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«Arctic and Antarctica»
Council of Editors

Vasilchuk Yuri Kirillovich - Chairman of the Editorial Board, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geochemistry and Landscapes and Soil Geography of the Geographical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 
119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, Main Building of Moscow State University, sector "A", aud 2009,

Alekseev Sergey Vladimirovich – Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology, Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,
664033, Russia, G.Irkutsk, ul. Lermontov, 128

Brushkov Anatoly Viktorovich - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Geocryology, Geological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory str., 1, Sector A, 3rd floor, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Budantseva Nadezhda Arkadyevna - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory str., 1, Sector A, 17th and 21st floor, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Andrey Yuryevich Bychkov - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory str., 1, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Vasilchuk Alla Konstantinovna - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, sector Z, 9th floor, Laboratory of Geoecology of the North, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Vlasov Alexander Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPRIM RAS).
7 Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, 125040, Russia.

Gennadiev Alexander NikolaevichDoctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geochemistry and Landscapes and Soil Geography of the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow State University, Sector "A", Office 2009.

Gerasimova Maria Innokentievna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geochemistry and Landscapes and Soil Geography of the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow State University, sector "A", room 2007.

Drozdov Dmitry Stepanovich - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere SB RAS,
Moscow, Vavilova, 30/6, room.22, 119991.

Kirpotin Sergey Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Tomsk State University, Director of the Center for Biota, Climate and Landscape Research BioClimLand.
Avenue. Lenin's house. 36. Tomsk, Russia, 634050.

Alexander V. Kislov - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory str., 1, Sector A, 20th floor, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Mikhalenko Vladimir Nikolaevich - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IG RAS).
29 Staromonetny Lane, Moscow, Russia, 119017.

Rogov Viktor Vasilyevich - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology, Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Leninskie Gory str., 1, sector A, 19th floor, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Frolova Natalia Leonidovna - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrology, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory str., 1, sector A, 17th floor, Moscow, Russia, 119234.

Khimenkov Alexander Nikolaevich - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, leading researcher.
E.M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGE RAS). Ulansky lane, building 13, building 2, a/z 145. Moscow, Russia, 101000.

Yulia Nikolaevna Chizhova - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGEM RAS),
Moscow, 17 Staromonetny pereulok str., 109017

Alekseev Sergey Vladimirovich - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Institute of the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrogeology, 664033, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, 128 Lermontov str., office 318,

Galkin Alexander Fedorovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Institute of Permafrost named after P.I.Melnikov SB RAS, Chief Researcher, 677010, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovsky str., 4-1,

Lugovskoy Alexander Mikhailovich - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography" (MIIGAiK), Professor of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Cartography and Geoinformatics, 1090548, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Shosseynaya str., 13, office 49,

Yakovenko Natalia Vladimirovna - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, G.F. Morozov VGLTU, Director of ITLK Research Institute, 394068, Russia, Voronezh Region, Voronezh, blvd. Olympic, 6, sq. 334,