Vinokurov A.D..
Totemic representations in the Yakut genealogical traditions: images and plots of local communities (based on documented genealogy)
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 6.
P. 122-132.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72834 EDN: YQOMKP URL:
The subject of the research is the study of totemic representations in the Yakut genealogical traditions. Purpose: to present a comprehensive description of totemic representations in the historical and genealogical aspect, including the study of the features of totemic beliefs, the definition of the relationship of tribal structure and totemism among the Yakuts. The research's source base is represented by a wide range of published and unpublished documents. Unpublished materials have been identified in the National Archives of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The methodological basis of the research was formed by the basic principles of historical science - the principle of historicism and the principle of objectivity. The main research methods used were both historical (historical-comparative, historical-typological, historical-systemic, source analysis, anthroponymic analysis) and general scientific (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, analogies, deduction). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources and folklore materials, an attempt has been made to study totemic representations in the Yakut genealogical traditions. The main result of the study is a list of Yakut clans based on the "tribe-paternal clan-minor clan" model. Totems are systematized and classified within the framework of the above model. As a result of the work, databases on the genera of the Yakut, Vilyuysky and Olekminsky districts were created and registered in the FIPS. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that further research is necessary due to the presence of a large number of unpublished documents. The research materials can be used in the process of teaching historical subjects, developing textbooks, conducting individual and generalizing research on the history of Yakutia.
clans, ancestors, cult, zoomorphs, genealogy, database, archival documents, totems, folklore, yakuts
Grigoreva A..
The system of ornamental elements in animal-style images from the Ulandryk I burial ground
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 15-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.3.70673 EDN: ZFFOJG URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of ornamental elements on animal style products from the Ulandryk I. The purpose of the study is to identify and classify ornamental elements in zoomorphic and ornithomorphic images. The subject of the study, therefore, are objects with zoomorphic images from mounds 1-4, 6 and 12 of the Ulandryk I. The group of monuments in the context of one burial was chosen mainly for two reasons. Firstly, objects with zoomorphic images were found only in these burial mounds. Secondly, the study of the data on the dating of the monument by the method of wood-ring analysis showed that these mounds were built within 10 years – in 308-298 BC. A short time interval for the creation of mounds allows us to consider the ornamental system presented in their images as a single whole, without separation into individual mounds. The article suggests using the method of formal analysis to clarify the description of ornaments available in the works of V.D. Kubarev – to divide them into elements and motifs, as well as to make a classification. This classification makes it possible to identify ornamental elements characteristic of zoomorphic images and clarify the boundaries of the use of various ornamental elements in the art of the Pazyryk culture. The scientific novelty of the study is predetermined by the absence in Russian historiography of works describing the system of ornamental elements in the images of the animal style of the burial ground, as well as the lack of a developed methodology for such a description in relation to the archaeological materials of the Pazyryk culture. The study of the materials of V.D. Kubarev's excavations, presented by him in a 1987 monograph, as well as the latest publications of the materials of the burial ground by G.V. Kubarev, revealed that despite the presence of ornamental elements both in the images of animal style and in objects of weapons, costume, horse equipment, there is no unified system and the described structure of the ornamental system based on the materials of the burial ground. Researchers identify individual motifs and elements on clothing items, but do not correlate them with similar ones in animal-style images. The relevance is due to the interest in studying various aspects of the meanings of zoomorphic images and ornamental elements in the context of the art of the Scythian-Siberian world.
signs, motive, element, the ornament, The Scythian-Siberian world, animal style, Altai, Ulandryk, Pazyryk culture, burials
Neretin A.I..
Mussolini and the Jewish Question in the Diaries of Claretta Petacci
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 87-94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.69981 EDN: XWKYMA URL:
The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the attitude of the leader of Italian fascism, Benito Mussolini, to representatives of Jewish nationality. The diaries of Mussolini's mistress Claretta Petacci, which she kept from 1932 to 1937, are mainly used as a source. The work also explores the drastic change in B. Mussolini's attitude towards Jews, which occurred after an alliance was concluded with the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, in 1937. There is a connection between these events, since until 1937 Petacci's diaries said nothing about the Jewish question. The article also examines the attitude of Italian society towards the racial laws of 1938 against Jews, which was not at all unambiguous. As an analytical method, the interpretive approach of the American anthropologist Clifford Geertz will be used, who believed that the analysis of culture is not an experimental matter, but a hermeneutic one, engaged in the search for meanings, symbols and ideas. The scientific novelty of this study lies in a specific consideration of the Jewish question of Mussolini and his study based on the memoirs of his mistress Claretta Petacci. There are not many studies devoted specifically to this issue and specifically to this historical source. The main conclusions of the above study are that it was the alliance concluded in 1937 with Adolf Hitler that radically influenced Benito Mussolini's decision to introduce racial laws in Italy, since the Duce was not much concerned about the Jewish question until 1937. The author of the work also drew conclusions regarding the negative attitude towards anti-Semitic laws by the majority of Italian society: Italians did not accept them due to the lack of anti-Semitism and hostility towards Jews in Italy.
anti-Semitism, Mussolini, Italy, memories, racial laws, fascism, jews, Italians, The Jewish question, The Duce
Brizhan E.V..
Alhalalalai as a form of cultural memory of the Itelmens
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 2.
P. 32-39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.2.69988 EDN: JFSMNJ URL:
The article examines the most significant folk holiday of the Itelmen, Alhalalalai, in the context of the cultural memory of this indigenous small people living in Kamchatka. The object of the study was the cultural memory of the Itelmens, and its subject was the culture of the Alhalalalai holiday, the beliefs, rituals, traditions and customs associated with it. It is noted that Alhalalalai is of great importance in the Itelmen culture, representing a traditional autumn celebration dedicated to the completion of household work, giving thanks to the forces of Nature, unity with nature, cleansing from evil spirits, expelling failures, troubles, fears and diseases before a new cycle. Since ancient times, the main goal of Alhalalalai was to prepare for the new annual cycle and ensure its success with the help of carnival events. The research is carried out on the basis of a systematic approach using theoretical-analytical, descriptive-analytical, typological, historical-genetic, semiotic, axiological and other methods. The article pays attention to the issue of the admissibility of the reconstruction method in relation to ancient forms of cultural memory; It is noted that reconstruction is one of the current ways to revive elements of cultural memory that have temporarily, for objective historical reasons, lost their significance. Attention is focused on the fact that culture cannot and cannot be static and stop developing; it combines traditional and innovative components, and therefore changes in the celebration of Alhalalalai, its “modernization” are quite natural. A conclusion is drawn about the exceptional role of the Itelmen celebration Alhalalalai in preserving the cultural identity of the Kamchatka people, about its significance in the context of the revival of ancient elements of cultural memory at a new historical stage in the existence of the people.
reconstruction, Alhalalalai, holiday, beliefs, tradition, national identity, cultural memory, culture, Itelmens, Kamchatka
Semenova O.V., Adam Y.I..
Speech and sexual dimorphism: the history of the issue in the light of modern theories of the origin of speech and experimental data
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.68961 EDN: ZLFFIR URL:
In this theoretical article, the authors turn to the analysis of studies explaining the origin and revealing the functions and meaning of human oral speech within the framework of an evolutionary approach. First of all, the authors are interested in the influence of sexual selection on the development of verbal skills in different age and gender groups. In this regard, the data of the history of the human life cycle are of particular interest, which indicate that the mastery of language as a tool for influencing and manipulating the opinions of others approaches an advanced level of proficiency only at the time of puberty, and speech, thus, begins to play an important role in intersex competition. Rapidly developing with the onset of puberty, the ability to performative vivid performances, to defend their position, as well as to conduct debates in public, apparently, can be guided by the forces of sexual selection, and therefore, they should manifest themselves more clearly in men than in women. It is assumed that verbal mastery can serve as a means of actively attracting attention for the purpose of self-promotion and improving the social status of the speaker. The methodological basis of our work was largely the analysis of ethnographic sources. In the article, the authors cite extensive ethnographic material confirming the connection of high social status with oratorical abilities. The authors also turn to the latest research that analyzes the differences in performative speech between men and women. Experimental work shows that in a conversation with an attractive woman, men tend to be more creative in choosing words and expressions. Some researches consider the connection of various aspects of speech with the attractiveness of the speaker, his masculinity and adaptability. Of great interest are studies studying the relationship between musical abilities and attractiveness, as well as works analyzing the articulatory features of oral speech and their connection with belonging to a certain social environment or social class. All the features of speech given in the review could most likely have been formed by the pressure of the forces of sexual selection. In this regard, the study of sexual dimorphism seems to be one of the most important directions in the research of performative speech.
voice pitch, masculinity, maturation, sexual selection, speech, language, life history, human evolution, leadership, eloquence
Gogolev A.I., Fedorov S.I..
"Cold deficiency" and degradation of permafrost soils as a factor of transformation of hunting activity among the Yakuts
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 130-136.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.69081 EDN: RLNCPT URL:
One of the most important global problems of the XXI century is climate change. Every year, in some parts of the world, a decrease in annual precipitation and temperature is recorded, in others, on the contrary, an increase. These fluctuations can cause droughts, floods and degradation of permafrost soils. Further climate change may cause irreparable damage to traditional farming methods and adversely affect housing conditions in many regions of the globe. Thus, climate change can complicate and disrupt the established order of life and activity of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This paper highlights a problem that has not been specifically studied before, and which concerns all hunters of the republic, the impact of climate change on hunting activities. The work is based on field materials collected by Vilyuysky and Tattinsky districts. Field materials were collected by audio, photo and video recording, in-depth interviewing and included observation during field work in the Vilyuysky and Tattinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In earlier scientific works research was conducted separately on the topic of the impact of climate change on the daily life and economic activities of the Yakuts, in this work hunting activity was considered. Hunters who participated in the research adapt to the changing climate in various ways: they increase the range of hunting area, equip trips over longer distances than before, learn to re-read changes in weather conditions, manufacture and use various devices for hunting and storage. The main conclusions of the research are that climatic changes directly or indirectly affect hunting activities in the studied areas: ordinary amateur hunters note that the habitat of animals is changing, roads are being destroyed, the soil of hunting grounds is degrading, there is a danger of the spread of various diseases.
soil degradation, thawing of permafrost, climate change, amateur hunting, traditional culture, hunting activities, hunting, Yakutia, adaptation, transformation
Fedorova A.R., Gogolev A.I..
Transformation of winter costume in Yakutia in the era of modernization of the late XIX – mid XX centuries.
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 114-129.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.69142 EDN: RIPYDX URL:
This article examines the process of changing everyday clothes in Yakutia in the late XIX – mid XX centuries on the example of a winter suit. This historical period was marked by active modernization processes in the region, which also affected the material culture of the population. The issue of adaptation of residents of the Far North to new economic conditions is relevant in this regard: how the transition from the traditional way of life to Soviet culture took place. The hypothesis of the present study is that the culture and technologies of traditional tailoring of fur and leather have been preserved in the studied period precisely because of the need for the population to self-sustain themselves with winter clothing in conditions of shortage of goods and raw materials. The chronological framework of the study covers the period of the end of the existence of the traditional Yakut costume and ends in the middle of the twentieth century. To study the winter costume, photographic materials were used, which depicted samples of everyday clothes. Photos from the photo funds of the Yakut State United Museum of History and Culture of the Peoples of the North named after Em. Yaroslavsky, which includes images from both public and private collections, are considered. In addition, consultations with informants were held to supplement the data. This topic has not yet become the subject of special study, since the costume of this period is no longer ethnic. Nevertheless, in our opinion, it is interesting in the context of studying the adaptation of folk traditions to modernization processes. Using visual and field sources, the transformation of casual clothing in Yakutia of the studied period is considered. The authors of the article came to the conclusion that in the era of modernization there was a sharp change in the way of life, which affected the material culture of the inhabitants of Yakutia. Unification in the wardrobe of citizens of the Soviet state in the first half of the twentieth century could not always cover the needs of residents of specific climatic zones, including residents of the northern republics. This contributed to the preservation of traditional technologies of manual production of winter clothing.
handmade production, winter clothes, culture, ethnos, sovietization, costume modernization, Yakutia, costume transformation, Traditional costume, USSR
Odegova K.I., Bykova E.V..
Syncretism of Paganism and Orthodoxy in the Mari and Udmurt Cultures: Confessional markers in the natural landscape
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 19-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.69176 EDN: WLJGSI URL:
For Russia as a multinational country, with a rich history and traditions, as well as a specific way of life, the topic of double faith is still relevant to this day. The subject of the study is the confessional markers of dual faith in the Mari and Udmurt cultures in modern settlements of the southern districts of the Kirov region. The aim of the work is to analyze the representation and visualization of the syncretism of paganism and Orthodoxy in the Mari and Udmurt cultures through confessional markers in the natural landscape of the southern districts of the Kirov region. The empirical basis of the research is the materials of the 2017-2023 expeditions to the Kizmez and Malmyzhsky districts of the Kirov region, where Mari and Udmurts live, who are third and fourth most numerous population of the Kirov region. Based on the methods of analyzing the features of religious and ethno-cultural interactions of these peoples and analyzing sacred objects inscribed in the natural landscape, the authors used methods of historical and cultural comparison and analysis of textual materials. New objects of the sacred natural landscape have been identified among the Mari and Udmurts, in which there is a deification of nature. It manifests itself in such confessional markers as sacred groves and fields where pagan deities, spirits of the forest were worshipped. In addition, the sacred meaning was carried by the sanctuaries of heroes and places associated with the souls of the dead, inscribed in the natural landscape of the area. The novelty of the research consists in clarifying the specifics of some rituals, supplementing information about the beliefs of the Udmurts and Mari, introducing new objects of the sacred cultural landscape into scientific circulation, which is designated as the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the Vyatka Region. The authors come to the conclusion that some fragments of pagan beliefs and rituals among the Mari and Udmurts still exist and are closely connected with the natural landscape and memories of places of worship, the historical memory of the people. At the same time, Orthodoxy has taken deep roots and strong roots in the hearts of these peoples. But the historical and comparative study of religious beliefs and rituals shows that the original syncretism of Orthodoxy and paganism of the Mari and Udmurts of the southern districts of the Kirov region serve as a means of ethnic identification in the formation of the sacred cultural and natural landscape.
sanctuaries, sacred groves, natural landscape, Udmurts, Mari, syncretism, dual faith, Christianity, paganism, Kirov region
Suleymanov A.A..
The "domestication" of cold by the Russian population of Yakutia in the second half of the XIX – first half of the XX centuries.
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 6.
P. 85-95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.6.69272 EDN: SXOAGO URL:
The purpose of the article is to identify the main directions and reconstruct the practices of using cryogenic resources (cold, snow, ice, permafrost) and, in general, the "domestication" of cold by the Russian population of Yakutia during the mid XIX century and the twentieth century. The source base for writing the work was a set of disparate ethnographic information presented by published works and documents from the collections of the State Archive of the Irkutsk Region (Irkutsk), the Scientific Archive of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and its St. Petersburg branch. In addition, a number of information was obtained during the author's empirical research in a number of rural settlements of Yakutia during 2017-2023. The methodological basis for the preparation of the article is the principles laid down in cryosophy, which involve the study of the cold matter of the Earth through the prism of their role as an active element of the universe, as well as in the Cryoanthropology. Within the framework of the Cryoanthropology, the formation of the traditional culture of the indigenous ethnic groups of the Arctic and Subarctic is considered through the prism of the dominance of natural cold in the region, cryogenic processes and phenomena as fundamental, environmental factors. In this regard, the article shows the practices of the exploitation of cryogenic resources by the Russian population of Yakutia in cattle and horse breeding, agriculture, in ensuring the functioning of residential and outbuildings, organization of storage and preparation of food, etc. It is noted that they had certain specifics within various groups of Russian settlers caused by specific natural and geographical features of their areas of residence, as well as characteristics of interethnic ties. In this regard, differences between, for example, the Prilensky and Arctic groups of the Russian old-timers have been recorded. The key vectors of the "domestication" of cold by the Russian population of Yakutia are highlighted.
permafrost, ice, snow, everyday practices, economic activity, cryogenic resources, Russian population, Cryoanthropology, Yakutia, Arctic
Sharonova E.A., Sharonov A.M..
Historical stories about the Erzya people in Russian folklore
(on the material of "Tales of the Starling and the Woodpecker"
and songs "On the mountains on the Dyatlovs")
// Man and Culture.
2023. № 2.
P. 39-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2023.2.40514 EDN: SEEOJR URL:
The subject of research in the article is the specificity of the reflection of historical events and persons in oral poetic works. The object of the study is the legend "About the Starling and the Woodpecker" and the song "On the Mountains on the Dyatlovs". The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the artistic comprehension of the processes of development of statehood, the transformation of nationality, etc. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of contacts between neighboring peoples, influencing the formation of the historical context, in folklore works. The goals and objectives of the work determined the choice of research methods: historical and literary, descriptive, genetic, on the basis of which the analysis of the legend "About the Starling and the Woodpecker" and the song "On the Mountains on the Dyatlovs" is carried out. The scientific novelty of the study is determined for the first time by the analysis of "The Tale of the Starling and the Woodpecker" and the song "On the Mountains on the Dyatlovs" in the philosophical and sociological aspects in terms of the unification of Russians and Erzya into one people represented in them. The main conclusions were: the song and the legend unite the Russian and Erzya worlds, form a common society for them, where the co-existence of the two peoples does not have antagonism, social and moral forces directed against each other. A special contribution of the authors was the discovery that the song artistically interprets the unifying processes, idealizes them, turns them into a poetic image that is attractive to both Russians and Erzya. The unification of the Nizhny Novgorod Erzya with the Muscovite state was a mutual benefit, as the Russian Tsar also speaks of, thanking God for giving him the Erzya land. The Erzya elders also took what happened for granted, especially since it happened during their prayer to the Supreme God, who approved everything with his non-resistance.
folklore, interethnic relations., sociology, philosophy, Erzyans, Russians, historical plot, the song, legend, historical event
Gogolev A.I., Fedorov S.I..
Hunting activity among the Yakuts at the present stage
// Man and Culture.
2022. № 2.
P. 30-37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2022.2.35817 URL:
This article discusses some issues of hunting activity among the Yakuts on the basis of ethnographic and field materials collected in the territories of the Srednekolymsky, Olekminsky, Vilyuysky, Verkhnevilyuysky and Nyurbinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Field materials were collected through included observation, in-depth interviewing, audio, photo and video fixation. In this study, the authors were deeply interested in rural residents who are close and involved in hunting activities from an early age. The paper attempts to record the transformation of hunting activity and to present the current state of hunting among the Yakuts in the studied areas. This paper is the first attempt to comprehensively study and record the transformation in hunting activity. The study examines the ritual and ceremonial component, the tools used and methods of catching prey. The main conclusions of the work are that hunting for many is an active form of recreation, leisure, i.e. it is no longer a subsidiary farm, since it does not bring economic benefits. The findings also include the emergence of new hunting methods using modern technologies. However, it is necessary to note the preservation of some ritual or ceremonial elements of hunting, in some form the sacredness of the activity is also preserved.
rituals, rituals, cult traditions, traditional culture, transformation, commercial game, commercial hunting, hunting activities, hunting, yakuts
Kannykin S.V..
Sociocultural substantiation of running in the traditional games and ethnosport
// Man and Culture.
2021. № 3.
P. 128-142.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2021.3.33314 URL:
The subject of this research is the determination of sociocultural specificity of running practices within the framework of traditional games and ethnosport. Despite considerable amount of works dedicated to the traditional games and ethnosport, scholars’ attention has not been previously drawn to sociocultural peculiarities of running as the most universal form of physical activity of the amateur participant or a professional athlete, which substantiates the relevance of the selected topic. Traditional games and ethnosport perform an important mission in modern world – they impart sports and competitive activity with humanism, instilling the elements of folk culture. Running, as a universal component of sports, becomes one of the means of consolidation, demonstration, and translation of ethnic values within the framework of traditional games. The author reveals the following peculiarities of running in the sociocultural situation of traditional games and ethnosport: running as an element of military games and traditional non-militarized team games; running as an element of mating ritual; running as am entertainment; utilitarian oriented running; substitute running. The ideological foundation of running in the context of traditional games and ethnosport is a myth; the considered form of running is humanistically oriented, as it does not suggest over limit body burden and full subordination of a person to sport; running is a method of psycho-emotional relief and helps to achieve harmony with the nature; it is gender-specific and often specialized running; it ensures solidarity of a social group; a form of expressing patriotism; an important element of event tourism; a substantial component of ethnopedagogy; an element of ethnic dance; an element of children's game’ a type of economic activity inherent to a particular nation.
folk entertainment, marriage games, war games, sociocultural approach, ethnosport, traditional games, running, ethnos, humanism, cultural identity
Markova V.N..
Ethnic and diasporic self-consciousness of the Korean diaspora of modern Kazakhstan through the prism of sociocultural processes
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 6.
P. 94-104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.6.34715 URL:
This article focuses on the phenomenon of Korean diaspora in Kazakhstan – a unique phenomenon in the diaspora studies. Having a racial-anthropological homogeneity with the inhabitants of Korean Peninsula, the Koreans of Kazakhstan have lost multiple ethnic traits: native language, anthroponymy, blood relationships on their historical homeland. Despite this fact, the representatives of Korean ethnos identify themselves as part of the ancient Korean culture, honor their native traditions, and state their nationality as “Korean” in the population census. An important role in conveyance of culture and spiritual values of the diaspora is played by public organizations. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Association of the Koreans of Kazakhstan, State Republican Academic Korean Theater of Musical Comedy, and Korean House are the anchors that support the diaspora and contribute to preservation of historical belonging and self-consciousness. Methodological framework is comprised of historiographical analysis of the works of Korean studies scholars dedicated to the history of Korean diaspora in Central Asia, monitoring of the legislative framework of Kazakhstan and news agenda, interviews of individual representatives of the diaspora. The conducted research proves that diasporality is a more vital form of preservation of ethnocultural identity than the ethnic attribution by linguistic or anthropological principle. Living far from their historical homeland for centuries, the representatives of Koryo-Saram continue identifying themselves as Koreans. They have gone through the key stages of assimilation, integrated into the system of social relations, and consider themselves Kazakhs of Korean descent. As long as the indicated ethnocultural group acknowledges its uniqueness and difference from other ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, the diasporic self-consciousness, Korean diaspora and its institutions would exists.
korean traditions, Kazakhstan national policy, ethnicity, diaspora, koryo saram, the Korean diaspora, the Koreans of Kazakhstan, korean culture, peoples of Kazakhstan, The Middle Asia
Riazanova E..
Priorities of Muslim youth with regards to spending spare time in modern Germany
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 5.
P. 45-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.5.34083 URL:
This article analyzes how the young ethnic Muslims of 2nd and 3rd generations who were born in Germany, as well as Muslim students studying in Germany, spend their spare time. The author used such methods as field ethnographic observation and unstructured interview with the respondents. The pool of respondents was formed via snowball sampling. Studying the pastime of Muslim youth, the author was able to trace the degree of their integration into German society. Since multiple sociocultural needs are usually fulfilled during the spare time, examination of the leisure of youth allows determining moral and spiritual image of a person. This article is first to analyze leisure time of ethnic Muslims residing in Germany based on the field material acquired by the author, which defines the scientific novelty of this research. The conclusion is made that usually ethnic Muslims of 2nd and 3rd generations (young people without higher education) spend their spare time on the Internet, doing sport or entertaining activities. Young Muslims studying in the universities prefer intellectual leisure activities: reading, visiting museums and exhibitions. The priorities of young Muslims of the 2nd and 3rd generation resemble a slow paced level life, keeping it easy, with no ambition in getting higher education. For Muslim students or Muslims who already received higher education, the priority in pastime include spiritual and cultural development, accumulation of investments and landing a highly-skilled job with decent salary.
the youth, muslims, leisure, priority, Muslim community, immigrants, free time, Germany, young muslims, podcast
Robustova E.V..
Ethical characteristics of everyday life of the Besermyan in the “Experience of Ethnographic Research” by N. P. Steinfeld
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 25-32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.29665 URL:
The object of this research is the publicistic documental “The Besermyan” – the experience of unrenowned author of the turn of XIX – XX centuries Nikolai Pavlovich Steinfeld. The subject of this research is the moral and household lifestyle of the Besermyan – the indigenous people localized in the territory near Cheptsa River Basin. The author underlines that distinctness and traditional values of culture the Besermyan people have been retained until the present, this is why in the late XX century, their historical name has been restored in the register of independent peoples of Russia. The methods of historiographical analysis allow conducting critical analysis of the popular science composition of N. P. Steinfeld on the Besermyan as a written ethnographic source of the late XIX century. Assessment is conducted on the level of historical authenticity of reflection of lifestyle and habitudes of the Besermyan in prerevolutionary period. Considering current ethnographic data and practical tasks on preservation of cultural heritage of the past, the author determines the scientific-historical meaning of Steinfeld’s article as one of that provides fullest description of culture of the Besermyan in prerevolutionary scientific works.
Besermyans, small nations of Russia, history of the Vyatka region, Glazovskiy uyezd, history of ethnography, cross-culturalcommunication, popularization of science, cultural anthropology, history of daily life, ethnographic overview
Riazanova E..
The change in food culture and food traditions after religious conversion among Muslim Germans.
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 3.
P. 94-103.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.3.32181 URL:
Currently, more and more people in the world are changing their religious identity. The study is devoted to Germans who converted to Islam, the so-called Convertites. The subject of consideration in the article is the implementation of religious practices - the use of "halal" products and the observance of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan by German converts after religious conversion. The purpose of the article is to analyze the change in food traditions and food culture among "Muslim Germans". The author pays special attention to the transformation of food habits, how the transition to a new food culture (rejection of pork and alcohol) takes place, what experiences and difficulties the convert experiences during the transition The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the question of newly converted Germans, for the first time in Russian historiography, is considered on the field material collected by the author, on the territory of Germany. The author comes to the following conclusions: With religious alternation, a convert may not perform religious practices, consume products prohibited in Islam (alcohol, pork), and not observe fasting. During religious conversion, the convertit will strictly observe all the rules prescribed in the Koran. He will observe fasting and not eat non-halal foods. A change in the food culture can be accompanied by personal experiences, be gradual or instantaneous.
Germany, food traditions, food culture, new muslims, convertites, islam, Germans are Muslims, religious conversion, halal, muslim traditions
Fedorov S.I..
Economic activity of the Yakuts in the conditions and climate change and “deficit of cold temperature”: traditional practices and challenges of modernity
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 2.
P. 37-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.2.32566 URL:
This article examines the questions pertaining to economic activity of the Yakuts in the conditions of climate change and “deficit of cold temperatures. Such aspects of agricultural activity as horse breeding, animal husbandry, hunting, and horticulture. An attempt is made to assess the scale of influence of changing climate upon the traditional life and industries of horse breeders, animal farmers, and hunters of the rural areas of Sakha Republic (Yakutia), as well as examine which difficulties they face and how they respond to the challenges of modernity. The acquired field materials are collected through the methods of overt observation, in-depth interview, audio, photo and video records. The attention is focused on the rural population who show concern over the situation of their households under such fast-paced circumstances: they do not know what to expect from nature next year, and many of them are not capable of handling the emerged problems. The main conclusions consist in revelation of certain problems in the life of rural population in the territories of Sakha Republic that emerge due to the climatic changes.
Cattle breeding, Horse breeding, Transformation, Climatic changes, Traditional culture, Agriculture, The cold, Hunting, Crop production, Yakuts
Marfusalova V.P..
Functional and ethnocultural meaning of traditional garments of peoples of the North (on the example of winter clothing of the Evenki)
// Man and Culture.
2020. № 1.
P. 103-109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2020.1.31529 URL:
The subject of this research is traditional garments of the Evenki – an indigenous ethnic community of the North. The Evenki are widely scattered due to the nomadic lifestyle. At the same time, they preserve the sustainable ethnocultural cluster united as a single nation. The article examines winter outfitting of the Evenki, as well as analyzes the functionality of its elements, decorativeness and aesthetics. The classic winter garment consists of six parts fastened between each other with leather laces. It is meant for keeping them warm, and was created for convenience during the time of hunting or other activities. The Evenki retained and continue to develop such functional significance in their current daily activities. The clothing embroidery used to have sacred meaning and carried a specific information load that must be considered in making the modern traditional clothing. The research methodology is based on the analysis of literary sources, examination of the object of research from the perspective of historical-ethnographic value, practical implication and aesthetic value. The following conclusions were made: the functionality of garments of the nomadic peoples of the North is an important factor that requires comprehensive and systemic analysis for the purpose of its utilization in the current living conditions in Arctic region; traditional clothing of the Evenki is first and foremost meant for heat conservation and convenience during hunting and other activities; this functional significance is being preserved in the modern life activities; the décor used to carry sacred meaning, which must be taken into account in making the modern traditional garments.
skin, hunting, decor, cold, winter clothes, traditional culture, fur, ornament, value, life
Fedorova A.R., Sleptsova A.A..
Reflection of the image of mammoth in spiritual culture of the peoples of Yakutia
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 164-170.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.31072 URL:
The object of this research is the image of mammoth in spiritual culture of the peoples inhabiting Yakutia. Mammoth fauna has always, in one or another way, affected the social, economic and even political spheres of people’s life, and of course, it left an imprint on the spiritual life in form of the myths, legends and mythical images. These representations played a substantial role in spiritual culture of the peoples of Yakutia; therefore, this article attempts to view them in the folklore of mammoth archetype as a part of ethnic culture. There is scattered data regarding the representations of different peoples on mammoth fauna. Usually, such myths are described with the entire range of folklore of a particular ethnos, and were not viewed comprehensively in the common context. The novelty of this research consists in the attempt of collection, systematization and analysis of information on the role of mammoth in folklore of the peoples of Yakutia, as well as identification of the categories of images reflecting the traditional representations on mammoths and their regional peculiarities. It is concluded, that the representations of mammoth among the peoples of Yakutia can be divided into two categories: more realistic eastern (the Ykaghir and the Chukchi), and more mythical western (the Yakut, the Even, and the Evenks). For all of the listed ethnoses, mammoth is an important and sacred animal, who has chthonic traits, but also carries the religious mediation functions.
Myth, Spiritual culture, Folklore, North, Legends of the mammoth, Mammoth, Arctic, Chthonic being, Shamanism, Tusk
Fedorov S.I., Yakovlev A.I..
Transformation of the culture of life sustenance of modern Yakuts (on the example of hunting)
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 6.
P. 84-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.31519 URL:
This article raises the question of current socio-cultural processes, namely transformation of the traditional culture of Yakuts. This process captures all areas of daily life – from chores to leisure and festive activities. Practically all aspects of human life are subjected to transformation; however, the field observations demonstrated that in the Central and Western parts of Sakha Republic remains an “islet”, which is not overly affected by the transformation – the hunting. The article explores the questions regarding hunting activity of the Yakuts based on the ethnographic and field materials, accumulate in the territories of Olyokminsk, Vilyuysky, Verkhnevilyuysky and Nyurbniksky districts of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The study provides an ethnographic review of hunting methods, as well as certain rituals and pretenses associates with hunting activity in Yakutia. The authors also give characteristics to the changes in the traditional industry, as well as the attitude of modern hunters to their activity.
cult traditions, traditional culture, transformation, game hunting, commercial hunting, hunting activity, hunting, rituals, rite, Yakuts
Sharaeva T.I..
“When speaking of the wedding, even a withered scull is rolling” (to the question of the meaning of sheep’s head in wedding rituals)
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 5.
P. 73-81.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.5.27474 URL:
The subject of this research is the semantics of sheep head in wedding rituals of the Kalmyks. In the the traditional wedding ceremony, offerings to various patrons, ancestors and sun bestowing prosperity and good life. Rituals with throwing the sheep’s head out of chimney among the Turko-Mongol peoples were aimed at requesting abundance in life of the newly married couple, childbirth, and blessing of the dwelling. In cultural traditions it was considered that sheep has “solar” nature, possesses cleansing, protective and fruitful power. In the course of this study, the author applies the comparative and problematic approaches, as well as semiotic approach in examining separate elements of the rituals and their interpretation. The conclusion is made that the a solar symbol smeared with oil on forehead of the bride is currently correlated with the idea of “solar nature” of a sheep, its sacrificial mission in the rites of offering, rebirth and request for protection, ritual “substitution” of a human. The offering of sheep’s head with cults to the senior generation was related to the cult of ancestors and the concept of “opening” of sacred channels for achieving the ultimate connection through the ritual actions.
symbolism of the hearth, cult of ancestors, patron, solar symbolism, ram, wedding ceremony, turkic-mongolian peoples, the double of man, kalmyk, rites of offering
Yakovleva K.M., Prokopieva A.N..
Yakut traditional costume: the search for identity
// Man and Culture.
2019. № 4.
P. 62-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.4.28738 URL:
This article considers the Yakut traditional costume, which has attracted particular attention of the public and scholars in Sakha Republic (Yakutia) since 1990’s. For the past quarter of a century, Yakut folk costume became an object of the various experiments and reconstructions in the process of reviving national traditions. Such peculiar attitude on the traditional costume demonstrates the transformation of people’s ethnic identity, which developed under the influence of the national and regional historical events, and at this point has reached completion. The theoretical-methodological basis for this research in accordance with its interdisciplinary characters consists of the following methods: systemic, historical-typological, cultural-historical, socio-cultural, ethnographic surveying and recording of oral tradition trough in-depth interview, photo and video facts. The conducted research allowed revealing particular attitude on the folk costume, and certain hidden dispute in the society concerning of how the Yakut traditional costume should look like. This leads to an important question: how the look of the traditional costume relates to the understanding of native culture, ethnic identity and the need to show it with differentiation of the “native and foreign”.
self-consciousness, culture, nationality, ethnicity, identity, national costume, sakha, Yakuts, national master, the search for identity
Dmitriev I..
Anthropology of fashion of the Russian diaspora in 1920’s – 1930’s on the pages of emigrant magazine “Illustrated Russia”
// Man and Culture.
2018. № 6.
P. 72-82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.6.28186 URL:
The goal of this article is to determine the level of impact of the emigrant magazine “Illustrated Russia” (1924-1939) for the history of development of the world fashion industry of 1920’s – 1930’s. The author analyzes a wide range of publication from the “Illustrated Russia” dedicated to the fashion theme (articles on the male and female fashion with images; advices on selecting wardrobe, hairstyle and makeup; advertisements of clothes and accessories manufactures) through identification of correlation between the fashionable trends and social processes of that period. Particular emphasis is made on the activity of the Russian emigrants in fashion industry of the 1920’s – 1930’s and their role in development of the aesthetics of fashion in the XX century. The author comes to a conclusion that the materials of the emigrant magazine “Illustrated Russia” help restoring the retrospective picture of evolution of the global fashion industry in the 1920’s – 1930’s and contribute to studying the anthropology of fashion of the Russian diaspora of the early XX century.
Russian Diaspora, russian style, Russian fashion Houses, print media of the Russian Diaspora, global fashion industry, Coco Chanel, history of fashion, Illustrated Russia, emigre press, fashion anthropology
Tsydypova L.S..
To the question of impact of transformation of Barguzin Buryats’ lifestyle in 1930’s – 1960’s upon the specificities of national costume
// Man and Culture.
2018. № 2.
P. 40-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.2.25451 URL:
This article examines the reflection of transformation of lifestyle in everyday clothes of Barguzin Buryats. The process of formation of new daily routine provided for new type of livelihood; a new type of interaction between human and the environment. The external peculiarities of traditional clothes of the ethnos organically correlation with the internal cultural-worldview representations and constants. Changes in the external look of traditional clothes of the ethnos, in turn, characterize the level of adjustment to the external environment. An important role in formation of the traditions of manufactured clothes has played the type of natural landscape. Qualitative method of research of the traditional clothes during the period of transformation gives an idea about the origins of one or another form of separate components of clothes. The analysis of informative interview allows understanding the organization of internal structure of the ethnic community during the considered timeframe. The objects and elements of socioeconomic relations of inoethnic groups of the territory find reflection in the process of transformation of the traditional clothes; multiple elements of design and décor have been borrowed. Mechanism of transfer and functionality of the cultural traditions allowed researching the meaning of the space-time ties in the traditional ethnic apparel. As one of the key sources of the work were used the field materials related to the time of Soviet reforms in the lifestyle of Barguzin Buryats.
economic-cultural type, Barguzin Baikal region, Buryats, transformation, traditional costume, cultural traditions, traditional way of life, life support, adaptation, landscape
Spektor D.M..
Symbolic exchange, death, and mystery of gift
// Man and Culture.
2016. № 6.
P. 68-83.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.6.18412 URL:
The subject of this article is the symbolic exchange in its connection with “death” and mystery of gift. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as archaic equivalence of the value and sacred object of the exchangeable females. Special attention is given to the primary nature of sacrifice that is not the subject of exchange (with gods, dead, etc.), but inspires the “state of enthusiasm” and justifies the (secondary) value of exchangeable things (value). Sacrificial offering on one hand, and exogamy on the other, if meticulously reconstructed, allows re-creating the gift-exchange logic – a substrate of human subjectivity, realized by the inter-communal relationship. The method of this research is associated with the analysis and historical reconstruction of the gift, sacrifice, and symbolic exchange. Its logical counterpoint lies in criticism of the existing interpretations. The scientific novelty consists in proof of the fact that the act of exchange “generates the surplus value”, transforming the object (women) from the given into impersonal and generalized “consumer product” as the primary prototype of “commodity”, in which the common property – usefulness – dominates over the singular specificity. Without having understood of the initial profit of exchange, it is impossible to understand the development of its forms.
inter-communal relations, death, exogamy, initiation, community, victim, gift, Exchange, goods, surplus value
Lebedev S.V., Maksimovich V.F..
Russian North: historical and ethno-cultural peculiarities of formation of the Russian region
// Man and Culture.
2015. № 6.
P. 28-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2015.6.15788 URL:
The Subject of research is the study of historical and cultural phenomenon of the Russian North. The Russian North is a unique historical and cultural region of Russia. The history, particular social conditions, isolation from the Central Russia, which contributed to the preservation of arts and crafts, gave it special features. However Northern conditions contributed to the initiative, persistence, widespread literacy, which led to the fact that the North did not become a living ethnographic Museum, and remains a modern, highly urbanized Russian region in which not only preserved but also developed many kinds of folk art. The following methodological approaches are used in the paper: cultural and anthropological, historical and cultural. The main research methods are specifically historical, dialectical, comparative analysis. The main conclusions of the research are: the explanation of the phenomenon of the Russian North by the presence of the geographic remoteness of the region from the Central Russia; the absence of serfdom in the history of the North; the predominance of old believers among the population in the past; late industrialization and urbanization of the Russian North. All the factors favoured the creation of a unique cultural space, in which different Russian Northern folk arts and crafts (Kholmogory bone carving, Severodvinsk painting on wood, Vologda lace-making, Veliky Ustyug blackening of silver and more) received the development, in the Russian North. Majority types of folk art in the North continue to evolve in the XXI century. The study materials can be used in the development of training courses on Russian History of Art and also Ethnology in educational institutions of professional education.
national art crafts, Old Believers, Pomors, northern agriculture, Pomorie, Zavolochye, Choodie, Ushkuyniki, Higher vocational education, northern waterway
Trushkina E.Y..
Anthropology of visual communication: history and methodology
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 6.
P. 29-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2014.6.14764 URL:
The article iis focused on the history of development, as well as theoretical and methodological bases of anthropology of visual communication on the example of S. Worth and J. Adair's works. Relations between cinema technologies and methods of cultural anthropology of the second half of the XX century are analysed. Various aspects of ethnographic filming are considered. Transformations of theoretical and methodological attitudes of anthropologists at differents stages of development of discipline are analyzed. Some concepts of visual anthropology, first of all - concepts of biodocumentary and indigenny cinema are considered in details. Some approaches of philosophy and methodology of science, phenomenology, and methods of the source studies relating to analysis of audiovisual documents are used. The main contribution of the author is finding out the ways of understanding by anthropologists of what the film is and what its functions are. It was found that both considered researcher, S. Worth and J. Adair, dealt with basic issues of the nature of visual means (media) and a role of visual images in forming and structuring reality. Their ideas shaped the basis for the theory of ethnographic semiotics and development of anthropology of visual communication - the direction which determines development of the visual anthropological theory and practice today.
film, visual anthropology, ethnographic semiotics, anthropology of visual communication, bio-documentary cinema, indigenous cinema, ethnographic cinema, motion picture camera, field research, cultural anthropology
Pimenova N.N..
Cultural Heritage of the Small Indigenous Groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Present-day Cultural Practices
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 2.
P. 28-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2014.2.11269 URL:
The subject of the research is the contents and the form of keeping and transmitting the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai (the Evenkis, the Nganasan, the Chulyms).The author performed ethnographic studies in the areas of the Chulyms’ compact settlement in the village of Pasechnok, Tjukhtetski Region, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Vectors of the changes in the cultural space of the small indigenous groups in the conditions of globalization and reindustrialisation of the Russian Federation Nothern Territories are represented on the basis of the present-day cultural practices and their reflection in the scientific literature. The site studies methods, modeling of social types (M. Weber) were used. The conceptual analysis of the notion “cultural heritage” had a great meaning as well as the critical revision of scientific texts on the topic of the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of the North, Siberia and the Far East. It is proved that the post-Soviet methods of keeping the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai comes, mostly, to making it a part of museum exhibitions, assigning the cultural symbols of shamanism by the cultural group. In connection with this a special cultural phenomenon of neoshamanism has appeared which is rather a representation of postmodernist cultural practices than that of the premodernist. We may observe the difference between the vectors of a real social economic and cultural situation of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai. These differences between the vectors are connected with the processes of modernization and reindustrialization of the Siberian regions of the Russian Frderation. The differences are also observed in the cultural practices connected with the ethnic identity (where the exotic peculiarities of the small indigenous groups of the Siberia can be seen). Solution of this contradiction is bind to the virtualization of the cultural space of the Nothern peoples and to the rules and regulations mechanisms that regulate the usage of cultural signs and symbols of the Nothern nations.
Cultural ctudies, enthnology, the North, small indigenous groups, the Evenkis, the Chulyms, the Nganasans, the Siberian Federal University, site studies, cultural heritage
Koptseva N.P..
Modern Cultural Practices to Preserve Ethnic Identity of Northern, Siberian and Far Eastern Indigenous Peoples in the Republic of Buryatia
// Man and Culture.
2014. № 1.
P. 17-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2014.1.10989 URL:
Object of research is to study processes of ethnic and cultural identification and self-identification, the characteristic North for indigenous people and Siberia, living in the Republic of Buryatia. The problem of research specific Post-Soviet the practician of preservation of a unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small people is put. Legal mechanisms, information cultural practicians, art cultural practicians are considered. It is suggested that modern practicians of preservation of ethnocultural identity of indigenous people of the North and Siberia are genetically connected with the Soviet cultural policy. Still key role belongs to state regulation which is carried out not so much by means of law-making, how many by means of activity of executive bodies of the power in subjects of the Russian Federation. The main method - field researches in places of compact accommodation of the indigenous small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East under the leadership of the author in 2010-2013. As important methods poll and questioning, processing of results of questioning, focus group, expert interviews act. As a result of the conducted research the following conclusions, the contents elements of scientific novelty were drawn:1 . In the Republic of Buryatia of a measure of the state support of ethnocultural identichnost of the indigenous small people by means of legal mechanisms carry "secondary" character in relation to the federal legislation. The republic has no own unique regional legislation connected with preservation of a unique cultural heritage of indigenous people, measures of the state support of the native languages of these people. However this situation means that support of processes of ethnocultural identity of the indigenous small people in this subject of the Russian Federation is carried out by means of other mechanisms, which, probably, not especially нуждают in special legal guarantees. 2 . For a state policy on support of ethnocultural identity of the indigenous small people in the Republic of Buryatia the specific Post-Soviet practicians connected by are characteristic that the executive body of the government – the Ministry of Culture – assumes the organization, coordinating, the budgetary financing of a number of the actions which sources of carrying out root in the Soviet cultural policy. These are calendar national holidays, support of national creativity, amateur performances. It is difficult to tell what would be processes of ethnocultural identity without these active actions of the state. It is possible to assume that assimilation processes which are fixed by demographers, would be much more intensive, than now.3 . The state language policy in the Republic of Buryatia in relation to the native languages of indigenous people is also connected not with law-making, and with support existing pedagogical and information the practician on teaching of the native languages at schools, and also on functioning of information resources in the Evenki language. The Soyot language is in more difficult situation, than Evenki. It is obvious that the cultural heritage of Soyots needs more intensive state protection, than now.
ethnology, cultural research, North, Siberia, indigenous peoples, Republic of Buryatia, the Evenkis, Soyots, cultural practices, state cultural policy
Kanasz T..
Attitudes Towards Poverty and Wealth in Polish, Belarusian and Russian Cultures
// Man and Culture.
2012. № 2.
P. 63-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2012.2.186 URL:
The article is built on the thematic-rhematic analysis of Polish, Russian and Belarusian proverbs about poverty and wealth. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of Polish, Russian and Belarusian mentalities. The results of the given research show similarities in understanding of poverty and wealth in three cultures. The attitudes towards poverty and wealth are ambivalent in traditional and contemporary societies. In all cultures analysed we found both dispraise and praise of poverty and wealth.
cultural research, social studies, Polish culture, Belarusian culture, Russian culture, poverty, wealth, inequality, proverbs, mentality