Culture and cultures
Probin, P.S. (2015). Policultural Education as a Socio-Pedagogical Phenomenon in Terms of Cross-Cultural Communication Issues. Man and Culture, 1, 121.
The research object of the present article is forming cross-cultural competence and cross-cultural awareness under disappearing ethnical borders in a globalized world. The research subject is the policultural education as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. It is viewed through the prism of cross-cultural communication issues and is considered a premise of forming cross-cultural competence and awareness. The article views mechanisms of socio-pedagogical influence on personality during forming such qualities. Particular attention is paid to culture perception and the two contrasting mechanisms: ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. The method of research in this article is a complex socio-pedagogical, cultural and socio-linguistic analysis of policultural education. The main author’s conclusions are the following. The issue of forming communicative and cross-cultural competence is far beyond the scope of teaching foreign languages as it is often viewed in researches. These competences imply such personal qualities that cannot be formed only by means of one discipline. The issues raised in the article are equally topical both for communication in foreign and native languages. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author views policultural education as the centre of a complex of cross-cultural issues: social, pedagogical, socio-cultural and socio-linguistic ones.
pedagody (teaching), tolerance, cross-cultural awareness, cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural communication, culture, ethnocentrism, identity, nationality, communicative competence
Applied culturology
Synieokyi, O.V. (2015). The Labels in Providing Products of Culture Music Industry (Communications Structure and Corporate Relations). Man and Culture, 1, 2241.
Audio recording is the main component of phonographic culture. The object of the present research is the music industry culture with all its corporate rules and features. The subject of the present research is labels as a part of phonographic business in the music industry from the piont of view of audiovisual culture. The typology of labels was studied and their structural and functional models were characterized. Corporate ties between the main actors of the recording business were identified. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the phenomenon of phonographic culture, the researcher had to apply methodological instruments of different humanitarian sciences. The methodological basis of the research involves the synergetic approach viewing label as the main element of sound-recoding communication. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides the scientific evidence proving that sound-recording establishments constitute a major part of the sound-recording system involved in the general system of the music industry culture. The researcher describes the structure of music-recording corporations and defines communicative patterns of record labels in the global system of show business.
major, label, sound-recording corporations, music sound recording, phonographic culture, sub-label, artists and repertiore, sound-recording company, music industry, rock business
Symbol, word, speech, language
Volkova, E.G. (2015). On the Question of Linguistic Aspects of Intercultural Communication. Man and Culture, 1, 4271.
The article is dedicated to one of the most topical issues in modern multicultural world. The epoch of late 20th- early 21st centuries is marked by growing processes of globalization, intercultural interaction, increasing the general level of social mobility of personality. Here we also have ideas of multiculturalism, tolerance, democracy, liberalism, human rights, denying absolute truth etc. that are tightly connected to the point. This radical historical and consequently philosophical turn needs to be thought over theoretically, methodologically and practically. This is why the problems of intercultural communication are topical, theoretically important and promising. Intercultural communication is a complex object and can be viewed in many aspects: socially, culturally, linguistically, psychologically, methodologically. The linguistic aspect, to which the article is dedicated, may be characterized as the integral line of the other aspects of these issues. Tight interconnection between intercultural and multilingual communication motivate addressing to issues of connection between language and culture of society using it as an instrument of communication. The author actualizes the issues of intercultural multilingual communication in broad field of interdisciplinary interaction, which helps not only to follow ideal and historical sources of intercultural multilingual communication, but to think over and estimate its present state, its role and importance for man and society and to draw up new prospects of its future evolution and new directions of social researches connected with it.
Esperanto, language barriers, language borrowings, Russian, English, foreign languages, linguistic aspects, Intercultural communication, globalization, modern society
Memory studies
Vasilyev, A.G. (2015). Tradition and Cultural Memory in Terms of Social Innovations. Man and Culture, 1, 7291.
The paper examines the question of tradition as it was raised by theoretical thought of the West in the XVII-XVIII centuries and then was being reconsidered throughout the whole XX century by leading scholars in the field of cultural (social) anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, memory studies, etc. The author of the article pays special attention to transformations in understanding of tradition occurred at the end of XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries, among which the issue in 1983 in Cambridge the anthology «The invention of tradition» (edited by E. J. Hobsbawm and T. O. Ranger) is emphasized. The methods of of theoretical cultural research are used, as well as the genetic method allowing to give the characteristic to the phenomenon proceeding from the features of its origin, and partly the approach of comparative studies are used. We make correlations between "traditiology" and memory studies as the same area of complex study of phenomenon of transfer of cultural information and constantly developed process of reconstruction of culture. We also trace correlation between “tradition studies” and memory studies as representing, in fact, the same area of interdisciplinary study of transmission of cultural information and constantly developing process of reconstruction of culture.
social values, cultural memory, cultural heritage, memory studies, cultural sciences, tradition studies, tradition, history, the past, social practices
Digital culture and Internet
Gryaznova, E.V. (2015). Information Culture of Medical Institutions: Problems and Prospects. Man and Culture, 1, 92111.
The subject of the research is the problems and prospects of information culture of medical institutions. The author investigates the problem of the formation and implementation of information culture at medical institutions in today's Russia. In her article Gryaznova also focuses on the problems associated with the management and control of health care considering the growing informational support of public health service. Particular attention is paid to developing human resources of the information culture that is based on quite a new phenomenon for our country - corporate culture. Thus, information culture, corporate culture and management are the elements of the same system.The main research methods used by the author include the systems approach, categories and concepts used in the informational approach as well as the analysis and synthesis methods. The results of the study demonstrate that the main problems of information culture of health care are the following:1. Funds of the informational support of the public health system are insufficient for developing the kind of information culture of health care that would meet the requirements of the information society.2. There are no common standards to ensure compatability of different information systems in health care which hinders the process of the development of information culture medium.3. The process of the development of information culture in health care is also affected by the lack of human resources in public health in general.
medical information system, human resources, informational support, management, information culture, corporate culture, health facility, information space, information environment, personnel management