Economic theory and history of economic thought
Mamedov, M.A. (2022). Transformation of the Activities of the Largest Russian Commercial Banks into Digital Ecosystems. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–23.
There is a rapid development of innovative technologies in the financial sector of the Russian economy. Innovative technologies influence both the development of individual segments of the financial sector of the economy, the formation and development of new products and services, and significantly affect the change and transformation of traditional business models of market participants. One of such changes can be called the transformation of the largest Russian commercial banks into digital banking ecosystems. The object of this article is the largest Russian commercial banks. The subject of the study is financial mechanisms, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activities of the largest Russian commercial banks in the context of the formation of digital ecosystems in Russia. The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions and methods of transformation of the largest Russian commercial banks into digital banking ecosystems. To achieve this goal, the works of Russian and foreign authors on the formation and development of digital ecosystems, the provision of financial services, and the digitalization of commercial banks were studied. Based on the statistical data of the Bank of Russia and the reports of commercial banks, the analysis of the current state of activity of the banks selected for analysis was carried out. The author's definition of the concept of digital banking ecosystem is given in the article. Four main areas in which a full-fledged digital banking ecosystem should meet the needs of its customers have been identified and studied. The main conclusion of this study is that the largest Russian commercial banks create digital banking ecosystems by buying companies from various sectors of the economy and developing their own structures. The main tasks of digital banking ecosystems are not only meeting the needs of customers in financial services, but also in such areas as entertainment, IT and daily needs. Thus, digital banking ecosystems are maximally aimed at attracting and further retaining customers within their services.
ecosystem, commercial banks, financial services, financial sector, banking sector, fintech, banking ecosystem, digital banking ecosystem, financial technologies, digital ecosystem
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Skacheva, N., Drygina, I. (2022). Use of Internet Marketing Channels (on the Example of the Market of Translation Services in the City of Krasnoyarsk). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 24–33.
The speed with which marketing is developing and changing is a difficult task for both individual marketing specialists and companies that have to compete with each other and with the global market all the time. The Internet becomes the main platform here and provides an opportunity to search for effective channels of interaction with the consumer of services. Channels of interaction should be constantly improved, focusing on consumers, their behavior, lifestyle. Service providers need to search, analyze, introduce new Internet channels or improve old ones for business development. At the same time, the number of channels used may vary depending on the business area. The translation business is one of the representative examples, as it is focused not only on the local, but also on the global market. The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of Internet marketing channels by translation companies in the city of Krasnoyarsk, to identify their diversity and the possibility of application in other areas of services. The object of the study is the market of translation services in the city of Krasnoyarsk, and the subject is the use of Internet marketing channels. The results of the analysis are presented to the heads of translation companies to select the most productive Internet marketing channels to promote their services on the market.
consumer, development, digital marketing, the company, internet marketing channels, Internet, business, translation services, market, internet marketing
Production branches and markets economics
Shulgina, O., Golovko, G.G. (2022). Changes in the volume of air traffic and specialization of segments of the Moscow Aviation Hub from 2014 to 2021. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 34–54.
The object of this study is the changes in the development of the Moscow aviation hub in the second decade of the XXI century. The subject of the study is a statistical analysis of changes in the volume of air transportation of passengers, cargo and mail at the Moscow Aviation Hub from 2014 to 2021, both in general and for individual airports in comparison. The change in the share of Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo in the total volume of the listed types of air transportation is analyzed. The dynamics of the ratio of domestic and international air transportation is investigated. The share of the Moscow aviation hub in the total volume of passenger traffic, cargo turnover and postal air transportation in Russia is considered. The research is based on statistical, historical-geographical, problem-analytical methods, as well as the method of system-structural analysis. This made it possible to conduct an objective, scientifically-based analysis of the processes of changing the volume of air traffic in the Moscow aviation hub. The main conclusions of the study are: air transportation of passengers at the Moscow Aviation hub decreased from 2014 to 2021, while air transportation of cargo and mail increased during this period. The share of Sheremetyevo Airport in all respects increased, the share of Domodedovo decreased, the share of Vnukovo either grew or remained unchanged. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to consider changes in the statistical parameters of the Moscow aviation hub airports in the context of socio-economic and geopolitical processes, in historical and geographical conditionality; in identifying the key factors of the current dynamics. The novelty of the study is to identify the main trends in the development of the volume and structure of air transportation of the Moscow aviation hub from 2014 to 2021 under the conditions of sanctions pressure and restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moscow Aviation Hub, Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, passenger air transportation, air cargo transportation, air mail transportation, international air transportation, domestic air transportation, dynamics of air transportation
Regional economy
Andreeva, E.Y., Kleshnina, M.O. (2022). BREXIT in 2021. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 55–59.
The UK's withdrawal from the European Union in 2020, as well as the 2016 referendum, had a significant impact on the functioning of many economic mechanisms and even on the lives of people in the European Union and the United Kingdom. The tightened scope of work after the 2020 pandemic has only worsened the state of many enterprises. Consumers faced heavy taxes on imported goods and services, as well as restrictions on movement between countries. The article presents a detailed analysis of the consequences of Brexit for different parties of the negotiations, as well as illuminates the situation in 2021. As you know, everything has become even more complicated with the pandemic. In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to reach a reasonable compromise on how to get out of this crisis: the UK economy is shaken by shortages of medical equipment, hospitals, and resources to save enterprises from COVID-19, while the introduction of new taxes on trade with the European Union is becoming more complicated due to Brexit.
Brexit, European Union, Britain, COVID-19 pandemic, trade agreement, population, economic consequences, crisis, import, export
Management and corporate governance
Elshin, L.A., Gafarov, M.R., Савушкин, М.В. (2022). Strategic guidelines for import substitution in Russia in the context of systemic transformations. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 60–71.
The subject of the study is the parameters and key features of the structure and volume of imports of the Russian Federation. The authors consider in detail the key aspects and trends of the import of foreign products of final and intermediate consumption in the Russian Federation, highlight the risks and threats to the sustainable development of the Russian economy in the context of ongoing systemic transformations caused by the sanctions confrontation that escalated in 2022. The logic and tools of the implemented empirical assessments are based on a theoretical and methodological analysis of determining the strategic guidelines for the formation of foreign trade and the tools produced to assess its effectiveness, and also relies on the approach proposed by the authors to determine the priorities of import substitution policy, taking into account the "severity" of the problem and prospects for economic development. The main conclusion of the study is the need to intensify import substitution processes in the most vulnerable areas of supplies of goods and components to the Russian Federation (machinery, equipment and equipment, chemical industry products, metals and products made of them, plastics, rubber and rubber) from the so-called unfriendly countries (Western European states, USA and Japan, etc.) Given that they account for about 28.5% of imports to Russia, restrictions on further supplies of goods from these countries pose serious risks to the sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the short term. The novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the proposed concept of choosing an import substitution policy depending on the degree of vulnerability of individual industries to localization of import supplies, as well as depending on the scale of the risks of sustainable development of the national economy.
sustainable development, any trade, economic security, economic potential, export-oriented import substitution, forced import substitution, economic growth, risks, opportunities, global competitiveness