Culture of the mundane
Mostitskaya, N.D. (2018). Modern entertainment tourism as a form of holiday culture. Man and Culture, 5, 1–6.
The object of this research is the sphere of tourism in its cultural representation. Using the methodological construct “festive-routine”, the author analyzes the conceptual foundations of tourism practice as a form of “festivity”. Special attention is given to comparative analysis of value foundations of entertainment tourism and Christian holiday. The author gradually describes the stages of cultural practice of entertainment tourism as a form of designing holiday reality; but at the same time, comparing it with the traditional pattern of archaic holiday, characterizes the modern practices of entertainment tourism as a form of “holiday” translation of the ideology of consumption culture. Methodological basis for this research served the works of D. V. Pivovarov about the conceptual aspects of the process of the ideal-formation in culture; theory of synergy presented in the works of S. S. Horuzhy; as well as the concept of modern globalism in the work of A. S. Panarin. The scientific novelty consists in application of the construct “festive-routine” for the analysis of holiday culture, which allows considering sociocultural processes from the perspective of ideal-formation and cultural creativity. The author’s special contribution is the determination of the conceptual foundation of entertainment tourism as orientation towards the experience of emotionalization of the routine practice and designing of the “festivity” simulacrum.
values, sacral, simulacrum, travel, ideals, synergy, globalization, routine, festivity, Christian holiday
Culture and cultures
Agapova, V.N. (2018). Educational practice as a mechanism for preservation of cultural values on the example of the Russian schools in London. Man and Culture, 5, 7–12.
Globalization, immense sociocultural transformation, as well as mass culture negatively affect the preservation of cultural identity of the modern Russian society. The deformation of identity becomes particularly noticeable in the conditions of diaspora living of emigrants away from their native culture. The object of this work is the cultural values form the foundation of identity of the Russians; the subject is the mechanisms for its preservation and transfer. The author examines the educational practice of the Russian schools in London. The analysis is conducted based on the detailed, elaborated seven-element model of communication. Methodology leans on the objective-absolutist approach towards comprehension of the essence of values, as well as the axiological approach that allows interpreting cultural practices as the mechanisms of value translation. The scientific novelty lies in reconsideration of the concepts of “cultural values” and “cultural practices”, as well as meticulous analysis of the processes of value translation as an act of communication. A conclusion is made on the need for consideration of educational practice as a mechanism of value translation, which allows preserving and retaining cultural identity in the challenging realities of modernity.
mechanisms of culture, recipients, communicators, communication model, educational practices, value transmitting, cultural identity, cultural values, cultural practices, russian-speaking diaspora
Philosophy of culture
Kalinina, G.N., Rybalkina, P.V. (2018). Project thinking and “project manager” (philosophical-culturological explication). Man and Culture, 5, 13–20.
The object of this research is the cultural-historical phenomenon of project thinking; the subject is the project manager in their attribute characteristics. The authors examines the phenomenon of project thinking through the prism of the attribute characteristics of “project manager”, identifying their role within the modern cultural project, in the course of which develops the comprehension of cultural project as the boundary of the holistic project culture. This, in turn, increases the appeals to expert assessments on cultural projects yet at their developmental stage. Particular place is given to the study of “Homo projectus” as a new intellectual phenomenon in terms of the “projective” cultural reality that exceeds the limits of the traditional cultural paradigm; simultaneously is implemented the problematization of destructive costs of cultural projecting, considering the specificity of cultural project, which vectors towards the problem of boundaries of the project in culture. The basic methodological instrument is the principle of dialectical equality that allows providing a complete explication of project thinking as a cultural-historical phenomenon. The author also applies the hermeneutic and cultural-semiotic method, thesaurus and context approaches for reconstruction of the concepts “homo projectus”, “cultural project”, “project thinking activity”, “project culture”, etc. The main conclusions consist in the following: 1) the author considers the substantial characteristics of “homo projectus”, including fundamental anthropological and social-transformational manifestations of its activity, which led to determination of the attribute specificity of the existence of “project thought” as a new cultural reality, and description of metamorphoses of project thinking activity in modern cultural practices; 2) the cultural projects is comprehended as a form of temporal consciousness, which allowed determining its framework specificity and distinction of cultural projecting from the “traditional” that sets the schemes of interaction, rather than the attributes of life.
universal genesis culture, border design, temporality, cultural project, project culture, design thinking, social and cultural projection, people designing, genesis, project methodology
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Zhigaltsova, T. (2018). Village of Vorzogory – historical settlement of Onezhskoye Pomorye of Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Man and Culture, 5, 21–31.
This article examines the historical settlement Vorzogory of Onezhsky District in Arkhangelsk Oblast as a subject of historical-cultural heritage of the European North and Arctic during the process of formation of the community and traditional culture of the Russian subethnos – the Pomors. The work is conducted within the framework of scientific project “Comprehensive Research of Establishment and Transformation of the Historical-Cultural Heritage in Ethno-Social Dynamics of the European North and Arctic” based on the archival and expeditionary material. The theoretical-methodological foundation of the study in accordance with its interdisciplinary character contains a set of methods: systemic, historical-typological, cultural-historical, sociocultural, ethno-culturological, architectural-art, historical-archive, architectural-ethnographic exploration of the historical settlements of Onezhsky District. As a result of this study the author determines the peculiarities of spatial organization, typology “pogost with villages”, toponymic and planning structure of the historical settlement Vorzogory of Onezhsky District; describes the historical-architectural attributes of the cult and housing architecture of the village of Vorzogory; analyzes and adapts the materials of special expedition to Onezhsky District in Arkhangelsk Oblast (2018); collects and analyzes the new archival sources from the State Archive of Arkhangelsk Oblast and Research and Development Center of Preservation of Historical Monuments and Culture of Arkhangelsk Oblast.
cultural heritage, wooden church, spatial planning, architectural ensemble, historical settlements, vernacular architecture, traditional culture, cultural landscape, Onezhskoye Pomorie, the Arctic
Applied culturology
Griber, Y.A., Jung, I.L. (2018). Health and sickness: color associations in modern Russian culture. Man and Culture, 5, 32–43.
The object of this research is the basic, anthropologically significant concepts of “health” and “sickness”. The subject of this research is the color associations in the modern Russian culture related to these concepts. The author carefully examines the intensity of color associations (this factor was assessed based on the number of color matches for each concept among various respondents), analyzes the correlation of associations with the color hue and diverse groups of shades (light, clear, dark), and determines the link between the concepts with achromatic colors – white, gray, and black. Special attention is given to the culturological expertise of the established associative connections. The research was conducted through the method of experiment, involving 100 Russian-speaking respondents (M=36, F=64, average age 23.73). The pallet consisted of 27 color samples from the Natural Color System (NCS). The participants were offered to select the most appropriate color samples for each concept. The conducted research allowed revealing the tolerant associations of the concept of “sickness” with dark green-yellow and yellow shades, which in the Russian culture indicate the decay, decomposition, deterioration. The structure of the chromatic image of the concept of “health” highlights two cores: in the red-yellow and green parts of the pallet. The core in the red-yellow part correlates with the image of a healthy person that in the Russian linguocultue semantically relates to healthy color of the face and natural blush. Prevalence of the green shades is explained by steady interaction in the Russian national sphere of concepts of the notions “health” and “sickness”. The scientific novelty of this work lies in quantitative characteristics of chromatic structure of the concepts of “health” and “sickness”; identification of the hue, lightness, saturation of the shades that form color associations and visualization of the acquired associative connections.
associative link, experiment, perceptual image, sickness, health, concept, color, color associations, sociocultural research, Russian culture
Gender studies
Gerasimova, Y., Sosnina, N. (2018). Costume and fashion as the embodiment of gender transformations. Man and Culture, 5, 44–52.
The subject of this research is the processes of gender transformation and their embodiment in costume and fashion. The article examines the traits of femininity and masculinity, as well as their manifestation on the male and female costume during various period of fashion development throughout the late XIX and XX centuries. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the impact of political, economic and sociocultural transformations in society, as well as scientific and technological discoveries upon the appearance of new styles and trends in costume that reflect the gender shifts in the society: unisex, grunge, minimalism, deconstructivism. The author applies the general scientific methods based on the comprehensive culturological approach, which allows determining the consistencies of the influence of global changes in society on the gender transformations through the prism of costume and fashion. As a result, the author generalized and structuralized the types and stages of gender transformations that were embodied in costume. The process of gender transformations in costume is not a new phenomenon. The first manifestations of the effect of gender transformations on costume took place during the World War I; and over the course of a century, this process is one of the driving forces of fashion industry. The accent shifts from male costume to female, depending on the social changes of one or another period. The generalizing became the invented in 1960’s trend of agender clothing, which makes to reconsider the gender function of costume even today. The research materials can be valuable in scientific and pedagogical work.
agender fashion, fashion, gender roles, gender, masculinity, femininity, costume, unisex, dimorphism, transformation
Culture of the mundane
Golomidova, O. (2018). Tourism as an instrument of transformation of urban culture. Man and Culture, 5, 53–62.
This article is dedicated to consideration of strong correlation between a contemporary city and mass tourism. The object of this research is the urban culture and its transformation under the influence of tourist flows. City is defined through the metaphor of cultural laboratory, while tourism is viewed as its production and, simultaneously, a “laboratory instruments” that transforms the urban environment. The impact of mass tourism upon urban culture carries an ambiguous character. The goal of this work lies in identification of the unobvious at first sight advantages of tourism advancement in the cities despite the popular trend, which manifests in criticism of mass tourism. In the course of this research, the author refers to the urban sociology of Robert E. Park, dramaturgical sociology of Joseph Hofmann and simulacrum concept of Jean Baudrillard. A conclusion is drawn that despite the problems brought by the “excessive” tourism to the world tourist centers, in most cases the advancement of mass tourism brings positive results: transformation of cities, strive for commensuration to a person, attempt to form a favorable geographic image of the territory, actualization of cultural potential of the place, “revival” and beatification of the abandoned city territories. The author describes such aspect of tourism impact upon urban culture as the encouragement of creativity and entrepreneurial activities of the residents and growth of social responsibility. This leads to a conclusion that the competent approach to development of tourism sphere can help reach new possibilities in tourism for development of the cities.
tourist center, mass culture, simulacrum, landmark, cultural laboratory, tourism, urban culture, city, transformation of urban culture, citizen