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«Culture and Art» (18+)

¹ 6, 2016
Published since
2013 year

Music and music culture
P. 723 - 728
P. 729 - 741
Fine arts
P. 742 - 748
Applied culturology
P. 749 - 754
Question at hand
P. 755 - 761
P. 762 - 769
P. 770 - 781
P. 782 - 787
Culture and civilization
P. 788 - 796
Culture and science
P. 797 - 801
Philosophy of culture
P. 802 - 811
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
P. 812 - 818
Culture of the mundane
P. 819 - 825
Art and Art History
P. 826 - 836
P. 837 - 841
P. 842 - 853
Music and music culture
P. 854 - 859
Contents details