Music and music culture
Belonosova , I.V. (2016). Formation of the piano artistic performance in Siberia. Man and Culture, 1, 1–22.
The subject of this research is the processes characteristic to the piano artistic performance in Siberia in the late XX – early XXI centuries. The author thoroughly examines the most important events and factors associated with establishment of piano arts in Siberia. The author underlines the principles of organization of concert-educational work in connection with the traditions of the Russian piano school. A special attention is given to the work of pedagogues of Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk departments; their biographies, as well as role and importance in the establishment of the professional artistic performance are briefly covered. The main conclusion consists in the determination of the two interconnected “schools” of the piano artistic performance in Siberia, concentrated in the major musical centers – Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. The author also highlights the contribution of the Siberian performers into the development of best traditions of the Russian musical art, as well as their role in propagation of the academic music and creative work of the Siberian composers.
piano performance, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, concerts, festivals, EAT. Singer, ZN Tamarkin, IN AND. Slonim, NL Tulunina, AE Shvartsburg
Philosophy of culture
Matveenko, V. (2016). Specificity of the philosophical thought within the Shinto tradition. Man and Culture, 1, 23–40.
The subject of this research is the Japanese Shinto intellectual tradition before introduction into it of the European philosophical terminology and accompanying disciplines in order to determine its philosophical foundations. The author suggests understanding Shinto not as a doctrine, but rather the principle of human relations with the sacred established in the Japanese culture, as well as the complex of Japanese national religious and cultural practices. Precisely through the presence of this core it becomes possible to explain not the character of the penetrating into the culture derivations, but the processes that affected them during integration into the comprehensive Japanese culture, which plays a much bigger role in understanding of the philosophical component of Shinto. Basing on the question of presence in Shinto of a cultural phenomenon of the written intellectual tradition, the author examines a number of theoretical expressions of the Shinto thought. The main conclusion consists in the fact that by understanding Shinto as a principle of formation of doctrines, which results in the ethical principles of an everyday life, we can remember that the Western philosophy in its very appearance in the Ancient Greece, also emerged as an art of living; thus, this confirms the existence within Shinto of the philosophical tradition.
Yoshida Kanetomo, harmony (wa), magokoro, mono no aware, cult, religion, Shintoism, Shinto thought, Japanese philosophy, Motoori Norinaga
Music and music culture
Chepinoga, A.V. (2016). "Idea" and "morality" as categories of the actual analysis of the score of the opera. Man and Culture, 1, 41–76.
The subject of study in this article are the "idea" and "morality" as a director effective tools of analysis of the play or the score of the opera. Special attention is paid to the development of clear definitions for each concept with a view to their precise delineation. It is stated that the "idea" and "morality" - fundamentally different from one another, expressed the idea of non-universal "mixing" of these two concepts. Shows the dangers of the concept of substitution of "morality," the concept of "idea" and their implications for the integrity and sense of play. It is emphasized that the engagement, The ideological, sotsiologichnost implemented on stage dramaturgical material just gives the usage of "morality", which is realized through strict delineation of conflicting characters into two adversarial parties. At that time, the use of such a tool, the "idea" significantly expands the possibilities of imaginative director by including in the conflict, without exception, all the actors, without distorting their character and motivations.Method and methodology of the study. The article provides a thorough theoretical analysis to give a strict definition, that is, to identify the characteristic hand, signs, features, characteristics and categories of actions the principle of "idea" and "morality." For this study on a thorough study of the classics of director effective analysis in a Drama and Opera House, the theory of drama and opera directing (a small part of which is shown in the bibliography), with detailed notes and quoting.Novelty and conclusions. The emergence over the last thirty years at the opera and dramatic theater productions, where the director conducted an artificial "updating" of the original classic dramatic material clearly indicates a crisis in the theory of directing. In particular, the absence of clear definitions of the key for the analysis of the play and the score, categories, directors either through ignorance or deliberately mixed the concept of "idea" and "morality" and thus distort the original dramatic vision, bringing deep philosophical works to ideological, partisan grandstanding.
theater, directing, Directing theory, act, an effective analysis, plot, opera, Opera Directing, idea, morality
Symbol, word, speech, language
Bystrova, T. (2016). Precedent names as milestones of the cultural heritage (on the example of the analysis of A. P. Chekhov’s works). Man and Culture, 1, 77–100.
The subject of this research is such phenomenon as precedence, and particularly precedent names. The author thoroughly examines such aspect of the topic as the use of precedent names in the text of fiction, namely in the oeuvres of the classic of the Russian literature A. P. Chekhov. A special attention is given to the classification of precedent names that we come across in the following works of Chekhov – “Correspondent”, “Forgiveness”, “On the Train”, “Dramaturg”. A certain place in this classification belongs to Biblicisms. The author determines the following types of precedent names: 1) titles of newspapers and magazines published in the second half of the XIX century; 2) Last names of the famous contemporaries of A. P. Chekhov; 3) Biblicisms; 4) Names of Moscow well-known restaurants, shops, etc. of the late XIX century. We can also observe individual cases of using precedent names – titles of musical oeuvres, geographical names, religious holidays, as well as precedent texts – quotes from famous oeuvres and folklore.
precedent texts, Yu.N.Karaulov, precedent names, Bible, biblicisms, Anton Chekhov, Moscow XIX century, fiction, Moscow realities, stories of Anton Chekhov
Culture of the mundane
Svetlichnaya, I.V. (2016). Transformation of semiotics of a hairdress. Man and Culture, 1, 101–120.
The subject of the study is the effect of the process of transformation of semiotic characteristics of hairstyles to choose the hairstyle. The object of this study is semiotics hairstyles as the basis of the perception of the image in the process of interpenetration of cultures. The author examines in detail aspects such topics as the influence on the formation of semiotics hairstyle human visual culture, background penetration visual cultures of different historical periods in the modern fashion, the transformation of the external characteristics of the hairstyles in their symbolic significance in the visual culture of the external image. Particular attention is paid to the study of semiotics hairstyles penetration through the symbolism of forms, lines and colors of other cultures in a contemporary style.The study is based on the methods of semiotics and comparative analysis. Comparative analysis revealed in contemporary visual culture, sustainable style preferences. The semiotic analysis allowed to consider hair as a interrelated characteristics of the system, the symbolic value which is the basis of semiotics hairstyles. Analysis of the data allowed us to explore the ambiguity of semiotic system hairstyles and identify conditions by simulating the selection form, line and color of the hair, by the transformation of symbols within the forms in a culture change.The main conclusions of the study is the identification of the values of the symbols hairstyles in the formation of contemporary visual culture. The novelty of the research is to identify the prerequisites for transformation of visual semiotics hairstyles created by the sustainable conservation of cultural symbols of ancient Egypt, ancient and modern times through the interpenetration of symbolism characteristics affecting the external image of semiotics in contemporary visual culture.
line, the form, culture, symbol, hairstyle, semiotics, transformation, Colour, style, form
Music and music culture
Garmash, O., Efimova, N.I. (2016). Genesis of the management of academic music in Russia. Man and Culture, 1, 121–138.
This article draws attention to the conceptual side of the phenomenon of the musical management by determining within it as a special – the activity called the management of Academic music and aimed at the guaranteed preservation of the outstanding heritage of the Academic music within the cultural space of modernity. The authors link the history of formation of the first in Russia administrative system purposefully oriented at the promotion of Academic music in the post-reformation Russia to the work of the Imperial Russian musical society, the experience of which is very noticeable and originates the further reasoning in the chain of causes and events that reveals the in-depth problems of transformation and preservation of the system of values. Scientific novelty consists in realization of the objective analysis of the genesis of development of management in pre-revolutionary Russia. The Imperial Russian musical society gave birth to the historically first administrative system of the public-government construction in the area of Academic music that coordinates educational and concert life the country, and fits into the typology of the sociodynamic model.
Genesis music management, post-Reform Russia, academic music, Management of classical music, Russian Musical Society, IRMO management model, cultural policy, market, system, model
Fine arts
Odinokova, P.S. (2016). Synthesis of painting, literature, and calligraphy in the album leafs of Shitao . Man and Culture, 1, 139–173.
The subject of this research is the album leafs of Shitao. Album format is one of the ways of mounting the oeuvres of the traditional Chinese painting that established and consolidated quite late, in the era of Song dynasty. On the brink of Ming and Qing dynasties landscape albums with poetic titles-topics gained popularity. Shitao combined in himself not only the talents of painter, but also calligrapher and poet. He left an outstanding creative heritage, the significant portion of which comprise the works of album format. This article conducts the historical-culturological analysis of Shitao’s album leafs that can be referred to as his earliest creative period. The author makes the conclusion that the synthesis of painting, calligraphy, and literature in these oeuvres is carried out on several levels: the techniques of brushing and ink, plasticity of forms, and compositional structure. This article presents a broader and more detailed experience of Shitao’s all-encompassing creative work on the example of album leafs.
Sheeta, traditional Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy, poetry, synthesis, album sheet, Qing era, landscape, flowers, birds, painting intellectuals