Literary criticism
Shchepalina, V. (2018). Sources of Alejandro Casona's Individual Author's Style. Litera, 3, 1–10.
The object of the resaerch is an individual author's style of a Spanish playwright Alejandro Casona. The subject of the research is the process of Alejandro Casona developing his author's style. The author of the article analyzes the factors that influenced the process such as facts of Casona's biography (his childhood in Asturias, work as a country teacher, participation in Teachers' missions, career as a screenwriter) as well as global literary process that were ongoing back in those times (reformation of the style of the representatives of the 98s, movement of Spanish modernism and new drama, influence of impressionism on literature). In her research Schepalina applied biographical, psychological, comparative methods, stylistic analysis as well as observation, generalisation and description. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that there are no major researches devoted to Casona in Russin academic literature. The present research gives an insight into sources of the playwright's artistic style and thus makes a contribution to understanding the literary process in Spain of the 20th century. The illustrations provided by the author allow to prove theoretical concepts offered by the researcher.
Azorín, Valle Inclán, Spanish modernism, literary method, individual author's style, Spanish theatre, Alejandro Casona, new drama, epithet, poetic sign
Question at hand
Klyuev , N.A. (2018). The Social Media Concept in Russian Linguistic Consciousness (Based on the Literature Analysis and Psycholinguistic Experiment). Litera, 3, 11–21.
The subject of this research is the structure of the social media concept in Russian linguistic consciousness. The purpose of this research is to present the structure of the social media concept from the point of view of cognitive interpretation of linguistic units that comprise the nominative area thereof. According to the author of the article, social media is the phenomenon that is interesting not only for basic users but also professional researchers and specialists of different spheres (marking, journalism, philology, communication, etc.). The research method used by the author for his research was the comparative analysis of professional literature and results of psycholinguistic experiment. Experimental material has been collected by using the method of direct interpretation of words in a form of a network survey. The results of the research have demonstrated that the social medial concept refers to the categorial type of conceptual structures and the key classification features of social media are people, communication and Internet resource. Nominations that denote these features comprise the core of the concept categorial structure. Bright cognitive features also include the 'network' feature that acts as a prototype for the social media category which has been proved by other researchers.
digital communication, internet-communication, psycholinguistic experiment, internet-discourse, cognitive linguistics, social networks, social media, psycholinguistics, category, concept
Literary criticism
Kuzmin, G. (2018). 'Morki Text' in Mari Prose (on the Problem Statement). Litera, 3, 22–27.
In his research Kuzmin brings forth the problem of the local (regional) text, in particular, 'Morki text' in Mari folk literature. In his research Kuzmin gives a definition of 'Morki text' in terms of existing definitions of 'St. Petersburg text', 'Moscow text', 'Northern text', etc. and defines the key factors that contributed to the origin and development of Morki text. In his research Kuzmin pays special attention to the geographical factor in the development of Morki text and describes the main features of the message, problem, topic, narration and style unity of all Morki texts. This article is of theoretical and methodological nature. Therein the author applies analytical, systems and comparative methods of literary analysis. Kuzmin analyzes Russian academic approaches to analyzing the origin, development and current state of local supertexts from the point of view of their importance and possibility to be used to describe the term 'Morki text' in Mari folk prose.
geographical factor, factors of formation, morki text, local text, supertext, art structure, Mari prose, Mari literature, content core, poetics
Literary criticism
Skalnaya, Y. (2018). Genre Innovation of Bernard Shaw's Play 'Saint Joan': at the Origins of a Documentary Theatre. Litera, 3, 28–38.
The subject of this research is the place of an Irish playwright Bernard Shaw in the history of the documentary theatre development. Contrary to common belief that the founder of the docudrama performance was a theatre director Erwin Piscator and the founder of the docudrama methodology was Bertolt Brecht, the author of this article points out that Shaw's plays preceded them. As the proof of her thesis, Skalnaya has chosen to analyze the play 'Saint Joan' (1920) written by Shaw right after the First World War. This research is structured as having three parts. The first part of the research is devoted to the analysis of the principles used by the playwright as the written evidence of that epoch demonstrate. The first part of the research proves that Shaw used a lot of verbatim (paraphrase and direct quotes from historical sources). The second part of the article is intended to extend the interpretation of 'document' in docudrama and provide examples of how the images of Joan of Arc and her contemporaries in fine arts and sculpture impacted the appearance of Shaw's play characters. In the final part of the research the author appeals to the comparison of the present and previous experience of the documentary theatre and traces back the performance of 'Saint Joan'. In the process of the research the author has used the historical literary method that involves analysis of the biographical, historical and cultural contexts of creation of a play, as well as the comparative method that allows to compare different points of view on the matter of the research. The author has also used some elements of the close reading technique. The results of the research demonstrate that Shaw's play 'Saint Joan' has all the typical features of the docudrama which proves the innovative nature of the play and explains why the play was not accepted by Shaw's contemporaries. Generally speaking, the conclusions made by Skalnaya in her research, create grounds for reviewing the current chronology of docudrama and tribunal theatre development.
docudrama, verbatim, obvious anachronism, modernization of history, philosophy of history, history play, genre, Saint Joan, Bernard Shaw, tribunal theatre
Literary criticism
Volkhovskaia, A. (2018). Life and Creative Writing of Alexandr Pushkin in the Eyes of Spanish Writers of the Generation 98 . Litera, 3, 39–45.
The article is devoted to rare episodes of Spanish writers of the Generation 98 referring to the creative legacy of Alexandr Pushkin. In her research Volkhovskaya gives several extracts from Pio Baroja's, Miguel de Unamuno's and Antonio Machado's texts in which they either quoted or analyzed Alexandr Pushkin's stories. All quotations are published and translated by the author of the article for the first time. The article is ended with the conclusions about new ways of perception of Alexandr Pushkin's creative writing by the aforesaid Spanish writers. In her research Volkhovskaya applies the method of comparative historical analysis and analyzes extracts from texts written by Spanish writers of the Generation 98 that contained mentioning biographical facts or references to Alexandr Pushkin's writings. The author's special contribution to the topic is the discovery and translation of all available Spanish extracts by the writers of the Generation 98 about Pushkin. The main result of the research is the discovery of new ways of perception of Alexandr Pushkin's biography and creative writing by Spanish readers.
Boris Godunov, Emilia Pardo Bazàn, russian literature, Antonio Machado, Pio Baroja, Miguel de Unamuno, literature generation, Spanish literature, Aleksandr Pushkin, Rusalka
Literary criticism
Demicheva, N. (2018). The Problem of Historical Literary Analysis of The Capture of Pskov Tale. Litera, 3, 46–56.
This article is devoted to The Capture of Pskov Tale from the Pskov First Chronicle and Sofia First Chronicle. The object of the research is the ideology and poetics of The Capture of Pskov Tale and the late introduction thereto. In her research Demicheva emphasizes the fact that the system of expressive means used correlates to the message of the author (or editor). The Capture of Pskov Tale is viewed by the author of the article in terms of traditions of Russian chronicle writing. In particular, Demicheva analyzes transformation of the extract 'Slovo' by Serapion of Vladimir therein. In her research Demicheva uses the method of historical literary analysis of Old Russian literature developed by V. Adrianova-Perets, D. Likhachev, I. Eremin, A. Demin, and A. Pautkin. The author of the article concludes that The Capture of Pskov Tale in the Pskov First Chronicle conveys the point of view of Pskov citizens who were loyal towards the reign of the great Muscovite prince and very negative towards Muscovite governors of Pskov. The introduction to The Capture of Pskov Tale of the Pskov First Chronicle and The Capture of Pskov Tale in the Sofia First Chronicle express a more negative attitude to the capture of Pskov to Moscow than in The Capture of Pskov Tale itself as part of the Pskov First Chronicle Tale. Therein the author of the introduction emphasized the fact that Pskov was an independent city before the events of 1509 - 1510 took place. Based on the analysis of chronicles, the author of the article disputes a point of view that the introduction to The Capture of Pskov Tale in the Pskov First Chronicle was written in Novgorod.
ideology, Vasili III, Old Russian literature, Russian chronicles, Pskov Chronicles, Sofia First Chronicle, Pskov First Chronicle, the Capture of Pskov, poetics, Slovo by Serapion of Vladimir
Question at hand
Khomyakov , S.A. (2018). Architectonics of the Frame Text (the Analysis of Anna Ahmatova's 'Poem Without a Hero'). Litera, 3, 57–68.
The subject of this research is the structure elements (the frame), in particular, in Anna Ahmatova's 'Poem Without a Hero'. In his research Khomyakov focuses on such elements of the 'frame text' as the title, epigraphs, dedications, nota benes that have their own semantics and serve the purpose to tell the reader about preceding events. Specific features of using a particular frame element are predetermined by genre peculiarities of Ahmatova's literary work. Elements included by the poet in the text of Poem Without a Hero conform with a strict hierarchy and model the space-and-time relations between one another and within the tissue of the main text in each of three parts of the literary work. The analysis of Anna Ahmatova's Poem Without a Hero is based on the comparative analysis and structural-semantic method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes all 'frame' elements of the final (the 9th) edition of Anna Ahmatova's Poem Without a Hero. The researcher offers an improved definition of a text as a literary work as well as definitions of literary work tissue and text tissue, as a result of his in-depth analysis of Anna Ahmatova's final literary work.
frame, time, space, chronotop, frame text, Ahmatova Anna Andreevna, Poem without a hero, text’s composition, architectonics, text
Kudryavtseva, R.A. (2018). The Theme of Bread in Terms of the Axiological Potential of Contemporary Mari and Chuvash Prose. Litera, 3, 69–75.
Within the axiological paradigm of modern literature in the Volga region, an artistic solution to the topic of bread in Mari and Chuvash prose is considered. The subject of the concrete analysis is the value nature of the image of bread in the stories of the Mari writer Yuri Artamonov “A weighty loaf” and the Chuvash writer Eva Lisina “A piece of bread”. The article reveals the value-semantic potential of the topic of bread in its universal, ethnodirectional and individual authorial expression of it; considered some aspects of the poetics of works, actualized in the framework of their axiological content. The research methodology is determined by the structural-semantic and comparative analysis of works. The results of the study can be in demand when building a modern scientific strategy of comparative literature in the Volga region and its practical implementation. It is proved that in both works an important component of the author's concept is the idea of bread as the source of life and happiness. But if, in the story of Yu. Artamonov, this thought gives rise to the image of an almost ideal hero-worker creating this value, then in the story by E. Lisina, inserted into the context of the artistic description of an absurd world, it, while retaining its moral component, is combined with a humanistic appeal.
Eva Lisina, Yuri Artamonov, Chuvash literature, Mari literature, axiological paradigm of literature, literary comparative studies, the theme of bread, story, poetics, artistic sense
Question at hand
Shi, S. (2018). The Images of the 'New Person' in Anton Chekhov's Plays 'Three Sisters' and 'The Cherry Orchard' . Litera, 3, 76–84.
The article describes the typical features of the new man on the example of the dramatic characters of Chekhov. The subject of the research is Chekhov's play “Three Sisters” and “The Cherry Orchard”. The object of the study was the type of "new person" in the dramaturgy of the writer. Particular attention is paid to the plays of the early twentieth century, where the author presents heroes corresponding to the typological characteristic of the “new person”. The purpose of the work is the image of the “new person” in Chekhov's plays “Three Sisters” and “The Cherry Orchard”. In the course of the work, it was found out that the images of “new people” that appeared in Russian literature of the 19th century are vividly shown in the dramatic works of Chekhov. When considering the dramatic heritage of the most popular playwright of the twentieth century. applied comparative typological method of research. The method of research used by the author is the holistic analysis of the texts. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author considers the work of Chekhov from the perspective of the original author's point of view, in revealing the author's vision of the characters of the two plays, which are very popular. The practical significance of our study lies in the possibility of using its results and conclusions at elective classes on Chekhov's work.
Three sisters, new person, play, new people, Trofimov, Vershinin, Tuzenbach, Chekhov, cherry orchard, business man
Gavrilova, N. (2018). John Friedman's Essay, or About Anton Chekhov's Plays in Modern Theatre. Litera, 3, 85–94.
The proposed article examines the current state of Chekhov's plays in theatrical productions in connection with a provocative essay by the English theater critic John Friedman. The aim of the study is to study the problem of the current state of Chekhov's plays in the modern theater and to refute the judgments proposed by D. Friedman about the need to stop Chekhov's productions due to the loss of the original meaning of the plays. In the course of the work, the main provisions of the English critic concerning the playwriting of A.P. Chekhov and the place of the Russian playwright in the modern theater and world literature are examined, and the controversy that arose in Chekhovsky Vestnik in response to an essay among literary critics, theater critics, directors and students. The basis of our research is based on such literary methods as: comparative, analytical, critical, typological, historical and functional. The ambiguity of interpretations of Chekhov's plays has long been a concern for Chekhovs, and the novelty of our research is that this work contributes to the broadening of views on this problem and contributes to the study of today's attitude to Chekhov's plays and the semantic content of his drama. In addition, the point of view of the English critic and the controversy of Chekhov's experts on the work did not previously become independent objects of study. As a result of the work, a conclusion was proposed on the undying interest in Chekhov's plays, the depth of which pushes the directors to constantly rethink them. Thus, the development of modern theater can not be imagined without Chekhov's plays.
modern theater, theatre criticism, adaptation, interpretation, Chekhov, drama, theatre studies, literary criticism, John Friedman, Chekhov's Bulletin
Literary criticism
Spivakovsky, P. (2018). The Tragic in Russian Metamodernism Literature. Litera, 3, 95–102.
The article is devoted to the tragic metanarration in modern Russian metamodern literature and the theoretical substantiation of the new understanding of tragedy in the culture of recent decades, partly connected with postmodern epistemology and at the same time based on overcoming the limitations imposed by orthodox postmodern theory. The statements of a number of contemporary cultural researchers associated with the criticism of the shortcomings of the theory of postmodernism are considered. The article analyzes the works of Victor Pelevin and Vladimir Sorokin, and provides an interdisciplinary analysis metamodernistskogo tragedy on the material of the Viennese production of the opera by Giuseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" at the Salzburg Festival 2005 Special attention is paid to the relation between classical postmodern theory and more modern metamodernistskoy theoretical system as a phenomenon of the postmodern era . Thanks to the use of metamodern theory, it becomes clear that many works of modern Russian literature that were considered postmodernist are more reasonable to be understood in a metamodernist context that removes postmodernist bans on seriousness, depth and tragedy. This makes it possible to discover in the works of recent times new semantic layers that remained outside the field of view of researchers.
A Month in Dachau, Generation ‘P’, depthiness, Vladimir Sorokin, Victor Pelevin, tragic, postmodernity, postmodernism, metamodernism, Damilola Karpov
Literary criticism
Zhitenev, A. (2018). Sensory and Affective Codes in Sergey Popov's Poetry. Litera, 3, 103–112.
The purpose of the work is to identify the principles of the formation of the artistic world in the lyrics of the Voronezh poet Sergei Popov. The subject of the research is sensory and affective motifs in a poetic text. It is established that the principles of reflection of sensual and emotional memory in the structure of the artistic world of Sergey Popov are determined by the desire to overcome the chaotic state of the world. The work of memory has a “therapeutic” character, but it is not connected with the restoration of a torn personal history, but with the irrational introduction to the creative forces of being. The main tool of analysis is a motivational analysis in conjunction with elements of the approaches developed in the “history of emotions” and the practice of analyzing representations of corporeality. In the lyrics of Sergey Popov, memory restores subjectivity through the intensity of sensual detail, when the “Self” experiences its dissolution in the natural world, by replacing the “reverse” view with the “childish” sight. The most important thing in this experience is the collision with the language outside the language, with the experience of “fire” or “river” as statements, in which the sign and thing are not separated. Sensual contemplation, always associated with memory, is portrayed “ecstatically,” as a state that presupposes a bodily renewal of “Self.”
motivic analysis, the art world, Sergey Popov, Voronezh literature, Voronezh poetry, history of emotions, modern poetry, affective codes, sensory codes, representation of the memory
Dashkevich, D. (2018). Peculiarities of Phonetical Accent in Pronounciation of Russian Alveolar Fricatives in the Speech of IndoEuropean Language Speakers. Litera, 3, 113–121.
The object of the research is the interfered Russian speech of speakers of a number of Indo-European languages. In the course of the study, two tasks were set: to record and analyze the phonetic accent of speakers of different-structured languages; to identify universal difficulties in the assimilation of Russian front-lingual noisy consonants, typological and specific features that appear when pronouncing noisy front-lingual consonants in interfered Russian speech of speakers of some languages of the Romance, Germanic and Slavic groups. The main methods for solving the tasks set in the work are comparative, descriptive and experimental. The basis for the study was the linguistic experiment, which consisted in recording the audio carrier and the subsequent analysis of the interfered Russian speech of foreigners using a special technique. In the linguistic experiment, materials for recording were used, constructed taking into account the differences between the phonetic system of the Russian language and the phonetic systems of the students' native languages.The novelty of the study lies in the fact that as a result of the linguistic experiment, a material was collected that allowed to give an analytical understanding of the similarities and discrepancies in the phonetic accents of speakers of different structural languages, to determine the universal difficulties encountered by all foreigners studying Russian, typological difficulties and typological features of the emphasis of speakers some languages, including unrelated ones, as well as specific errors that occurred in speakers of specific languages. Taking into account the data of the analysis, it is possible to create a training course for Russian sounding speech for speakers of Indo-European languages.
Slavic languages, alveolar fricatives, specific, typological, universal, foreign accent, phonetical interference, Romance languages, Germanic languages, differencing languages
Literary criticism
Seredina, A.O. (2018). Ekphrasis as the Expressive Means of Appolon Grigoreiv's Religious Views. Litera, 3, 122–135.
In her research Seredina considers religious and aesthetic views of Apollon Grigoriev reflected on the poetics of his fiction and epistolary heritage. The focus is on religious ecphrasis, that is, descriptions of icons, images of the Madonna, frescoes, temples and monasteries. An extensive material is drawn such as texts of Grigoriev’s early prose of the mid-1840s, essays and letters of the turn of the 1850s-1860s, as well as the final work of the writer, the memoirs "My Literary and Moral Wanderings". The theoretical basis for the immanent comparative analysis is the works of N.V. Braginskaya, N.G. Morozova, E.V. Yatsenko on ecphrasis. The study found that Appolon Grigoriev put forward different requirements in evaluating a secular work of art and a work claiming to be sacred. The author of the article also traces the peculiarities of interaction between the categories of nationality and sacredness in the concepts of Appolon Grigoriev. In this article Seredina continues her analysis of the theme of ecphrasis in the prosaic heritage of Appolon Grigorieva who had not previously attracted the special attention of literary critics.
letters, memoirs, prose, Apollon Grigoriev, architecture, painting, religious ekphrasis, Madonna, pochvennichestvo, Moscow
Literary criticism
Borozdina, M. (2018). Nikolay Chaev's Poem 'Nadya'. On the Question about Transformation of the Poem Genre in the Russian Literature of the 1870s. Litera, 3, 136–142.
This article is devoted to the question of the transformation of the genre of the poem in Russian literature of the 1870s. The object of the research is the poem “Nadya” by Nikolay Chaev, a Russian writer who in the literary environment is mostly known as the author of historical dramas and chronicles from ancient Russian history. The purpose of our study is to confirm the idea that in the 1870s, writers try to peculiarly revive the seemingly outdated genre of the poem, essentially transforming it. In the course of the analysis of the stated theme, the author of the work relies on the following literary methods: cultural-historical, comparative, genre-historical. As a result, the author of this study establishes that Nikolay Chaev, while writing 'Nadya', crosses two lines of the Russian poem of the 19th century, the manor and the folk, thus creating in the second half of the 1870s a new type of poem that best meets the requirements of the times.
history of Russian literature, Nekrasov, Fet, Turgenev, Russian homestead, folklore, poetry, Chaev, Russian poem, lyric-epic genre
World literature
Aleksandrova, T. (2018). Apocryphal Motifs in the Poetry of Empress Eudocia. Litera, 3, 143–153.
The object of this study is the two works that are thought to be written by the Byzantine Empress Eudoxia (V century): the poem "On St. Cyprian" and Homeron centon, and the subject of the study is the use of apocryphal motifs in these works. With respect to both works, it is still an open question whether the poetess took part in plotting, or she took advantage of already existing models, since both works are paraphrases (the poem is the life of St. Cyprian and Justina, and centon is the Four Gospel). In her paper Alexandrova uses a comparative method of research. The apocryphal sources used in each of the works and the motives borrowed from them are consistently considered. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the use of sources reveals the features of a single author's manner, manifested in both of the works in question, which helps to solve the question of authorship. Among the sources of the poem "On St. Cyprians ”-“ Apocrypha Iannia and Jambria ”,“ Acts of the Apostle Andrew ”,“ Lives of the Prophets ”and the Gospel of Nicodemus. The sources of the Homeric Center are the “Proto-Evangelical of James,” the legend of Veronique the Bleeding, and the Gospel of Nicodemus. The author comes to the conclusion that the interest in apocryphal motifs unites both works, and it can be attributable to Eudocia, although the use of apocrypha cannot be considered an exhaustive proof of her authorship.
Byzantine literature, Late ancient literature, apocryphal motifs, narrative, apocrypha, provenance, Martyrdom of Cyprian, Homeric cento, empress Eudocia, Christianity
Question at hand
Golubina , A.B. (2018). The Analysis of the Communicative Goal of Secular Conversation Based on the Analysis of Literary Texts of the XIXth Century . Litera, 3, 154–162.
The subject of the research is the genre analysis of literary texts containing small talk. This study provides only a part of the analysis devoted to the communicative goal. The author considers such aspects of the main topic as identifying three existing approaches to the description of speech genres. The model of the speech genre of T. V. Shmeleva is considered in more detail. In the analyzed texts, the types of speech genre (informative, evaluative, imperative and etiquette) are highlighted, which influence the formation of the communicative goal of secular conversation. In the course of writing the article, Golubina uses genre analysis including descriptive-analytical, contextual, comparative and interpretive methods. General scientific methods and techniques, such as analysis, synthesis, typology, etc., were also actively involved. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the communicative goal of secular conversation. The main conclusions of the study are the use of the estimated and informative genre in the course of small talk which is an indicator of the ambiguity of the goal of “the desire to entertain the interlocutor”. So the author reveals the complex nature of the speech genre of social conversation that has not been sufficiently studied in modern linguistics.
primary speech genres, genre-forming feature, types of speech genre, literary texts, genre analysis, model of speech genres, communicative goal, small talk, speech genres, secondary speech genres
Karpov, I.P. (2018). Mari and Russian Poetry in Critical Commentaries of A. Tudorovskaya (the Article 'The Poet's Mastery' Published in 1944) . Litera, 3, 163–170.
During the Great Patriotic War, several literary critics and critics lived in the Republic of Mari El, who were evacuated from Moscow and Leningrad. They made a definite contribution to the development of the Mari and Russian literatures in the republic. The activity of the critic and folklorist E. A. Tudorovskaya was especially fruitful. The article analyzed the Mari and Russian texts and put important theoretical problems (the ratio of form and content, the integrity of the poetic work). The content and value of the article is disclosed in this publication. The study uses the authorological methods of text analysis, in which the author is considered as a subject of activity, and the text as the objectification of the author’s existential forces. In this article, for the first time in the domestic literary criticism, the critical heritage of E. A. Tudorovskaya, the article “The Poet's Mastery”, which was published in the Mari almanac “For the Motherland” in 1944, is analyzed. The significance of this article for the development of Mari and Russian literatures is determined. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the work of E. A. Tudorovskaya was one of the first experiences of intellectual criticism in the republic, a significant contribution to the history of criticism of Mari El.
poetic skill, poetry, poetics, Russian literature, Mari literature, criticism, Tudorovskaya, integrity, author, semantics
Literary criticism
Belyaeva, T.N. (2018). Axiological Problematics of Yuri Bajgusa's Plays. Litera, 3, 171–177.
The subject of the research is the value components of the problematics in the dramatic works of the Mari writer Yuri Baiguza. The study allows to see the basic semantic concepts of being and the individual human personality of the “post-perestroika generation”. The analysis of the plays “The Golden Duck” presented in the article was written in collaboration with Vasily Pekteyev), Silk Swings, Dawn over the Abyss, Today is the Birthday, which are mainly philosophically oriented, shows that the most important components of their perspective are value characteristics of society, people and man. The author of the article applies structural-semantic and historical-genetic methods of research which allow to reveal both the value aspects of the problems of the plays and the poetological aspects of the texts that implement them. The article shows for the first time the axiological aspects of the key dramatic works of Yuri Baigusa in their universal, folk-world outlook, religious, and individual-creative expression; revealed the artistic specificity of the author’s value concept in each of the texts; the manifestation of the axiosphere in the ideological world of works and the character system is analyzed.
drama, values, Yuri Bajgusa, dramaturgy, problematics, axiological paradigm of literature, Mari literature, parable, poetics, the philosophical narrative
Question at hand
Shchekochikhina, M.A. (2018). Jean Mabillon and the Philosophy of Rationalism. Litera, 3, 178–183.
The article is devoted to the influence of rationalistic philosophy on Jean Mabillon. Although some researchers are appealing to Mabillon's "cartesan", this topic has not yet received coverage in Russian and foreign academic literature. However, without studying this question, it seems impossible to understand the method of Jean Mabillon that had a great impact on his work “Diplomacy” in which the Benedictine scientist was able to lay the foundation of such sciences as paleography, codicology, diplomatics and sphragistics. The researcher focuses on the work of Jean Mabillon "Diplomacy" and "Treatise on the sciences in monasteries." The author of the article uses the method of compariso to compare the arguments of Mabillon to the philosophical and linguistic works of those times as well as the hermeneutic method. The main conclusion of the study is the statment that the rationalism philosophy had a strong influence on the development of the method of Jean Mabillon. Jean Mabillon actively used the philosophical dictionary of his time and was well acquainted with the works of rationalism philosophers. The contribution of the author of the article is the establishment of parallels in the writings of Jean Mabillon and other philosophers and rationalist scientists on the example of specific contexts.
seventeenth century science, scientific method, diplomatics, cartesianism, Mabillon, rationalism, history of science, paleography, Descartes, philology
Literary criticism
Levitskaia, T.V. (2018). Fairy Tale and Parabolic Motifs in Nadezhda Lukhmanova's Essays During the Russo-Japanese War. Litera, 3, 184–193.
In her research Levitskaya discusses the work of Nadezhda Alexandrovna Lukhmanova (1841-1907) during the Russian-Japanese war. To date, there is no complete review of the creative heritage of the writer, which, despite its richness and diversity, is almost unfamiliar to the modern reader. At the age of 64, the writer took part in the Russian-Japanese war as a war correspondent. During her tenure in the war and later in Japan, Lukhmanova wrote not only travel notes and articles for newspapers, but also created short plays for soldiers (“Batman Kuzmenko”), stories based on real events (“Shaman”, “Black Band” , “The Yolka in the Chizakuin Palace”), several Chinese and Japanese fairy tales (“The Only Language Understood by a Woman”, “The Soul of a Man”, “A Typhoon”, “The Golden Chanterelle”). The works of Lukhmanova acquire a wider and ambiguous meaning due to the fabulous and parabolic form of expression. The writer resorts to allegories to more clearly illustrate her concerns, expansion and generalization of the meanings embedded in the image. The article is an analysis of several works of the Russian-Japanese Lukhmanov period. The novelty of the research lies in the attempt to analyze the creativity of N.A. Lukhmanova, which today is virtually unknown. The article deals with journalistic works that have not been republished since the time of the first publication, as well as stories that are in the archive. Appeal to such rare material allows us to consider the identity of the author in a different way.
Russo-Japonese war, jornalism, Lukhmanova, chinese fairy tales, Yoshivara, women issue, geisha, allegory, Japan, Japanese myth
Literary criticism
Semenova, A. (2018). Internal Chronology in M. Kheraskov's Poem 'Vladimir'. Litera, 3, 194–210.
The subject of research is the internal chronology in the poem "Vladimir". The author of the article analyzes the text of the poem by Kheraskov in order to determine how much time in Vladimir corresponds to the historical time. The first clear time reference point in the work is the appearance and death of the Varangian Christians, a record of this is given in The Tale of Bygone Years under 983, this is followed by the choice of faith in 986 and a march on Kherson, where Vladimir receives baptism in 988. In this time range, the main events of the poem unfold. In her study Semenova compares M. Kheraskov's poem to historical sources known to the poet. Tracing the internal chronology of the work, resorting to the method of Yu.M. Lotman, used in the analysis and commenting of "Eugene Onegin", we can determine by what time the author refers to the events described in the "Vladimir". This study found that the sequence of events in the poem "Vladimir" coincides with the testimony of historians. At the same time, the internal time in the work does not correspond to the historical time. Kheraskov smoothes the chronological holes characteristic of the chronicles, compressing the narration. Even taking into account several gaps in time, everything that happens in Kiev since the beginning of the narration (983), i.e. the campaign and the conquest of Kherson, Vladimir's baptism and marriage, does not stretch for 5-6 years, as in the sources.
choice of faith, Vikings, Kherson, chronology, baptism of Russia, epic poem, knyaz Vladimir, Kheraskov, pagans, history of Russia
Literary criticism
Safarova, Z.A. (2018). Narrative Strategies in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Novel 'The Scarlett Letter'. Litera, 3, 211–216.
The author considers such aspects as the features of Nathaniel Hawthorne's creativity, namely his novel "The Scarlet Letter". Also, the object of research is the synthetic structure of the novel, its historical and psychological content. Characteristics of the main characters, their goals and actions, peculiarities of the narration, such as the brevity and conciseness of the events described, the "sliding" author's position, manifested in the inconstancy of the depicted events, in terms of ratings, the main goals of the main characters, the degree of impact on the reader are given. The research methodology consisted of biographical, formal and historical-theoretical methods, as well as contextual and culturological principles of research. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is an attempt to analyze the narrative strategies of Nathaniel Hawthorne, their display in the novel "The Scarlet Letter". The conclusions reached by the author are the brevity of the style of the writer, his (writer) ambiguous subjective attitude to the heroes of his novel, the historical and psychological nature of the novel.
events, plot, character, laconicism, structure, historical, psychology, narration, novel, story
Nasibullaeva, E.R. (2018). Configuration of the Lexico-Semantic Field with the Higher Education Invariant in Modern English. Litera, 3, 217–222.
In her article Nasibullaeva gives the configuration of the lexical-semantic field “Higher Education” in English and discusses the problem of the semantic organization of the lexical system of the language, defines the concept of “semantic field”. The object of the study is a fragment of the basic vocabulary of the language, which includes lexical language units, combined on the basis of the commonality of the value “Higher Education” expressed by them, that is, according to the semantic principle. The analysis of the constituents of the lexical-semantic field “Higher Education” in modern English has shown that they have a common semantic feature (archemem) , “higher education”. The research methods were the field structuring method, the method of lexical and semantic analysis and the modeling method. The method of lexical-semantic analysis allowed to establish the composition of the lexical-semantic field of nuclear lexemes with the invariant "Higher Education". The modeling method vividly presented the structure of this lexical-semantic field. One of the urgent tasks of linguistics is “establishing and describing the field structure of a language, since the vocabulary as a system is a set of interrelated and interacting fields that form a complex and specific for each language“ world picture ”. Description of the configuration of the lexical-semantic field with the “Higher Education” invariant in modern English, revealing the specifics of its constituents, as well as the microfields in the nuclear and peripheral zones.
field structure of the language, core, invariant, microfield, archiseme, lexical unit, constituent, lexico-semantic field, near periphery, far periphery
Kartushina, E.A. (2018). Pragmalinguistic Features of Speaking Russian in Finish Diaspore (Based on the Analysis of Internet Posts). Litera, 3, 223–231.
The article discusses the issue of aggressiveness and courtesy when communicating on the Internet, in particular at the forum of the Russian-speaking population of Finland. The definitions of linguistic expression and aggressive linguistic expression are given. A review of studies on the aggressiveness of communication on the Internet. It is noted that the term aggression refers rather to the sphere of other humanities, while the concept of aggressive language expression is more applicable in linguistic analysis and, as well as the method of analysis of language expression is developed. Attention is paid to the categories of politeness in communicating on the forum, pragmatic characteristics of communication are considered. Presents the results of the analysis of dialogues on the forum. The question is also raised about the applicability of the binary opposition of sociolinguistics “our own” - “alien” to the consideration of communication on the forum. Special attention is paid to foreign elements from the Finnish language when communicating in their native (Russian) language among the Russian diaspora. The novelty of the study is caused by the fact that verbal means of language expression are analyzed when communicating with the Russian diaspora. The relevance of the study is due to the increased interest among both linguists and society to the new role of the Russian language as a world language abroad and in the post-Soviet space, as well as its role as the language of the diaspora. The definitions of language expression and aggressive language expression are given. The author dwells on those types of language expression, which form the language communication on the forum. It is proved that politeness is a response to the aggressiveness of communication.
language in diaspora, internet based communication, virtual communication, Russian language, verbal aggression, politness category, interference, code switching, language expressiveness, jargon
Konovalova, M.V. (2018). Speech and Evocative Influence in Internet Media Discourse. Litera, 3, 232–237.
The subject of this article is the differences in speech and evocative effects in the online media discourse. The author considers the speech and evocative effects and reveals the concept of evocative effects in a media discourse. The article discusses the theoretical aspect of studying the impact of media texts on the recipient of information, special attention being paid to the cognitive and medialinguistic approaches to this phenomenon. The author of the article analyzes the linguistic means of representation of the evocative impact in the news media text and examines the account of the author of the background knowledge of the recipient. She also analyzes the evocative impact of headlines and media texts of news selected by the method of continuous sampling. In her study Konovalova uses the methods of observation, generalization and description of linguistic phenomena. The novelty of the study is caused by the fact that linguistic indicators are first considered from the standpoint of the evocative impact of the news media text on the recipient. It has been proved that the language means of the evocative impact are present both in the title of the media text and in the text of the news. It has also been established that the evocative impact is embodied with the help of linguistic means designed to intensify the background knowledge of the recipient when perceiving the news text.
news media text, headline, media text, media discource, background knowledge, evocative influence, speech influence, recipient, evocation, influence
Tadzhibova, A.N., Bykova, L.V. (2018). The Road Theme as the Source of Metaphoric Expansion in Political Reporting of German Printing Media. Litera, 3, 238–248.
The subject of the resear is the metaphors with the 'Road' theme used in the German printing media when describing an attempt to create a coalition called “Jamaica”, suggesting the union of three parliamentary parties, the CDU / CSU, the SPD and the Union 90 / Greens. The object of research is the media discourse presented by online publications in current German-language publications Deutsche Welle, Tagesspiegel for the period from 08.09.2017 to 30.12.2017. Particular attention is paid to the design function of the media discourse. The deciphering of language signs used by media text authors when describing political negotiations to create the Jamaica coalition in Germany suggests embellishment and imposition of a point of view, a reflection of a political event and the constructivist function of media discourse creating one or another image. An analysis of media texts showed the importance of using metaphoric nominations with the path-road theme in mass media discourse, requiring cognitive interpretation techniques necessary to understand the process of creating a coalition unfolding and evolving in the global media discourse. Images of paths and roads are associated with changes in the inner world of a person, reflecting inner experiences, transformations, entering a new world opening in a new place, and provide opportunities for obtaining new impressions and meanings. Specifying and ordering a political event, media texts actualize metaphors with the image of the road where an object is perceived as a road, difficulties that arise are obstacles on the way, and participants are travelers or means of transport.
archetype, Jamaica coalition, conceptualization, political discourse, metaphorical model, media discourse of Germany, metaphor, lifecycle metaphor, route, constructivist function
Konovalova, M.V. (2018). Evocation and Evocative Feature of Media Discourses. Litera, 3, 249–256.
The purpose of the article is to consider evocation in a media discourse and to study the realization of the evocative property in media texts of news note and polemic conversation genres. The object of the research is the media discourse, in particular, evocative property of which is studied on the example of media texts. The subject of the research is the media texts that are considered as its static cut and demonstrate the practical implementation of the evocative properties. The findings of the study can be useful in theoretical works on medialinguistics, language theory, discursive linguistics as well as those who are engaged in the practical writing of media texts of various subjects and genres. The methodology of the study is a layered combination of elements of discourse analysis and contextual analysis. The scope of application of research results covers the field of media research. The universality of the research findings is based on the study of the evocative properties of a media discourse based on the general characteristics inherent in media communication in general. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the evocative properties of a media discourse, which is first carried out on the material of media texts. A special contribution of the author to the development of this topic is the original study of evocation as a property of a media discourse using elements of discourse analysis and context analysis. The conclusions made by the author are as follows: the evocative property of a media discourse is manifested primarily through the subject-subject communication, the mass nature of the media text, which has a primary and secondary form of event representation. This circumstance also makes it possible to interpret the media text as the static of the media discourse, among the components of which are clearly marked formal-content and contextual-cognitive discursive signs that are a necessary attribute of media communication, giving the recipient the opportunity to interpret the message to an adequately lit event.
evocative property, evocation feature, evocation, media text, speech-making activities, media discourse, discourse analysis, communication, context, news
Lykova, O., Gordeev, D. (2018). Paralinguistic Indicators of Lies in speech (Based on the Analysis of the Russian Language). Litera, 3, 257–268.
The article provides an overview of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception. The research was conducted on the basis of frequency spectrum analysis of 108 speech fragments which had been obtained by segmenting the 12-hour long audio recording. Although modeled deception situations are proven to give accurate results in deception detection, the experiment is not a modeled deception situation which allows greater accuracy by considering involuntary changes in the subject's voice caused by their genuine emotions such as fear of being exposed.Frequency spectrum analysis of speech fragments showed an increase in pitch frequency of the subjects speech during deception compared to their speech in the absence of psychological stress. Data on such markers of deception as response latency changes, rising tone, laughter and filled pauses were also obtained. The cross-cultural study of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception on the basis of the Russian language is of interest nowadays because it allows to compare the obtained results both with those of foreign researchers and those gained in modeled deception detection experiments.
frequency spectrum analysis, pitch frequency, insincerity, lie detection, deception detection, deception, lies, paralinguistics, speech analysis, voice analysis
Lykova, O., Gordeev, D. (2018). Paralinguistic Indicators of Lies in Speech (Based on the Analysis of the Russian Language). Litera, 3, 269–280.
The article provides an overview of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception. The research was conducted on the basis of frequency spectrum analysis of 108 speech fragments which had been obtained by segmenting the 12-hour long audio recording. Although modeled deception situations are proven to give accurate results in deception detection, the experiment is not a modeled deception situation which allows greater accuracy by considering involuntary changes in the subject's voice caused by their genuine emotions such as fear of being exposed.Frequency spectrum analysis of speech fragments showed an increase in pitch frequency of the subjects speech during deception compared to their speech in the absence of psychological stress. Data on such markers of deception as response latency changes, rising tone, laughter and filled pauses were also obtained. The cross-cultural study of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception on the basis of the Russian language is of interest nowadays because it allows to compare the obtained results both with those of foreign researchers and those gained in modeled deception detection experiments.
frequency spectrum analysis, pitch frequency, insincerity, lie detection, deception detection, deception, lies, paralinguistics, speech analysis, voice analysis
Borisova, I.V. (2018). Modern Trends of the Occasional Word Formation Process in Internet Communication. Litera, 3, 281–288.
The object of the research is the sources of oral speech presented on the Internet (posts and comments on social networks, blogs and forums). The subject of the research is the occasional word creation of Internet communicants. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the process of word creation in the global network is momentary and controversial, and therefore, the sample used in this paper is a unique “instant cast of reality” that will later help create a holistic picture of the phenomenon under investigation to identify its potential impact on revision of the norms of the Russian language. Moving from the abstract to the concrete (from the existing theoretical postulates in the area under study to working with factual material), the author applied methods that are relevant in collecting empirical data: accumulation, comparison, description, and statistical analysis of relevant examples. In formulating the final conclusions, certain provisions obtained in the course of an intent-analysis using a discursive approach were summarized. Based on the research results the author makes the following conclusions : 1. The process of formation of new words in oral and written speech of Internet communicants is continuous and unusually active; 2. The share of occasional methods of word creation prevails; 3. The most common methods of occasional word creation at this stage can be considered “education according to a specific pattern”, “holophrasis”, “creation” and “inter-step formation of words”; 4. With a sufficient amount of accumulated empirical material in the field of occasional word-formation and identifying the general trends of this process, it is possible in the future to revise the norms existing in the Russian language.
way of word formation, occasional word, lexical level, post, comment, communicant, oral-written speech, written spoken speech, Internet communication, norm
Ilyushin, G.E. (2018). Spanish Translations of the Russian Literature of the XXth Century: the Problem of Pragmatic Adequacy. Litera, 3, 289–295.
The object of the research is the pragmatic potential in translating a literary text (based on the translation from Russian into Spanish). The concept of pragmatic equivalence of translation is considered and translation transformations are analyzed. Special attention is paid to cases of translation rationalization and simplification. The author commented on the reasons for using these translation strategies and their correlation with the category of pragmatic equivalence. Theoretical positions of the author are illustrated with contexts from the Spanish translation of Sasha Sokolov’s novel School for Fools, performed by Margarita Estapa in 1994. In the study of the features of the Spanish translation of the novel, the author of the study operates with the methods of linguistic and pragmatic analysis of translations and comparative stylistics. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proposes to consider cases of simplification as a result of the specifics of the translational understanding associated with the genre-style identity of the work and with special ideas about Russian culture and literature of the second half of the 20th century. Previously, Spanish translations of the literature of Russian postmodernism did not become the object of a separate study in Russian philology.
spanish language, literature, pragmatics, postmodernism, translation studies, romance philology, linguistics, stylistics, equality, culture
Egorova, O. (2018). Actualisation of Mythological Concepts in Folklore (Based on the Analysis of Russian and British Fairy-Tales). Litera, 3, 296–303.
The subject of this research is the specifics of the actualization of mythological representations in folklore works. The aim of the work is to trace the transformation of animism and totemism as the first most important beliefs of people in Russian and British fairy tales. Comparative analysis allows to determine the genesis of the historical development of the fairy-tale genre, the evolution of its moral, moral and aesthetic attitudes, as well as the influence of the mythological tradition on the fantastic images and motifs of folklore works. The corpus of texts selected from collections of Russian and British fairy tales served as the research material. The methodological basis of the article consists of a complex cultural-cultural method of system analysis in the form of a comparative comparative study, historical-genetic and historical-typological comparisons. The integrated approach used by the author allows to determine the originality and evolution of mythological representations in two folklore traditions as well as to reveal the influence of myths on fiction, the plot composition and the system of characters of Russian and British fairy tales. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that for the first time an analysis of the genesis of mythological views in folklore was carried out on the basis of Russian and British fairy tales. The author of the article concludes that mythological beliefs in folklore works are creatively rethought and serve as the means of transmitting socially important information and values.
cult of trees, magic fiction, comparative analysis, totemism, animism, fairy tales, folklore, mythology, totem animals, fairies
Poetry and the poet
Kazharova, I.A. (2018). Kurman Duguzhev's The Cranes: Representation of the Sublime. Litera, 3, 304–313.
The subject of research is the ways of imaginative representation of the category of the sublime in the context of autobiographical motifs in the poetry of the Circassian author Kurman Duguzhev. The object of the research is the works of the second collection of the poetic series "The Cranes". To date, it has not been noted that the main value, determined at the intersection of the work biography and the thematic unpretentiousness of the work of Kruamn Duguzhev, is the category of the sublime. The author for the first time analyzes one of the essential categories of the poetic attitude of the Circassian poet, dwells in detail on such aspects as the experience of the sublime through participation in a certain type of space, the conjugacy of the sublime and creative activity of the subject. The structure of the designated subject implies the use of a biographical method in combination with the methods of figurative semantic and value analysis of a literary text. In the course of the analysis, it becomes obvious that the category of the sublime is more widely transmitted through the images of the ascended space. The latter is always deployed in the context of autobiographical value-related themes for the poet. It is significant that at the same time the actualization of the mountain vertical does not imply a value opposition to a horizontally organized space. However, the difference is that ascended space (mountains) transforms the hero, and the space expanding in breadth (field) transforms the hero. In addition, Kurman Duguzhev’s ascended space turns out to be semantically richer: through its details the features of the poet’s spiritual and physical appearance are outlined, it is not only the ascension / elevation motive that is found in it, but the motive of descent and extinction of vital forces logically associated with it. Thus, it can be said that the category of the sublime organizes and interprets the figurative logic of the series “The Cranes”.
theme, metaphor, vertical, space, biography, Kurman Duguzhev, category of the sublime, hero, image, anthropomorphism
Vol'f, O.A. (2018). Violation of the Formal Logic Law By Excluding the Middle in Journalistic Texts: Errors, Manipulation, and Stylicstic Means. Litera, 3, 314–322.
The subject of the research is violations of one of the laws of formal logic, the law of the excluded middle, that can be found in modern media discourse. Special attention is paid to the problem of correlation in the speech practice of deviations from the law of noncontradiction and the law of the excluded middle. Based on the analysis of examples from journalistic texts, an attempt was made to examine the studied illogism in three aspects: as logical errors, as manipulative techniques, and as figurative and expressive means realized in tests in the form of tropes and figures. The purpose of this work is to determine the linguistic status and features of the implementation of conscious and unconscious deviations of the law of the excluded middle in the media discourse. The methodological basis of the study involves the methods of systematization and analysis (interpretation, classification, and contextual analysis). The author came to the conclusion that, in a speech, violations of the law of the excluded middle are found only in symbiosis with violations of the law of non-contradiction. Analysis of examples from journalistic texts showed that there are two types of deviations from the law of the excluded middle depending on the reasons for their occurrence. If a logical rule is violated unconsciously, then a logical error appears in the text. In the case when the author intentionally goes to damage the logical structure of the utterance, the violation is a technique. In turn, the goals of the addressee predetermine the division of techniques into manipulative (in the case when the recipient does not have to notice a logical discrepancy) and stylistic ones iin the case when the recepient uses paths and figures (which are meant to influence the addressee).
stylistic means, manipulation, logical error, the law of the excluded middle, the law of contradictions, journalistic text, media discourse, alogism, tropes, stylistic figures