'male' and 'female' poetry. For example, unlike men women tend to give a more emotional and pathetic description of their surroundings, love and family life because women usually depict the sphere of life that is close and clear for them themselves. The researcher also covers important motives in female poetry such as the motif of one-way love, destroyed illusions, unhappy family life, unrealized dreams of being a mother, etc. In the course of the research the author has used such research methods as comparison, psychological analysis and description. The main results of the research include: descripton of 'female' features of creative writing, typical featurse being pathetics and listening to one's heart, as well as description of the ideological features, genre and structure of images used by Kerimova. The author's special contribution to the topic is her analysis of specific features of female poetry which gives a better insight into gender-related issues. The dominating motif in female lyrics is love that demonstrates gender-specific style most brightly. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes creative writing of Jaminat Kerimova whose literary legacy is still understudied as part of Kumyk and Dagestan literature.
main motives, feminity, gender-specific language, gender stereotypes, love lyrics, modern Kumyk poetry, Dagestan literature, artistic and expressive means, poetic expressiveness, pathetics
Literary criticism
Efimov, A.S. (2019). Anti-Nihilistic Novel and Gothic Novel: Raising a Question. Litera, 2, 137–152.
The article is devoted to an understudied issue, the relation of Russian anti-nihilistic novel (1860 - 1880) to gothic novel or, in a wide sense, European and Russian gothic literature. The scope of the research covers a number of Russian and foreign researches directly or indirectly discussing the relation 'anti-nihilistic - gothic novel'. In accordance with the research objectives and targets, the author provides an insight into the matter and describes the areas for his research. The main research methods used by the author include bibliographical, biographical, motif and plot analysis, comparison and historical literary research. The main issues related to the Russian nihilism - gothics relation include the question about whether there was a gothic plot in an anti-nihilist novel; the influence of gothic literature on the creative method of particular authors in anti-nihilistic novel, goals of gothic poetics in Russian anti-nihilistic novel, the influence of gothic poetics on the development of eschatological motifs of Apocalypse in Russian anti-nihilistic novels. Trying to describe the general meaning of addressing of anti-nihilistic authors to the poetics of gothic novel, the author of the article comes to the concept of the 'highest analytical meaning' of anti-nihilistic novel when conclusions are mystical prophesy and discovers the need in an anagogic interpretation of a text. Thus, references to gothics in an anti-nihilistic novel are not limited to the borrowing of expressive means but relate to the Russian eschatology issue.
anàgogical interpretation, gothic motif, Àpocalypse, demonization, nihilism, gothic novel, ànti-nihilistic novel, poetics, gothic plot, symbolism
Kereshun, A.V. (2019). Author Aphorism as an Element of the Manipulation Chain in the USA Election Political Discourse. Litera, 2, 153–158.
The subject of the research is aphorisms in political discourse which a frequently met phenomenon. Peculiarity of the electical political discourse preparation is the intent of a speaker to influence the target audience. In his research Kereshun focses on the author aphorism that is used as one of the techniques of influencing the target audience. Thus, the aim of the article is to analyze peucliarities of manipulative use of author aphorism in the political discourse. Aphorism is viewed as the core of a manipulative construct. In his research Kereshun has used the interpretative method and definition analysis method as well as Charles Pears' semiotic theory. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies the manipulative potential of aphorism The analysis carried out allows to define the borders as well as describe active elements of the manipulation chain that uses aphorism as the core of the chain. Moreover, the researcher extends and clarifies the definition of aphorism in general.
world of actions, world of values, inerpretanta, manipulation, aphorism, discourse, politics, sign, technology, term
Pogorelova, I.V., Shiryaeva, Z.L. (2019). Latin Alphabet Borrowings in V. Pelevin's Novel 'iPHUCK10'. Litera, 2, 159–164.
The subject of the research is the English borrowings in a Cyrillic text. The object of the research is the Latin alphabet borrowings in V. Pelevin's novel iPHUCK10. Describing the matter under research, the author underlines that there are certain cultural, political, economical and civilizational procsses behind borrowing as a language process. The importance of the research object (i.e. exclusion of Latin borrowings in a Cyrillic text from the scope of analysis) is caused by a great number of Latin borrowings in a Cyrillic text of a novel which makes the latter to be a matter of particular research. The authors of the article analyze Latin borrowings in the novel from the point of view of their structural and distributive features. This implies the use of such methods of linguistic analysis as structural, quantitative, distributive and content analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the integral analysis of functional of Latin borrowings in a Cyrillic text. The main conclusions of the research is the provisions about structural, distributive and meta-communicative peculiarities of aforesaid units. The authors' special contribution to the topic is the description of basic metafunctions (descriptive and coding) performed by Latin borrowings in the novel.
graphic hybrid, metainformation, textual heterogeneity, postmodernism, Cyrillic text, metafunction, English borrowing, borrowing, self - other, post-industrial society
Shitkova, M. (2019). Interaction of Verbal Sequences in a Literary Text. Litera, 2, 165–174.
The subject of the research is a verbal sequence as a type of a text. The term under research refers to text stylitics and thus requires analysis of a text from the point of view of use of language. Such approach allows to speak about peculiarities of narration in general but not only language facts that can be discovered. The author of the article focuses on kinds of interaction of verbal sequences in literary texts and describes such kinds of interaction as 'interpenetration', 'collision' and 'parallel development' of verbal sequences in a literary text. To achieve the research targets, the author has applied linguistic analysis methods as well as observation, analysis and synthesis which have allowed to discover internal relations between language facts in the texts under research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that verbal sequences have been mentioned but rarely studied by Russian science. The analysis carried out by the author has allowed to discover different variants of verbal composition and has pointed out that there is a certain connection between how verbal sequences are organized in a text and what message the writer wants to convey. Thus, the researcher emphasizes the importance of verbal sequences in a literary text and underlines the need for further research.
Vinogradov, language unit, use of language, verbal composition, verbal sequence, stylistic analysis, text stylistics, category of text, text, Gorshkov
Matytcina, M. (2019). Areas for Integration of Critical Discourse Analysis into Empirical Tool of Political Research. Litera, 2, 175–182.
The subject of the research of the areas for critical review of modern critical discourse analysis as a theoretical and practical discipline as well as anaylsis of new courses of development of modern critical discourse. The aim of this research is to describe practical use of critical discourse analysis and analyze new areas for critical discourse analysis development such as analysis of multimodal featurs thus underlying the reasonability of inclusion it into the methodological framework of modern science. The author of the article emphasizes the need in a scientifically-based definition of critical discourse analysis. Opportunities and limitations of critical discourse analysis demonstrate prospects of integration of this interdisciplinary quality method into empirical tools of political research, this proving the reasonabiilty and pratical importance of its integration into a set of methods of modern political research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of soem limitations of critical discourse analysis as a scientific approach such as the absence of general principles and methods of research and scientific objectivity, inconsistency, inaccurate selection of material, consideration of the environment and heuristics of cognitive linguistics and analysis model. The author has also describes new trends of modern critical discourse. Obviously, the time has come to critically review theoretical and methodological approaches and gruonds typical for critical discourse analysis as a research method.
interdisciplinary, applied direction, scientific objectivity, social context, political science methodology, critical approach, critical discourse analysis, gender marking, corpus linguistics, quantitative methods
Poulaki, P. (2019). Visual Poetry in Ancient Persian Poetry. Litera, 2, 183–192.
This article is devoted to the analysis of visual peotry in the literature of ancient Iran as well as the relation between ancient Persian literature of the Xth century and European (French) poetry of the XIXth - XXth century, in particular, the influence of the latter on the former. Based on the example of calligrams of a French avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire the author of the article studies the hypothesis about European authors borrowing graphical forms and visual techniques from ancient Persian sources. Pulaki focuses on such genre of Persian visual poetry as توشیح (toshih) and its kinds. In addition,the author also views the phenomenon of visuality in the Azerbaijani style of Iran poetry of the XIIth century. The researcher analyzes forms of visual poetry in the literature of ancient Iran as well as analyzes the relation between ancient Persian literature of the Xth century and European (French) poetry of the XIXth - XXth century expressed as the influence of the former on the latter based on the examples of calligrams of a French avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire.
visuality, calligram, acrostic, Azerbaijani style, ancient Persian poetry, ancient Persian literature, concrete poetry, Visual poetry, imagery, chart
Eternal symbols
Kletckaya, S. (2019). Nabokov's 'Lolita' and 'Gift': Plot and Event Parallels. Litera, 2, 193–204.
The subject of the research is the plot and event parallels that can be found in Nabokov's two novels, Lolita and Gift. According to the author of the article, the intertextual reference of Gift and Lolita is not limited to the episode where a simple variant of Lolita's plot is mentioned in Gift, the last novel Nabokov wrote in Russian. Plot parallels can be also found in details and circumstances of Fedor Godunov'Cherdyntsev becoming close to Zina Mertz in Gift (the episode when Fedor inspected the apartment where Zina lived with her mother and step-father) and the first meeting of Gumbert Gumbert with Lolita when inspecting Charlotte Geiz' house. In her research Kletskaya has used the comparative method as well as elements of the formal and structured analysis methods. Based on the important role of the tragic love story in the creativity of Nabokov as it is traditionally viewed by Russian science, the author of the article carries out a comparative analysis of the aforesaid plots and makes conclusions that cast light on the long history of Nabokov's working on that plot. The researcher also makes a hypothesis about self-quoting of Gift in Lolita.
intertext links, intertext, plot parallels, plot story, plot, “Gift”, comparative analysis, “Lolita”, Nabokov, literature of the twentieth century
Shestakova, I. (2019). Methods Used in Russian Prose of the XX - Early XXIst Century to Convey the Phenomenological Vision of the World . Litera, 2, 205–214.
The articlei s devoted to the methods used in Russian prose to convey the phenomenological world view based on the example of M. Shishkin's stories from the 'Coat with Half-Belt' series and V. Kazakevich's novel 'The Unicorn Will Come For Me'. Using sensor reactions of the main characters, the researcher proves the specific nature of phenomenological poetics based on acute perception of the surroudning world which has become the expression of ethic escapism. The researcher also describes the continuity of modern authors and classical writers such as Bunin and Nabokov whose creative works became a certain response to social cataclysms and disasters. The researcher has applied the descriptive research method as well as comparison of M. Shishkin's and V. Kazakevich's prose. This has allowed to answer the question why the XXIst century, the era of relative peace and social stability, faced interest in the phenomenological prose. For example, while Kazakevich's motif was to enrich the gloom village reality with the help of child's fantasy, Shishkin's character coping with the death of his close one became emerged in his own feelings up to erasing the borders with the surrounding world but always remaining his self. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that phenomenological prose has become a rather important part of today's prose.
selfhood, classic, prose, poetics, tradition, sensorics, modern literature, Phenomenology, escapism, transformation
Ignatov, I.A. (2019). Semantics and Functions of the Word 'Citizen' in Modern Russian Language (the Case Study of Mass Media Language). Litera, 2, 215–223.
The article isd devoted to the analysis of the word 'citizen' that reflects the relation between a person and state. According to the author, it is necessary to analyze the semantics of this lexeme to better understand the general concept of human. At the early XXIst century that lexeme had seven definitions, three definitions prevailing: 1. Humans inhabitting the territory and following the law who are often opposed to state and ruling class. 2. Individual element of the society, often carelessly used instead of words 'men', 'personality', 'individual' to name an adult, profession or go before a propery name lik Mrs or Mr. The research is based on the use of contextual and lexical semantic research methods and implis analysis of mass media texts of the early XXIst century as well as the National Corpus of the Russian language (1002 contexts) taking into account Russian definition dictionaries. Thus, the word 'citizen' denotes one's attitude to the state. It is an active element of the language and has semantic relations to other words and lexemes. The analysis of the semantic structure and functions of this word in modern Russian language has never been carried out on the basis of mass media.
human, vocabulary, Russian language, semantic field, citizen, lexical-semantic variants, word semantics, lexical-semantic method, contextual method, system-functional approach
Liashenko, T. (2019). On the Functions of Propery Names in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's Novel 'The Golovlyov Family'. Litera, 2, 224–235.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of proper names in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel 'The Golovlyov Family'. This is the issue that has not been duly studied by Russian science and thus provides a wide area for research. The subject of the research is both male and female propery names used in the novel. The researcher emphasizes the etymology of anthroponyms as well as word-making models used in the anthroponymic system of the novel. The object of the research is the polyfunctionality of propery names in a literary work. The methodological basis of the research is V. Vinogradov's and other researchers' views as well as those of researchers in general and special theory of anthroponimics. The author comes to the conclusion that a name performs many functions in the novel The Golovlyov Family'. The role of anthroponyms is not limited to only naming function but contribute to the identification of a character. Names reflect distinguished features of the novel characters (i.e. perform the function of describing a personality), emphasizes relations between heroes, clarifies the author message, thus becoming an element of the narrative plot and means of conveying the message of the novel.
word formation, semantics, proper noun, Russian literature, the semantic function, literary character, onomastics, etymology, novel, polyfunctionality
Lobanova, T.N. (2019). Foreign Policy Issues in China's Political Media Discourse: Linguistic Analysis (the Case Study of the CCTV中文国际 Channel). Litera, 2, 236–250.
The subject of the research is foreign policy issues covered by China's political media discourse. The object of the research is China's political media discourse. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topicas 'analytical concept of China's political media discourse, structure and features' and 'discursive practices'. The main method used in the research is the analysis of media texts of news and analytical channels 《CCTV 中文国际》, 《CCTV 中文国际频道》 and 《深度国际》 browseable by the Russian audience on 'nettlesome' foreign policy issues. The researcher focuses on the issues related to the language development of such political discourses as 'American-Chinese Trade War of 2018' and 'USA's Withdrawal from a Treaty' in China's state media. Using the methods of qualitative and quantitative content-analysis, critical discourse analysis combined with methods of contextual political analysis, the author of the article analyzes essentual features of China's position in international relations. The main result of the research include description of peculiarities of discoursive practices in China's media. The concept of China's political media discourse covered in this article combined with interdisciplinary methodology cause the novelty of the research because there are the aspects that have never been a matter of complex research in Russian language studies so far. The author's special contribution to the analysis of political discourse is the discourse-analysis of untranslated analytical broadcasts of China's media. The author renews the problems of the political discourse and defines the main linguistic features of China's media texts (based on the examples of 《CCTV 中文国际》 channel).
translation, linguistic analysis, mediatext, China, foreign policy analysis, content analysis, discourse practices, critical discourse analysis (CDA), China`s political media discourse, foreign policy media topics
Ganskaya, E.N. (2019). Soviet Mass Song as a Form of Ideology. Litera, 2, 251–261.
This article is devoted to the analysis of ideological discourses around the Soviet mass song that have certainly made the influence on the development thereof. Since the moment of creation of the USSR and up to 1960s the musical culture of the Soviet Union had been under full control of the government (all mass media and means of producing and distribution of cultural products were in state hands. According to the Party's opinion, a new country needed a new art. Therefore, in the very first years the USSR created the genre of Soviet mass song. In fact, it was the only form of vocal and instrumental art that was permitted in the country. The interdisciplinary nature of the subject has made the author to appeal to the historical culturological and discoursive methods of analysis. The first researchers of the mass song believed the main fature of the song to be its conformity to the principles of nationality, ideological commitment and specifity, however, today researchers view ideological bias as the main feature of the Soviet state singing culture. The latter reflects the opinion of the researches of those times, too. Based on a number of examples, the author of the articlel demonstrates how the Soviet 'meaning-making machine' functioned.
government procurement, ideology, socialist realism, soviet popular culture, estrada, soviet mass song, social procurement, Jolly Fellows, Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, Leonid Utyosov