Author's view
Antonova, E.M. (2012). William Blake: the poetry of madness and the philosophy of evil. Litera, 1, 1–24.
This article examines the legacy of the poet-philosopher William Blake, interest in whom has re-emerged nearly two centuries since his death. Blake and his poetry are still the subject of analysis and research. Nowadays he is considered to be an author and thinker who discovered a new approach to poetry -- poetry of thought and poetry of philosophy -- that was an absolute innovation for the era in which he lived. Blake's legacy is bottomless; it has inspired artistic, philosophical, and poetic thought and we have yet to grasp his extraordinary philosophical depth.
poetry of thought, madness, William Blake, poetry, metaphysics, evil, anthropology, aesthetics, poetic theory, God
Zaitsev, A.V. (2012). Lingvopolitical Studies VS Political Linguistics: Is There a Dialogue?. Litera, 1, 25–81.
The article tells about the differences that exist between lingvopolitical and political-linguistic approaches to political communication and political dialogue. Political linguistics view political communication as a struggle for power, influence and mind control and actually exclude interaction between the government and society. This approach is opposed to the lingvopolitical point of view according to which modern political communication is based not on the subject-object relation but on the subject - subject interaction, i.e. the dialogue between the goverment and civil society.
discourse, language, political studies, linguistics (language studies), political communication, dialogue, influence, interaction, manipulation
Krotovskaya, N.G. (2012). V.Nabokov. Lectures on Don Quixote (translated). Litera, 1, 82–127.
In his lectures before the Harvard audience in 1951-1952, Vladimir Nabokov attempts to unveil the true work of Servantes, stripping it of sanctimonious nonsense that turned a harsh narrative into an easygoing tale about appearance versus reality, which layered on the novel due to centuries of misinterpretation. In truth, Don Quixote remains a traditional piece of old Spanish literature, depicting cruelty towards an old man that acts like a child in his senile dementia. This book was written in an age when the sick and the crippled were laughed at, when heretics were burned alive in public, when mercy and kindness were seemingly extinguished forever. In time, however, the world saw the novel in another light. The character that started off as a target for ridicule, became a saint over the centuries.
illusion, reality, magic, lies, hoax, cruelty, rethinking, Don Quixote, philology, creative work
Eternal symbols
Oreshkin, A.S. (2012). Quixotism - the tragedy of immortality. Litera, 1, 128–162.
This article deals with the branch of Spanish existentialistic ideas of late XIX to early XX centuries called "Quixotism". The author explores the views of Miguiel de Unamuno, who was the founder of Quixotism, regarding the crisis of Spanish self-consciousness and the search for the foundations of human morality, which were personified by the characters of "The Indigenous Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Servantes.
author, language, human, Unamuno, insanity, literature, philosophy, philology, Spain, existentialism
Kulagina-Yartseva, V.S. (2012). Culture and Teaching at Victorian London. Liza Picard. Litera, 1, 163–227.
Liza Picard describes the process of preparation for the International Industrial Exposition in 1851. She also describes the openning and popularity of the Exposition with the Great Britain citizens as well as the role of the Exposition in the development of culture and industry. The author also raises questions about education, in particular, school education (so called 'ragged schools' as a great achievement of the Victorian age) and talks about different institutions, courses and available libraries.
public libraries, Crystal Palace, Koh-i-noor , railway excursions, opening night, International Exhibition, ragged schools, Lancastrian systems, Jewish schools, teaching girls
Golubitskii, Y.A. (2012). Scientific language: reality of corporate desire? (Addressing the issue of lexical and stylistic aspect of modern humanitarian research works). Litera, 1, 228–276.
The author of this article, being a philologist, literator and sociologist in his scientific work, analyzes the lexical and stylistic aspects of scientific works in humanitarian sciences in context of norms and traditions of the national Russian language. In his opinion, binary preposition of linguistic debate - encratic and acratic languages, Russian tradition for written fixation of scientific work, is, in fact, a quasi-language itself and is defined not as an independent communication phenomenon, but as a system of anomalies in regular language. The article provides a historical outlook on the interaction of scientific and literary methods of fixation and reflection of social realities - interaction that represents a pendulum of divergence and convergence processes.
stylistic, social orientation, literary orientation, debate, quasi-language, paradigm, binarity, linguistics, literary centrism, literature