Kirko V.I., Kononova E.S., Luk'yanova A.A..
Education as a tool for managing the development of human capital in new macroeconomic conditions
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2024. № 3.
P. 30-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2024.3.32526 EDN: MDVHHC URL:
The article considers the issues of stable development of socio-economic systems, creation of conditions for the well-being of the population. A modernized chain of stages for improving the quality of life and sustainable development is given, the evolution of knowledge accumulation is considered. The author's interpretations of the difference between the concepts of "human capital" and "human potential" are given. It is concluded that education is a key tool for the formation of sustainable socio-economic systems that ensure the implementation and development of human capital and, ultimately, an improvement in the quality of life of the population. The methodological basis of the study includes such general scientific methods as system analysis, synthesis, abstraction and analogy, generalization and classification, which ensure the validity of the results and conclusions of the study. The main conclusion of the study is the fact that the innovative vector of development of the Russian economy necessitates the creation of a system of continuous education that could ensure a high quality of life for the population and the maximum completeness of the development of human capital. At the same time, the authors conclude as a result of the study that a highly effective system of engineering and technical training is another important element of education as a tool for improving the quality of life of the population and developing human capital. At the same time, some of the key areas of modernization of engineering and technical training are: - development of interaction with industrial partners in order to ensure the practical orientation of the educational process; - modernization of the model of targeted training of graduates in terms of the transition from targeted admission to the 1st year to targeted training based on the selection of highly motivated 2nd-3rd year students for specialized training in the interests of industry leaders; - development of innovative forms of organization of the educational process.
socio-economic development, human capital, human development, macroeconomic conditions, technology, technological order, economic cycle, education, development, sustainable development
Arefyev A.S..
Crowdsourcing approach in the model of digital transformation of a tourism enterprise
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2024.2.70424 EDN: JKRWDW URL:
Modern sanitary-epidemiological and environmental challenges produce changes in the structure of supply and demand in tourism. The share of cultural and ecological recreation in domestic tourism is growing, with a focus on the consumption of goods from local producers. The universal digitalization of public life increases the importance of cultural self-identification and creative self-expression, which also affects consumer behavior. All this forces tourism enterprises to look for new solutions to adapt their production processes and increase digital maturity. However, the complex of internal and external factors that have a decisive influence on management decision-making makes it difficult to apply existing models of digital transformation of organizations engaged in the field of tourism services. The expert literature on these issues is limited to examples of large companies and entire resorts. The author conducted an approbation of the methodology for drawing up a digital transformation strategy, proposed by a team of authors in the work "Digital Transformation Strategy: write to execute". The study is presented in the form of a case study of an Internet service development project the Sochi travel company. The article presents the experience of developing and implementing a digital transformation strategy for a travel agency, which can be useful both to representatives of the scientific community and creative industries involved in the development of innovative products and services, as well as to the heads of companies of alternative types of tourism. The digital transformation model was based on a crowdsourcing approach in the field of cultural and creative tourism, thanks to which the historical and cultural online travel guide was developed. The work carried out made it possible to confirm the hypothesis about the possibility of using this model in small enterprises of the tourism sector, to carry out a detailed description of the process of drawing up a strategy and to fill a gap in the scientific and expert literature devoted to this area. New in-demand activities and an innovative digital product, which appeared due to the implementation of the strategy for increasing digital maturity, allow us to characterize the first results of the project as successful, and the developing project is able to meet the needs of stakeholders in tools for promoting cultural and creative tourism.
Digitalization strategy, Innovation product, Creative tourism, Case-study, Internet-service, Digital Transformation, Crowdsourcing, Experience economy, Cultural tourism, Creative industries
Artiukhov A.V., Trofimov I.S..
Modern trends in the management of service organizations in the context of digital transformation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2023. № 1.
P. 18-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.1.38101 EDN: TQCWMV URL:
The subject of the study is the process of digital transformation in service companies. The article consistently examines modern trends in the management of digital transformation processes for service companies, including in the field of the economy of shared consumption. Attention is focused on the importance of taking into account the context of each specific business and explains the essence of this approach. The issues of adaptation of service organizations in the modern digital economy and the opportunities and problems that accompany it are considered. The problems of changes in the goals and priorities of the management of service companies and the choice of directions for successful digital transformation are studied in detail. The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions: The digital economy requires the management of service companies to be able to implement digital transformation projects; for successful management of digital transformation, it is necessary to take into account the full context and strategic goals of the company; the main problems of service and sharing companies on the way to improving the efficiency of business processes are the need to change approaches to management and a shortage of personnel with knowledge and competencies necessary for the implementation of digital transformation. It is also shown that digitalization and automation can be carried out in various ways and affect various aspects of the company's business model. Service companies should strive to be at the forefront of digitalization.
digital transformation, sharing companies, sharing, service, management, business, automation, digital economy, the economy of shared consumption, process
Rayter K.A..
Digital transformation of marketing strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2021. № 3.
P. 30-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.3.36370 URL:
The subject of this research is the digital transformation of marketing strategies and development strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises. The object of this research is the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in the conditions of modern digital economy and the global socioeconomic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this article consists in the analysis of peculiarities of digital transformation of marketing strategies and development strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data was collected via he method of in-depth interviews with the representatives of Russian construction small and medium-sized enterprises, and analyzed using the method of thematic analysis. The hypotheses were advanced and proved on the the impact of digital transformation of marketing strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises upon their competitiveness in the conditions of modern digital economy. The article indicates the growing role of digital transformation of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in the conditions of modern digital economy and global socioeconomic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of research, the author obtained the key characteristics of digital transformation of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, including the questions of awareness of the informants about digitalization, digital transformation marketing strategies and development strategies of the informant companies, level of digital literacy of the employees of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, barriers and changes in the process of digitalization, forecasts for the future digital development of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, and personal perception of digital transformation by the informants. The acquired data can be used by the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in development of the technology for creating digital strategy, formulation of the corresponding scientific-methodological and practical recommendations in the area of their innovation development.
small enterprises, development strategy, construction companies, business processes, marketing strategy, SMEs, Internet marketing, digital transformation, digitalization, digital technologies
Ledeneva M.V., Mishura N.A..
Factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 4.
P. 95-105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34785 URL:
This research is aimed at determination and interpretation of the factors that influence the indicator values of innovation activity of enterprises in the Russian Federation. The author sets the following goals: carry out factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation using the method of principal components and maximum likelihood; determine and interpret the factors; compare the acquired results; develop recommendations on improvement the composition of statistical indicators used for efficiency assessment of innovation activity of companies on meso- and macro levels. The empirical basis contains the data provided by Rosstat on 10 indicators for the period from 2009 to 2016 (657 observations). The scientific novelty consists in identification of latent generalizing characteristics and correlations between the indicators used for assessing the innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation. Both methods, of principal components and principal factors, allowed similarly distinguishing the two factors: via the method of principal components: development of science in the region and specialization of the region in high-tech industries; via the method of principal factors: research organizations in the region, their number and indicators; specialization of the region in high-tech industries. The second factor reflects commercialization of research and development. A relatively small number of indicators is used for assessing commercialization of research and development. The author notes the lack of statistical data for assessing the efficiency of innovation activity of companies. The statistical indicators of innovation activity of enterprises should include the economic effect indicators. This would allow using the performance indicators of research and development not only on micro-, but also meso - and macro-levels in elaboration and assessment of measures stimulating innovation activity of businesses at the country level.
principal factor method, principal components method, factor analysis, statistics of innovations, innovative activity, innovative activity of organizations, economic effect, factors of innovative activity, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, indicators of innovative activity
Ilyanov D.S., Chernysheva T.C., Yurevich M.A..
Sources of economic growth in the XXI century: video game industry
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 3.
P. 78-89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.31693 URL:
This article focuses on determination of trends and prospects for the development of video game industry in the Russian Federation. Analysis is conducted on evolution of the video game market and trends that established thereof. The author examines the dynamics in gaming industry revenue allocated by segments, and the share held by video games on the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the revenue of the global gaming industry for all segments (games for smartphones, tablets, PC, etc.) with GDP of some EAEU member-states for the 7-year period, and as well as makes a forecast of the dynamics of revenue of gaming industry by the segments. The overall revenue obtained from the global gaming industry has increased by 115% in the past 7 years and account to $ 151.9 billion. The article explores the current state of video game market in the Russian Federation, which almost doubled in the past 5 years and accounts to $ 1.9 billion. The key risks that can negatively affect the development of video game industry are identified. The conclusion is made that despite the existing risks, a dynamic increase in the segment of mass multiuser online games and its audience should be expected in the nearest future; by 2022, the segment of games for mobile devices could take up to half of the entire gaming market.
revenue of the gaming industry, innovation, mobile device, game console, personal computer, special sector of the economy, IT-services market, game industry, digitalization, computer technology
Potekhin V.N..
Conceptual matrix of innovative model of agricultural-industrial production in the enterprises of the Russian defense complex
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 3.
P. 90-104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33169 URL:
The traditional theoretical, methodological and practical approaches towards solution of the problem of restoration in a short time frame and further highly efficient development of agriculture have exhausted their capacity a while ago. Their subsequent application is associated with significant socioeconomic and other losses for the entire society, including rural population. The transition to a qualitatively new level of development requires corresponding scientific basis, theory that would be adequate to reality, systemic-holistic interdisciplinary methodology, system of objective indicators that allow conducting research in the conditions of ultimate certainty – knowledge of the structure, content, objective mechanism of development and rational management of these processes. The conducted analysis of the existing reproductivity models in agriculture determined the varieties characteristic to this sphere, which include the extensive and partially intensive models of reproduction with significant flaws in the structure, content, and essence of the reflected socioeconomic phenomena, namely limitations in the development of production forces and industrial relations that have negative impact and are inadmissible for the qualitatively new tasks. The highlighted conceptual matrix of the innovative model of agricultural-industrial production excludes these shortcomings; it has a universal type by the level of management and is promising for ubiquitous distribution of innovative reproduction in agriculture. Its advantage consists in the new systemic-holistic interdisciplinary methodology; educational-scientific-managerial and material-technical basis; system of training of personnel of innovation type; objective information system and new generation management system; truly humane vector of development and management; real opportunity for ensuring sustainable development of the Russian agrarian complex. Consolidation of socioeconomic, human resource, scientific and technological capacity of the defense enterprises allows successfully resolving a complex task on rational formation and development of innovative industries in agriculture in a short time frame.
социально-экономические инварианты, universal models, defense enterprise, system-integrated interdisciplinary methodology, innovative model, conceptual matrix, agricultural and industrial complex, agriculture, interdisciplinary methodology, defense companies
Safiullin M.R., Burganov R.T., El'shin L.A., Abdukaeva A.A..
Empirical assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies upon effective development of the banking system
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 3.
P. 105-116.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33415 URL:
This article is dedicated to studying the problems and prospects in development of financial market of the national economy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of globalization and integration of FinTech technologies. Consideration of potential risks and consequences of their usage in economic activity would contribute to substantiation of the key strategic vectors in development of the financial market and national economy overall. Methodological framework contains positions of the theory of strategic management, financial management, and procedural approach. Peculiarities of determination of the parameters of financial sector development within the framework of scenario forecasting of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking system are revealed using the set of methods of systemic, complex, logical, comparative and economic-mathematical modeling. Based on assessment of the emerging effects caused by integration of distributed data storage technologies into the system operational processes of credit institutions, the author carries out a formalized assessment of development prospects of the banking sector in new institutional conditions of the economy. The theoretical and practical significance of the research consists in substantiation of the need for activation of the processes of integration of blockchain technologies into the financial system of national economy, which allows increasing sustainability and effective development of its participants, as well as ensuring the growth of global economic competitiveness for decades to come. The scientific novelty consists in proposal of an algorithm for assessing macroeconomic effects as a result of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking sector. The author builds the models that assess the impact of operational and credit risks upon the key parameters of financial performance of the banking sector of the Russian Federation.
mathematical methods, forecasting, scenario modeling, blockchain systems, capital reserves, operational risks, credit risks, blockchain technology, banking system, development
Safiullin M.R., Burganov R.T., El'shin L.A., Abdukaeva A.A..
Assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies upon national economy: methodological approaches and their approbation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 3.
P. 117-129.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33474 URL:
Despite heightened interest of the international and national financial institutions and enterprises of the real economic sector in distributed data storage technologies, there are very few research dedicated to the problems of assessment of blockchain platforms’ potential in socioeconomic environment and their theoretical comprehension. The existing works usually reveal either a technical side of the object of research, or normative legal aspects of applicability of blockchain technologies in national economy. The object of this article is the financial sector of national economy of the Russian Federation. The subject is the relations established between the participants of financial market based on blockchain technologies and the effects thereof. An attempt is made to fill the gaps in studying such aspects as economic and social effects of implementation of blockchain technologies into the activity of economic entities. Based on assessment of the forming effects, caused by integration of the distributed data storage technologies into the system of economic operations, the author carries out a formalized assessment and scenario modeling of the dynamics of GDP growth in the new institutional economic conditions. This research is aimed as strengthening the positions of formalized approaches towards studying the articulated scientific-practical problem on the background of overwhelming dominance of qualitative approaches towards examination of blockchain technologies.
national economy, forecasting, scenario modeling, financial results, operational risks, credit risks, GDP, blockchain technology, economic mathematical methods, regression analysis
Gudov M.M., Ermakova E.R..
Structural transformations of Russian economy in the conditions of accelerated digitalization of industrial relations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.2.32625 URL:
The goal of this research is to determine the consequences of accelerated digitalization of industrial relations in the context of structural transformation of Russian economy, as well as substantiate the need and the possibility for structural changes namely in the current period of time. The object of this research is the current and exhausted raw mineral export model of the Russian economy, which requires immediate modification. The subject of this research consists in the study of the impact of current external shocks (abrupt drop in the price of energy resources) upon the changes in the structure of Russian economy (in the sectoral and component views). The structural reform of the Russian economy, which started back in the Soviet period, could not be fully implemented via evolutionary path. Same as all world’s economies, the Russian economy is currently functioning in a state of uncertainty and under influence of external shocks. In the authors’ opinion, these external shocks presently force the accelerated digitalization of industrial relations, which can produce powerful structural transformations of economy, it the government will provide support for corresponding projects.
external shock of economy, investment growth model, digitalization, innivation, export and raw materials model, economic growth, GDP, structure of economy, energy price, structure's transformations
Rozanova L.I., Tishkov S.V..
Innovative modernization of the Russian economy: potential, challenges, opportunities
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2019. № 2.
P. 55-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.2.26327 URL:
This article is dedicated to the questions of innovative modernization of the Russian regional economy. Emphasis is made on the factors constraining the innovative development: low level of capital accumulation; inadequate to the economic needs development of the financial service market; spatial accessibility of credit organizations. The article also highlights the key issues, which solution is an inseparable part of innovative strategies of the Russian regions. High rate of depletion of the capital assets of Russian enterprises in the traditional economic sectors is determined as the key problem. The majority of studies of the problems of innovative development is dedicated to strengthening of the efficiency of Russian economy due to implementation of innovations without account of the possibility of their assimilation by the industry. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author refer to the analysis of the problems of industrial applicability of innovations in the conditions of high rate of wear of production systems. Leaning on the analysis of the current state of industrial capacity, the authors come to the conclusion that innovative modernization requires substantial investment resources, formed by enterprises themselves, as well as by financial market.
disposals of fixed assets, productive investment, the depreciation of fixed assets, production capacity, scientific potential, the modernization of the economy, the global innovation index, innovative development of regions, the rate of renovation, financing the investment activities
Batkovskiy M.A., Kravchuk P.V..
Economic evaluation of technological innovations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2018. № 4.
P. 98-109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.4.22642 URL:
The subject of this study is the management of innovation and technological development of economic systems. The object of the study is a tool for the economic evaluation of technological innovations. Despite the substantial research conducted on this topic, until now, many of its aspects have not received a theoretical solution. There is a wide range of opinions of foreign and Russian scientists regarding the tool for the economic evaluation of technological innovation. The article analyzes the experience of this assessment in highly developed countries. It is noted that in most cases only the direct costs of the developer company are accounted for, and not public costs. The main directions of development of methodology and toolset for assessing technological innovations are determined. It was suggested to determine the effectiveness of their implementation in the production process, with consideration of the discounting of effects (results) and costs. It is based on an assessment of the impact of technological innovation on the tactical and technical characteristics of products created with its help. A multi-stage algorithm for estimating the data of results and costs, taking into account the life cycle of innovations, is proposed. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is determined by the use of a methodology that takes into account the interrelationship of technological innovations and the tactical and technical characteristics of products created with their help. A verbal-numerical scale of the values of the coefficient of their interrelation has been developed. The proposed evaluation indicators and algorithms from the calculation are an effective economic and mathematical tool for improving the management efficiency of the innovation and technological development of the economy.
economic-mathematical modeling, optimization, technological innovation, control, efficiency, tools, assessment, innovative project, methodology, optimality
Ubushiev E..
Economic security in various technological modes
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2018. № 3.
P. 1-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27119 URL:
The subject of this research is the issues of economic security in various technological modes. Considering the periodical alternation of technological modes within the global technical and economic development, the author determines the key characteristics of these technological modes, as well as the issues of economic security at the time of dominance of each mode. Moreover, the article provides a detailed description of hypothetical core of a new, sixth technological mode, the transition to which is substantiated by attenuation of the current model of capitalistic development and the need for reconfiguration around the modern socioeconomic demands. Special attention is given to the assessment of research and development potential of the Russian economy. The author reveals the main threats to economic security in terms of the untimely transition to the new technological wave, as well as concludes that Russia currently experiences the dominance of the third and fourth technological modes, while the fifth mode is yet to achieve the pinnacle of its development. The author believes that if in the nearest future Russia will concentrate the existing resources on the key promising directions of the sixth technological mode, then alongside the global technological shifts, it will create the “window of opportunity” for technological breakthrough and bring about the “Russian economic wonder”.
sixth mode, national economy, economic policy, crisis, threats of economic security, economic security, technological mode, technological revolution, nanotechnology, sustainable development
Zhebit E.V..
Risks in development of the international scientific megaprojects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2018. № 2.
P. 79-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.25725 URL:
This article provides the research results of the economic peculiarities of large-scale scientific mega-class projects. The main features of scientific megaprojects and their difference from the ordinary mega-class projects are considered. The author examines the risk characteristics in implementation of the scientific megaprojects, specificity and problems of management with allowance for risk. The article provides the systematization of the types of risks and measures on their minimization, as well as recommendations for the pre-project analysis of the problem or risks substantiated by the internal and external factors affecting the systemic sustainability of a project. The author presents a new methodological approach for assessing the risk factors, which is based on perceiving megaproject as an unbalanced system of stochastic nature. Presence of a high number of risks accompanying the implementation of the large scientific projects requires its precise identification, distribution of responsibility, as well as a certain set of methods for analyzing risks. The shift of technological and financial risks towards the nongovernment participants of megaprojects in terms of the public-private partnership will allow considering the interests of all participants, including the interests and mission of megaproject itself.
risk minimization, public-private partnership, megaprojection, financial exposure, scientific mega-projects risks, economic system, scientific mega-projects, megascience, nonequilibrium system, risk management
Gainanov D.A., Klimenteva A.Y..
The development of regional innovative subsystem based on the imbalance model
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2018. № 2.
P. 91-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.25867 URL:
This article examines the regional innovative subsystem as a complex of interconnected elements, conditions and factors that initiate and carry out production, distribution and application of the new knowledge ensuring the development of regional economy and its subsystems. The authors review the process of transferring scientific research to the economy that ensures the socioeconomic efficiency of regional development. The article describes substantial essence of the resource provision (personnel, scientific-informative, material-technical) and systemic gaps emerging in the process of transferring scientific knowledge presented in form of the imbalance model. In accordance with the staged of innovative process, the model allows revealing the following imbalances: structural-competent – inconformity of the demand and availability of scientific personnel; demand and supply of scientific research – lack of demand in the industry scientific developments; lack of demand for scientific research – absence of demand in new products. The authors suggest the basic measures for eliminating or reducing the systemic strategic gap and thus ensuring the effective transfer of scientific research into the regional economy.
innovative economy, resource support, unbalance model, transfer of scientific research, innovative development, regional innovative subsystem, innovation, result, scientific research, human resources
Naugolnova I.A..
Theoretical and methodological foundations of cost management in production of high-tech and innovative products
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2018. № 1.
P. 25-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.1.21722 URL:
The article analyzes the innovation activity of Russian organizations by types of economic activity for 2010-2015, and discusses cost management features for the production of high-tech and innovative products. The work substantiates the necessity for an integrated and systematic approach, and determines the advantages of the functional cost analysis and method of standard cost compared to Russian normative method. As a result of this research, the author added and disclosed the principles of cost management system, which consists in identification and maximization of the value of production, optimization of the value stream, as well as application of advanced tools and techniques, ensuring methodological unity and correlation of the costs with the strategic enterprise objectives and involvement of the cost management process of employees, optimization of the use of resources and minimization of waste, forecasting and planning costs in order to prevent irrational and formation of "eddicient" culture in correlation between management, accounting and taxation.
direct costing, standard cost, value analysis, cost reduction tools, cost management principles, innovative activity, high-tech products, cost management, cost management system, margin approach
Egorov N., Kovrov G.S., Nikiforova V.V..
The Main Directions of Technological Development of the Russian North During the Transition to the Sixth Technological Order (the Case Study of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2017. № 2.
P. 37-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.2.23164 URL:
The object of the research in this article is the innovative-based technological development of economy of the Far North constituents. The subject of the research is peculiarities of economic development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) during the transition to the sixth technological order. The aim of this work is to identify possible structural elements of the sixth technological order (the key factors-carrying sector of the regional economy) on the basis of analyzing theoretical and methodological grounds of formation and development of the technological structure as well as regional characteristics and the current state of innovation-technological development of the region.The research methodology is the factor analysis of statistical indicators. The authors of the article give an analytical review of the methodologies described by foreign and domestic scientists and economists. They also describe the regional peculiarities of Sakha and the basic indexes characterizing the level of the innovative-based technological development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It is shown that these indicators over the period 2005-2015 in general have a positive linear trend which indicates the prospects of further development of economy of the Republic on the basis of using innovation and technology. As an example, the authors give an analysis and assessment of the development of the information technology industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) up to 2030. The authors also outline the possible structure elements of the new technological order and emphasizes the need to improve educational programs for training and retraining of specialists adapted to work in the industries of the sixth technological order.
core, key factors, technological development, regional characteristics, Russian North, technological way, nanotechnology, innovation, supporting sectors of the economy, personnel training
Rasskazova A.V..
Innovation-Driven Economic Development and Assessment of Enterprises' Innovative Capacity
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2016. № 2.
P. 27-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.2.17788 URL:
The object of the research is the innovatve development of Russia and assessment of innovative capacity of domestic companies. Set of the program documents describing the main objectives and directions of innovative development at the macro and micro levels acts as the subject of the present research. The author in detail considers theoretical approaches to interpretation of innovation, innovative capacity, innovative capacity assessment inventory, and legal and regulatory framework (first of all, state programs in the sphere of innovative development), development programs and financial reports provided by OAO (JSC) RZD (Russian Railways). Special attention is paid to the implementation of "The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation 2020" and assessment of innovative capacity of JSC RZD. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is constituted by the complex analysis and systems approach to studying primary sources as well as methodological developments of Russian scientists and specialists. The main conclusions of research are offers and recommendations made on the basis of the analysis of innovative development programs which should contribute to the improvement of the economic situation at the macro and micro level. Based on the analysis of statistical data the results of the implementation of the first stage of "The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation 2020" are also presented. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out an in-depth study of innovative development: at the level of the state and at the level of private enterprises.
innovations, innovative capacity, innovative development, Russian Railways (RZD), innovative capacity assessment, innovative development strategy, transport company, financial stability, R&D financing, state participation
Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A..
Innovative Capacity of the Modernization of Economy in the Volga Federal District
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2015. № 3.
P. 16-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.3.15478 URL:
Under the conditions of the world globalization the scale of such tasks as modernization and innovative development of all branches of economy gains the special importance. Thus efficiency of functioning of innovative system of the country in general, its competitiveness substantially depend on a dinamization of innovative processes at the level of concrete regions. Thus, the crucial role in a question of innovative development of Russia is played by effective use of innovative capacity of regions, as caused its research for the purpose of modernization of economy of regions of the Volga Federal District. As a methodological basis of research the methodology of system approach was applied. As the private methods of the system analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, the comparative, factorial analysis and other methods were used. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the main socio-economic indexes of development of regions of the district in dynamics authors generalize the existing problems and tendencies of development of innovative potential of modernization. The factors defining ability of economy of the district to join in an innovative trend are allocated. By results of the carried-out analysis conclusions are drawn and the general recommendations for increase of efficiency of use of innovative capacity of regions of the Volga Federal District are made.
innovation system, economy, capacity, social and economic development, modernization of economy, innovation, development, model of a system, economic growth, model
Voloshina L.A..
Business incubation in the conditions of a university as a form of small entrepreneurship and means for providing competitive ability of an educational institution
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2015. № 2.
P. 13-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.2.15123 URL:
The article analyzes business incubation as a form of small entrepreneurship. The subject analyzed is functioning of business incubators in the conditions of a university and provision of competitive ability of this university with the help of these incubators. The author gives a detailed analysis of the social significance of a business incubator as a support for a small business, as well as its role in innovative economy. Especial attention is paid to the aims and mechanisms of functioning of incubators in Russia and in the world in whole, as well as in concrete universities. The method used by the author is social and economic analysis of universities’ activities in business incubation. The author also bases on empirical data attained by him within several years of his work in a number of universities. The author’s main conclusions are that the Russian system of higher education has large possibilities for providing competitive ability of universities and influence the formation of innovative culture and innovative mentality, as well as the development of a multilevel coaching of personnel for innovative economy, with the help of business incubation. The novelty of the article is that it shows business incubation as an economic phenomenon in the conditions of a university in the context of a wide range of economic, social and political problems.
production, knowledge, university, entrepreneurship, economy, innovations, incubator, business, education, competitive ability
Alekseev I.V..
Reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
2015. № 2.
P. 28-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.2.15209 URL:
The subject analyzed in this article is business processes of a franchising enterprise and their reengineering on the basis of introducing internet technologies. The aim of the article is to prove that the transferring of theoretical and practical knowledge of an enterprise in an innovative branch demands certain structural changes and reengineering of еру business processes. The author suggests an algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies and analyses the integration of an electronic form of maintaining the business into the operating activities of an economic entity for the sphere of franchising. The method used by the author is an analysis of scientific literature and description of the algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of internet technologies. The main conclusion of the author is that internet technologies are of considerable importance for contemporary franchising enterprises because using of them can play a decisive role for achieving the planned strategic aims. However, integration of innovative instruments into the internal structure of an economic unity is a rather complicated process. This peculiarity is determined by dynamism of the system of internet technologies, the creation of which demands a work of qualified experts and elaboration of certain technological standards. The novelty of the article consists in the fact that it suggests an algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies and analyzes the integration of the electronic form of conduct of business and operating activities of an economic entity for the sphere of franchising. The author also determines the “accelerators” of such an integration.
model of organization, algorithm, franchise agreement, franchise, enterprise, franchising, reengineering, business, franchise package, process