Question at hand
Klyuev , N.A. (2018). The Social Media Category in Corpus Linguistics (the Case Study of the Russian National Corpus). Litera, 4, 1–16.
The subject of this research is the structure of the social media category in Russian linguistic consciousness. In his research Klyuev pays attention to the components of the social media category (subconcepts of social networks and messengers and their particular examples), their conceptual content and semantic cognitive links. The purpose of the research is to analyze semantics of linguistic units that nominate the social media category, their cognitive interpretation and to define how these units relate in practical use. The research material involved data from the Russian National Corpus. The main research method used by the author for his conceptual analysis was the computer-based content analysis of cases when the expression 'social media' have been used in the Russian National Corpus followed by their cognitive interpretation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes a first attempt to provide a systemic description of conceptual relations between components of the social media category in Russian linguistic consciousness. The mai nconclusions of the author is that there is a certain initial stage in the development of the (sub) concepts in Russian linguistic consciousenss as well as the obvious semantic relationship between nominations that objectify (sub) concepts and cognitive relationship between these (sub) concepts in the minds of users.
messengers, social networks, social media, category, corpus linguistics, corpus, concept, Facebook, VKontakte, WhatsApp
Literary criticism
Volkhovskaia, A. (2018). The Pushkinian Theme in Montserrat Roig's Writings. Litera, 4, 17–25.
In her article Volkhovskaya analyzes the book 'Golden Spire' written by the Catalonian writer Montserrat Roig and devoted to the biography and creative writing of Alexander Pushkin. The book was published in Barcelona in 1985 and included the main materials collected by Montserrat Roig about the Russian poet. The author of the article tries to trace back the process of Montserrat Roig's developing her interest in Alexander Pushkin as well as to view new aspects of the Spanish writer's perception of Pushkin's creative writing which she added to those that already existed at the moment. In the course of writing her book, Montserrat Roig has used Henri Troyat's research 'Pushkin' as well as translations of Pushkin's works into the Spanish language. All quotations from Montserrat Roig's book are given by the author of the article in Spanish. The article is based on the analysis of two works written by Montserrat Roig, Golden Spire and 'My Travel to Blockade' in which she studied and described Pushkin's biography and creative life. Volkhovskaya also considers the cultural and historical background of these works, the moments the writer focused on, and the choice of literary and other sources that she used to write her work. According to the author, the following aspects of Montserrat Roig's writings should be noted: - Montserrat Roig makes the reader to create an association link between the image of Pushkin and the image of St. Petersburg; - for the first time in the history of Spanish studies of Pushkin, Alexander Pushkin's creative works are perceived from the point of view of realism; - Montserrat Roig analyzes the poet's relations with his wife from the point of view of feminist ideology.
Mozart and Salieri, Natalia Goncharova, feminism, realism, catalan literature, Russian literature, Spanish literature, Montserrat Roig, Alexander Pushkin, Golden spire
Literary criticism
Guseva, N.V., Kudryavtseva, R.A. (2018). Artistic Manifestation of the Axiological Problematics in the Mari Novel about the Great Patriotic War in the Second Half of the 1940s - Early 1980s (Genre-Style Tendencies). Litera, 4, 26–34.
This article is devoted to the artistic manifestation of the axiological problematics in the Mari novel about the Great Patriotic War of the second half 1940s - early 1980s as part of the study of the value-based paradigm of Mari national literature. The authors focus on the genre-style solutions found by writers (genre subspecies of 'military' novel as well as stylistic dominants, in particular, forms and techniques of psychologism used by writers) aimed at actualisatino of the axiological content of their works. The methodological basis of the research includes historico-typological and structural-semantic analysis of writings wich demonstrates not only value-based aspects of the problematics of a 'military novel' but also manifestates poetological aspects of the genre. The authors of the article prove that axiological problematics is most brightly expressed in such subspecies of Mari 'military' novel as lyrico-dramatic, lyrico-philosophical and documentally biographic novels and the aforesaid problematics helped to develop such stylistic dominants of Mari flash fiction as psychologism, dramatism and narrative philosophization.
style dominant, style, genre subspecies, problematics, genre, axiological paradigm of literature, Mari literature, story, artistic sense, poetics
Literary criticism
Seredina, A.O. (2018). Interior Details in Apollon Grigoriev's Narrative Literature. Litera, 4, 35–45.
The article is devoted to the topic that has never been studied before which is the interior details and development of the interior details in Apollon Grigoriev's fiction. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the perception and description of the surrounding space by the hero of the memoirs 'My literary and moral wandering' (1862, 1864). Seredina traces back how the interior in Apollon Grigoriev's house and the writer's attitude to the external world (the world of objects) were reflected in the poetics of Grigoriev's early prose of mid 1840s. In addition, the author sets a task to demonstrate the connection between the interior and psychological portraits of the main heroes. The basis for the comparative analysis of Apollon Grigoriev's prose is the first theoretical research of the interior performed by I. Sudoeva. Despite the fact that in the majority of cases the description of the interior in Grigoriev's prose is pointing out individual elements of the interior (lighting, bed and door) and gives an insight into the internal world of the heroes. The universality of the description achieved through the absence of details helps to create the portrait type. The dreaminess of the hero of the memoirs, fed by the evenings spent on a bed without light, in early prose is embodied in the type of hero-dreamers the description of which is accompanied by a bed and the light of a burning candle. The audio perception of space, characteristic of the hero of the memoirs, turns into an aggravated attention to the sounds of wanderers in early prose which helps to expand the space of the room and give an idea of its structure.
type, portrait, memoirs, prose, Apollon Grigoriev, description, interior, poetics, space, detail
Question at hand
Kofanova, G.P. (2018). Discourse Analysis of the 'Integration' Concept Based on the Analysis of German Mass Media. Litera, 4, 46–55.
The subject of the research is the concept of refugee integration in Germany. The object of the research is the discourse represented by on-line editors. The author analyzes such aspects of the topic as the need to integrate refugees into the German society, challenges that may arise in the process of integration, analysis of the aforesaid discourse, description of the concepts that form the basic concept of integration, and interpretation of conceptual structures and cognitive mechanisms of the concept development. Kofanova focuses on the interpretation of conceptual structures as the elements that represent the ideology of the German community, and analysis of linguistic means that explicate the concept of integration in the German language. The research is based on the method of cognitive discursive analysis because these are very useful methods to analyze the concepts of conceptualization and categorization. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the discourse about the German refugees is represented mostly by two points of view. The official point of view is that integration of refugees is necessary, and the other point of view is that integration of refugees is impossible. The author's special contribution to the topic is that using the means of cognitive linguistics, she tries to define the role and the place of the concept of integration in the German linguistic consciousness and gives an evaluation of this project in the German society, and attitude towards it. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author appeals to the most important problem today's Europe is facing, and the author's attempt to describe the nature of the problem using the linguistic means.
semantic component, inferential meaning, lexis, integration, sphere of concepts, concept, Discourse, verbalization, explication, frame
Literary criticism
Razgulina, L. (2018). Free Labour and Free Dance: Aesthetical Ideology of Avant-Garde in Charles Olson's Version. Litera, 4, 56–67.
The subject matter of this article is the first volume of The Maximus Poems (1960) which Charles Olson wrote at The Black Mountain College where he was a teacher and then a rector. Razgulina tries to demonstrate the connection between the nature and directivity of Olson's search the field of poetic form with his efforts to embody in the word, syllable the orders of human sociality. In connection with the interdisciplinary nature of the stated subject, the research approach used in the article is synthetic and combines historical, cultural, poetic, mediological methods of analysis. Charles Olson (1910-1970) is an influential figure of the American poetic neo-avant-garde, practically unknown in Russia and not studied at all. Also, the interaction of the theory and practice of free labor and free dance in the avant-garde works of Charles Olson has not been studied either in Russian or in foreign science. This article is meant to begin to fill these lacunae. In this article, the authors conclude that the aesthetics of writing Olson likens the aesthetics of craftwork and the aesthetics of dance. In the first, it is important for him to feel the natural material as well as the continuity of labor effort, imperceptibly creating history. In the second, it is important to enjoy coordinated movement. Olson is trying to write his experimental epic based on these two premises. According to the authors, Self-Maximus, the epic hero of Charles Olson, has two hypostases: he lives / works in history and he lives / dances in language, in the practice of reflective speech use.
projectivism, Maximus Poems, work, dance, Charles Olson, poetry, avant-garde, sociality, Bess Mensendieck, Constance Taylor
Question at hand
Korol, E.V., Yacovets, T.Y. (2018). Means of the Creation and Borrowing of the Jargon in Game Chats. Litera, 4, 68–75.
This article is devoted to a linguistically complex phenomenon of modern life, texts of game chats and jargonic formations used in communication. The authors of the article analyze the main methods of the development of this vocabulary and formation of new units in the course of communication based on the structural and component analysis. The authors describe the means of borrowings of lexemes and collocations from English vocabulary, problems of their assimilation in the Russian language and opportunities of translation of the computer jargon. The subject of the research is jargonisms that are used by Russian-speaking players in the process of communication on game chats. The research involves the units selected by the continuous sampling method from game chats 'Discord' and online dictionaries of game terms, jargonisms and abbreviations. The main research methods is the structural and component analysis of verbal units tkaing into account functional and grammatical aspects. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author applies the standard method of analyzing the structure, sign-oriented and semantic forms to actively developing and constantly changing vocabulary layer, youth game jargon. Based on the results of their analysis, the authors conclude that verbal English elements are actively borrowed and assimilated in the Russian game communication, however, their semantic meanings are not taken into account (and sometimes even modified). This makes their translation difficult.
functioning, language assimilation, transcription, transliteration, model of word-building, borrowings, chats, nomination, computer game, jargon
Literary criticism
Okulova, T.N. (2018). Chapters of Russian Journalism History of the Last Third of the XVIIth Century: On the Way to the XIXth Century. Litera, 4, 76–85.
In her research Okulova analyzes selected chapters of the journalism history of the last third of the XVIIIth century. She provides a general description of several 'passing-through' journalistic themes that help to better understand what caused the shift in the public conscience that happened in 1770 - 1780 and was vividly expressed in the new Russian literature that was going from European influences to the true historical and cultural independency. In her research Okulova has also made an attempt to outline the effect of a number of national ideas that could be found in Russian journals of the last third of the XVIIIth century and the Patriotic War of 1812. The research methods used by the author include historicism, multi-faceted approach to evaluation of the historical literary process, socio-cultural method, and dialectical principle of research that views research subjects in process. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes a number of national ideas and Russian journalism themes of the last third of the XVIIIth century which allows a better view of the process of the new Russian literature of those times becoming mature and ideological. The peculiarity of this article is also the fact that it presents an attempt to trace back the ideas of Russian journalism of the last third of the XVIIIth century and Russian literature of the first fourth of the XIXth century that played a significant rolefor the formation of the Russian national identity. For many years this historical and literary aspect (as well as a great number of terms and definitions presented in this article) has been left without research. The results of this research create a more complete view of the Russian journalism history and Russian literature of the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries in general.
Son of the Fatherland, Fonvizin, Derzhavin, Patriotic War, Russian literature, Catherine II, West, Russia, Interlocutor lovers of the Russianword, national identity
Literary criticism
Kikteva, K.D. (2018). The Myth about Don Juan in Jose Zorrilla's Legends. Litera, 4, 86–94.
The subject of the research is the myth about Don Juan in the legends of a Spanish writer Jose Zorrilla. The aim of the article is to prove that the image of a mocker and seducer who stands above the society appeared in Zorrilla's creative writing before the drama 'Don Juan Tenorio' was staged (1844), in particular, in the legends 'El capitán Montoya' and 'Margarita la tornera' (1840-1841) in which Kikteva finds obvious parallels to Don Juan Tenorio. These works demonstrate the writer's reflection over the image and is an important milestone in the history of myth interpretation in Spanish literature. The research methodology is based on the comparative anlaysis of texts created as part of a single writing tradition. To explain the changes of the image within different literary schools (in this research the author mentions Spanish romanticism and Baroque), the researcher has applied the method of historical and cultural researsch. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher refers to the interpretations of the myth of Don Juan that are understudied in Russian literary studied. The main conclusion of the research is the continuity between the figure of Don Juan Tenorio outlined in Zoprrilla's religious fantastic drama and images of seducers that had appeared in the creative writing of a playwright few years earlier. Establishing his own formula to describe components of the myth about Don Juan, the author proves that the relation of this myth to the images of mockers from Zorrilla's legends.
Margarita la tornera, El capitán Montoya, Legends, José Zorrilla, Spanish Romanticism, cultural myth, mocker and seducer, Don Juan, interpretations of the myth, continuity in literary tradition
Literary criticism
Demicheva, N. (2018). The Novel of Special Structure 'The Capture of Pskov': Problematics, Textology, Style. Litera, 4, 95–100.
The article is devoted to the novel of special structure 'The Capture of Pskov' which can be found in two manuscript collections at State Public Research Library and Russian State Library. The object of the research is the ideology and poetics of the novel of special structure The Capture of Pskov. Demicheva analyzes this text as an old Russian writing devoted to Novgorod and Pskov joining the Moscovite state. The researcher focuses on the genetic and ideological diversity as well as composition, structure of images and style of The Capture of Pskov. In her research Demicheva applies the method historical and literary analysis of old Russian writings as these have been offered by such researchers as V. Andrianova-Perets, D. Likhachev, I. Eremin, A. Demin, A. Pauktin, and N. Trofimova. The author of the article concludes that the novel of special structure The Capture of Pskov has both markers of the negative attitude to Pskov joining Moscow and literary solutions that speak of the writer's Moscovite position in relation to the events of 1509 - 1510. Demicheva also suggests a hypothesis that The Capture of Pskov is not the original version of the text which explains the conflict of different points of view within one novel.
poetics, ideology, Vasili III, Old Russian literature, Russian chronicles, Pskov Chronicles, Sofia First Chronicle, Pskov First Chronicle, the Capture of Pskov, textual criticism
Lityagina, E.A. (2018). Comparative and Socio-Cultural Aspect in English and Spanish Business Vocabularies. Analysis of Business Jargon. Litera, 4, 101–111.
The subject of this research is the English and Spanish business vocabularies viewed from the point of view of socio-cultural specific features. The aim of the research is to carry out classification and comparative analysis of the word-formation means of English and Spanish business terms, to describe their general and special features and analysis of the socio-cultural element of business vocabulary based on the analysis of jargonisms. The latter systematizes the types of borrowings from the English language, which prevail against the background of Spanish terms and are a distinctive feature of Spanish business jargon. The research methodology includes a comparative method, a method of systematization and classification of the material under study, a descriptive-analytical method, a method of continuous sampling, a method for analyzing vocabulary interpretations. It is a distinctive feature of the Spanish business jargon. This is a method of systematic sampling, a method of continuous sampling, and a method of analyzing vocabulary interpretations. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it was the first to describe and compare English and Spanish terms and jargon in business from the point of view of word-building models, as well as the impact of sociocultural factors on the formation of business terminology from the standpoint of an anthropocentric approach to the study of linguistic phenomena. The role of the English language as the main donor language in relation to Spanish slang business terminology is revealed. The author demonstrates the variety of themes from the point of view of naming processes and phenomena of business practice as well as the prevailing use of metaphors created using components of different forms and thus referring to different notions (color, animal world, national cuisine, body parts, household items and weapon, etc.).
word-building pattern, sociocultural aspect, comparative method, Spanish business terminology, thematic sphere, English business terminology, jargonism, jargon, borrowing, donor language
Literary criticism
Kim, L. (2018). Theoretical Literary Analysis of the Term 'Network Literature'. Litera, 4, 112–118.
The subject of the research is the theoretical literary structure of the phenomenon of network literature, important literary fact of the contemporary history. In the course of the research Kim analyzes and denies as insufficient several theories of network literature that are based on the search of necessary and sufficient grounds. In particular, Kim criticises post-modernist theory of network literature as a hypertext and historical theory of a network text placed on the Internet and created using technical means of the Internet environment. These theories, however, are not fully denied, the author uses elements of these theories in his integral theory of network literature that is based on the theory of an open concept. The research methodology includes the conceptual and logical analysis of relevant literary terms, theories of language games of late L. Wittgenstein and anti-essentialism of Ziff and Weitz, structural and post-structural reflection over the historico-literature definition of 'network literature'. The result of the research is the theoretical description of the intensional of the term 'network literature' that combines conceptual, historical, post-modernist and Wittgenstein's approaches. The results of the research can be used in theoretical literary and historico-literary research as well as teaching. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author establishes the grounds for the theoretical and methodological research framework of network vocabulary.
Piege-Gro, hypertextuality, hypertext, Weitz, Ziff, Wittgenstein, Derrida, electronic literature, language games, an open concept
Literary criticism
Greshilova, A. (2018). The Myths About Peter the Great and Lenin in Tatyana Tolstaya's Prose. Litera, 4, 119–124.
The article is devoted to the historical myths in the prose of Tatyana Tolstaya: the myths about Peter the Great and Lenin are central to the artistic mythology of the writer, their functioning in the text is the object of research. In her article Greshilova discusses the motive structure of each of the myths, their author's interpretation and the relationship between them. Particular attention is paid to the image of St. Petersburg, because, first of all, within the framework of St. Petersburg space, parallels are built between Peter the Great and Lenin. In the process of analysis the author has applied the comparative and cultural-historical methods since it is necessary to actualize the “Petersburg text” of Russian literature, and the biographical context is also used. As a result of the work, the axiological and ontological status of the myths about Peter the Great and Lenin is revealed, which is the scientific novelty of the article. It is concluded that the key to interpreting the myth of Peter I is the “fractal” myth of St. Petersburg which Tolstoy presents in the stories one-centrically and literature-centrically. Another important conclusion is that both historical myths make an important part of the national concept of Tolstaya. Despite all its mystic and contradictory nature, the myth about Peter the First is has the constructive national beginning while the mythological image of Lenin, on the contrary, performs the destructive tendency.
Petersburg myth, the image of Peter the Great, the image of Lenin, mythology, the river Okkervil', someone else's dreams, Tatyana Tolstaya, national concept, oneiric concept, ontological status
Bykova, L., Tadzhibova, A. (2018). Functioning of the Expanded Metaphor in Modern Press. Litera, 4, 125–137.
The subject of the research is the modern Russian and German press that contains examples of the use of expanded metaphors. Cognitive metaphors are actively used by journalists to perform one of the main functions of press, to influence the reader and develop the public opinion. The object of the research is the peculiarities of functioning of expanded metaphoric models. The aim of the research is to give a definition of what metaphoric models are the most productive in analytical newspapers in German and Russian. Having used the random sampling technique, the authors have selected Russian and German online publications that contain one or several expanded metaphoric models. The results of the research demonstrate that military, morbial, game and criminal metaphoric models are the most productive in press. The authors demonstrate text-forming features of a metaphor. The use of several sources of metaphoric modelling in a journalistic text increases its visualizatino features and makes it panoramic and understandable for readers.
criminal metaphor, military metaphor, morbial metaphor, expanded metaphor, cognitiv metaphor, press, metaphoric model, metaphor, German, Russian
Spalek, O.N. (2018). Horonyms and Oiconyms in Chinese Phraseology. Litera, 4, 138–144.
The subject of the research is the peculiar functions of horonyms and oiconyms as the most commonly used kinds of toponyms presented in Chinese phraseology. The author examines horonyms and oiconyms in Chinese phraseological units including astionyms (names of urban facilities or country districts), comonyms (names of country facilities). The researcher focuses on the influence of horonyms and oiconyms in the development of transferred meaning of a phraseological unit as well as abilities of onyms demonstrate lexical features that are not typical for proper names. In the course of the research the author has used the method of synchronous description, method of semantic analysis and functional description of collected material as well as elements of statistical and etimological analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out an in-depth analysis of functions of horonyms and oiconyms in Chinese phraseology. In the course of the research the author has discovered that being part of phraseological units, horonyms and oiconyms may actualize connotations that they have which, in their turn, may affect the process of the developing of transferring meaning. Moreover, being part of phraseological units, onyms may demonstrate lexical features that are not typical for proper names, in particular, create contextual antonymy and synonymy.
linguistic picture of the world, comonym, astionym, horonym, oiconym, toponym, proper name, onomastics, phraseology, linguoculturology
Sychugova, L.A., Evlasev, A.P. (2018). Functions of Linguistic Means in the Process of Politician's Image Creation (the Case Study of Donald Trump's Public Speeches). Litera, 4, 145–151.
The article is devoted to the study of the image in political linguistics and the consideration of the problem of the substantive aspect of the speech image of a politician, which is due to the exceptional role of the image for the politician as an active public figure. One of the most notable social institutions of our time is politics, the interest in the study of which by linguists has been steady recently, since many political actions are by their very nature speech. The article includes an analysis of the functioning of language means when creating an image of a politician. In the course of their research the authors have applied the following methods: analysis of vocabulary definitions, introspective analysis, statistical analysis to define the frequency of language phenomena. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: the use of language tools in D. Trump's public speeches, which is mainly due to the objectives of these speeches, the main task of which is to make a strong impression on the audience; stylistic techniques at the phonographic, lexical, lexical-grammatical and syntactic levels, through which the speaker maintains the attention and interest of listeners, activates the process of perception and affects the addressee to achieve the goal.
positive evaluative lexis, negative evaluative lexis, connotation, stylistic devices, politician's image, image, political discourse, linguistics, political linguistics, dicsource
Literary criticism
Kurianova, V.V. (2018). The Biographical Myth of Tolstoy in the Creative Writing of Vladmir Mayakovsky. Litera, 4, 152–167.
The subject of the research is the analysis of the biographical myth in the creative writing of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The analysis of the biographical myth is one of the most important and least studied problems in contemporary literary studies. This article is also devoted to the theoretical analysis of this phenomenon. It is aimed at analysing the genesis and development of the biographical myth of Tolstoy in the creative writing of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The biographical myth of Tolstoy is a complex phenomenon of the Russian literature and culture of the XXth century represented differently by writers. In this research Kurianova applies methodological principles that were developed in the works devoted to supertext and its mythological basis. Lev Tolstoy is one of the most mythogenic personalities that was a legend when he was alive and after his death. The 'Tolstoy' myth was mythologized by many poets and writers of the XXth - XXIst centuries. In his creative writing Vladimir Mayakovsky mythologized Lev Tolstoy, his personality and his teaching but not his works or heroes.
Socialist realism, mythology, futurism, vegetarianism, tolstovstvo, Mayakovsky, biographical myth, Tolstoy, anniversary, nonresistance to evil
Literary criticism
Mikheeva, G.V. (2018). Specific Features of the Art Space in Stepan Pisakhov's Fairy-Tales. Litera, 4, 168–174.
The subject of the research is the art space in the fairy-tales of Stepan Pisakhov who writes about the Russian North. In her research Mikheeva analyzes such aspects of the topic as the art space structure, methods of creation of space images on the basis of combined reality and fantastic world, peculiarity pf space locuses, and interaction between the symbolic meaning of space images and the writer's worldview. Mikheeva focuses on the description of the closed space locuses, the Uyma Village and the house of the main hero as well as the 'friend-alien' opposition that represents moral messages. The research is based on the structure-semiotic approach to the analysis of the art space of a literary work. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Yury Lotman, in particular, his thesis that in a text the space is the means of creating messages. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the structure of the single art space in Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales has two spatial levels: reality and fantastic world, which do not have a border but even penetrate. Such organisation of the space brings a particular meaning into the text. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes the art space of Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales.
Stepan Pisakhov, North, author's tale, spatial image, topos, locus, art space, moral, traditions, meaning
Literary criticism
Tatarinova, L.N., Tatarinov, A.V. (2018). The Phenomenon of Old Age in William Faulkner's Literary World. Litera, 4, 175–181.
Based on the material of the prose of William Folkner (first of all, the novels “Sartoris” and “Go Down, Moses”), the phenomenon of old age is investigated as a literary problem. The object of the research is the philosophical aspects of the gerontological story in Falkner's prose. The subject of the research is the literary world created by the author, individual aesthetic movements in the creation of the images of elderly people. The authors analyze Faulkner's concept versus the concept of Ernest Hemingway who used the present moment as the narrative time. Not only young heroes of his early writings but also such characters as Santiago in his novel 'The Old Man and the Sea' live in the presence. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of philosophical literary studies that allow to evaluate the artistic world of the writer as an element of his worldview. The authors conclude that Faulkner views old age not only as an age but a certain state of mind, emotional memory, balance and wisdom combined with kindness. Faulnker relates memory and old age to such categories as eternity, while he relates young age and blindness to the categories of temporality and accident.
philosophical literature, national images of the world, Christianity, psychological prose, gerontological problems of the art text, religious and philosophical implication, artistic Outlook, Faulkner, American literature, Modernism
Question at hand
Mineeva , I.N. (2018). On the Poetics of the Title of Ivan Shmelev's Novel 'To the Sun'. Litera, 4, 182–193.
Recent decades of modern science have marked a new stage in understanding both famous and yet to be published novels of Ivan Shmelev from the point of view of new research paradigms. Mineeva focuses on the review of the philosophical and axiological component of the writer's worldview and discovery of literary/poetical novations. For this regard, Ivan Shmelev's novel 'To the Sun' is of special importance and interest for the history of literature. Within the framework of this research of early Ivan Shmelev's creative writing, Mineeva analyzes the poetics of the title 'To the Sun' (1905). She pays attention to the analysis of ontological and axiological features of the title, its genesis, systemic relations with the textual/extra-textual reality and narrative strategies. The research methodology includes historico-literary, semantic-functional, nomination and textual approaches which provides an insight into specific features of the writer's axiology and allows record its development and define novations in the sphere of poetics. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher suggests and proves her statement that this is the novel the image of the sun first appeared. The image is based on the word image, mini-text that gradually conveys the message of the writer. The sun is shown in different capacities: cosmic (celestial body) and literary-philosophical (symbol). At the initial stage, it has no religious meaning at all and is expressed in the material, intuitive or psychological form in the first place. The title of the novel conveys the writer's intentions and message. In the course of the analysis the researcher has appealed to the archives of the Russian State Library that have never been published before.
Shmelev, creative story, narrative strategies, concept sphere, author's axiology, artistic picture of the world, title poetics, children's story, the story To the sun, image of the sun
Illarionov, V.V., Illarionova, T.V. (2018). Suntarsky District Epic Tradition: History of Olonkho Collections. Litera, 4, 194–200.
The subject of the research is the history of collecting olonkho in Suntarsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The object of the study is the epic tradition of the Yakut heroic epos olonkho. This article analyzes the stages of collecting olonkho materials in the Suntarsky district. Chronologically, the study covers the period from the middle of the XIX century and XX century. For the first time the plot of the olonkho of the Suntarsky district was recorded by R.K. Maak in the XIX century. In the 20th century, folklorists A. Savin and V. Illarionov made a significant contribution to the collection of folklore. The main research methodology is related to analytics of existing scientific works. A comparative historical research method was used, the review was made using the chronology of scientific publications about the olonkho in the Suntarsky district. Compilation of the olonkho records compared to other ulus in general was conducted satisfactorily. However, the absence of necessary materials on olonkho of the first half of the XXth century demonstrates the nonsystemic nature of investigative activity. At the moment, only three texts of olonkho suntars of narrators have been published, and archival materials are inaccessible to a wide readership. This creates certain difficulties in the study of the epic of the area.
olonkho characters, epic tradition, local tradition, olonkhosut, narrator, epic, olonkho, folklor, folk songs, folklorist
Question at hand
Maikova, T. (2018). Preservation of Co-Reference as the Means of Text Cohesion During Translation. Litera, 4, 201–208.
The article is devoted to the preservation of message and text cohesion during translation of nonfiction. This is performed by using co-reference units as elements of the text referring to one element of the reality. The research is based on the hypothesis that differences in the structural organisation of languages along with different degrees of awareness of recipients of original and translated texts create the need in translation transformations. The subject of the research is the preservation of co-reference in nonfiction when the latter are being translated from English into Russian. The material of the study was the original texts of journalistic style in English and Russian languages. Were offered and analyzed versions of the translation of the source text from English into Russian, taking into account and without taking into account the need to preserve the reference to the same referent. It was shown that the ability of a receptor to efficiently decode individual elements of the text, both belonging to the same referent, depends on their knowledge of the language and its system resources, and, in some cases, on their possession of extralinguistic information. In addition, the work shows that, in the aspect of translation, the preservation of reference is more important than the communication of additional knowledge about the referent, and should be ensured primarily including at the expense of some semantic losses.
transposition, coherence, translational transformations, translation, co-reference, reference, textual cohesion, recombination, substitution, omission
Literary criticism
Rakhmatova, A.M. (2018). Bodily Fragmentation as an Expression of Non-Integrity of a Lyrical Hero/Character in Non-Classical Lyrics. Litera, 4, 209–219.
The scope of the research covers bodily images presented in the lyrics of the non-classical stage of the poetics of artistic modality (the end of the XIX - XX centuries). The subject of the research is the body of a lyrical subject or character depicted in fragmentation in poems relating to this stage of poetics. The article is aimed at identifying certain artistic meanings expressed in the works of non-classical lyric images of physical fragmentation. In the article, the phenomenon of corporeal fragmentation in the lyrics of the non-classical stage of the poetics of artistic modality is examined on the material of D. Merezhkovsky, I. Brodsky, and S. Plat. The phenomenon of bodily fragmentation is discussed in this article from the standpoint of historical poetics. The main methods of research are the method of immanent analysis of the figurative structure of the work, aimed at identifying the meaning of specific images, as well as the comparative method associated with identifying and describing similar features of the poetics of works related to the non-classical stage of artistic modality poetics. The scientific novelty of the research is determined, firstly, by the fact that the semantics of bodily images in the works of non-classical lyricism remains insufficiently studied; secondly, by the fact that the artistic specificity of images of bodily fragmentation in the lyric works of the non-classical stage of the poetics of artistic modality remains unexplained. The article first identifies and describes the semantic parameters of images of bodily fragmentation in non-classical lyrics.
historical poetics, tendency to integrity, artistic sense, image of a body, lyric subject, non-classical lyrics, bodily fragmentation, author, artistic finalization, poem
Samsonova, E.M. (2018). Limit and Movement Verbs in the Yakut Language. Litera, 4, 220–226.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the manifestation of the limit feature in the lexico-semantic group of movement verbs in the Yakut language. The author pays special attention to the classification of subgroups of verbs with the semantics of oriented, vertical movement and the meaning of overcoming obstacles. The lexicographic source in the article is the material of the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Yakut Language. The polysemism of many verbs of the Yakut language movement implies using not the verbal lexeme itself, but its lexico-semantic version (LSV) as the unit of analysis. The use of the functional-semantic approach allowed to determine the place occupied by the limiting / unsaturated verbal vocabulary in the three-level structure of the expression plan of the category of limitingness of the language in question. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time in Yakut linguistics a distinction is made between verbal lexemes on the basis of lexico-semantic groups: previously, researchers focused only on the study of such a feature as transitivity / intransigence of action. During the analysis, it was established that the polysemousness of most Yakut verbs allows their lexico-semantic variants to participate in the expression of several typical situations. The classification of limiting verbs of movement in the Yakut language shows that, depending on the type of movement, the degree of manifestation of the limit in the semantics of the verbal lexeme also differs.
lexical and semantic variant, limit, aspects, functional-semantic category, verb, Yakut language, oriented movement, vertical movement, overcome obstacles, localizer
Shirinkina, M.A. (2018). Compositional-Thematic Organisation of Regulatory Documents (the Case Study of the Business Genre Rules). Litera, 4, 227–236.
The article explores the peculiarities of expression in the business genre of the “rules” of textual categories of the topic and composition. The theme of the text is understood as the main typological characteristic that reflects the subject of speech and forms the basis of the author's intention. It is established that the rules are implemented subject and genre themes. The subject matter is connected with the establishment of the normative behavior of various legal subjects in typical legal situations; it is expressed by chains of thematic nominations of the subject of speech. The genre theme is set by the genre nomination in the document title and, first of all, determines the tonality of the text following it, secondly, the addressee's interpretation and interpretation of this text as obligatory for execution. Text composition is a structural category through which a theme develops. The composition of the text of the rules includes the title and the main text, the latter, in turn, is divided into a preamble and informatively isolated sections. The basis for splitting the document into sections and subsections are sub-topics and micro-topics in the composition of the hypertema of the whole text. The categorical-textual approach to the business genre of the “rule” makes it possible to describe it as a special type of business text with inherent individual features. In conclusion, the author analyzes the composition of the existing “Rules of the Road Traffic of the Russian Federation”. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the alternative variant of the document compositionwhich most fully meets the goals and objectives of legal communication.
regulatory documents, genre rules, genre text type, official text, formal business text, text composition, text topic, text category, text linguistics, Rules of the road
Literary criticism
Vasileva, T.N. (2018). Artistic Features of the Tanka Genre Form in Ilya Baishev's Creative Writing. Litera, 4, 237–243.
The subject of the research is the poems written by a poet and member of the Union of Yakurian Poets, Ilya Baishev, in a Japanese genre form 'tanka'. In her research Vasilieva examines such aspects of the topic as the correspondence to the canons of Japanese poetry, i.e. observation of the main rules and traditions (in style, verse and composition), aesthetic principles and categories. Vasilieva also analyzes national specific features of the genre form which may have been expressed in images, sound pattern, national worldview. The main research methods used by the researcher include descriptive and comparative analysis of tanka poems. The main results of the research are the peculiarities of tanka in Yakut poetry based on the comparison of the original's features (formal and compositional principles, themes and range of problems) and individual writer's singularity. Based on the author, the common feature of Yakut tanka and Japanese poetry is that both are based on the same aesthetic principles (yugen, siori, engo), use seasonal words, innuendo and allegory. The difference is that Yakut poetry has a special kind of rhyming, role of alliteration and national interpretation of images.
poetics, genre form, Yakut poetry, Ilya Baishev, tanka, cycle, firm forms of lyrics, Japanese poetry, pentastiches, typology
Question at hand
Gutorenko, L.S. (2018). On the Question about Ambivalent Nature of Trolling and Using Trolling in Comic Creolised Internet Memes. Litera, 4, 244–250.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the definition of "trolling" in the works of Russian researchers, its transformation in the public consciousness, the goal-setting of virtual communication users when using trolling as well as the specifics of using trolling (in the broad sense of this term) in comic creolized Internet memes (based on the analysis of the Russian language). The analysis of the use of trolling was carried out based on the example of comic creolized Internet memes in Russian using case law, political and universal (everyday problems, gender relations, the conflict of generations). To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: definitional, analysis and synthesis, synthesis and systematization, as well as descriptions. The novelty of the study is caused by the presentation of a broad interpretation of the phenomenon of trolling, as well as in the study of its use in comic creolized Internet memes. The analysis made it possible to come to the conclusion about the transformation of the notion of "trolling" and the popularity of its use in a broad sense (as irony and sarcasm addressed to the reader or case law personalities) in comic creolized Internet memes for the purpose of receiving pleasure from intellectual game, creativity, comic rethinking of problem situations as well as reflection on them. The results of this work can be used for further study from a linguistic and pragmatic point of view of communication on the Internet in general and comic creolized Internet memes in particular.
creolized text, agression on the Internet, humour on the Internet, Internet meme, discourse on the Internet, communication on the Internet, trolling, virtual communities, comic effect, social relationship
Question at hand
Zholudeva, L.I. (2018). Baldassare Castiglione's Treatise 'About the Courtier': The Concept of the 'Courtier' Language and Italian Cultural Identity. Litera, 4, 251–258.
In this article, the subject of the research is the treatise of B. Castiglione “On the Courtier” (1528); it is of interest not only in connection with the position that the writer touches upon the Italian “dispute of the language” of the XVI century, but also as one of the evidences of the transformation of Italian national cultural identity. The purpose of this work is to research how the theory of the “court” language, which Castiglione was a supporter of, was inscribed in its system of views on the social significance and historical role of the Italian educated class of 'courtiers' in the broad sense of the word. The research methodology is of a combined nature, since the material under study is interesting from the standpoint of the external history of the Italian language, as well as from the point of view of the history of linguistic teachings. An analysis of the text of the treatise, taking into account the sociocultural context of the epoch and comparing with alternative points of view expressed by contemporaries of Castiglione, allows us to conclude that the generally accepted idea of the "defeat" of Castiglione and his associates in disputes about language, at least, needs to be clarified. If on a practical level, the model of codification of a literary language that was proposed by P. Bembo won an unconditional victory, then as regards the nature of the functioning of a literary language, its social role and its transformation into a component of national identity, B. Castiglione’s concept demonstrated its viability throughout the history of the Italian language.
literary language, language norm, Renaissance linguistic treatises, Cinquecento, Baldassare Castiglione, history of linguistics, History of Italian, Italian language, sociolinguistics, language controversies
Question at hand
Abdul'manova, A., Lekomtseva, I. (2018). The Creative Legacy of Geoffrey Chaucer and Russian Translations of His Works in Terms of the World Culture. Litera, 4, 259–265.
The article is devoted to the description of the creative heritage of medieval English poet Jeffrey Chaucer through the prism of his internationality. Describing the attitude of representatives of the English-speaking culture to the role of the poet in the formation of the national English language and English national literature, the authors pay attention to the works of the so-called “Chaucer canon”, offering them a brief overview. Describing the reflection of the plots of Jeffrey Chaucer’s works in the traditional culture of medieval Europe (the work of ancient, Italian, French authors) as well as examining popular adaptations in today's popular culture (art and animated films based on “Canterbury Tales”, texts intended for the general reader, etc. .), the authors of the article emphasizes the “internationalism” of the writer's creativity. The focus of the study is the story of the emergence of translations of works of the poet into Russian. The research methodology involves the description of works of mass art based on the works of this author, as well as Russian translations of his works in order to prove the "internationalism" of Jeffrey Chaucer and the importance of his work for the modern Russian-speaking reader. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors have made an attempt to systematize and implement a comprehensive description of the well-known Russian-language translations of the works of Jeffrey Chaucer. The relevance of the research is due to the unceasing interest in the poet's work, which is emphasized by the emergence of modern translations, film, video adaptations and editions of his works. The research methodology involves the description of works of mass art based on the works of this author, as well as Russian translations of his works in order to prove the "internationalism" of Jeffrey Chaucer and the importance of his work for the modern, including Russian-speaking, reader. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that for the first time an attempt is being made to systematize and implement a comprehensive description of the well-known Russian-language translations of the works of Jeffrey Chaucer. The relevance of the research is due to the unceasing interest in the poet's work, which is emphasized by the emergence of modern translations, film, video adaptations and editions of his works.
culture, translations into Russian, translation, Geoffrey Chaucer, Middle English literature, Middle English language, Middle English period, English language, popular art, literary works
Literary criticism
Raevskaia, M.M. (2018). The Phenomenology of Iberian Space in George Borrow's Book The Bible in Spain. Litera, 4, 266–279.
The article is devoted to the phenomenology of Iberian space in Britich travel literature, in particular, George Borrow's The Bible in Spain (1842). Raevskaya has a purpose to analyze peculiarities of the writer's technique which he used to describe the Iberian landscape and reality for the British reader who knew very little about it back in those times. As a reference position, the author of the article also presents a consideration of the travel genre as a collective multi-level literary form that has multidimensional specificity and is the result of the subjective knowledge of images existing in certain geographical boundaries of space. The inclusion of epistemological and historical perspectives in the research methodology, in addition to traditional biographical, comparative methods, stylistic analysis, synthesis and description, allows a more extensive assessment of the author’s idea, which represents the Iberian geoculture using certain observation procedures. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the lack of research in the Russian philological tradition devoted to the Iberian travelogue. The approach to the study of the spatial image of the Iberian civilization in travel literature is also new and allows evaluate its features not only from literary, but also epistemological aspects. The author of the article discusses various areas of space exploration from the point of view of their typological elaboration in the domestic and foreign humanitarian tradition, shows the specificity of the interpretation of the Iberian reality related to the author’s understanding of reality.
perception of space, George Borrow, observation techniques, imagery of Iberian space, phenomenology of space, British travel literature, Iberian landscape, Iberian geoculture, Iberian travelogue, idiostyle
Literary criticism
Zav'yalova, A.I. (2018). The Literary Topography of The Kazan Chronicle and Derzhavin's Opera 'Ivan the Terrible, or Conquering of Kazan'. Litera, 4, 280–286.
The article is devoted to the study of the texts of the opera “The Terrible, or Conquering of Kazan” by G. R. Derzhavin and an old Russian monument, "Kazan History". Unknown scribe of the XVI century tells the history of different lands and the Kazan region, in his work contains many toponyms. Following the author of Kazan History, Derzhavin in his opera creates a bright literary image of Kazan in the 16th century. One of the objectives of this work is to consider how the writer worked with the source to build the opera plot. The method of research in the article is a comparative analysis of the opera "The Terrible, or the Conquest of Kazan" and "Kazan History". As a result of the comparative characteristics of the two works, it was concluded that Kazan History can rightly be considered one of the main literary sources of the Derzhavin opera. The writer borrows from the Old Russian text a story about the foundation of Kazan and processes it in his own way, and this tradition becomes the plot basis of his dramatic composition.
Derzhavin's opera, opera, Russian drama, kotel zolotoje dno, The Kazan Chronicle, The Kazan kingdom, Ivan the Terrible, Sviyazhsk, Kazan, Zilant
Literary criticism
Bochkina, M.V. (2018). Trends of Modern Literature in Yu. Polyakov's Novel 'Love in the Time of Change'. Litera, 4, 287–292.
The author of the article explores the issue of traditions and innovations in understanding the phenomenon of time in the novel by Y. Polyakov “Love in the Time of Change”. The novel traces not only the realistic method in depicting events but also the influence of the postmodern and neo-modern directions, primarily on the ideological and substantive level. The author of the paper analyzes the motive of a gap in time as a result of a cultural trauma, as well as a motive of ontological emptiness, reflecting the nature of the era of change, described in the novel. The method of research of this work is the cultural-historical approach. The theoretical basis of this study is the work of M. Lipovetsky, A. Schopenhauer, and M. Bakhtin. Thus, the researcher discovers such features of Yu. Polyakov's novel “Love in the Time of Change” as polyphony, the prevalence of laughter, elements of the language game, and the mask of the author-narrator characteristic of modern literature. At the substantive level of the novel, the researcher analyzes the opposition between historical contingence and time fragmentation that unites a number of non-modernist novels.
realism, disintegration of times, cultural trauma, historical time, polyphony, satire, Polyakov, modern novel, neo-modernism, postmodernism
Literary criticism
Romanova, K.S. (2018). Development of Gaito Gazdanov's Existential Views (the Case Study of his 'Constantinople' Prose). Litera, 4, 293–299.
The author of the article analyzes the texts of Gaito Gazdanov recreating the picture of the life of Russian emigration in Constantinople. Gazdanov's "Constantinople" prose describes the border situation in which existential questions are especially acute: he reflects on the purpose of human existence, the boundaries of the individual "Self", the relationship between natural and cultural principles in human nature, the possibility of finding a foothold in a situation of total alienation. In the "Constantinople" fragment of the story "The Story of a Journey," the writer denies the possibility of building happiness rooted in external being. The feeling of happiness is extremely subjective and consists of individual spiritual experiences, momentary insights, the acuteness and intensity of which depend on the individual degree of sensitivity to beauty. In the story “Weak Heart”, the Gazdanov narrator is at first captured by the aesthetic charm of the city. However, his focus soon shifted: from the panoramic “sparkling view of the Bosporus and cool nights above the mosques” to close-up situations of domestic deprivation and psychological dramas of the Russian émigré, which lead him to existential generalizations about the essence of human existence in general. The article uses descriptive and biographical methods of research, as well as a comparative comparative method in the analysis of the prose of Gazdanov and J.P. Sartre. The author comes to the conclusion that the writer's observations of the hard life of the Russian emigration in Constantinople became the most important impetus for the formation of his existential views. The harsh Constantinople reality helped Gazdanov to discover that fatal “wormhole” of life, which, from his point of view, causes the inescapable tragedy of human life.
supporting base, ethics, psychological, consciousness, existentialism, Russian émigrés, Constantinople, absurdity, ideal, instinct
Literary criticism
Kononova, A.V. (2018). Common European Tradition in Seamus Heaney's Creative Writing: Dialogue with Ancient Literature. Litera, 4, 300–305.
The subject of the research is the work of the Irish poet Shaymas Heaney, one of the largest representatives of modern English-language poetry. The purpose of the article is to study the role and functions of ancient literature both in prose and in Heeney's poetry. The author of the article refers to the works, critical articles, interviews of the poet himself, as well as theoretical works of the world's leading researchers on the problems of tradition in literature, as well as scholars who study directly the life and work of Heaney. The methodology of the article is determined by the guidelines of comparative literature. The author of the article uses such methods as comparative historical, contextual, textual analysis, etc. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that, despite the growing interest in Heaney's poetry, there is practically no research on this literature on this aspect of the poet’s work. The author of the article concludes that the antique literature becomes an important link in the development of the creative path of Heeney and an indispensable material for understanding Heeni’s work in the aspect of its interaction with the literary heritage of previous eras. The study of this phenomenon, not only in the context of other works by Heaney, but also in the broad context of European literature, makes it possible to examine the work of the Irish poet in “big time” and to reveal the features of his interaction with the common European literary tradition.
contemporary poetry, Seamus Heaney, contemporary Irish poetry, Irish literature, Northern Ireland, Ireland, common European tradition, dialogue of cultures, tradition, literature of Antiquity
Antonova, T.V. (2018). The Translation Model of Culture-Bound Items Based on the Analysis of Britain Periodicals and Newspapers. Litera, 4, 306–314.
It is well known that language transmits cultural and spiritual values that comprise the socio-cultural foundation of a national community and makes it different from another ethnic group. In her research Antonova focuses on the conditions that influence the transmission of socio-cultural information as the subject of this research. The aim of the research is to develop a translation model of cultural vocabulary, the kind of model that would reflect the most essential sides of the process. The author has applied the comparative method of linguistic research. This approach has allowed describe a thick linguo-ethnic barrier that requires much knowledge and skills of a translator. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that components of transaltion activity usually includes linguistic and extra-linguistic components, still the role of each component still remains unreaveled. As a result, the researcher proves that the socio-cultural environment determines the difference in the language system, standards, usage, denotative, stylistic, social and time information contained in linguistic units. The results of the research outline areas for further translation researches. The author concludes that linguistoc factors imply differences in the background information. Communication terms also determine the translation process in many ways. Moreover, there is a close connection between the aforesaid translation factors. Pragmatic attitudes determine the presence of information in a text that has an emotional impace on a recipient but cannot be found in the original text.
socio-cultural information, interaction of the factors, communicative situation, extralinguistic factors, linguistic factors, cultural barrier, culture-bound items, translation model, socio-cultural environment, pragmatic relations
Lyulina, A.V. (2018). Intentional Analysis of Theresa May's Speech 'Renewing the British Dream': Etophysiological Aspect. Litera, 4, 315–321.
The aim of this research is to analyze the text of a political speech 'Renewing the British Dream' made by Theresa May from the point of view of the intentional correlation 'manipulation target (a particular group of speech recipients) as a speech actualisator'. The author of the article offers her own classification of etophysiological (i.e. referring to instincts and peculiarities of human's physiological perception) manipulation targets that is based on the universality and collectivity criteria and includes etoreceptive, exteroceptive, interoceptive, proprioceptive, spatial, temporal and kinaesthetic subgroups. The author assumes that particular speech actualisators are attributable to a certain group of targets. The research is based on the author's recipient-centered approach that views peculiarities of speech manipulation in the political discourse from the point of view of relevant characteristics of a recipient (i.e. particular manipulation targets). The use of this approach causes the novelty of this research and allows make the following conclusions: quite a great number of speech units that actualize manipulation targets actualized within the framework of this research proves that they have a high manipulation potential; the most frequently used actualisators of etophysiological targets are nominative word, associative word and speech acts, products of the abductive thinking of a producer (abductive speech acts). The rationale of this research is caused by the fact that despite the growing number of researches on the phenomenon of political discourse manipulation, speech mechanisms of this phenomenon are still left uncovered, the mechanisms that deal with the instinctive behavior of the recipient public and physiological perception features.
perception peculiarities, instinct, associative word, nominative word, manipulation target, political discourse, speech manipulation, speech recipient, speech producer, intentional analysis
Bryukhova, E.I. (2018). Peculiarities of the 'Lie' Category Functions in the Language Culture of the Japanese People. Litera, 4, 322–329.
In the culture of communication of any nation, the phenomenon of lies is one of the central places. The subject of the research of this article is the functioning of the “lie” category, an important aspect of Japanese language culture from the point of view of understanding the characteristics of the culture and mentality of the Japanese. The analysis of ideas about lies is extremely interesting, since we need to take into account the specifics of the attitude to it in Japanese culture in practical activities in order to achieve better mutual understanding in contacts with Japanese. The main method used in the article is a method of theoretical analysis of Japanese scientific literature devoted to the category of “lies” and a method of generalization. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that an attempt was made in domestic practice to understand the question of Japanese perception of a lie; the article is a small but necessary part to research the topic of lies and deception in Japanese culture. The main conclusion of the article is the position that the carriers of Japanese culture perceive lies as a necessary tool for maintaining harmonious, smoothed relations in society. The Japanese, who are extremely sensitive about interpersonal communication, constantly pay attention to the nature of the behavior, the nuances of the words spoken, and the lie in this sense performs important functions: as a regulator of language behavior, it makes communication smooth, conflict-free, through it polite, tactful, “caring” speech interaction with the Other.
courtesy, concern, interlocutor, harmonious relationship, lie, the Japanese people, language culture, tactful communication, lubricating oil, harmlessness
Efremova, N. (2018). The Role of Stylistic Devices in Smetanin's Literary Journalism. Litera, 4, 330–339.
The subject of the research is the stylistic figures of speech used in Yakut artistic prose. The object of the study is the syntactic constructions that form the artistic and stylistic originality of Yakut artistic journalism. The goal of the research is the linguistic proof that the stylistic techniques used in the works, anaphora, anaepiphora, antimetabol, antipophore, antithesis, apostrophe, hemination, hypophora, homeology, impersonation, enumeration, pickup, interruptedly continued utterance, rhetorical exclamation, rhetorical, rhetorical exclamation, enumeration, enumeration, interception syncrisis, syntactic parallelism, comparison, enargy serve as expressive means that form this style in ideological and artistic terms as well as convey emotions and feelings of the writer. The method of descriptive analysis reveals the role of stylistic figures (receptions) in Yakut artistic journalism. The research covered texts for the essays and short stories of the classic Yakut literature, the front-line writer T. Smetanin, written on the military-patriotic theme during the Great Patriotic War. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the identification and systematization of stylistic figures of speech used in Yakut artistic prose based on the analysis of essay works of the Yakut classic, the front-line writer T. Smetanin. The writer's language and style have not been studied enough: there are no works that highlight the genre and stylistic features of his creative heritage. The stylistic techniques in the artistic journalism of T. Smetanin played a special role in creating the artistic image of the Great Patriotic War, thereby evoking the reader with deep feelings of patriotism.
syncrisis, mesarchy, antithesis, metabola, anaphora, expression, reception, stylistic, publicistic, enargy
Abdul'manova, A., Maksimova, M.A. (2018). Word-Formation Models of Nouns in the Field of English Customs Vocabulary. Litera, 4, 340–347.
The subject of this research is the word-formation models of nouns in English-language customs vocabulary. Insufficient knowledge of this layer of vocabulary as well as the emergence of a variety of words not yet recorded in special dictionaries and glossaries but having a pronounced professional affiliation creates the need to consider development trends and to carry out a detailed study of types of word formation and activity problems of word-building models of customs vocabulary. This determines the rationale of the research. The aim of the work is to determine the main derivational models of the formation of English-language customs terminology. The research methodology is based on systematization, description and classification of language material; word-building and contextual analysis of the models of derived words and the establishment of quantitative parameters that reveal and confirm language patterns that regularly appear in customs vocabulary. The scientific novelty of the work is caused by the fact that it studies nouns and their word-formation models based on the analysis of English-language customs vocabulary which is considered as a microsystem of interconnected and interdependent elements, uniting a number of industries (transport, economic, etc.). An attempt is made in the work to provide a comprehensive lexical description of the formal characteristics of customs vocabulary.
ways of word-formation, components of compound words, word-combination, characteristics of compound words, compound word, customs vocabulary, terminology, English language, word-building pattern, noun