Bosyi, S.I., Builo, S.I. (2016). On synchronization of thermal analysis with acoustic emission and electrometry . Electronics and Machinery, 1, 1–20.
The authors examine the methodology of synchronized methods and means of thermal analysis with the method and means of acoustic emission and electrometry. It is demonstrated that the proposed complexation allowed acquiring a multi-parameter vector function of the life cycle of the substance or material being researched, as well as calculate the parameters of their “aging”, since despite the established practice, a proposal is made using thermobaric cycling of the samples, which speeds-up the degradation of their qualities similarly to the process of exploitation. The proposed methodology of complexation of the methods and means of thermal analysis with the method and means of acoustic emission (AE) and electrometry gave rise to a new method – thermobaric densymmetry. The novelty of the proposed approach is protected by two patents registered in the Russian Federation. The main solution for realization of synchronization of the aforementioned methods is the calculation and creation of the melting pot of thermo-electro-dilameter (TED) on the thermoacoustic rod/waveguide (TAWG), which allowed taking the sensory AE sensors out of the zone of high temperatures and pressures.
aging of materials, thermobaric cycling , acoustic emission, dynamic mechanical analysis, dielectric analysis, dilatometry, thermogravimetry, defect formation, destruction, pyrolysis
Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science
Voroshilov, I.V., Meskhi, B.C., Prilutskii, A.I. (2016). Development and production of air separators and fire safety products on their basis (project No. 2013-218-04-023). Electronics and Machinery, 1, 21–71.
The subject of this project is the nanotechnologies of gas separation of the atmospheric air and creation of air separators and fire equipment that is based upon it (membrane and thermomagnetic). There were also plans to research and develop a technology for local suppression of fire by nitrogen separated from the air, as well as prevention of methane explosions in coal mines and spontaneous peat combustion by creation of nitrogen environment within them. The use of air separators would certainly be promising for use in residential sector, which is the area where over 70% of all fires take place. The methodology of this research is based on the properties of nitrogen that “block the activity of oxygen” in the air, as well as the “paramagnetic properties” of oxygen and “diamagnetic properties” of other atmospheric gases. The novelty of the proposed solutions is protected by patents registered in the Russian Federation for both, the membrane and thermomagnetic separators, as well as means of protection against spontaneous combustion of peat and methane explosions in coal mines. An undisputable advantage of use of nitrogen separated from air to suppress fire is the fact that unlike using water, the nitrogen does not harm the structure, electronics, or household goods.
fire prevention, firefighting equipment, local gas fire extinguishing, thermomagnetic separation, diamagnetics, paramagnetic, hollow-fiber membranes, Knudsend's diffusion, fire safety, fire protection
Monograph peer reviews
Belozerov, V.V. (2016). Peer review for the project “Development and production of air separators and fire safety products on their basis” (project No. 2013-218-04-023, headed by I. V. Voroshilov). Electronics and Machinery, 1, 72–128.
The goal of realization of a complex project is to study the nanotechnologies of gas separation of atmosphere, preparation and production of promising firefighting equipment based on thermomagnetic air separators (TMAS) and compact membrane air separators (CMAS). The subject of the research is the processes and installations of local gas fire extinguishing and means of detection and prevention of spontaneous combustion of peat. There are plans to research the complexation of TMAS and CMAS into a two-spool installation for realization of automated system of fire and explosion safety of coal mine, including production of individual respiratory and ocular protection for coal miners based on micro-TMAS. The technology of local gas fire suppression and anti-explosion protection using nitrogen separated from air, including respiratory and ocular protection for miners, is unmatched anywhere in the world.
firefighting equipment, local gas fire extinguishing, peat combustion, safety of coal mines, explosion fire protection, nanotechnologies, thermomagnetic separation of air, membrane air gas separations, micro-TMAS, compact membrane installation
Electrical Engineering
Belozerov, V.V., Nguen, T.A. (2016). System of electric and fire safety of an object with thermoelectric monitoring of equipment and linear cable structures. Electronics and Machinery, 1, 129–134.
As a result of system research it is established that the two-level system which in real time, by means of thermal scanning and electrical measurements of the equipment and linearly - cable constructions, controls electric parameters of the electric equipment and devices (tension, current, active and jet power, including a distortion of phases and other parameters of quality of the electric power), and also temperature and electrophysical parameters of wires and cables, including leakage currents is necessary for ensuring electrical and fire safety of an industrial facility. Synthesis of system is based on methods of thermoelectric monitoring of the equipment and linear cable constructions, and well as their monitoring on alternating current. Novelty of this approach consists in the fact that the system realizes the principle of detection of pre-emergency operation of the equipment and linear cable constructions. It allows organizing timely preventive repair of the equipment and cable lines, and to reach the established GOST 12.1.004. level of fire safety.
fire safety, electrometer, electrical monitoring, thermal monitoring, linear cable constructions, electrotechnical equipment, systems analysis, electric safety, model of system, automated system
Instrument Engineering, Metrology, and Electronic Measurement Devices and Systems
Belozerov, V.V., Batshev, A.S., Lyubavskii, A.Y. (2016). On automation of identification of the liquid packaged products. Electronics and Machinery, 1, 135–145.
The object of this research is the processes of dispensation and control of the liquid packaged products for the purposes of their identification in order to detect counterfeiting. It is established that with presence of the packaging sample (capacity, weight) and control sample of the liquid (density, dynamic and kinetic viscosity, freezing temperature, and viscosity index), the expert analysis can be conducted without the need to open the container. Experiments were conducted on various types of motor oil, packaged in various containers (1-4L). The methodology relies on application of weight electrometry of liquid packaged products, without opening the container. The novelty of this research consists in development and application a “capacitive sensor cap”, which is used on liquid containers. Such solution would allow fast verification of the contents by turning the container upside down, connecting it, and placing it on an electronic scale.
immitance measuring instrument, capacitive sensor, comparative analysis, conductometry, viscosity, packaged liquids, density, volume, container, weight
Informatics and Computers
Prus, Y.V., Golubov, A.I., Kal'chenko, I.E. (2016). Thermo-electro-acoustic method and system of diagnostics of quality and longevity of fireproof surfaces. Electronics and Machinery, 1, 146–160.
The subject of this research is the quality of fireproof surfaces (FS), technological processes of their production and control, as well as means of controlling the longevity of FS materials and units on location. The goal of this research is to optimize the quality control over the FS during production and development of a model of portable automated complex (PAC) that would allow determining the stage of “aging” of FS on location. The work also presents a synthesis of an online system of communication between objects, volunteer fire departments and supervisory authorities for insuring fire safety during use of materials and constructs with FS. Based on the systemic analysis of the existing fire safety products made from wood, metals, resins and polymers, the authors develop methodology for determination of fire resistance of samples with FS using baro-electro-thermo-acoustic analyzer and create “samples” for further diagnostics of their aging on location. The novelty of this research, protected by a patent registered in the Russian federation, consists in development of PAC, which allows determining the stage of “aging” of FS on location, as well as the model of online system of communication between objects, volunteer fire departments and supervisory authorities for insuring fire safety during use of materials and constructs with FS.
heat conductivity, termo-electro-acoustical method, durability of fireproof surface, quality of fireproof surface, materials and designs, fire resistance level, fireproof surface, heat diffusivity, heat capacity, aging of fireproof surface