Construction and architecture
Volos, I.N., Tereshchenko, R.V. (2017). The project of stationing of troops in the conditions of Far North. Architecture and design, 2, 1–11.
Based on the available information, the authors have designed a project using BIM technologies regarding the stationing of troops in the conditions of Far North. The article presents the materials of architectural-engineering solutions, concept design of military town, architectural-constructive solutions for mobile complexes, and life-supporting infrastructure in the conditions of Far North. The result of this work became a unique architectural design project of creating a modern, specifically oriented towards extreme weather and climatic conditions of the Far North, mobile housing complex. The goal of this scientific work consists in the economically purposeful suggestion on stationing of military personnel of the Russian Federation based on the example of the missile artillery battalion, as well as civic personnel in severe conditions of the Far North with possibility of reorientation of architectural solutions for the needs of the scientific and industrial branches. Due to the information modelling of the building was designed a project, the novelty and distinctness of which is the adopted decisions of the dynamic architecture that allows creating a modern housing complex from the mobile blocks of octagon shape that in its characteristics and economic purposefulness outstrips the existing analogs in the Russian Federation.
block module, conceptual design, architectural planning, mobile buildings, octagon, residential complex, development, North, Architecture, Russia
Philosophy of architecture
Kirichkov, I. (2017). The peculiarities of intuitive cognition in architecture. Architecture and design, 2, 12–22.
Architecture remains an insufficiently studied area of human activity, which transformations at times exceed the customary logics. It is assumed that intuitive cognition is capable of propelling the architecture to new heights, but also determine the new vector of human development. The importance of intuitive cognition rapidly increases on the background of the dynamically changing world. This article examines the development trends of contemporary architecture, semantics, relationship with science, limits of application, connection with the unconscious, as well as the means of evolution of the intuitive cognition. The method of this research lies in analysis of the techniques of architectural morphogenesis. Relevance of the topic is defined primarily by the insufficient attention of researchers to the problems of intuitive cognition from the perspective of architecture. Intuition in architectural composition manifests if an architect deviates from the established standards, violates the generally accepted laws, acts contrary to the public opinion, aspires to create something new. Intuitive cognition as the key morphogenic factor can be applies in development of the space-planning solutions of buildings, interior design, establishment of urban environment, beautification of territory, creation of new concept, etc.
design technologies, environment design, unconscious, architectural morphogenesis, aesthetics, irrationalism, intuitive cognition, artwork, creativity, visual thinking
Architecture and society
Rozin, V.M. (2017). Architecture and state policy. Architecture and design, 2, 23–30.
This article discusses the modern state policy with regards to architecture and urban planning. Initially, the author characterizes his understanding of the functions of architecture, two of which are traditional, and the third is fairly original (being an constructing industry that not only creates urban environment, but also capitalizes the excessive financial incomes). The work analyzes the adopted in 2017 renovation project in Moscow, concerning its ability to become an example of the efficient policy in the area of architecture and urban planning. Methodology of the research includes such procedures as problematization and situation analysis, criticism of the proposed solutions, comparative analysis, generalization of studies in the field of economy and methodology of architecture. In conclusion, the author was able to determine the functions of architecture, characterize the concept of policy, examine certain flaws of the renovation project, as well as formulate suggestions aimed at overcoming them. It is also offered to hold an extensive discussion on the indicated issues, attracting the interested architect, authorities, businesses, and population.
effects, organization, functions, state, project, renovation, urban planning, architecture, environment, economy
Restoration of architectural heritage
Nikiforov, D.A. (2017). The analysis of documentation that regulates control over technical state of the objects of cultural heritage. Architecture and design, 2, 31–37.
Technical characteristics of many monuments do not meet the safety and reliability requirements of, which complicates the appropriate exploitation. The author believes that worsening of the state of the objects of cultural heritage is a result of insufficient attention of the government, including the creation and functioning of normative documentation in this field. The subject of this research is the analysis of the normative acts regulating the activity aimed at inspection of the technical state of the objects of cultural heritage. The author meticulously reviews and forms a list of documentation applied in assessment of technical state of the objects of cultural heritage, as well as focuses on the analysis of certain legislative acts. For establishing the level of documentation development regulating control over the technical state of the objects of cultural heritage, the author applies the methods of analysis, generalization, and deduction. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the normative documents regarding the protection of the objects of cultural heritage do not comply with the normative framework in the area of monitoring and technical inspection of the engineering structures of buildings and constructs. The author underlines the necessity to use the modern equipment and methods for assessing the state of the objects of cultural heritage, such as sensors, photogrammetry and ground-based laser scanning. It is required to bring these documents into compliance with the existing system in the area of monitoring, as well as modern methods of research.
Basic inspection, Legislative act, State of the object, Monitoring, Preservation of monuments, Normative document, Object of cultural heritage, Engineering characteristics of the object, State information resources, Assessment methods
Construction and architecture
Podkovyrin, V.S., Podkovyrina, K.A. (2017). Impact of the form of the outside corners upon the temperature for indoor surface of the building walls. Architecture and design, 2, 38–42.
In the construction practice, the most common angles in architectural morphogenesis are the right angles of outside building walls, but most recent projects utilize various forms of such outside corners. Within the internal structure of the external building corner the temperature distribution and the nature of the heat transfer differs from the surface of the wall, which makes it more vulnerable in sanitary maintenance and thermal protection. In the current construction norms and rules, for carrying out sanitary maintenance requirements the temperature of the indoor surface of the outside corners of the building should not be lower than the temperature of the condensation point of the indoor air. Violation of these requirements can lead to freezing of the corners, formation of condensate, and eventually mold and mildew. The article examines the special problem of changes to the temperature index on the indoor surface of the corner depending on its size and explores the forms of right angle corners. The author presents the results of experimental reading of temperature of the indoor surface of outside corners with 90 and 135-degree angles. The acquired data allowed comparing these angles from the position of sanitary maintenance.
building geometry, condensantion point temperature, experiment, sanitary hygiene, external corner of the building, thermal imager, architecture, right angle, obtuse angle, infrared imaging