Economic theory and history of economic thought
Kozyrev, A.V. (2019). Infrastructural support of small and medium business: international experience. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 1–14.
Based on the analysis of scientific articles and publications in business press, the author explores foreign experience in development of infrastructural support system in France, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan; as well as highlights the key elements that allow adjusting to the changing market conditions more efficiently and timely adapt the support system for reaching peak efficiency. The article reviews the historical milestones in the development of small business sector during the mid XX century along with the peculiarities of modern solutions implemented in the foreign infrastructural support systems. The main research results consists in conducting analytical comparison between the diverse methods of organization and management of infrastructural support and development of small and medium business in four countries with the developed economy that have ample experience in the development of small business sector, with further formulation of the key conclusions and recommended best practices for the Russian market.
economic policy, UK, Japan, Germany, France, infrastructure support, small business, SME, economic strategy, adaptive system
Economic theory and history of economic thought
Grunichev, A.S., El'shin, L.A. (2019). Reputation economy: new paradigm of studying economic growth. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 15–26.
The subject of this research is the reputation economy that represents a combination of social sciences studying distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services as a result of formation of the positive reputation of economic agents within the global information space based on the system of “social proofs” affecting the development of cooperation ties, as well as providing them with the additional economic and social profit. The attention is focused on the formulation, explanation and substantial-functional characteristics of the conceptual-categorical apparatus, which reveals the distinct features of such terms as “economy”, “reputation economy” and “regional reputation economy”. Practice and empirical observations demonstrate that reputation activity of the economic agents forms a range of the prospects of their development. Therefore, reputation is highly important and receives widespread attention in the scientific research field. However, despite its popularization, the theory of reputation economy has yet not received due development and attention, which significantly limits the research paradigm based on studying the nonmaterial factors of production within the system of regional economic development or national economic systems overall. In this regard, an important mission in the development of economic science consists in devising of the concept and methodology of the theory of reputation economy applicable to the economic systems. This suggests the formulation and substantiation of a complex of theoretical considerations, as well as the development of the conceptual-categorical apparatus. This article is dedicated to partial solution of these questions.
reputatsionney price, reputation margin, intangible assets, reputation expenses, reputation resources, conceptual and categorial device, reputation economy, reputation capital, reputation, economic dynamics
Service sector: management & economics
Shakirzyanova, E.I., Kuzubov, A.A. (2019). Analysis of competitiveness of foreign countries in the global chains of creation of added value . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 27–34.
This article is dedicated to examination of the main trends of localization of production and distribution of added value between the developed and developing countries. The emphasis is put on the fact that in modern world, the high level of production development contributes to the emergence of intense competition among the producers of goods and services. Currently, the main competitive advantage is the production of high quality products at most affordable prices. Therefore, the manufacturers search for opportunities to reduce costs by outsourcing separate stages of production process to the countries where it can be achieved. The subject of this research is the combination of trade and economic relations occurred between the countries in their participation in the global economy. The object of this research is the global production systems. The theoretical and empirical foundation contains the works of Russian and foreign scholars, publications of the World Trade Organization, Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation and World Bank. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the growing number of foreign and national publications on the geographical diversification of production. Such studies are aimed at the improvement of methodology essential for the comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of countries’ participation in the global production systems. An important question remains the aggregation of statistical data on the international level to the single database, as well as replenishment of the existing databases with information on the developing countries. The authors attempt to give characteristics to the key world trends of the development of global chains determining the success rates of the countries, corresponding rates and benefits; as well as suggest a range of measures contributing to the more active participation of Russian in this system.
locational determinants, globalization, competition, trade, international trade, global production chains, diversification, production process, added value, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Regional economy
Lubsanova, N.B. (2019). Improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of the local housing market based on optimization of allocation of budget resources. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 35–42.
This article presents the methodological approach towards improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of the local housing market. In the current conditions, the effectiveness of management is affected not only by the level of strategic substantiation of the policy, but also budget restrictions, which the territorial authorities can allocate for the development of housing market of the territories. Improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of the local market is possible by optimizing the mechanism’s structure through selection an optimal combination of instruments capable to ensure maximum effect from implementation. The author applies simplex approach for acquiring optimal structure of allocation of budget means in accordance with the factors of effective allocation, defined by the situation in the local housing market. This article presents the results of testing of such method on the example of the subject of the Russian Federation with budget constraints – the Republic of Buryatia. In accordance with the obtained result, the author makes recommendation on reallocation of budgetary funding of the regulatory instruments of the local housing market that allow improving the efficiency of housing policy.
simplex method, housing programs, instrument efficiency, optimization, government regulation mechanism, local housing market, policy priorities, criteria of efficiency, budget constraints, housing policy
Regional economy
Dubovikova, E. (2019). Scientific approaches towards implementation of cluster method in the economy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 43–54.
The subject of this research is the main scientific approaches and problems towards formation of economic clusters in Russia considering the regional specificity. The goal of this work consists in the need for scientific analysis on the basis of the conducted grant research of the practical peculiarities of creation and implementation of cluster method in the development of regional economy. The results are valuable for the financial and legal specialists involved in promotion of innovative approaches to the development of production areas. The highlighted in the work recommendations may be used as the framework for future federal and regional programs aimed at optimization of the development of core vectors of national economy. The project is oriented towards identification of the role of cluster method in the economy of the country. Using the data acquired as a result of determining the role of cluster method in economic spheres, the author reveals the development trends of the industrial and agricultural regions from the perspective of achieving financial goals of economic development. The need is substantiated for using the unified platform for interaction between the economic entities interested in the joint financially significant activity, which allow introducing incentives for entrepreneurial and business forms of cooperation aimed at solution of the important economic objectives. This would allow making adjustment for ensuring growth of the socially significant indexes that stimulate positive dynamics of the expansion of financial sectors of territorial development.
investment dynamics, the method of cluster management, cluster complexes, cluster method, region development, synergetic effect, innovative clustere approaches, regional clusters, regional economy, production cluster
Management and corporate governance
Ivanova, O. (2019). Transformation of the concept of human resource management within organization: actor approach . Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 55–64.
The subject of this research is the transformation of the concept of managing human resources within organization as a transition from object-based to subject-based management in the conditions of changing external environment. The goal of this research consists in conceptualization of the transformation of human resource management within organization under the actor approach. The author pursues the tasks to justify the reasonableness of the transformation of the concept of human resource management within organization, expound the concept of subject-based approach towards human resource management, substantiate the methodological bases of the actor approach within a dynamically developing unstable environment, and devise a concept of transformation of human resource management within an organization. Special attention is dedicated to maintaining the idea of the functional significance of a human for an organization, underlining human role as an active working start – building block of the organizational reality. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic consists in the implementation of transformation of the concept of human resource management within organization using actor approach, suggesting the transition from the object-based towards subject-based management. These changes are relevant to the methodology of pragmatic constructivism, which defined the integration of the framework of the concept that include subjects (individual and collective), values (collaboration, parametric objectiveness and accord, work as a lifestyle), principles (communication, structuring, usefulness), and instruments (experience, organizational polylogue, digitalization, which defines the scientific novelty of this study. Correlation is established between the transformed concept of human resource management within organization and the transformation of external environment as chaotic and volatile.
subject of management, utility, pragmatic constructivism, human management concept, communication, collaboration, actor approach, transformation, values, digitalization
Finance, monetary relations and investment
Popova, E.M., Siyal, S., Mezentseva, I.V. (2019). Comparative analysis of saving behavior of the population of Russia and China (on the examples of the cities of Chita and Hefei). Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 65–80.
People’s savings play an important role in the development of national economy as they are referred to the main sources of financial investments. An essential condition for implementation of this role is the consumer demand for the services of financial intermediaries, which transform unorganized savings into organized savings, with subsequent involvement into investment process. Russia’s economy experiences deficit of “long-term money” that can be restored in form of bank deposits, insurance contracts, and pension plan. The subject of this research is the analysis of saving behavior of the population of Russia and China, namely such fundamental aspects as the goals and motives, frequency and rate of savings, and relevance of various saving instruments. The sociological survey became the main research method. The author also used the methods of formal logics, statistical methods, and basic methodology devised by the scholars of University of Michigan. The scientific novelty consists in calculation of the indexes of saving behavior that the encompassing indicators of the people’s saving activity. It is concluded that the population of Hefei is known for its higher level of optimism. Lack of interest in acquiring additional income results in the fact that the majority of respondents from both countries form unorganized savings; while bank deposits remain the most demanded for of organized savings. The low percentage of organized savings is associated with the limited financial capacities, insufficient level of financial literacy, and low yield of the basic saving instruments.
savings motives, expectations of population, savings ratio, family wealth, saving sentiment index, saving tools, investment, savings, derive extra revenue, order of income distribution
Mathematical modeling and instrumental methods in economics
Cherkashin, A.K., Lesnykh, S.I., Sklyanova, I.P. (2019). Coordination model of regional environmental protection management: conceptual model. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 81–97.
The subject of this study is the system of state regulation of the ecological and socioeconomic situation. A conceptual model of territorial management in the form of a stratification of government structures on the basis of a social conditions manifold (on the principle of separation of power) is created. The model is implemented in the form of a periodic system (organization of organizations) that commutatively combines all independent institutions of activities. To formalize the model, the concepts of institutional approach and polysystem stratification (fiber bundling) were used. The situation is described by model of sustainable development, which is based on the idea of both, conservation of nature and development of society. The model refers to the paradigm of public administration as a network phenomenon of interaction between management entities. The organization of territorial management must have the quality of functional completeness, i.e. ability to solve any problem with own means. A mathematical model of the process forming the completeness of the implementation of the system function of territorial management is proposed. It is proved that in the organization of territorial management there should not be special institutional bodies responsible only for conservation and rational environmental management. All governing bodies through specialized departments are obliged to fully implement these tasks within their competences.
management regulation, sustainable development, management effectiveness, rational nature management, problems of environmental management, coordination management, management institutes, separation of powers, conceptual model, territorial management
World economy and international economic relations
Zharikov, M.V. (2019). Conceptual approaches towards the development of payment system. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 3, 98–110.
The goal of this article consists in solving an important scientific practical task – the assessment of beneficial effect obtained through creation of the single payment system within the framework of EAEU. The research is aimed at acquisition of new data and targets, the focus on which would allow a fairly smooth implementation of the universal principles of functionality of payment system in the context of EAEU, namely principles of the single monetary policy, single interest rate, and reaching convergence in the dynamics of economic development in accordance with the key macroeeconomic indicators. For determining the beneficial effect, the article applies the methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of statistical data and expert opinions obtained from experience of operation of the electronic system for mediation of transactions in the European Union. Practical relevance of this work is defined by the possibility of using the model of payment system, which is capable of ensuring the process of optimal harmonization of finances of the EAEU member-states on the bases of gradualist approach. The research results may be valuable for economic science in development of the concept allowing to launch and ensure optimal performance of the electronic payment system in the EAEU.
positive impact, common space, standardization, harmonization, financial technologies, digitalization, common transfer system, interregional trade, monetary agreement, common currency